Pleasurable Instincts

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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A Vixen finds she needs a new subject to test her latest model of breeding mount, but when she finds more than she expected to with him...

A short piece commission for Bionet! I hope you enjoy it, it was an interesting piece to write!

The Vixen's large bushy tail flicked back and forth as she stayed crouched in the bushes, watching the solitary wolf as it chowed down on the deer it had tracked for the last two hours. She'd been taking careful notes in her ledger as she watched, noting the male's physique, measurements (As best she could), his behavior, and interestingly, that he didn't seem to have any pack. It might have contributed to his abnormally large size, but even with that, he was far larger than any typical male wolf...

She hadn't witnessed him having any sort of interaction with other wolves in fact... The only time he had met with other members of Canis lupus, it had been to snarl at them and chase them away when they had came to close to his kill. He showed far more predatory intelligence than most other wolves, and she could have sworn she'd heard it muttering in English when it was alone... She couldn't be certain of it, but she had a hunch that she hadn't just been hearing things...

She studied him carefully, making note once again on a new page of her ledger, writing down his estimated height, weight and length as best she could tell from her position... This was definitely the specimen that she wanted to use. As far as male wolves went, he was practically flawless, strong, clever, even without a pack, that would make it easier to catch him. Damned that she hadn't gotten the permit for a tranquilizer rifle before she had been forced to begin her testing, but she would make do. Male's were predictable things, she knew that much for fact. Give them a wag of the tail, and they would come a running. There was more than one way to get him where she needed.

She frowned and crouched lower as the wolf's head snapped around, looking about the small meadow where he had felled the deer. "Who?" The voice startled her somewhat, but when she looked around to try and find the source, she blinked in surprise. It couldn't have been...

The vixen blinked again. He had spoken! She was certain of it now. She might have to try and record it before anyone else would believe her, but that wouldn't be an issue if she could just get the wolf back to where she wanted him...

After a moment, the wolf turned back to his meal, noisily chomping on the remains of the deer. The way he had taken it down had been... Beyond anything she had seen from other wolves. It had been as if he had shepherded the fleeing creature here after he had separated it from the rest of it's heard. And then once it had reached the small meadow, he had sprung on it truly, like all of his chasing before had been naught but a lazy stroll through the woods. The speed and fierceness that he had tackled it with had been shocking, and made her second guess her own plans, but she knew she just HAD to have this one. Any other ordinary male would make this just any other ordinary study.

But she needed to make sure everything went off without a hitch, since a hitch could be the difference between her product selling world wide, and her obituary in the Sunday Herald. That was a scenario she wanted to avoid at all costs. She tucked her ledger back inside the leather jacket she wore, pulling the zip back up slowly as to not draw attention to the noise. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out her small camera, and began taking off a few quick shots while the lighting in the meadow was good. She'd add those to her final report before she returned the prototype for further development.

Though it was after a dozen shots or so that her camera's flash suddenly went off with a brilliant blink of light. The wolf snapped around immediately, teeth bared at the bush where the intruding light source had came from. The vixen quickly tucked her camera away, standing up slowly with her paws raised in a non-threatening manner. She knew what she had to do, she couldn't seem afraid of him, but it was definitely better for her to err on the side of caution in this particular case...

"Hello there... I couldn't help but notice you talking to yourself as you ate. Did you bring down that deer by yourself?" She asked, trying to seem somewhat arrogant. She'd have to provoke him the right way to get him to do what she wanted, and since it was either this or raising her own tail for him...

"Yes, and I need no help from the likes of you, bi-ped..." The wolf growled at her, and she snorted, trying to keep herself resolute and collected. "Leave here. These woods are not for your kind."

"Well, that's a shame... I was just here to do a preservation study, but I guess the logging company doesn't need to see it now." She shrugged. "I'll just go then, tell them to come back and cut it all down. It'd make for a nice farm." She leaned down, picking up a small, fist sized rock from her feet, tossing it in her hand a moment to gauge it's weight before she threw it at him. It landed pitifully a few feet short, but she wasn't trying to hit him. "So I guess you'd better get lost. A whelp like you couldn't protect a damned thing."

