Whisperes in the Dark Chapter One: On The Edge

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Whispers In The Dark

Whispers in the Dark Chapter One: On The Edge.

Story and Characters © Michael .B ( Max The Wolf [YS] LT_Max_W_Charger [FA] )

Disclaimer: This story will contain some mature content and shouldn't be viewed by anyone under the age of 17, 18, or 21...depending on the laws and rules your state and your damn parents made. Say fuck them and read this story anyways. Thank you.


Story Them: Whispers in the Dark - Skillet

Michael's Theme: It's Beginning to Get to Me - Snow Patrol

Dream Theme (Hey that Rhymed): Shut Your Eyes - Snow Patrol

Love Theme:: Breath You In - Thousand Foot Krutch

Ending Theme: One Thing - Finger 11

Story Started: 1-4-2010, Finished: 8/12/2013, Story Edited: 8/13/2013 ( Fixed a few little errors, replaced a few words, redid the text size. )


It was the very start of the new year, and the sun was slowly setting in the blood red western sky as gunshots echoed in the air. Light caliber rounds smacked into a large plywood board that leaned up against a post, three small holes punching their way through the wood two inches above a small black circle made by a magic marker.

"Shit. Only two rounds left out of the first box and I'm still no closer to the mark than I was a few minuets ago. And at this rate...I'll burn through the last two boxes like there nothing." whispered a young man who was knelt down behind a old wooden bench, adjusting the elevation and wind-age of the 3-9x32 scope that rested upon the top of a .22Cal Long Rifle that belonged to his adoptive father. He was almost twenty-one and still living at home, but to him...it was broken. He was dressed in blue jeans, a heavy dark blue t-shirt and a heavy black jacket that he liked a lot. His medium length dirty blonde hair combed back to the point it formed a slight thick wave.

"Are you sure you're doing it right.? I thought I taught you how to shoot better, Michael." replied a old man who stood behind him, dressed in the typical western style; a true cowboy.

"Not my fault...I almost got it zeroed in." he replied softly, while glancing back to his father slowly. He then took aim once more, his hazel eyes peering through the scope, and fired off the last two rounds, this time coming within a inch from his mark.

"I got a question, Boss." he spoke once more. He never could come to call him Dad ever since he learned he wasn't there child at the age of twelve. "How come Midget can talk to her brother for nearly an hour to a hour in a half...but I can't talk to my friend for half an hour.?"

"That's because it was at Eight Forty at night."

"Yeah. Well it didn't cost anything because he called me."

"Maybe its because your friend is a fag-git." his father replied sharply.

Michael growled slightly under his breath before he stood up slowly. "Yeah, so?" he then glanced to his father "He's just a friend."

"I don't care. He's still a fairy."

"Wow. You raise me to not be a racist...and here you are acting just like one." Michael countered quickly as he handed the rifle to his father.

"Go to hell." his father shot back bitterly as he took the rifle, and that just made matters worse like all the other times.

"Make me." Michael snorted as he walked away while reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a nearly empty pack of Eagle20 100's and taking one of the two remaining cigarettes out and placing it to his lips. Once he was near the small barn like shed on the other side of the yard, he moved behind it while placing the pack once more in his pocket and reaching down to his pants, slowly pulling out a green Camouflage oil fuel lighter, he got from his father, from the small pocket under his belt. "Stupid mother fucker! God damn...never fails! I'm always the one who's in the wrong. Not them. Fucking goody two shoes!" he muttered to himself before lighting up the paper stick.

"Not to mention the stupid ass deal they struck with me for another phone." he paused for a second only to take a hit off of the cigarette before speaking once more, this time in a mocking high voice "Stop smoking. Stop smoking. Okay...Smoke one day a week...at work and only one pack. If not, than no phone and if you don't do as told, you'll lose the phone." he growled softly. "I pay for the god damn thing for Christ sake."

Once he stopped ranting for a while he then heard his parents talking among each other and heard his mother. "...Well I've had enough. He thinks he can go to someone else-is house and treat them like kings, then come home and treat us like shit, than he can move out and live with his fag-git friend. He can become his girlfriend. But I'm not going to take it any more!"

