Song Lyrics: Slipping Away

Story by Niku Cobalt on SoFurry

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This is supposed to be a pretty fast-paced song. I guess. Enjoy.


I'm stuck here, worn, I'm crying out!

I'm stuck here, worn, I'm tired out!

-- I can't take this anymore!

I've been there, done that--

I've been there, tried that--

--I can't do this anymore!


Why won't somebody save me from this hell!?

Someone break me away?!

I guess this is how you find out...

We all have to save ourselves!


I've been there, for others!

(They need an angel!)

Others, are there for me!

(Looks like I need some devils!)


Those who say they're there for me--

They give it all

Then yank it all from me!

I can't take this, anymore!

Those who are there for me--

They help, but the always (Always!)

Wind up punishing me!


Why won't somebody save me from this hell!?

Someone break me away?!

I guess this is how you find out...

We all have to save ourselves!


Well it's time to start running, to get out of here!

I wanna start running, take me anywhere, but here!

I want to book it, to get out and flee!

Get me the fuck out of this misery!

I've found a way, but I'm running, running in time!

--I've found a way but I'm running, running out of time!

It's all slipping away, my mind going into the fray!

I can't take this at all, my mind can't go through this all!


Why won't somebody save me from this hell!?

Someone break me away?!

I guess this is how you find out...

We all have to save ourselves!