Pride Bay. Chapter Five.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#5 of Pride Bay

Pride Bay

Chapter Five

By Roofles

"Dude! What. Do you mean? You haven't done it!" The tiger on the other line huffed each word trying to hold back his temper.

"Well it's just been so've been distracted. Is all." Marty tried to explain.

"Dude! Sex is the fun!" Burt sighed in disappointment for his friend. There was a loud grunt from the tiger. "I mean Christ! It's taken me longer getting the laid than to get laid. Oh yeah baby. So good." Marty heard from the other line his voice alone not sounding convincing in the least. It took a second for Marty to wrap his mind around that and comprehend the meaning behind it.

"Dude!" Marty said not even about to hang up the phone though. "Don't call me while you're fucking somebody. How many times do I have to tell you?"

Marty just shook the image of the brutish tiger topping some poor innocent bystander out of his head. Oddly enough Dylan was said bystander. "Look!" He flushed under his tawny brown fur, folding his ears back, tail unable to stop moving as the image of the naked man stayed in his mind however. Beckoning with a finger as he crossed one leg over the other, lying on his side whispering his name. "I'm in the apartment that's a start!" Marty said a little too loudly shaking his head and trying to clear the image from his mind.

"You were there last night! Sheesh." Burt rolled his eyes half forgetting the body squirming underneath him as the rhythmic flow continued from the tiger who was, by this point, so used to it that it might has well have been breathing. "Dude, just tell him to get down on his knees and bend over like a bitch. Or I guess..." The tiger frown thinking a little too much about it and slightly annoyed that the jaguar under him thought he was talking to her and she was trying to do as he said. "You could just get down on your knees and lift your tail...or something." The tiger placed a firm paw on her back forcing her large chest down and her empty head into the pillows once more.

"Stop." Marty warned as if aware of his friend's train of thought.

"Chicks do it all the time." Burt said looking at the picture over his bed. It was far more intriguing.

"Slutty big boob, no brain cheetahs you mean!" Marty laughed.

"Jaguars." Burt corrected. "Just the way I like 'em." Burt laughed with a heavy set purr afterwards. He began out lining them with his paws in front of him. "Hourglass baby," he purred. "Big boobs, big fat ass!" He slapped the chick's thigh and ass as he said it loudly with a whoop. "Yeah baby. You like that don't you. Shake that bubble butt!"

"I'm hanging up now."

And with that his friend had begun singing the song making his own crude motions along with it. Marty wasn't sure why he was still listening so he hung up, flipping the cell phone closed and pocketing it neatly. He stood there unsure what else to do and ended up just looking at himself in the mirror making sure he at least appeared nice. Marty, like most cats, were a fuss bucket when it came to their fur (or Burt would put it "Big giant gaping pussy tats'). Marty frowned at his image wondering why he hung out with the man.

Tawny brown fur covered his back, arms, legs and ran down his tail. Black markings were where his eyebrows would've been, a horseshoe shaped ring was around his muzzle, and even his eyes had these black fur designs around them like the tip of his tail and the end of his fingers. His eyes had that coffee creamer brown fur around the black markings. His body was tone, well-built and muscular. His thick, scruffy fur thinned out if only a bit on his small beer belly however. Running down between his dark pink twin nipples was a dark line of fuzzier, hair like fur of rich dark brown much likes the tuff on the end of his chin. It ran down all the way over his belly. He ran a finger down his chest through this fur before clawing a nail at his shorts knowing that though it stopped there it was just as fuzzy below. He pulled them open and looked down.

Going commando. Like normal. Good thing to double check though, he mused as he undid the button and zipped it down (carefully) down and let the shorts drop to the ground (after pulling his tail out of the back hole). He stared down at himself with a frown before looking up at his reflection. Big sack and thick, plump sheath. This dark brown fur was prominent here running over the top of his sheath and down the sides like a handle bar mustache...for his cock. Something to be proud of Marty grinned. He flexed, poising like Michelangelo statue. A Greek Adonis he was. Someone that even a large fern leaf couldn't cover.

His ears fell like his whiskers and tail. He pawed at his stomach. Maybe he could lose some weight? He had so many tasty sweets lately. And a lot of beer - something he wasn't about to give up though. This only deepened the frown however as the one tasty treat he wanted he hadn't gotten yet. And he was sure it would go straight to his thighs. Willingly or not he murred.

