Crystal Flowers

Story by HrisoWolf on SoFurry

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Ah... this is an old story that I never got to finish... It came like a thunder and it disappeared just as fast. I still have the idea in my head, but I am not sure when I will be able to materialize it either as a story or a comic

Crystal flowers First Book "Blades of the falling sun" 1. A rumour followed by many, but few returned back. A rumour so deadly, it shouldn't be tracked. Crystal flowers flourish in its lands. Diamonds spread in its grounds. A rumour made from the Death's hands. A rumour shared from desperate sounds. Unknown Author. "It is time." A thief said in the darkness of the room he was in, his face covered in a thick shadow which his void-black cloak provided. The thief looked down at the streets of the city through a small window, the only window in the room. His silvery eyes were, with great interest, following the night taking her turn after the day in the mighty city of Daruthan, the city with most glory, beauty and secrecy in the continent. The tall buildings, laying a thick barrier of shadows at the little side streets, began to give yet another layer of shadows with the approaching night, the coming darkness. The shabby small streets one by one fell under the ruling of the night, while the glorious and well kept main way, that connected all five districts of Daruthan, was illuminated from lanterns with magical orbs floating in them. The sun hid itself behind the impressive temple of Aroth, which was resting in the middle of the city and at the highest place. In seconds everything changed. The night came and with it, a new life began. The life which was ruled by the God of the Void, as well as gamblers, assassins and prostitutes. Not to mention thieves. The thief glanced carefully to the lightened main street, his eyes slowly adjusting to the new shadows. He spotted a few guards going to rest after their shift, looking at each floating orb on either side, their spears and armour shimmering from the reflected light of the orbs, while their heavy boots cut trough the silence like a well sharpened sword trough flesh. One of the guards almost walked into one of the shadowy alleys, but his companion pulled him away from it. The thief observing all this couldn't help but to smirk. No matter how good the guards and royal knights ruled during the daytime, the night had other rulers. The assassins. No one dared to go out of their home, no one dared to even glimpse during the night hours. The guards were too frightened to go into the shadows, because it would most certainly mean their death. Those were the rules of the black god. This was the city life in Daruthan... The cold air enveloped the fifth and fourth districts with a weak fog. The icy air reached even the thief that was in the top room of the twelve-floor building he was in. He shivered with delight, having missed this nice feeling of the coldness around his body, surrounding him, tracing along his frame like cold paws. The thief's eyes darted over the roofs of those mighty structures, the only place lightened from nature itself. Seeing how the moon's light slid from one roof to another until it reached the great walls, the walls that no one could pass... no one until now. A voice behind the thief made him turn around. "You should relax, Arguin." said the figure hiding in the shadows of the room. Arguin grimaced and said slowly. "How could I, while knowing what we're up to?" He turned to the window once again, looking at the roofs and thinking. Everything was silent, except for the sounds coming from the pubs and coughs, from the freezing guards at night shift, echoing in the empty streets, reaching the thief's fine hearing. His ears twitched, catching the almost impossible to hear steps of his partner. A paw was placed on his shoulder. Arguin looked to the left, without turning his head even an inch, just to see how his partner's smiling face was turned to the window as well. Arguin blinked at the smile. His partner rarely smiled. The ebony-black furred wolf standing next to him was smiling brightly, showing his sharp white dog teeth. The wolf remained silent, looking at the shining stars in the sky, the stars sharing their own history of the town beneath. Arguin turned his head to the black wolf to face him entirely. He was curious about the smile... He wasn't able to hide the great curiosity in his voice while asking. "Why are you smiling Lors? It isn't typical of you to show emotions..." In return the black wolf turned his face to Arguin's, his steel blue eyes meeting Arguin's gaze. The thief felt a shiver run trough his spine. He hated those eyes, yet he loved them in a specific, unique way as well. Arguin felt like Lors could kill someone just by looking at them. The feelings that embraced the thief were like a bless and a curse at the same time, causing his body to tense up and his heartbeat to fasten. He inhaled deeply just to smell a weak scent of his own cold sweat. Lors's eyes were looking right into his soul, or at least that is what the thief believed from the feeling caused by the piercing stare. Arguin gulped hard while looking at the black wolf's smile brightening. Lors felt the tense muscles of his partner's shoulder and began to massage them slowly, to relax him, but with no success. His cold as the night, yet calm voice, with no trace of emotion in it broke the silence. "Arguin, my dear companion, you know the night itself gives me a reason to smile, yet the chills of your tensed body, your eyes displaying the blackness of your soul, darker even than the shadowy nooks of this city, fill my heart with pure joy." The assassin's face momentarily changed its expression, the wild, devilish smile disappearing and a mask of emotionless-ness crawled over it. The thief watched how the assassin's figure turned around and walked to a table in the room. While Lors was checking his gear, Arguin was checking Lors. Wearing a leather armour, covering only his chest, ribs and abdomen, the assassin melted with the environment. Lors took a leather belt from the table and wrapped it around his waist. He stashed two sheathed daggers onto his back, under the cape, long enough to cover his entire body if necessary. The black wolf continued his work, stashing small metal boxes, with belongings unknown to the thief, onto the belt. The assassin stopped. Like feeling the stare at him. He snorted out loudly, almost humorously and continued taking his belongings from the table, a set of small throwing knives that he stashed on a shoulder-belt running from his left shoulder to his right hip. A very small crossbow that the assassin carefully set on his right paw bracer and began reconstructing it to make it look like a normal wooden box at the end. The last items left were five crossbow bolts, fitting the weapon he set on his arm, a medallion, a ring and a puny potion. One after another, the items were put at their usual, for the assassin, places. The bolts were placed on his left leg in a quiver, the ring on the middle finger of his left paw, covered by a leather glove. What was intriguing was that Lors put the medallion in his pocket alongside the potion... The black wolf turned around and looked at the already prepared thief. Lors smiled mischievously. "Scared to see me like this?" Arguin turned his gaze away and shook his head. "No, not at all. Not unless you use your weapons against me." The assassin's expression became lifeless to hide his disappointment. He returned to the window in five fast, silent steps and whispered in his partner's ear, under the hood. "I won't use these weapons against you, dear friend. They will provide a too quick death. As you know I only kill friends that betray me... And I kill them... Slowly." Lors's whispering, frightening words, frigid aura and pauses made the thief freeze on the spot. Arguin felt his heart in his maw and with a hard gulp, he tried to wash that feeling away... His eyes were wide open and when he realized that, he began to concentrate on calming himself. Lors, one of the highest ranked members of the assassin guild "Arashi", had the reputation as the most dangerous assassins... a fur that no one dared to oppose or those who did were dead already. His methods were a mystery for everyone, only those who worked with him knew his fingerprints in a murder, those who shared them were dead even before they could see the following morning. Even those who knew him, like Arguin, couldn't say they -knew- him. He was a mystery among the guild, he was a mystery in the city he lived, in the world he was raised. There were no records of him, no witnesses seeing him as a young cub... The perfect killer, the perfect knife in the dark, a shadow like none other. Lors heard the gulp and could easily picture what the thief felt like. With a smack delivered from his open palm to the other fur's ass, he walked back to the stairs leading, through a hatch, to the roof of the building they were in. "Damn you have a nice ass." The assassin's wicked smirk and slap before shocked, even paralyzed, the thief. Arguin just managed to turn his head to face him, not paying any attention to the falling of his head hood. The tiger's maw was wide open, his white whiskers pulling back to it. He gulped once more before regaining control of himself. Lors laughed out loud and opened the hatch. "You sure can entertain me though." The tiger blinked and then closed his maw and smiled weakly. This slap definitely took his mind out of the uncomfortable situation. Shaking his head, the thief pulled the black hood back over his face, hiding his black fur with grey stripes. He followed the assassin who was on the roof of the inn they were in. Closing his eyes and purring silently Arguin greeted the fresh night air. The city's stench during the day disappeared, leaving the cool night breeze wash over him. Opening his eyes he met his friend's figure, standing on the very edge of the roof. Lors turned his head around and tilted his head at the opposite building. "Will we race again?" Arguin saw for the first time so much emotions from the wolf..."Lors is really excited about what is to come..." he thought to himself. With a nod, the feline looked at the great walls, the only real barrier defending the temple of Aroth and its treasures. True, there were guards, monks, mages, priests and, if rumours were true, ghosts, guarding the inner sanctuary, but they would offer little defence without the great wall holding most of the assassins at bay. The "Great walls of the sun" it was called. From history lessons and rumours mainly, Arguin heard what -exactly- is holding the mighty assassins back. From the history of the "Wretched", he learned that a powerful mage, and a follower of Aroth, the god of light, commissioned the wall to be built. In the building progress the powerful mage cast several spells at certain parts of the great wall so that a magical barrier would surround it. During the day, the barrier didn't exist, but Pizous, the grand priest of the temple, had everything under his strict eye. Monks, knights, guards, mages, even the priests were guarding every single inch of the wall. No guild of assassins wanted to attack the temple without their strongest weapon, the shadows, and going into battle during daylight would mean pure suicide against the force of the followers. From the rumours he found out that the magic, placed in the wall, recharged during the day to be active during the night... He never heard if anyone really tried to pass the great walls during the night... Even when he asked the local gamblers and fences about it no one answered. Arguin took his gaze from the great walls, occupying the centre of the first district, and met the curious look from his partner. Arguin blinked, he just realized it took him too long to answer directly. "Yes, yes, a race would be nice. I would be happy to beat you this time." smiled the thief mischievously The lupine snickered and said some strange words, in a language long forgotten, maybe as old as the temple itself. The assassin jumped forward and as soon as his body left the ground his long cape enveloped him in a black cocoon. For a brief second the assassin's body darted to the opposite roof, which was at least sixty steps away, like an arrow. Without too much trouble Lors broke the spell and turned around, using his leather gloves at the surface to stop himself without any injury. His speed was so great that the lupine slid backwards, leaving a trail of dust. He stopped right on the edge of the second building, raised his head and looked through the dust at the tiger. The wolf's steel blue eyes and white toothy grin couldn't escape the feline's unique sight. Arguin shook his head in disbelief, but with a bright smile, saying to himself "Show off.". Arguin turned to the right to face the great wall once more. He inhaled the cold air