A Night with Night

Story by The Tiger Wolphen on SoFurry

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This story copyright The Tiger Wolphen. Night is copyright himself and all other are copyright to me.

Done as a fan fic for art trade with Night, got a cool pic of Koulin Thomas done (he's my char in Black Kat's Kina Surdham series).


1:00 A.M.

Night banged on the door. Banged again, huffing.

He badly needed to get inside, to see Her again. He gave another knock and then sighing took out a key from a pouch at his side. He unlocked the door, wincing as the loud creek sounded in the deserted house. He stepped in, shutting the door behind him again and loosing his rifle from his shoulder. He set it down with the butt against the wall (so if it fired it would shoot a hole through a concrete floor and not through the occupied floors above) and walked into the kitchen.

A note was left for him there. He picked it up, his eyes quickly scanning over the message:

Hey, Night,

Sorry about having to leave. I need to do something. If you need anything, just contact Wolph, allright?

Love, you know who

Night crinkled up the paper and threw it into the nearest garbage can. His face was contorted in annoyance, which made his demonic visage all the worse. If anyone else saw him, they would have died of shock right then and there. Still, at least she had given him the note. That made most things allright with him. But the last thing he'd do was contact that bitch Wolph.

She had introduced the two of them several nights before. Despite all the love he had for her, it was not enough to overcome his intense dislike of the hybrid tiger-wolf that reminded him far too much of the mutated pictures he shot up at target practice.

Night was a hunter by trade. A combination of police officer and CIA agent all in one, cause he had the authority of an agent and the weapons of an officer. He was authorized to take down any possible major threat, demon, megalomaniac, or otherwise with any means necessary. Often times that meant coming back home with his claws and talons stained red.

But by the next morning, he was white, almost too white, once again, from the volumous amounts of cum staining his fur.

Night was also a demon, so while he could be considered a traitor to his kind, he preferred to think of it more as being on the winning side of things. His natural abilites were well beyond any mortal's dreams and were very useful when it came down to his many sexual partners. She, while the love of his life and the sole person he trusted, wasn't the only one he had his fun with. She did not mind that either. She alone couldn't satisy the urges he had every single hour of every single day.

Incubi were pretty nasty in that respect.

1:15 A.M.

Night rooted through the fridge, looking for some late night snack and trying to keep his mind of his love. Every time some image of her popped into his head, he reached down and stroked his sheath through his clothing instinctually. Often he'd find himself getting hard inside it before he told himself to stop.

He chucked the fridge door shut, having found nothing to eat inside. He popped open the freezer and had to stuff his hands into his pockets instantly to prevent himself from stroking himself. He blinked several times to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Her dildo was in the freezer.

It had been coated in water and frozen inside, causing it to look an inch wider than it really was, the circuitry at the bottom had been kept clean so that it didn't fry. Night reached in and pulled it out, having to yank once to jerk it off the freezer bottom, which it had frozen right on to. He snatched a glance to the left and right, slowly remembering that she was gone.

He placed it tip up on the table and started to get out of his clothing. He tossed his shirt in the corner, unzipped his pants and stepped out of them in a way that reminded him of way too many bad porno flicks he'd watched. He glanced around for the power cord and picked it up, testing it's weight in his hand as he felt an idea coming to him.

He plugged it in, not yet attaching it to the dildo itself. Acting quickly so the dildo wouldn't melt, he straddled the thin cord, pulling it tight under his balls. He felt for his two sheath rings, looping the cord through them and then around back down under his balls again. He grabbed the dildo and put it at an angle on the counter.

Slowly, he slid himself back over it, the sensations immediately taking hold of him. His sheath swelled, having a bit of problems from the tight cord which he held against it. The temperature reacted quickly within him, his body raising its heat everywhere to combat the freezing within his anus. The heat grew so powerful that he had to take additional ice from the freezer, quite a stretch from where he was, and put it on his forehead, as beads of sweat seemed to shirk off him.

With a trembling hand he plugged the cord into the dildo. He began squirming feverishly, the tip of the dildo just coming out of its frozen embrace and swishing around like jelly inside him. The vibrations it caused richosheted down the wire, exciting him further. He tug his taloned hands into the wooden countertop as his shaft virtually leapt from his sheath. He bucked himself over, his flexible spine allowing easy access to his cock for his mouth. He drenched it in his saliva until it was drenching his mouth with his pre.