Michael rolled his eyes slightly while taking another hit. 'Fucking wow. How in the hell am I the asshole here. God I need to move out of this hell hole. I can't believe they keep thinking they are right all the damn time. Stupid parent complex I guess.' he thought to himself before he heard one of the dog pens open. He then heard the sound of his dog coming. He paid so much attention to her that he could recognize her panting from a distance and not even see her to know. A husky with cream white fur with reddish brown spots all along her back as if she stood under a pipe dripping rusty water...her eyes; one blue and one brown; came around the corner in a slight lope.

He sighed softly with a half smile as he then looked to the side at the female. "How's my lovely Jenna.?" he then moved to pet her softly. She watched her master with wondering eyes as if to say 'you okay?'.

Slowly he shook his head while blowing smoke from his nose. "I feel lost. These morons who claim to love me; are pushing me farther away and they act like its some big enigma on why I don't give a rats ass about them anymore." he knelt down, petting her softly as he thought on what to do.

'I could always go to the neighbors and see if I can stay there...but...I think that has already been answered when I dropped the hint a few days ago about moving out last month. ' he snickered softly as he felt Jenna move close and lick softly at his neck.

'And to rent a place would be hard...my paycheck isn't much at all and it would take every dime I made to make one moths rent. ' he sighed softly and reached up to scratch behind the dogs ear. "God I wish you could talk to me...I would love to have some one to talk to that truly understood me. Not like the poseurs I live with or know as friends." he whispered softly as he closed his eyes. He felt her push up against him softly as if giving him a soft hug. He then slowly opened his eyes to look at her. "Some times I think you do understand me."

Jenna laid her ears back slightly before perking them up once more, her tail still wagging softly against the ground as she placed one of her forepaws upon his chest, leaning closer to lick at his lips. He made no effort to push her back; but just sat there letting it happen. Once she leaned back, he pulled her close to him and kissed her softly on the nose as he softly ran his fingers through the fur along her back, enjoying the soft, silky feel between his fingers. Like every other time, he had started to feel calm and clear...all the anger in his mind had left him; put upon a back burner somewhere to forget for a while. It was a welcome change. She was the only thing he had left from his dead mother...besides a small book half full with photos.

He had remained in his spot for some time before he got up to put her back up in the pen. He passed his father and mother a few times but he never looked to them, always keeping silent as death. The night had came slightly quick, the air become cold from the oncoming cold front in the north. He overheard the news slightly as he plaid a few video games, hearing how it was going to be colder. 'Fucking Canadian assholes. Sending all there cold air down here because they can't stand being alone in the cold...Typical pussies.' he thought to himself, grinning as he won a few races with a classic '69 Dodge R/T muscle car. After a few hours he decided to go to bed, besides...he had work tomorrow.

Dreams was somewhat, if not always, elusive to him at times...but tonight was something totally new. He was standing silently in the middle of some woods in the middle of nowhere. The mid-afternoon sun shown down upon him through the canopy of thick pines and oaks. The scent of summer was fresh in the air...a very welcome change from all the winter cold that has been around him. Soon he heard something move from behind him, the soft rustle of branches caused him to spin around to look, but he saw nothing. He started to get a little creep-ed out, and it didn't help that he scared easy some times. Soon a soft voice reached out to him from all around as it from a million places at once.


"Who's there?" he replied softly as he looked around, still seeing nothing but the trees and shrubs all around him. Soon soft footsteps came from behind him, then something softly rested upon his shoulder like a hand...but with long fingernails. He slowly turned his head to see and saw something that just made him nearly freak...his eyes going wide. He was staring at his beloved pet...but she was different. She stood upon two well toned legs, her body was long and slender, about Five foot Four inches tall, forming a perfect hourglass shape. Her arms were also long and toned in all the right places, her breasts had to be about a D cup and right between the twin mounds of fur and flesh was a small triangular tuft of cream white fur. She had a soft smile upon her muzzle as she spoke once more.

"It's good to see you, Master. I'm sorry for the way you are treated, and I wish I could do something to help."

"Ah...um. Its okay, I try to deal with it. Am I dreaming?" he replied softly.

"Yes. And its almost time for you to wake up...but I want to give you something before you go." she whispered softly as she moved to stand in front of him. She then stepped close to him, pressing her body to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck before she placed her lips to his, giving him a deep and passionate kiss. Her long tongue sneaking into his mouth for a brief second before leaning back. "I love you, Master, I always will be yours. I'll see you later some time." she murred before stepping backwards from him and fading away into the darkness just as everything else went blank.