deeply and ran forward, jumping down at the shadowy streets. He would die if he fell from such a great height, but he was a thief after all, a bright one as well. He had metal wires placed at certain places he found useful. This was one of those spots, right between the two buildings. While falling down he extended his paws and just waited... When his paws felt the cold steel of the wires he grabbed them instantly and held himself just to let go of them and fall down at a small terrace of the inn. The last landing was on the street itself. The thief ran to the brighter main way seeing his partner doing the same. Arguin had never figured out how Lors does his long falls jumps and he felt like he would never know. When the two escaped from the shadows of the side streets they were in, they turned to the right and began to run upwards the main way. They were equally fast, both leaning slightly forward to fasten their pace. The only guards, that they approached quickly, were at one of the main gates. With a smirk the thief took a scroll out of his bag. Pulling it to his eye level, Arguin quickly took the rope-yarn off and left the scroll open. Once that was done he held it until it vanished. Lors looked at the thief, wondering what his companion was planning. The feline saw the curious expression and smirked brighter. "Let's give the guards an interesting night" with that said, his pace fastened even more. The assassin couldn't keep up with the speed and just watched carefully while the thief took out his silver short sword and headed to the guards. Lors smiled darkly and continued to watch. Arguin's silver eyes reflected the lights from the orbs rapidly. The guards in front of him were alarmed, even frightened from the sight. Their spears darted forward to stab the incoming fur. Smiling devilishly, a smile he had learned during the time spent with Lors, the feline jumped forward to what was seen as a blunt assault, with his sword raised above his head. The soldiers, feeling the fear tearing them inside-out, raised their spears and waited for what they thought to be an assassin, to stab himself, though that never happened because the fur disappeared. The soldiers blinked... without a clue what to think or do. They just stared at the air where the figure, hidden by a black cloak and leather, had been. The night shift soldiers looked at each other, wondering if they had been hallucinating... but both saw the same... ********************************** One of the royal knights and servants of Aroth got his first orders from the grand priest himself. Pizous handed a small parchment to the knight. Smiling the priest added. "The year of the falling sun in nearing. Our god warned us so many years ago..." Pizous sighed and walked back to his chair which was decorated with expensive jewels and made from a wooden material that can only be found in the dangerous mountains south of Daruthan. The priest continued. "So many years, yet no one listened to those warnings. Now it is too late." The ursine knight looked at the priest, who was dressed in a red robe with a golden sun symbol at his chest. Pizous's almost white eyes were the most peaceful eyes the knight had ever seen. He couldn't see even the slightest sign of hatred in them. Still, the ursine knight had a very strange feeling, a feeling he could not describe, but that surely was provoked from the fox. The other male's face did little to hide how old the priest really was, but the lines just added more calmness and peacefulness to the white eyes. Pizous's unique fur colour of a rust-red glimmered charmingly, softly reflecting the candlelight, which illuminated the king-sized room. His fur was clearly well kept, a soft calming scent of fresh apples filling the bear's nostrils each time he inhaled, clearly coming from the fox as well. The bear stood up from his kneeling position and looked at the parchment while the priest sat in his chair, resting his head on his old paw. A hard working fur, judging from the many scars and burns over his both paws. Pizous took the knight's attention from the orders he just received. "Miros, please open the parchment once you reach your private quarters. What you will read must be kept in secret so destroy the orders when you have memorized them." The serious voice of the priest surprised Miros. He nodded in understanding and agreement to the priest's words and wish for secrecy. The priest continued. "Good. Oh, one more thing before you go, Miros. I am personally inviting you to this year's spring festival. All high ranked knights, guards and priests will be present." Miros blinked. At first he opened his maw to ask why he was invited... especially why he was invited personally by the grand priest himself... But he respected Pizous's choice and left the question unheard. He couldn't refuse. After all who could refuse such an invitation from the grand priest himself? "Thank you for your invite Grand priest. I would gladly join you and the other guests at the festival." Said Miros with a gentle smile, his brown eyes looking directly in the white ones of the fox." Pizeous smiled back warmly, almost fatherly. "Thank you, Miros. I will expect you on the festival then. You may go to your quarters now. May Aroth watch over you." The knight bowed deeply and turned around. Heading to the door he felt the heaviness of his steel armor. It had been a long day, a too long day. Each one of his steps was made with much effort. The sound of the steel boots echoed in the ursine's mind, reminding him more and more of the day that had passed. He dealt with too many thieves, argued with too many traders, shouted, yelled.... "It was a too long day... too long." he said to himself adding a sigh when he closed the door behind him. His quarters were pretty far away from Pizeous's private ones. Thinking how far he had to walk to reach his room made him even more tired. He sighed again and inhaled deeply. His stench of sweat hit his nostrils hard, but he was used to it by now. With slow steps he began to walk back the long corridor in the temple, looking through each window at the city below, so peaceful and harmonic. The sound, coming from the heavy gear of the ursine knight, was the only thing breaking the silence in the whole temple. Miros continued to look at the town through the windows when a sudden crack made him freeze and perk his round ears up. His eyes darted to the corridor, his big, strong paw grabbed the holder of his long sword. The tiredness escaped from his mind, some reserve power seemed to be left in him. The ursine slowly stepped forward, trying to be as silent as possible, though his steel boots made it quite impossible. A door on the left opened, the candlelight coming from the room softly illuminating the path in front of the knight. When a female figure appeared, Miros took his paw off the weapon and almost fell backwards as the tiredness hit him like lightning. Miros cursed under his nose from his inability to hold his ground. He just stood straight, not moving an inch, knowing he risks to fall down. The female figure came closer, holding one candle in her gray paw. When she was near enough Miros recognized her. A smile crept over his expression of pure tiredness. "Silviya. It's so nice too see you, but why are you awake at this late hour?" The vixen returned the smile with a gentle one. Her sky blue eyes looking lovingly at the exhausted knight. "I am just taking care of a tired friend to get some rest. Come now." Her paw slid around his back, above the armor, to his right shoulder. The candlelight playfully dancing in the corridor, at her soft, warm, loving expression and the male's dirty armor. Miros just nodded, giving his all to move, a whisper coming out of his lips. „Thank you." The young vixen helped him to get back into her room. It was quite the test for her strength as such a big male, barely moving on his own, combined with the heavy armor he was wearing wanted more than a sheer effort to move. At last she managed to get him in the room and closed the door. The warmth of the room surrounded the cold steel around the bear. This was the final thing he needed to collapse on the floor. The clash of the armor on the floor made the vixen jump. Touching her chest and taking a deep breath in, she looked over the heavily panting male. Until now Miros refused to show how tired he really was, refused to show such incompetence in front of everyone, but now, with Silviya by his side, he was able to relax, to recover a bit. While the male was laying face down on the floor, the silver furred vixen, smiling, stepped around him and took a chair, placing it near the fireplace. She left the living room, headed through a door in the kitchen, leaving the male alone for a while. Miros continued to pant, too tired to even think straight. He felt like the armor was squeezing him to the floor, immobilizing him in every possible way. After a couple of silent minutes the vixen came back with a pitcher full of water. She took another chair and placed it near the bear, sitting on it and pouring the cold water over the laying male's head. The bear gasped and a shiver ran down his spine, but he was grateful for the cold refreshment. He managed to lean his head to her direction, with pure amusement displayed on his face he said between his deep pants. "You like... to see me... like this... don't you?" The young vixen's loving smile widened. Her ears perked up, twitching at every crack coming from the fireplace. She left the pitcher on a small table next to the door. She was wearing her daily clothes, leaving Miros believe that she had expected something like this to happen. The young vixen was dressed firmly, just like a housewife. Her gray shirt with suspenders, with a white tank-top underneath, exposed her female features nicely, while her wide scarlet skirt hid most of her lower body. Silviya crossed her legs and leaned back on the chair, sighing silently. "Yes and no. I do like to see you on the floor, resting, but I hate to see you so exhausted, barely breathing..." She leaned forwards, resting both her paws in her lap. "Why do you have to push yourself so much? Why can't you just..." Miros cut her sentence half way. The caring voice, which Miros well knew, was silenced, the female looking at her friend cautiously. "You know the answer. We've had this conversation before. I want to rise in the blind furs eyes." He looked over the room which wasn't much different then his own. The fireplace was placed in the very middle on the wall opposite the main door. To its left and right were two big windows with sun decorations on their wooden frame. On the left was a table, surrounded by four chairs, with one missing as the vixen had taken it earlier, made from a darker wooden material, combined with some metal rings for a better stabilization. There were two doors leading to other rooms, made from the same dark wood as the chairs and table, and a small table near the main door. "Which reminds me..." the ursine continued, but paused grinning and began to sit up as he regained most of his strength back. Finally he sat down on the floor, leaning back and using his paws to support him. "I have been invited to the festival. A personal invite from Pizeous mind you." Miros looked in the vixen's direction, adding a wink. The female instead stared back with wide open eyes and maw. Her voice was shaky when she said. "An invite f-from P-Pizous... For the... the festival?" All of a sudden she jerked up to her feet and pounce-hugged the male tightly. "Miros congratulations!" The knight didn't expect that and fell down to the floor once again, laughing and hugging back weakly. "Thank you. Thank you Silviya." He managed to say. The vixen blinked a few seconds later, her silver fur getting a bit pinkish around her cheeks. Miros, in the position he was in, didn't see this and just chuckled. Silviya's mind began to race as she inhaled deeply and took in his masculine scent...The sweat coming underneath the steel cuirass made her heart jump in anticipation... She blushed a bit stronger as some erotic thoughts ran through her mind. To hide it she stood up quickly and headed to the fireplace saying almost sternly, to hide her shaking voice. "You smell of sweat... not to mention the stench could be smelled from the end of the corridor... You should wash yourself Miros." The ursine frowned at the last comment, not expecting it even a bit. "If you work your ass off the whole day in the damn heat outside, you will stink as well Silviya..." His voice was really cold and it hurt the vixen deeply... yet she didn't take it too deep as she wanted her wild heartbeat and feelings to go away, and this was the perfect way to do it. She took a deep breath and exhaled in an "I am sorry..." Miros smiled. He couldn't be angry at her. After all, she was the only friend he had in the temple. Most of the other followers of Aroth avoided him