Walls Book 1 - Ch 6 : Repercussions

Story by Raedwulf on SoFurry

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#11 of Walls

Chapter 6 - Repercussions

510 A.R. July9,Volkov Household,Morning

I thought of Peter, his scent, and the fine fur along his chest. I hugged him and nuzzled his neck in a loving embrace.

Something slapped me in the muzzle without warning and made me shudder in surprise as I let go.

I opened my eyes and found myself looking at the back of Jason's head.

Jason moved and glanced back at me, "What are you doing?"

My hand went to my muzzle while my ears folded back, "Sorry..."

Jason glanced down at my groin and started staring.

I glanced down at my shorts and noticed that they had shifted to the point where the top of my sheath could be seen. It took me a moment to get to my senses as I reached down and pulled the shorts up to cover myself.

"Sorry about that," I said.

Jason grew red in his face and lay down once more without a word, "Don't you have any underwear?"

"... One layer of fabric is enough," I whispered as I got up.

"You whimper and growl in your sleep."

"Oh," I answered.

"What were you dreaming about?" Jason asked.

I thought back but had little memory apart from my lingering but conflicting attraction to Peter.

"I've already forgotten," I answered.

Jason glanced back once more, "What do you usually dream about?"

I stretched a little and yawned, "All sorts of things."

"Hunting?" Jason asked.

"Are you sure you want to hear these things Jason?"

"Yes," Jason answered.

"Yes, I've been dreaming of running through the forest, catching a scent, getting on all four, tracking it, I usually don't get to eat since I wake before that... I think I get too excited."

"That's..." Jason whispered.

My ears clamped to my head, "Monstrous? Bestial? Yeah... I guess."

"What does it feel like? Being like you are?"

I shrugged, "I feel like myself... there's a lot to learn, new influences, new instincts, but I don't think that my core has changed, this is just another aspect of who I am now."

Jason sat up and looked me in the eyes, "But you must be able to look back at your old self and see the huge changes?"

"Of course..."

"And you used to be so scared, and now you... sound like you're embracing this."

"I was scared of change because it meant something bad to me, most of the changes so far have been weird... but good. Like last night, you were almost blind out there in the darkness but to me it was like a stroll at dawn. So yes, I am embracing it."

"And you're growing bigger for each day that passes," Jason murmured.

"Should I be ashamed of that?" I asked.

"..." Jason didn't answer.

"So why these questions? What are you looking for Jason?"

"Nothing, I'm just trying to understand and you're the first honest hybrid I've come across."

"I think a lot about these things as well Jason, I doubt and fear, I examine and I evaluate. Nothing has taken over my mind, at least not so far."

Jason gave me a skeptical look, "How do I know that?"

"I guess you can't, and neither can I... other than by trusting my own perception of the world that is."

"Yeah," Jason whispered.

"So what's the game plan Jason? Are you going to university today?"

"I doubt it, soon my parents are going to realize I'm gone and then all hell breaks loose."

"Want some breakfast until that happens?" I asked.

Jason nodded and made a slight smile, "Sure."

After a bathroom visit and a bit of grooming we headed downstairs to find mother and father in the kitchen.

"Morning Jason," Mother said.

"Morning Maria," Jason said with a humbled smile.

Mother approached with a light smile, "Have a seat, we've got boiled eggs, bread and all kinds of cold cuts. Want some tea or a cup of coffee?"

Jason seemed confused and a bit unnerved, "Tea, thank you."

Mother walked back while Jason leaned in and whispered by my ear, "Do your parents make breakfast for you?"

I made a gentle shake with my head, "We just prefer to eat together before everyone leaves, she's extra kind now that you're here."

"Oh," Jason said.

I glanced over at father and noticed that his ears had swiveled in our direction, I ignored it and sat down beside father while Jason took the seat next to me.

"Morning," I said as I looked at father.

Father glanced over at me with a skeptical eye and then leaned in.

"Morning," Father said as he sniffed by my neck and muzzle.

I reciprocated and exchanged scents before leaning back, to my surprise father looked rather relieved.

"What?" I asked as I met father's eyes.

"Nothing," Father whispered.

Breakfast was peaceful but silent and Jason was quick to help out as he joined mother by the dishwasher.

