Love on the fairways

Story by Thaell Silverwing on SoFurry

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#1 of Love on the fairways

Love on the Fairways

*disclaimer* This story contains m/m scenes. And golf. Do not read if you don't like either or are underage etc.

Otherwise, enjoy ^^

The Meet

Stuart Lockshaw was your average 20 year old fox. Stuart was six foot one, with soft and luxurious fur

that was fire orange all over save for the black paw pads and ear tips and the white chest fur that went

way down to the tip of his tail. But, unlike your average 20 year old fox, he was gay. And closeted.

Stuart, by profession, was a golfer. He had tried and failed as a playing amateur, so turned

pro to teach. He was in his final year as a PGA apprenticeship under a horse nick-named Black Bob.

He had the darkest fur colour possible, but a heart of gold.

They both operated a driving range and nine-hole course just outside of London, on the M25. This guaranteed plenty of business - they were situated in the middle of everywhere - and they were the best range for 50 miles.

Like all weekends, Stuart had to get up at 530 to sort his fur out so he was presentable for seven when

the range opened. He didn't mind getting up that early, he never went out - it wasn't that he was a

loaner, he had plenty of friends, but he didn't have any particular desire to drink, and he was afraid

someone might notice him eyeing the guys up. He'd been caught in the showers at the range after a

round before, but that was easily covered. Out in the bars, that was a different matter.

This weekend was like no other in summertime England; warm, wet and breezy. Stuart opened the

shop at seven - and waited. After half an hour, he had dusted all the clubs, and had everything

presentable, just in case a customer actually turned up. At this point, he turned Virgin radio on, and

started to putt back and forth. Halfway through a new release from the Hoosiers the first customer

walked in.

Stuart looked up and started to stare. I through the door had just walked the cutest husky he had ever

seen - he was tall, with pure white chest fur that melted into the grey fur that covered the rest of his


Stuart kicked the balls behind the desk and rested the putter on the wall and said "Can I help you sir?"

"Yes please, I'm looking for some lessons"

Stuarts heart skipped a beat - He's gorgeous, and he sounds heavenly he thought. He actually

said "OK, hi, my names Stuart" extending his paw

"Hi, I'm Craig" taking the offered paw

And he has soft hands! thought Stuart. "Have you played any golf before, or are you a complete

beginner?" asked Stuart.

Craig scratched behind his ear "I've mucked around a bit on the driving range, but I've not done anything

beyond that"

"Ok' said Stuart "well, when did you want to book a lesson for?"

"Have you got anything around four this afternoon?"

"Dead on four?'

"Perfect. Can I hire clubs, or do I need to buy some?"

"No, we can lend you some. And we have changing facilities as well" Stuart said, noting the business

suit that Craig was in.

"Ok, thanks. I'll see you at four."

"Yep. See you later."

Both went their separate ways with one thought - 'He's dreamy!'

Later that day...

Stuart and his three o'clock lesson walked into the lobby. "Right then, Mrs. Jamieson, you know what

you've got to work for next lesson?"

"Yes, not too much knee flex in the set up, and keep my arms nice and wide" the otter gave a

demonstration as well

Stuart smiled "Yes, that's it. Spot on. See you next week. Bye"


Stuart looked at his watch. 'Fifteen minutes. He should be here soon' thought Stuart, as his stomach

growled; reminding him that he had yet to eat lunch. 'I'll eat after the lesson.'

*ding ding*

Stuart turned to see Craig standing there, in a black, snug fitting polo shirt and a pair of tight, white

shorts that contrasted perfectly with the shirt and his fur tones.

"Hi. Are you ready for the lesson?"

"Yep. Now you needed a club didn't you? Hmm, here we go that should be about right for you"

"Thanks" said Craig, taking the club.

"Now, let's have a look at your swing shall we?"

Stuart led Craig outside, vaguely aware of a pair of eyes focusing on his hip movements as he climbed

the steps up to the teaching bays.

Stuart set the balls down and instructed Craig to follow him in a warm up, that, by pure

coincidence allowed Stuart to watch Craig's lithe body, and imagine him writhing around on a bed.

After the warm-up, Craig was told to hit some balls to loosen up. As he was doing this,

Stuart watched from a back and front view to determine what faults were in Craig's swing.

After five minutes, Stuart told Craig to stop.

