River's Course

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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#5 of Old stories

More gay smuttiness. Otter and Fox. a bit of size difference too.

River's Course

Michelle Teague

1844 was the year at least the otter thought it was. When one did not have to keep tabs on such things daily one tended to forget what year it was as the days, weeks, and months melded together into a continual blur of time passing slowly. The otter looked at the sun a moment. Determining the time of day, he nodded to himself. Just after noon or there about, and time for lunch. He picked up his fishing pole, heading toward the softly gurgling noise behind his house. The straw hut was more or less a mud and stick structure with palm leaves thatched together to form the cover.

As the otter walked, he felt a presence behind him. Looking back, he noticed a fox strolling along casually. The otter smiled, his neighbor on this rather lonely stretch of river. The pair had been shipwrecked on the island not but a few months past or was it longer? He really didn't care how long it had been. There had been other survivors, but they panicked and most died within a few weeks. Wild animals, disease, drowning and suicide.

The fox and otter had been more level headed, the fox a hunter from the Plains of the main land. The otter had been a river boater, and raised on the water and the beaches. Together they had warded off insanity, and starvation. "Morning Lucian," the otter called. The fox turned, smiling at the otter. "Good Morning yourself Gregory." The otter paused to let the fox catch up. "Was just on my way to get the noon meal. Care to join me?"

The fox nodded, "Very well sir. I could use a stretch of the legs." Heading to the river that lay not but a few yards from their huts, they paused on the banks. The otter stripped his shirt away and sat to push his feet in the cold water. The fox leaned back on the shore and watched the trees swaying in the breeze.

He faintly remembered the ship. It had been a schooner. Twin masts, filled with billowing sails. A swift ship, which he had hoped could carry him across the ocean to a new land that had been discovered. His trade was pelts of feral animals, meat, and bone decorations. The fox had awoke when the sound of cracking wood filled his cabin. In the storm, he barely made it over the edge of the ship. But he couldn't swim well and soon slipped under. If not for the strong paws that grabbed his scruff and pulled him on some of the debris he would have died for certain. Gregory had seen him go under, and in the confusion, decided he was more than worth the effort to save.

Opening his eyes he glanced at the otter. The physical image of swimming prowess and fishing supremacy. The fox was lean, a hunter on land. He had stealth, good eyes in the dark and the light, and cunning. The fox smiled, thankful his companion was helpful and just as clever as himself. Together they had formed a small patch where they cultivated edible plants, harvested fish and shellfish from the river and ocean, made nets for bird catching, spears for hunting, pelts for warmth on cold nights, and tended to any wounds swiftly.

Both had been raised outdoors, and knew just what was safe to eat, use for medicine, when to hunt for what, and where the game was. It had ensured both were strong, healthy, and above all, well fed.

The fox closed his eyes as he listened to the otter casting the line. His thoughts drifted to his plans for the day. Prepare the noon meal, tend the crops, try to read one of the books they had salvaged, and then prepare dinner. His mind pondered which book to read as they were all worn out, but he knew them by heart after this long.

It wasn't long before he felt the roughened, but tender caress. The fox smiled, letting the otter lean closer. Both had nearly go insane with isolation. Want of affection and socialization nearly drove them to kill each other at one point. Until they found something out. The otter had always been gay. He rather enjoyed his sexuality, and the various furs he got to know well in his days.

The fox had been very reserved and heterosexual. He was in no way attracted sexually to a boy. But being stranded on an island that existed on no charts, and the only companion he had was male, the fox was not going to be picky. Especially with how 'attentive' Gregory was to his needs. Lucian opened his eyes and watched the otter slowly tug away the loin cloth.

Then the otter leaned down to the fox's thick sheath. He didn't take long to coax that proud fox cock from it's cover. All six inches of it. Lucian was not the biggest fox in the known world, but he was certainly willing to share his treasure with the otter. Gregory was easily as thick as the fox's wrist and almost nine inches long. He had once convinced the fox to try returning the favor. The fox could barely get the head on his maw. While it was disheartening, the fox did have velvety paws which Gregory had come to enjoy the caress of. The fox wasn't exactly skilled but he knew very well what it took to make another male feel good.