I decided to confront father and walked up by him, "What's with that look earlier?"

"Curious scent," Father commented.

"I slept beside him, not with him," I whispered.

Father made a light nod and then walked away, "Keep it that way."

I found his behavior strange but didn't chase after as my attention turned to Jason once more.

I joined them by the dishwasher and was about to speak up when the sudden sound of the door bell cut through the house. It felt like a call of impending doom and everyone became tense while Jason glanced back at me with renewed horror.

Father marched by the kitchen and leaned in, "Stay here."

He then moved on and I could hear him walk up to the main door. I followed and stopped just by the exit of the kitchen so that I could hear what was going on.

Father opened the door and Charles agitated voice cut through in an instant, "Is Jason here!?"

"Yes," Father said simply.

There was a moment's pause followed by pure rage in Charles voice, "Get him out here this instant!"

"Your son has sought haven here Charles," Father said.

I glanced into the hallway and could see a trace of Charles body past father's huge frame.

"You monsters! Kidnappers! Get him out here or I'll call the cops and have you all arrested!?"

"We are not keeping him here by force," Father answered.

I could see Charles step closer when a sudden, dark, and menacing growl emanated from father.

Charles leaped back in an instant with a horrified gasp.

Father glimpsed back and caught sight of me, "Ask Jason if he wants to talk with his father."

I looked back into the kitchen and caught sight of Jason, he was hugging his chest and looked nauseous while staring at the floor.

"Jason?" I asked.

Jason shook his head and whispered, "No."

I looked back into the hallway, "Jason says no."

"BULLSHIT! I'm not letting you freaks take my son!" Charles screamed.

I was caught by surprise as Jason pushed up beside me, he then looked into the hallway and yelled out.

"Leave me alone! I'm not coming home or going to the UCS."

Charles moved to the side of the door and manage to catch a glimpse of Jason.

"Why are you doing this Jason!?" Charles yelled out in confusion.

Jason hesitated with a pained look on his face, "I want my own life and you're making a mistake if you think emigrating to the UCS is going to solve anything."

Charles looked shocked, "... Then we won't, please... just come back home Jason, your mother is worried sick with the thought of you being with these... creatures."

Jason looked away with a tired if somewhat disgusted look twisting his face, "Leave me alone! I'll come back home when I'm ready."

"Father Osmond can help Jason! You're just a bit confused! Please!" Charles screamed.

Father grabbed the door and gave Charles a light shove to push him out-of-the-way. Charles stumbled back but didn't resist any further as father shut the door.

510 A.R. July9,Volkov Household,Midday

"What are you doing?" Jason asked.

I glanced back and saw Jason standing by the entrance to my room.

"Research, I'm trying to read up on the HTS program at university."

Jason stepped into the room and seemed to look me over, "You lost your shirt again."

I glanced down at my furred chest, "It's warm, do you mind?"

"No," Jason said as he walked closer and glanced down at the pad in my hands.

I pointed at the pad, "It sounds interesting. History in the form of learning about the restoration and the old world. Technology in learning how to use and build on the tech we've rediscovered. Society in learning how to meld all those together in order to build the next generation."

Jason sat down next to me in the sofa, "Like I said, jack of all trades, master of none."

"What about your own program?"

"IT, what can I say, algorithms and programming galore."

"Is it interesting?" I asked.

"Used to be," Jason answered.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked.

"All we do is talk Vilkas," Jason said with a sigh.

"... So what should we do?" I asked.

Jason shrugged, "I don't know, my mind keeps going in circles, where do I go from here? What can I possibly do?"

A certain thought lingered in my head but I didn't voice it, Jason seemed to notice however.

"I know what you're thinking," Jason said.


"You're thinking that I should just do what you did, get a symbiont."

"... Would that be so bad?" I asked.

Jason frowned, "Yes, it would. I don't know the state of my own mind, and you want me to do some weird ass mind-meld with an animal that would turn me into a beast like you."

My ears folded back while I returned the frown, "You haven't let up one bit, have you?"

"My parents are fucked up, my own beliefs are... screwed up, but you... this society... you're just as screwed up. This planet is fucked."

"I'm actually beginning to really like this place, everything is starting to make sense, it's exciting."

"You're delusional," Jason retorted.