Michael woke up at five in the morning to the sound of his cell-phones alarm going off in the most annoying way known to man. The moon was still out among the stars as the night kept everything in a blanket of darkness. He thought about his dream then remembered work came first...he could think about the dream later. He laid in bed knowing he didn't have much time to make a rock solid decision; should he have his father take him to work in a cold nature-ed truck that wouldn't start sometimes on cold days, or should he call the lady next door who was still asleep.? Decisions he had to make, and both of them he didn't like. He hated to be a burden for someone who was still asleep, and he hated being near his father. It was a hate that would last for nearly a week, and like all the other times...things would be fun and happy again, but they was right...it wouldn't last. It never did. He sighed softly and moved to the living room to turn on the T.V. and watched the morning news. His stomach growled slightly, and he growled back.

"You'll get fed at lunch time, now just shut up." he snorted.

He looked around before moving to get cleaned up. Putting on a pare of gray long john pants, then a pare of black jeans. Next was a white long john shirt, a heavy t-shirt and two heavy sweaters and his jacket. Sighing softly...he picked up his thermal gloves and headed out to the truck to start it up. After a few failed attempts to get the heavy diesel to run he then got the truck into a hard idle that made the whole vehicle shake slightly as if it was a old Dodge. The '06 Ford F-350 6.0Leter power stroke was the only truck in the family that acted the way it did. The '99 Ford F-250 7.3Leter power stroke never had a problem besides with bad batteries. He got out of the truck once it started to idle easy on its own, and moved back inside to see his father getting ready, he then turned right back around and stepped outside to wait. He stood silently by the truck before he moved over to the dog pens to see Jenna sitting silently by the wire wall, watching his every move. He knelt down as he took off his glove and slipped his hand between the small wire squares to pet her softly along the head.

"I'm heading to work. I'll see you later tonight when I get back okay?"

He always liked talking to her...it was something that just made him feel good. As he walked away he glanced back and even in the darkness, the light of the moon caused a soft sparkle to show in the corners of her eyes that he could have sworn was tears. He hated leaving her alone.

The ride to work was silent besides for the radio playing softly. Michael watched the darkness with slight interest as his mind drifted back toward his dream. He had known his dreams to run a little wild but this was a whole new stage...sure...he was a part of the Furry Community and all that other good jazz that consisted of Furs. But never had his dreams turned into what little he had last night.

'Maybe its just my hopes...my mind trying to comfort me like always. But if that was so...why wasn't it a simple War dream pulled from one of my video games I play all the time? ' he though to himself as he glanced to the road.

He then shook his head slightly as the truck turned into the parking lot of the Livestock Market he worked at in town. It was only Six now and he was right on time to sign in.

He picked up his things; a old whip, a hand full of butterscotch candy, and his wallet.

He slowly stepped inside the building as his father left, leaving him in the midst of all the early morning worker gossip he had grown accustom to. He took a seat at a long table while pulling out a new pack of smokes he had bought on the way into town, he then waited for work to start...he had an hour to kill.

When he had gotten off work, it was now midnight and he had a pocket full of cash after cashing the check at the job. He called his father for a ride back home and again it was another silent trip. He had mud on his sneakers, and jeans. He was tired, and his feet hurt like hell...but he had money and he couldn't complain with that even if he did put in nearly 12 hours on his feet.

When he got home he pulled off his shoes and changed his pants into a pare of lose fitting blue jeans and then laid down in his bed and closing his eyes slowly. As soon as his eyes closed...that was all he could remember.

From somewhere in the deep dark bliss of sleep he could feel something moving across him...soft and slow. The feeling was something like that of silk...yet warm.

Soon something wet graced his cheek, then his lips causing him to slowly open his eyes and found himself looking up into Jenna's eyes.

She giggled softly, giving him one more lick across the lips before standing up and moving about the room slowly toward the door and softly pressing the small button on the knob, locking it. "It's good to see you Master." she smiled as she slowly stepped toward the bed...her hips swaying slightly in a seductive manner. She then crawled onto the bed, moving over him upon all fours.

"Am I dreaming?" he asked softly, his whisper would have been missed by any one else but to the beautiful husky on top of him; it rang through her acute ears.

If anything; her smile grew wider, showing off her pearly white fangs. "How about we see, hm?" she murred softly as she leaned down to place a soft kiss to his lips. Her paws softly moving up along his hips, to his shirt, before she gripped the fabric and began to slowly pull it up. He took the hint and leaned up to allow her to remove his shirt before laying back down when she tossed it to the side while placing her paw softly to his chest. Idly she looked over him like a hunter evaluating its prey.

