A Passionate Dream

Story by DreamGod on SoFurry

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Based on a dream I have every single night and makes me want to cry myself to sleep. (FYI:My name was changed to protect me(the innocent)

First, there was nothingness. Then a buzz. It got louder and louder each second. In three minutes my ears were in for some serious hurt. Then I heard a voice...

"What if we miss?"

Then light. Piercing light. I quickly sat up in my bed, wincing from the pain of my alarm clock. It was about 6:30 AM. Time to go to another miserable day at school. I got dressed quickly for some reason, then headed toward the car. My car. My beautiful black 2005 Honda Accord EX. I loved that car. Great features, good long lasting quality, and I even kept it clean, which I never did for any car. Before I got in. I saw a dog. Sitting two houses away. For some reason, he wasn't on his leash. I smiled, for this was not just any dog. My old friend Chumbley. He was a stud dog; a big Belgian Sheepdog mixed with some breed I didn't know. I say old friend because we had a lot of fun during my childhood.


I was about nine years old. That's when I first met them. They were a strange family. All caucasians (not trying to be racist; they were strange by only their demeanor) four female, and two male. The guys were in portable chairs smoking cigaretts while the girls were sunbathing in their bikinis. Sunbathing? Here? THAT'S why. The dog was young for his age and obvioulsy, so was I, but he was still big for my size. I was a lot more social back then. I walked up and said Hi to the people there. I talked for a few minutes and by then, Chumbley padded up to me. He stood up on his hind legs and easily loomed over me by putting his front paws on the pads of my chest. Sniffing me over. Inspecting me like I was a soldier in some war. All I could do was close my eyes as he sniffed my face. I wasn't afraid of the beast, for I knew I was okay with its owners around. When he finally got down after approving my presence, I looked down and started petting my new friend's head. I noticed his collar read the name 'Chumbley'. Acting like I didn't know, I asked, "What's his name?" To which my neighbor Janice replied,


We played for years until my anti-sociality kicked in. I went out of state for two weeks. That was the final snip of the scissors of neglect in our close friendship and fondness for each other. He couldn't recognize me when I came back. It was-in the words of Lambert Wilson-dissapointing, but not unexpected.


If only then I knew what I know now... Emmiting a sigh, I got into the car and drove off.

School dragged on for what seemed like months. The dirtbags in each class gave me more and more homework. But in one period, I felt sick. Not physically or emotionally, but mentally. I kinda had a wierd cramp in my stomach. It didn't hurt, but at that time something made me want something, anything. For some reason in that class and around all those people, I wanted sex. I didn't care anymore about "savin' it 'till marriage". I wanted to fill---hell, even be filled---by someone. Even though painful, I eventually just waved it off. I was so tired by the end of the day, when I got home, I realized that I forgot my key inside!

I cursed under my breath and started to go to the back and open the back door there, not realizing what was waiting for me there. "I gotta stop doing this, I thought to myself. Cause' one day mom might find out and lock the door back and I won't be able to get in." I turned, but the knob didn't move. "Like today."

"Lemme walk around and try to find a window to climb through. There's always one unlocked. Which one....."

I walked around the corner and to my surprise, I saw....

"Chumbley! Hey, old buddy!" he walked up to me, tail wagging. I chuckled as he rolled onto his back. Scratching(or is scritching more appropiate?) his belly, I said,"What are you doing back h--" I was speechless. Two of the most vuluptuous brown balls I had ever seen were a foot away from my face.

"OH YOU BASTARD...(Here it comes!!!!)"

Effortlessly, I picked up the 127-lb dog and kicked down the door with one foot like paper in my way. I ran up the stairs knowing Mom wouldn't be home for hours. Seeming to know what I was doing, Chumbley licked my face as I bolted into my room. Hard-on literally ripping my brand new pants, I tore them off, almost slammed him belly-up into the bed and mercilessly licked his sack at a speed that was blinding. Chumbley let out a half whimper-half whine as the one thing I've wanted in my entire life started to grow-his godlike sheath. With my face in his crotch, licking harder and faster, I realized what I felt back there in my classroom...LUST. HEAT. TONS OF IT. I had to control myself and stopped. Looking up slightly, I saw my true goal. As I looked at this crimson blood red billet of pleasure I could not help but say suggestively:

"Oh how tragic. Your life purpose is dry. LET ME CLEAN IT UP."