"And you're looking for a fight by the sound of it."

"You challenge my beliefs, why can't I challenge yours?" Jason asked.

"All right, give it your best shot then," I said with a slight grin.

"This pack of yours, how long have you known them?" Jason asked.

"I had never met them before my adventure in the forest."

"So, you spent a few days together in the woods. Do you like them?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Do you trust them?"

"... Somewhat at least," I answered.

"Do you miss them?"

"Yes," I whispered.

"A lot?" Jason asked.

"Yeah I do, what's your point?"

"Just listen to yourself Vilkas, you ran around like animals for a few days in the forest and now you're crazed about them. Did you screw any of them?"

"Maybe, why is that important?" I asked.

"Do you love him?"

I raised my brow, "Don't be ridiculous."

"So who's the alpha of your pack?"

"... Jason," I whispered with a sigh.

"You said I should give it my best shot, so who's the alpha of your pack?"


"Is that the same one you screwed with?"


"So who's next in this hierarchy of yours?"

I twirled my thumbs, "I think I am, but the others haven't made much claim."

"Would you do what your alpha demands?" Jason asked.

"I don't know, if it's reasonable I guess," I answered.

"You should see the packs at university, they act like everything's normal, but I can see it, you people have the spirits of animals inside you and it'll only entrench itself further until you're nothing but an obedient drone."

"Humans have hierarchy as well, you remember school right?" I asked.

"Humans are far from perfect but you hybrids are a huge step worse, you divide yourself by species and rank in a way humans never will."

"I have my doubts whether it's as bad as you say."

Jason shrugged, "Things are what they are, you've already changed and so has your nature."

"And you're still an ass Jason."

"Not to mention how different you've become, the old Vilkas I knew was a shy slim guy with a sharp tongue, you're this buff creature who clings to others and who likes to walk around with as little clothes as possible."

"I've told you, clothes aren't that comfortable with fur and it's not like I'll walk around like this outside."

"Yet," Jason added.

I sighed and shook my head as I looked at Jason, "Seriously?"

"Just wait, I've seen people screw each other like animals in the shower rooms, people chasing each other and fighting because a female came into 'heat'."

I smirked, "I think you're lying. And you won't find me chasing after girls at least."

"No, you'll be too busy sucking your alpha's dick."

I glared at Jason and felt anger flare inside my chest, "You're really pushing it now Jason."

Jason glared back as his face twisted in anger, "So what are you going to do? Rip my throat out? Claw me? Eat me?"

I cocked my head, "Why are you doing this Jason?"

"Because I want to see what truly hides inside you."

I bared my teeth, "I'm a hunter, I gave a hare a nip and I crushed its neck like it was a twig."

Jason's eyes grew wider, "Oh, I see."

I relaxed my lips, "I'm also the guy digging through the web in search of an education, I'm also the guy that wants others to be happy and I'm also the guy that went to get you."

"I think you'll fit in just fine with this society by the sound of it," Jason answered.

"And so can you Jason, and I don't mean you have to become a hybrid. Look around, search for jobs in unconventional places, one of my packmates was 22 and worked in a library before he became a hybrid."

"Why did he hesitate?" Jason asked.

"I'm not sure to be honest, but he made a decision in the end."

"And now you're all bloodthirsty wolves," Jason said as he rolled his eyes.

"... Wolves do represent the wilderness. But we're on the extreme end of the spectrum, why not find a type of hybrid that's more suited to your own philosophy?"

"And what the hell would that be?" Jason asked.

"How about a fox? They look a lot like humans."

"Apart from the fur, tail, muzzle, and ears you mean?" Jason said with a raised brow.

I showed Jason my hand, "Look at my hand, it'd look like a paw if it had changed a bit more and I have fully formed paws as feet, I have a hunchback and I don't have much of a neck because the musculature is so massive. No one is going to mistake me for a human no matter the distance."

"... At least you're aware of how you look," Jason said.

"And I like it," I added.

"... Uh huh," Jason whispered.

"How about going to see Athena at the testing center? She's very wise."

"You mean one of those super AI's?" Jason said.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you know about her."

"I study IT, of course I know about it. It's just a machine you know, it's not alive."

"She seems rather alive to me," I said.

