3000 - Phase I

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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Bennettworks Inc

This is another work of furry fiction by me David Bennett. This story is a re-write of the original piece of work I wrote during my time of High School. The story's original title was "Sojourners" but I have changed it to "3000" because I simply feel that this is a better title. The characters of the story are the fursonas of 3 of my close friends. Felix was a wrestling partner, an ex, and shared a corner with me during history class. Faysil was the school's clown, another ex, and we shared Advanced Acting together. Nikita was based off the strongest woman I knew at the time, and one of my best friends of the female gender. We shared science and P.E. together. These are their fursonas, interacting with one of my older characters, though I challenge you to figure out whom it is!

As always with my stories, this one contains sexual contact, and scenes of masturbation. It also has some nifty zero gravity stuff! Anyway, as is requisite, obligatory, mandatory, and otherwise important - no underage viewers, and no flames please. This story contains M/M and M/F, and M/F/M, but it does not contain any extreme and unusual sexual situations. Though if you're offended by any of the above, turn away.

Anyhow, I know that many of you loyal readers have been waiting for me to turn something out, and as a reward, there you are. I do warn you that this is a LONG story, but it's worth the read. This is going to be a 3 part series.

(Xill are used as per the open license offered by wizards of the coast, and are used with the permission of that license. The open license can be found inside the Dungeons and Dragons third edition core rulebooks.)



Captain Felix Sho of the FRV Stanburg sat bored and rather irritated at the image displayed on the viewing screen of the ship's bridge. Wouldn't anyone get tired of seeing the same heavenly body after a galactic year of orbiting it? Despite the fact that the surface of the relative inferno below was constantly changing and was only 3 feet deep in the thickest and coolest of places, it was still boring. The baby planet below had once had the same exotic and seemingly sexual pull that a lava lamp had, only a giant lava lamp that never came unplugged or got turned off. But, if there was something sexual about that planet, and Felix was somehow it's spouse, then he'd been thinking of cheating on it for a very long time. While the nature of the fledgling planet below was chaotic and always changing, he preferred the constant beauty of the orbiting twin moons.

Felix found it funny that earth, the former homeworld of the humans, was the unit of measuring heavenly bodies. The baby planet he was orbiting was a fair sized planet at five earths, while it's twin moons were heavyweights at 30 earths apiece. They were also the reason why the planet below never seemed to harden and cool.

The planet Sho, named after Felix, was about as boring as you could get. While it was a constant see of liquid fire in bright reds, yellows, oranges, and whites, with the cool continents in a deep blackish maroon, it didn't get much more interesting than that. Felix could rather appreciate the lava lamp analogy, because of the never-ending surface changes on "his" planet. It was almost like watching clouds - the continents would be shaped like something, and then form into another shape as a section the size of a large country would be swallowed back into the inferno.

Like the moon IO, Sho had "tides" where the entire surface would rise and fall based upon the gargantuan moons. If you played back the visual display at a higher speed, you could literally watch the surface undulate as if someone was spinning a ball of clay around and reshaping it. Sho's moons, while far less volatile, had their own uniqueness. Named after the rest of his name, Felix and Robin, the twin moons were things of complete beauty and enigma. The surface was as black as obsidian, and had tremendous cracks the size of small planets where a purple-pink luminescence emanated. These cracks were their own form of volcanic eruptions. This planet erupted a gas that had yet to be fully identified or even classified. Felix had a definite feeling that perhaps his crew had discovered a new gas...and that something else would have to carry his name. While they didn't know much about the gas other than it glowed and gave the moons an eerie façade, they did know that it carried enormous energy if they could only harvest it. Sadly, the areas around the gas vents were off limits, because the gas was also corrosive against the materials and protective gear that they had equipped. A real naval vessel would have class A suits for exploration. They were stuck with class B. Unfortunatly the lack of proper equipment cost him 3 crew members early in that galactic year when their suits had melted off of them and they had the air sucked from their lungs. Felix prayed every night before he went to sleep that they died before the gas consumed their bodies, and that their death was painless and quick.

Felix felt another headache coming on as he reached up and began to rub soothingly at his forehead. He was getting tired. He was glad that they'd be leaving this planet today, and returning to HQ for new supplies and a galactic month of R&R. He could really use it, cause he felt like he was going to go completely and utterly postal on the next person he came across, that or pin them to the wall and use them as a sex toy. Despite his age, Felix's libido had not suffered an inch, and had perhaps grown with time. Unlike the navy, the crew he had were not quite as openly sexual or willing to put out. In addition to that, he was hard pressed to find a male or female he truly found attractive enough to ask into his quarters for some private time. He was that picky. Over the last couple days, masturbation had become painful - not because he'd done it too much, but because his body was not receiving enough of a release, so his body was responding by letting him know he had too much sperm built up.

Even at that moment, his limp human-esque cock twitched of it's own accord as it threatened to rise. He looked down, and saw his nearly naked body, and sighed. Now was hardly the time for a hard-on. But, then again, who the fuck cared, it was "night-time" and he was on "Night-crew".

Night-crew was the pet name for people in the Federal Reserve like him, that work while everyone else is in hyperbolic sleep. An excruciatingly small crew was all that was needed to keep the large Y shaped vessel in shape and running. The captain, a helmsman, a science officer, a security officer, a cook, two medical officers, and an engineer. 7 crew people working out of a normal crew of 2,000. It baffled many lay people's minds as to how this could be achieved, but once they see first hand how efficiently the Stanburg and other Federal Reserve ships operate, they understand that not much more is needed.

An unwritten rule on Felix's ship, and any ship in the Federal Reserve is that those people on Night Crew have a clothing optional rule. Since it encourages trust and comradeship among some crewmates, Felix often pushed the nudity option when he was on Night-Crew, to promote overall comfort, and a lack of worry.

Felix himself would have been naked, but he just didn't feel like being nude at that particular juncture. A white thong was close, but not quite. Thank goodness he was built for the garment.

Felix was and is a handsome red fox that has seen his share of planets and time warps. While it's been known that Hyperbolic sleep can keep you alive longer, and reduces aging, it catches up to you. Felix considered himself blessed at 45 to have the limited signs of aging he did have. His head hair which had grown in the time he'd been in the Federal Reserve down to the bottom of his rump cheeks, was a fine jet black, laced with 8 randomly placed streaks of gray and white. It was very Lilly Munster like. His face had sings of aging where some wrinkles had formed around his eyes, and his eyebrows sagged a little bit. His muscles were also losing their toughness he had when he was younger, yet he still had the most impressive set of abs and pectorals on the ship. His tail was tipped with a pure white cap, and his feet and hands had the black "gloves" and "socks" that many foxes had. As mentioned before, his member was human-like, leaving him not 100% anatomically correct, but he didn't mind. It was a simple birth result, as if he'd been born with green eyes instead of yellow. He'd just been born that way. Most of the males on board were that way as he thought about it. He couldn't complain though. He'd been blessed with a rather large member, even if it was at that moment nothing more than a showpiece.

Perhaps aside from the hair or the pecker, the most striking feature that Felix had was his scar. It wasn't a little scar, or a convenient scar like the ones that just go across an eye - no this one took up most of one side of his body. The scar began at the top of the right side of his head, went down his face, down his neck, down his chest, and tapered it's way to his groin. Many people wonder if his groin was affected, but on the occasions Felix went nude, they were informed that his manhood has somehow escaped the injury that gave him the scar.

As the ship's chronometer chimed the new day, he traced his left finger across the section of the half-inch wide scar that ran down his chest. It made a pink line down the white and orange of his fur, and was smooth to the touch. Felix closed his eyes as he remembered how he got it.

He could still see the image in his mind as if he were there at that very moment. He was naked, but only because his uniform had caught fire and he had to strip out of it before he'd burn. He was on D-deck, the crew quarters, walking around flaming pieces of debris and bodies, trying to get to the escape pods in the back. The section of the hallway was curved towards his right, and the ships emergency lights cast a red pall on the dark hallway. Automatic doors lay around the hallway as if they were playing cards - blasted out of their runners by laser fire. Little fires burned here and there, but it was what burned that disturbed him. To his immediate left a child's teddy bear was engulfed in flames; he could momentarily make out the cute little button eyes and nose before they melted and disappeared as the fabric was consumed. To his right a pair of corpses burned. One was partially alive, but would be dead in seconds. She was too injured to scream, but would she have anyway this close to death? She had once been a beautiful wolfette, but now as the fur had been burned, and her skin was burning off her body, she was nothing more than a pile of meat. Her mate and the father of her child was the corpse that was already burning. A good crewman, and a fine soldier he was. The child was an easier sight, and at the same time not. The child had fallen from casting pieces of shrapnel. He lay in a drying pool of blood that was actually baking on one side due to his mother's flames. In the few seconds he viewed this, the parents had probably caught the bulk of the blast, and the child had just been nearby. Too bad either way. Felix ran as fast as his younger self could carry him, covering his naked groin not out of embarrasment, but to shield his sensitive flesh from the searing heat of the fires, and in the event of another explosion to shield it from shrapnel. He could see the end of the crew quarters where more bodies were astrew. They had all died when the D deck had been hit by the lasers. Not a single one made it to the Pods there. The pods had round doors and could fit 50 people each in them. He smiled as he saw them, and kept running. Then there was a bright flash in front of him as if he was witnessing the sun itself explode, and his eyes closed. Just at that moment, he felt as if a sword had tried to cut himself in half as he was knocked to the ground. He opened his eyes, and through his right eye he could see a huge saber like piece of the ship embedded in his body. He was pinned down. He knew he was going to die in that moment.

Or, he would have died if a minute later his ship wouldn't have been boarded by the enemy and he wouldn't have been taken prisoner. Even after they captured him and healed him, he still thought he should have died. Now a days he still kind of wished he did. Being sentenced to 20 Galactic years in the Federal Reserve isn't fun. A galactic anything is twice the standard unit. A galactic year is two standard years, a galactic minute is two regular minutes.

The event that gave him the scar was his fault. He was once a Rear Admiral, and in charge of a small system's fleet of ships. He had his own Naval Flagship once. But when an enemy that he and his crew had long taken to be inferior had decided to snoop around his ships, they attacked. That attack they soon came to understand was useless against a secretly superior enemy, and cost the lives of everyone on his ships, along with the 5 other ships in his fleet.

Now, like everyone else on board the FRV Stanburg, he was demoted sentenced to time in the Federal Reserve. It was like the National Guard was to the army. They did all the Navy's gruntwork, their science work, while the Navy got all the glory of keeping the universe safe from scum. Oh sure, the FR got to fight, but they were mainly sent do solve disputes to planets that couldn't do much damage to an asteroid field, let alone the ships of the enemy. It was like refereeing the fight between two 3rd graders as apposed to full grown adults. It was...lame.

Felix blinked his seductive yellow eyes and grabbed a mirror that laid on the armrest of his captain's chair. He would admit he was vain, but not admit that he was sometimes beyond help. He looked at himself in the mirror, and saw what he saw every day...his face. The right half of his face was numb and sagged, leaving his eye drooping and his lips sagging. He could only blink that eyelid, otherwise the nerves on that half of his head were severed. It made him look as if he was scowling all the time if you caught that half of his face. Some people got false impressions of him because they happened to meet him with his right side facing them. Pity for them he was smiling on the other half.

"Ensign Rouge, what is the current status of the crew?" Felix spoke in his deep and almost piercing voice.

Ensign Rouge, nicknamed rouge for the odd color of her fur, sat at the science station. A short haired tabby feline with reddish colored fur, sat naked drumming some calculations into her computer. All-in-all beautiful, busty, broad hipped, and long tailed, she was what the regular navy would consider "bait". But she was far too smart to succumb to the moniker of bait in the Federal Reserve. Everybody here was in trouble for something, no one "volunteered" for service in the FR, no...you were sent there. Rouge was once a Lieutenant on board a navy destroyer. She was the head of the science crew on that particular vessel. She just happened to get drunk on her 21'st birthday, made some mistakes when she came on the job...well some big mistakes, and ended up in his preverbal lap. He wouldn't mind her physically in his lap, but she was just...there wasn't a word for what she was, but she was it. Not the screwable type for Felix.

Rouge smiled cheekily and spun around in her bucket seat that strangely looked slightly more comfortable than his at the moment. Her breasts moved with her, bouncing slightly when she stopped. Thank god they weren't fake, otherwise they might have sent her spinning. They were big for a gal yes, but at least natural...having sustenance to them.

"Crew are all presently accounted for. All Day-Crew officers are currently in their hyperbolic sleep chambers and are resting comfortably." She said in a knowledgeable voice. Felix nodded, and reclined further in his chair, the back leaning back to aid.

"Is the Hyperbolic Life Support Network operational and functioning properly?" Felix asked almost passively.

Rouge turned around, punched a few keys, and then turned around once more. "HLSN is currently up and running, backup networks ready on standby and fail safes are in place."

Felix nodded, and then laid a hand absently across the bulge in his white thong, and looked further forward in front of him towards his front left. Another person was on board the bridge, this one the helmsman.