She went to reach for another rock when he started moving. Her tail flicked once before she turned and darted, laughing as she fled. She could hear the wolf's foot steps chasing along behind, but not fast... Like he was just following her out of curiosity more than anything. It would work for her purposes, she just needed to lure him to the barn she had set up after all.

"What is it..." The wolf growled curiously to himself... Something was not right about the way this female was taunting him... Like she had been trying to provoke him. His mind raced as he considered just what her goal was, but came up blank. She had just appeared. She was not like the other's who had tried to dart or cage or capture him... She was a curiosity, and the way her tail flickered to and fro while she ran from him told him she wasn't trying to escape. Curiosity burning, he continued to run along after her scent, this strange vixen who had interrupted his meal...

The vixen looked over her shoulder, making sure the wolf was still following her, and when she saw the bushy grey tail between the trees about fifty yards back, she picked up her pace, laughing just to taunt him some more. "Please? Is that the best you can do?" She called over her shoulder, grateful for all the early morning runs she'd done over the last month. The wolf growled, and she heard his own pace increasing to match her stride for stride. In fact, when she looked back, it almost seemed like the wolf was gaining on her. Perfect...

The large, wooden red barn appeared ahead of her in the midst of a large clearing, standing out like a sore thumb. Everything had been set up for her, and the place purpose built just for this phase of the field testing of the prototype. The doors were wide open, a welcoming sight for the Vixen. She sprinted from the tree line, jumping through the doorway before she came to a halt against the concreted floor, turning to face the wolf pursuing her. When he began to slow, she turned around again, calmly walking back into the middle of the darkened barn, and disappearing behind a small row of medical curtains that had been set up clearly to hide something in the center of the structure.

The wolf slowed down, stopping at the very edge of the doorway. He sniffed the air, trying to scent out a trap, or more of the bi-peds just waiting to capture him... But it was curious, like the Vixen he had followed. There was nothing else there. The smell of the Vixen was in there, but no others, not even the scent of the crude spray their hunters tried to mask their scent's with. He cocked his ears, trying to hear them, but all was silent aside from the forest.

Cautiously, he took a step forward, and then another, making his way into the bar with his sleek form crouched low, keeping quiet. There was a sudden 'twing' as something snapped, and he looked down at his forepaw, the thin piece of wire pulled taut against his foot. The barn doors swung shut behind him, and he growled, hackles raised. The clashing 'boom' of the wooden bar falling into place told him he was trapped in here, but there was a new scent now.

"Ahh, so good of you to follow me... You're like a good pup... Maybe while you're here we can get you to come on command as well..." The Vixen's voice taunted him, and overhead, a large trio of lights flicked on, illuminating the interior. It was bare, save for the square of curtains, but even as he watched, the Vixen did her rounds, pulling back the cloth covers and exposing the contents. There was something there, something... Intriguing, that he hadn't seen them use before... And that scent that filled the air...

"Wolf bitch pheromones, from one o our other subject's estrus." The Vixen explained, watching as the wolf sniffed the air, trying to determine the source of it... The scent was coming from that strange thing in the middle of the square though by a table with some strange objects set out on it... Some kind of trap? His mind was becoming hazy as the scent just got stronger and stronger. It was already having a profound effect on the Alpha wolf, his thick sheath beginning to fill out between his shaggy, grey furred haunches. The wolf shook his head from side to side, trying to shake off the effect of the estrus scent. He knew it wasn't a real bitch there. Just a crude imitation of one. It was a trap, it had to be, and he... wouldn't... fall... for... it.

Yet when he looked again, he was already padding towards the crude imitation of a bitch's behind, sniffing beneath where it's tail should have been. The scent was thickest and he knew he had found it's source, his tongue flicking out unwillingly. The scent was there, but the flavor was cold... It wasn't a bitch at all, but everything was becoming cloudy, and that vixen who had lured him here was just watching on with rapt fascination.