"Right, we need to start at the beginning. You've got a swing that smacks of being self taught. First

things first - the grip. This is one of the more important aspects of the swing. Yours is far too weak.

Take hold of the club. Hold it up. This is where the grip wants to be"

Stuart took Craig's paw and rotated it around the shaft, causing a barely audible gasp from

Craig. "Right, hit a few balls with that grip"

"Right, next is posture. Hand me the club" Stuart proceeded to hit some balls, eliciting

some oohs and ahhs from Craig. After a minute, Stuart stopped, and said, "Can you see how my

posture is different to yours? We need to straighten out your spine. Set up to the ball. Now, stick

your bum out"

Craig complied, sticking his bum out, posing just a little, to show off his curves and

delighting in the wide-eyed stare Stuart was giving his ass. "How's that?"

Shaken out of his reverie, Stuart stammered "That's . . . That's fine. But . . ." Stuart moved in front of

Craig and put his paw to Craig's chin and raised it, looking into Craig's hazel eyes for the first time, and

for the first time getting lost in Craig's eyes.

"Is that better?"

"Yes, that's much better" Shit, Shit, Shit! How long was I staring at him for? Smooth Stewie, real

smooth. Don't do that again! "Yeah, that's much better. Try hitting a ball like that."

For 10 minutes, all Stuart could do was stare at the ass in front of him. Suddenly, he

realised that he had another lesson in five minutes. "Um, that's all we can do today. Did you want to

book in for another lesson?"

"Yes, definitely!" Craig responded, almost too eagerly. Yeah, great one Craig, don't let him know that

you fancy him too much.

"I've got a playing lesson next week, so after that at four again ok for you?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Can I finish these off?"

"Yeah, sure. See ya next week"

"See ya." Duh, thought Craig, he is the hottest guy you've seen ever. Just ask him out. But then, if

he's not gay, you'll have made the biggest prat of yourself ever. Craig blushed as he thought this, he'd

never had a problem with asking a guy out before, or calling a sexuality, so why now?

"Let's see just where this goes" Craig said to himself "I can find out next week when I get changed and

he's in the shower"

Shower Time!

On Wednesday, both Stuart and Craig went through their normal days. Craig finished early so he could

get to the range and 'practice'.

Upon his arrival, he went to the bar and bought a Coke, and sat and watched the ninth hole for

Stuart. After 10 minutes Stuart appeared round the dogleg with his lesson. Five minutes later Stuart was covering the lesson again so the horse knew what to do when he was out on the course.

Craig downed the remainder of his Coke and hot-padded to the showers. He hastily unpacked

his shower kit and dived into a cubicle and turned the water on. And waited. And waited. Crap, he is

going to shower isn't - Craig's thoughts were interrupted as the changing room door opened, admitting


Hmm, someone's having a shower - oh shit! It's Craig! Don't look at his ass Don't look at his ass!

Panicked Stuart.

But he couldn't help it - his eyes strayed to the huskies butt, how the fur elegantly changed

shade as it flowed down his tender looking thighs, how firm his ass seemed.

At that minute, Craig turned to get his FurClean, and looked at Stuart, who snapped his head

away, ears flat in embarrassment. Hah, thought Craig, so he does like me. Well, let's put on a show

for our little fox, thought Craig slyly. Nodding to Stuart in acknowledgment, Craig began to lather the

FurClean in his paws, wondering where to start.

Craig conveniently dropped the bottle of FurClean, which had two effects. One, Stuart

looked up. Two, Craig had to bend over. Keeping his legs as straight as possible, Craig bent over from

the hips, while lifting his tail, just a touch, giving Stuart a view of his ass. Staying bent over, he applied

just a drop more FurClean, to the lather in his paws, and began to scrub. He started to massage his

left ankle, still bent over showing his ass to the world and Stuart. He moved a paw up his calf, rubbing

along the inside of his leg, up his fur, taking his time to apply the lather. He swapped hands, rubbing

down the inside of his leg, and up on the outside. He continued up the outside and started to rise out

of the exposing position, only to shake his ass and swap legs, massaging his right thigh, going down

and up. Then, slowly, making sure he was giving Stuart the best possible view, he rose to a standing

position and started to massage his sheath, keeping his back turned.

