The Lonely Hearts Chapter Five: Attack Against X34

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of The Lonely Hearts

The Lonely Hearts Chapter Five: Attack Against X34

Story & Characters © Michael .B [LT_Max_W_Charger (FA) [ Max The Wolf (YS)]

Disclaimer: This story may contain Very mature content and shouldn't be viewed by those under the age of 17,18, or 21 depending on where you live. Now on to the story.

Authors Side Note: I've took a very big detour from my normal writing style and dove headfirst into a little something I have only seen in other works people have done...and I don't know why I'm in that little mood right now but I am... ahhh the twisted mind of this writer is exposed for the writers world too see. Oh God.


Story Theme: Face To Face - Sevendust

Power Trip Theme: Coming Undone - Korn

Story Started: 3-25th-2011, Finished: 8/21/2013 11:03pm


"Yes sir, Commander Ter has betrayed the military. He has sided with the Racelian lord for some unknown reason. All I can understand at this point is that he is driven insane for power and wealth." Michael spoke softly as he stood in front of a large computer screen inside the briefing room of the Royal Space Police HQ.

"And what makes you so sure of this, Lieutenant?" replied a elderly man in uniform that clearly showed that he was the General.

"The first clue was when me and Lieutenant Luna was sent on a recon mission that was right in the middle of the Racelian attack fleet. Then Ter told me basically his deal with the Racelian lord. Sir...he declared war against earth and all other planets that are against Racelian rule." Michael replied.

"And you plan too take on the most powerful ship in the fleet?" asked the general.

"Yes Sir." Michael gave a soft nod.

"Very well. Do what you must too defend earth and all other planets. That is why this Military was built."

With that the screen went black as Michael turned too look at Rose and Jonathan. He slowly adjusted his jacket before giving a slight shrug of his shoulders before he idly ran his fingers along one of the handgun clips attached to his belt.

"Guess we get this show on the road, eh?" he smirked slightly as Rose gave a soft nod.

"We repaired your ship and boosted the shields. The weapons payload has also been replenished." spoke Jonathan before he turned and walked out of the room slowly. "We will be outside their long range seniors too back you up if you have any problems and also too keep the Racelian busy if they show up."

"Thanks." Michael replied as he and Rose followed the young vulpine out of the room and to the hanger bay that housed their ship.

Within a few hours they was leaving the planets gravity belt and moving deeper into space before jumping to light speed.

Soon they dropped out of warp, looking around before spotting the X-34 off alone in the distance, before a soft beeping came from the small ships communicator sounded.

Michael slowly pressed the button, never taking his eyes off the large ship in front of them.

"You have two choices. Surrender, or die." Ter spoke softly.

"Fuck you. We'd rather die than become slaves to the Racelian." Michael replied sharply.

"Very well. You made your face our wrath."

And with that, the large destroyer powered up it's weapons and locking onto their ship before opening fire. Michael jerked the control stick, dodging out of the path of a oncoming Photon Torpedo, before returning fire with four pulse laser bursts in rapped unison, watching as they hammered into the X-34's shields as the bulkier, slower ship veered off in a attempt too evade the lasers.

"Do you really think that your weapons can do anything to this ship? Have you forgotten that this is the strongest ship in the fleet.?" Ter laughed,

"I don't need too destroy you just yet." Michael replied while launching a Maverick missile, watching as it hammered into the front of the ship, followed by four more quick volleys of pulse lasers.

"Their putting more power into the frontal shields." Rose spoke up from behind the human after blocking the com line as he piloted the fighter out of the path of another torpedo.

"That's what I want them too do." he replied with a smirk, before heading for the destroyer quickly, aiming right for the front of it.

Ter sat in his chair, watching the slip fighter come toward them, grinning slightly. "Fire on my mark. I want a wide sweep by forty-two degrees. Photon torpedo's and phaser cannons." he paused for a second, watching and waiting for the opening before he growled. "FIRE!"