"Helmsman, plot a course for Dove-Alpha-Ryu and begin the warp drive when I give the word."

The helmsman, a zebra type of male sat nude as well at the helm. He nodded and entered his course. All Felix could see of him was the back of his head, with his two tone Mohawk standing proud above his white and black striped fur.

"Rouge, what is the current gravitational pull of the planet?" Felix asked.

She spun around once more, but this time kept her face focused upon the screen in front of her. Her calculations took about 10 seconds, but that was faster than the other science officers on board. Felix started to run his finger up and down the length of his maleness absently as one might stroke the head of a cherished pet. Despite the fact this would work him up again, it also took his mind off it at the same time. Harmless right?

"Last gravity readout registered an event at 2351 which was at 7 Kelns. Currently it's holding at 5 Kelns an hour."

Felix stopped the casual and nearly affectionate petting of his covered penis, and raised a furbrow. "Seven Kelns? That's the highest pull this planet's produced in the time we've been here. How long did that event last?"

Rouge made frustrated noises as her fingers flew across the keys. She was undoubtedly making calculations. Felix preferred the almost outdated slide rule for his calculations, but he could make do. Besides, he wasn't a science officer, nor was he a navigator anymore. He was a captain.

"About 17.35 standard seconds sir."

The helmsman turned around in his seat, a gold ring in the right nostril of his muzzle. "So the planet doesn't seem to want to let us leave."

"That will do Lieutenant Johnson." Felix said as he resumed the soothing stroking of his sex. "7 Kelns? A little stronger than that and we might actually have to make an effort to stay in orbit. A lot stronger and it's like escaping the event horizon of a black hole."

Johnson made an impressed face. "Experienced with that?" He asked.

Felix narrowed his eyes. "No, but I've ran into it in simulations." He said as he started to add a second finger to his affectionate caressing. His member was hard now...all the way hard with the tip of his uncircumcised penis peaking out the top. "Replot the course to factor in a high keln event. I don't want the ship melting."

Johnson made a cocky face. Even from here Felix could read it. The first half of the face spoke of arrogance, that perhaps Johnson thought from the displaying head of Felix's sex that he was the "superior officer" the second half distain that perhaps Felix didn't trust his best helmsman.

And in a way, Felix didn't. Johnson was a wild card, and often liked taking things into his own hands. It was such lack of authority and forethought that got him sent to FR. While not demoted, he was sentenced there. His course changes had caused the ship to sail through what could only be described as "no space" or a pothole in outer space. The ship had it's shields down and wasn't even expecting such a collision, and most of the ship's hull was damaged. The warp engines were shot, and impulse thrusters were also damaged. The ship was stranded in open space for galactic months.

But, Johnson, admittedly the more hung of the pair, turned around in his chair and entered a new course. There were a few beeps from the computer, and the computer's voice chimed in. It was a sexless, species less voice. Just...a voice.

"Attention...attention. New course entered. Ship is about to enter warp. All non essential crew please enter your pods for hyper sleep."

Johnson clapped his hands, and put them behind his head, and put his legs up on the computer console, and let out a sigh of relief. "Course entered Captain. All I need is the word."

Felix now moved all four fingers into the stroking. He wasn't aroused in mind yet, but his body was well along it's way. In a sick and twisted kind of light, Felix thought of his maleness as a separate being. It did what it wanted when it wanted sometimes, and often more did what he wanted when he wanted. The "creature" between his legs would give him pleasure if he stroked or did other things, and in turn pleasure was his reward. They were symbiotic. But, Felix knew his cock wasn't alive, and didn't have conscious thoughts.

"Punch it." Felix said. I'm going to see if I can't take care of this swelling." Felix said in the first joking tone of the day. Rouge giggled, and turned back to her work. Johnson snickered.

"There are two ways to do that sir. One way is to flog it within an inch of it's life, or I hear Ice is good for swelling."

As Felix stood out of his chair, adjusting his thong to hide that peaking inch, he frowned Johnson's way.

"I'll remember that the next time I hear you have a 'swelling' problem."

Johnson shrugged, and closed his eyes. "As you wish sir. Pleasant...dreams..." Johnson said as a sinister smile crossed his face.

Felix adjusted his thong once more. It was just a piece of white space fabric which feels like silk but has the durability and strength of denim, and two spaghetti straps that sat almost womanly high on his hipbones. The back was just a thin strap that was nestled between Felix's athletic butt cheeks. He reached around the back of his chair, and collected his uniform jacket. This was super space fabric, and felt like a welder's jacket on the outside, but cotton on the inside. The color was bright orange, and bore his rank patches on his sleeves, the ship's insignia on the right breast, his service patches on the left, and his rank patches on the black collar lapels. The collar was high necked, and stood straight up. His long hair spilled around the back of his coat.

"Have a good night's sleep captain." Rouge said politely from her station. Though Felix didn't see it, he could sense Johnson's mouth moving and mimicking her words. Now Johnson didn't hate Felix, but that doesn't mean they were going to be milking one another off in the shower the next morning either.

Johnson turned around, presenting his back to the crew, and headed to the door of the omni-lift. The doors opened with a near silent psssh, and closed with the same sound.

"Good Morning Captain, what is your destination?" The female voice of the lift spoke. He was getting sick of that voice. At one point he had tampered with the lift's internal dialogue programming to say naughty and sexual things whenever someone entered. Like "What's your destination big boobs?" Or "Where would you like to go with that monster cock of yours?". This didn't go over too well with some crew members, and they started blaming an innocent, yet overly sexual crewman for it. So to spare him he reprogrammed the files to apologize for before, and then set it back to normal. All Felix wanted was a change of pace.

Felix reached into his thong, as a rush of lust pored over him. His left hand encircled his cock, and pulled it out of his thong - still hard. The thong slipped down and rested, covering his furry balls. He started to pump his cock rapidly, stroking as if he wanted release that very moment.

"J deck...and make it quick." Felix said in a low guttural grunt. It was the good thing the lift didn't have a sentience like the main computer, otherwise he'd probably have been scolded.

The ship went into motion, as he slowed and stopped his stroking. His cock throbbed, giving him the sensation of a second heartbeat. His loins cried out with a galactic year's worth of frustration. He hadn't had sex in at least that amount of time, and masturbating was painful. Though, thankfully at that moment there was no pain.

"Oh fuck...I need someone...anyone...God damnit..." He whimpered to himself as he held his hard cock. Precum had squirted onto the floor, forming a small pool a few inches wide at his feet. Like many creatures, he expelled precum like the humans of old ejaculated. But there were no more humans, so what did it matter?

The lift came to a stop, and the doors opened with another pssh. For once, he could care less if someone saw him compromised this way. Though, his chances of that were slim to none. He could see into the hallway, and it was empty. He sighed, and started stroking again. Now the pain came, his cock throbbing so hard it hurt. He hissed, and stepped out the door, letting go of his cock, and placing both hands on the wall of the hallway wall, but not bothering to pull the thong up as he stood there.

"Oh fuck me please...someone....anyone I don't care..." He whispered to himself. "I can't wait another galactic week to get some."

Felix lowered his head, and finally rested his forehead against the gun-metal gray wall and stifled a scream. It wasn't like he was a teenager or something and was just hoping to get some to impress someone, this was just his need as a vulpine and a man. He didn't know why, but he was getting hornier with age. It often caused moments like this. Sometimes people could observe him trying to adjust his body in corners, or sometimes trying to hide the fact he was staring at people in the communal showers, despite the fact he had his own shower - funny how no one brought that one up.

It was also more than just sexual release he needed, he needed to connect with someone. He could by a whore on Dove, keep that whore for the whole month, and then dump that individual once he had to go, but it still would leave him hanging for his next stint at space.

"God if you can hear me, I don't care...male or female or hermaphrodite I don't care...just give me something...please."

He didn't know weather or not God had answered him, but he just then had a very powerful urge to get something to eat. It didn't stifle his erection, but it did take away from his pain and his body's urge to mate.

"Food...yeah, I am hungry..." He thought as he started to walk down to the end of the hallway, and took a right. His cock stood up and laid almost flat against his stomach. When he was super aroused it stood straight up, normally it pointed outwards and nothing more. He had not much choice, so he pulled his thong up as much as it would cover, and he zipped up the front of his jacket.

Down the hallway was the mess hall. There, the entire crew ate communally. Unlike Navy ships, FR ships were without replicators, so they all had to get their food the old fashioned way - from cooks. The ship's best cook was someone named Faysil Blaz. His cooking was eccentric, bold, unconventional, avant-garde, but all around tasty. A dish from his home planet of Vulpainia would normally not have as many spices as it would when prepared by Faysil. A drink from the sex planet Gomorra-2 wouldn't be as potent if it wasn't for Faysil. He was one of the few cooks that liked his job.

Even as his erection continued to be pressed against his tummy and pelvis, he knew that some good cooking would cheer him up and stifle his sex drive for at least a day or two. He waked to the double doors of the dining hall, and pushed the door to open them. A less silent Psssh sounded, and he was able to view the large dining hall. There were rows and rows of tables, made to seat 2000. All the chairs were pushed into their tables, and each metal table was polished so nicely you could see yourself in them. The floor as well had a distinct sheen to it. Felix could see himself in the floor too, it was like standing on the feet of his twin...in a parallel universe that is.

"Ensign Blaz? Are you here?" He asked, calling out. His voice echoed off the walls of the cavernous dining hall as he spoke. Everyone's voices echoed when they spoke in here, it was often a nice effect when you're trying to talk about something personal and have everyone's voices drowning you out so no one can eavesdrop.

A satisfied noise came from behind the counter, as someone stepped into the view of the large serving window. "Sssssorry Captain, only I am here."

It was Plit, the other head cook. Plit's species had one of several different names: Setite, Snakeling, Asp, Viper, or Serpent/Serpentine. Whatever you called him, he looked like a humanoid snake. He was half human, so he had a human shaped head, but the rest was all scales and snake. His black hair hung down to his shoulders, and was perfectly straight. His scales were a forest green that faded towards a lighter green at his chest and abdomen. His eyes were yellow with black slits down the middle, and he often blinked two sets of eyelids, hinting at an aquatic breed of viper. His teeth were all sharp, venomous fangs, and his tongue the infamous forked tongue of his ancestors. Though he wasn't naked now, Plit was once a lover...and he was experienced with his body. Plit had a slit that housed two members. Plit had a long tail that dragged on the ground behind him, he never wagged it like "furries" did. He was proud of being scaled.

Plit wore the standard uniform of the crew, which was a pair of bright orange cover-alls, that mimicked flight suits or car mechanic suits. His was unzipped to the groin, which meant all the way, and all he could make out was a pair of black silk briefs that clung tight to Plit's body. Unlike other males, due to the slit, there was no male bulge whatsoever. It was sometimes hard to tell he had sex organs at all.

"Oh - Plit - I didn't know you were on duty tonight." Was what Felix said, what he thought was, "What the fuck are you doing here and where the hell is Faysil?". Plit folded his oddly large and well muscled arms across his stomach, and shrugged.

"Of courssssse you didn't know...you normally find it favorable to ssssspend your time elsssssswhere." Plit spoke in a very throaty and snake like voice.

Felix shrugged as he felt his libido leaving him, and felt his cock deflating as if someone had let the air out of a balloon. He turned to the side, and adjusted himself, putting his cock back in his thong, then turned around once more.

"Don't kid yourssssself Sssssssho. I wouldn't ssssssleep with you again if my career or life depended on it." He said, scoffing at Felix's display.

Felix raised an eyebrow. "Can't a man adjust himself?"

Plit hissed softly and began to organize something under the view of the window. "With any other man yessssss, but with you every touch of yourssssself is a way of ssssssaying you want sssssssex and you're flattering yoursssssslf. Long ago, I'd have dived at you for jusssssst that very gesssssture and forccccced you into my bed. But thosssssse feelingsssss are long gone Captain."

Felix unzipped his coat, revealing himself again, now that his manhood was holstered once more, however large it was.

"I don't want to get into this Plit." He said. "I just want something to eat."

Plit grabbed a pan and slammed it down on the counter. "You never wanted to talk about it. It was alwayssssss about you. Becaussssssse you never wanted to talk about sssssssomething...none of usssss could. You like to think yoursssssself as a total cocksmith, but you're jusssssst control crazy." He said as he looked down at the pan below him and made a low and angry hissing sound.

Felix shook his head as he felt another headache coming. "So I like to be in control, what's wrong with that? I am in command after all."

Plit turned around, presenting his back to his captain. "Sssssssure you're in command. Big fucking deal - I wasssss in command onccccce, but they demoted me because they thought I wasn't trustworthy becaussssse I am a Viper. SSSet himself wouldn't have put up with thisssssss. But unlike you, I knew when to lisssssten to the requests and demandsssss of my friendsssss and crew. You don't ssssseem to undersssssstand that need."

"I listened to you." Felix said defensively.

"Yeah, after it wasssss too late. I wanted to be treated like an equal, I wanted to be treated asssss a mate, and not just the village whore. I'm not a whore Felix, not at all....I don't sssssleep with everyone who asksssss. You think you're having sssssexual problems? I havent sssssslept with anyone ssssssince we last mated..."