He continued suckling himself, jerking his hips, and occasionally having to replace the plug into the wall. He felt his climax nearing and forced his head onto himself even more, the heat remaining in his body even after all the ice was long gone. He jerked one last time, his cock pulsing and spraying into his mouth, but the jerk also snapped his head up, and try as he might, the intense pleasure prevented him from getting down again. He tried to control his spraying shaft as best he could, but ended up coating the floor in cum, hitting the woodwork on the counters and shelves to the side.

He cursed realizing this meant him having to scrub the floors again. He grabbed the note and crinkled it. He tossed it into the garbage. If she wasn't here, she couldn't protest to his not cleaning up. He could make it an accident if she asked, something he was too tired to get around to taking care of.

He smiled, and slowly, moaning, removed the dildo from his ass. It looked much smaller now, he noted as he removed the cord from his rings.

2:00 A.M.

Night paced the room. He was still naked and still had a throbbing erection which he eagerly stroked as he walked. Sometimes he didn't even need to stroke it, the natural rhythm of his hips moving it into his hand.

He was going sex mad and no amount of masturbation would help him. He needed a bitch and he needed one now.

He smacked his forehead and stepped forward. But he also stayed where he was. A moment later he was looking at himself, from both ways. He shut his/their eyes to get his orientation back.

He'd cloned himself, or something like it. He was standing face to face with himself, a complete carbon copy right down to the pre on his cock.

They both closed their eyes and concentrated, and slowly their cocks dissappeared. They slurped up into their bodies. Instead, taking their places where a pair of female sex lips. Their whole body grew into a female form, complete with rather large breasts.

They turned to each other and the original tackled the copy. She, and she now was completely a she, brought her right down to the ground, kissing intimately, moaning and cooing into the air. They writhed in passion for several minutes, all the while licking at each other and grinding their hips into the others leg.

The first stopped the kissing. "You enjoy this don't you, bitch?"

"Look who's talking, slut."

The first grinned and twisted the other's arms behind her, spinning her over and pushing her head against the ground. She bent her head down and gave a sensual lick to her tailbase. She went down with her tongue, giving a flick against her sensitive tailhole. Then she shoved her pierced tongue as deep into her warm sex as her mouth would allow.

The second Night groaned and tried bucking her hips backwards, but the sensual power was enough to remove her of all of strength. The tongue twisted inside of her, causing her sex to sweel and her breasts to press longingly against the cold wooden floor. The first Night gripped some string stuffed into a drawer in a nightstand to the side of the hall. She quickly wrapped up her hands and then tied her feet together so she couldn't run off.

"Just what I always wanted, a submissive bitch," she crowed.

That comment got her a foot to her thighs. The back toe of the tied female slid right into her cunt and she groaned in instant orgasm. The claw there sliced into her vaginal walls.

She pulled back, leaving the claw to slice through much of the outer walls, but leaving her inner organs intact. The pain was only stimulating her further, and she got down on the floor next to her double. "For that, extra torture for you. And no orgasm either, pet."

The tied one's moan was silenced by a fist in her mouth.

"Just hold it like that. Bite it off and I'll rip out something you really don't want ripped out." She stopped herself there, the absurdity of the whole situation dawning on herself. She was a female version of her regular self telling a duplicate copy of herself to behave which if she was an exact copy was going to be impossible to do.

She suddenly had an idea of the perfect way to torture her. She rushed to the kitchen, came back with a bottle of perfumed oil and kicked her head away from her hand bonds. She straddled her and then popped the oil cap off, letting it land inside her mouth and shoving it in a bit harder to work as a makeshift gag. She dipped her finger in the stuff and then jammed it into both of their cunts.

The jar lid stopped only one of the set of moaning issuing from the females. She tossed the jar away after emptying it entirely, then bent her entire body over until her nose touched their hips.

She took a deep breath and snorted. The effect was electric in the two females, the brimstone breath ignited all the oil at once. So not only did their sexes get lit on by a warm fire, but the air was permeated by magical lust and eau de something, that smelled very much like some nice hot tiger femme.

It took them half an hour to use up all the oil and to finally stop climaxing. Their bodies were a mangled twist of juice which had flooded most of the hall from the 30 minutes of on going lust and of their bodies drenched in the juice and so sticky they were inseperable. They kissed again before melding into one being again. That Night slowly became male too.

He lapped at the juices covering his body, not thinking at all of what he was going to do to clean up. The throbbing cock between his legs already demanding more attention.

2:30 A.M.

Night picked up the room. He was finally relenting and dialing Wolph's number. "Come on, ya bastard, pick up."

"What do you want?" was the groggy reply on the other end of the phone. He'd forgotten it was so early.

"It's Night."