And with that, the X-34 unleashed a deadly wall of fire toward the small ship, grinning as it's shields rippled with a myriad of colors.

He then growled as a Maverick missile was fired. "Evade!"

By the time the ship started too climb from it's spot, the missile had closed the gap as such short range. It slammed into the front of the ships shields, plowing through it and hammering into the armored hull with a flash of flames.

Soon the Mark VI streaked over the destroyer unleashing a hail of 22mm lead along the topside of the ship, before launching another Maverick missile, aimed for the structure holding the number three and four engines, blasting away a large chunk of the armored beam.

Michael grinned slightly, pushing the fighters engines to full power as he banked left hard and fast, coming back around for another attack.

He locked on target and fired once more, sending another missile at the already damaged engine structure. The missile hit dead center causing both the number four and three engine too collapse upon one another causing the X-34 too lose all engine power and come to a halt.

And just for security he sent his last maverick missile into a dome like spot in the middle of the ship, rendering its shields useless.

Soon the com beeped once more.

"How dare you!" Ter growled. "How can this be happening?!?!"

"How's it feel too be defenseless. You and your big, bad-ass ship...Nothing more than a floating metal coffin." Michael snickered. "Surely you have used a lot of energy on your attacks...give granted you did do a number on us. I still got full power and enough shield too do it one more time. You going too surrender...or do I have too put a bullet through the front window.?"

There was a long pause before he heard Ter give a soft sigh.

"What do you want?"

"Stand down...and you will be dealt with by the earth fleet commander. If you survive that long that is. How would the Racelian take it that you was disabled by a smaller, weaker ship?"

"You won't win." Ter growled under his breath.

Michael sent out a encrypted message to Jonathan and the Royal Police fleet too come in and apprehend the X-34.

"I can try. You know me Ter...I'm hard headed, and I won't stop."

Soon the Royal Police fleet dropped out of warp in front of the X-34 and closed in slowly, while Michael piloted the Mark VI to the leading ship and landing in the docking bay. Once the engines powered down and the cockpit opened, he got up and jumped to the floor with a smirk while looking back at Rose as she slowly made her way out of her seat.

"Time for me too pay the captain a little personal visit." he smirked while walking away to the transporter room, checking his sidearm along the way.

"What do you plan too do?" Rose asked, following behind him slowly.

"I don't know yet. I'm planning this as I go, but I do know that something feels off about all this." he replied, looking back at her slightly once he got to the transporter room. He then stepped onto the platform, checking his handgun once more.

"Just be careful and come back to me." she whispered, watching as he gave a soft nod in reply before he was surrounded by the shimmering blue light, before it grew brighter then vanished, leaving nothing but a empty place.

Michael found himself in one of the large ships cargo holds that was nearly empty besides three or four large metal crates in front of him. He then slowly walked to the door leading out into the hallway as he un-clipped the strap securing his sidearm.

Once in the hall he noticed that a few computer panels was burnt out and some had been completely destroyed during the small fight. He then made his way to Ter's command room, stepping up to the door slowly and pulling his gun out before the door slid open. He then stepped into the room, looking at the captains chair that was turned with the back toward him.

"Commander Ter."

"You shouldn't have came back, Mike." came a females voice before the chair turned around reviling Sara sitting there with her gun aimed at the human casually.

Michael smirked, his own weapon aimed. "Ah....the bitch returns. Such a pleasure." he grinned slowly.

"Don't want too use the guards this time since you're not trying too impress the captain?"

"I never needed them." she retorted.

"Oh that's right..." he placed his hand under his chin like he was thinking about something before shrugging with a soft laugh "You didn't need them because you've been sucking his dick, trying too rise in the ranks."

He grinned slightly, waving his hand to the side casually.

"Did you start gagging on his needle before or after you cheated on me?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Sara growled deeply, standing up as she glared at him.

"I do have too wonder you're still low pup on the totem pole. He must have found out the same thing I did. You're a piss poor lay."

