Introducing: Chase Umbra

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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First in a series of three stories each of which will introduce my main three characters. This was supposed to be the last one but it ended up being the easiest one for me to write at the moment. None of the stories are connected really but they are all an introducing sort of thing. Next one will likely be Ookitsu's then my last characters.

Chase will have his own set of stories soon™ though not sure how people will like this one since he is a bit different. Which might influence how fast I write a his next one.

"Are you afraid of the dark?," asked Chase as he approached his latest prey from the shadows of the forest. This had to be his favorite thing to ask whenever he approached his prey before he attacked as they either showed signs of fear as they looked to the shadows or acted tough. If they did try to deny their fear Chase would simply laugh as in his mind everyone was scared of something about the dark.

The wolf who had become Chase's newest target jumped slightly as the voice startled him. "Show yourself," the wolf demanded as he looked around for the voice. "And there is nothing to fear but fear itself." The wolf was scared slightly as he was told to avoid this forest at night by the previous town who warned of people disappearing. While only one of many it was one of Chase's favorite hunting spots as it was a busy and long road which was hard to travel through in only one day.

"Well then," Chase paused as he walked out of the shadow of the trees and into the moonlight as his visible blue rings on his forehead, ears and tail as well as his gold eyes and blue tinted skin in his mouth started to glow. "I'm glad I see myself as fear itself and I'm sure many others have as well." Revealing himself to be an umbreon to the wolf with a toothy grin, some of the blue glow escaping his mouth as he looked upon his prey. Wearing his usual attire of black pants, shirt and hooded cloak as he approached the wolf.

"Ha! You're just a pokemon, and here I thought you might actually be a threat." The wolf grabbing a pokeball and throwing it out as he sent out his lucario. "Lucario use aura sphere and take out this umbreon."

Chase had to smirk as he knew lucario had a natural advantage but Chase has dealt with the likes of fighting types before. As the lucario formed his aura sphere, Chase formed a sphere of his own which was a large black orb with a dark blue glow surrounding it. Throwing their spheres at one another as they both dodge the attack but Chase knew came out on top seeing the lucario shiver and eyes rapidly look around.

Before the lucario could recover Chase threw another one of those dark orbs right past the lucario's head and right at the wolf, hitting his Lucario's pokeball, causing the wolf to hit the ground hard. While it wouldn't break the pokeball it would prevent the trainer from returning him. As the trainer recovered Chase turned his focus back to the lucario who was clutching his head and screaming. "Such a disappointment, seems giving into the anthros and becoming their pet has weakened your mind more than I would have liked."

"Stop it, please just stop," the lucario shouted as his mind was becoming clouded and every fear of the dark he had was coming back to him stronger than ever. Clutching his head as his fears made him start to break down into tears, Chase simply smiled slightly at the lucario.

Chase turned his attention to the trainer who was trying to return the lucario but was unable to. Looking back at the lucario, Chase raised a foot paw into the air then stepped right on the lucario's face, rubbing it into the ground and against his paw. Shrinking the lucario down until he could easily fit between his digits Chase could feel the scared and panicking lucario squirm from both the fear that Chase had put in him before along with a new fear. Though admittedly the Lucario probably wouldn't find his solution for ending the pokemon's fear in the end to be to his own liking.

"You lot are all absolutely pathetic, even giving up your names when you give into them." Chase had a deep hatred for these pokemon, and saw them as nothing more than pathetic slaves especially when they felt any type of affection towards their trainers. With the lucario firmly stuck between his digits on his right foot paw he turned his attention to the trainer.

The trainer was in a panic as he couldn't return his lucario and his fear was increasing by the second as he watched his lucario shrink, scream and cry from whatever unknown technique the umbreon had used. As he reached for his other pokeballs, his body froze unable to move and upon looking down he noticed a blue glow surrounding his body. "I'm sorry! Please I'll do anything and I promise I'll be good for the rest of my life. I'm sorry for all the awful things I've done." The trainer looked back up as he heard the umbreon laugh menacingly at him, noticing the umbreon's eyes now glowed blue and a blue aura surrounded his right paw.