Felix thought he had been having problems, but that was a big one. They broke up 12 galactic years ago, 24 years ago in standard years. To go that long without sex must have really been a bitch.

"You didn't even indulge in a hooker? You didn't even visit Gamorra-2?"

Plit was obviously cooking something, cause he could smell something already. "No Felix, I have not. Unlike you and mosssst of thissss crew, and the crewsssss we were on in yearssss past, I jussssst don't feel comfortable with sssssomeone I don't care about. We Assssps have a reputation for being vindictive, and unkind, but in here isssss a heart that wanted to love. Too bad you didn't pick up on that.

Felix opened his mouth to speak, but Plit held up a hand. "Don't bother appologizzzzing, what would it matter now? You're not really sssssorry for me, you're just sssssorry for yourssssself and the fact I've held out sssssso long.

"But I was wrong to treat you like that." Felix said.

"Damn sssstraight." Plit said as he grunted and went to cooking.

Felix sat his furry fanny on the corner of one of the tables, and sighed. He really did avoid Plit, almost as bad as he did when they were dating. Felix had different views of what a relationship was back then, and obviously so did Plit.

Plit and Felix had known one another since the Naval Academy. Back then, Vipers were still considered the enemy to the UGF, United Galactic Federation. Vipers had been considered "evil" and "nasty" for centuries by the UGF. When a whole colony of Vipers begged for UGF assistance and aid from attack from an enemy, the navy was hesitant to respond but they did. Some of the colonists saved defected from the Anaconda Empire and become members of the UGF. Plit was the son of two of the defectors. So, that tells you how long the Vipers had been trusted by the UGF. The Anaconda Empire fell shortly after that attack to what has been called the universal enemy, the Xill. People were shocked that there were creatures more evil than the snakes.

Felix had always believed in Plit, and made him a friend. When the pair turned 16, and boarded their first ship, they took it up a notch. Plit was Felix's first male, and Felix was Plit's first period. Felix though, would at first not care about it, and would casually lounge around in Plit's embrace in common areas, but when asked would say that they were just good friends. Then, he'd deny even that, finally he'd pretend Plit didn't even exist when they were on the same ship, and would see him in private. But that wasn't just what bothered Plit, it was just that Felix assumed that because he was bi and Plit was totally gay, that meant that he was more male than Plit, and that meant he was the man of the relationship, which meant that he was in charge. When he wanted something, it was his instigation, not Plit's. When Plit wanted to make love, he pretended as if Plit never existed. When Felix wanted sex and Plit didn't, guess who won out?

Finally Plit couldn't take it anymore and pulled out a hand laser and carved the words "We're through" in the door of Felix, and asked for a transfer. That was 24 years ago. He was so young then, it was amazing. Now he was 45 years old, with only 3 years left to go in the service before he'd be discharged or promoted back to navy life. He knew Plit had been assigned to his crew at the beginning of the mission to study his planet, but had somehow managed to avoid seeing him until that moment.

As much as he wanted to say it out loud, part of him felt right for treating him like shit. It was some kind of macho thing. "He's my bitch" and all that. And yet the rest of him wanted to make it up to him somehow.

But before he realized how long he'd been pondering this situation, Plit had emerged from the kitchen with a metal plate filled with something that resembled scrambled eggs with meat cubes. Only these weren't earth chicken eggs because the eggs on his plate were purple, and the meat was orange. Probably Hectorian eggs and Benzelle meat. Belzelles were something that resembled a cow, a elephant, and rhino.

The plate was dropped hard onto the table near Felix's butt, and a fork dropped equally unkind onto the plate. Felix looked at Plit, not realizing how tall he'd become since they were young. Sitting on this table he still had to look up to meet Plit's eyes. It was scary. They were once the same height. Yeah, 29 years ago. Now he was at least two and a half feet taller than Felix. Not only that, but close up, it was amazing how chiseled his chest and abs were. It was almost unhealthy how sexy Plit had become. Perhaps the lack of sex caused him to use his time to sculpt his body. The smallest part of his body was his waist and groin, only about 24 inches around, yet his shoulders and chest would rival that of creatures that were naturally gifted with large chests and shoulders. His arms were healthy, but not quite what he'd been working on. Besides, big arms must be a bitch around the kitchen.

"Sssssstop it...you're drooling Felix. It doesssssn't become you...." Plit said.

Felix came to the sudden realization that he was indeed drooling, but that was because his jaw had involuntarily dropped. He had no clue how he had changed this much.

"I....um..." Felix stammered. Command training helps you to never become speechless, but that didn't stop him then. Felix was standing before his ex, and was only realizing what he'd been missing over all this time.

"Eat your goddamned food..." Plit said.

Felix almost instantly reached around, and began to eat the food. Well, he didn't go blind, so that ruled out toxins, and his tongue didn't tingle so that ruled out poison. So he supposed he could finish the meal. Plit stood before him the whole time, watching his every move. He'd go back and forth between eyelids, blinking his pink vertical ones, then his outward horizontal ones. It was distracting, but he still couldn't help but look at the rest of him.

Panning down, Plit's thighs were bigger as well. He must have been doing a lot of squats and leg lifts, running too maybe. His calves were also well pronounced. His human like feet curled his toes, as he looked back to that nice torso.

"Ssssssstaring at the ssssssame sssssssex has been known to causssssse inflation in you Felix...asssss I can sssseeeee."

Felix finished a bite, and raised an eyebrow. He then looked down his own athletic body, and saw once more the first two inches of his penis had peeked out of the top of his thong. "Damn!" He thought. He was NOT getting hard over his ex, was he?

But before he could do or say anything more, the plate and fork were slapped out of his hands in a martial arts style attack. Felix looked forward just in time to see Plit lunge at him. The lunge was well timed, and powerful, because Felix had no time to react. Plit lept on top of Felix, and pinned him to the table. Felix went to put his arms up to fight Plit off, but Plit's hands went to the sides of Felix's face, and grabbed onto his facial fur, pinning him down. His fists could push all they wanted, but it did no real good. Vipers were just stronger than vulpines there just was no way around that.

"Plit! Get off me!" Felix said. Undoubtedly the left side of his face would be showing panic and anger, while his right would still be slack and limp.

"NO...not yet..." Plit said as he maneuvered himself so he was now sitting on the hardness of Felix, and still pinning him down. "I want you to sssseeeee how easssssy it would be for me to do thisssssss.....to take your life...like you ruined mine....."

"R-ruined?" He questioned. Plit growled and hissed, lowering his face mere inches above Felix's.

"Yesssss ruined. You see...I could....bite you. I could....usssseee my venom if I wanted....I could....." Plit said as he lowered his mouth...and pressed his mouth to his muzzle. A bite didn't occur, but a kiss instead. Felix wasn't sure what to do. He kept struggling as he was kissed., thrashing his tail arms and legs as best as he could, but the strength of Plit was just too much for him.

The kiss was forced to become deeper. He could feel that forgotten tongue enter his mouth. There was nothing gentle about it, the tongue just thrust inside and lashed about, as if he was being whipped. His tongue responded by thrashing about as well, but only to avoid Plit's. He started to struggle less, only out of hopelessness. He couldn't call for help. He was off duty, he couldn't order the ship's computer to call the security team. Even then his mouth was covered, so what could he do.

Plit then lifted his upper body up, switching hands around now. He grabbed a tuft of Felix's head hair, and held tight with one hand, and with the other he somehow managed to yank off his jacket. Felix protested of course through moans and struggling, but as before, he was starting to start thinking of giving up. He threw a few punches towards Plit's head, but then he remembered the thick hide of a Viper, and remembered his punches would do little, no matter how strong.

Plit, once the jacket was removed, moved his hands back to the sides of his face, and slammed Felix's head back to the table, breaking the kiss. The pain was immediate and intense due to how thick the metal tables were. Felix's vision danced for a moment, as he laid there, trying to catch his breath. Plit then moved directly in front of his eyes. The yellow and almost kind eyes of Plit staring into his.

"You ssssseee what you've driven me too? You sssseeee? Look what you made me do..." Plit said as he started to grind his ass against the still hard cock of Felix. This act confused him at first, but he then felt it. Two cylindrical objects were digging into his stomach. Had this contact aroused Plit too? Perhaps it was merely the bodily contact, perhaps more. This act screamed rape far more than it did murder. But, didn't they often go hand in hand like dirty lovers?

"What are you going to do?" Felix whispered. "Don't kill me...it won't be good for you."

Plit laughed evilly as a sound resembling a cackle emanated from his throat. "Don't you mean bad for you Captain?" He hissed as his hands slowly slipped upwards and around Felix's throat. No pressure was applied yet, but the language was enough to convey that he surely meant business.

"Please....don't..." Felix said softly. He wasn't being choked, but he spoke softly, so as not to anger Plit further.

"You're sssooo good at asking me to do thingssss for you. Never onccccce have you asssked me not to do sssssomething for you." Plit as that cackling hiss of a laugh came once again.

Felix leaned up, and grabbed onto Plit's arms, and tried to open them, or at least lift them off his body. This effort was fruitless, because his strength at that moment was nothing like the strength of Plit's upper body.

Felix looked with his eyes towards Plit's exposed upper body. His muscles bulged underneath his scales as if his muscles were all begging for equal eye attention. Plit had never been this muscular before, nor as beautiful. His muscles were so well toned and presented, and his body was so well disciplined, it made him jealous. Felix was a fellow body builder, so he could appreciate, and also begrudge the body that was on top of him. He was also bisexual, and could awe at the sure wonder it possessed. Compared to the Plit he knew, this was a completely different Plit. The old Plit was skinny, awkward, and weak - submissive. This Plit was strong and dangerous, and all out dominant. It was a new experience for Felix to be in this position.

As Felix thought of that, he remembered how this very position used to be one of love and affection for the pair. Even as Plit now was grinding his toned buttocks against the groin bulge of Felix, he couldn't help but to reminisce. He remembered how he'd tell Plit to do this, to get him excited. He remembered how he'd then plunge himself into Plit without foreplay in the later stages of their relationship, and go at him until he was done, and then leave. He remembered how he had denied letting Plit mount him out of his own selfish needs, and he remembered how he'd often times come and sexually use Plit out of sure petulance, just to satisfy himself. Ironic it was that he found himself in this same sexual position.

It used to feel good, but at that point, it scared him. The hands around his throat and not upon his chest was new. The anger on Plit's face was new. The grinding was not. Felix used to demand that grinding quite often. He recalled not caring if Plit wanted to do it or not, and made him do it anyway. Perhaps the reason Plit did it now was that it was such a learned thing with him, that he didn't know any better? Or moreover was it a mere taunt at his past ways?

"You're thinking about ssssomething...." Plit said as Felix felt brought back to a focus. He was still struggling. "Thinking of how to escape?"

Felix then slowly dropped his hands from Plit's arms, and lowered them to his waist, and laid them there. The rest of him -save one part- went limp and lax, and gave up the fight. He gave one deep breath, and was prepared. He hoped for the best but was preparing for the worst.

"I was thinking about the past." Felix said.

Plit made somewhat of a sardonic laugh. "Remembring how this ussssed to turn ya on?" He said, grinding his butt a little harder, almost painfully. Felix's fingers could feel the lines of Plit's scales even through the tough material of the cover-alls, and could only imagine (for better or for worse) what it would feel like on his naked shaft.

"Not really. I was thinking about something else."

Plit made a curious sound. "What ever could be SSSSSOOO important that none of what I'm doing now sssseeeemssss to be on your mind?"

Felix closed his eyes, and was ready to die. "I just realized...I was wrong, and you were right."

Plit's hands, though not even tight, seemed to loosen form around his throat. "Excusssse me?" He said as if he really didn't hear right.

"I said, you were right. I did mistreat you all those times. I can't remember a single time that I asked you what you wanted, and asked what I could do for you. It was all about me and my pleasure. I used you...you were treated wrongly. If I was going to treat you like a whore, I should have at least paid you for it. I should have asked you if you wanted to mount me, I should have asked if you wanted a little fun here and there. More importantly, I should have been kind enough to not try to fuck you when you weren't up to it. I'm sorry."

Plit sneered, and started to choke. This was the pressure he was afraid of. The hands clasped tight around his throat like...something that wraps tight around throats. For some reasons Vipers loved to asphyxiate their victims sometimes instead of poisoning. Felix would have chosen poison over choking to death.

"Nod yesss or no! Do you really mean that? Or are you jussssst ssssaying that becausssse I have your throat?"

Felix nodded, and didn't struggle.

"Yesss you really mean it?" Plit said, choking harder. Felix had been holding his breath, but with the way his heart was pounding, he was running out of air. His head was already starting to feel light, and his throat and lungs were burning with a need of breath. He nodded again.

Plit smiled, and then released his hands. "That'ssss all I wanted to hear." Before anything else was said, Plit sat upright, putting his full weight of his buttocks onto Felix's groin, and placed his hands over his face. Plit began to breathe in and out slowly, as if fighting off his rage.