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" she yelled, her finger tightening on the trigger.

"What are you going too do? Shoot me?" he countered.

"I'm willing too do just that."

"You know what. I don't think you will. You don't have the guts." he grinned slowly, he held his arms out as he slowly walked towards the desk. Once he was close he watched her, noticing her finger loosen then tighten back up on the trigger. He smirked before dropping his gun, reaching out with his free hand and grabbing her wrist, pulling her across the desk while slapping her sidearm from her grip with the other hand.

In just two quick moves he had her out from behind the desk and face first on the floor with his knee in the middle of her back and her arm up behind her.

"I've broke your arm and dislocated your knee the first time...but right now." he smirked, leaning down to her ear. "You've been a very naughty slut-puppy. You should be punished." he spoke soft and slow into her ear before standing up, still holding her wrist before driving his boot into her side, taking the wind from her . He then let go and stepped back slowly.

"Come on...surely you can do more than just talk and suck a dirty dick."

"Bastard." Sara spat out between gasps for air, slowly crawling to her feet and charging at him, throwing a punch for his face. Michael grinned, stepping to the side and countering with a open handed slap right across the she-wolfs face with such force it echoed through the room as she stumbled to a stop.

She then rounded on him with a growl, lunging at him once more but again before she could throw a attack she was met with his hand across the other cheek sending her to the floor.

"Starting too sting yet?" he smirked, looking down at her as she softly rubbed the side of her cheek.

He didn't know why but he was enjoying this moment. He lifted her to her feet by her hair, ignoring the yelp of pain from her before he backhanded her hard, sending her once more stumbling to the side and right into a chair that rested against the wall.

"I could kill you right now...without even breaking a sweat and having a second thought about repainting the walls with red." he shrugged while slowly moving toward her as she remained in the chair, looking up at him.

"But what fun would that be.?" he laughed softly, a grin forming on his lips.

"You become free of all the bullshit so fast...and me here still pissed off." he slowly picked up his gun, pulling the hammer back while aiming at her. "Choices....choices."

"Please...I'm sorry." she whimpered softly.

"Sorry? You're sorry?!" he scoffed "You're only sorry because you're unarmed and starring down the barrel of a gun. Also...I've learned too not believe that shit from a whore."

He slowly stepped up to her, leaning down over the she-wolf with a grin. "It's play little bitch."

Sara growled softly, lashing out with her foot, aiming for the humans crotch but was stopped when he moved his leg into the way, before forcing her legs apart, and standing between them too not risk being kicked at again. She then whimpered softly when she found his dagger at her throat, replacing the gun, the tip softly poking at the skin under her thick fur.

"Now that wasn't very nice. You're really gonna have too pay now."

"W-w-what...are...y-y-you talking about?" she whimpered.

"Telling you would only ruin the surprise." he replied offhandedly as he then trailed the blade down her throat and slowly over her breasts, then her stomach before stopping at the belt she had on.

Soon the she-wolf gave another whimper when she felt the razor like blade cut her belt in two right at the buckle.

She then gave a involuntary shiver when the blade moved carefully under the waistband of her pants, cutting them slowly down to just between her legs.

She then felt his fingers curl under the lose hem before he jerked her pants down to just over the edge of the chair before cutting them the rest of the way in two with the knife.

She then gave a yelp of surprise and fear when he reached up with both hands and tore her shirt in half, leaving her body nude to her tormentor.

"I'm going too make you understand what it feels like too be used and abused." Michael growled softly.

His free hand moving down and unzipping his pants, before pulling his rock hard cock out.

His grin never left his lips...if anything it grew into a twisted, wicked grin. He put his knife away, his handgun replacing it. He watched her as she gave a soft shiver.

"Now suck it." he smirked, waving the barrel of the gun slightly motioning for her to do so...soon rewarded when she slowly moved her muzzle down to his shaft.