"If you think this is some kind of punishment for something you did little wolf you are greatly mistaken. No this is a simple matter of you just happen to cross my path and I'm hungry." Chase grinned at the wolf as he finished saying that and pulled the pokeballs away from the trainers belt using his psychic powers then had them float over to him. As the balls came near he formed that black sphere in his left paw then broke the other five pokeballs.

The lucario unable to escape as he was stuck between the umbreon's toes could only look up in horror as he watched the umbreon take off his clothes revealing his naked body and emerging shaft. Feeling pressure all around him as he had to scream and whimper as the digits squeezed his tiny body.

Chase was rather amused with himself as he had the trainer under his control and the lucario squirming between his digits. As to not block anything from the trainers view he used his psychic powers to bring all five pokeballs that contained pokemon to his shaft send them down one by one, a round bulge barely noticeable with how dark it is as they descended down his cock and down into his orbs. As the third pokeball was being sent down Chase's shaft was halfway out of it's sheath revealing a glowing blue ring of around the middle of his cock much like his fur.

As the trainer opened his mouth to speak Chase forced his mouth shut and kept it that way as he wanted to enjoy himself without hearing the trainers pathetic begging and crying. With the final pokeball entering his shaft Chase started to rub the bulges of the remaining balls inside down into his balls where his sack was starting to melt down the balls and pokemon inside to cum. His balls becoming smooth as the round bugles of the balls start to disappear.

Floating the trainer over to him Chase forces the wolf's face against his large orbs with an ear pressing against them to let him hear his sack as it sloshed and churned away his pokemon into the umbreon's seed. Chase realizing he forgot one of the trainer's pokemon, used his psychic powers to remove the lucario from between his toes and lift him up over his cock. Letting the wolf get a good look up close as the lucario's face was pressed inside of his cock and slowly getting pulled inside as Chase let him have some control over his body allowing the lucario to squirm and try and push against the cock to get his head out.

The trainer was only able to watch in horror as he watched his lucario's head went into the umbreon's shaft and slowly as the shrunken pokemon's shoulders and chest were pulled inside the black shaft. Wanting to run away but unable to move his body at all as the umbreon's psychic had a firm hold over his body. The umbreon's cock making quick work of the lucario's body as the hips and legs were easily pulled inside and pulled down into the umbreon's orbs.

As the lucario finally reached his destination in the umbreon's large balls, he grabbed the trainer by the throat and held him off the ground. Once he had a firm grip Chase ended the psychic hold on the trainer to let the weight and pain set in for the trainer as he had a harder time breathing now. The trainer really was pathetic to Chase, watching him squirm in his grasp while making weak attempts to beg Chase to let him go.

Once the trainers movements slowed down from exhaustion and lack of breath, Chase threw him to the ground hard. Landing hard on his back the wolf was only able to get in one deep breath before feeling that heavy umbreon foot paw step down on his chest. Chase knelt down, having his prey firmly pinned beneath him and formed that dark sphere in his paw once more. "Beg, whine, whimper, plead, pray to your god or whatever it is you do little wolf, it will not help you now. I will break your mind and make you wish I had killed you quickly."

Chase brought the sphere down to the side of the wolf's head while leaning in close so that the only thing the wolf could see was his face. The dark energy rippling off of the sphere made it's way through the wolf's mind, bringing up dark images and all that the wolf feared. Last image of which was the umbreon standing before him who he feared has yet to do his worst to him.

He seemed to feed off of the wolf's fear in a way making him stronger and more confident as he could smell and feel the fear coming from the smaller creatures body. The fear fully starting to set in as the wolf's greatest fear poked and pried at his brain like a thousand needles forcing their way in only to be swiftly pulled away and stabbed back in. His mind focusing so hard on how he was completely alone and going to die with no one to save or love him. No one would save him nor would he be able to tell his loved ones how much he loved them ever again.