Slowly she leaned down close to him, her breasts softly brushing his skin as she nuzzled up under his neck. Her paws drifting along his shoulders and down to his arms.

She grinned to herself when she felt his arms slowly slip around her, and his fingers softly brush through the fur upon her back.

"I've always had a fantasy about this." he softly whispered into her ear before kissing the tip. His hands moving down to her hips before he softly scratched at the base of her curled tail. Both of their hearts were pounding in there chests, waiting for the excitement that was about to follow them both...a desire that had built up inside them for years.

"I know. So have I." she murred softly, slowly raking her claws along his arms before letting out a soft moan when she felt him softly give her rear a firm squeeze.

"Let's make this fantasy come true, master."

She then moved her paws down to the button of his jeans, opening them up and slowly pulling the zipper down. The metallic sound was like music to her ears as the warmth built up inside her body...aching too be released. Slowly she moved down his body, letting her fur brush along his chest and stomach until she was over her target, pulling his jeans down slowly, murring deeply at the sight of his rock hard shaft standing at attention.

His soft moan reached her ears as she ran her broad tongue along the sensitive pillar of flesh before enveloping it in her maw, sucking upon him softly like a new born pup. Her tongue curling around his shaft every now and again while she grated the tip along the ridges at the top of her muzzle.

He slowly closed his eyes, running a hand along one of her ears, rubbing softly at the base with his thumb while letting her do what she pleased. His breath soon coming in ragged pants, his hips twitching ever so often before he started too tense up.

The beautiful husky knew just what was coming and started working on him harder, murring deeply, sending soft vibrations along his shaft before he soon gave in, unleashing his load into her waiting maw which she happily accepted.

She slowly sat up, licking her lips with a grin before moving over his body once more, nuzzling up against his cheek.

"Was that good, Master?" she whispered softly into his ear, grinning more when he slowly nodded his approval.

"No one has ever done that to me before." he whispered back to her in between breaths of air, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"If this is a dream...I never want too wake up." he chuckled softly, watching as she sat up slowly.

"I know." she replied, her loving smile never leaving her beautiful features.

He then placed his hands upon her hips, softly easing her upon her knees.

Taking the hint, she reached down between their bodies, her long slender fingers wrapping around his still hard shaft before guiding it slowly to where she wanted it the most.

The tip softly brushing along her moist lips before she eased herself down upon him, groaning softly as she felt his girth penetrate her.

She had too bite her tongue too keep from howling in pleasure, and she knew her lover had too do the same as he gave out a strangled moan.

Slowly she started too ride him, working up to a steady rhythm, whining softly as she started too pant.

To Michael her tunnel felt like a velvet vise. He could feel every muscle in her passage massage his length, that along with the heat she was putting off, drew him closer to his second climax that was quickly approaching. He reached up, pulling her down on top of him, rocking his hips slowly against her's as he struggled too hold himself back as he trailed soft kisses and nips along the nape of her neck.

He could feel her body shaking and figured she too was trying too hold back, her walls contracting around him tightly, and that sealed the deal with his body as he pushed as far as he could in her, flooding her with his seed.

Jenna buried her face into the pillow as she let out a muffled howl of pleasure as she felt him fill her, which in turn sent her off also, her body twitching slightly as her tunnel rippled along his member in short spasms.

Silently they laid there in one another arms basking in the afterglow and just enjoying being close to one another.

Michael slowly glanced at her out of the corner of his eye while petting her softly along the ridge of her spine.

"This isn't a dream..."

"What makes you say that?" she asked while licking softly along his neck with a soft murr.

"Because I always wake up before the good parts." he chuckled softly, still petting her softly.

"And besides... I feel it in my heart that it isn't. I don't know how I missed this all before...all the times that I felt you could understand me. You could..."

She slowly raised her head, looking down at him before putting her nose to his with a smile. "It's okay, Master. I had too do something too make you feel better. You was always so upset and angry. I wanted too see you happy again, like the time when you came and got me from your mother... I knew that there was a strong bond between us before we met." she sighed softly before licking his lips slowly.

"I don't know how too put it any simpler than that."

"Words don't always say all they need. It's what comes from the heart and a strong bond that makes things work the way they do." he replied while hugging her close to his body.