Marty looked at the cougar in front of him. He watched both black marked ears perk up before folding back. One lifting then splaying out to the side as he growled. Snarling and showing his teeth before relaxing a half second later. He meowed like a cute kitten and then strike like a wild animal before sighing. His shoulders slouched. "What did he mean?" He mused looking back into those eyes a bit gloomily. He looked down at his fallen pants where his cellphone was, wanting to call the tiger again. It was the reason why he had used the bathroom in the first place and he hadn't even asked.

"Like an animal." Those were Dylan's exact words when Marty asked what he looked like. An animal. He hadn't even taken him to the bedroom yet. Can't call a man an animal until then.

Marty flicked the lights off looking into his softly glowing green black pupil eyes. Those cat like eyes looked back at him until he turned the light back on and they relaxed once more. He crossed his eyes looking down his snout at his nose and whiskers. So...inhuman. This only seemed to lift the fur on his back and neck as he snarled at his image half joking as he raised his hands up claws extended.

"I am an animal." He said with a heavy tone of annoyance. "Be a cat." He tapped his chin. "What would a cat do in this situation?" Three thoughts came to mind. Burt would go out there and...Force it to happen. His friend Gale would just undo the front of her shirt a bit and get them to come to her. And he would do what exactly?

So with little thoughts as to what to do Marty pulled his pants back up and on and headed outside and back into the living room where Dylan was waiting for him.

The screen in front of him was paused. Several cans of beer were out and a controller lay beside the man as he turned and looked at the half naked cougar with the front of his fly down.

"Jerk off without me?" Dylan laughed lightly looking at the cat's open fly.

"You wish." Was the cat's smarmy reply. Dylan just smiled, rolled his eyes and looked back at the screen.

Marty walked over noticeably relaxing, cracking his neck, rolled his shoulders and hoped over the couch to sit next to the man. Grabbing his controller the cat shoved his side. "Goin' to start or what?"

"Rules." Dylan said flatly.

The two grabbed a beer chugged a good portion down before the game began again. Drunk Mario cart. What could be better? Let alone for the pizza they ordered, beer they had gotten from the nearby mini-mart and the fact Dylan was still shirtless in loose baggy shorts sitting directly next to him. His fur brushed against the man's side and arm with no dejection or attempting to move away.

Marty scooted closer tossing an arm around him to give him a strong, powerful hug practically pulling him into his lap before letting him go and continuing playing. Dylan just played the game not even seeming to notice.

"What do you do for a living?" Dylan asked after getting passed again by another player online. He frowned. "Damn Six year old girls in Korea." He bitched setting his controller down as the game came to an end the next second.

"They are pros." Marty chuckled setting his own controller down and leaning back, spreading his legs a bit and slide an arm behind Dylan's head. Dylan just rested back against it as the paw flopped onto his shoulder giving him a strong squeeze. "I'm a delivery guy."

"Where at?" Dylan asked closing his eyes and tossing his legs up onto the foot rest cushion normally made for a recliner he didn't even have.

"UPS." Marty said putting his own legs up onto the cushion. He moved a paw over to poke Dylan's foot with a toe. He rubbed the big toe on top of the man's foot.

Dylan opened his eyes and looked at the cat. "As in wearing those brown short shorts UPS delivery guy?"

Marty folded his ears back at the tone in the man's voice, full of amusement over the fact. "Yes." Marty said glaring suspiciously at the man who had a large smile spread over his face.

"Those tiny shorts that don't even go below your knees, UPS guys?" Dylan pressed.

"Yes." Marty said his tone warning the man.

"That'" Dylan said still grinning.

"Watch it."

"Do you have big boots too? And a tool belt?"


"Go figure." Dylan chuckled closing his eyes again and rubbing his head back against the cats arm. "That would've been hot." Marty flexed instinctively at those words.

Dylan made no further move and so the cat decided he would have to. His tail swayed on his other side as he leaned in against the man. Dipping his larger head he nosed his full muzzle against the man's lifted chin. A deep rumbling purr began from to vibrate from the cat's chest as he nuzzled against him demanding attention in a rather not subtle way. Marty was already larger, taller and thicker than Dylan and so when the man began nuzzling full body against him it was impossible to ignore.

Dylan managed to wrap and arm around his back and rub it as he chuckled at the large cat lying out in his lap. The cat nuzzled his chest with his whole whiskery muzzle still purring as he pawed, scratching at the couch cushion at the man's side.