Jason shook his head with a look of disgust, "A machine goddess, I guess that's tangible enough for you to put your faith in."

"She's not a god," I said.

"I agree, that doesn't mean people won't treat it like that though. It's omnipresent, omniscient, and it speaks with a gentle and understanding voice, a perfect goddess for a people ruled by animal instinct."

"I think you're scared that she might change your mind," I said.

"Yes," Jason answered.

"I meant... not by force, just by talking," I said.

"I'm only human, the words of a false prophet can lead one astray."

"And so you think its better to hide rather than challenge your own beliefs? Not a very strong conviction you have there Jason."

Jason's look darkened into something akin to pure hatred as he glared at me, "Fuck you Vilkas."

I took it as a slight victory, "So, still wanna go to that retro convention in two days?"

Jason huffed and made a human growl of anger before looking away, "Yes."

510 A.R. July** 9 *,* Volkov Household *,* Night**

My heart was still pounding I walked into my room and noticed Jason laying by his sleeping spot. Jason glanced up from the mattress and gave me an odd look.

"What?" I asked as I tried not to pant.

"I saw you and your dad. Did you enjoy it? Chasing a stick?" Jason asked.

I stretched a little and ignored the sarcasm in his voice, "Yes, yes I did."

"You're really close to your dad, aren't you?" Jason asked.

I nodded, "Yeah I am, a lot more now that I can begin to understand things from his viewpoint."

Jason waved his hands in the air and spoke like a wise magician sharing wisdom, "The vast knowledge of chasing stick, a mastery tamed only by decades of training!"

I snorted and began to laugh as I shut the door, "I know that it's silly Jason, but it's fun. Wrestling, scuffling about, it gets your heart thumping and it gets rid of this energy that builds up inside me."

Jason threw me another glance and raised his brow, "You're clambering over each other, fighting over a stick."

"It's not about the stick Jason, it's about playing, it's about... being close and friendly with each other, training and exercise made into a fun game."

"Some people like watching others struggle over a ball from a distance, at least you're doing the actual 'sport'."

I exhaled and sat down on my bed, "Are you heading to the university tomorrow?"

"Yeah, afternoon class, I don't know how I'm going to get my car though," Jason said.

"We can go together and use my car, I'm going there for a talk with the study counselor anyway."

"... You're serious about studying there?" Jason asked.

"Yeah," I said with a nod.

"Uh huh."

I reached for the bed light when Jason gave me a curious look.

"What?" I asked as my claw rested on the switch.

"You're going to sleep in your own bed tonight?" Jason asked.

"... I figured you didn't like sharing the warmth?" I said.

Jason lay down, "... I don't mind... keep your clothes on though, and don't hump me."

"I won't, I promise," I said as I shut the light off and then settled next to Jason once more.

510 A.R. July** 10 *,* Institute of Technology *,* Midday**

I stepped into the university with Jason by my side. His eyes were aimed at the walls and his gait was like a machine marching through the corridors while I was busy looking around.

In the end I think I attracted more surprised glances than Jason did.

"See," Jason whispered as we entered a less populated hallway.

"I think I got more stares than you did," I said with a grin.

"Maybe... I guess you'll get a double whammy."

"Why?" I asked.

Jason frowned, "Are you serious? You're walking beside the only human in school and you look like something that crawled out of the pits of hell with that black and red fur of yours."

I smirked at the comment as we walked up stopped outside a lecture hall, "So is this where we split?"

"Yeah, unless Communications and Information Policy interests you?"

I stepped back and made a light wave with my hand, "I'll be by my car when you're done."

Jason nodded and then entered the lecture hall in silence while I turned around and started to head back. I had just turned the corner when I came face to face with a group that made me jump in surprise.

There were three wolves and all of them were at least a head bigger than me and blocked the path.

Two of them had regular gray coats while the one in front had a black pelt much like my own. They sniffed the air and looked me in the eyes as their ears perked in interest.

"... Hi?" I said with some unease.

The black one's ears twitched and he frowned a little, "You're not a student here?"

"... Not yet at least," I said.

The black one stepped closer and kept sniffing the air, "Do you... mind?"

It took me a moment to realize what he meant as I nodded and inched a little closer. The black one leaned in and I returned the gesture as our muzzles touched.

