What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Three.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Three By Roofles

"I can explain." Kenny began raising his paw up slowly and trying to calm the situation down even before things began or could escalate into a disaster. He was far too aware of the bloody, ripped cloths in his other clawed paw or the fact his pants were down, open and he was flashing the man in front of him. None of this would easily be explainable.

"Whatever you do." Kenny tried to warn. "Don't run."

And with a scream Marco did just this. The large wolf stood in the room watching before palming his face with a massive paw and grumbling too himself, a twisted grin spread on his muzzle however. "How I do love it when they run."

And with that the wolf was, on all fours, chasing after the man making leaping bounds and strides to easily catch up with him. Open maw, tongue hanging out the great black fur beast looked like a (massive) puppy dog chasing after a thrown tennis ball. Even though he was grinning with wide eyes, his ears up (the tips of which drooped a bit) to the man scrambling across the living room it looked like he was nothing but a viscious monster and Marco was his next meal.

Bounding over the couch Kenny blocked the door turning on his heels and standing up again as he opened his arms wide and attempted to grab the guy who slid just underneath the hug. Pushing off Marco was half way across the room towards the window when he fell to the floor as a massive black fur body flew over him and, painfully, into the wall as a glomping attempt missed.

"Fuck," Kenny cursed rubbing his head. He looked at the wall. A large dent, semi shaped like his head, had been made in the foundation. "Ah man," he whined a bit. "My mums going to kill me." He muttered turning around to look at the man who had retreated towards the kitchen.

"Marco." Kenny cupped a large paw around the end of his muzzle amplifying his already deep, booming voice. He was getting a little too much of a thrill out of this. And though he was aware of it he couldn't help the grin on his muzzle and the wag of his tail.

"Stay the fuck away." Marco 'polo' back to him grabbing a knife from the wooden case. It happened to be a fillet knife however.

A black snout poked from around the corner only the end of its chin and large button black nose could be seen. "Marco." Kenny said softly and got the knife thrown at him. "Shit!" He cursed pulling back and trying to hide his massive body behind the tiny pillar that connected to the main counter of the kitchen. "Dude! Come on! I was only playin'," he tried to explain and got another knife thrown in his general direction. Kenny frowned as it flew only god knows where, "dude can't even hit the side of a fuckin' barn." He muttered to himself with a frown as another knife sailed far off towards his left side.

"You bastard!" Marco replied chucking the whole wooden case at him with a large butcher knife in his hand. He spun it around and got ready. "You killed Kenny!"

"Close!" Kenny pressed his fingers together, ears folding back. He stepped around the corner trying to look as doe eyed and innocent and friendly and none going to maul your face off as possible. "I am Kenny."

And the large butcher knife was thrown at him. "You ate Kenny?" Marco shouted.

Kenny ducked underneath it falling to all fours and crouching down on the ground as he watched the knife sail over head and behind him. "I didn't say that!" He tried to explain and turned around in time to get a fist to the face.

Kenny barely budged but the body that collided into him the next second moved him an inch or two. Going along with it Kenny tumbled head over tail with the man as they broke out into a wrestling fit. One of which who was trying to strangle the other and the other one who was just playing along as he hug and cradled the man in his arms as Marco tried to fight back.

"Just so cute when you try to murder someone." Kenny murred nuzzled his massive head against the man's upper chest and face.

"Stop. Coddling. Me." Marco struggled against the grip. "I'm trying to strangle you!" He said as he continued to ty and wrap his hands around the large neck. He only really ended up gripping the thick black hide of the wolf and pulling on it however. The loose skin easily allowed him to pull and tug on it without even a fuss from the massive canine.

"Do you need help?" Kenny offered letting go with a paw, still easily able to constrain him with the other, and began choking himself. "This help?"

"Stop helping." Marco glared back spitefully. "We're in the middle of a fight."

"Oh, right." Kenny said with a roll of his emerald eyes. "Here." And with that turned the man over and pushed him against the floor. "I win." He said with a grin keeping a strong paw pressed down on his arms and even a massive hind paw over his stomach and groin to keep him from kicking.

Marco struggled a bit before forfeiting with a loud fuck. "Just get it over with. Eat me already." Marco scowled looking away and wincing as he expected those teeth sinking into his throat any second now.

Kenny eased up a bit. "Whoa dude, relax. I won't hurt you." His ears folded back and all the fun out of this vanished like that. "Just fuckin with ya." He moved back a bit more keeping a loose grip on him now.

"Oh god," Marco closed his eyes. "I don't want to be raped." Kenny flushed under his black fur and a toothy grin took his face despite his protests and attempts to stop it.

"You have to buy me dinner first." Kenny joked with a soft laugh, something the two always said when gay subjects like that came up.

Marco looked at him a bit but didn't make a move or say anything.

"I'm going to let go now." Kenny said slowly, articulating his words as he opening up his paws and moved back. Marco just stared at the saliva dripping fangs unable to look away. "Easy does it now. No fast, unpredicatable movements." Kenny continued to warn his eyes already locked on him and his muzzle drooling onto the floor. The chase made him a little too excited it seemed, and he swallowed loudly his throat bulging with the gulp.

Marco sat up a bit moving back as he continued to eye him warily. "Now then let's just talk." Kenny said and Marco opened his mouth to say something before scrambling to his feet, turning around and trying to reach for the door handle all in the same motion. Kenny just caught his leg with another roll of his eyes and an annoyed sigh.

"Yes, go outside. Where there's plenty of room for me to stretch my legs. You would so be able to get away." Kenny grumbled as he let him go and watched as Marco face checked the door.