for some reason, but not Silviya. "Not Silviya... the most beautiful vixen... not her..." The bear shook his head rapidly. "What am I thinking... Damn me." He said in his mind and clenched his fists. "Could you at least help me up Sil?" He asked calmly. She turned around to face him and nodded. Heading back to him she offered her both paws to help him stand up. He took the smaller feminine paws in his big masculine ones and with her help, plus his regained powers, stood up on his feet. Smiling he asked a bit pleadingly. "Can I take my armor and knitted vest off me? They are too heavy right now..." She perked her ears hearing this, starting to blush weakly again, but not enough to be seen. "Um... yes sure. Why not? You want more water? Or something else?" Her thoughts raced once again "Why did I agree? He will be half naked near me for the first time... I've never seen him without the armor on him... covering his whole body, hiding it from my curious eyes... Sil you are such an idiot! Relax, enjoy it... After all you always wanted this moment to happen... But what if... no... No I won't go that far...". She bit her lower lip and turned her gaze away trying to think of something else, but Miros's voice returned her to the current situation. "A shower would be nice, but you won't allow me that much hm?" He chuckled knowing she would refuse instantly... but the answer wasn't what he expected... not the slightest bit... "Sure. It's the right door if you want..." This time the blood flushed in her face, her cheeks began to burn and her blush took a crimson red color. The knight blinked. At the answer and the cute blushing vixen face... He began to day dream, but eventually, after a minute or two of uncomfortable silence from both sides, he forced a calm smile, like this was completely natural, and headed to the fireplace. "Thank you once again" The vixen, on the other paw, couldn't act as calmly as the bear. Rubbing her paws nervously at each other she nodded. "I-Its all right... Friends are here t-to help right?" She smiled innocently at him. True, the bear was a stud of a man. A nice masculine jaw line, a really sexy expression with charcoal long hair, cute round ears so typical for every ursine... She was completely crazy about him, yet she had never seen the man, she adored, worshipped even, stripping in front of her... Sure, she had her fantasy, but the real thing was better than every fantasy anyone could have. She observed each of his movements as he began to take off his heavy steel armor and gorget along side the gauntlets and pauldrons, leaving them on the chair in front the fireplace that Silviya placed earlier. Once everything was off his shoulders she gasped silently at his muscular arms, covered by dark brown fur, matted from the sweat, from the stench which became much stronger once the metal, holding it back, was removed. She sniffed just a little, but this little dose of the manly scent turned her on so much she moaned under her nose. She could barely keep her composure to not jump all over him, instead her curiosity to observe the male's body more, helped her to stay in control of her actions. She stood there in awe, looking at the nicely formed deltoid, biceps, triceps and trapezius muscles. Even the thick pelt of the bear did little to hide how well Miros was built... Yet the show continued when the knight continued to take off his armor. His knitted vest soon fell from his shoulders, leaving his whole back, chest and abdomen bare. Silviya's eyes couldn't get enough from the sight, they darted all over the male in front her, following each curve, catching each sweat drop, glittering from the light that came from the fireplace. Miros turned around to face his friend. He couldn't help but see the stare she had on him. It made him blush, but his thick fur hid covered it for the most part. "Err Sil. Could I have a towel or a bathrobe... and some privacy before I continue, please?" He said a bit uncomfortably. This was the first time someone had watched him so concentrated. And Silviya was very concentrated, gazing trough the front of the bear's figure. As godly built as his back. The pectorals were so well built they looked like cozy furry pillows. A really sexy, she thought, scar right in the middle of the chest, with the pink nipples showing slightly beneath the brown pelt. His six-pack not to mention... All in all the bear was a giant stud of a bear, unlike other bears without any trail of fat on him. So strong yet so young... it was truly a sight to admire, but her attention was grabbed away when Miros repeated what he said before, but a bit louder. "Sil. Could I have a towel and some privacy, please?" The bear asked again, with clearly pinkish cheeks. The vixen blinked at first then realized what she was doing. Closing her slightly open maw and nodding furiously she began to babble. "Yes.. yes. Sure. Towel.. yes a towel and p-privacy.. towel..." She found a towel in one of her drawers and tossed it to the bear, quickly heading into her bedroom to give her ursine friend the privacy he wanted, and to calm down. Miros grabbed the towel and blinked at Silviya as she left the room. He mumbled under his nose. "What was that all about?" He shrugged it off and leaving the towel on the chair, next to the armor, began to take off his boots. When his big feet were free of the metal prison Miros smiled wildly, wriggling his toes. After a couple of seconds of enjoyment that his feet could breathe a little he took off the steel greaves. Now left only in his underwear, barely hiding his bear hood, he took the towel and headed to the door Silviya told him to. Once he was inside he looked around. "Almost like my bathroom." He said. He gazed around a bit more, looking at the objects that were inside. The water holder, that magically was filled with fresh water from the lake once it had been emptied, was placed on one of the walls, with two wooden buckets on either side of it. Other towels and a pink bathrobe, in Silviya's size, were near the door, nicely folded and ready for usage. Other than that there was poor light coming from a magic orb, imitating the light outside, right now the moonlight. The bear's eyes began to get comfortable in the darker bathroom and once he saw where the soap was he stepped in, making sure to close the door... Silviya, in the meantime, sat on her bed, gripping her silky blanket. Continuing to blush and biting her lower lip she stared at the floor, calming herself while her thoughts changed rapidly, each one more erotic than the other. She was in heat after all, and on top of that she was young and has problems controlling herself. She knew all this however and knew how to deal with it but right now everything was different... Her home wasn't the safe sanctuary she could run to whenever something like this happens... After all a young handsome bear was in her bathroom showering by now... entirely naked... She couldn't hold back anymore and stood up, heading to the living room. She thought that to spy on someone is bad... yet her hormones and her heat told her otherwise. She closed the door separating the living room and bedroom silently and sneaked to the door leading to the bathroom... Just before she took the handle of the door in her paw she saw that the door wasn't closed entirely... Apparently she forgot to tell Miros that to close the door correctly you have to use some force. "Lucky me!" she thought but blushed stronger after realizing how desperate she sounded... But there was no going back from here. She opened the door a bit more and glanced inside to spot Miros's frame illuminated from the moon's light, coming from the orb. The soft blue-ish color from the light enchanted Miros's natural beauty even more. Silviya gazed at the bear without blinking, watching how some muscles got illuminated, while others fell in shadow with every movement. Her maw opened slightly when Miros used a bucket, full of water, to pour over his entire body. When the male turned to the left Sil got a bit scared and closed the door, yet not entirely so she could continue to observe. She gripped the handle of the door tighter when the bear's sheath was in plain sight alongside the nice ass. She whimpered with need. After a second a bit louder whimper came out from her. The bear perked his round ears up. Still not knowing he was being spied upon he said to himself "What was that?" and looked around. When he saw the line of light on one of the walls, he turned to the direction it might come from. The vixen's eyes widened as the bear turned to her direction. She jumped back and ran to her bedroom. She reached for the handle of the door when the ursine voice occupied the silence. "Sil, did something happen? I think I heard something." Silviya turned her head around and saw Miros half way out of the bathroom. Her gaze slid down to the male's waist where the snowy white towel was. She blushed when she saw the slight contours of the male's private parts as the towel wasn't able to hide them perfectly. Gulping hard she looked back and saw her friend's blushing face. She gulped once more before saying "I heard something too... I thought it was you... that you were ready and so I came in here..." Obviously her lie worked out because the bear nodded, yet she could see the suspicion in his eyes. Miros tilted his head to the left and sighed. "If you say so." He looked back into the bathroom and without turning his head back asked, "Could I take another towel from the bath?" Silviya's stare returned to the male's waist and said slowly. "Yes..." Miros entered the bath for a brief second and returned with a second towel that he placed lazily over his neck. He headed to the fireplace, near his gear, and with a bit of a shaky voice, a wildly blushing face and trembling paws he said. "Please... Stop staring at me like that Sil..." The vixen's stare stopped at the very moment the bear said this. Her own blush intensified, her ears flattened over her head. This was clearly embarrassing for her, but even more for the knight. The vixen stared at the floor while the bear stared at her. Miros soon took himself under control and managed to stop his shaking paws and sat on a chair near the fireplace and his gear, feeling somewhat safer near it. Silviya turned around and headed for the bedroom, but Miros's voice stopped her instantly. "Please stay... I want to ask you something." The vixen felt that her heart sank so deep in her body she couldn't feel it anymore. Clenching her paws in fists she nodded and just stood straight, not having the strength and courage to face him. Miros beckoned her to sit and she nodded once more, taking the chair near the entrance to place it near the male and sit on it. She still didn't look at her friend, but her clenched fists moved over her lap and she began to nervously rub her palms against each other. Miros took the towel off his shoulders and placed it over the vixen's head, covering her face entirely, and chuckled. Silviya took the towel off her face instantly and smiled slyly "Haha very funny." She made the towel into a ball and tossed it at the male's lap while her smile widened. The bear wanted just that. The nervous atmosphere slowly began to disperse. Smiling the male said taking the tongs. "Why were you so nervous?" though he regretted that he asked the question when the vixen's habits, showing her nervous state, showed up again. She looked away for a couple of minutes, minutes that the bear spent poking at the fireplace. Finally, she gathered enough courage to speak. "I... I spied on you..." She was surprised how calm she said it, but the surprise was bigger for Miros. His pokes stopped, his face reddened, his breathing and heartbeat quickened. He gulped and looked at her with one eye. "You... You watched me while I was... washing myself?" In return he got a nod from the vixen. He gulped one more time, yet it felt like he was swallowing sand. "Why? You know... You know we can't do anything..." The male was stunned by a growl coming out of the female. "Who will know IF we do?" she asked angrily, clearly her own heat talking instead of her mind. Miros blinked and just leaned back on the chair not knowing how to answer that question... because the only answer was "No one" and he didn't want to say it out loud. The rash movement that followed from his friend surprised him and made him freeze on the chair and clench his teeth while looking into the vixen's eyes with his wide open ones. Her paw was right on his lap, stroking up and down on one of his thighs. "Miros... I know you want it too. I can feel it... You feel it too. But why then is it so hard?" she whimpered, not showing any intention to break the eye contact she has with the male, or remove her paw. The bear just shook his head slightly. "That's the way it is Silviya... I do want it... but..." he bit his lower lip as he said that. He should have shut his maw, but now