It only took moments for the other two wolves to join in as we exchanged scents. The strong scent of the black mingled inside my mind and something clicked in my instincts as I became sure that he was the alpha of the group.

"You smell like... that human," The black one said.

"So?" I asked.

The black one eased back and made a slight grin that showed off his big white canines.

"Just curious pup, I'm Kato... and this is Reville and Monty," Kato said while pointing at the other two.

"I'm Vilkas," I answered.

"Are you looking for something? We could show you the way," Kato said.

"Study councilor," I said.

Kato motioned to the hallway, "Walk with us pup."

I joined Kato's side as we started walking, "Why 'pup'?"

Kato grinned, "You haven't even matured yet pup, you must be what? A few weeks old?"

"Something like that," I answered.

"Ever been on a hunt?" Kato asked.

"I was on my initiation a few days ago, I caught a hare."

Kato's grin turned into the same kind of pleased smile my father had, "Did you like it?"

I couldn't help but smile back, "Yeah."

"Are you planning to become a student here?"

"I want to at least," I answered.

"There aren't many wolves here at the institute, we should stick together if you do."

"I have a pack," I said.

Kato huffed and gave my shoulder a nudge, "Silly pup, so do we. That doesn't mean us wolves can't keep an eye on each other here at the institute."

"Are you in some kind of trouble or something?" I asked.

Kato shook his head, "Nah, we might posture a bit but we're good wolves, our reputation precedes us though."

"I see," I said.

Kato motioned in the direction of the lecture hall we had left, "So about the human?"

"What about him?" I asked.

"Don't play coy pup, why do you smell like him?" Kato asked.

"Jason is living at our place for now, he's in something of a though spot right now."

"You're friends with the human?" Kato asked.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" I asked.

Kato looked me in the eyes for a few moments before answering, "No, say, what clan do you belong to?"

"... I... Don't know to be honest," I answered.

Kato shook his head, "You're so fresh pup you don't even know your clan name. I take it you haven't been to a gathering then?"


Kato pointed to himself, "The three of us are part of the Frostwolf clan, we hail from mountains south of here."

"I see," I answered.

Kato bumped shoulders with me, "Maybe we're relatives, are your parents wolves?"

"My dad is," I said.

"His name?"


"And your last name dummy?" Kato said with a huff.

"Oh, Volkov."

Kato made a bemused grin, "David, son of Wolf, and Iron-Wolf, son of Wolf."

I raised my brow in confusion, "I don't follow."

"Volkov means son or daughter of wolf, Vilkas means iron wolf," Kato filled in.


Kato made a feral grin, "Guess your dad really wanted a pup of his own."

"Yeah, thanks for the lesson Kato," I said.

Kato stopped in front of a door and pointed to it, "You're welcome pup, maybe we'll see each other again?"

"Sure," I said with a nod.

Kato made a courteous nod in return and then withdrew with his friends in tow.

510 A.R. July** 10 *,* Volkov Household *,* Evening**

I looked over at father as we ate dinner, "What clan do we belong to?"

Father's ears perked in an instant as he glanced over at me, "What brought this up?"

"I was curious, I met some wolves at the institute."

Father glanced over at Jason and seemed to hesitate before looking over at me, "We're part of the Silverfang clan."

"I also learned what Volkov means, and what my name means."

"Oh," Father's ears twitched and he seemed a bit embarrassed.

Mother chuckled and looked over at me, "The naming traditions of wolves are silly, but your father insisted on wanting an iron wolf, son of wolf."

Father glanced over at mother, "There is pride in one's heritage and clan, we strive to uphold our individual dignity and to do better than those who came before us."

Mother reached out and touched father's hand, "I know dear."

Father looked over at me, "These wolves, tell me about them?"

"Kato, Reville, and Monty of the Frostwolf clan."

Father made a light nod, "I see."

"Do clans compete or something?" I asked.

"Perhaps the two of us can discuss this later?" Father asked as he looked at me.

"... Sure," I said.

Father scooped up the last on his plate, ate, and left the table.

510 A.R. July** 10 *,* Volkov Household *,* Night**

Father's scent lingered as I followed it out onto the porch. Like usual he was standing in the garden and was observing the night sky with a look of wonder.