In the wolf's mind he watched everyone he knew and loved, die or disappear in some form or manner. He started to scream out in pain, shaking his head rapidly and a stream of tears flow out his eyes as he watched the one he loved slowly die. "Make it stop! Make it stop, I beg of you! I'll.. I'll do anything just make it stop and don't hurt my dear Isabella."

Chase grinned toothily down at the wolf as he laughed menacingly. "Oh don't you worry little wolf, your precious Isabella will be joining you soon and I'll make sure she has a slow and painful end." This caused the wolf to scream out in pain and horror as the dark energy only enhanced Chase's words and manipulated the wolf's mind into seeing what he desired him to see. Knowing the images and words were causing great stress and pain on his mind.

Having had his fun Chase thrusts the dark sphere into the wolf's chest, no use wasting a perfectly good sphere after all. Knocking the breath out of the wolf as he did so, Chase grabbed onto the wolf and tore off his shirt with the help of his blunt claws and damage done to it with his dark sphere. With the shirt out of the way Chase lifted the wolf's upper body from the ground taking the wolf's head inside of his mouth.

Inside of the mouth it was a nice calm blue color from the skin inside as well as the glow coming from it. To the wolf the inviting color and light seemed very welcoming compared to the darkness and fears outside of the maw. The umbreon's hot breath hitting the wolf's face as he is forced to breath it in and feels his body slowly start to go numb.

Feeling his poison slowly starting to set in as the wolf was forced to breath in his breath and his saliva soaking into the wolf's fur making him go numb faster. Normally Chase would of fucked the gooey remains of the trainers pokemon back into them but tonight Chase was hungrier than usual. Holding his preys arms against his sides, Chase opened his muzzle slightly to take in his shoulders while gulping the wolf's head into his throat.

The trainer could not realize what was happening fully at this point as his body was almost completely numb and the blue glow so inviting, he could do nothing but relax. As the umbreon pulled his body deeper into him the wolf felt like he was laying in a tight, warm sleeping bag. The dark energy still lingering in the wolf's mind and would flare up every few seconds to remind him how much worse the outside world really was.

Chase loved making his prey crave for an end of their burdens from the outside world even if he was the one that made the outside world too much to bear for them by breaking their minds. Gulping the wolf deeper into his throat taking his chest inside the rippling muscles that pulled on the creature wanting to fill that empty belly.

The wolf hearing the belly gurgle and growl loudly the closer he got to it as well as the umbreon's breathing and the heartbeat. Barely able to feel the umbreon taking off his pants as his belly was being slurped by that tongue then gulped in deeper only his legs and tail left outside of the umbreon. His face pressing against the entrance to the umbreon's stomach as it finally gave way with his hips being pulled into the throat forcing his head into the chamber.

Taking his time now to savor his latest meal, the legs and tail hung there limply outside of his muzzle. Letting gravity do most the work now as he lifted his muzzle into the air, the legs and tail slowly slipped inside. Rubbing over his belly, feeling the wolf slowly start to fill it and have to curl up inside the large gut. The poison strongest in the air inside, making the wolf completely paralyzed and unable to move his limbs.

As the foot paws and tail finally disappeared down into his throat Chase sat down and leaned back against a tree while his latest prey settled in his stomach. Reaching around his large gut to grab his cock which throbbed against his bulging belly. Rubbing his cock against his belly, not taking long to get off as he spurted his hot sticky cum all over his belly.

Getting up after a few minutes Chase gathered up his clothes and walked away from the path, finding a nice place to rest while his belly worked on it's latest meal. The wolf digesting painlessly away into a nice gooey pool of juices of which the umbreon's body would completely absorb into his own. By the next night it would as of been as if he never ate the wolf and his body would be as perfect as ever.