it was too late. Now that this little secret was said loud and clear he found it harder to fight his other thoughts. "Sil... I... Gods you are so beautiful..." The vixen's tail was swishing, patting the ursine's back now and then. Her eyes, still locked in the brown male ones, had a lovable spark in them after those words. Silviya, giving in to her need for a male, slid her paw under the towel and then up the thighs of the bear, soon reaching his heavy ball-sac, while in the meantime she leaned forward to kiss him. When her paw softly cupped the male's balls she kissed him deeply. Miros just managed to gasp before the kiss and during it his eyes closed and his ears laid flat over his head. She began to suckle on his lips and nibble on them, while the bear's paws slowly began to make their way around Silviya's back... ********************************** Sitting on the top of the main door, separating the fifth and fourth district, Arguin looked down at the street he and Lors were running along. His muscles ached terribly because of the side effect the scroll he had used had. He managed to see the black cloaked figure, that was Lors, running straight towards the guards. Arguin concentrated on the figure and was able to see that his weapons were drawn. Two twin daggers in each paw. Arguin's eyes widened once Lors reached the guards and killed them both with one swift, deadly movement, sinking the daggers into their hearts. "Holy night mother..." Lors looked at the dead bodies lying on the floor in front of him, then tilted his head up, and it struck Arguin like lightning. That fur wasn't Lors! He discovered this by one slight difference. Lors never used hoods, yet this fur's head was covered by one pitch black hood. The young thief cursed under his breath and was ready to jump, but before he was able to make a move the unknown assassin was right in front of him, the moonlight coming from behind the unknown fur made it hard for Arguin to see the assassin's face. "He can't jump that high..." was the only thought that crossed his mind when a dagger darted to stab him in the throat. Fortunately the thief had fast reflexes and leaned back, seeing how the dagger missed his muzzle by mere inches. In the pose he was in, he had little options, either get a dagger stuck in his heart or make a backwards roll. He choose the lass and rose his legs to his head, using his paws to complete the maneuver. Falling down he heard the clash made from the dagger and the stone it hit. Arguin quickly took out his silver short-sword and stuck it into the huge wooden door. It prevented his fall yet he almost lost his hold of the weapon. The thief knew he had to act as quick as the assassin, even quicker, if he hoped to survive this night. A lesson he had learned by heart when he hung around or trained with Lors. He turned his head to the buildings, calculating to which it would be best to jump onto, but they were just too far away from him. He didn't want to use his newly obtained magic scrolls, yet his wish to stay alive was the dominant one and he took out the same scroll as before and opened it harshly. The thief quickly looked upwards to see that the figure was ready to jump after him. After a second or two Arguin took his sword out of the door and fell backwards, so did the other fur, jumping right after him. The scroll vanished from his paw and, as it seems, the unknown assassin saw that because he used his own magic, given by the guild he was in, or the one he bought from the local Mage guilds. Arguin had two steps space before he hits the ground, but the spell expanded its whole potential over his body at the right time. Everything around him got slower and slower. Soon the world around him was almost frozen. His falling was like levitating and he spun around to get onto his feet. Once he felt the stone under his feet he ran as quickly as he could to the meeting point he and Lors set out for their little races. 'The hole' was close, yet the assassin was even closer. Arguin turned his head slightly back just to see something that frightened him to the bone. The unknown fur had used the same scroll and was now as fast as him, even faster due to the pain Arguin felt in his whole body, making every possible movement he could make a punishment. Having no other choice he ran into a side street to hide in the darkness, knowing it would give him a little bonus as he was a master in hiding and deception. Lors reached 'The hole' breathing hard trough his nose. The hot air getting out of his nostrils spread out like a thick fog in front of him because of the cold that came with the night. He looked around, yet didn't see his companion. Humming silently, he leaned on a wall and looked to the restaurant on his left. The shadows and the ink black cloak he wore, alongside his black fur, hid him perfectly and he could observe without being noticed by anyone. He had a feeling though, a feeling that something might happen. During the years of training to be, and finally become, an assassin he began to trust his feelings, and this was no exception. His paws were on the handles of his daggers, hidden under the cape as well, ready to be used at any time. He began to wait patiently for his friend to come, but after ten minutes he caught sight of something that attracted his attention. A fur, clearly an assassin by the clothing he wore, headed in the restaurant. Assassins were never so reckless, especially in the lower districts, knowing that every wall had ears. Frowning, he watched the door closing behind the, to him unknown, assassin. He had a bad feeling about this... A too bad feeling. He gripped the handles of the weapons and remained as silent as possible. All of a sudden, the filled with laughter restaurant went silent. Lors lazily tilted his head and glanced at the doors. Once the assassin he saw before opened the doors, Lors's eyes darted at the pool of blood right behind him. He wasn't surprised that the unknown assassin had killed someone, he was surprised that everyone that was in the restaurant was dead, and that for sheer seconds. Lors took immediately control of his emotional outburst of fear, curiosity and admire to the professional killer, that clearly exceeded his own abilities. However the assassin didn't seem to have seen him, so he remained in his hiding spot, but with one though spinning in his head "Be alarmed". Gritting his teeth and the holder of the weapons he stared at the possible threat trying to find a clue if the fur was in a guild, why he killed everyone in the restaurant, or something that might get him a forepaw if he would have to defend himself, yet the only thing he found out about the unknown assassin was that he was blood thirsty. Running and hiding from the fur that hunted Arguin for fifteen minutes, he slowly got closer and closer to the meeting spot, where he hoped to find Lors and with his help get rid of the assassin that tried to kill him earlier. Arguin was only one street away from "The hole", but he wasn't sure if the black-cloaked figure was around, waiting patiently for him to get out of his shadows. Arguin gazed from the street to the roofs of the buildings surrounding him, but didn't see anything suspicious, no life signs, no nothing. That made him feel odd. His senses strained to hear, see, even feel something that could lead him to the assassin's position, yet his luck was against him. Arguin's silvery eyes slowly looked down to the street separating him and his comrade. He was afraid to get out of his hiding corner, because the shadows were the only barrier protecting him from a crossbow arrow, a throwing knife, a knife in his chest or what ever that could kill him. Gulping silently he reached with one paw slowly to the floor and touched the cold stony ground. Once he felt a stone he took it in his paw and threw it in the opposite direction he was heading. The reaction of the hunter came right away once the stone hit the wall. A reddish glowing arrow hit the wall just where the stone did earlier, making a small explosion and flames, spreading on the ground and wall. Arguin's eyes went wide as the light, the explosion and flames created, destroyed his shadowy barrier. In pure panic he sprang forward to the street in front him. His heart beat madly and his breath had fastened, leaving this way a fog in front him with every exhale, while each time he inhaled, his chest stung as if pricked by a thousand needles. Hearing the soft clicking of the assassin's crossbow when he launched the arrow, Arguin fell onto the ground in a prone position and saw the arrow hit the ground right in front of his eyes. Arguin snarled, a sudden burst of courage, strength and calmness ran trough his body and mind. He stood up, feeling his muscles straining, yet feeling no pain even after having used the scrolls. His heartbeat rapidly got to its normal pace of beating, his breath was under control as well while he was standing up. Arguin's ears twitched softly hearing a second "click", but much louder then before and used his right arm and legs to hold his whole weight while rising his left to the sky, and this way moving his whole body a bit to the right. He saw the arrow in slow-motion and traced it with his eyes, how it slid along his leather armor on his chest, then along his arm and finally hit the ground right next to his palm. He stood after that immediately, but didn't move from his place. He just stood there, closing his eyes and waiting... His hearing got insanely sensitive and he could see everything he heard like his eyes were wide open. Lors's soft rhythmical breathing, a fast heartbeat five steps to the left of him... The wind, sliding along his hunter's body like a snake. He now knew where his hunter was, or better said, prey. Another click followed and Arguin turned around quickly to see a bright red arrow flying directly at his head, but he just tilted his head to one side and left the arrow softly brush along his fur and make a hole in his hood. When the arrow hit the ground it exploded like the first one, with the same flames following it right after the explosion. Arguin smirked, spun around and ran into the side street. Lors saw peripherally the light coming from the flames and slid silently to the opposite wall, untouched by the light. He felt a sudden rush of adrenaline in his body and saw a shadow coming his way from the side street, yet his attention returned to the blood crazed fur... but it was gone. Lors blinked having no idea what happened, how the fur ran away so quickly and silently... He grunted and looked back at the shadow, while heading to the corner of the wall and waiting for the fur, that the shadow belonged to, to get nearer. Once he heard the closest foot step he took out one of his daggers and grabbed the running fur, pulling him close and pointing his dagger at his throat. "Lors what the heck are you doing?!" Arguin shouted. Lors blinked and released his friend, re-sheathing his dagger. "I was going to ask you the same. Were the flames your deed?" The assassin asked with an angered tone in his voice, because the flames made him loose his focus on the suspicious assassin. The thief frowned, but didn't answer him. Instead he took the hood off his head and tilted his head to one side to hear if the unknown fur was nearby... but there was no trace of him. Arguin grunted. "Damn he escaped..." and carefully looked over the corner to the street he was in a couple of minutes ago. With a sigh he turned to his companion and rubbed his eyes. Lors raised an eyebrow asking. "Who escaped?" In a swift motion Lors got Arguin's silver short sword hit the wall right next to his head Looking at Lors angrily and with a snarl Arguin answered. "A fellow assassin of yours I believe." Unmoved by the short sword next to his head Lors raised his second eyebrow. "You got faster. And what "fellow assassin" are you talking about?" The tiger's snarl disappeared and he made a step forward, pressing Lors's dagger, which he had drawn at the same time as the thief had, between himself and the wolf. "The professional assassin that was hunting me for twenty minutes Lors. He almost killed me. Phah! He almost killed me five times! I need a fucking drink..." The thief took out his weapon of the wall and headed to the restaurant, but Lors's paw stopped him, grabbing him by the elbow. With a stern expression and a cold voice the black wolf said. "Everyone is dead." and tilted his head at the restaurant and the pool of blood that expanded impressively. "Another "fellow assassin" did it then disappeared like your own "friend"." Arguin blinked at what he just heard and at the pool of blood right in front of the door... He gulped hard, and turned his head to look at his companion with a questioning "What now"-look Lors answered to the questioning expression with a shrug. "We continue as planned. I hope this little game of hide and seek brought you into a good shape, because