I stepped onto the grass and looked up at the sky. The moon was bright and one could see the mysterious metropolis of moon base Alpha located near the north polar region.

"Something on your mind Vilkas?" Father asked.

I made a light smile and looked at father, "Loads of things, all the time. Did I do something bad earlier at dinner?"

Father reached out and pulled me into a warm embrace as he wrapped his arms around me.

"This kind of talk does not belong among humans, it doesn't concern them."

"Us? Them?" I asked as I looked up.

Father ruffled the fur on my head, "They don't understand, you don't either, not yet."

"Go on then. Tell me?"

"There are many clans with differing structures, most of them are centered around the species of a hybrid type. The Silverfang clan is known for our close relations with the Space Initiative. They call on us in time of need and we offer our services."

"And what do we get in return?"

"Representation, information, a glimpse into the inner workings of our society and an opportunity to guide other clans. It is a burden and a responsibility but also a privilege."

"So do clans struggle with each other?"

Father shook his head, "Only on a political level, to raise one's claw against each other is a serious transgression, disputes should be solved with words."

"I see."

"The Frostwolves are... something of a troublesome bunch."

"What do you mean?"

"They live deep in the mountains where the influence of our society is weaker. They fell astray a few decades ago and needed to be corrected."

"What happened?" I asked.

"This is a sensitive topic for the Frostwolves, they are ashamed of it so do not discuss it with them."

"All right."

"Why should a wolf not be free to raise his children as wolves? Why should a machine have any say in how we raise our young? Or for that matter, the Space Initiative?"

"Because... good point, why should they?" I asked.

"That's what the Frostwolves thought as well, and they broke the rules set by our society. The result was a disaster."

"Let's back up a bit, I knew that the Space Initiative wielded power, but I didn't realize they were our rulers?"

"They're not our rulers, they offer recommendations, powerful recommendations that one would be a fool to ignore. They've been doing so ever since the start of the restoration and so far they haven't been wrong. That's why I trust in their recommendations, and that's why I followed Athena's advice when I sent you to Bernard."

"I see."

"The Frostwolves indoctrinated their children, they took them on gruesome hunts and raised them with harsh hands in the belief that they were creating strong wolves. Humans are not hybrids though, our minds are not the same. The minds of their children festered as a result and they began to fail the compatibility tests needed to get a symbiont. An investigation was launched and Athena discovered what they had done."

"What happened?"

"What do you think Vilkas? How does our society solve problems like this?"

"... I have no idea to be honest. Send the police?"

"The defense force assisted us but this was a matter involving wolf clans so Athena told us. Fix this."

"So what did you do?"

"We marched on their place of gathering while Athena gave us a boon, the clouds were banished, a second sun shone in the sky, the ice melted, the ground cracked, and those who dared raise weapons against us were burned to a crisp. The fighting stopped in an instant as they were forced to face the atrocities they committed against their children."

"I see."

"We walked up to them and told them... Mend yourselves, never do this again, or be banished from this world."

"And what if they had disobeyed?"

"I do not know, a horrible slaughter perhaps? I'm glad things worked out as they did."

"Isn't it... a bit contradictory, we have such strict rules when it comes to harming each other, yet you were ready to massacre an entire clan?"

"They broke the rules by raising a generation of humans that became psychopathic monsters, we needed to intervene to preserve our society. "

"Couldn't they see the harm they were doing to their children?"

"Deep down I think they did realize after a while, but the ball had already started rolling and it was too late to back out."

"What happened to the humans?"

"Most of them were either rehabilitated or are likely locked up where they can do no harm."

"This is..." I whispered.

"A horrible tragedy and an important lesson. The Frostwolves did correct themselves with our help and they are no monsters even if they may be a bit harsher than the rest of us."

"Well... the wolves at the institute seemed pleasant enough."

Father's grip on me tightened, "Good, and how did the rest react?"

"I did get a lot of stares," I said.

"Because of Jason?" Father asked.

"I think his presence contributed. Why are you so worried about me being close to him?"

"I just... don't want to see you hurt Vilkas."

I smiled and gave him a tight hug, "I understand dad."

Father nuzzled my head, "You're a good wolf Vilkas."