Wolph laughed. "Oh, getting needy?" He laughed harder. "Want me to come over there and play bitch to you for a night?"

Night scoffed. "What are you talking about?"

"I know she left. She stopped by here on her way out. She knew what might happen to you if you went without a partner all night long. Gave me an address for you to try."

Night sighed. "Give it to me."

4:15 A.M.

Night walked up into the hallway of the secluded building. He asked the concierge if he was in the right place. He was.

"Just go to your left, third door down," she said.

He opened the door, stepped in and never felt the blow.

5:15 A.M.

Night felt like someone had hit him over the head with a hammer. He probably wasn't that far off either. He had a welt on the back of his head that stung like hell.

He tried to reach for the spot, but his hands were restrained, so were his neck, tail, and legs. He pushed harder, but the bonds wouldn't budge. They were made of some kind of metal, gold, he thought, and that should have been easy enough to snap right out, but he couldn't. He felt something on his neck and yelled "Shit!" It was an Inhabitor collar.

Inhabitor collars prevented any demon's natural abilites from surfacing, turning them into a mortal for most extents and purposes. So of course he could no longer break out of simple metal bonds.

He turned his head as someone entered the room behind him. He could see a body made of green scales, but no more than that. It had no scent and made a strange sound as it walked. "Good. You're awake."

Night groaned. "What's going on?"

It laughed, "You're horny, what else?" It walked to his front and he saw his captor for what she really was. She was a dragon, taller than him by a good few inches, and covered from top to bottom in a lucid green. She was naked too, and it showed.

Night felt his erection pressing out. The collar did not stop his demonic passion. She pressed her muzzle to his and breathed deeply. Night choked on the smoke coming from her lips before realizing what it truly was. His cock instantly sprang out at the scent of brimstone.

He shoved his hips forward, desperate to be rid of the urge that grew in him.

She stepped back to admire his length, running a sharp talon over it. Night's hips bucked and a spurt of pre landed on her outstretched hand. She smiled and brought it up to his muzzle. "Lick it," she ordered. Night clamped his jaws shut and growled.

She brought her knee up and slammed it into his balls. He yelled and when his mouth had opened, she forced her hand inside, gripping his muzzle so he could neither bite her or force her hand out. She kissed his snout and breathed more of the brimstone smoke into him. He choked for a while before licking his pre off her hand. He didn't let her know how much he enjoyed that.

She took the hand from his mouth and pleasured him again, caressing his sore balls. The brimstone injections had caused his cock to swing at twice its normal size. His massive erection coated her entire hand in sticky sweet pre. She raised it to his muzzle but this time held it out just out of reach of his tongue.

He strained forward, wanting to taste himself again, but she held her hand just out of range. Despite himself, he began to whine.

"Aw, poor little thing. You'd better start begging for me to pleasure you some more." She slipped back a few steps, "Or I might leave you with that huge ass dick and no way to shrink it back. I might even give you some more brimstone too."

He stretched out his muzzle as far as he could, but he still couldn't reach his own juices. His desire was growing faster than his sanity would allow and soon he was mumbling.

"I can't hear you!" She yelled.

"Please, I want to taste."

"Oh, you mean you wish to be become my personal little manslave, my boytoy to use as I please when I please, or else suffer the most horrid death possible: by lust."

Night shuddered. He knew what she was talking about. If he were to be castrated or neutered in all his forms, he would not be able to satisfy his nightly lust and would die from it. "Let me taste!" He cried out louder this time.

She was satisfied by that and let the hand in closer, at the same time, something mechanical reached between his legs, jerking him off at a slow steady pace. He moaned, still licking the hand and not noticing that it never seemed to run out of the fluid, or that it was changing taste. The needle slipped past his senses to, even when he had passed out again.

5:30 A.M.

Night crawled through the window into the suburban home. His steps were quiet and cautious. He didn't want to be found out quite yet. He walked naked, with the huge erection he believed his brimstone had given him. He checked to see where he was, and made a silent thumbs up when he saw it was a girls bedroom.

He looked at the tiny tiger femme in the bed and dipped his hand through her head. It passed like air and suddenly her breathing deepened. He smiled to himself as he creaked open the door to her room and snuck out. In the hallway, he tiptoed down to a second bed room, and without seeing who it was, he did the same drowsing magic on the second tiger.

After he felt safer, he took a look around this new room. It was a teenaged boys room, complete with pictures of sexy singers in the corner. Night followed his nose to a hidden box underneath the bed. He opened it to find a hidden sex trove. He counted at least two dildos, five CDs full of yiffy images, and sexual enhancers, pills, and perfumes galore.