"And I have too thank you for that. Without you...I'd be lost."

"And I, you." she smiled, feeling him pull the blanket over them softly before cuddling up to him a little more, closing her eyes.

"Let's rest...and enjoy this moment."

"Yeah." he gave a soft nod, his arms around her tightly as they both slowly drifted off into slumber.

When morning came, Michael woke up alone in his bed, his brain foggy with sleep as he thought about last night, trying too comprehend if what happened really did or if he was able too really finish a dream. He then lifted the blanket, noticing that his jeans was down around his ankles and as if more proof was needed, five long red scratches down both his arms was all he needed too know that it wasn't a dream.

He laid back in bed with a soft sigh, looking up at the ceiling with a small smile that slowly grew wider.

It was another hour before he got out of bed, moving to the bathroom, getting a shower and heading to the living room in a pare of old blue jeans, while pulling on a black long sleeved shirt. He stepped up to the icebox, looking though it slowly for something to eat, before settling on leftover pizza from two days ago. Taking the box to the kitchen counter, and tossing a few slices in the microwave and getting a large cup of coffee.

After mixing cream and sugar into the already pumped up form of caffeine, and getting his quick breakfast he then stepped outside and onto the back porch.

He idly watched the sun come up from the rim of his coffee cup before he heard Jenna off to the side, making her way up to him and sitting down beside him, her tail wagging slowly as she looked up at him with her two-tone eyes.

He slowly looked at her, his eyes meeting hers and last night quickly plaid through his mind once more.

He smiled softly, reaching down and petting her softly between the ears as her own smile crept across her muzzle.

He sighed contently, ignoring the fact his parents was out and about in the yard doing their regular routine. He didn't care at the time. He was too busy with what he was doing...nothing at all. Watching the sun slowly rise into the sky as the cool air slowly blew past him.

He snickered softly, looking down to Jenna, before he fed her bites of his breakfast in between his own, soon setting the paper plate to the side on a small metal table beside him, along with his coffee. He then patted his leg softly causing Jenna too jump up in his lap, laying down as she curled up into a ball, her tail swaying lazily as he softly stroked along her back and side, from her head to the base of her tail.

For once in the whole time he's been at his own personal war with his adoptive parents, he was at peace. He then looked down to Jenna with a loving smile.

"I love you, Jenna."

"I love you too, Master." came a soft, barely audible whisper from the husky in his lap, and that only made his smile grow wider.

He knew that there was mystery's in the world...but he had proof that it was real and not him going insane. All he knew was that for how ever long it would last, he wouldn't be alone and feeling as if he was trapped in a world that didn't care.

And one thing else he knew for sure as his own flesh...he wouldn't look at his faithful, loving pet the same ever again. She was his lifeline...his will and heart. She was the other half of his soul that he searched so long for...the only one he could confide in and not be looked like some mental wack nut that needed too be locked in a room with a comfy white jacket and four padded walls.

He didn't care what tomorrow held, or the failure of the past...all he cared about was right now...him sitting on the porch with his secret lover in his lap.

His life was slowly shaping up quite nicely.

Slowly he leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on the railing with a content sigh before getting a drink of coffee and setting it back down, putting his hands behind his head.

"Another beautiful day." he snickered softly with a grin.

( The End )

This story has been sitting in my databank for a while now and with the fact I got a better laptop than my old HP with a messed up space bar and keyboard...i decided too finish this one up too help with my writers block. Don't fear my loyal friends and readers... I'm still working on the other two that aren't finished yet in the first series they play in...and I'm thinking of bringing back the old UAA story series...

Remember, comments, Faves, Votes, and all constructive comments and criticism is welcome as long as it's kept friendly and helpful. I should have new stories and updates every weekend because I don't have net yet at the house where I'm at here in Illinois, but I do go to McDonald's for their WI-FI.

The stories I am still working on are as follows. The Lonely Hearts, Oddity, and The Origin Of Max (Which I don't think will last due to not many people looking at it.)

New Works in Progress are: Bio-hazard, Let It Snow, Alone In The World, The UAA Chronicles, Resident Furry New Outbreak File 2, Unleashed, and Time Stretch.

Thank you all for your time and I'm sorry it's been so damn long since my last post. Enjoy this one for now and who knows...if ya all like it...i might make it a series. Catch ya all later. Enjoy.