He Came From Nowhere

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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#4 of In The Company of Shadows

This is a short story that I had in one of my journals. So I decided to re-post it here in case some of you didn't get the chance to read it.

I have a tale for you, if you'll indulge me. It involves the Wind River Rez, as it took place there. It was out at Winkleman Dome, a hill filled area out the middle of nowhere. A sundance was taking place. A sundance is where natives go to get their "medicine", so to speak. I'd like to get more into the subject but would deviate from what I'm talking about. Back on point, me and my mom were sitting in her car, an older model mercury tracer. We were about 60 yards from the sundance area when a man walking out from behind the hills caught my eye. He was around his 30's and was dressed very odd, almost like a hippie but definitely not with the times.

As he came over the hill, I noticed he had a styrfoam cup in his hand. No one but me and my mom seemed to notice this guy, which was very obvious because he wasn't native by his caucasian skin. So he proceeds to walk past other vehicles and people and eventually makes his way over to the crowd standing in fonr of the sundance lodge, cup of god knows what and all. Now there are rules to the sundance, you can't have any food or drink anywhere near the lodge and women can't be near the lodge if they're on their periods. I don't make the rules I just follow them.

So this guy is standing there, drinking whatevers in his cup, and no one seems to care. Almost as if he wasn;t there at all, if you catch my drift. Then just as fast as he came, he walked back towards the hill and was gone.

One of my moms friends came over to chat when she told them about the man with the cup. Her friend was like "What guy?" because she didn't see him, or anyone with a cup for that matter. Me and mom looked at each other like, "Huh? You didn't see him come from the hills and stand by the lodge with a cup?". Nope she didn't see him. And this was during the day, about two in the afternoon. Yup, creepy out there, even during the day.

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