"Just give it another minute, you'll like this..." She smiled, and the wolf growled in response, snapping at her when she took a step closer to his bitch. She grinned, hmm'ing thoughtfully as she stood back up at his side. Extracting a small tape measure from one of her pockets, she took the wolfs length and height, pulling his tail out straight behind him.

She reached over to a small white table that had been set up beside the false bitch, picking up her voice recorder as she shrugged off her jacket, replacing it with a white lab coat that hung over the back of the observation seat.

"Subject Oh dash oh one two has been successfully brought to the breeding mount, and is under the effect of the pheromones deployed from it. Subject is a grey wolf. Initial measurements for height, four feet, eight inches. Estimated weight is one hundred and eighty pounds. The largest specimen I have personally ever encountered..." She spoke into the small black box.

The wolf had long since given up listening to her voice droning on though. His nose was buried under the bitch's rear, sniffing at the slit he knew was a fake, but his mind didn't care by then. With a growl, he reared up, his forepaws landing on the back of the hard, cold bitch, as he stepped forward, wrapping his paws around the dummy's middle. His length was peeking from his sheath, a glistening red spade shaped tip probing with his slow humps, trying to find this bitch's tight cunt to fill.

"Subject had mounted the breeder, and we can begin recording..." The vixen watched on, fascinated at this specimen in particular. She clicked on a small console upon the table, flicking on the recording camera's that had been set up around the barn to monitor each new subject, strategically bolted to the wooden rafters of the ceiling.

The heat pheromones had worked a charm, and she smirked. It almost seemed like it had been to easy in all honesty, and she wafted her paw in front of her muzzle, trying to clear the air a little. Perhaps a little too many capsules of the heat pheromones though... It would clear soon enough. She noted it down in her ledger before she looked back up, observing the wolf's hips as he humped the air behind the breeding dummy.

He took another step forward, bringing his hips up until they were hitting the rear of the mount with each thrust, his length slipping free from his sheath. As an estimate, she would have put it at eight, maybe nine inches before the knot. All of this information was relevant. Every note would be looked over later and used for future adjustment of the prototype. Soon they would have a fully functional specimen collection method that required no intervention or assistance on the handler's part. The small glass vials that sat on a metal conveyor of sorts beneath the mount moved into position, just as the wolf let out a growl of victory. He'd found his mark.

The wolf growled as the bitch yielded beneath him, his length parting her warm, wet folds as he slid home. She was tight, maybe her first heat even. He didn't care. Instincts were driving his hips, and he rutted her like he would any bitch, his girth swelling to it's full size once his sheath was pressed to this female's slit, hilting himself with each thrust, his knot messily grinding against her outsides, trying to force himself in.

"Subject time from mounting to penetration is 14.3 seconds. The new model has reduced that time and the need for technician assistance." She dictated into her small voice recorder, watching with a rapt scientific fascination. Sure, she enjoyed sex as much as the next vixen, but this was strictly work, and the way that the dummy worked the wolf would be her next point of interest. "Commencing stage one stimulation testing now..." She spoke to the room as she leaned over to the table, flicking a single switch upon the breeding mounts control unit. "Predicted thesis on the stimulation unit is that it will be able to produce larger quantities and quality of semen from a healthy subject, as well as encourage multiple orgasms, in a single mounting."

Over on the breeding mount, the wolf grunted, panting slightly as he bucked his hips into the tight, hot bitch's vent beneath him, pre-seed leaking more than freely from his tip, deep in the female. His thrusts were becoming strained as each thrust his knot stretched those tight lips out a little further around him, trying to embed himself into this bitch to breed her properly. But then something happened, the female beneath him yielded completely, and his knot sank in with a wet squelch, tying him to her, the breeding mount's 'muscles' clenching tightly around the engorged bulbus glandis.

"Relaxant mechanism triggers flawlessly, de-compressing the silicon gel used in the construction of the breeder's tunnel. Once the subject's knot is inside, the gel can then be re-compressed, tightening the construct comfortably around the specimens penis, while constricting around the knot, preventing escape." She stated calmly as she reached over to the control panel again, pressing the same switch a second time. "The constriction feature is also designed to assist in the greater production amounts of semen, as it is able to restrain the subject until the desired release time..."