we will have some major troubles passing the wall if you aren't." The assassin added before Arguin could say something. "What was your little magic from before anyway?" The tiger hummed silently and looked around, then said. "The scroll I used? I bought it from the Mage's guild. What was it called... err... "Timekiller" temporarily slowing the time, almost freezing it around you while you get to move with your normal speed and such... But..." The thief spat on the ground once the pain in his body returned. "It has bad side effects. I have a muscle cramp all over my body... not to mention I used two scrolls. I can hardly move a muscle and even if I do it hurts." The tiger shrugged at his partner. "Seems we won't go trough the wall tonight. I wan't to ask around about the assassin that chased me anyway." His attention was attracted by the restaurant and what Lors had said earlier. "You think the guy that did this works with the one that chased me?" he licked his dried lips and waited for an answer, but when he didn't get it he looked back at.. Lors? "Lors where the hell are you?" looking around the thief frowned. Lors came out of the street from where Arguin had come earlier. "I heard you Arguin. To answer your question..." he took his eyes off the arrow he had in his paw to the restaurant's entrance. "I don't know... Yet. I can't hide the fact I am curious myself. If you want to you can come in, if not stay outside and warn me if someone comes. I don't wish to be chased by idiots that seek only their quick demise." Arguin stared at the arrow for a moment then nodded silently when the assassin walked past him. Lors walked in the middle of the main street and looked to his left and right. When he was sure no one was in plain sight he headed to the restaurant's main door, stepping in the pool of blood and making silent splashing noises. Arguin followed him right away and once both got inside the restaurant they stared at the view. The once beautifully and shiny architect room was covered by blood and dead bodies, some laying on the floor, others sitting near a wall wit ha trail of blood above them. There was no sign that any of the guests, visiting the restaurant at the late night hour, had reacted somehow. Most pitiful dead furs were dead on their sitting places, like nothing around them was going wrong, until their death of course. The lupine sniffed the air, but only the strong stench of the blood hit his nostrils. He spat into the bloody pool and found out that no one reacted at the murderer's blood hunt. If the guests had known someone was going on a killing spree they would be so scared they would either shit or piss themselves, yet there was no trace of that having happened. Lors turned his head to see his friend's lurid face then back to the scenario. The wolf was correct. The unknown assassin was bloodthirsty, more than Lors had expected though. Lors said slowly. "If you don't like it here, go outside Arguin. By the way, I am impressed how good you hide the pain you endure" before he went to the centre of the room and half closed his eyes, trying to get a clue to where the assassin started his killing spree. Arguin in the meantime went outside smiling at the compliment he got. Once he got out he coughed from the stench. The wolf saw a body with its neck broken. Humming in his mind Lors went to it and crouched once he was a few inches away. The lupine nodded and stood up straight again, lifting his paws in front himself and making the same movement as if breaking someone's neck in front him. Then he tilted his head and his eyes curiously examined the room for further clues to how the unknown assassin had proceeded. There were twelve bodies, meaning there should be if not twelve then more than twelve steps. Staying like that for a few minutes he nodded at last and said loud. "Arguin! Come here. I want you to look at this" The feline came shortly after the call, trying his best to ignore the sight and stench. "What should I look at?" For an answer the thief got the deadly dance of the murderer, played by Lors. The wolf took out his daggers and slid his left foot backwards, making small waves in the blood. He leaned forward then spun around, extending both weapons, making a deadly whirlwind with them. He repeated that move two times. Two times in which, Arguin saw, Lors would have cut off the heads of six furs, and indeed there were six headless furs laying on the floor just where Lors's daggers cut through the air. A second after that the lupine darted forward and thrust his right weapon in the air, a second after, with a precise sliding turn of his body, the left dagger thrust in the air as well. Arguin's eyes went wide as Lors was so correctly following the death path. The thief jumped on his place as the assassin darted forwards at him, yet side stepped and nailed an imaginary body on the wall, right next to the real one left of Lors. The last move troubled Lors and he stopped his deadly dance and just looked at the room's roof, where the last body was, with two weapons left in it. The thief hadn't seen the body before and gasped, stepping backwards. Lors however took a chair and stepped on it to get the weapons out of the body and lay the lifeless fur on the ground. When he finished he took a look at the weapons covered in blood while stroking his chin. The thief came closer to him and asked. "Is that the weapon of the assassin that caused this... insanity?" Nodding Lors looked around. "Yes, but it's the first time I see a pro to leave his weapons behind, especially if they are of great value like these two." By the sound of 'great value' the tiger's ears twitched and his eyes darted at the weapons. "Can I have a look?" he extended a paw to receive one of the daggers. Lors gave him one of the weapons and looked at him curiously to hear what his friend had to say. After all Arguin was a thief and knew where an object could come from, who its owner might be and of course where to sell it for the best price. The thief examined the sword carefully from the tip to the handle, but what caught his interest was a sun symbol on the very base of the steel. "I believe this... this belongs to the temple we are heading to Lors." he took his eyes off the weapons and looked directly into his friend's steel blue eyes instead. "What does this mean? The sun's followers don't hire assassins... and they don't kill the ones they swore to protect either." Frowning Arguin added. "Let's get out of here... I don't like this place and I don't want to stay any longer here." With a nod from Lors they both got out of the restaurant and headed to another place, avoiding the main street. Walking slowly away from the restaurant, in due to Arguin's muscle cramp, to a pub they both knew by reputation that it gets more assassins and thieves as guests late at night, they hoped to get their answers. The whole way no one said anything, but both were alarmed, Arguin especially. Halfway there, Arguin fell to the ground and if it hadn't been for his companion's help he would have remained there. The pain he had to endure finally got what it wanted and immobilized him, it even made the tiger lose his consciousness. Lors, without wasting any time to wonder what to do with his friend, just picked him up and placed him over his back. Carrying the tiger to the pub he got slower and more exhausted, but fortunately the assassins didn't show up. When he got to the bar he sighed in relief and went in. Everyone's eyes were locked on him and Arguin on his back. Giving no attention to the faces and paws on everyone's weapons, Lors headed to the bar and said loudly and clearly to the barman. "Josh get me a free room for this one." He added taking the sweat out of his face. "And a cold jegosh beer." The fat rhino nodded and began to order his staff what to do. He cleaned a glass with a clean white towel, while looking at the body on Lors's back. When he recognized it he smirked. "Training again? Poor kit. Ya should give 'im a brake ya scoundrel." Lors smiled mischievously at the rhino. Josh was fat all right, but the muscles beneath it were too big to be hidden so easily. The dirty apron Josh wore clearly showed that this night the pub was pretty busy. The brown eyes of the barman darted at two furs that were ready to use their weapons. Before that could happen the rhino, surprisingly for his weight, slid above the bar and headed to the two, grabbing them by the shirts they wore and lifted them into the air like they were sacks filled with sand. The two furs squirmed when Josh's deep voice yelled at them. "What teh fukin' 'ell are ya thinkin' eh?! This is ma bar and I don't want any bloody 'ell in it! Either ya two get out or I will do it maself!" Letting go both furs he crossed his arms and waited. One of them walked out cursing and spitting, but the other one was ready to sit back, but Josh's arms grabbed him, raised him above his head and threw him to the door. The fur hit and broke the door, but was out of the bar. The rhino went to the entrance and crossed his arms again. "What ya don't 'ave ears on ya 'ead? Don't ya ever come 'ere twat, or I will throw ya somewhere else. Ya got that in ya dum 'ead?" he turned around and gave two other commands to his personnel to fix the door while he headed back to Lors, taking off his apron and handing it to a fine looking panda lady. "Take over Mishel." Lors, still carrying Arguin, went into a small shabby room with Josh right behind him. He placed the tiger on the bed and looked around. The room was nothing fancy. A bed, an old wooden table with two chairs, a window with a small terrace and a couple of candlesticks placed on each corner and one on the table. All candles were burning at the moment, giving a comfortable shade for the eye. The rhino sat on one of the chairs and made it squeak under his weight. Lors sat on the other chair, waiting for his drink to come, and looking at the barman. The rhino was sheer impressive. Huge as a mountain, standing over 8 feet tall, how much exactly Lors couldn't tell. A body made like stone, with muscles strong enough to support twice his weight. Powerful legs, with a small tail between them, a big round stomach, huge pectorals, bare at the moment as the apron was the only cover he had over abdomen and chest, with wide shoulders and huge beefy arms. The horn on his maw was cut off, but this only made his expression, alongside the short brown beard and long brown hair, look even more terrifying when he got angry. Josh scratched himself over his belly and looked back at the wolf and chuffed. "Stop lookin' at meh like that boy. I won't kick ye out if ya don't make meh. Ya know it good enough" The wolf smiled weakly. While he rubbed his eyes he said. "I am not afraid to be kicked out if I deserved it. Especially if I am kicked out by you." Lors smirked and looked up once the door opened and a maid came in to give him the beer he had ordered. He was about to pay, but Josh waved his paw at the maid to go out, and she went out without asking questions. Lors blinked then shrugged. Josh leaned forward over the table and asked. "Now, will ye tell meh why teh kit is in that condition? This time it ain't training, because 'e would be awake, or if 'e wasn't 'e would move." The rhino raised his massive paw in Arguin's direction. "Bloody 'ell 'e is like a frikin' dead bag of meat! Is 'e breathin' at all eh?" Lors looked at his friend and nodded. "He is breathing. Arguin is a really tough boy, so don't worry about him." Turning his head back to Josh, and taking a sip from his beer, Lors said. "Another reason leads me to you by the way. Your bar is the eyes and the ears in the assassin and thief guilds, and I am here for some answers. If you can provide those answers for me I would be more then grateful." The wolf threw a small bag full of coins on the table. The barman raised an eyebrow, but took the bag and took out a golden coin. Looking with wide open eyes the rhino said. "Blah! Those are gold coins lad. Ya ain't givin' meh so much... unless it's really important and 'as a catch. I will 'ear ya story Lors, but I can't promise ya anything." While the rhino played with the coin in his paw, Lors began to tell him what had happened in the restaurant a couple of streets away. Lors added a little pressure on Josh saying the assassin might come in his pub because it would be a bigger challenge for him. This had a larger effect that he had expected, as the rhino spat on the floor and stroked his beard as he began to think. After a couple of silent minutes the rhino said. "Fine. I will try ta get somethin' out of it. If ye two stay 'ere I would feel safer and ya can keep teh 'alf of ye bloody money." all of a sudden he yelled out. "Mishel bring two more beers sweets!" Lors raised an eyebrow and looked at his half full glass. Humming questioningly he turned his head to look at Arguin, that seemed to get up from the bed, yet slowly and painfully. Mishel came into the room seconds after the call of Josh and placed the beers on the table, then went out again shouting at some waiters. Arguin sat up and leaned on the wall, grabbing his head and staying like that for a while. The thief asked slowly, with a shaking voice, filled with the pain he had to endure. "Where... am I? L-Lors? Are you t...there?" Lors answered a cheerful "Yep" while Josh gruffed loudly. The rhino certainly didn't like to see the tiger like that, so he was ready to do the only thing that could get the tiger back to earth or at least make him sleep again. The barman got up and taking one of the beers went to Arguin's bed. "'ere ya go kit. Drink it all down. Ye will feel betta if ye do." The feline, having no other choice as Josh began to pour the beer down his maw, began to gulp it down or he would be drowned. A gulp after another until the beer was in his empty stomach. Arguin coughed, not only because of the beer that was harshly poured down his throat, but because of the cramp that even got his gulping muscles to ache terribly. While the tiger was trying to regain his breath between the coughs, Josh took the second beer from the table and did the same thing with the first. Once the second beer ended in the tiger's stomach Josh remained near the bed, looking at Lors and sliding his eyes from time to time to the tiger. Arguin coughed out. "What... you trying to... kill me?