The Ruso Antrum Descent: Prologue

Story by KadoDragon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Ruso Antrum Descent

A story I've been working on.

The Ruso Antrum (Antrum = Cave [Latin]) is a large cavernous dungeon found beneath the city of Ruso. It was once a training ground for an ancient and lost civilization. These days, adventurers travel to Ruso to challenge the Ruso Antrum and plunge down to it's 100th floor. Gebun and Baruhn are imps who live on the first floor of the Ruso Antrum. When Baruhn is kidnapped, Gebun teams up with Sothos to scale down to the 50th floor and save him. Below the first floor, there are traps and creatures that will surely kill you. Beware, anyone who enters, of the dangers or you may never return.

(Contains Adult Content)

Gebun, an Imp on the first floor of the Ruso Antrum, has lately had something on his mind. The Ruso Antrum is a popular place for those who call themselves adventurers to prove their worth. Gebun has seen many of these adventurers enter, but has not seen any of them leave. His mind lately has been filled with curiosity on what lies ahead in the Antrum, but he knows that ahead lies traps and creatures that would surely end his life. Never the less, he still holds on to this curiosity, it fasinated him.

"Gebun! Gebun!" A familiar voice came from behind Gebun, he turned around. Another imp flew on to the outcropping that Gebun stood on. It was about 100 feet off the ground and used to be part of a door archway. The imp landed and adjusted his severly damaged glasses. "Gebun, I heared that you were going to go to the lower floors. Don't do it!"

"Baruhn!" Gebun yelled back. "Don't yell. I'm only curious about it, I haven't actually decided if I was going to go."

"Well don't." Baruhn said. "There are tons of traps-"

"-And creatures that would surely end my life." Gebun finished in a mocking manner. "I've heard that a hundred times, but it will never get rid of my curiosity." Gebun spread out his bat like wings on his back. "To fly through all of the coridors, to see all of the riches and treasures, to see all of the creatures. It would certainly be something, wouldn't it?"

"No it wouldn't! You would die!" Baruhn adjusted his glasses again. "You wouldn't even make it very far into the second floor, let alone getting to a new stratum or the the very end. If there even is an end."

"Baruhn." Gebun turned to face the courtyard of the first floor. It used to be a large castle, but that was all in ruins now. There wasn't even a roof anymore. "That makes no sense. There's got to be an end somewhere."

Baruhn got closer to Gebun and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Please Gebun, I don't know what I'd do without you." Baruhn then rested his head on Gebun's shoulder. "Don't go. Please."

Gebun smiled. "You're the one thing making me not go." Gebun rubbed his cheek on Baruhn's cheek. "I love you too much."

Baruhn adjusted his glasses once more. "I love you too."