The wolf grunted pleasurably as the bitch beneath him tightened up around him, those hot, wet lips sealing up around the base of his shaft. His humps became shorter, the slick friction tingling along his shaft, sending pleasure along the lupine's nerves in waves as he thrust what little of his member that was free to slip back and forth. The warming lube that had been slathered into the breeding dummy before he ever saw it created an interesting sensation, unlike any bitch he had had before. But regardless, to the wolf's hazed mind, it was just another bitch more than ready to bear him pups. He growled firmly, before biting down on the patch of fur on the otherwise smooth bitch's neck, picking up his pace and hammering away into the breeder.

"Stimulation phase two consists of motorized gears applying pressure around the knot while massaging the length of the specimens shaft, inducing pleasure while additional heat pheromones centered around the neck of the breeding mount release in a small burst of mist, encouraging the specimen to climax in a euphoric state of hormone driven lust." The Vixen seemed transfixed on the sight before her, standing up to walk over. The wolf turned his head and snarled at her when she came close, but she simply ignored the empty threat, kneeling down beside the dummy to observe it from beneath as the massaging motors kicked in, the fleshy colored tube and gel filled exterior compressing and tightening arithmetically around the wolf's visibly twitching shaft.

"Subject is reacting well to the added stimulation of the massage motions, our next step is testing the prolonging mechanism..." She stated smoothly in the silky voice she used when recording things like this. This wolf certainly wasn't the first specimen, but perhaps, willing enough, he might be the only one they needed for testing in future. She flicked a small button on the control panel, and suddenly, the massaging motors ceased completely, and a quiet hissing filled the room.

The Wolf growled as the bitch beneath him suddenly seemed to relax beneath his thrusts, but that didn't stop him from trying to give her his pups, like his hormone driven lust demanded he do. But then something entirely different and unexpected happened that made him yelp, his mind clearing almost instantly as ice-water was pumped through thin plastic tubes surrounding the outside of the breeder's hole. The sudden shock to his length made him snap out of his haze, a moment before the water in the tubes warmed again, and the massaging motors began anew.

"Wha, What is this!?" He growled, looking to the Vixen with fire in his eyes. He didn't appreciate being made a mockery of, and when he looked at the dummy below him, he knew it wasn't a bitch at all, just another, more clever trap, that had him by the balls in a more literal sense than he liked. He snarled at the female as she stood up, padding her way across to the Dummy to stand at his side, a very sly vulpine grin on her muzzle.

"Oh, so you're back with us now are you? Good. I needed a healthy male sample to test this newest version of our breeding mount you see, and the domestic animals and enclosure wolves just don't give them the same treatment that a wild alpha male would." She reached under the dummy, and he growled as she felt a firm grip tighten around the silicon sleeve that kept his cock in a vice-like grip, ensuring he couldn't pull himself out until his knot was deflated entirely. Her pock stroked along the sleeve a few times, and she smirked, watching the mess of the wolf's pre-seed dripping into one of the collection containers.

'And can you really say it's all that bad? You seem to be enjoying it..." She teased him with a swish of her tail as her paw clenched tightly around his knot, making another dribble of preseed slip from his tip and through the thin clear tube to the first specimen container below the mount.

His short snarl was cut off as the small vibrating, massaging muscles suddenly picked up their pace, and his hips instinctively rolled into the tight, gripping vent around him, the male groaning as he tried to resist his body's urges. "You... trickster..." He tried to sound threatening, but the sensations running through his body made him growl, baring his teeth as he began to hump more firmly into the breeder, lowering his haunches until his cock was hilted as deep as it would reach.

"Oh hush... You're enjoying it, and I'm not interested in skinning you for your fur afterwards. You get to feel like a male, and I get the research data I've been after. It's a win/win situation really." The Vixen shrugged with a smirk as she stood back up, returning to her observation chair with a deft flick of her tail. Her eyes flicked up from her note scrawling occasionally to watch the wolf as he lost his battle to his baser instincts, the urge to breed defeating the realization that the thing he bred was not in the slightest bit fertile.

