An Argonian and his Story

Story by ShadowFlamedramon126 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Argonian and his Dragon

This is Chapter 2 of an Argonian and his Dragon. I really hope you like it and that you can review, and fave it

Chapter 2: An Argonian and his Story "So tell me Dragonborn what is your name?", The Dragon said to the Argonian. They were now walking down the mountain towards the Argonian'a House. The question popped into the Dragon's head and he wanted to learn more, about the strange lizard. "My name is Milos, an Argonian born in the Black Marsh, and banished for disrespecting the Hist, the rest is none of business, trough I might ask the same of you.", Milos said as he gave away enough information for the dragon put create a simple backround, something he did do with a lot of people, he never was close to anyone, and often created as little personal relationships as possible. "Ah, yes the ice breaker, well my name Milos, is Dovahyol, and I find it fitting that both of our names start with Dovah, your title, and my name.", As soon as Milos heard the Dragon's name his mind translated the name as Dragonfire. "I think I'll call you Dragonfire, and I assume since that is your name, you have strong fire attacks?", Milos said to the Dragon. Suddenly, and silently the Dragon raised his head, and blasted out a massive Fire Breath. The clouds parted around the blast and it flew high up into the atmosphere. "Your correct there, only second to Alduin.", He said as the fire stopped and he looked over to the Argonian again. "Hum, you better not burn down my house, or else.", Milos said, to the Dragon. They then were at the base of the mountain, the snow long gone, and grass flowing through both's feet. Of couse this land being Skyrim, land of the bandit, they were barely two feet of the mountain when a Bandit placed a sword to the Argonian's troat. "Milos!", The Dragon cried out surprising himself, the Bandit looked over, and saw the Dragon, he quickly ran away. "And then their's that, more of a reason to keep you.", Milos said as he took a fresh breath. They then reached the main path, but Milos decided against it for both of them, and their safety, who know what a guard would do if he saw Dragonfire. "He then headed back into the forest, and Dragonfire followed narrowly squeezing through the trees. They started to travel and Dragonfire kept on following. - "So now that you defeated Alduin what do you do?", Dragonfire asked on the second day of their travels. They were now halfway to Lake Ilinalta, and would probably avoid the mountain range, before it. "Well honestly, mostly I look for Words of Power and collect ancient treasures to have, but their is one incident with the so-call First Dragon Born, if you really want to hear a good story let me tell you about the time I visted Dustman's Carin. I joined the Companions and for a trial I had to go to Dustman's Carin and find a fragment of a ancient sword. By the time I got to the Crypt, a organization call the Silver Hand attacked. I gotten trapped into a cage, that was a trap. Then a s the organization attacked my follower Farkas was about to die when the most amazing thing happened, he grew deep brown fur, gain massive claws, grew a muzzle, and a tail, he was a Werewolf! - Then we got the fragment.", Milos said as he looked over, and saw a sleeping Dragonfire in the moonlight, the strange thing was that he curled up by the fire even though he was a Fire Dragon. It was kind of cute. Milos desided to take a closer look at the Dragon. He was covered in gleaming scales that almost refelected the light of the fire back at him. His horns shined almost like the Dragon took care of them. He could see Dragonfire's long and majestic tail that was kept close to his body. He then noticed something he would of noticed a small opening in the scales, a pink silt. Only though it was for a second for some reason Milos was curious. He then moved closer to the Dragon. He was about to flip the Dragon over, but almost like the Dragon was showing off his stuff, the Dragon flipped over, on to his back. Milos put it away not to think of it, and then slowly, and quietly mad his way to the Dragon's slit. He then started to look at it, he noticed something it was like his, so if he was right in his study of his body, if the dragon got too excited a scaly sheath would appear. Then a thick black cock would pop out ready to play with. He then looked at the silt, and decided to do something, he then placed his hand on the silt. He then placed a finger in and decided to feel around. He then noticed a collcectoon of scales, which would be the Dragon's Sheath. He then moved around the sheath, and it slowly pop out, as the dragon let out a slow grunt. He looked at it and was compelled to do something dirty. He put his tongue on it and loved the salty taste of the scaly sheath. Suddenly the Dragon's Head popped up and his eyes opened. His expression of pleasure changed to shock. "What the Hell!", Dragonfire shouted as he got off his back, pulling the sheath out of Milos's mouth.