Felix took this chance to cough and sputter a little bit. He felt like a swimmer just reaching the surface after almost drowning. It was blessedly sweet how wonderful the feel of air - artificial or not - could be to deprived lungs.

"Fuck...you almost killed me!" He said, a little put out and a little angry, but not pushing his luck.

Plit lowered his hands, and placed his hands on Felix, and stood up off of him, and stood on the deck once more. He shrugged out of his jumpsuit, and stood almost nude before him. As he lowered his head, and folded his arms. "I...was gonna...but you kinda ssssaid what I wanted to hear. On top of that, you meant it. It felt kind of ssssshitty to kill you then after you apologized."

Felix sat forward, perhaps more naked than Plit was since his was a thong and Plit's resembled more of a brief. "That and you would've been executed."

Plit nodded solemnly. "Pod to a black hole...I know."

Felix shrugged, and rubbed his throat for a moment, then extended a hand. "We don't have to be lovers again, hell we don't even have to be friends. But, at least...lets agree to be civil shipmates."

Plit looked at the offered black furred hand of Felix, up the arm, and into that lazy eye of Felix, and cracked a half smile. "I sssssupose I could live with that for now. I'm still mad at you, but I can let it ssssslide for now."

Felix nodded.

There was about a good minute of silence, where the two simply stared at one another. Plit had his arms folded across his chest, and Felix had his hands on his own thighs. No one spoke, and no one's eyes seemed to travel to any particular region that the other could tell, possibly because their own may have been distracted. It was finally Felix that did something as he moved off the table, and stood before Plit. Once more he marveled at how tall he was now.

"So, where and when did you get so..." He said, not finding the words.

"Buff? Ssstrong?" Plit suggested, voice neutral.

"Well I'd start with sexy first, then move towards the others. I find the others tied into sexy. How'd you do it?"

Plit shrugged, and flexed his arms a little bit as they stayed crossed. "Think about it; young, weak, and very ssssssubmissive me in a Navy of dominantssssss. You weren't the only one to usssse me. Othersssss weren't as gentle. Ssssoo I had to learn to fend for myssself. I had to learn how to assssk for what I wanted. The training changed my body, and mind ssssset. It got me into command."

Felix nodded again. "I wish I could have seen that." Felix said enviously. He then reached out a hand, and began to rub at the ribs and abs of Plit. Not necessarily in affection, but as if he was sampling his muscles. He could feel them, all so well made. "You're so tight, so tough. How'd you do it?"

Plit kindly and gently then laid his hand on top of Felix's. The touch was chaste, but could definitely be felt. Plit's strong, taloned fingers closed around his hand, and began to guide it across his body. As if he wanted it to last forever, Plit made the movement nice and leisurely. Plit moved the padded palm across his ribs and across his pectorals until he let the hand come to rest upon his bicep and shoulder.

"You know, the ussssual workout routine at firsssst. I ate better and began exersssizing. Later I pusssshed mysssself and sssstarted training hard. After that I jumped to sssssome high-gravity sssstuff, under water training, then electrosssshock. Ssssometimes combinations of the three would get the ressssultssss I needed."

Felix almost pulled his hand back as if scalded, but lowered it once more to feel at the bicep. Every inch of Plit's arm was flawless, well provided you got past the scales and the fact he was a viper. Vipers had never really been known as body builders, which made Plit singularly unique. Felix squeezed and pinched the biceps and triceps, noticing how tense they were, and how very tough they resisted his pinching. Marvelous.

Felix's right hand then raised, and placed itself upon Plit's near naked waist. This hand ran in a similar fashion over his ribs and upper pelvis, and across his ribs and thighs, learning these new muscles. Nothing sexual officer, just bodybuilders talking shop.

"Wow, I'm impressed. You didn't do anything illegal as well to get these muscles did you? Like drugs or implants?"

Plit laughed, but Felix could tell he was holding back the full force of that laugh for some reason. Plit let his arms down to his sides, as if invitation for Felix to further explore.

"Firssst off, you sssshould know that Vipersss are ressssissstant to drugs, and mossst don't work. Implantsss, our bodiessss reject any foreign objectssss that are put into them. That'sss why you don't sssseee cyborg Viperssss."

Felix thought on that for a moment. He'd once fought a Setite to the death, and almost broke down crying because the Viper kept regrowing lost limbs. He imagined the same for most Snakelings. He could see a viper going and getting implants, and then hours later having it rejected from his or her body. It made Vipers more versatile and able to withstand injury, but it said Viper incurred an injury that would require implants, then it was safe to assume that Viper was screwed.

Felix let his hands go up and down the torso and back of Plit, learning his body all over again. Plit seemed to be calm once again, or perhaps he was just waiting for the right moment to strike. Some Vipers have been known to mesmerize their Victims with their eyes, or enticing body movements. But, surely if Plit wanted to kill him, he wouldn't bother using a lure technique, right?

It was then, with his hands on Plit's hips, that he looked at him as he used to. Taking the sight of his near nudity in, and realized just how...sexual this was. Looking down just a few more inches, he realized that Plit was still aroused and still firm.

"You're...bigger than I remember." Felix said, trying to hide the blush on one side of his face.

Plit must have not registered it at first, because he raised his eye ridges and lowered his tail. "I know that. Haven't we been over thissss already?" Plit said, slightly confused.

Felix snickered and shook his head. "Plit, that's not what I meant."

Plit stared hard at Felix for a moment, until Felix saw all the confusion melt away to embarrassment as he stepped back out of Felix's embrace, and turned partially away from him. The black fabric of the cloth brief made the bulge in the front of his body stand out more. He was definitely as Felix one would put it, "ready to impregnate something".

"I...um...I..." Plit began, sounding like his former self, the one that Felix knew. Stuttering, and embarrassed at the slightest hint of arousal.

"It's ok...I'm hard too man. I don't know what it was...but something you did made me hard."

Plit shrugged, and threw his long hair back in an attempt to get it out of his face. It went fruitless because his hair just simply slipped back off his shoulders and back into his face. There was a nervous smile. "I don't know what it issss Felix, but ssssometimesss jusssst the sssslightesssst body contact doessss it for me. It'ssss been yearssss ssssince I've....been with anyone, you know that."

Felix shrugged, and adjusted his throbbing erection. "So you've told me. Didn't those guys try to give you sex in the Navy?"

Plit chuckled uneasily. "Assss you may or may not know, attempted rape doessssn't count asssss getting your rocks off."

Felix nodded, and then took a few steps forward, and sat down on the end of another table, and opened his legs a little wide. Plit could make out a dark spot on the white where precum from Felix's tip had soaked through. Plit was indeed staring at what seemed to be a blatant invitation.

"Well, we've both gone without for so long, how about we do one another a favor...you know?"

Plit raised an eye ridge once more and looked at his Captain as he placed his hands on his own hips. "Are you joking? You know I hated it when you teasssed me."

Felix shook his head and reached back, taking his long hair down from his ponytail, and shook it out. His black hair with it's white and grey streaks shook out nicely like a cape behind him, some spilling around the front. It raised Felix's charisma modifier just a hair. It was enough to make Plit swallow, as if he had something in his throat.

"I'm through teasing you Plit. Look where it got me. You nearly killed me earlier. If it wasn't for my smooth talking mouth I would probably be under Anubis' judgement at this very moment. "

Plit laughed a little. "At leasssst that mouth of yoursssss isssss good for sssssomething. If you'd only ussssse it once in a while-" Plit said, edging closer. It was as if he was unaware he was moving closer. His instincts told him to back away...that he was still mad at this...this...this...sexy fox in front of him. Well, he could be glad at least it wasn't a Feline or a Mongoose, otherwise there might have indeed been a murder that night.

"That's what I'm offering you Plit. Let me, try to atone for my past wrongdoings by doing something right. Let me take care of your needs, and meet mine at the same time."

Plit gave a long sigh, and closed his eyes. "Make-up sex?" He asked.

Felix shrugged, even though Plit couldn't see it. "Yeah, if you want to call it that."

Plit inhaled deeply, and gave a long flick of his forked tongue. He was tasting the air. He flicked his tongue out a second time, and then a third. With each flick as he did it more and more, a smile began to creep across his face wider than before. He began to make the tongue flicks wider as he moved closer towards Felix, Felix wasn't sure what he was doing, but he laid himself flat now upon the table, with his knees bent over the metal edge at the knee. He could feel Plit moving between his legs, still flicking the air around him.

"My...I can tassssste it Felix...." Plit hissed in a low and husky tone that Felix hadn't heard him use before.

"Taste what?" Felix asked.

Plit then lowered his hands, and placed them on either side of Felix's hips and pelvis, and began to wrap his fingers around his thong. Felix wondered what he was going to do. His mind could make obvious hopes and assumptions of course, but he could only hope. Who knew, perhaps this snake was only going to give him a wedgie or something. But then his delight, he felt his thong being pulled down to his knees. It forced him to bring his legs together, with his thighs touching Plit's waist. It was almost as if he was embracing him with his legs.

It didn't last long, Plit stepped back, still tugging on the thong, until Felix had no choice but to straighten his legs and let the thong come off. He was now totally naked, as naked as the moment he was born. His penis, pink, thick, uncircumcised, and humanesque (meaning it protruded of his body without the sheath of normal antrhomorphs), and leaking precum from the tip. A little bit had pooled in the space between the foreskin and head, and made him feel wet.

Plit then lowered himself, and pushed Felix's legs back to the bend. Plit's face then lowered mere inches above Felix's hard sex, and flicked the tongue once more above the organ. Felix looked on with curiosity. Plit had never done this with him before. It was creepy, and yet very very sensual. Plit's hands began to run upwards to Felix's toned abs, and pelvis - carefully not touching his penis. Plit's left index talon began to trace it's way up and down the scar that ran the length of his right side. Plit flicked the tongue faster and faster above his maleness, breathing faster and faster.

Felix kept himself still. Though the sex might have been his idea, and it seemed Plit was at least touching him, he felt it was important for him to remain the submissive here, and to let Plit play team captain. In the game of sex, it doesn't matter who runs with the ball - so long as someone scores a touchdown in the end.

"I....can....taste....it...." Plit said. Oddly not hissing in that moment.

"Taste what?"

"Youre...need. Your....dessssire.....your....want...." Plit said, opening his double eyelids and looking up the length of Felix's body. "I can tassste your very essssence coming off of you. You really do want to do thissss..."

Felix opened his mouth to say "No shit", but instead opened his mouth to say. "I can't lie to you. I would enjoy sharing one more bout with you. Only, if we do, would you like to lead the dance?"

Plit grinned again, and then touched his lip ridges to the tip of Felix's foreskin, and planted a small peck there. "It would be jussstice for me to leave you like thisss, hard and wanting...assss you left me sssso many timessss." He said as he stared long and hard at Felix. Felix stifled a sigh, knowing it would be fair - cruel, but fair.

"Well I understand if -" Felix began to say before Plit's hand wrapped around his muzzle, and quieted him. Plit then opened his mouth wide, and smiled.

"Computer...ssssecure doorssss...." Plit said quickly. There came a beeping that let them know they were locked inside. Together. "Now, you're mine..." Plit said in that husky voice.

Felix wasn't sure what happened next. For a moment, he thought he'd died and gone to a sexual heaven, but he knew very well that he was still in that mess hall, and still with Plit.

Still with a hand upon his mouth, Plit had engaged the penis of Felix. He had opened his mouth oh so wide, and had taken him all the way in, wrapping his lips around him, and letting his tongue encircle the member. Felix groaned, and moaned against the muzzle, in such immediate pleasure.

"Shussssh. Until I sssssay....you be ssssilent while I remind you what you've losssst." Plit said as he went back down upon the penis. Sucking and bobbing in what could only be described as the porn-star suck, and finally coming back up, nibbling on the foreskin on the way off. "And then' I'll ssshow you what you've gained."

Felix nodded, and closed his eyes as once more Plit's hot and steamy reptilian mouth clasped back around his cockflesh. Regardless of what he'd heard, Plit was warm, and always warm on the inside. His mouth was so hot, it almost hurt the already sensitive skin of his penis. He wanted to moan out in joy, wanted to convey his approval, wanted to tell Plit how much he'd improved, but Plit was taking his turn with the ball now. He'd tell him later.

Plit raised his head towards the top of Felix's shaft, and let his teeth gnaw at the little ridge between shaft and head, protected by the layer of foreskin. Felix started to pant, faster and faster. No one had given him such a blowjob before. He went to put his hands on Plit's head, but Plit's free hand slapped them away. Plit didn't give any verbal warnings, but body language was enough. Felix then took his hands, and placed them upon his pectorals, and began to tweak with his hardened nipples a little bit. Felix loved to have his nipples played with. Really didn't matter who was doing it, it was his favorite form of foreplay, next to the obvious.

Tweaking his nipples, reminded him of all the boys at the academy. The boys who would reach into his shirt, and grab a big fingers full, and twist. It would make him moan like a vixen with how good it felt. It would happen so randomly sometimes, like in-between classes. A pair of boys would grab his chest and twist, making him moan and writhe in lust in front of all his classmates. He found it till then some of the most erotic and sexy moments of his life.