He set the box down and picked out the dildo, padding back over to the kid's bed. He opened up the sheets, knowing he couldn't wake up until he felt like it. The tiger had on only a pair of boxers, which Night quickly shredded. The kid groaned in his sleep as Night turned him flat on his back.

Night leaned down and started slurping at the hidden cock in his sheath. His squirming only quickened the erection he got, and soon Night was sucking on a good seven inches of it. He sat the dildo between the tiger's legs, and turned the battery powered vibrator on. It resonated up his cock so that its tip shook and splattered his pre around.

Night kissed him on the cheek and made his way back into the hall. No sooner had he closed the door to the girl's room than he heard a voice in the hallway. "Dear, are you up?"

Night cursed under his breath, then checked the peephole at the door. He didn't bother to think why a teenaged girl would have a peephole at their door. To him, it just seemed natural. He could see a much older tiger female out int he hall. He gave a snort and jetted out brimstone through the crack in the door. When he heard her panting and moaning he opened the door and took her by the hand.

She was down on the ground, a hand to her very wet crotch. She was dressed in a simple robe and pajamas, and did not look shocked at all to see him there completely naked. Rather, she was staring quite intently at his erection.

Night picked her up and pushed her back against the railing to the stairs, taking the robe belt from her waist and tying it slowly around her hands to the banister. He gave her another bit of brimstone (boy he was using it a lot recently), before chuckling and returning to the mother's bedroom. As he expected, the father was there too, completely naked and sprawled out on the sheets. He took his hand and ran all but one of the fingers through his head, putting him in a strange sleeplike trance.

"Now, tiger, you're going to learn the values of having a master aren't you?" He hissed.

"Y-yes..." the response came slowly from the father's voice. His eyes still completely shut.

"How does master wish to be pleasured?"

"Sexually," The eyes opened slightly.

"Good. And how should he be pleasured sexually?"

"However Master likes."

"Very good. And Master likes to see his slave paw himself off before sleeping with his naughty son."

The tiger reached for his sheath, twining it between his fingers quite sensually. Night licked his ear for a reward, giving him a kiss on his muzzle too. The male stroked himself till he had an erection which he started grinding into the sheets. He started moaning as Night released his hold on him slowly. Soon he had his cock in one hand, bent over the bed with legs spread eagled so he could thrust downwards and graze along the bottoms of the sheets.

Night ran his fingers along his sack, which caused the male to grin back at his Master and let out a purr. He slapped them hard, which earned him a grunt instead. "I said let me see you, slave."

The male got to his knees, looking around for a better place to stand. His dripping hot erection was dangling inches away from Night's muzzle. He restrained himself all he could not to chomp it off.

The male got up, and leaned against a dresser where he gave a very nice profile of himself stroking his length. He peeked out of the window, spying his wife cooing against the railing. That sent him over the peak. He jerked at his length feverishly until it spasmed and sent gobs of cum into the air.

Night tapped his shoulder just as he began walking. "Before you sex up your son. Clean up the floor. With your tongue."

He complied, bending over and beginning to soak the cum up with his tongue. He kept it all in his mouth, having not been ordered to eat it. When Night saw this, he clapped his shoulder, causing his slave to look up at him again.

"You keeping that all with you?"

His slave nodded.

"Give it to me," he said, turning round and lifting his tail, "Right here."

The slave brought his head in between Night's cheeks, his tongue flitting along the pucker of his master. Night didn't ask how he knew how to do this so well, or how his tongue was mostly rough and dry even with a mouthful of cum. His slave pierced up into him and delivered the still piping hot load of goo. Night moaned loudly, before patting the head of his pet. It felt good, like getting a load shot up his tailhole normally. Only this had that aspect that only came with humiliating another.

The tiger got up and silently walked to his son's bedroom with Night just behind.

"Be careful not to wake him," Night hissed, shutting the door on the two and locking it.

Night patted the tiger mother on her head. She gave out a moan of appreciation. He felt around his waist, where his erection still stood, larger than he could ever remember it being. He rubbed it close to his body, noting that his knot was growing huge and he had paid no notice to it.

He gripped the railing and swung himself around. It creaked horribly, but he managed to catch hold of it on the other side of the tiger. He dug his feet into the wood so he wouldn't topple over the 9 feet to the ground. He was not worried about hurting himself, he just didn't think his balls needed the jolt.

He cooed into the ear of the female, "Caress me."