The otter was not going to make the fox bend over either. It was not something he liked the thought of. But he did admire the fox's back side. The fox had a full, round rear with a bit of a bounce to it when he walked. His tail was long, well groomed given that they lived on an island with no material comforts but what they made. And the fox bathed twice a day to keep his fur clean and fresh. Lucian was skilled with bone working. And fashioned combs, brushes, and many manner of comforts for them to use. They both kept themselves clean, trimmed, and groomed. Partially from want, the other part from need. To remain disease free, they groomed themselves thoroughly.

Lucian happened to glance down, and catch the slightly thoughtful look on the otter's face. He made note, but closed his eyes again when he felt that warm, wet mouth wrap around his prick. The welcome feeling of intimate contact, always something the fox had endeared himself too.

And this otter was very skilled indeed. There was no question, his companion here had come to know his body and how it worked very very well. The fox soon found a thought rolling in his head. He had never been one to be curious about such things, but he pondered what it would be like to really be intimate with his friend.

His thoughts derailed as he felt that tongue began to lash over the underside of his cock. His prick drooling pre, which was immediately lapped up by the otter. Lucian moaned as he felt the soft tongue rub around his length, arching his back. Then he reached down and gently pushed Gregory away. "W...Wait..." Gregory was upset, he thought he did something wrong.

Then the fox pushed him down on his back, straddling his loincloth and whispered. "NO more games....I need something more this time...." the otter was scared now. He had no idea what his friend was going to do. Gregory reached down, pushing the loincloth away and exposing the hard otter cock. Stroking the length of it he coaxed out a copious amount of pre.

Then the fox got some on his fingers and reached back, smearing it over his pucker. "I want to do this....I want to feel it and see what it's like to have you inside me." Gregory was astonished. This fox had NEVER allowed him further than a blowjob. Suddenly being told he was going to be inside his friend, was a shock.

Lucian braced himself and raised up. Then he reached back and angled that fat otter cock to this pucker. He moved slowly, putting pressure on the tip. With a sudden pop it sank inside him. He yelped out of reflex. It hurt, and he grit his teeth. But he had come this far. There was no way he would stop until his guts were flooded with otter spunk.

Gregory reached up gripping the fox's arms. "N..no. Don't hurt yourself." Lucian bit his lip through some tears as he whispered, "N...no. I want it... We only have each other. I don't want to live out my life here wondering what could have been." The otter's grip slowly relaxed as he stroked the fox's arms.

"Lucian....Please don't do this if it hurts...I don't want to hurt you." The fox opened his eyes, and saw the worry in the otter's. He began to relax, and as he did, he started to sink down. Inch by thick, throbbing inch he felt that nin inch shaft sinking into him. Finally he took it all. Sitting on Gregory's lap he tried to breathe a moment.

The otter leaned up hugging the fox and stroking his back. Lucian let out a small murr, feeling that caress. As he relaxed, he began to feel so good. Being so full like this, stuffed with that delicious otter cock. He could feel it throbbing, leaking warm, slick pre inside his inner walls.

The fox relaxed after a moment, and then rose up slowly. It stung, but not like it had before. As he began to slowly ride Gregory the otter put his paws on the fox's hips, and helped guide him. The broad tip of the otter's cock had a deep reach, rubbing the fox in places he didn't know he had. Lucian arched his back, groaning loudly as he let his own length rub up and down against the otter's stomach.

Then his found his muzzle filled with Gregory's tongue. It was warm, velvety on the underside, a little rough on top. And strangely the fox loved the taste of it. He melted into the kiss, his ears falling to the sides as he closed his eyes. Riding the otter, he clenched his ass reflexively. The tightness was working the otter. Making him moan into the kiss just as the fox did.