Plit then surprised him, while still nibbling on his head. His snake like tongue slipped through the foreskin opening, and began to dance inside, teasing the head. Felix started to pinch himself harder to try to fight off the urge to scream. Plit knew he was doing well with the facial expressions and flood of precum entering his mouth. Plit's hands stayed where they were however, one wrapped firmly around Felix's muzzle, and the other upon Felix's pelvis.

Keeping the tongue inside the enclosure of the foreskin, Plit began to rise and bob his head once more, letting his moist lips get the skin nice and wet. But, the pleasure was too much for Felix, he couldn't bare it any longer. He started to pinch his nipples so hard he knew they'd bruise, and despite his efforts, child-like whimpering escaped him.

Plit made some aggressive groans and grunts, as he began to suck rather hard towards the top of the cock, tugging on it with his lips. It was like an animal trying to rip a piece of prized meat from the bones of it's victim. Felix's pink skin was pulled tighter and tighter - it would seem that Plit was trying to suck his very life force out of his body.

"Oh fuck..." Felix said through his wrapped muzzle.

"Mmm hmm?" Plit asked. As if he didn't know. He then went down as far as his mouth would allow, and wrapped them around the base, starting the powerful sucking once more.

"I'mmm...I'mmm..." He moaned.

"Mmm?" Plit murmured again.

And then Plit could taste what Felix was trying to convey. So much time of pent up frustration being released into his throat. It was powerful, as Plit remembered, but only not quite in the quantity he had remembered. Felix himself felt as if his testicles had burst, and sent the shockwave through the shaft of his penis...a tidal wave of his seed. The pleasure was insurmountable. If he wasn't still aware of what he was doing, he might have ripped his own nipples off.

Plit pulled off, and let the last few excrements of semen drool down the side of Felix's shaft, as he removed his hand from his muzzle, and stepped back. Felix laid there for a few moments, taking his hands off his nipples, and resting. When he finally collected himself, he stat forward, with his facial fur matted down with sweat.

"W-where did you learn h-how to do th-that?" Felix gasped.

Plit shrugged. "When you're as flexible as I am, you learn to know what you want."

Felix wasn't really going to delve into the semantics of that one. He did however sit all the way up, and place his hands on Plit's waist, drawing him closer. He let his hands slip onto Plit's toned buttocks, and played with them as he nuzzled Plit's chest, truly a long lost lover.

"Now, thissss doesss not mean we're back together or anything...jussst ssssome good make-up ssssex."

Felix, played, and reached up, and pulled down the back of Plit's briefs as he could. Plit helped by slipping his tail out as well, so his buttocks could come free. Felix was also a butt man, and loved to touch. It didn't matter the sex, he loved to play with butts. Plit made a light murmur from his mouth, and then looked down at Felix. His tongue continued to flick in and out of his mouth, still tasting the air and devouring the pheromones of their mutual lusts.

"Ssso, why don't you get thisss make-up sex ssstarted. Start making up."

Felix looked into the eyes of Plit, and made as best of a smile as he could, the good half of his face brightening as he leaned in, and pressed his lips to the scaled chest of Plit. Plit pulled back a little bit, as Felix slipped off the table, and went onto his knees, kissing softly upon the chest and toned torso of Plit. When he had reached the pelvis, he himself could smell what Plit was tasting. The rank, strong, and pungent smell of precum and snake pheromones filled his sensitive nostrils. It was dark, and powerful, almost like when you leave sweaty clothes in a gym bag for too long, then open that bag hours later. There was also an odder, silkier smell that he couldn't place his finger on. It didn't matter much anyway, the point was their mutual pleasure. He'd already came, and if he was lucky he might be able to again, but for now it was his turn to return Plit for all the favors he'd done for him in the past.

"Be gentle with me..." Felix said, as he raised his muzzle, and rested his throat upon the dual sexes of Plit, staring up into his eyes. Plit, made a lust filled grin, and took a hand full of the black hair growing out of Felix's head.

"You'll do assss I asssk for now. Until we're done, I'm your sssssuperior. Undersssstood?"

Felix swallowed, the ball of his throat bouncing against the hard phallic parts of Plit's body. He nodded a little and made some simple, baby like licks at the scales of Plit. He had never tasted them before, it was an odd flavor. It tasted like a hard and smooth piece of skin, but with that odd dank musky flavor to it as well.

"Yes sir." Felix said.

"Good. Now...sssshow me the ssssame affection I gave you."

Felix swallowed once more and grinned a little. "Yes sir."

Felix wrapped his arms around the legs of Plit, and slowly let his hands slide over the back of his calves, and up across the back of the knees. His fingers daintily danced upon the sensitive scales there, before moving upwards onto the back of his thighs. Plit made a deep, very deep groan that was more than an exhale than anything else, but it still conveyed some pleasure. Plit's fingers began to grip and loosen around the tangle of hair they held, playing with the soft and fine length. Felix then let his fingers wander upwards until they found the buttocks once more, taking grip with a grasp similar to the one that Plit had on his hair.

For some odd reason, Felix liked this sense of slight helplessness. He liked being dominated somehow. He'd never been the submissive. He'd been topped before, but he'd never allowed another being tell him what to do. It was so erotic and so sexual...it got his heart pumping. Felix then pulled his head back and then buried his muzzle into the crotch of Plit. He did what came to mind, kissing furiously at the soft fabric of the undergarment. He aggressively began to thoroughly nuzzle and lick and kiss at the covered sexes of Plit, as Plit took tighter grip of his hair.

"Mmm...nice....more...." Plit groaned in that low feral tone.

Felix pulled back from his animalistic worship of Plit's groin, and slowed it back down again. Plit gave Felix a reassuring pat of his head, and stroked the underside of his chin. If anyone else were to do this to him Felix would have ground them into dust, yet, at that moment with his long time acquaintance, he wanted to surrender.

Felix gave a tight squeeze of Plit's buttocks, and then reached his hands up and took grip upon the sides of Plit's underwear. He looked up, and before he could pull them down, he felt Plit's hands lay upon his, a low growl of interest coming from deep within his chest. "I...havent been ssseen nude and hard in agessss...."

Felix then nodded once. "I understand."

"Conssssider yoursssself privileged." Plit said. "Now...continue...".

Plit lifted his hands, and Felix was able to pull down the garment. He looked at nothing but the garment as it went down to Plit's ankles. Plit helped himself out of the underwear, and kicked the cloth away. Felix smiled, and bent over forward, and planted a kiss upon Plit's left foot. The foot smelled different than the rest of his body, a different musk than his upper body. It had a slight smell of sage, and other spices. Perhaps from his years of working in the kitchen and stepping in spices strewn upon the floor. Felix licked at the nape between the top of the foot and the bottom of the lower shin. He kissed his way up the shin, slowly showing his affections he's long held back to the scaled leg of Plit. At the knee, he switched legs, moving to the right knee. The scales were thick and harder than any other part of Plit's body. Felix knew that it probably came from years of time spent upon his knees. It could have only come from one of two things: Religious worship, or from performing oral sex upon men. Felix knew that Plit was never the religious type, so he could only guess for how many years he'd been forced to service his shipmates.

He let his tongue lap across the broad top of the knee. The scales had there smooth and bland flavor, but it was still enticing. Plit flickered his tongue out more than before, and released a deep sigh. "I had no clue..." Plit said in a deeper voice than Felix was used to hearing Vipers use. He could care less. He kept kissing and licking until he kept moving upwards once more. He licked and tongue tipped the vast expanse of Plit's quadriceps. His hands wrapped back around Plit's legs once more, and gripped at Plit's buttocks a third time. He meandered closer and closer towards sex's promised lands. As he reached the upper thigh, he could feel the length of Plit's phallic organs brushing against his neck. He didn't feel it rubbing against his numb right cheek, but he could feel the lower shaft against his neck.

Felix then pulled back and gazed upon what's been grabbing his attention for the last several moments. He looked and saw Plit's sexes. Two penises, standing firm and erect, stood protruding out of his slit, and were ready to be taken. It had been years since Felix had seen them. They were just as he remembered. A human male would have envied the length of just one of his sexes, let alone the both. They were only mere centimeters apart in length, with the upper penis being longer by a couple centimeters. They both came to a spear like point, with a long slit where precum was dripping. They were beige or tan in color, depending on the light. They both gleamed with his body's natural juices and lubricants. It was one of the most sensual sights that Felix had ever seen.

Felix didn't say anything, but took the sudden tugging at his hair as a sign to begin. Plit's penises were as mentioned before spear like, but had good length to them, and could make deep oral sex difficult. But still, because the moment was important, he began.

He took his right hand, and wrapped it around the top penis, and let his fingers take a tight grip. He could feel the slick lubricant under and inbetween his fingers. He slowly started to stroke the member, while Plit let his head slip back, craning his neck with his delight. "Mmm...worsssship me..."

Felix said nothing, as he was beginning to like the sharp tugs upon his hair and scalp. His left hand moved forward, and wrapped around the lower penis. He began to stroke both penises in earnest, earning moans of satisfaction from Plit. Felix grinned, and leaned in towards the upper penis, and slid the head into his muzzle. The taste was immediate and strong, and so incredibly salty. It was as if he was sucking upon a salt crystal or something similar. He wrapped his lips tight around the flesh of Plit's upper cock, and began to slide slowly up and down upon the member. The lower penis began to massage itself against the soft fur of his throat, as he moved back and forth, his left hand still stroking the bottom penis. Felix flattened his tongue and closed his eyes, as he tilted his head and throat to work as much of that length into his throat as he could. The second penis hindered his movement a little bit, but not too much.

Plit's tongue was flickering in and out faster than it ever had. Plit's moaning and groans had turned into elongated hisses of delight. Felix exhaled a lengthy breath of hot air, and pulled off the upper penis, and plunged the second one into his maw. A jet of precum hit his throat as if he was milking a cow. Felix groaned, throwing all his skills into that he could. He began to twist his muzzle from the left and to the right, as he would mouth stronger and suck more aggressively on the upward pull, and would push his lips forward and forcefully on the way down. It was what he felt was the proper blow job.

" Oh yeah...thatsss it...you are good indeed..." Plit hissed through his fangs.

And suddenly there was the whooshing sounds of the doors opening. Felix ignored them, and continued sucking, switching back and forth every few seconds between Plit's delicious penises.

"Holy Hell! What's going on in here?" Came a husky and hoarse voice from the doorway.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about Lt. Murdock." Plit said in his hiss of a voice. There was more aggression in his voice now than he'd been using in the last few moments. Felix almost wanted to turn and look to see what kind of face Lt. Murdock was making, but he was so engrossed in what he was doing, he became the most important thing in the world to him. He let the slurping sounds of his saliva and lips upon the dual fleshes of Plit fill the void as he kept sucking.

"Plit, who is that you've got there? No one in their right mind would suck you off willingly...you should let him go before things get ugly."

Felix bit down a little bit upon the lower penis as he sucked it. This was so erotic. He had never been caught like this before. He was so excited, his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

"The Captain and I are catching up on ssssome old times Lt. Murdock. Asss you can tell, the Captain isss under no duresss whatsoever. Now, I underssstand you're the big, bad, ssssecurity officer - but why don't you go and sssssecure another part of the ssship and leave the two of us be?"

There was a confused noise coming from Murdock's direction. It was as if the engaged pair could make out the sounds of Murdock's gears turning. As Felix shifted cocks, it was as if he was ejaculating already, there was that much precum flooding his hungry fox muzzle.

"Captain? Is that you?" Murdock asked, taking a few steps in.

Felix gave a long, and powerful suck of the upper shaft, and then pulled off with a loud and noticeable smack. He turned and faced him with his scarred and ruined right side, and looked right at the security officer.

Murdock was probably the toughest and strongest male, next to Plit, Felix had on the whole ship. Jerek Murdock was his given name, but he preferred the nickname "Rex". Murdock was from the Canine world, nearby Felix's homeword of Vulpainia. Rex was a striking and imposing figure, just as built as Plit, only furry. Rex was a Doberman, and his ears were pulled back as best as they could go into a ponytail. Since most Dobermen couldn't grow their hair long, those that could tied their pointed ears back to create the illusion. It was a very rabbit like gesture, but it was still popular. Rex wore the same uniform Plit had on, the orange cover-alls, and boots. The cover-alls were unzipped like Plit's were, only to the belly. Rex's rather delicious torso was visible, as if he were showing off his naughtiest parts. It almost made him drool, but the cocks in his hand helped him remember who he was there for.

"It is you Captain. Are you ok?" Rex asked, his hand going for the revolver-like laser pistol on his belt. Felix nodded, and gave Plit's still rock hard sexes a lick.

"Yes it's me Jerek. Now, if you'd be so kind as to make sure the bridge is secure?" Felix said in a voice that he also found was deeper than normal for him. He'd never really spoken during sex before, so perhaps this is why it sounded funny. His voice was almost as deep as Lt. Murdock's. It was slightly scary.

Rex, scratched his head. "Sir, this is irregular. I've never seen you act like this."