"Subject reacted as thought to the prolonging measures. A differing sensation to the one expected from the mount seems an effective way to cancel out orgasmic buildup. From a scientific standpoint, I would rate the system as one appropriate for installation on the final model." She gave a short nod after thinking about her wording for a moment. It would do when it came time to present her final report on this prototype.

Over on the breeder, the wolf was huffing and panting, his tongue lolling from his muzzle as his hips rolled forward, his thrusts becoming more frantic and erratic. The sensations of this not-bitch gripping his knot so tightly were becoming almost unbearable, the massaging motors squeezing and caressing his knot, while ripple like motions ran from the base of his shaft to his tip, like it was trying to draw every last drop from him. And as much as he tried to fight it, he was leaking like a tap, the males dripping preseed having already filled one of the sample beakers beneath the mount.

The little conveyor belt moved along, sliding the next sample container into place at the end of the breeding mount's passage. The lewd bulge in the stretchy silicon mold of a bitch's sex was almost obscene, the wolf's knot having blossomed to its full size, stretching the passage to what must have been it's limits. The vixen was almost surprised that it hadn't burst yet. Still, she was obliged to document it as well, and picking up one of the smaller camcorders mounted on a tripod at the front of the dummy, she moved back around it's its side, crouching down to get a better look.

As it turned out, his knot had in fact torn the silicon passage just slightly. She traced her finger along the round, balloon like bulge, feeling the small mechanisms built into the pseudo-sex still working, but as if they were running strained or on half-charge. She hmm'd quietly, before giving the wolf a firm squeeze about the base of his shaft, and standing back up. "You certainly seem to be liking this like an eager little pup..." She teased, the wolf turning to snarl once more at her, but instead only managing some quiet, pleasured whimpers. "Good boy." She grinned after a moment, before walking back to her seat. He wouldn't be long now at all.

This was... Not his proudest moment, the wolf thought as his hips, long since beyond his mind's control, continued to buck himself into the 'breeding dummy' beneath him, the pleasure filled sensations traveling from his cock making him whine almost like a desperate puppy... This woman had done this to him, taken him from his rightful place as Alpha of the forest and made him into little more than part of her experiment, a dog to perform her little research trick.

He snarled and growled at that thought, hot rage flashing through him as he snapped at the mount in front of himself, his teeth clamping down onto the scruff of the breeder's 'neck', his hips moving into a frantic and primal fucking like his ancestors would have given that vixen bitch to put her in her place.

"Subject seems to have reacted to an increase in the speed of the stimulation system, and I predict a conclusion to the test momentarily..." The vixen spoke her thoughts quietly into the recorder, slowly lowering the device as she watched on with a satisfied smirk. This test couldn't have gone more perfectly if she had wanted it to...

The wolf for his part could feel his peak building up rapidly, the heat and pressure building behind his knot as his swinging furred sac began to clench up. He looked over the the Vixen grinning at him, and quickly looked away again, growling as his mind began to lose itself to the pleasure coursing through his nerves. Why did she have to be watching this, recording this? It was like she wanted him to feel the humiliation of having forced him to mount this breeding dummy of hers. An elaborate trap to capture him, just like all the others. Unlike the others though, she had succeeded.

A mixed growl and groan left his muzzle as his furred sac tightened up against the base of his sheathe, and the Wolf knew he couldn't hold himself back any longer if he had tried. Biting his teeth down firmly into the patch of scruff, he snarled as his shaft began to pulse, a thick wad of wolf spunk building up behind the tip for a moment before with a grunt and a pleasured gasp, his peak arrived like a dam breaking.

The first jet of the pearly white wolf cream spattered thickly against the end of the collection tunnel, the ripples in the silicon sex drawing the lupine seed down to the specimen tube, the thin glass pipe ferrying the creamy sample downwards. It spilled into the first beaker, the small glass cup filling up rapidly as more and more of the wolf's sperm flooded from his tip, his cock throbbing and pulsing as he spent himself into the breeding mount.

