What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Two.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump In the Night Chapter Two By Roofles

"You alright?" Kenny asked a week after the incident. The whole trip was cut short after finding the mauled body of the camper in the bathroom. The carnage was something alone that would haunt most of the students nightmares for years to come.

Marco had snuck out just in time when everyone arrived, hiding behind the bathroom unable to move any further. He had never experienced such fear in his life. Shock had took his system and no matter how much he had tried the tears continued to roll. A silent, snot nosed crying that shook him to his very core. He threw up shortly afterwards/

In the end he truly thought he was going to die. And every night since he had nightmares of that event. Nightmares of a nightmare. It had happened so fast, so sudden he couldn't even collect his thoughts even after it had passed. And even now he could still see those cold red eyes staring at him in the darkness. And every night since he felt as if he were being followed home.

So he began to stay at Kenny's.

"I'm fine." Marco said as he had to him every day afterwards. "Just mid term jitters." He lied not carrying if it was a different excuse this time or not. He looked up at his friend who still was looking at him with that concern look. The stubble on Kenny's face was far worse than it had ever been and there was a sharp glean in his eyes.

Marco shook his head, it seemed he wasn't the only one affected by it anyways. "Nah, man. Really. Just tired and all. Haven't been getting any sleep. Been..." He shook his head again. He forced a laugh and leaned back against his couch. "Sorry to get your pants all twisted up over my case."

"Heh, well you know me." Kenny scratched at the stubble on his face. His finger nails seemed a bit longer than normal and as he smiled, his teeth a bit sharper. Even his soft baby face seemed far more rugged as if going to the outdoors had hardened him. Kenny ruffled his long hair up. "I just worry. I mean you weren't bitten were you?" His voice was as stern as ever when he asked even though a second before it had been laid back and carefree as if not even worrying.

For the past several days Marco gave him the same answer. "No." A flat dry response by now. "I'm fine," he added though kicking a leg up onto the sofa and resting back. He'd never tell him about his nightmares, that his nerves were shot or the fact that he still hadn't gotten over it. Marco still couldn't believe he had told him about the "Strange feeling of being followed."

"You coming to school on Monday?" A common question Kenny asked of the man on the couch even without the incident that happened. Kenny didn't take a seat still standing over him looking down. He had been acting...off ever since he got back, Marco couldn't put his finger on it and didn't focus on the matter. Other things were worrying the man.

Marco just shrugged. The past week all students that had gone on the trip had gotten off in hopes they could get over the event. Everyone as well was mandated to see the counselor about it and make sure they were ok before going back to classes.

It had been all over the news. A camper had been found torn to pieces during a school camping trip. "A wild cougar or bear must've stumbled onto the poor man," the news read again in front of the two silencing the room. "Wild animals are not to be taken lightly. The man is currently unidentified, no wallet or ID was found on the man. So far no dental records match..." And from there it trailed off.

"Do you really think it was a wild animal?" Marco asked staring, fog eyed at the screen lost in his own thoughts.

"I'm positive." Kenny voice was flat and there was a low growl underneath it. "Nothing but a feral, wild, mindless animal."

"In other news." The voice cut Marco's reply off. "There has a been a recent string of burglaries, vandalism and arson. This along with the siting of wild dogs in the city has brought up the issue of curfew for everyone's safety."

Marco sat up at that staring at the screen of the photo someone had took of a large bear size dog running through a back alleyway.

The tv clicked off.

"The coffee should be done." Kenny said tossing the remote onto the side couch and heading off into the kitchen.

"Yeah. Was thinking of taking a shower actually." Marco said getting up a bit. He was in nothing but a loose pair of open shorts and a single sock, he wasn't sure where the other one was. The man hadn't taken a shower the past day and a half and was beginning to feel it.

He sniffed under an arm before laughing a bit. "I'm pretty rank."

"I know." Kenny said kind of flatly though he was staring at him as Marco leaned against the counter in the marble style kitchen.

It was a nice place. Not rich class but above middle. His parents paid for it apparently and it had a very home-like feel to it. Marco tended to stay here far more often than his place anyways so he treated it like his own home. Not like Kenny seem to mind either as the man stripped even before going into the bathroom leaving his cloths discarded.