Felix made a low growl, and started hard at Lt. Murdock. "And you won't get to see me do this again. Now get out of here, that's an order! Furthermore make sure no one interrupts us." Felix said as he turned around, and plunged the lower penis back into his maw, with Plit responding by giving him a sharp tug upon his hair.

Lt. Murdock swallowed, and nodded. "Yes sir." He said before turning and exiting the doors. After the near silent wooshing sound, they heared the door lock. Felix made a satisfied deep throated grunt as he plunged himself harder upon Plit's member.

"Oh...ssssso dirty. That was the mossst intresssting thing I've sssseen in yearssss."

Felix pulled off, and smiled his broken smile. "Thank you sir."

Felix bent down to resume his bliss filled cocksucking, but instead of Plit standing still, he pulled his groin out of reach. Felix continued moving forward, and Plit chuckled, continuing to move backwards. "Thatsss it Felix, beg for thosssse cockssss. Crawl to them."

Felix flushed a little bit, slightly embarrassed, but still loving this sex game. Plit took a strong hold of his lengthy hair, and used it as a kind of leash, tugging at Felix's head. Felix smiled, and went onto all fours. Slowly he began to crawl where Plit lead him, nipping and attempting to pounce Plit's impregnators. Plit chuckled as he lead the large fox around the room, for a seemingly endless eternity.

"Beg for it Felix...assss I once begged for you..."

Felix looked up, getting a feel for the game. He looked up as he continued nipping and licking at Plit. The smile across half his face was worth it for Plit. Plit kept walking backwards, as his captain and ex lover walked on all fours like a feral, nipping and licking at his sexes. This excited Felix once more, his dangling maleness growing firm once more. His hands reached out and attempted to paw out at Plit, but Plit was good at avoiding his attempts.

"Please Plit...I want them..." Felix begged. A part of his mind thought that never in a million years would he ever say that, but he meant every fabric of that statement when he said it.

"Jussst a little more..." Plit said as he started to have him crawl across tables and across benches. It was a jolly little parade. It was fun for both.

As the minutes went by, Plit let him get closer and closer, until they were back at the table where their clothes were. Plit thrust forward, and nearly stabbed Felix in the face with his sexes. Felix opened his mouth, and took the bottom maleness into his throat, and wrapped his arms around Plit's back. Plit made a low chirring sound in his throat, that was something like a purr. Snakes in no way purr, but it sounded like he was trying to. Or perhaps he was trying to sound more dragon like. Whatever the attempt, it was worth it.

Felix then opened his mouth wider, and maneuvered the bottom sex's head to the tip of his tongue. The top of Plit's penis drooled out another offering of pre cum onto his mouth, and he then worked his mouth just right, and took both sexes in his mouth at once, sucking both lengths. Plit placed his finger claws tight to the cheeks of Felix, as he started to thrust in and out of Felix's mouth, eagerly taking the offer.

Felix let out a groan he'd been suppressing for a while, and began to throat the pair of cocks, being pleasantly mouth fucked. His left hand slipped down off Plit, and wrapped around his renewed erection, and began to stroke at himself, letting his right arm around Plit's back guide himself up and down upon the dual meat. He used his upper lip and teeth upon the top organ, and his lower lip and tongue on the bottom cock, working his throat to encompass the all of it.

Plit worked his tail, and wrapped it around the waist of Felix. The gesture, and the whole act, spoke volumes of years of lost affections, and affections never gained between the pair. Plit, feeling the moist warmth of his captain and his ex upon his so rarely touched parts, was enough to bring him to mental orgasm. His body, despite the rush from his mental ejaculation, held on, saving the flood of life seeds from drowning the captain. The tail on his waist was a way of saying thanks, when even in the back of his head he still didn't completely trust the man milking him.

"Oh godsss....stop....ssstop. Ssssstopp...I'm not ready to cum yet...." Plit said as he let go of Felix, and pulled back, pulling his cocks out of his mouth with a loud and wet slurp. Felix, looked drunk on something, his eyes not focusing, and a eerily content. His tail swished like a cat's, in long strides from left to right. He looked far more feline than he did vulpine in that moment. It was something that slightly disturbed Plit. Snakes and Felines have and always will be mortal enemies, and the idea of being sexual with one was as taboo as anything you could get.

Plit visually shook his head, and stepped back, taking deep breaths. Precum was dripping from his sexes like syrup from a bottle turned on it's side. He looked at Felix, who was still stroking himself a little bit, and looking up at him.

"That was hot..." Felix said, smiling now a little.

Plit nodded a little bit, and took another deep breath before saying. "You feel up to getting topped?" Plit said, reaching down and stroking both his lengths a little bit.

Felix stood, and nodded. Felix took his own deep breaths, and then looked towards Plit. "It's been a while since anyone's been inside of me. I know you've never topped me, but please take it easy on me ok?"

"Yeah...whatever. Get in the position." Plit said, gesturing towards the table next to them. Felix turned, and tossed his long hair over his right shoulder, so it could drape in front. It left his back exposed. His back was flawless, and his perfectly tight and taught buttocks were nice and visible towards Plit. Plit smiled, and moved forwards, and took a hold of the cheeks in his hands. He wasn't so much a butt man as Felix was, but he liked to play when he could. Felix had a nice butt, and it was nice to play with. Plit reared back with his right hand and gave Felix a few firm spanks to his right cheek. Felix giggled a little bit, and lowered his hands to the table, and took grip, arching his back in a very erotic and beautiful display. Felix embodied a lot that was beautiful and masculine. It was something that once drove Plit wild with delight, and perhaps was once more.

"Foreplay?" Plit asked, giving the ass another smack.

Felix shook his head. "No thanks...just take me Plit. The foreplay would kill me at this point."

Plit could agree. His own groin was aching with a need to release. It was so primal, and so predatory...as if Felix was his serpentine and he was going to impregnate her. "Lube?" Plit asked.

"No...just be gentle..."

Plit pulled with his thumbs, and spread the cheeks of his captain. His cheeks showed that white tenderfur between his legs and around his crack. It was said to be the softest fur on Felix's body. Plit moved his pelvis forward, and let the spear like heads of his penises graze that fur. For a few moments, he let them slide up and down the crack of Felix, stopping when they'd reach the base of his tail, and starting at the underside of Felix's sagging scrotum. Plit had an urge to lean down and lick the underside of that scrotum, but he knew the foreplay would be too much.

Plit then shifted his hands around a little, and pressed his fingertips and claw tips to the puckered tail hole of Felix. It was pink, and bright pink at that. He gently pushed the tips of his claws in, and then started to massage the outer sphincter a little bit, massaging at the muscle. The muscle fought his entrance, but gave way to the gentle massaging of his fingertips. Felix, lowered his head, as his hair spilled onto the table. A long sigh as if he was relaxing escaped him. Felix adjusted his grip upon the table's edge, and lifted the small of his back a little more in his back bow to present his butt in a more prominent light, as his tail lifted as high out of the way as it could. Plit ignored most of it, but pushed the index fingers in further and further, the warm and slightly moist inner walls of Felix closing around him. Felix started to clench his rectum muscles around the fingers, almost drawing him further inside. Plit made no nose of excitement, except the odd slightly gurgling throaty breath that was the norm for vipers in heat.

Plit wasn't going to get much foreplay, but he was going to get what he could. He pressed the fingers in until they were past the middle joint. Once there he started to pump rhythmically and enthusiastically into Felix. Felix arched his back once more, then bowed it to keep his posterior presented in the light he wanted. Felix's breathing became very slow and very deep, with long and nearly inaudible groans so baritone that it was merely a rumble deep inside his throat. Felix got playful and began to rapidly clench and relax his hole around the fingers while Plit pressed them inside. Plit couldn't help it, and he grinned. He started to mash and drive the fingers and claws as hard and as deep as his body would allow. Felix adjusted his grip on the table, and let out a low chuckle.

"Nice...mmmm..." Felix growled out, closing both his eyes, and lifting his head up.

Plit then pressed the forefingers as deep against the lining of his inner walls as he could, pushing hard at him. Felix's tail swished, and his breathing continued to convey the goodness going through his bowels. Once Plit had his fingers where he wanted them, he began moving both fingers in mirrored circular motions inside of him. Felix gasped and let out a low hiss, one worthy of any viper. His cock dripped a fresh glob of precum - the foreskin of his cock pulling back over the head of it's own accord. Felix would have been glad to be able to have someone on his cock at that moment, but the anal stimulation was giving him way more pleasure than penile stimulation would have - especially with Plit doing what he was doing.

Plit kept the circular probing motion up, as he began to pump his fingers at the same time. Felix made another gasp, and moaned "Oh god..." as he lowered his head once more. Plit couldn't help but to laugh a little bit, for he had his superior officer at his complete mercy.

"Ready for it?" Plit asked, beginning to decrease the speed of his finger's teasing. Felix could do nothing more but nod, and present himself in a similar way to the one he was before.

Plit then pulled his fingers out, and was careful to avoid scratching with his claws, and then pushed his groin in. He had to decide, but he chose with his upper cock, and pressed only the head inside, letting Felix's inner walls close around the head a little bit. "I never thought I'd ever be doing thissss." Plit whispered.

"Mmm...neither did I...but please don't hesitate. "

"I won't. Let me ssssshow you how to make love..."

And thus it began.

Plit pressed his lower cock down the furry crevasse of Felix's ass crack, so that he could maneuver himself comfortably. The tip of his lower cock, still oozing precum, pressed against the back fur of Felix's scrotum. Felix let out a sigh. He was experienced in anal sex, but it'd been a while. At least Plit had been kind enough to loosen him up a little. His head sat comfortably inside him, warm, and ready to do more.

Plit then placed his hands high on Felix's ribs, laying his fingers on ridges in-between rib bones. Plit took very tight grip there, and began moving his pelvis. He worked himself, to move just the head of his cock inside of Felix. Back and forth, in an almost rapid motion, he teased the anal passage of Felix. Felix's breathing increased, as he made slight and almost inaudible whimpers. He wanted to beg for more, but he knew better than to beg. It was Plit's show, and he was just along for the ride. It felt like a large finger teasing itself inside of him, moving forward and backwards.

Felix sighed, and felt the hands of Plit move off his ribs, and move forward onto his pectorals. It was a gesture meant to be done upon a female, yet the feeling of endearment was not lost upon him. He rather liked in that moment of submission having his chest cupped and squeezed while Plit worked his lower body. His length throbbed with each thrust, as if someone was stroking his hard cock. Plit increased the speed but didn't increase the depth of his motion, though it was nice how Plit's lower cock was beginning to rub it's tip back and fourth across that small patch of body between the bottom of the scrotum and the tail hole. Felix liked being stimulated there, and Plit was doing marvelously.

Plit then began to change pace without any warning at all. He slowed down, and began to push himself in deep, taking the full length of his upper cock into Felix as much as his body would allow. Separating his cocks was not always painless, but he was doing fine. Once there was no more resistance from the inner regions of Felix's body, he began to take slow, but powerful glides in and out. Felix made deep and guttural groans and grunts when his body was taken, and took breaths when Plit would pull back. Plit was working the length of his cock in and out, getting full glides, rather than having his entire meat inside and just moving it a few inches in and out. Felix loved that, because he was making use of every inch of himself and of his body.

Plit's hands then traveled lower onto the athletic stomach of Felix, as Plit started to swivel his upper length around inside of Felix while he humped. Plit was still getting that full length, and because his cocks were thinner than most, but still thick, he was able to make that swivel very enjoyable. Felix lowered his head, and arched his back to push back against Plit, while Plit's hands went lower. Felix at first thought the idea of having Plit's hands go for his cock was wonderful, but then he nearly changed his mind once they actually fell upon his skin. His skin was exceedingly and unexpectedly sensitive. It was an overload of sensation. Plit was not doping so much as merely stroking him, he was truly making love. Plit's right hand wrapped very firmly around the base of Felix, and began to stroke a little bit, while his left hand wrapped around the head, and began the "polishing" head motion so many porn stars use.

"FUCK...FUCK - ME!" Felix said through gritted teeth. For his plead, he was mead with a particularly sharp thrust from Plit, and then him dragging his cock slowly outwards. There was only a moment, and then he felt it sliding back inside. There was a difference though, it was his bottom cock now. His upper cock rested in the upper half of his ass crack, with it's tip rubbing the underside of his tail's base. It was new, and brought a shiver though his body.

Plit, who had been silent through most of the act, let out some long hisses, as he began to hump like most hump, with it all the way in and working only a few inches out and forcefully pressing inside. The upper cock began to rock back and forth across the velvety fur of Felix's crack, as he tried to move his tail as far out of the way as he could. He wasn't as good at it as some felines he'd been with, but he was still good with his tail. In fact, the thought crossed Felix's mind that he should use that tail. The stimulation on his cock though was making his legs weak, and it was making it hard to concentrate.

Fortunately Felix was smart, and knew how to kill two birds with one stone. He wrapped as much as he could around the waist of Plit, and held himself up with his hands and his tail, so he wouldn't collapse to the floor. That was the last thing he wanted then, even with his guts crying out in pleasure, to fall to the floor. That was the only trouble with him using this position, because he often found himself losing himself.