*cough*" But the effect of the beers, that were quite strong not to mention if you gulp down two with no food in your stomach to compensate the alcohol, hit him pretty soon and he felt better as he got drunk. The rhino grinned at his success. Lors on the other paw couldn't keep his emotions behind the mask he put on and laughed out loud, almost hysterically Smirking Josh said after a chuckle. "Was wonderin' when ye would laugh popsy" Crossing his arms in front of himself he chuffed humorously. Lors stopped laughing as suddenly as he had started and looked at Arguin who was as drunk as all the furs in the bar together. "I think you gave him too much and too quickly. But I think you know what you are doing. You are the barman after all." Shrugging he stood up and stretched. "Won't you go and see what is happening outside?" Lors tilted his head to the door. Josh just now realized the shouting and yelling in the pub's main room and grunting went out, closely followed by Lors, whose paws were on his daggers, beneath the cape. The barman got out of the room and looked over the over-crowded bar he owned. He gruffed and turned his head to Mishel and tilted his head at the crowd with a questioning expression on his face. The panda lady just shrugged and yelled out so he could hear her. "You will find out soon enough." Lors moved to the left of the rhino and took a look around himself. The yelling, shouting and cheerful laugher made his ears hurt, but never the less he concentrated to hear specific conversations such like "Hey sexy come here and sit in my lap. I know you will love it" from a deep male voice and a female one answering playfully. "Depends how much you offer, I can get to enjoy more than your lap." Lors smirked. Whores. No wonder why all drunk furs were so happy. What better way to finish the day after earning some coins? The wolf tapped the huge rhino on the shoulder and beckoned him to bend down so the wolf didn't have to yell. "Whores. You want me to get rid of them?" The rhino's eyes went wide for a while then he smirked and looked over the crowd once again, shaking his head as an answer. Josh yelled back to the wolf. "Just get their fuckin' attention at me." In a nod the wolf wanted to scan the area... sadly he was too short to see everything the rhino did, so he jumped up on a table and done what he planned to. His eyes darted all over the room, thinking how he would get everyone's attention without yelling because he hated to raise his voice. The assassin's eyes stopped on a male lion with two whores sitting on his legs and kissing him. Lors took out one of his throwing knives and aimed carefully. He threw the knife and precisely hit the chair, that the lion sat on, an inch away from his crotch. The lion saw that and roared out in anger. The roar was loud enough and everyone went silent, males taking out their weapons half way, females perking their ears up and looking frightened. Just the reaction Lors wanted. The wolf sat on the table he was standing on and sighed. "All yours." The rhino laughed out loud before crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking over the crowd that had their eyes locked on him. "Seems this night will be a long dirty one eh lads?" Josh said loudly, smirking mischievous. "Para! C'mere ya naughty 'pussy' cat!" The customers in the bar all cheered and raised their glasses at what the bartender said. One of the sexiest felines Lors ever saw walked towards the rhino and hugged him around the waist. She winked at the big male then looked over Lors, who was still sitting on the table. The assassin raised one eyebrow looking the lioness over. Goldish-brown fur, perfect body, well groomed fur, long hair reaching to her waist, big breasts, nice ass... "One hell of a female and one expensive bitch too" thought Lors while he looked her directly in the amber eyes. Para had a little chat with Josh then, when the rhino took over the control of the bar once again, she walked over the wolf and slid one of her feminine paws over one of his thighs. "You are so sexy Mr. Wolf. Care to share a bed tonight?" she purred innocently at the wolf, looking directly in his eyes. Lors was surprised she did not show any signs of fear like everyone else who stared him in the eyes, yet he was not that surprised as she was a professional bitch and knew her job well. In return the wolf looked away and said slowly and calmly. "Find someone else to play with." With that said he ignored her totally even after she began to caress his neck. At the end she gave up pouting and went back to the barman, keeping her favorite customer company. Lors in the meanwhile was looking over the guests, making sure no trouble will begin and keeping an eye at the door expecting the assassin from before to enter, but that didn't happen. 2. Miros woke up in Syl's bed, with the vixen in his embrace in a spoon hug. He smiled brightly, yet remaining with his eyes closed. The knight began to softly kiss the vixen's head and ears. Sylvia was awake herself, long before the ursine. She smiled and turned her head, looking over her shoulder, to the handsome young bear. "Slept well Miros?" She asked him and slid her paws up and down the man's hips. In return the bear blew hot air in the vixen's ear, knowing she likes it. After the shiver and gasp from the female, the knight answered grinning. "I slept as if an angel was holding me." He kissed her neck softly. "What about you my love?" Sylvia blushed slightly at those words and giggled. "After last night... I slept wonderful you naughty bear." Snickering she said "I never knew you were so... 'powerful'." adding a playful tone to the last word. The knight blushed. He chuckled and rolled around before sitting up. "As a punishment for what you said I will go to my room, leaving you here all alone... naked and... needy." he whispered out the last words and stood up, heading over to a chair. The female turned around with a cute innocent expression. "Don't be like that." she whimpered out, but when she had free view at the male's nice rear she licked her lips and couldn't hold back a whistle. "Nice ass baby!" she said snickering after that. Miros blushed even harder, his cheeks clearly reddish. He turned around frowning jokingly. "That should be my line, love." Smirking he took his underwear and headed to the bathroom. Sylvia quickly got out of the bed and followed the bear. This time she would have a shower with the male instead of just spying on him. When the two furs entered the bath, the orb now imitating the soft morning light, caressing both, male and female, naked bodies with it, the bear looked over his shoulder to stare over the vixen's exposed body, caressing his eyes so lovingly while they observe her figure. This time the bear whistled and the her and the vixen's blood flushed in her face. Miros winked to the vixen and took the bucket to fill it with water after throwing his underwear next to the door. "I have to leave you very soon Syl. I have to make my usual early patrol over the merchant quarters here in the temple district. There is always someone needing a paw." Once the bucket was full he raised it up, above his head, and let the water pour over his body. The vixen's tail flicked every so often, the sight, almost the same as the last night, was astonishing for her. The male's massive muscles were now at full view as the puffy bear fur didn't cover it any longer. With a murr she went closer to him, leaning on the wet male body and whispering in the knight's ear. "Then I will see you on the festival today." A bit confused by those words the knight gruffed and looked at the vixen with a questioning look with one eyebrow raised. "You will be on the festival?" The female fox just giggled in return. Walking around the opening shops, Miros thought about what Sil told him. Looking up at the walls to the guards patrolling there he thought to himself. "I wonder... If she shows up on the festival what it would be like. Would I have to hide my feelings for her so perfectly..." he went on walking, glancing from one shop keeper to the other without paying too much attention. "Will she understand that? I don't know. We both made a risk that night... True, we..." Blinking, as just now the knight realized someone was calling him, he turned his head, looking over his shoulder at a merchant. As most merchants in the temple district, he had the well "toned" body. Big beer stomach, short legs, or at least they seemed short due to his fat, a grumpy expression, that didn't seem to change until a customer didn't make him happy with buying something expensive, and the same suspicious look as if everyone might steal his merchandise. Though there was something about this male. Miros couldn't put his finger on it though. The skunk that called him repeated once more. "Guard!" to be sure he got Miros's attention and then continued. "Can you come over to my shop? Seems a little rat is sniffing around." The skunk merchant tilted his head to the shop just behind the corner Miros went by a minute ago. Nodding, the bear gruffed. "Yes sir. Please lead the way." Rats. Or at least every merchant called this way the thieves that tried to steal something. They were a real pest and annoying as hell. Walking right behind the merchant Miros took a look around. He saw a shadowy figure move quickly here and there in the shadows that the morning sun still didn't scared away, after he gave more attention to his surroundings, and gruffed louder, but didn't placed his paw on the sword's handle. If he wanted to catch the thief he had to pretend he didn't saw him. The skunk went in the shop and so did Miros. To the knight's liking the shop was a weapon one. Fine made blades, axes, clubs, arrows, spears... What ever a soldier's heart might desire. Now being curious to look around, and wanting to catch the rat, the bear took a closer look at a claymore. Golden protector at the base, the handle carved with strange symbols, the steel... that was not steel... The metal that the weapon was created with had a light bluish color to it. That was odd. Looking at it in detail the bear saw for a brief moment how more words that lightened in blue, carved at the same strange language, ran from the base of the sword up to the very tip of it, but after a blink those words were gone... The bear, gruffing, made a step back. "Might have been my eyes playing a trick" He rubbed his eyes then heard the merchant next to him say. "The sword of moons" explained the male skunk slowly. "The most precious claymore in the world. Made by masters that knew their craft like no one else, but the funny thing is that no one having this weapon can sell it." The ursine knight turned his head at the skunk and rose an eyebrow. "No one can sell it, Sir? Then how come you have it?" Smirking slimy the other male said. "Part of that sword was made from my family. Only those who have the right bloodline can have it for safe keeping. Only one can wield it though. An interesting legend, I ensure you..." The bear said in the middle of the skunk's sentence. "Yes. Maybe another time you might tell me the tale. Right now I have to deal with your rat problems." The knight glanced out of the window, but couldn't see the figure coming closer. Maybe this one wasn't that stupid. "Why do things have to be made the hard way... Oh well" licking his dried lips the bear walked over to the exit. "I will come again after I finished my patrol. Seems I scared him off for the moment." Before Miros could