Watching on from her seat, the Vixen smiled, surprised he was quite so... Productive. The first beaker, filled almost to overflowing, quickly shifted, a spatter of the wolf's cream spilling onto the small conveyer belt before a second empty beaker was moved into position to catch the male's musky scented seed. Even from her seat the smell of sex had filled the barn, and she wrinkled her nose as she moved in closer to take the first beaker and seal its lid. "Hmmm, you certainly were pent up weren't you?" She mused, the wolf sighing softly as his orgasm began to wane. Walking back to her desk, she flicked the massaging motors off, letting the wolf's oversensitive prick relax at last as the last dregs of his cum filled the second beaker to the top.

The Vixen's tail swished slowly as she looked on, before making the final notes of her report. "Subject climax total quantity was approximately to 200 milliliters, a measure several times greater than a typical male wolf's climax, and over five times greater than the recorded average. One minor fault is that the collect tube failed to seal again during transition between collection containers, and will need to be repaired again before further tests can be conducted. In conclusion, the breeder's progress is coming along well. A few minor modifications for greater capacity in the breeding tube may be required as well for added durability... " She finished, reaching over and flicking off the cameras mounted around the barn.

She took a few steps over towards the wolf who looked exhausted, panting and with his tongue lolling from the corner of his muzzle. He had certainly outperformed all of the other wolf's they had used thus far in the study, both from zoo's and wild caught. Indeed, he wasn't quite like any other wolf she had seen. The two beakers of his cum had more than proven that, not even starting on the fact he could talk. She tilted her head inquisitively, her bushy red tail flicking with curiosity.

"You know, an ordinary wolf would have only filled half of one of these." She pointed out, tapping the side of the beaker with one of her nails, the glass clinking softly as she showed him.

He managed a sort of half hearted chuff, his eyes flicking up to meet the Vixen's own. "I'm not like... Other wolves. I'm a real Alpha, not simply a leader of a pack... But a... Better wolf. .. Or I was... What do you plan to do with me now? You got what you wanted, didn't you? Am I to be some sort of freak show for you bi-peds? A curiosity to be studied by the white coats and an oddity for the masses curiosity?" He spoke with a clear understanding of what was likely going to be his fate, but he had been caught. He had already accepted it as a certainty. But then the Vixen simply smiled at him, reaching in slowly and scratching behind his ears, a contact he found... He liked quite a bit.

"Actually... I've been following you for quite some time now, watching you, hearing you... Talk, it's all quite surprising." She smiled almost nervously, like now that he wasn't under her spell, he could lash out at any moment. Or might have, had he the energy for it. "I think I have a better idea for you though... You see, this breeder... It's not actually finished yet. It's a prototype that I've been testing out for effectively, and I didn't mean to make you feel bad, but I needed a better subject to test it... I was thinking that, perhaps if you were interested... Maybe you could help me with that. I mean, I do need a subject to test it out, and perhaps even you could suggest some improvements from your, uhm... Experience."

The Wolf blinked, his knot finally beginning to deflate. He tugged his hips firmly backwards, pulling himself free and dismounting the breeder. The Vixen took a quick step back, fear clear on her features. He chuckled quietly at her. "...Perhaps... I might just do that... It had been a long time after all... Two moons from now, if you return with your... Prototype... To this barn, then perhaps I shall as well..."

She let out a visible sigh of relief, escorting him over to the door and lifting the heavy bar, sunlight flooding into the previously darkened barn. "Two moons then?" She asked as he brushed past her, padding out onto the grass, his course taking him back to the forest.

"Two moons, bi-ped... I will see you again then." And with that, he disappeared into woods, his tail the last thing to vanish beyond the tree line. The Vixen grinned from the doorway, before she turned back towards her desk, sitting down to write down the results of her test... She would have quite a report to hand in from now on. She'd need to work hard to get the next version ready in time.