"Nice, but let go for a minute...let'ssss change possssitionssss...." Plit said. He then removed his hands off of Felix, and pulled out of Felix, and stepped backwards. Felix turned around as if awaiting instructions. Plit pointed to the table, and said, "Put your hands there, and face me, I'll pick you up, and let the gravity pull you onto my cockssss. Wrap your legsss around me, and hold on tight."

Felix had never done that before, not once. It was interesting - though it was ideal, because it'd put the weight on his arms, and not on his legs. He smiled as much as he could, and lifted himself halfway onto the table's edge, spreading his legs wide and placing his palms flat on the table, and gripping the edge of the table from the opposite direction that he was before. Plit then moved in, and placed his hands on the upper thighs of Felix, and lifted him. With a little coaxing, he moved the bottom of Felix off the table, and towards his lengths. This was it, time for both cocks. The thing about Viper cocks is while individually each cock was about a quarter inch thinner than most males, both at the same time could be like one huge length. Felix at first wasn't sure he was ready for it, but realized that he would have to take it eventually, and that he was in good hands with Plit. Despite the tedious moments before, an any possible moments that might come in the future, this moment was about nothing but making love.

He was lowered, and Plit took his right hand off Felix's thigh so he could push his two cocks together tight, and guide the tips into Felix's tail hole. They entered in with a slight squishy sound. Felix made a loud groan, and wrapped his legs as instructed around Plit's body. The artificial gravity did it's work, and he sank quickly down the two lengths, hissing with the slightly uncomfortable stretching. When the crack of his ass and the skin of his outer sphincter met the slit of Plit's scales, he knew he'd made it. The curved and pointy tips of Plit's penises seemed to be hitting the right spots as Felix could feel himself filled. A long, very feminine moan escaped his body. He was being wracked with delight, and Plit hadn't even started humping yet. He wondered if he would last.

Plit then took his left hand, and placed it upon the small of Felix's back, while bringing his right hand in a gentle caress over the outer thigh of Felix's right leg, and then across the flat of his pelvis, and up the shaft of his body. With his penis in hand Plit began stroking the length of the top few inches, going down hard - but not so hard as to yank on the foreskin - but also hard enough to get the point across: his hand meant business. Felix responded, whimpering with an incommunicable amount of happiness.

Plit wasted no time in continuing his anal onslaught, this time getting a bit rougher. Plit, despite the lack of times topping as Felix had, had learned how to do what he was doing well. In the position, it allowed gravity to do most of the work, all Plit had to do was pull his pelvis back a little bit, and as gravity pulled Felix down - to thrust inward and then repeat the process. His humps were violently sharp, almost in the way one does when the act would be considered nonconsensual, but were completely wanted in that moment by Felix.

"Oh...oh....oh fuck...oh FUCK....fuck....sh-....shit....fuck man..." Felix said in an octave that many wouldn't have believed possible for the very masculine Felix. Almost nobody Felix had ever let mount him in the past had a talent like Plit did. Everything about that sweet surrender touched every special feeling that Felix wanted. He could count all the pluses to this: Plit was filling him nicely, his cocks were hitting both his G-spots, and the position he was in was in was giving him a real workout. He took a moment to look with his eyes, towards his arms. He couldn't see the sweat that was beginning to mat down his fur, but he could see his muscles flexing and bulging with the effort of holding up his upper body weight. It wasn't that hard, because the bulk of his weight was riding Plit's dual cocks, and the remaining weight of his legs were evenly distributed with the legs wrapped nicely around Plit's back.

Plit made a greedy noise and began to pick up the speed of the handjob, while keeping the speed on his anus roughly the same. Felix groaned, thankfully his foreskin was loose enough that it wasn't causing a problem. Plit however would aggressively pull down hard upon Felix's penis, forcing the foreskin once more to it's limits in a delightfully painful way. It was just enough pain that it was a pleasant experience, but not enough that it truly bothered him. His precum certainly did help, acting as a temporary lubricant every few minutes. There was a light smacking sound coming from the handjob, the sound of the skin being manipulated. Felix groaned, as he could feel pressure building in him once again. He had to clench his teeth to try to control himself.

"Oh sssshit..." Plit hissed.

"What?" Felix asked.

"You're clenching your asssss around me..." Plit groaned as he delivered a particularly aggressive pelvic thrust. It hit Felix deep, and he made a noise that resembled a gagging grunt. Plit didn't feel sorry for that one at all.

"Sorry..." Felix said.

"No, don't ssssstopp...it feelsssss great." Plit hissed.

Felix didn't waste any time. He clenched his cheeks and his rectum around the intruding double dick. Felix closed his eyes once more, and started to help. He used his hands to force his body forward, opening himself up wide to allow Plit in deep, and then clenched tight on the way up, to milk the very essence out of his partner.

Then the pressure in his lower regions was gone. It was replaced with a dull throbbing sensation. He looked down, opening his eyes once more, and saw that he was cumming again. Plit was grinning evilly, and working his fingers to collect the stream of yellowish white semen that was streaming down the sides of his length. He had been so distracted on the act that he was still doing that he didn't even notice his own orgasm. He was reminded of the phrase "Your orgasm is only as good as the person that brings you to it", but it could have also been said that Plit was so good that he brought him to orgasm in such a way he didn't even feel it.

"You've been pent up..." Plit whispered. He then pulled back, with his fingers full of cum, and smeared it all over the skin of his penises. He was using Felix's semen as a lubricant. Once he had collected everything that hadn't landed on Felix's own fur, he placed his hands on the small of Felix's back, and then leaned his upper body forward, now totally unabridged by any distractions. He started to drive hard and deep into Felix once more, only now with the semen on the penises he was able to glide in and out nice and fast, and nice and hard. Felix was amazed that both of Plit's lengths could act as one, and truly pummel him the way he was.

Felix then lowered his upper body down to the table, laying with his lower half hanging off the edge. This change in angle forced Plit's driving malenesses to his him at a totally different angle, and it was a complete overload. The stimulation in his bowels made him want to vomit with pleasure, it was so great. Instead of doing something that would probably kill the mood - like throw up - he did however throw his head back, and ride every single thrust, and clench with each withdrawal. His howls were long, and wolflike. He'd been around enough intimate canines to know what the sound of a wolf or other canine in heat sounded like. This made him seem much more masculine than his higher octive whines and whimpers were moments before. This was sign to Plit that he was doing a very good job. Thankfully, Plit's height allowed him to stand at roughly the level he was before, and still be able to thrust into Felix. The wet slurping sound was only dimly mulled by their mutual grunts, and Felix's masculine canine noises.

"In you or on you?" Plit said through gritted fangs.

Felix simply kept groaning, he didn't hear what Plit said. Plit made a slightly frustrated voice and lowered his upper body, and slid Felix further back onto the table. Plit laid as much of his chest and torso as he could on top of Felix as he could, wrapping his arms around him. He gripped tight, and made his thrust deeper and more frantic.

"In you...or on you?!" Plit asked again. This time shouting it loud enough for Felix to hear even over his own screams of delight.

"In me, oh God...in me!" Felix said in something that sounded like one continuing moan with words interlaced. He knew what Plit meant, who wouldn't? Plit wanted to know where Felix wanted the orgasm to occur. It wasn't just romantic, it was practical. Some people just couldn't capacitate the amount of semen some species could produce, and other men just didn't want that feeling inside of them. Felix on the other hand wanted to feel it, he wanted to feel Plit splash inside of him.

In a lot of movies there are ways to tell someone is going to blow their load: rapid humping that is so hard and so fast it looks painful, odd facial expressions, invocations of various deities, or something like that. Plit didn't do anything like that, he merely kept humping at the same hard rapid pace that he had been for the many minutes that had gone by already. It was fast and hard yes, but not porn star fast or hard. He could feel the beginnings of what would be the actual event. He'd seen Plit cum before, and it probably wasn't as intense as what he was about to feel, but at least he knew it step by step. There would be a flood of a liquid, a blast of liquid, then many less powerful blasts of semen.

Felix could feel the flood of liquid filling him, and then the expected powerful jets of liquid that made him scream loud, and very woman like. If possible, it made the streams more powerful. The cocks spewed simotaniously, and with a power that Felix could understand from coming from this many years of celibacy. Plit may have been active a little bit, but he probably hadn't orgasmed in that ammount of time. The streams wouldn't stop, it was almost like he was urinating, but Felix knew better. The liquid began to run out the sides of his outer sphincter and down his legs, warm and runny. Then began the volley of semen blasts. They were not stereo like the streams were, but they were close. A wad from the upper followed a strong excretion from the lower. It was a true 1-2 punch to the very depths of Felix.

While Plit kept cumming, he laid himself flat, the precursor liquid being forced out by the invading sperm and semen. It ran down their bodies, and dripped to the floor. Plit made a few involuentary jerks, and humped in deep a few times, making the ejaculations hault for a moment. When he recovered, he laid back down, resting as he finished cumming a minute and a half later. By then Felix was so full of semen, it was running out like a torrent, and had him feeling like had had just shit himself. It was great.

Felix closed his eyes once more, tired at looking at the hundreds of pipes and track lighting that made up the ceiling of the room, and reveled in the moment. He focused on all his other senses. Taste: He could still taste the saltiness of Plit's cocks inside his mouth as he licked the inner lining of his cheeks. Smell: He could smell their combined musks in a scent so strong it could knock someone out with a low fortitude, and he could also smell Plit's semen and precursor liquid that was running down their legs and pooling on the floor beneath them. Sound: He could hear the sound of Plit catching his breath even then, and could hear the sound of his heart beating in his ear - not as fast as it was earlier, but still at a pace worthy of a military double-time. Touch: He could feel Plit's groin spilling the very last of it's grand offering into his depths, the penises contracting hard into his body like the barrel on a 16 inch gun when it fires a shot. He could also feel Plit's chest rising and falling almost mirrored with his own, the pair moving in almost perfect time. Last, Felix could feel their hearts beating, their beatings totally different from one another. Plit's was very fast, and only then starting to slow down. Felix's own heart was fast, but just a little above resting level.

They laid that way for an intractable amount of time, before Plit lifted his head, and opened his dual eyelids slowly, and shuddered. The shudder made his deflating cocks vibrate inside of him, and Felix gasped for a moment, then sighed with delight. Plit chuckled, and managed to stand, stepping backwards, and pulling his sexes out of Felix.

"Damn...sssssome make-up sssssex..." Plit said, shaking his head as he reached down and grabbed his black underwear.

Felix nodded and sat forward. Big mistake. He was too light headed to sit forward that fast, and he fell back to the table with a thud. Plit laughed again, as Felix could hear the sounds of him slipping on the garment.

"Medic!" Felix said jokingly. Plit didn't laugh so hard at that one, but he did toss Felix's white thong onto his face, followed by Felix's jacket.

"Alright, now that thatsss that, time fur ussss to pretend that didn't happen." Plit said as Felix could hear the sound of the jumpsuit going on. Felix sat forward this time, and looked at Plit. He looked like he did when he first walked in, only now Plit was pulling his hair back into a ponytail with a tie he'd pulled from the cover-alls pocket. Felix frowned a little bit, and looked at himself. His cock had drying semen on it, his legs had still moist semen and precursor fluid glistening in the light, and there was a defenate pool of body fluids formed on the floor.

"So, no food? Not even a goodbye kiss?" Felix said, actually a little serious. He carefully pulled on the thong, and slipped into the jacket. It felt odd to be getting dressed at that moment, but it was practical in the very least. Better to have something on than to display the evidence of his fornications to the world. His front was fine, but his ass wasn't so lucky. His legs and cheeks were all so moist from the semen still leaking out slightly.

Plit shrugged, and picked up the plate and fork he'd slapped to the floor and shook his head. "You are already. Bessssidessss, a goodbye kissss would imply we were an item. We're not...ssssoooo no kisssss. I'm glad we reconssssiled a little, but no kissssss. Now go to bed Felix."

"Um, I have another question Plit." Felix asked.

Plit raised an eyeridge, and exhaled, tongue flickering out once more. "Go ahead."

"When you came, you pushed a lot of that clear liquid into me, then your cum. Tell me, I've never figured it out and no one's ever told me - what is that liquid?"

Plit chuckled and was staring intently at the little puddle on the floor. "That'sssss what ssssome of ussss call 'the wasssssh' or 'the rinssssse'. We Vipersssss do that asssss a way of presssssserving our DNA and not sssssomeone elssssse's when we mate."

Felix was tucking the rest of his penis into his thong and tilted his head to the side. "I don't follow..."

Plit chuckled louder. "Of coursssse you don't. You were never much of a follower. What the wassssh issss, is a stream of liquid, not unlike whater, that rinsssses out a person'sss insssidessss. Our femalessss when it comesss to mate through huge gang bangssss, taking many malessss at once. The liquid wassshesss out mosssst of the ssssemen of the male that mounted her lasssst. It'ssss kind of a contessst. Whom ever sucessssfully impregnatessss her isssss her mate."