close the door he heard the skunk say. "You -will- come back, Miros." Blinking the knight stopped and opened half way the door again. "From where did you..." the knight blinked again as the merchant was gone. "...knew my name." Hmming he said loudly. "Hello? Sir?" when no one answered the bear closed the door and went to finish his patrol, grumbling. From where did that skunk knew his name... He never said his name to anyone outside the temple and never had to as he never made a mistake so the merchants didn't have any reason to report him. Shrugging this off he went on. One shop, after another. Nothing special was happening, but the bear felt odd. He felt eyes locked on him, but he never saw someone actually looking at him... This made the ursine wary. After his patrol was over he made his way to the weapon shop again. In his way there he went by a mirror stand and saw something that froze his heart for a brief moment. A shadowy figure, but what made his heart freeze was the drawn weapon that reflected, for a moment, the morning light. Spitting at the floor the male fastened his pace to the weapon shop. The ursine knight opened the door, which was half way created of glass, to an angle that reflected the street he went trough so he could see if that fur was still following him. Once he saw the quick, almost impossible to trace movements of the fur, that went in another shadow and hid himself, the bear shouted in the shop. "Sir! It's me! The guard!" The skunk came out of a door, cleaning his paws with a dirty towel. "Oh thank you for coming by again. I had no troubles..." Miros saw the strange fur coming closer so he took out a spear from the nearby barrel. "What are you doing?!" the skunk shouted, but the knight ignored that. He turned to the right and threw the spear precisely at the attacking fur's direction, taking his sword out the very moment the spear left his paw. Not expecting this, the attacking fur leaned to the side, to dodge the incoming spear, and lost his quick pace. The blade of the attacker darted to stab the bear in the stomach, but Miros's paw pushed it to the left. The bear felt how the blade cut trough the left side of his steel cuirass like a knife trough jelly and made a wound on his left hip. He growled loudly and swung his sword up then down to the attacker's back, but once the sword hit it, it hit another weapon, that was so quickly drawn and placed over the fur's back that Miros didn't see when it actually happened. The bear's hit was strong enough to send the fur flying forwards though. The assassin fell to the floor with a thud, dropping one of his weapons and quickly got up for a second attack. The guards on the walls were alarmed by that time from the clash of the two weapons and fired their arrows at the unknown fur. The assassin was quick though. He avoided them with a backwards jump and ran to the nearest shadows, disappearing like he never existed. Grunting the knight fell on his left knee and placed his paw over the bleeding wound. He spat at the ground and cursed under his nose. More guards came and began to check the area while one went to Miros. "Are you all right Sir?" Miros got up with the soldier's help and nodded his head. "Yeah. How the hell did that assassin passed the guards on watch?" His angered eyes fell down on the raccoon that helped him up. "I want an explanation soldier." he added sternly. The young raccoon was taken aback from the anger in the bear's eyes and stood still. "I don't know Sir. No furs have come close to the temple district gates this morning Sir." The bear didn't like that answer and snarled, but after seeing how tight the soldier was squeezing his belt he calmed himself and asked. "Name and rank, soldier? Which division?" The raccoon, with one paw, pushed his green cape to his back to reveal the insignia of his division, a beautifully carved "F" He saluted and said loud and clear. "Ritchard Krosmer, Cleaver, Faust division Sir!" Miros rose an eyebrow. "Cleaver from Faust? So you are a new guy huh? Where is your captain at the moment, boy?" The bear was a few years older than the raccoon himself, but this way he would assure he will get the proper respect from the soldier. The 'coon shuddered lightly and said clearly. "At the Faust Barracks, Sir. Permission to talk freely Sir." The smaller male, one head shorter and half as big as the bear, stood straight up. Miros liked the guy. He had a proper respectful stance for a newcommer. Nodding the bear said "Permission granted." while he took a look at the other soldiers that were still scouting the area. The boy took his helm off and stared at the still bleeding wound on the bear's hip. "I think we need to find a healer first Sir. If that was really an assassin there might have been poison on his blade... And how can a steel armor like yours be cut so easily Sir? I do not want to be rude..." The knight answered quickly, before the 'coon said more. "I don't know Cleaver. I am more shocked than you are. As for the healer..." The ursine took a look at the wound and got a grumpy expression. "I don't think I will need one for now. I have work to do. Cleaver Krosmer. Go and call your captain, Irles Horlum. Tell him that Miros Rajnar wants to talk with him. Tell him to go in this weapon shop as soon as possible. I want you to return with him too, Cleaver. All clear?" The raccoon blinked but then nodding ran away to the barracks. In the meanwhile the ursine knight's attention was taken off from the running soldier. A bulky dog asked him. "Sir would you want to inspect the attacker's weapon first? I mean before we give it to the mages for a detailed inspection for poisoning or any magic placed in it." Nodding quietly the bear took a hold of the weapon, giving it a close look... True the bear was a paladin knight, but he didn't know much about sword crafting. Luckily he had the perfect store right next to him. The bear went in, holding a paw over his wound. Seeing the frightened expression on the skunk merchant Miros said calmly. "I will be all right." The skunk frowned and went trough a door, closing it, leaving the bigger male alone and confused. When the male returned he was wearing a massive tome that the skunk barely carried. The knight gawked at the sight of that book... Even the mage's tomes were not that big. The frowning skunk says, dropping the big tome on a table. "I don't care about your health. I know you -will- be all right. The sword you are holding." The fatter male pointed his muzzle at the assassin's weapon that the knight held loosely in his paw. "Saw the symbol on the base? I guessed this much..." Grinning the skunk opened the book and began to search something in it, turning one page after the other. The bear blinked... He went in the shop to get information of the weapon and it happens as if the other male read the knight's thoughts. Without asking Miros took a seat on a comfortable looking chair. His wound did hurt and applying more tension to it would just make it bleed more. And that the bear wanted to avoid. While searching, the merchant mumbled something under his nose, scratching his chin, humming as well. After twenty minutes the bear began to fall asleep... The skunk never finished to search in that book. Yet when the fatter fur slammed the book close, right before the knight managed to doze off for real, he jumped startled and looked around quickly, somewhat stupidly. Snickering the fat merchant walked closer to the knight. "The sword belongs to a cult, Miros. The cult's so called 'god', but more a tyrant, is a major enemy of Aroth, the god of the sun. He possibly attacked you because of that, but..." The merchant hummed, stroking his chin again while looking at the sword that was placed on the ursine's lap. The bear gruffed "But what? And from where do you know my name?" The bear leaned back on the chair he sat after the little shock the skunk caused with the slamming the book close. His wound didn't bled more, though he should have took the soldier's advice and find a healer. The bear once again gruffed when the skunk said. "I know a lot more about you than you think, Miros Rajnar. Maybe even more than you know yourself." When the fat merchant sat on a chair near the one Miros was sitting on and took the weapon carefully from the knight's lap. "Fine craftsmanship... possibly a enchantment placed in it... hmmm. Seems to be a piercing spell..." The skunk looked at the symbol specifically while the bear was looking at the merchant with a bit of mistrust. "What's your name merchant?" the bear asked with a low angered tone. Yet before the merchant could answer the raccoon soldier from before entered, leaving the door open and saying loudly. "Faust Irles Horlum!" And when the name was mentioned a black panther entered. In physique the feline was humorous. For a soldier he was as skinny as a beggar, strings of fur, at least where the fur was visible, were pointing at every possible direction. For a feline that was quite remarkable as every cat looked over his fur with much care. Irles looked directly at the bear, grinning. The bear grinned back, seeing the tiredness in his old friend's eyes. Getting up on his legs the bear made a few steps towards the cat. The cat did the same. The odd thing is both didn't stop and hit each other with their chest. While the bear stood straight on his powerful legs, the much weaker cat fell to the floor with a loud "Ufff" Grinning toothily at the Faust soldier the ursine knight offered his paw for the cat to get up easier. "You've been stronger." Miros said chuckling. The black feline took the offered masculine paw and got up slowly. "And you've been smarter." The cat said sternly back. When the panther was on his feet both bear and cat looked at each other in the eyes then both of them burst out laughing and hugged each other. Both the merchant and the 'coon soldier were confused on what was going on, watching the two men laugh and hug... After a minute Miros said grinning. "How are you doing old friend? Haven't seen you on the battle field for ages." Sighing the old panther nodded. "Yes... your words are so true... and they sadden me, but I cannot change anything. As for how I am doing. Same old cat, same old tricks..." And without wasting time the cat punched the armored abdomen of the bear. The bear uhhffed and made a step back. He had an armor, true, that would recoil the punch, but not if Irles done it. That feline bastard made his own methods killing someone. Miros gruffed and hit the cat back, but lighter, knowing his fist with the gauntlet protecting it might be too much combined with his full power. Now the cat's turn to step back, holding his stomach... he hissed. "Idiot... Hitting an elder like that..." Miros smirked "Same old bear, same old tricks." After his comment the ursine knight looked at the raccoon and tilted his head at the cat. "Help him stand straight soldier." And so did the soldier as it was a direct command. The merchant groaned loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Would you stop this nonsense! I don't tolerate fighting in MY shop! Who is that?" the skunk pointed at the semi curled cat that is helped by the soldier. Miros crossed his mighty arms and growled at the merchant. "Show some respect merchant. The soldier told you who he is. Faust Irles Harlum. The best tactician in this damn continent, one of the finest battlemages of the old age." The merchant frowned. "I should show respect? Fine I will, but -you- should do the same!" Before the bear could answer Irles messed in the conversation. "Both of you shut up or I will tie your lips with your fur. I am getting a headache." This time even Miros didn't answer to the black cat, knowing that to get Irles a headache means to make him very angry at you. The panther continued "To the matter at paw. Why did you summon me knight Rajnar?" The feline nodded his head to a whisper from the soldier and took a seat on a free chair, looking around in the shop, admiring some weapons while frowning at others. The bear sat himself, placing his paw over his wound once again. Some blood dribbled down his armor from the moving around and especially the hit in his stomach. He began to explain the situation, about the assassin, the sword and what the merchant told him about the cult, missing to mention the fact he was wounded by the assassin. After hearing what the knight had to say Irles hmmed loudly and leaned back on his chair, resting his paws on the arms of the chair. "Interesting. As far as I know that cult has been wiped out, so the records of the temple say. They were a major threat to everyone, not just the Sun god... Their traditions should be dead, destroyed by our temple's mightiest priests personally, yet you tell me someone has that knowledge to actually create and enchant the weapons like they were originally created... This is most disturbing..." The black feline turned his gaze at the soldier. "Cleaver, remind