You didn't deserve this

Story by Valenzia on SoFurry

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This story is not very violent,though it may paint a violent image in your head. Sorry about that! >_<

This was a story i wrote a while ago,so i figured since it was the first one i came across on my hardrive,i would post it.

Macy could not see anything through the tears in her eyes. All she could do is feel. The feeling she had felt for the last what has seemed like hours was pain. She tried to muffle her cries as she heard the treats swing back and forth between the two silhouettes above her. If she didn't shut up,they would make her. She could barely see. The last time she had looked at the clock,it was about 3AM. The room was also dark,with only a bit of moonlight shining through,blocking her vision even further. All Macy could see were their eyes. One silhouettes eyes were a dark green,and gave off a cold and almost lifeless feeling to Macy. The other one,his were a soft amber color. But to Macy,his eyes were sad. Almost as if he wanted to stop the torture he was barely taking part in. The kind of eyes that screamed "I am sorry" when you look into them. These thoughts had distracted Macy as she one of them pull out a phone,and after a few seconds,started to yell at his amber-eyed accomplice that they must go,and hurry about it. Macy caught the glimpse of the green eyed man running out of the door,leaving the amber eyed man with Macy. Macy squinted her eyes as the man walked towards her. He knelt down,softly reaches his arms behind Macy to untie her wrist. "I am so sorry i did this to you...he would do the same to me if i didn't help,but i wouldn't be as lucky as you." A small,quiet and sad voice mumbled closely into her ear. Macy's eyes shot open to the surprise of hearing a woman voice. As soon as Macy felt the rope loosen,she swung her arms to her face. "Wait!,Please don't leave me!" Macy cried this out to the woman,the one who had just hurt her,the one who had just put her through seemingly endless pain. "T...Thank you..." Macy mumbled. The woman's footsteps came to a hault by the door as she whispered. "You are didn't deserve this."