Kenny rolled his eyes and walked over to pick up the laundry. He ended up doing both his and Marco's anyways. Mixing the loads, delicates and all. Picking up the shorts he tossed it into the closet where the washer and dryer sat. However as he picked up the old briefs he stopped, still feeling the warmth that had once been enclosed around.

Swallowing loudly his eyes snapped towards the door. It was ajar, unlocked but the shower was already running and he could hear Marco's bad singing as he tried to keep up with the radio, he wasn't doing well. Kenny gripped the briefs tightly before making up his mind and heading quickly into his own room.

Shutting the door he rested against it, sliding down as he stuffed the briefs against his face taking a slow steady breath of the rich musky scent of the man. He could feel fur ripping through his cheeks like grass blades through snow; his finger nails dug into the fabrics and fangs ran down his lower lip as he took another deep, lung filled breath of the intoxicating smell of the man he coveted.

Swallowing loudly Kenny stuffed a hand into his pants and began rubbing his already hardening member. The hair between his legs was far thicker than it had once been, fur creeping around his sack and sides as he continued to rub. Wincing every now and then as the sound of ripping flesh met his pointing ears. The rich musky, warm fabric was pressed tightly against his nose that had twisted and blackened in nature, enthralling him with its scent and with it arousing the beast lurking inside. The black nose, now wet texture, rubbed against the crotch of the dull gray briefs sniffing at the pleasurable remnants of what it had been constraining the past day.

Kenny felt hot, warm and couldn't help but pant as he swallowed that scent, rubbing it all over his nose and face practically licking at it as he continued thumbed himself roughly. The front of his pants zipped down as his strokes became quicker. A coarse paw pad rubbed along the slit and over the head making him gasp, shutting his eyes tightly his toes spreading out before relaxng not wanting to finish so soon.

Bones snapped in his ankles and he could feel his heel rise up as his feet elongated, strong large toes pressed against the carpet as he humped slowly into his own strong grip. Pointed ears rose from his blackened hair and as his eyes opened, clouded with a milky haze, they glowed an emerald green.

Lust filled him making him hump harder, loosing himself in that raw primal emotion that took him with a such powerful stride. Giving in and sating these feelings now so that nothing foolish happened when they prey was so helplessly asleep. Throwing a dog a bone, as he, ironically, liked to think of it as.

Clear fluid squirted from his shaft, slickening his padded fur covered hand and his now fuzzy belly. His eyes glazed over like mist covering the full moon and he stroked thinking of only one thing as he smelled the scent filling him to his core. Of the man in the other room, this horribly wonderful, exhilarating scent and smell.

Grabbing blindly he found the sock he had stuffed behind the bookcase, the one Marco had been looking for, and quickly shoved it over his twitching, aching member that protested as he released it from his tight, vice like grasp. Gripping his hand tightly once more around his engorged shaft Kenny began to jerk off faster into the long sock with a groaning growl. Feeling the tight fabric stretch to accommodate him and the whole time thinking of something else he rather be shoving his length into. Combined with the heavy musk, wonderful warmth and naughty thoughts were enough to finally cum. Hitting him like a bag of bricks that almost made him howl with uncontainable pleasure.

And when he came he came. Ribbons of sticky glory that cascading deep into the bowels of the sock like a geyser unable to contain the pressure anymore. The sock filled, leaking from the end as his broiling broth filled it to its peak, its breaking point and oozing from the fabric. His chest was still bare flesh like his arms and legs but his hands and feet by now were large paws still growing in size like the rest of him. A snout had ripped clean from where his mouth and nose had been leaving flakes of skin behind. That snout had broke free the second he came and it was a sickening pleasure along with it all that made everything so much more intense.

Kenny gritted his teeth baring the change with the release, gasping silently as the pleasure coursed through him like a drug making his knees shake and the rest of him go rigid, arcing his back if only a bit. Taking another large breath of the wonderful smell he let the briefs go, it balanced neatly on his still growing snout whiskers poking from his cheeks now. A long pink tongue rolled out of the side of his maw in a happy open maw grin.