Petting down the cat's tawny brown fur back Dylan couldn't but smile at the notably soft fur. All though it look scruffy and could be trimmed down in several spots, not that he minded, it slid through his fingers with ease. And the only real thought in the man's mind was just how many bottle of conditioner it would take to get it to this state. Like a fuzzy blanket that had just been washed and come out of the dryer it was warm, soft and welcoming as the body in his lap continued to purr pawing and nuzzle at him affectionately at the petting. The cougar even lifted his rear up tail lifting high as that hand roamed further down his back.

Dylan rolled his eyes as the big cat stuck his rear into the air. He moved his hand back up his back and scratched at his thick, strong neck before scritching his ears. Marty nuzzled into his hand forcefully.

"You still want to play the game?" Dylan looked down at the cat with amusement as he set the controller he still held aside.

"Oh, I have plenty of games I want to play." Marty replied his voice filled with that rumbling purr as he stood himself back up to sit next to him. He pawed at the man's bare chest looking down at it with half closed eyes. His ear twitched the next second and he pulled back. "If that's ok...that is." He grinned toothily baring his fangs trying to look as modest as he could but still Dylan found the mountain cat pawing at his chest.

"And what did you have in mind?" Dylan asked as seemingly casual as ever. Marty could smell his arousal, the strengthening musk of the man and feel his pounding heart under the facade of his smile. Nervous, anxious and horny. The cat wasn't the only one it seemed.

More so the latter than the former it seemed however as Dylan brushed a hand crossed his cheek, down underneath his muzzle and scratched the crook of his neck. And with that the cougar nerves stabilized and his maw opened, a rough sand paper like tongue lolled out and Marty moved in to press the man heavily back against the couch as his lips sealed around Dylan's and that low deep purred echoed from the cougar's chest deep into Dylan.

Goose bumps ran up the man's arms as that vibration rippled into his throat and a thick, warm tongue lapped into his open mouth. They tongue wrestled as Marty moved up more on top of the man placing his paws firmly on his shoulders and moved to straddle his lap. A hand pushed the cat back making Marty open his eyes.

"What?" He asked folding his ears back and looking to make sure he wasn't kneeing on anything and that everything was ok.

"Take your shorts off." Dylan stated already undoing his own. Marty just grinned and obeyed.

Standing up while still leaning over the man Marty easily undid his shorts and pulled them down, letting them snag around one ankle as he moved back over the man. Marty moved to the side as Dylan proceeded to do the same lifting his hunches up and with a deft skill unhooked, zipped and pulled his pants and boxers down his already semi hard cock dangling for the cats eyes to devour.

Marty didn't even wait for permission, doubting he'd need it, as he placed his knees back down on the man sides and pressed down slowly against Dylan locking lips once more. He got an encouraging grope of the ass and a strong hug pulling the cat against him.

The warm fuzzy body already had a musky scent to it Dylan found as their groins rub against each other and the heat from the cougar was making him begin to pre. Eyes closed, lips locked Dylan just took another breath of the cougar as a paw roamed up his side to caress his cheek with a coarse padded thumb, the rest of his fingers holding the side of his face in a strong secured grip.

Marty had tilted his muzzle to the side to be able to seal his lips properly around the man's. He could feel the sweat on his skin, the heat from his bare skin and feel the pounding of his heart against his own chest. His other paw laid across his bare slightly hairy thigh, rubbing it and gripping it as he let out another snorting breath against the man's face.

Dylan moved over slowly planning on lying back along the couch but ended up falling with the extra wait on the cushion catching both by surprise. Dylan chuckled as the kiss broke and he looked up to see the cougar on all fours over him, looking down with half cloudy closed eyes.

Marty just purred again letting it roll of his lips before crouching back down to sniff and lick at his chest. Nibbling softly as he opened and closed his muzzle with precise skill to suckle his skin. Gnawing on his shoulder, licking his neck and grinding down on him Marty murred a purr as he arced his back panting loudly as he did so. His member head already exposed from his pleasantly plump sheath, sack hanging low between his tone thickly muscular thighs.

Dylan sat up a bit to kiss the side of his chest, feeling the heat and musk wash over his face from the armpit right next to it. His toes curled as he moved his head up a bit and licked under his arm, chuckling at the look the cat gave him.

Marty swallowed loudly his claws extending and gripping into the couch as he stared down at the man. He moved back a bit planning on positioning himself but Dylan moved as well sitting back onto his rear and facing the cat who mimicked his position. The two, slightly crossed over lapping legs, sat facing each other as the video screen of the game flashed next to them read "Pause."