I eased out of father's grip, "Thanks, I'm a bit tired so..."

"I understand," Father said with a nod.

"Goodnight dad."

I was just about to turn around when father spoke up, "... Wait."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not trying to keep these things from you Vilkas... but there's only so much that I can put on your shoulders at a time. Understand?"

I smiled and nodded, "I understand dad, don't worry about it."

Father seemed to relax and his tail started wagging as a slight smile spread on his face.

"Goodnight Vilkas."

510 A.R. July** 1 *1* , *Volkov Household* , ***Morning*

"Your tail is wagging," Jason commented.

I glanced back at Jason and my tail, "So?"

"Like... since you got up this morning," Jason added.

I shut the zipper on the packing bag and smiled, "That's because we're going to have fun for a few days at the retro convention."

Jason looked skeptical for a few moments but then eased up with a slight smile

"Yeah, what's it like... having a tail?" Jason asked.

I took control of my tail and curled it to the side so that I could grab hold of it. The fur was fine to the touch and it felt like a massage on my spine, "It's like a mood ring, and it's strange but it's really... special to me."

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

I let go and let my tail resume its steady wag, "It's 'my' tail, it's an important part of me even if it's not as useful as an arm or a leg. Being without one is... unthinkable these days."

Jason cocked his head in confusion but didn't comment.

I walked over to my bed and sat down beside Jason, "So what are you so worried about?"

Jason shrugged, "You know, everything. It's hard to relax but I think I'm getting there."

I nudged his shoulder, "Great."

Jason resumed his smile and nudged back, "I don't say this often enough but... thanks. I know that I can be a real pain in the ass, but you're a really good friend Vilkas."

I made a light nod, "Thank you."

"Your dad doesn't seem to like me very much though," Jason whispered.

"It's not that he doesn't like you, he's just a bit overprotective of me."

Jason chuckled, "The giant wolf is scared of a few humans?"

I stood up and stretched, "Something like that, mom promised to make breakfast for us, if you fetch that I'll put the last bag in the car."

Jason nodded and got up, "Sure thing."

I grabbed the bag and followed Jason down the stairs, he diverted into the kitchen while I headed towards the door.

My hand touched the door handle as I heard a sudden chime in the house, I didn't recognize it but shrugged it off as I turned the door handle. Without warning the whole house became like a cacophony of alarm bells as every phone in hearing distance went off, including the one in my pocket.

I reached down to my pocket as I pushed the door open with my shoulder. My hand caught the phone and I brought it up as I glanced down.

Something moved in the edge of my vision and took priority as I glanced up.

There was a shadow as something moved towards me, a split second later it slammed into me.

It was heavy, sharp, and it had struck at my neck with enough force to feel like a sledgehammer.

My eyes grew wide as a strange dull sensation spread throughout my body. I felt warmth and something wet as I heard my phone clatter to the floor while the bag dropped to the ground.

My neck felt heavy and whatever that had struck me had lodged into place as the wet sensation spread.

It poured out, covered my chest, I could hear it dribble and splatter on the ground as I caught something red spurting through the air as it painted the walls.

My vision grew hazy as my mind struggled to comprehend what had just happened.

I felt like I was floating for a moment before my vision shifted as I found myself looking up at the ceiling of the house.

I tried to breathe but I felt like I was drowning as my mouth filled with liquid warmth and a loud gurgle. Sensation began to fade in my arms and legs and was replaced by a tickle like pinpricks.

The loud beat of my heart was mixed with the sharp sound of screams as my eyes began to wander in confusion. So much red, everywhere, it covered the walls, I could feel it drenching my fur.

I caught sight of the object jutting out of my neck, it had a long handle and a metal head.

My lungs stopped trying even as my chest screamed for air while my heart slowed, it struggled, but everything began to fill with a strange sensation of cold and despair.

Even the sensation of cold started to fade and was replaced by sheer nothingness. It was an awful sensation that filled me with desperation and dread unlike any I had ever felt.

My heart made one final beat and my vision faded, I tried to scream but nothing happened as I could neither feel, say, or even hear anything.

I don't want to die...

My mind grasped at straws in desperation to cling onto something that would keep me alive, just for a bit longer, a mere moment, anything.

Like smoke in the windmy thoughtsdispersed until...