He exchanged the briefs for the sock placing the whole thing around his muzzle and lapping at the cream center of it shoving the briefs into his groin to clean up the mess that had leaked out all over his fur covered crotch. Kenny had to admit the white looked good on that obsidian black color fur.

Lapping the remains of his release the man pushed himself up, able to balance perfectly on his toes. Pulling the sock off he stared at the sticky mess of fabric wondering if he should hide this from his friend. One of the pointed ears twitched as he heard the shower turn off. Thinking it best he stuffed the sock behind the bookcase once more and headed over to the window to fling it open to air out the room.

Kenny was aware his friend wouldn't be able to smell what had happened here but wasn't about to risk it, for his own sake. The smell clinging to his muzzle and taste in his maw was still riling the beast inside. It asked, begged, craved for more but this was enough for now. He would be able to leave it at this and not have to worry about anything coming of his desire this night.

The half man, half wolf leaned against the open window feeling the cool night breeze against his face ruffling his fur. That cool breeze felt good and dulled the firey ache inside. And for the time being he was able to savor the fantasy that had been plaguing him.

Several trashcans turned over in the alleyway next to the apartments making Kenny's ears once more stand to attention. His emerald eyes looked down and even in the dead of night he could make out the forms sniffing around the dirty walk way.

He held the growl back. Still this was an insult to his pride. His markings alone were enough warning to stay the fuck away and here they were walking around his territory like they owned the fucking place. This wasn't something he could stand around for and without even a thought he was out the window landing heavily on the ground his legs bending, bracing his impact from the second story.

He moved swiftly jumping and in mid air the rest of his flesh ripped out, his adrenaline holding back the pain as he rushed forward on all fours. Faster than any vehicle he maneuvered with a swift grace, weaving his way forward and with a leap took down the first smashing its face against the concrete and with a snap felt the body go limp underneath him.

The other hissed at him, snarling as it bared it's fangs yet it backed away until it bumped into the side alleyway. "He'll pay." It hissed keeping as much distance as he could. "For the Sire's death."

Kenny stood on all fours lifting his head up and looking down coldly at the creature. To breach his territory was in itself audacious, to threaten HIS property was beyond stupid. It was lethal.

The great wolf took a step forward the massive paw hitting the ground with such force that it shook the stones around it. "I killed him." He spoke slowly, keeping his head up and showing off the majestic black fur chest as he stuck it out challengingly. "You're petty issues are mine."

It laughed, a cruel dark cackle as it licked the side of its muzzle and face nervously trying to back away more. It looked like a long tailed bobcat. "Not you. You must suffer. His death is yours." It's English broke as it scrambled back against the side wall. "Pay. Pay. Pay." It hissed now snarling at him as if trying to collect its own courage.

Yet it tried to flee as Kenny thought it over. In a flash the great wolf snapped its jaws shut around the smaller creature, shaking it like a rag doll before spitting it out to the side. "Pride." He muttered the word thinking it over before spitting to the side.

He brought his clean paw over to pull his sheath back allowing the pink tip to be exposed and took a long leak over the area marking everything in the alleyway once more. He'd have to do the area again from the looks of things.

The black wolf turned about to head back before its keen emerald slit eyes caught the remains of the first one. It was human again, one of the students of the high school no less. And waiting a moment he soon saw that the other one was as well. In other words "just how many more are there?" He spat to the side standing back up on his hind legs and mulling it over.

Killing the Alpha meant the Omega was in charge. Possibly someone at the high school. In his town. That annoyed him greatly. Shaking the thoughts off for tonight Kenny turned and hoisting himself up onto the back shed planning to just crawl back into the window.

Grabbing the open window seal he gave a grunt, a jump and was able to make it into the second story without much effort. Sliding inside he turned to shut the window and drapes and let out a low sigh, shaking his head with a groan.

He grabbed the old shirt he had been using and wiped his hands clean, trying to clean up his muzzle while he was at it and only ended up ripping the shirt to shreds. Holding it in front of him he frowned at it.

And then the bedroom door opened and the light of the hall shined in, outlining the great beasts body holding the remnants of Marco's friends shirt. "Shit." Was the only word Kenny could think of.