The cougar cleared his throat, still panting as he looked towards the side. "You're...pretty warm. Without fur." He said a bit flatly swallowing loudly his throat bulging as he did so.

"Yeah, sometimes I get cold though." Dylan shrugged. "Could always use a fur coat." Marty's tail began to sway again though he didn't noticeably react.

Marty moved his leg to the other side of the man opening them up like a diamond as he leaned back on his arms. He licked the front of his muzzle looking back at him. Dylan rubbed a hand up the outside of the tawny brown fur muscular leg and trailed his fingers down the creamy coffee creamer color inner fur. Marty leaned back a bit more shivering at the feel of those fingers running through his fur and as he did so, just underneath his hanging sack Dylan could see the pink pucker of his tail hole.

Dylan scooted back a bit moving his legs underneath the cats. Hugging the cougar's ankles at his sides Dylan rested back a bit holding them for support. Marty pulled a leg free and place a large hind paw on his stomach wiggling his toes against his belly. Rubbing his stomach and side with the paw Marty looked crossed into the man's face with a purr.

"You like?" Marty smirked.

Dylan lifted the paw up off his belly and kissed the cat's big toe. "I like." And with that the man moved the leg to the side and leaned down between the cat's creamy centered thighs and with a hot breath licked the cat's pink puckered tail hole.

Marty took a breath at that, raising his hips up a bit as Dylan tongued at his tight hole. Nosing at the cougars taint Dylan licked around that velvety soft skin. Gnawing at the side before lifting his head up to lick, nose and bite between the cougar's legs. Up until that hefty sack rested crossed his face, his nose bumping it up to poke directly beneath it and smell the core of that musky scent. A heated smell that stuck to his face as he pulled back just enough to look over the cougars gorged sheath and into that grinning face.

"I just might keep you around." Marty teased wrapping his legs around the man's back. Dylan scooted closer until that hefty sack was resting over his own. It was warm like a furry blanket that had just come out of the dryer.

"Oh really now?" Dylan rolled his eyes as the cougar sat up, murring as he looked down at the sight. "And where would you keep me?" He inquired with a raised eyebrow amused at the cat.

Marty groped himself, rolling his sheath in his paws before his full thick pink human like barbed member slipped free. He thumbed the now empty sheath. "Maybe in here? Keep you all nice and warm."

Dylan looked down before sliding his own hand over to feel the loose furry empty sheath, fingering inside it. Marty tensed up at the intrusion letting out another breath between his teeth as Dylan's fingers traced over the sensitive skin. "Would it be weird if I wanted to stick my cock in here?" The man asked looking up at him, still fingering.

"No. No at all." Marty grinned. "Be my guest!"

Dylan moved a bit, angling his rigid cock down before frowning a bit. He moved causing Marty to move as they fussed with the issue. "How do I... Like this? How about..." Dylan muttered trying to position himself correctly. Eventually he ended up sitting, backwards, in the cougar's lap (who had laid down) and was now grinding his member along the cat's fully erect cock.

Marty held the man's bare ass firmly with both paws, gripping it as he moved it up and back before opening his own maw to lick at the man's tender fleshy underside. Slurping that scratchy tongue along that sensitive flesh, pulling lightly at it, tugging as it licked up and around as the cougar stuck his cold pink nose at the base of his spine murring loudly between his cheeks.

Dylan flexed around the cat's larger muzzle spreading him. He huffed rubbing his leaking member over the cats letting the cock heads kiss before gliding down the smooth, thick veiny underside and into the cat's warm, welcoming sheath.

Marty tensed his very sheath tightening around the man's length as he grunted a groan, biting his lower lip and feeling himself leak out onto his belly and between the man's legs. The fleshy folds of flesh were warm, confining and made Dylan flush hotly as he felt a maw clamp around his rear with a low growl from the cougar.

The cat panted letting go and sat up a bit more grabbing Dylan's side forcefully. "Turn around." He ordered, licking his muzzle once more. His emerald eyes never strayed from the man's rear as he got up and turned around locking onto his erect member before looking up at his face with another toothy grin.

Wrapping an arm firmly around him, Marty pulled Dylan against him using his other paw to hold and guide his hips down towards his twitching cock. The very barbs began to flare out as the cat huffed, growling softly until that growl turned into a purr his head now teasing at Dylan's own tail hole. He rubbed it around clockwise before poking at him.

Breathing heavily himself Dylan just rested against the large cat as he looked behind him at the mighty shaft he was resting on. It leaked against his ring, drizzling down like a melting ice cream cone between his legs to dribble down onto that dark brown fur just above the cat's raging cock.