"One more thing. If I so much as feel anything but the inside of your muzzle and tongue....or if you even think about biting down..." he smirked "I'll put a hole in your head." he accented his statement by pulling the hammer back slowly on the gun, the click of it locking back was a soft metallic sound in the room that made Sara gulp softly.

She slowly took his length into her muzzle, before she began sucking on him softly...her tongue curling around the underside of his shaft. She closed her eyes slowly as she kept up her work, praying against hope that this was all just a bad dream, and soon she would wake up.

She heard his soft moan of approval, at least she was glad she hadn't done anything wrong yet to grant her some other form of punishment...she couldn't see the gun but could very well feel the cold steel only a few inches from her head.

She kept her slow pace, brushing the tip of his shaft along the ridge's on the roof of her muzzle with each out stroke before taking him back in till the tip touched the back of her throat nearly making her gag.

After a little more time her ears perked slightly to the sound of him giving a soft grunt before picking up the pace, working every inch of his shaft with her tongue and muzzle before his seed suddenly filled her muzzle. She swallowed as fast as her throat would let her with him still deep in her muzzle before he stepped back slowly, a thin string of his cum hanging lightly from her chin.

"Good girl. You dodged a bullet on that one." he snickered, giving his gun a slight wave. "Stand up."

He took one more step back, watching as she slowly got to her feet, he then grabbed her by the arm pushing her towards the desk, putting his hand on her chest and forcing her too lay upon her back across the polished redwood as he once more stepped between her legs.

Sara's eyes went wide as she gave a loud yelp of pain mixed with pleasure as he unceremoniously drove his shaft deep in her pussy, her back arching up off the desk while her claws dug into the edges.

He drove his shaft in her helpless body, his free hand on her throat and the gun aimed still.

He showed her no remorse as he slammed his hips against her with such force that it caused her claws too scratch at the underside of the desk.

Sara whimpered and moaned but it was coming out short lived by her broken sobs. The pain she was starting too feel brought tears to her eyes...there was no caring or pleasure in what he was doing to her, and slowly her mind came to grips that she wasn't dreaming....she was fully awake and this was really happening. She was being used as nothing more than a toy.

She had no clue how this was going too end and that only added to the fear that was growing deep inside her as her will was shattered like glass.

What her mind was telling her was totally the obeisant of what her body was saying...her inner walls clinching down upon his shaft as it pistoned deep in her, the fur of her crotch matted with her essence as her body rushed towards it's peak. Her breath becoming ragged gasps as her tail went ridged, her walls clapping down on him as her climax hit her harder than she ever though possible.

Michael smirked, feeling her hit her peak but he wasn't done...not just yet, even though his own orgasm was quickly building. He steeled himself as he kept plowing into her, his fingers tightening ever so slightly around her throat making her gag slightly. His body drunk and high on the total power trip he was in, he could smell her arousal and her fear hanging thick in the air as he fucked her...the helpless bitch he once thought he loved, but that was now replaced with anger and hate...he wanted her too feel every ounce of pain she made him feel.

One...two....three....on his fourth thrust he gave in, flooding her with his seed as he pushed as deep as he could in her, feeling her inner walls ripple along his length, drawing out every last drop.

He stood there between her legs, basking in the pleasure as she laid under him, panting deeply.

"Good girl. That felt quite amazing." he whispered softly as he moved from her, his shaft slipping from her sodden sex with a slick, wet pop. He then casually fixed his pants before turning away and walking towards the door as Sara slowly got up off the desk, her legs shaking so bad she thought she would fall at any second, her tear stained eyes locked upon the humans back as he walked away. Her hopes that this was all going too end okay and nothing more was going to happen now that hopefully he got what he wanted; all sank when he stopped a few feet from the door.

"Oh...I nearly forgot one thing." he smirked slightly, turning sideways to her.

"Y-y-y-y-yes?" she stammered softly in reply, fear showing clear as day in her eyes.

"I'll see you in hell, Sara." he said casually, bringing the gun up and pulled the trigger.