Then the fox felt his knot swelling. Throbbing and demanding attention. He felt the kiss break but didn't open his eyes. He felt Gregory hold him tighter, hugging him against his own burly chest. Then he felt the paw on his cock. Stroking the length, teasing it and squeezing the knot.

The fox couldn't resist. Throwing back his head he made loud yips, as his twitching cock exploded in the otter's paw. Thick, hot vulpine seed coating the big paw. The otter smiled, as he stroked it harder, milking the fox for all his sac had.

When the fox had finished, the otter slowed him to a stop, letting him sit in his own lap. Licking the hot spunk off his paw, he eyed his lover. The fox was blissful, but didn't seem finished yet. Lucian leaned to the otter's ear and whispered, "Take me... Take me like you took your lover's back home. Show me...how you made them feel."

Gregory was only too happy to oblige. Leaning the fox back in the grass, he cupped his ass, lifting him a little. Then he began to rut him. Slowly at first, deep long thrusts that almost pulled him out, before burying the full length of his pride back in the fox's abused rear.

Soon he was speeding up. Growling in feral need to release his seed. Wanting to fully breed this fox bitch under him. Lucian for his part was in a level of heaven he had never known. He was so warm inside, slick with the otter's pre. The steady pounding made his nerves jump, keeping his cock rock hard. It was already drooling pre again.

Gregory watched the fox writhe under him, groaning and calling out for more in blissful yips and growls. The otter wanted to fill him, mark him as his own. And the thought that Lucian wanted the same was more than enough for him. The otter arched his back, rutting hard and pushing balls deep into the fox's backside. He barked happily as he began to flood the vulpine.

Lucian gasped. So suddenly he felt it. A searing hot torrent in his ass. Filling him inside warming his every hidden spot. He could feel it all the way down in his toes. All the way in his ears. It was ecstasy and he loved it more and more. Each heavy gush of thick cream in his ass made him fall more and more under the otter's spell.

Gregory came down from his peek, his cock drooling the final contents of his balls in the fox's stretched and flooded ass. He gazed down at the fox, watching him writhe softly and enjoy the warmth of being filled. The otter leaned down and kissed the fox. Lucian returned the kiss, sliding his tongue past the otter's lips softly.

They caressed and cuddled in their afterglow. The fishing line forgotten now. The otter still buried in the fox, the fox's cock smearing their bellies with pre. The musk in the air all they could smell.

The pair shivered as they traced each other with claws and teeth. Gently nipping and licking, scratching and caressing each other. Soon the otter felt his cock soften, pulling out slowly. The fox's ass gaped open, leaking the lake of cum from inside his body. It pooled under his tail, dripping to the grass as he lay there lewdly exposing his sodomized butt to the whole of the island.

It was late that night, that the fox cuddled to the otter. Holding him tightly, and pulling a leg over him. Gregory smiled as he stroked the fox's bare back. Both were naked, sweaty, and the fox's ass once more drooling cum. It was warm outside, and the light of the low fire the only light they had. But it was more than enough. The fox lay his head on the otter's chest, and whispered, "I love you Gregory." The otter smiled wider cupping the fox's ass and kneading it in his blunt paw. "And I love you Lucian."

That morning, they went out to tend the signal fires they kept on the beach. In the event a ship passed by, they could light them and send a signal. The fox took from his pack a spyglass. Looking over the horizon. Then he paused, "Gregory.....A ship. Big one. Looks like the Navy." The otter took the glass and looked. He nodded, then glanced at the pyre set and ready to burn.

It was then the fox put a paw on his shoulder. "We.... don't have too. We can stay here. With each other." The otter lowered the spyglass, and looked to the ship. Then he nodded and smiled. Taking the fox's paw in his own, they strolled back to the forest, forgetting the pyres and returning to the life they had created.

In the dark of night

The dark of the night michelle teague The night air was cold, chilling to those without the protection. But this wolf was no ordinary wolf. He was used to cold. Arctic fur covered his body, thick flowing white fur that covered his figure. The wolf...

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