With a slow steady breath Marty began pushing him down, rocking his own hips up in the motion as the man straddled him slowly skewered onto his very body. The initial push made Dylan wince with the sharp pain that slowly ached and warmed as that cock slid further inside spreading him to accommodate its girth. The self-lubricating cock glided in with only semi resistance that Marty easily forced through panting hotly against the man's face. Under that brown tawny fur a hot blush had taken the cougars face his ears folded back as his fingers gripped the man he was breeding.

Already halfway down Dylan felt his own member quiver as it spurted onto the cat's chest and a groan escaped his lips as it was forced further inside knowing his rear would be sore tomorrow. Dylan figured he'd be topping. Most the guys he had been with, even the cougar seemed to be submissive. Yet as he looked into that face he could see otherwise as those dark rimmed lips sealed shut over his once more and stole his breath away.

And with the final shove a moan escaped the man into the cat who growled back in turn. Holding him as he licked and suckled, nibbled on his lower lip and nuzzled the side of his face. "How is it?" Marty breath hotly against the man's ear, chewing on the bottom of it as he purr against his body.

"Larger. Than expected." Dylan chuckled with a wince feel those barbs flare out at his reply. He could already feel them dragging at his inside making him moan louder as the cat withdrew an inch or two before sliding it back into a hilt. As if only to say who was exactly in charge here. His hefty sack was scrunched up against the man's his own orbs resting between the man.

As Marty pulled back once more letting several inches of his steaming meat slide free his sack dangled down between the man's legs. The barbs dragged slowly back along Dylan's inside electing another pleasing moan and Dylan humped against the cat's belly fur grabbing his shoulders tightly as his eyes clenched shut. The look on the man's face only made the cougar growl further his claws extending slightly.

Lifting the man higher off his lap Marty shivered slightly as he growled ripples echoed through his shaft as each barb was pulled and the warm depth of the man squeezed around him as the slight pain caused him to clench around him. Half way out Marty growled shoving himself back in unable to wait any further before shoving his whole length back in. His sack slapped the man's inner thigh and against his sack. The two matched a groan at that.

Dylan grinned at the cat who was now biting his own bottom lip, fangs bared as he rhythmically humped into the man straddling his waist. Dylan wrapped his arms around his thick neck and rested his head against his shoulder panting and watching the large cat's chest huffing and panting along with him. That thick musk was rising from the cat's body and Dylan just closed his eyes hearing the cougar's breath, smelling that scent and feeling his body being plunged into.

Marty adjusted his hips with each motion as he pulled at the man's inside, thrusting back in, sack slapping against him and purring with a loud Mrow. Holding onto him his claws extended, tail swaying back and forth quickly as he pawed at the man's body as Dylan sat in his lap. His breath quickened into snorts and growls and his tip spurted, leaking more as it quivered, flaring its barbs out even as it pushed in.

That hefty sack tightened against him, his toes splayed, ears folded back and tail went rigid as his whole body tensed and flexed before relaxing with a low Meowing growl. He thrusted deeply into the man pulling him tightly against him and down against his groin as he erupted into the man. Pouring forth as it filled him to the breaking point, only his rigid member keeping the thick fluid inside as it surged inside.

Marty was still biting his lower lip looking with half closed, misty emerald eyes at the man on his lap as ecstasy exploded throughout his being pulsating through the very fiber of his being. The cougar lazed back with the man. Only the jerking motion caught his attention making his ears standing up and face forward as he looked down to see Dylan pawing himself to a finish.

"Allow me," he purred holding him close as he move forward until Dylan was on his back. Keeping himself firmly inside that tight rear Marty sat up before bending over down to the man's grown.

Opening his maw his dark pink tongue lolled out like a red carpet, scooping the twitching member into his steaming hot saliva dripping muzzle and closing around him within the same motion. Suckling and teasing the tip, Marty lapped underneath with long strokes that tugged lightly along the veiny flesh.

Within moment's the cougar was swallowing several times of the creamy fluid he had so desired. Tasting the rich musky flavor on his lips even after they let the limpening cock slip free of his muzzle. Panting he lazed out over the man holding him closely and tucking him securely under an arm and nuzzling down onto of him still semi hard deep inside him.

"Marty?" Dylan asked a minute later pushing at the heavy, musky body on top of him. The cat just purred a snore nuzzling against him more. The man rolled his eyes, closed his eyes and nuzzled against the cats underarm until sleep took him.