me to write a letter to the arch-priest later this day. And I want you to get that idiot of a bear knight to a healer no matter how much he struggles." Miros frowned at that. "What did I do now to get that attitude?" The feline answered calmly while getting on his feet again. "I am old, not blind. I saw the blood running down your armor. If we -are- talking about a new arising of that cult you better go to a healer right away, because who knows what more the blade has in itself. I don't want to take any risks at the moment. Everything is... too delicate." And then he walked out of the shop, heading to the left and to the temple. Miros growled weak but sighing he secretly agreed with his old friend, watching how he walks out. Then the knight remembered something. The merchant's name... The knight turned his head to where the skunk sat but... he wasn't there anymore. Frowning the bear looked at the soldier. "Cleaver. Did you see where the merchant went?" Yet the soldier just turned his head from the door as he was looking at the black cat as well. "Oh?" the soldier blinked. "I... I am sorry Sir, I have no idea. I was not paying attention." Miros grunted and looked around frowning. "Sir?! Merchant?! Where the hell did you go now..." He mumbled under his nose. He would gladly go around the shop and find that fat fur, but the rules forbid it and he didn't want to break them. The knight's stern expression turned to the smaller soldier that shivered from it. With a lightly shaking voice the 'coon said. "S-sir I need to get you to a healer. Please come with me." This time, without any arguing, the bear got up and followed the soldier out of the shop and to the temple, walking slowly to don't make his wound bleed once again. ********************************** In the morning Arguin woke up with a headache. Placing a paw over his hot forehead he groaned, looking around slowly. "What the hell..." he said while starting to remember a few things that happened during the night... Him and Lors heading to the great walls. The assassin hunting him, the blood flooded bar and then oblivion as he passed out... Next thing was how a huge rhinoceros woke him and forced him to gulp down two beers... The tiger frowned remembering more details after he was drunk... he gazed down to his body just to see it half way exposed. His armor gone, shirt boots and pants too... Only left in his undergarments... He shivered... remembering a huge... figure... a Panda female or... something like that. He couldn't put his finger on it. Shaking those thoughts off he looked around for his clothing, finding all of them nicely folded on a chair, boots near the chair, on the floor, and his cloak used as a blanket for his weapons to cover them. The thief blinked, then slowly got up, still having a sore body, and went to his gear. Just when he reached the chair someone came in with a grunt. The half nude tiger looked at the fur and blinked. "Umm..." The huge rhino he remembered from last night was in, Lors right behind him. Josh said with a grin. "So ye woke up eh kit? 'Ave a 'eadache I bet!" a deep laugher followed. Unlike the barfur the tiger didn't find it amusing at all. He snarled and pointed an accusing finger at the twice as big man. "Ah shut it! It's your fault anyway!" Then the tiger started to dress up. Josh grinned wildly. "So what? Ye gonna attack me or sumpting chap? Ye dun't 'ave the balls ta do it." Said the rhino in attempt to intimidate the smaller feline. Arguin, angered, slid out his short-sword from under the cloak and gripped the handle tightly. Lors rose an eyebrow seeing this but remained behind the big male. He wanted to see how things will go out in the end. The rhino just crossed his arms, smirking at the small feline in front of him, waiting just as patiently as Lors. The tiger though wondered how to attack the big idiot, knowing Lors will get in the way eventually... He could have some fun with that at least... only if his body didn't ache with pain. Frowning he stashed his sword back and resumed dressing himself "It would be a waste of my powers knowing you will use Lors to defend your ten feet ass" He snapped at the Rhino, which just laughed. The wolf hmmed under his nose and then looked at the laughing barfur "Josh, did you found out last night? I know you were asking questions. You stayed on the tables longer than you usually do" The rhino first sat on one of the chairs, which once again squeaked under him, and stroking his chin answered "Except that Para got tighter or ma dick got bigger? Nuthin'. Absolutely nuthin' kid. No one eva heard of such assassins roaming the streets last night. I got only a fancy rumor from the guard. "The hole" was attacked because two furs were supposed ta meet there at that time, but they are not sure -why- everyone got murdered" Blinking a bit the tiger looked Lors in the eyes "You think we were those 'two furs'? Usually we do meet inside the bar, last night was an exception..." The wolf remained in thought, and nodded "I am sure of it. And the answer why everyone got murdered is easy. The assassin that killed everyone wasn't sure who his target was." He looked out the window in thought, then turned around to head out "I will see you tonight Arguin. Not at the usual meetings though. I will wait for you at the "Death's entrance"." The tiger, blinking, saw how his friend walked out without saying anything else. He put the cloak on at that time "I really hate that place..." he mumbled under his breath and looked at the rhino "Want to taunt me now, Josh?" showing his sharp fangs Chortling the rhino nodded "Anytime kid. Ye sill dun't 'ave the balls." Growling the tiger charged without his drawn weapon. Being almost as quick as Lors he was so fast the barfur wasn't able to react. Pressing his knee tightly at the big male's groin the tiger hissed out "Watch your muzzle or you wont have the balls, literally" After that, grinning, the feline quickly moved away before those powerful arms could lock him and went out himself, leaving the rhino a bit scared... but he blinked as he heard Josh's loud laugher when he closed the door. As the tiger walked along the crowded streets, frowning at the sun blinding him, he looked lazily from one fur to the other, pick-pocketing one or two that had their money purse just begging to be stolen. This was more of an unconscious habit for the feline rather something he had to use skill for, so he done it more or less effortlessly. While walking from one crowded street to another he kept thinking of the blade which Lors had in his possession. "Why would the temple send assassins? Did the temple even train assassins? It's all against their belief... If they wanted everyone in the pub dead they would have sent their heavy armored knights in... especially if they had to deal with an assassin and a thief... the more the harder it is to escape" he thought and made a turn in one of the more shadowy streets to let his eyes relax. Leaning on a wall his thoughts continued while he looked to the passing furs on his left "Still... Even if they did not know who they were looking for, they would have taken everyone into custody, not assassinate every single fur in the pub... it's against everything the temple stands for. Nothing, absolutely nothing seems to fit with the temple except the sword with the sun symbol on it. Lors showed to me that the assassin was very skilled... killing everyone for seconds is something even Lors can't compete with without making mistakes. He hummed "They were waiting for us... Or better said, looking for us? If we were in that bar we would have been dead along everyone else... Maybe... "The tiger rubbed his chin thoughtfully "Maybe they saw us split... One went after me the other after Lors, but Lors is really hard to follow especially at night... no wonder if the assassin lost track of him and decided to go in the pub in the hopes to kill him there. The other one was after me... I am not sure if he didn't see my face though" Arguin looked to the shadows wit ha frown "Don't let me down shadows... I hope you hid my face from the hunter and gave me safe escape." The feline grumbled and turned to the right, walking further in the shadowy street while still being lost in thoughts "Leaving Lors aside as he has many enemies, what would assassins want from a simple thief like me? I never abused any assassin's guild to be marked, and even if I was I would know right away. I need answers... Good ones. It's about time I go visit an old friend of mine." ********************************** Arguin walked towards the temple quarters gates and gazed upwards to them. They always had those nice gems on them... but he never could get one out due to the magic in the wall. His eyes fell on a particular stone almost at his eye level. Once the cat got nearer to it he smiles, pulled his hood back and softly ran his paw over the grey stone, whispering "I am back again..." The stone very lightly flashed in a miraculous blue color and then became grey once again. The thief smiled brighter and went trough the gate without even being stopped by the guards for questioning. He paid them more than enough for this after all. Once inside the temple's district the tiger went directly to a very well known shop for thieves. Best fence you could find in this town. Once inside the weapon's shop he saw the fat skunk and nodded to him. "Fence, we have some business to attend to" Arguin said sternly. The merchant huffed and excused himself in front of his current client and bid them farewell before motioning the feline to one of the chairs next to the wall "Take a seat if you will. What can I purchase from you today? Jewels? Or fine crafted daggers?" The skunk grinned slimy, thinking of what he'll manage to get for his inventory today. In response the thief threw at the merchant's lap a couple of sacks he pick pocketed earlier "I need information" The feline said simply and sat down on the offered chair and crossed his legs. "I was a target yesterday night. An assassin wanted me dead. I want to know if I am marked." The skunk opened each sack and counted quickly the coins in... After counting several bronze, a few silver and two or three gold coins the merchant nodded his head in agreement "You are not marked, I can tell you that much already. You've been one of the thieves that the guilds always wanted, and you know it Arguin. Who the assassins were you want to ask? I do not know unless you don't give me information." The thief slowly looked at the weapons in front of him, especially the bows and daggers "All I can tell you is that one of them left two swords behind. They had a sun symbol on the base." The tiger's silver eyes sharply looked to the side as the skunk laughed "From all furs on this continent...! You?! From all them you were the one?!" The fat male blurted out, his round stomach bouncing lightly up and down in his laugher. "I can tell you this much, thief. If they were after you, they will not stop until you are dead. Oddly enough I encountered a similar problem this morning..." the fat man mumbled under his nose and started counting the coins again one, by one. Frowning the feline turned his head to look straight at the fur "Explain. What happened this morning in the district?" he asked angrily and impatiently. With a smug grin the merchant said "A knight was attacked by a mysterious assassin that had the same sword with a sun symbol on it. Those assassins are from a cult that was long destroyed. The cult was called "The sun's dawn". They were always at war with the Aroth's minions, but eventually lost because of traitors in their army. Everything else are legends that I don't believe in" The skunk shrugged "You should just watch your step from now on, thief, or else I will have your head as a souvenir on my wall" The skunk chuckled darkly Arguin didn't find it amusing and slowly got up from the chair, having heard enough "Yeah, I'll be careful. Or at least I'll stab myself in the head so you can't get any trophy" the thief grumbled out and headed to the door. The fence calmly said before the feline left his shop "be calm though, they will not attack you during the day. Those assassins attack only in shadow so if you stay somewhere where there are no shadows, you will survive" Huffing the tiger nodded and looked to the right, over his shoulder, at the merchant. "I will keep that in mind. See you soon fat-face. Don't stuff all the muffins in your backside so often" The feline grinned and quickly stepped out of the shop and ran away before the merchant could jump at him and call in the guards. While running he saw on his torso blood and blinking stopped, touching his waist "Blood?" he said to himself as he was not hurt... he shrugged it off and ran quickly to the lower districts to the Mages guild. If he was to be hunted, he would be prepared to be hunted, and eventually hunt... **********************************