Felix nodded, as he finished dressing completely, and drew a few deep breaths.

"Now leave Felix. I have work to do...and you need ssssleep.

Felix opened his mouth to protest, but Plit pointed towards the door. "Go to bed!" He repeated.

Felix shrugged, and turned, walking numbly and kind of bowlegged out the door. He had to have Plit unlock the door because his security clearance wouldn't work when he was off duty. The doors opened with the woosh he expected, and he turned around to give Plit one last look. Plit was walking around in the kitchen, tinkering around with something. The slow way he moved implied he was more drained than he thought he wasn, but then again Felix knew it had been many years.

He gave a sigh, and staggered slowly out into the hallway, the doors shutting behind him, as he started heading slowly towards the turbolifts.

Before he got much further, a familiar gruff and husky voice came from behind him. "So? How was it Captain?"

Felix looked over his shoulder, his hair moving like a cape with him as he turned to regard the voice. Luckly it was was only Lt. Jerek "Rex" Murdock. Felix shrugged and kept trudging forward while the handsome doberman walked up alongside him.

"Are you even going to answer me Captain? How was it?" He asked, maw of white teeth gleaming in the light. Felix shrugged once more, trying to show as little emotion as possible.

"It was interesting Rex." Felix said off-handedly, as he walked a little faster towards the lift.

"Interesting? That looked like some intense action you were getting there..." Rex began. Felix then felt, from behind, Rex's right hand reach down and press it'self as best as it could between his legs by means of his butt crack. The hand came back, moist from the semen and rinse, as he held up his hand towards Felix. It still had some thick wad semen on the tips of his fingers. "Now that is what I call an intense session."

Felix nodded, and turned to stare at Lt. Murdock. "Think so?"

Rex nodded, and moved his forefinger and middle finger against one another, the wet/slippery sound of Plit's life seeds being moved around clearly audible. Felix, normally wasn't embarrassed by such things, but for some reason, this was all so sudden, and so out of left field, that he felt like he'd been caught doing something incredibly taboo.

"I know so Captain. Looks like he had a great time..." Rex said as he placed his hand quickly on Felix's left side, and stopped him in his tracks. Felix kept staring right at the doberman next to him, curious what he had in mind, his tail wagging with curiosity.

"Yes...Lieutenant?" Felix said slowly.

"It was kind of hot seeing you two like that. Who was in charge?" Rex asked, his fingers gripping at the fur of Felix's side a little.

Felix's skin under his fur flushed a little bit as he was hot with embarrassment. He gulped and looked away from Rex directly, but stayed willingly in his grasp. "I...um...he was."

Rex chuckled disbelievingly, and then moved his hand lower onto Felix's hip. His hand was in the neutral zone - inches from butt and inches from groin, it all depended on which way his hand wanted to travel. Felix didn't know how to react to this, but he blinked his eyes a few times, and found the ability to not run away screaming.

"Plit? HIM? HE was in control? I'm sorry Captain, but you always came off as the dominant one. How could you let a viper do that to you?"

There was something in the tone of Rex's voice that Felix didn't like. It wasn't necessarily the dominant comment, it was his comment about letting Plit mount him. It spoke of speciesisim.

"How could I do what?" Felix asked, not playing dumb but more fishing for more insight into Rex's mind.

"How could you let a viper touch you like that? They're...they...they're..."

Felix was finding more and more of his usual self as the moments went on. He eased out of Rex's embrace and stared at him hard. "Come on now Jerek, spit out the cupcake and say what's on your mind."

Lt. Murdock frowned, and ran a hand over his ponytailed ears. His eyes darted quickly to the floor. "Nasty ... vile ... murderous ... scheming ... spiteful ... hedious ... immoral ... uncaring ..." He said, saying each word with as much emotion as he could muster.

Felix sighed, and knew that perhaps Jarek was beyond hope. His hatred for Plit's race had to come from something else though, it was too deep rooted to be a simple casual hate. "Well sorry you feel that way. Plit happened to change my views of the serpentine race a long time ago. Then he welcomed me into his bed, and things were irreversable. I cannot hate him, nor his race, no matter how evil many of them still are. Hate the individual, not the race." Felix said as he turned and presented his back towards Jarek. "I know it might have been hot for you watching me behave like that, but it's a shame that you couldn't truely enjoy it as you wanted."

Jarek sighed, and moved in, pressing his groin against his backside. He could feel the large cock of Jarek poised inside his uniform. "Snakes killed my family. They killed me too. I was dead, legally and medically dead, but one doctor got my heart started again. I was in heaven with my mother and father, my brothers and sisters, my cousins aunts and uncles. All my family that was dead. Now I'm the last of my line. " He said, nuzzling the back of Felix's head. "I can never forgive the snakelings for killing me." He said.

"Well, then I pitty you. Now...what do you have in mind?" Felix asked, cause he was still in the clutches of his subordinate.

He grinned, and began to slowly and softly dry hump Felix as he moved his hands up onto his naked chest. "I wanna taste of you before you go to bed...I wanna put my own cum inside you...I want a shot at my Captain. " He said.

Felix sighed, and tried to pull away, but he was still weekened from the first sexual bout. "What if I refuse?"

Jarek smiled, and said. "You know it's still illegal to mate with serpentines if you're in open space...you have to be in a designated quadrant. I could report you...get you demoted again."

Felix cursed inside his head. He knew Rex was the kind of male to do that. If the Admaral found out he had sex with Plit while still in open space, he could be demoted all the way down to an Ensign again. The bootm rung. He'd be nothing again, and probably have to serve more time in the reserve. On the other hand, Jarek did have a rather large cock, and he wouldn't mind one more ride before he went to sleep. His career as opposed to fucking his Leutinent made sence. "Alright...you win...lets do this."

Jarek smiled, and pulled back as he dropped his uniform. Like Felix, his penis was human like. Blessedly so. Jarek was sure that if the doberman canine did have a knot, he would have been torn in half with how big his penis was. Jarek turned around to look at it. It was almost 10 inches long, and was wider around than his own cock. Felix had a nice sized penis, but it was no monster like Rex's.

"How you want to do this?" Felix asked, pulling his thong down, and tossing his jacket aside. They were going to fuck right here, in the middle of the hallway. It wasn't uncommon even in the full Navy for people to do this, it was just for some it might seem awkward.

Jarek moved in and turned Felix around. "No foreplay, nothing fancy. Just me fucking you, and stuff. " He said as he started to lift Felix's tail.

"You sure?" He asked. "Because I -" He started to say before he felt the head of Jarek press inside, spreading him appart. His eyes went wide, even his lazy eye, as the cock was pushing it's way inside. Even with Plit's beloved cum acting as lubricant, and the fact he'd only just finished a lovely bout of sex his ass hadn't had something like this inside of it in a long time.

Jarek reached around, and played with his captain's semi-erect penis, while he continued to push forward, hard and forcefully. Felix whimpered, and braced himself against the wall. He had nothing to grab onto, so he laid his palms flat against the greyish cobalt collored metal. He could feel more and more of that cock sliding in...reaching past Plit's max, streatching his innards that havent been streatched in ages.

"Oh fuck..." Felix said, his voice weak and wracked with pain and pleasure. Jarek placed one hand on top of his head, and forced him to place his head down, holding it like that. Felix could see Jarek's hand around his cock, stroking swiftly. His cock was still kind of greasy, so there was a slick slippery wet sound as he stroked, and rubbed around his cock, pulling hard on his foreskin a little bit. Felix closed his eyes, as tears began to stream down.

"Damn...almost there..." Jarek said, as he pushed more and more of himself in, and then there was the blissfully nice moment when he felt Jarek's pelvis against his butt cheeks. He had his whole 10 inches and his large girth inside him too. It was oddly nice. Though the fact he was only doing it to protect himself and Plit, made it seem alot less romantic.

Jarek started pistioning his cock, gliding in and out, still stroking Felix rapidly as he went. Felix panted. There was alot of pain, but there was large waves of pleasure mixxed in. He couldn't beleive it...it was so...something. There wasn't a word for it.

He didn't even notice minutes later when he had cum a third time...this time just a couple human like squirts, but a lot of dribbling. He didn't even feel the orgasam, yet he knew he'd had one. Perhaps he was running on so much adreneline, or so little that he couldn't feel anything anymore. The Doberman humped hard, like a shouvenist. He let his large scrotum slap against Felix's body, and took his hand off his cock, as he placed it back upon Felix's hip, and stared to rapidly slam himself into his captain.

"Mmm so slick...that snake cum makes good lube..." Jarek said as he started to throb a little bit. "Here comes mine..."

He felt it, a few jets of very powerful semen splashing inside, then some soft squirts. The cum litterally was flooding out his ass, dripping down his legs, and pooling in the floor. Felix was nearly unconcious, but he was done. One of his last thoughts before Jarek pulled out, was he remembered Plit's precursor fluid. How it washed out other male's semen. Jarek's semen had done the same time, pushing out the wonderful deoposits of Snake spunk.

"There...now that was better than a snake I bet." Jarek said as he threw his uniform over his shoulder, and slapped Felix a copuple of times on the ass.

Felix didn't bother with the thong. He was too soaked. He picked it up and put it in his jacket pocket, before he started staggering towards the elevator. "Whatever you say. You're relieved of duty for the night. Now let me get some sleep." He said as he moved to the turbo lift to get some sleep.

"Thanks captain. I hope to see you around again..." He said slyly.

* * *

A machiene generated "space sleep" was just what Felix needed when he got to his room the night before. After his bouts with Plit and with Lt. Murdock, he was the weakest he had ever been. Falling into his bed would have left him exhausted and fatagued the next time he awoke. Normally, the machiene was only mainly used for long hybernations. Sometimes ships would spend weeks and months in warp to get somewhere. Felix spent 2 years in sleep once a few years before. His grey hair showed up afterwards. It was theroized that the sleep might prevent aging, but it couldn't really. It delayed it. Felix would have turned grey weeks after he entered the chamber that time, but the hybernation slowed that.

A one night hybernation was really unnessesary, but it would help. If he was tired, it would give him the total and complete rest he needed, as well as allow him time to heal rectally. Jarek had torn him appart, only he didn't notice because of all the cum lubricant as well as the fact he'd been pre streatched. It probably would have been worse if he had gone first.

The machiene was like something out of late 20th century science fiction. There were wires that connected to his body, a mask for lifesupport, and such. The tube filled with a water like substance, known as hybernation fluid. It kept the body warm, aided in the sleep and helped keep the body asleep, as well as kept the body clean. The fluid was kind of nasty though, many disliked emerging from the chamber dripping wet with the gooey substance clinging to their bodies. The greenish blue liquid also tasted horable. Some people were unfortunate to acccidently swallow some if they mistakeny removed their mask before the fluid drained.

The only good thing was the liquid was not harmful on the eyes at all. You could open your eyes while immersed, and they wouldn't burn at all. He liked that, because it allowed him to see around his room before or after a sleep. Though, there was one thing that scared him. The chambers were also escape pods. If the ship was in danger of being destroyed, the pods would automatically eject the hybernating people's chambers into space, and turn on the homing signal. Once when he was fresh in the Navy, somone pranked him and his fellow fresh officers by ejecting their whole room into space. He and his comrades floated for a day in space, simply drifting, fully awake, unable to fall asleep due to the terror.

This time as he opened his eyes, and saw the world through the liquid, and his room was empty. He sighed, and a series of bubbles were released out the valve. He was smart, and didn't remove his mask before he'd pressed the drain button. The drain button was a large red button to his left. The fill button was to his right, and was green. The hybernation process begins when you fall asleep, the machiene can help put you to sleep, but it's you that actually does the real work. Felix pressed the button. As he could hear a hissing draining sound, as the level of the liquid went down around his naked body. He let out another long sigh, as this time he could hear the sound of the air leaking out the breathing aparatus' valve. He took a long breath as the liquid was now around his ancles and falling fast. The air was pure, ritch, and was great. It was better than the recycled air the rest of the ship had to offer.

He pulled a lever above his head and opened the glass door to his chamber, and stepped out. He regretted that. He forgot he still had his room at a cool tempreature. It was still in the low 50's in his room. He could feel his testicles shrinking into his body. "Damn." He said as he pulled off the breathing aparatus and let it fall back inside the chamber, the door closing once more. "Computer, change climate to Vulpania Tropics..." He said.

The cumputer beeped, and made an acknoweldging click, before the temperature in the room climbed into the high 80's, and was heavy with humidity. He sighed, and wagged his tail, flicking some of the hymbernation fluid onto his metal floor.

"Better." He said. He turned and walked towards the showers, and looked at the pretty stars and the planet they were orbiting outside his window. He thought it was pretty, a green planet, with yellowish green continents. He smirked as he turned, and got into the shower. He was beginning to soap up, when it hit him. He was supposed to be in hyperspace...moving at lightspeed, and here they were orbiting a planet? Something was wrong. He continued showering and washing the icky liquid out of his fur as he closed his eyes and put his head under the streams, and said, "Computer...patch me through to the bridge."

There was another series of beeps, before a familair male voice said. "Bridge..."