I swore he could understand me, because a gob of pre-seed got lost in his chest. I leaped up and took his entire shaft into my waiting cavern of taste buds and tounge. I tried my best to wrap my tounge around his hot cock like a snake. Using my wet tounge, I counted the veins that bulged everywhere. One, two, three........five.............EIGHT! Eight veins that I was going to pop tonight!

I thought of a wonderful idea. I bobbed my head on his ingot like a prostitute I saw on TV(yes I saw it on TV. It was a documentary. Riiiiiiiiiight.) then slowly brought my head up, flicking my tounge along the way. And that's when it happened. I got my first taste of life giving, thirst satifying gism. From a DOG. I was so excited to realize that. I swallowed every drop, the seed tasting so salty and delicious. It was the first time I tasted come that came from something other than me. Sadly, my blowjob was done. I started to pull from my attachment. When he was totally clear of me, I spun around and whipped a ruler out of my desk. Measuring from his prodigious knob(which I licked multiple times) to his dripping head, I counted seven sensational sensuous inches. I thought about and said, "I'll go first because with YOU(tapping the head at that point), It'll take a long time. I slowly brought my finger to his tail, and the miniscule hole under it. Still with lust in my voice, I growled, "Roll over, Chumbley." He obeyed, now laying on his stomach. I got to a kneel and gently guided my penis in. I heard a whine from Chumbley. But it wasn't one of pain. He was telling me "DON'T STOP". His yearning rumble caused me to push even further inside him. I was so happy to know that I was the first and only one to make crapping in the yard no longer a chore. Hilted, I started thrusting like crazy. Both of us were already panting. Though heavy, he had to struggle to keep my weight up. My slow pumping became rapid plowing. Out of nowhere, Chumbley's ass tightened up like a vice! That was my last straw. I held onto his hips and put my mind in a seatbelt for the best orgasm I ever had in my entire life. Riding him like a mechanical bull, I finally stopped, sweating like I was in 127(wink wink) degree weather.

"Ok, buddy. I've had my fun. Now you can have your highly anticipated share."

I crawled down to the floor of my bedroom, for what we did on the sheets pretty much condemmed all of mankind. Chumbley followed, and I spread my legs for him(Hey! I said MY blowjob was done). He began to lick my already hard slab, which by now was soaked. Chumbley, who appreciated my anatomy, licked twice as hard as I did but kept it slow. I decided he needed a treat. Temporarily destroying the mood, I got some leftover gravy from the fridge. I heated it up on high, laid on a towel, and POURED IT ALL OVER!! The warm gravy covered me and was cleaned up by a coarse, long tounge. This was the moment when appreciation flew out of the window! With the speed of a lightning bolt, my lover wouldn't stop licking. Unable to take anymore, I somehow lashed my legs around him and and put my feet on the back of his head and fucked that dog's face as I came into his waiting jaw. He couldn't swallow it all, but any that dropped on the floor he immediatley sopped it up like a muh-fuckin' biscuit! I looked down and noticed he was a steel enforced strip again. I turned over and he knew what to do. I was mounted right then and there. Using my hands, I guided him in. He was just as relentless as I was, if not more. I could literally feel his knot growing and expanding. As he jammed more dogmeat into my also tight asshole, I repeatedly gasped with pleasure. Gasps turned to moans...moans to yells, yells to screams, screams to a messy ass floor and a lock between abdomens. I was completley satisfied now. I tried everything with my old friend and new lover. Two hours later(yeah it was that big), I pulled out and immediatley hugged Chumbley in my bed, hugging and kissing him softly, sobbing quietly in happiness, the both of us falling asleep, repeating that wonderful phrase to a dog;MY dog:

I love you...I love you.... I love you.......

(Sniffle) Well that's it for now. HOW'S THAT FOR A ZOOPHILIA STORY?!?!?!??! I might make a story series soon, if TOUMAL CAN TEACH ME!!! Sry. Just kinda frustrated. Ok, c-ya later. And always remember: