Lakeside Rendezvous

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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On a cold night in the desert sands of Nevada, a lion calls for attention. He just might get more than what he was originally looking for

The moonlight poured over the lake as the lithe white lion laid near its shores, admiring how the stars and lunar globe sparkled in the calming glow. He sometimes swore that the sound of the small rustling ripples were more majestic than his own roar; they possessed such an uncanny power to them, as if they held more meaning by themselves than that of the entire history of the universe. The feline often came here to cool himself off during a hot day, but tonight his leonine body simply lay here for the sake of enjoying the peacefulness that accompanied it. Out here, this far off from the roads and bustling nightlife of Las Vegas, Ricky could melt into the ancient wildness that had traveled through his bloodlines for dozens of millennia.

Out here, clothes were of no use or need. The desert sands of Nevada had a way of inspiring countless numbers of furs to find a new road to travel on, and even the few that did choose to ride down still crossed by nearly a half mile from where I lay. The air was warm, but quickly cooling down as the sand lost the massive amount of heat it had gathered over the course of the fifteen hour day. I simply enjoyed my own little spot of soft grass and vines while the water lapped at my forepaws. My normal occupation was a bouncer at one of the many nightclubs Las Vegas had on its Red District. Even with my relatively small stature compared to most other lions, I had built a reputation quite quickly as one of the bouncers not to fuck with.

Even those who made a living scaring drunken idiots or pulling them out of clubs once they became a menace wanted some peace and quiet in their lives and this was my sanctuary. White fur glistened in the moonlight, my sleek black mane and tail tuft waving in stark contrast as the cooling breeze rustled by it. Matching metallic blue serpentine style, tribal tattoos ran along from my neck down my chest, crossing over stud pierced nipples before wrapping around my waist and back and then running down my thighs as they twisted around matching legs. It had taken nearly a full year to do the entire design, but this lion loved it. There was something so alluring about them and those I got in bed with fully loved them too.

Perhaps it wasn't too surprising, but I loved being the bottom, sexually thrived off of being thoroughly dominated by a partner. Naturally, I had begun with females, but after a few bad experiences with both pitifully bad and downright nasty girls, I tucked my tail and ran to the other team. There I found my niche and started rolling with partners who knew what turned another male on. There was nothing quite like being teased for a few agonizingly slow minutes while the hard spent pole of the guy on top of me pushed so exquisitely against my prostate, nothing like my nipples being squeezed and pulled while a canine's knot slapped against an ever widening tail hole or a feline's barbed shaft raked through my sensitive and tender insides.

I preferred to stick to the more classic males, feeling comfortable around the cats and dogs, though I did venture out from time to time with rodents and mustelids. Anyone with scales unnerved me when it came to sexual contact and so I kept a healthy distance from that crowd. Over the last half decade, I had found a good pool of contacts to keep in my phone; regulars that had proven up to task in perfecting the mixture of teasing and pleasure that I craved. Glancing back behind me at my phone lying a few feet behind my tail, secure from the water, I checked to see if anyone had answered my text. To my chagrin, there was no sign of response.

Rolling over onto my back, my leonine eyes looked down at my naked white sheath. A small ring pierced through the very outside tip of it, one of my most fun pieces of jewelry as it rubbed the most sensitive part of my shaft's base once it became rigid and tickled the underside of it as it hardened. Some of my partners had found additional ways to use it, such as grinding it painfully against the roots of my cock or just teasingly rubbing me with it. Others used it as ways to keep my rigid length trapped as they attached a short, taught chain from one side of my sheath to the other, the thin length pricking into the slit as my lionhood hardened, effectively and painfully trapping it.

Below it, I had attached a cock harness, the specially made blue leather wrapping around the very base of my sheath, sac and the entire package in tandem. Another small strap spread between my balls with each defining area owning a metal violet ring that encircled it. While soft, as I was now, I felt little more than a gentle hold, but once the areas filled with blood from arousal, the grip would tighten up snugly, making it difficult and a rather time consuming task to get soft again by a means other than release. What was even better about it was that the leather constricted to a large degree in the presence of cool water. The colder it was, the more it shrunk and the more rigid and unforgiving it became. Once it reached that point, there was barely a hope of turning back - I would remain aching, hot and hard until I finally blew my load.

Even thinking about it had unintended consequences as I huffed, feeling my dormant length tingle a bit. I had quickly found it very necessary when wearing the toys to train myself to not get aroused by either their fitting or the thought of them. It had taken diligent practice, but now I could wear the familiar and rather comforting attire for days at a time without any unscheduled trouble. Turning my thoughts away from the gear, I looked up at the starlit sky, the same sky I hoped to be staring at while another male pounded into my rear from behind with abandon. Perhaps I might lie on my back in the water while they did so, but I really wanted to view the night time canvas.

My thoughts momentarily returned to my body, a chilling wind blowing right over my now exposed nipples, the nubs of flesh tingling sharply at the sensation of the cold temperature. My fingers wrapped around them as I massaged the circles of flesh. I hissed quite happily as they sent blazing shots of carnal pleasure straight down to my groin. Immediately knowing the danger of what I was doing, I found myself nearly helpless to stop, moaning and softly mewling as metal barbells teased the hidden strings of nerves behind the flesh. I felt the blood start to make its way into my shaft, the length starting to stir as my paws worked over my nipples feverishly. There was a limit to how long I could hold myself back in hopes of one of my friends joining me and I knew time was running short before I'd have to take drastic measures if I still wanted my testicles to stay nice and full of leonine seed.

Somehow managing to pull my claws off of the nipples, I buried them in the sand below me, forcing my mind to focus on boring things such as the math and science classes I was taking in the early afternoon. Fighting the urge to touch myself, I slowly managed to reverse course, just barely able to keep the length from breaching my sheath. Minutes later, I was lying on my back, panting in relief.

"One of you bastards text me already. Fuck!"

Impatience wasn't generally one of my shortfalls, but I had planned for tonight for three weeks. I had three straight days off and this was my version of a celebration. Considering my job revolved around taking care of immature dunces who drank too much for their own good, I had little desire to involve alcohol in my own personal celebrations. Perhaps I could wait until tomorrow night for it, but that idea was dead on arrival to my brain. It would happen tonight, whether I got someone or had to settle for my own paw.

As if on cue, my ears flickered as I heard a buzz come from behind me, the phone vibrating to inform me of an incoming text. Sucking in a hopeful breath, the white furred feline picked it up and read the message.

Give me about a half hour to get there. I got the text while showering. Fuck man, I'm hard as rock already.


Nearly yowling with glee, I grabbed the phone and furiously began texting the cheetah back. Chet was one of my best friends and partners and the mottle furred cat was usually more than up to joining in when I asked for it. Sending back a text of acknowledgement, I looked at the clock, checking the time and adding the half hour to it.

Please get here quickly. I'm having to fight my paws and they're going to win out soon.

With the message sent, I stood up and paced about, doing all that I could to ignore the subtly growing urges in my groin. No matter how hard I tried to hold back, my leonine shaft continued to fill and swell with blood. A vision kept playing the scene in my mind. Chet would get here and tease me almost endlessly, stroking over my needy cock and tickling its barbs, kissing and nipping at the pierced nubs on my chest, cuffing my arms behind me to keep me from resisting him at all.

Sliding out a small chest from the undergrowth, I opened it up, pulling out the rings I'd replace the barbells with as well as constricting violet rings for my arms and wrists. Careful to not arouse myself any further than what was inevitable, I unscrewed the barbells and gently pulled them out, immediately inserting those rings. With a click, they were in place and then I pulled my metal cuffs up to just below my elbows before slipping tough rubber ones over my wrists. Each ring had a chain link that could serve as a small leash. The link would simply be attached over the rubber cuffs and the restraints would be fully locked in.

My collar was the last piece. The black leather and sapphire studded choker fit my neck snugly enough to avoid slipping, but was loose enough to not inhibit any breathing. One long and thick chain draped behind me and another shorter and thinner one in front. The big chain was my leash, while the smaller one was simply a nipple chain and with a quick flick of my paws, it was in place, the chain running from one nipple ring to the other. With all items in place, I could do nothing but wait in excited anticipation for Chet to arrive.

Peeking down, I groaned as I saw the ever familiar view of a cock tip just poking out of my sheath. The sight brought a sharp throb through my cock and more of the length slid out, just coming in contact with a certain cold sheath ring. Letting out a soft hissing moan as my dick rubbed against the cold metal, I just sat down, letting the inevitable journey run its course. There was little turning back now, though that idea was far from my mind. I wanted to plow forward, but I lacked the other body to plow into me.

Checking my phone again, I moaned in frustration as the clock read that I had about another ten minutes before I could hope for any kind of relief. I knew that actual release was hours away, maybe several hours at that. My partner for the night loved to tease and would do so for what always felt like an eternity before even entering my anal chamber. Remembering the first time I was with Chet brought another wicked surge coursing through my body. The dastardly feline had found my most sensitive spots in a very short time, soon overwhelming me. With no ability to even speak in his clutches, I had been unable to warn the cheetah as to how quickly I was reaching climax. Within a scant fifteen minutes, I was panting as the last slick drops of semen dribbled out of my cock. I had been terrified that Chet would be unhappy, but the spotted feline had simply smiled as if he had planned to do that very thing.

"That's just one of many you're going to feel tonight."

Those words rung in my head even now and the memory remained very vivid. I had climaxed so many times that night that I had lost count, even lost consciousness. That night was just overwhelming layers of pleasure rolled one at a time on top of me until I could scarcely breathe. When I woke up the following afternoon, the cheetah had left a note on my nightstand with a number and the two of us had romped through a night many a times afterwards.

A quick chirp brought my thoughts back to the present. My phone was vibrating and the call wasn't from who I was expecting. Picking it up, I brought it to my ear and hissing maw.

"Hey Scott."

"Heya buddy, sounds like you're needing some help tonight."

I groaned into the phone, knowing that Scott and I had been trying to get together for over a month now. His schedule was nearly incompatible with mine and we rarely had days off that coincided with the others'. I would have yelled 'yes' had it not been for the fact that Chet was already on his way. Sighing out the words I knew would disappoint the panther on the other end, I voiced my answer.

"You know I'd love to, but Chet already answ-"

I frowned as I was cut short by the sound of someone else laughing on the other end.

"You're damned right I did, but I happened to cross paths with your pal just after he saw your text. We talked for a couple minutes and I invited him to come along. Figured you wouldn't mind two pairs of paws considering how badly you sound you need this."

Eyes bulging, I mewled out in both unabated excitement, but also terror as the idea of them both teasing me at the same time. Gripping the phone tightly in my paw, I tried to voice out a response, but my maw had gone completely dry. Both cats were very well endowed and my imagination could only propel me towards what I was sure would include both of them pistoning their shafts inside my rump at the same time. I heavily considered declining, but my shaft had other plans, pulsing so hard that I involuntarily flexed it, causing the pole to slap my chest.

Caught in the crossfire of my mind and loins, I finally shot a paw down to grip at my throbbing lionhood. The temporary sensation of relief was so wonderful and in that instant, I knew I wouldn't be able to reach full satisfaction if I didn't let the visualization in my head play out. Letting out a final breath, I brought the phone to my ear.

"Okay, but please get here quickly."

"I knew you'd go for it. You'll be heavily rewarded for it. No worries on the time, we just parked and are headed your way."

The sound of the phone call ending was next and I immediately looked out to the parking lot, the pavement nearly a half mile away. Chet would know exactly where to find me and I knew that he wouldn't delay his arrival. Scott would be right behind him and then there would be two horny and very well practiced felines all over me. My cock was already aching, straining it the tight grip of its leather harness and I knew it would only get worse.

"Hello, you sexy demon."

The unmistakable sound of Scott's voice reached my ears and I turned towards the panther, a big smile on my face. His lips curled up, his thick legs carrying him to my arms' embrace. I rubbed my muzzle against his, breathing in his warm and welcoming scent while cascading my paws down his back, hugging him closely. These were the intimate moments that always had me temporarily forget about my desires, the small windows of time where closeness was all I needed, but in a night like this, it was bound to end soon. I had enough hormones plowing through me to fail multiple drug tests and they weren't going to settle down because of a hug; every fiber in my being knew I needed more.

Stroking one of his black paws down my ribs, the panther gently rubbed over my chest fur, running claws over the tattoo, tracing its elegant and alluring design further and further downward. Being the submissive cat that I was, my leonine arms simply encircled the back of his neck, holding on while small shivers ran through my body as Scott's fingers danced so closely to my length, teasing it without even the slightest contact.

His claws traced down the serpentine tattoo until the long tail wrapped around my back, his paw ceasing movement only to bring the other around to follow the mirroring trail on the other half of my body. I simply moaned and shuddered, the simple light contact sending bolts of energy through me. By the time his second paw arrived at my waste, I could already feel the chilling sensation of the cool breeze passing over the underside of my shaft as a drip of precum slid down the member to wet it. A guttural moan passed through my lips as I felt his claws flex and grip my bare rump, squeezing and digging into the tough, but smooth muscles hiding just underneath the skin and fur.

"It's good to see you again, Ricky. I almost feel as though it's been years since I last got to hold you like this."

"Heh, just waiting for you to get here for the last half hour feels like it was even longer."

I had been expecting a following response, so when Scott instead brushed his lips past mine in ever a soft and light touch, I swear I almost came. The touch was so short, but so sensual that it beat out minutes of furious lip-locking. One of his paws remained on my rump while the other slid up my back to cradle my head as he pushed it towards his, our lips sinking into each other. My eyes closed instantly, allowing me to focus on the sound of his soft chuffs and moans and the sweet and intoxicating scent of his body. Our tongues stayed in their respective maws for now, but I doubted it would be that way for long.

Suddenly, my eyes shot open. Two unaccounted for paws slid up between our chests, the thin fingers snaking up my belly and heading straight for my nipples. I hadn't even heard Chet sneak up behind me, but now his claws were tickling me as they treaded northward to caress my nipples. If there was any one place on my body that was as debilitating and sensitive as my shaft, it was my pair of nubs. Anyone could have garnered any piece of information they wanted from me simply by tying me down and using a hard brush or sandpaper to vigorously rub over my nipples. They were more than sensitive enough on their own, but when I had them pierced, they shot up to a whole new level. As they were now, I had, many times, come simply from stimulating them.

His cheetah claws retracted to thin points, a trick only his species could do, and hooked into the rings, roughly yanking them out, the sharp pain making me hiss into Scott's lips. The panther's touch remained soft and comforting while Chet yanked at my rings again and again. Slowly, I found myself less and less able to tolerate the sharp pulls and my leonine body tried to move with his paws. Quickly realizing this, the cheetah started pulling at random, eliminating any rhythm I could work with and again, I was completely at his mercy.

Scott broke the kiss and stepped back, giving Chet all the room he needed to step in close behind me. His claws didn't relent, instead pulling even harder, making me whimper as the agony rippled through my chest, igniting a furious burn in my cock. There was small relief as the panther standing just inches from me brought his soft pads down to my already swollen length, petting the tip of it before slipping down to give the underside a few tantalizing strokes. My fingers gripped his shoulders, digging into his muscles as I felt my knees begin to buckle from the abuse coming from the cheetah behind me. Even with my whimpers and mewls, they both knew how much I loved being treated like this. I tried to buck forward in Scott's fingers, but Chet yanked hard on my nipple chain, making me yowl as I fell to my knees.

Kneeling down to join me, Scott's paw immediately found my cock again, ever so lightly brushing his pads over it, causing dribbles of precum to wet the coarse fur surrounding his fingers. Chet's fingers didn't relent upon my nipples, the continuous tugs incapacitating me more and more as the smarting nubs cried out in protest. Relief was not to come soon as for minutes more. I gripped desperately upon the panther's shoulders while he teased my already desperate shaft. The cheetah's tugs became interspersed with pinches and twists, adding new, but still highly painful twinges to run through me.

I had begun to shake throughout my whole body, the overstimulation of the nerves hiding behind my nipples beginning to spread everywhere, making every muscle in my body join in on the tensing. My lips quivered, my arms shook and my pants were coming in erratic heaves. I managed a few more desperate breaths before my whole body went rigid, arching out in response to the sudden burst of multiple waves of glorious sensation that rolled through every muscle in my being. They called it a full body orgasm for a good reason and by the time I was able to breathe again, I was gasping, feeling worn out.

There was little relief though, as the feline behind me didn't relent on his ministrations in the slightest. His paws still vigorously rubbed my rock hard nipples and it took only seconds for the tension to rebuild. I moaned out, biting my lip as it rapidly mounted up, my body quivering and then shaking helplessly as another one built up behind it. Crying out, the waves of pure pleasure washed over me again. It was like how one felt after an hour long massage, but so much more intense and fulfilling.

I would have collapsed face first onto the ground in sheer exhaustion had Chet not supported me and gently let me down. My eyes were closed and my paws had fallen limply from Scott's shoulders, every bit of energy seemingly released from my body in much the same way that cum was ejaculated from a penis. Two pairs of paws lifted my tired arms and gently bent them behind my back. I felt the cheetah lock both chains in before lifting me back up to my knees. Ears flickering, I heard the sound of a zipper and then a warm nub of flesh brushed over the bridge of my muzzle. Turning towards it, I saw Scott's crotch level with my muzzle and the scent of his musk was overwhelming already. Chet's arms wrapped up around my upper chest, his paws holding my head steady as the panther stepped forward, letting his length run along the bridge of my muzzle, his balls soon nudging against my lips.

Without a word of protest, I opened my maw and let my tongue slip out, immediately bringing it up to run over the panther's black furred sac. I heard a soft chuff above me as the black cat twitched and then another, softer one as my tongue rolled over first his right orb, and then his left one. His taste was as sweet and salty as I remembered it, maybe even more so than the last time, and I could hardly resist moving my maw further forward to allow both of his balls to slip into my muzzle.

The position of Chet's paws changed, one continuing to hold my head underneath the chin while the other began to palm stroke the cock resting on top of my muzzle. Scott's paws quickly wrapped around my jaws, holding them there as I soaked his sac in my saliva, rolling them around against my cheeks and tongue, sucking in air to tightly massage them as the minutes drew on. The first drip of precum simply melted into my coarse fur, but it was soon followed by many more as the cheetah's paw glided over it, sliding back and forth to elicit a gorgeous purr from the standing panther.

For many minutes, my focus remained on the panther's balls, massaging and stroking them as best I could. Several streams of precum traced a path down both sides of my muzzle, Scott's dark purple shaft pulsing against my upper jaw. I would have done more, but without the use of my arms, I possessed almost no leverage at all. For a few minutes more, the panther's precum drooled down my muzzle, wetting it as it produced more of the clear fluid. Chet's paw slid down an inch or so to firmly squeeze and massage my vulnerable neck, his claws prickling over the tight skin to remind me how much control he had.

Scott drew back just far enough for the tip of his beautiful penis to fall off my nose before pressing forward gently to rub the oozing slit against my lips. Opening them up, I groaned as several inches glided inside my jaws, the warm flesh almost comforting as I pressed my lips tightly against the panther's sensitive pole. My tongue helped find the back half, slipping out to roll over the still exposed inches of flesh while my hot maw caressed and stimulated the first few. Sweet drops and weak spews of precum laced my tongue and cheeks, blessing me with their delightful flavor. Hot moans sounded above my head and I even began to feel the drips of saliva as my work had the black cat drooling.

Chet was not to be ignored for long, however. His paws worked over my neck for about a minute before sliding back down to my still highly aggravated nipples. A finger from each paw slid back in between the rings and pulled outward at a gentle, but firm and increasing strength. Unlike before, my nipples didn't course waves of pain through me, but they sung a chorus of a slow, steady ache. I clenched my eyes shut as the pain grew, my body slowly following him to relieve whatever pressure it could. As I pressed forward, though, inch after inch of Scott's girth found purchase in my muzzle and soon I could feel his tip passing the bridge in my throat and into my esophagus. My well trained gag-reflex ignored this and the last two inches of Scott's ten inch snake slid into me.

The cheetah kept on pulling, but I had no more distance to go. My maw was buried in the soft black curls of the panther's crotch and progress was halted. I mewled as best I could with the shaft in my maw as my back curled forward until my upper chest was jutting out past the rest of my stomach, body shaking in pain as Chet held me there at the edge of misery. There was no mercy, no relenting in his actions, and with me fully stretched out, his paws viciously yanked outwards. My squeal died in my throat, but the enormous surge of pain did not, my whole body locked in a spasm of hurt only to experience another ripple of sheer torture as the cheetah yanked even harder.

Scott's paws found my head and I felt him hold it firmly as he drew his hips back, sliding several inches of his meat out of my maw before slamming forward, his balls smacking hard under my chin. Seconds later, he repeated this action, his dark snake slipping back out of my jaws, this time a few more inches before slapping back. I was absolutely incapable of movement, with my body stretched out as far as it possibly could. Chet's jerks with his fingers continued, making me clench my eyes shut and shudder as waves of pain rolled through me. Most would have never been able to tolerate this, but for me, there was always such a deeply subtle pleasure there that required large scale pain to reach it.

I wasn't quite there, but Scott seemed to have found the action of thrusting into my maw quite enjoyable, the sounds of wet flesh gliding past my wet jaws and into my throat before being pulled out again echoing across the flats. My white fur glistened with sweat even in this cold climate, every muscle straining under the cheetah's tense hold. Musk assaulted my nostrils as I found my nose constantly buried in the damp black fur of the panther in front of me. I rolled with the thrusts, taking in short stutters of air when I could, lacking any real room for a larger breath.

Sharp pricks on the back of my neck reminded me of the mottled cat grasping me from behind, his teeth soon finding purchase on my scruff. His claws turned in the rings and I let out a muffled yowl as his sharp daggers lanced over my swollen and raw nipples. Finally letting them be, he tightly wrapped them around my upper chest and waist, pulling himself even closer to me, his rigid erection pressing against my warm ass. I wondered if he was going to enter, but for now, Chet seemed content to just slowly rake his barbs and shaft through the coarse fur.

Huffing as Scott pummeled my muzzle with his glorious pantherhood, long drivels of saliva not given the chance to be swallowed streamed out of my maw with each thrust. His precum was now coming in spurts, the length throbbing in my warm confines as he pumped away with glee. Chet did nothing to stop him and it wasn't long before I felt his grip tighten around my muzzle and his shaft penetrate my maw fully. He let out a long moan before I found myself struggling to swallow his thick spews of semen. The size of his shaft was comparable to the size of his load and after nearly nine full throbs of seed, it was draining down my jaws and neck.

A few seconds later, the flow of jizz finally tapered off and the panther gripped my jaws tightly. Pulling himself out slowly, he made sure my lips cleaned his pole completely. Letting out a deep gasp, he walked off a few yards and sat down. I was given a few seconds of rest before the cheetah behind me acted. I was gruffly pulled up to my feet, and found a paw gripping my nipple chain and then another softly clutching my own hard and dribbling length.

It only took a few guided steps forward for me to understand where I was being led and when my hind paws made contact with the chilly water, I mewled in fearful anticipation. A few steps later and the water was up to my knees. A small rock outcropping poked out of the water in a rather narrow length a few more yards out and by the time we reached it, the floor of the water dropped off a few feet. I was a lithe and rather light lion and so even with his naturally smaller stature, Chet managed to pull me up. Grabbing my arms, he pulled them out behind me and let the rock slide up the opening, effectively trapping me there.

Without a surface to use as a way to stop my sinking, I slid down the rock, Chet giving me enough support to make it a slow, but long ride. The water lapped at my thighs, the cheetah grinning at my desperate face before allowing my groin to slip underneath the surface. I gasped as the cold shocked my cock and then groaned in pain as the leather harness around my package tightened down around my privates. My toes and fingers curled in response and I bucked in the water in a vain attempt to pull myself back out of the water.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, kitten. Don't enjoy yourself too much."

I had sunk deep enough for the water to lap at my highly sensitive and stinging nipples. The friction of my back and arms against the rock had finally beat out gravity and this lion was now completely immobile. With no footing, I couldn't push myself up and I wasn't sinking any further, and so I simply mewled in desperation as Chet disappeared from my field of vision. The harness had quickly reached its full constriction and I swore my cock had grown at least a couple inches. Every vein bulged and I traced each one in my head. Precum leaked into the water and I already felt myself reaching a level bordering on climax.

Chet and Scott apparently didn't notice as I sucked in breath after breath, the surging in my pole beginning to skyrocket and reach near intoxicating heights. Finally, pained pleasure rushed through me and I felt the ungodly ecstasy soar through me as my cock tried to cum. The problem was the tightness of the harness and I was soon nothing more than a whimpering cub as my dick throbbed in an unfulfilling orgasm that ejaculated nothing but precum. The pleasure still rushed through me at incredible levels, but there was no satisfaction and I collapsed against my prison with a still pulsing length, but lessened libido.

"Sounds like he's ready for some more play."

The distinct sound of two bodies entering the water reached my ears and I groaned in need. My erection was as stiff as iced rubber and the tight harness had every vein swollen, the entire length crying out as it was suffocated underneath the icy waters. My near release had done little to ebb the tickling trickle of precum that I felt slowly slip from my piss slit. Even with my halfway shuttered gaze through my decently squeezed shut eyes, my leonine eyes locked on the two feline figures splitting off to move to each side of my body. Without words, Scott and Chet each grabbed one of my shivering hind legs and pulled them back around the rock. It wasn't more than mere seconds later before I felt them cuffed together with leather straps, tied like my arms behind the rock.

I didn't fight when I saw the cheetah bring a ball gag into my field of vision, rather opening my maw up as I gasped. The foamy rubber was large and rather tough. As it was set, the elastic bands were wrapped around my jaws, imposing such force that I felt my canines puncturing the gag. The last band was pulled over the backside of my head and just like that, I had become a silent, helpless victim. My eyes flickered down to stare at the smiling cats. As soon as I recognized their immediate intentions, I thrashed against the rock, though my seizures were nothing at all. With the bonds so perfectly fastened for my size, this lion body didn't even have a half centimeter of spare room to work with.

Their maws moved towards my water-teased nipples, tongues flicking out from their beautiful lips. I could feel their near freezing breath brush over my nubs and I swore they grew even stiffer. Breathing was a difficult task as the chilled air rushed through my nostrils, the gag in my maw fully closing off any airway that used to exist. The panther's tongue was the first to make contact with one of my nipples. My whole body tensed and I let out a strained moan that was muffled to near silence by the gag. A surge of aching pleasure rushed through my groin, but I couldn't even thrust in response; I was helpless and at the complete mercy of my captors and their plans.

Seconds later, the claws on both my fore and hind paws were raking against the rock, the only physical response I could express in my bondage. Chet and Scott had their lips locked around my nubs and were using their tongues and teeth to send shockwaves of both pain and ecstasy through my chest that were again starting to echo throughout my whole body. In my lust driven state, it took less than a minute of their work before my whole body went rigid as the waves of glory rolled through my whole being. My tail violently thrashed about in the water, but there was no solace.

Even as my orgasm waned, their maws never left and never relented, drawing me towards a successive round. With no ability to stop them, I passed the barrier again and was overwhelmed by the exhausting pleasure. My moans soon turned to whimpers and soft mewls as the minutes drug on and I was ravaged by the continuous nerve climaxes. Every fiber in my body cried out for the two felines to stop, but every fiber that could have done something about it was restrained and completely lacked any energy to fight against the treatment had I lacked the restraints in the first place.

Long after I would have told them to quit had I the voice to do so, the panther and cheetah finally freed my nipples. My whole body was out of gas and I was dead weight as they worked to slide me off the rock and carry my heaving body back to the shore. The sand felt so warm and I welcomed every grain as they brought me to my knees. With both my arms and legs bound, I still posed no resistance to them and as they maneuvered around, my initial fear was realized.

Chet slid in behind me, working his hind legs inside the leather bindings of my feet. By the time he was situated, his rock hard cock was deeply buried in the cleft of my flexing rear. Scott laid his black body down on the sand, chest up, the same length that had poured over a pint of his essence down my throat now standing at full attention again. With nudging guidance, I soon had my ass positioned over both tips. Their precum spewed up against my pucker, the two members fighting for control their owners wouldn't even need.

For a few minutes, they pressed up against my tailstar, teasing the opening, encouraging it to widen. Much to my happiness, even the cheetah was gentle and slow about it, running his paws over my chest and stomach while his lips and teeth gently suckled and nibbled behind my ears. Scott's paws massaged my hips and ass, occasionally sneaking around the front to give my desperately aching erection a few firm strokes, stoking my libido back to a fully raging fire.

It wasn't long before their pressure began to make progress. My hole had stretched enough to comfortably take either of their tips inside me. They alternated their penetration, slowly delving deeper until I was actually being fucked by a good half foot of alternating cheetah and panther dick. Huffing in breaths through my nose, the pressure against my groin released the hormones and activated the nodes of pleasure inside my anal canal. Chet and Scott had stopped their fucking and now both tips were lined up under my tailhole. Unlike a few minutes prior, this time I did feel my leonine sphincter giving in and after a half minute of constant pressure, both tips sank into my depths.

To my utter gratitude, Chet released the bonds on my gag and pulled it out, giving me the chance to growl in both pain and sheer desire as the pre-slickened entrance suddenly gave way for a couple more inches of the pair of shafts to sink into me. The sensation of two separate fountains of precum spurting their fluid inside me made me growl a bit more. This was what I had been wanting tonight. I wanted to be dominated, victimized, made helpless and so sexually ravaged that I would be able to focus on all the other enjoyable things I had planned for my three day break. It was safe to say that Chet and Scott were more than delivering on their end and as Chet circled his arms around my waist, I just let out a deep moan as my ass yawned, the cheetah pulling me down until my cheeks were sitting directly on top of the panther's pelvis.

For a few minutes, I just rested there, hissing as the two of them flexed their rods, allowing me to fully stretch out for their collective girth. The awareness of having two thick, long, rigid feline penises inside my ass was sending me on a rollercoaster ride far more intense than I had ever known or imagined. Every heartbeat sent shockwaves of pure pleasure through me as my prostate was massaged and rubbed by the slightest movement of Scott's pole.

My cock was drooling precum out in large streams as I panted. Craning my neck out, I felt Chet's paw pads glide over the shivering length, paying it the attention it so desperately craved. Scott joined him, his paws petting and stroking over my throbbing tip while the cheetah's mottled ones worked from my base to the glans. Moaning and mewling out in the abundance in glorious sensation, I tensed as I felt the first real movement from inside my bowels, as Chet slid down a couple inches before bucking back in. I saw the panther's reaction underneath me, getting a front row ticket to see Scott's face tense up before I felt another thick throb of precum spew into me.

The extra girth forced the cheetah's barbs to rake against my flesh a bit harder than usual, adding a raw sting as he drug out again, thrusting forward and giving my lionhood another strong squeeze. Scott took the implied cue from his partnered cheetah and drew back less than a second later, scrubbing his barbs right against my prostate, making me squeal as he pulled out nearly half his length and then plunged forward, grunting as Chet involuntarily flexed his phallus at the rubbing feeling.

Thus the pace picked up, with both Chet and Scott see-saw fucking me. As soon as one would begin pulling out, the other would thrust back in. The feeling was indescribable and completely overwhelming. Frothy saliva drooled right out of my panting maw and slick precum streamed and spurted from my spasming length. I would have come again and again had it not been for the still snug harness adorning my white and blue leonine crotch. Instead, I simply relished the ungodly ecstasy, worshipping each and every thrust my two masters gave me.

With the speed and force of the lunges increasing, I lolled my tongue out and just grasped at whatever soft cheetah chest fur I could with my bound paws. Chet's paws disappointingly moved away from my dick and up my chest to grip my shoulders. I could hear him panting, his thrusts coming erratically and off-beat to the rhythm we had achieved at the beginning. The panther wasn't far behind either and it was causing me to go into sensory overstimulation. I wanted to cum so badly, but I wanted to feel their jizz absolutely drench my anal cavity even more.

"So...very...*gasp* close! You 'bout ready, Scott? I thnk this lion needs his cream."

Scott didn't say anything in return, too busy moaning and grunting as he sank his length in me again and again.


Chet's arms suddenly gripped me with abandon and I realized that this was probably his first time ever double dipping either. His teeth sunk into my shoulder, not far enough to break the skin surface, but I felt each prick. With a yowl, the cheetah's cock throbbed and pulsed and then began pouring his seed into me. His claws prickled as he mrowled out, the roiling tidal waves of wonderful release drowning him in their embrace.

The liquid heat pooled into me, sinking deeper into my passage and then suddenly I felt a new rush as the panther below hilted one last time, growling as he stepped off his peak and began the free fall through the clouds of his climax. His cum melted with the cheetah's and I roared in unabashed glee and sexual naughtiness as I felt the two powerful jets stuff me with so much semen that I could feel my rectum expand to accommodate for the ever increasing volume. As the two cocks inside me tapered off their expulsion, my focus turned towards my own.

"Man..." *pant* "you were one hell of a good kitten tonight. You more than deserve this."

With that, Scott's paws gently enveloped my begging shaft and gently began sliding up and down the entire length. I whimpered in relief as I felt the band of my harness loosened and then the clasp released. Mewling at the feeling of new blood finally circulating through my lionhood, I just kept still while the cheetah brought his paws down to rub my heavy balls.

"Oh yeah. Kitty definitely wants a release, don't you?"

"God yes, please!"

I was genuinely surprised when Chet didn't press his game any further, but I lost focus on that very quickly when the relieved pressure allowed my cock to start pouring out all of the trapped precum and sweat. The drips quickly turned to a tantalizingly ticklish sort of stream and then I felt it. The soft build up before the rush of prostate fluids poured in the waiting chamber. Pleasure from out of this world screamed from base to tip and after a few small throbbing streams, the first true spurt hitting seconds later.

My memory lapses right after that moment. The next thing I knew, the sun was rising and I was a warm and sticky kitty, sandwiched between a hot panther and cheetah. Chet seemed to notice me move my head around and he met my gaze. Scott was still snoring on the other side, his black arms wrapped around my naked white furred body.

"Did you have fun last night, Ricky?"

I nodded at him and nuzzled against his cheek, my tail coiling around the panther's behind me.

"Thanks for all of it. I really needed it."

Chet moved a paw up and rubbed my cheek before ruffling my mane a little bit.

"Anything for a friend of mine."