This drew an audible gasp from Stuart, which caused Craig to grin with realisation; Stuart was

gay, and damn interested! Craig started to move up his body, and stretched back over his shoulders to

pose for Stuart, arching his back. He withdrew from this position and stretched up as far as he could,

making his body look like a C to the left by swaying his hips, then he swayed his hips to the right.

This was more than Stuart could take. He started to pant with pure lust for the perfect body

performing for him as his sheath swelled.

Craig stepped back under the water, to let the lather wash off. After five minutes of standing there and

grinning/giggling to himself like an idiot, he turned the water off and reached for a towel. He bent down

to retrieve his shampoo/conditioner and turned to his left, to see some blur wiz past him on the other

side out of the corner of his eye.

Craig smirked as he towelled himself off - Stuart's movements were those of someone who

was incredibly embarrassed; awkward and stiff. He knew what he was going to say later. He dried

himself off and got changed into a tight top, and figure hugging shorts that showed his curves off


He left Stuart to stare blankly forward at the sight he had just witnessed, and left to wait.

Crap! What the hell was that! Thought Stuart. I couldn't have been more obvious I was staring at his

ass, his cute ass, his thighs and *ohh* he was so sexy! Stuart risked a look round. There was no one

around. He had to take care of business. He pulled back on his sheath lightly and gasped as the

fresh, warmed air hit his cock. He breathed in, inhaling his musk. That tipped his sex ridden mind over

the edge and he went primal. He grabbed some shampoo and squirted it onto his left index and third

finger. He rubbed around his entrance, before plunging his impromptu lubed fingers into his ass. He

moaned at the feeling, of a cold sting in his ass from the shampoo. He pulled out slowly, letting his

ass push his fingers out, before plunging them back in. He picked up a rhythm, in and out, in and out.

His cock started to leak pre, with a stream flowing down. He reached down with his right hand and

grasped his rod. He wasn't large, at 7inches, but he wasn't small either. He started to pump in time

with the hand in his ass, in and out, up and down. His cock twitched as he neared release. Harder he

pumped, harder until


The door opened. Stuart whipped his hand from his ass and stopped stroking, his hands falling to his sides and his cock going limp from embarrassment. The door creaked again and Stuart peeked out to

see if the intruder had gone. Stuart was again alone unto himself. As the events penetrated Stuarts

mind, his hard-on came back to full force. He stepped back into the shower and penetrated his ass

with his left hand again. He stroked himself to the brink twice before curving his left hand up to find his

G-spot. He gasped when he found it. He played with it, pressing down and stroking, quicker and

quicker until he moaned in pleasure as his orgasm hit, spraying the wall in front with cum. Stuart just

stood there in the after glow as his fingers slipped out of his ass.

The fact he had a lesson penetrated his foggy mind, and he rushed to get dressed.

Stuart walked/ran to the lobby, to find Craig.

"Sorry I'm late" Stuart said, his ears low in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it" smirked Craig.

There must have been something in Craig's voice, because Stuart cocked his head as if to

say 'you know what I've been doing don't you?'

Craig just looked at Stuart innocently, who pointed to the range and just said "after you".

Half an Hour later, over a cup of coffee

"So, Craig, what can you do next week?"


*Cough, Choke* "What?!"

"You were watching my performance in the shower?"


Craig smirked "You took 20 minutes from when I left the room to come out. There was only one thing

you could have been doing and that was -"

"Yes, I was, I mean how do you know, I mean -"

"Shh. Don't worry. You're secrets safe with me"

Stuart just looked dumbfounded.

"Aww, you look so cute when you're clueless. What about a cup of coffee next week, instead of a

lesson. Or do you want another sh -"

"No. I mean yes, I -"

Craig started to rub Stuart's leg with his, which caused Stuart more duress.

"C - Coffee sounds n - nice" Stuart managed to stammer

"Meet here next Thursday? Or are you busy?"

"I can ah, do Monday if you would um, if you would prefer"

"That's sounds great"

"O - Ok. Here's my card. Call me when you can."

Craig placed his hand on Stuarts, causing an intake of breath.

"Ok. See you later hon."

With that, Craig got up and went away, swishing his tail. Stuart could only stare at the tail.

Shaking his head, and grinning like a Cheshire cat, Stuart made his way to his car and home.

When he arrived, he found the answer phone blinking with a message.