Her hands felt around blindly for his erection, not that they needed much help. His throbbing weight was expertly worked over. His pre leaked out in jets that soaked the railing and her nightgown. He felt himself come so quickly towards orgasm that he had to bark out for her to stop, so he would not waste his seed here.

He threw himself back over her head, taking the quaking tip in his hand. He waited as patiently as he could as his own pre coated his hand. Then he tore open her dressings, and shoved it down against her wet belly, just above her opening. He slathered it against her as she giggled. He removed his hand and watched his pre soak through her fur down to her steaming vent.

He waved good-bye with a sadistic look on his face and returned to the room of the daughter. He could hear grunting from the other room. Only one voice, the way it should be.

He parted the sheets on her bed, and climbed in along side her. His wet kissing matting her fur down. He tore away her clothing, setting his cock directly in between her legs, but pushed so far that it pressing more against her tailhole than against her sex.

He breathed deep, letting the boiling brimstone drain from his nostrils again. Her crotch grew wet against him and he dragged his fingers back through her mind the opposite way.

Her eyes fluttered and she wrapped her arms around the huge male in front of her. She never seemed to truly notice that he was there, but rocked her hips back and forth against his, the pressure of his cock straddling her from underneath causing immense pleasures.

He held her tightly in his arms, using the tips of his fingers to twirl her nipples around, waiting until they became fully hardened. When they were, he leaned down and suckled them both. He did not really expect to get any milk, part because she had rather small breasts and part because she was not a magical creation and subject to general biology.

She moaned into his shoulder, trying to lift herself up and impale herself on his cock, but Night held her down. He made sure she could only rub herself against him, wanting her to beg. He quickly managed to hear a "Master... please," from her.

He scritched her back deeply and cut through it with his claws from time to time. She did not mind at all and actually pressed herself down against the claws. He had to use a bit of effort to prevent himself from tearing her to shreds. Her moans and voicings picked up a bit and he finally commanded her to beg for getting to have him in her.

She responded quite quickly. "Oh, gods... I need you. I need your cock within me. I can't think of anything else! Oh gods!"

He shoved her up and then thrust hard, jamming his massive cock into her far too small tunnel. She screamed, and Night could feel some blood on his shaft. He could not stop now, his instincts were taking over. He thrust like a demon, each one causing a little more blood to pour from her. His eyes shone bright and clear and from his eyes and snout poured a huge volume of brimstone into the air.

The tiger orgasmed four times before he'd even managed to build up his knot to its proper huge size. He pulled himself completely from her and rammed his hips in an attempt to tie with her. But even that did not succeed, and she only screamed louder as her cunt was practically ripped open. He did not relent and held it in as far as he could get it, pushing harder with every moment. A crack rent the air and her body suddenly went limp in his arms. He gasped, feeling a sudden lack of friction on his length just when he was most needy.

He picked her right out of the bed and slammed her against the wall, trying to force any friction whatsoever. She jolted awake with a fifth, still powerful orgasm. She gripped his sides and added to his attempt to move. The extra force was just enough and Night's huge length shifted just an inch.

He roared, the pleasure suddenly rearing up and overwhelming him. He exploded inside her, his knot shrinking to half its size as he unleashed a gallon of cum into her bowels. He pulled himself slowly out, each movement causing another gush. When he was finally all the way out, she was content and asleep in his arms. He set her back down on the bed, whispering for her to not remember anything.

He looked at his now flaccid shaft in the mirror, watching as it slurped right back into his sheath. He laughed.

Suddenly he heard a crash and dashed for the window. He leaped from it and hit his head against the sky.

6:30 A.M.

The dragon smiled as she reattached Night to the board he was on. "Was that so bad?" she cooed in his ear.

He was far too out of it to respond. His ear merely twitched in response.

The dragon brought up the tiger "daughter" that Night had cummed into before. Her motions were slight and very mechanical.

"Now, Night, you're not going to remember anything that has happened this night," she smiled at herself. "You are going to return home to your love as though nothing had ever happened. You will, on the other hand, return here at the merest suggestion from your love or Wolph."

She watched his head bob and opened up a panel on the tiger's belly, revealing a robotic chamber on the inside. She pulled out a large container and sniffed at the edges. The warm smell of fresh semen greeted her nose. "Your love will LOVE this..."

She picked up a phone and called her. "Yes, the plan worked out perfectly. Exactly as you said... Yes, I do have it. I can call the doctor if you like, the invitro fertilization should not take that long... Yes, I will give him my best wishes. Thank you, miss."

She set down the receiver and walked back to Night, giving him a kiss on the muzzle and a command to wake up.