"Oh...God...." was all that went through the she-wolfs head before she was blinded by the muzzle flare, and everything went away. All the pain and suffering, vanished, leaving a warming feeling behind followed by nothing at all.

Michael stood there as smoke drifted up from the barrel of the gun, watching as Sara stood there before slowly falling to the floor limply, blood pooling under her from a bullet hole between her eyes. He then turned to leave, before something caught his attention...he then moved to a small doorway into what was the captains bathroom and found Ter laying in a pull of blood, a gunshot wound in the back of his skull. He then grinned slowly while walking back to the door.

"Two birds with one stone. Ter committed suicide and" he laughed softly, walking out into the hallway and to the transporter room.

He stepped up to the control panel, putting in the codes and stepping onto the platform before disappearing...he was soon standing in the transporter room on the lead ship of the Royal Space fleet, watching as Rose and Jonathan walked up to him.

"What's the news." Jonathan spoke while looking at the human.

"The X34 is ours. We'll haul it back to base and repair it. With some modifications and'll be a tough match for the Racelians." he replied with a grin.

"What about Ter.?" Rose spoke up softly, taking her lover in her arms once he stepped off the platform.

"Ter is dead. I also found Sara's body. Looks like a murder/suicide. Seams they had something going on after we left and things went wrong and they turned on one another." he shrugged slightly, hugging Rose close to him, kissing her softly on the cheek. He then looked to Jonathan with a grin.

"Well let's get moving. Every second wasted is a second the enemy has gained toward their attack."

And with that, the three of them moved off into the hallway. Jonathan walking to the bridge while Michael and Rose walked to their sleeping quarters.

Rose murred softly, moving to the bathroom, getting in the shower as Michael stood by one of the windows looking out at the stars, his mind drifting back to what went on in Ters office. He was wondering how and why he did what he did...sure she was a heartless bitch, but did she really deserve it, if any at all?

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Rose walk up behind him until she placed her paw on his shoulder, causing him to jump slightly.

"Huh...What?" he blinked, turning to see Rose standing there, looking at him with a tilt of her head.

"You okay? You seam distant and a little jumpy."

"Yeah, I'm okay...just thinking." he replied softly, looking back to the stars.

"About what?"

"This war. The Racelian and if we will be ready in time too save earth." he shrugged slightly.

Slowly Rose turned him to face her, a soft smile on her muzzle before she kissed him softly.

"We'll be ready. Don't worry. Now let's go to bed. It's been a long day for both of us." she kissed him once more before walking to the bed and curling up under the covers after slipping off her robe.

Soon Michael joined her after changing into a pare of black shorts, cuddling up to her, his arm resting along her side as he placed his nose to hers,

"I love you." he whispered before closing his eyes.

"I love you too." she replied softly before turning out the lights and falling asleep.

On the other side of the galaxy a large ship drifted silently along the stars, its armored haul lined with various heavy weapons as small war birds flew around it in a defensive pattern.

Inside a dark room light filtered in from the door opening, a shadow standing in the portal before stepping inside.

The door closed, pitching the room in darkness once more with the only form of light was from a glowing computer screen on what appeared too be a desk.

"Captain. We seam too have a problem." spoke the person.

"What kind of problem?" came another voice before a figure moved behind the desk, its face slightly showing from the glow from the screen.

"Captain Ter of the X34 is dead...and we lost contact with our agent on board."

"Pity." the captain sighed softly "Nether-less....we have the coordinates for earth and the Military. Give granted the aid of their own ship would have been helpful...It's not that much of a loss. They will all die anyways. How long until everything is ready.?"

"It'll be done tomorrow."

"Good. Set a coarse for Earth." the person replied with a smirk.

"Yes, Captain."

Soon the door opened and the person left silently as the door closed once more as a soft hissing laughter filled the dark room.

(To Be Continued.)

YAY...Finally got another chapter done. Hope ya all like it....sorry for the long wait.

You all know the drill. Comments, Faves, Votes....ya know.