First Day On the Job: Part 1

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#1 of First Day on the Job

Because I've probably got an unhealthy obsessionattraction to Kokuhane's Razul, I decided to write up a small drabble involving Thunder and him. It's Thunder's first day on the job as a gardener and he finds himself the victim of a certain red drake.

He had to admit, working here didn't seem to be as bad as he thought it was going to be. He just had to show up every day, see what needed some trimming, or give the owner a hand at other manual labor related tasks and that was it for the day. The pay was decent, so he couldn't complain at all. The eastern dragon stared at the hedge as he cut and trimmed pieces off the edge to return it to some form of normality.

Seriously, just because the owner was a ghost didn't mean the place's front lawn and garden had to look as dead as him.

"Eh, I'm just exaggerating. " Thunder mumbled, moving back and wiping some beads of sweat off his brow. While it wasn't his greatest job yet, a few seemingly normal few bushes and trimmed trees at least gave the place the face lift it deserved. The hard job was keeping everything looking like this for a while.

Stretching his arms, the dragon noticed that he'd been sweating through his shirt. Grumbling, the eastern dragon looked around nervously, eyes darting around the area. Okay, there didn't seem to be anyone here just yet. Despite being quite large and muscular, Thunder lacked the sort of bravado and smugness that came with his species. Even though he was reduced to going shirtless a lot due to various reasons starting from his friends, he still wasn't used to inadvertently showing off.

He even noticed the ghost was sneaking a few glances at him and a line of drool while they were talking. He did have his sleeves rolled up since his biceps couldn't breathe in a long sleeve shirt, and his shirt buttoned down due to the same reason with his pecs. "I had it coming." He shook his head as he unbuttoned his shirt. With a sigh of relief, he slipped off the wet shirt off and tied it around his waist.

"Damn, no wonder I couldn't breathe, thing was suffocating me..." Thunder rumbled as he began to massage the fuzzy mounds of muscle that were his pecs. Taking another look around, a blush rose up on the eastern's face as he took a bit more time tending to his chest. This said tending involved a few more squeezes and gropes, along with a slight tease by twisting one of his nipples. Adjusting his pants for a moment, the dragon stopped with a huff before a set of red scaled hands found them on the eastern's pecs.

"Why hello there, cutie~."


Thunder looked behind him to see an almost familiar scaled and spiked face settling on a shoulder, continuing to knead and grope his chest. His face flushed even darker as those hands started to work on his nipples, pinching and twisting them gently.

The dragon behind him growled perversely. "Big fella, aren't ya. Guessing Koku decided to hire ya or something?"

Thunder squirmed around in the male's grip, his chest flexing in some sort of attempt to get him off, but it seemed to only make his grip tighten. As much as he didn't like the invasion of privacy, his kneading and groping felt too good for him to make any more attempts at resistance.

"Y-yeah, if you mean that ghost." Thunder managed to work out through several huffs and pants.

"Yup, that's him. Guy's got really good taste from what I can see here." The red scaled dragon leaned in, purring in Thunder's ear. A low groan rose up from the eastern's throat, almost grinding back against his captor, tail curling around his leg.

"Name's Razul. Me and a couple of others live here, so you'll be seeing a lot of me if you stick around. Though I think I've already convinced you somewhat." He chuckled. One of the scaled hands on his chest reached down to slowly grip and stroke the massive tent the eastern was sporting. Another moan slipped from his mouth before Razul's grip was nonexistent, making the furred dragon turn around to get a good look at him.

"Uh...y-yeah." Was all Thunder could get out of his mouth before Razul grinned and resumed talking.

"Hopefully I'll catch ya when you're off work. Possibly get a bit more acquainted with each other since we'll be seeing each other a lot." Razul gave a wink and a wave before walking off, leaving Thunder's face darker than his scales before he got himself together a few minutes later.

Staring back at the bush, Thunder's tail swished in thought. He had two plans to do before he could get back to work.

One was to find out where exactly Razul lived for some well deserved payback.

And the second was to find a secluded bathroom to get rid of his raging boner.