With another loud sigh the wolf pushed himself up and walked over, standing behind and looking down at his friend who was desperately struggling with the door. "Problems?" He asked flatly.

"The doors stuck again." Marco said glaring at the handle and pulling on it.

"You have to push." Kenny stated as flatly as before.

"Have to pull." Marco replied coldly.

"Push." Kenny growled now getting annoyed.

"Pull." Marco said back. An arguement they've had countless times over the door's warped frame.

"Here!" Kenny said pushing him aside and with a strong shove pushed the door open. "See! Push." And Marco slipped out under his arm and tried to make his way to freedom. An arm looped around his torso and hoisted him up onto the wolf's shoulders who stomped back inside and slammed the door shut.

Marco frowned as he was carried into the living room and plopped down onto the couch giving up on struggling, for now. "Prove it then!" He said at the wolf who looked at him like a deer caught in a pair of headlights.

"Wha?" Kenny blinked before nodding. Reasonable thing to ask. "Your favorite color is blue even though you never wear it." Marco just looked at him. "You never go home after classes instead you like to go through the back field so you can smoke in piece."

"So you're like...a stalker then?"

Kenny frowned but continued. "You hate spicey food but love salsa." Marco had to think of that before realizing it was true. "And just the other week you let me suck you-,"

"Ok!" Marco said a little too loudly. "I believe you." He flushed a bit looking around as if expecting someone to have heard.

Kenny took a seat on the floor and stared at him flatly, sitting on his own rear with his hind paws pressed against the ground, legs open and arms hanging free. "Don't." He warned seeing Marco look towards the window. "Let me just say my peace and then I'll let you go, if you still want too." He folded his ears back and looked down. "Sorry." He added looking towards the side. "I get...a bit worked up when I'm like this. I would never though," Kenny look back and reached a paw out but didn't touch him but desperately wanted too. "Ever hurt you though."

"Ok." Marco said relaxing a little and looking at him while his mind tried to think of the next escape attempt. Those eyes weren't the same as before, not the cold dead sunken red ones that had haunted his dreams. "You were the one then..." Marco easily connected the dots now that his mind wasn't screaming at him (as loudly) to run away.

Kenny nodded.

"Why were you naked?" Marco asked making the large wolf pull back and grin sheepishly.

"I needed to take a leak," he half fibbed.

"And now?" Marco asked looking at the wolf's open legged groin. Kenny didn't even try to hide it.

"The button broke." He said indicating the hole in his pants. A half truth in and of itself as well.

"Right." Marco said flatly. He was sure he was about to get raped.

I silence fell and now that Kenny had him here he wasn't even sure of what to say on the matter. "Oh by the way I'm a fucking werewolf." Came to mind but he held his tongue doubting that would go over well.

"Sorry, I know this is all very...sudden." Kenny pushed himself up, his head was down and his ears folding back. "I'll just go. You don't have to worry about me anymore, I won't bother you." Though Kenny said that he wasn't sure where to go. This was his place after all.

Marco didn't say or do anything at first as the large wolf thumped past him with heavy paw steps. The man stood up slowly unsure of what to say or do and so just opened his mouth. "What?" He nearly shouted at him making Kenny jump a bit and look back. "No, no, no, no!" Marco moved an arm in front of him looking at him in disbelief. "No!" He glared now. "You can't just do that. You can't just...just do that!" He fumbled a bit, repeating himself. "Don't you dare run out of hear with your tail between your legs," Kenny swallowed loudly as an accussing finger was pointed at him. "Sit your furry ass back down and we'll...manage this."

And so Kenny did as he was told and took a seat on the same couch Marco sat back down on glaring at him until he took a seat. The springs protested and cushion sunk in as Kenny's massive weight settled down. Marco found his bare feet now pressing against the wolf's fur covered thigh. That rich, warm fur slide between him toes.

"So." Marco said looking away. He really wasn't good at this kind of stuff. "How?" Was the first question asked.

"Genetics." Kenny said a bit flatly folding his hands in his lap and stretching his legs out, Marco wasn't sure but it seemed as if he scooted a bit closer to him.

"Seriously?" Marco just looked at him.

"Well my dad is." Kenny twiddled his long clawed thumbs. "Found out during puberty." He turned and looked at him making Marco tense up a bit. Those sharp eyes seemed to bore into his very soul and as he spoke that muzzle opened and snapped, tongue slapping the roof of his mouth and fangs glistening in the lamp light. "The Sophmore year? When I well...ignored you and stuff? I found out then." Kenny looked back into his lap. "Puberty's a bitch."

Marco let that sink in for a few seconds before laughing making one of Kenny's pointed ears lift up. "Fuck dude, I thought getting some hair on my balls was strange enough."

Kenny smiled a bit. "You should've seen the look on my face." He laughed. "I had my dad's razor and was trying to just," he shook his head chuckling softly. "Was such a mess. It grew back the next day." He shrugged.

Silence fell between them once more.

"Sorry." Marco muttered getting a raised eyebrow from the wolf. "For freaking out." He looked towards the side.

Kenny laughed loudly, though it sounded more like a bark. "I should be apologizing. Damn I'm a dick." He shook his head as he muttered. "I just... you ran away and it just." He looked at him with an amused smile on his muzzle. "You don't run from a wolf."

"So you are a wolf." Marco said still sounding a bit doubtful as he eyed the bear sized creature sitting on the couch with him.

Nearly Nine feet tall Kenny was both tall and wide, thick upper body torso with larger than normal arms, thinner waistline (still bigger than Marco's) with long powerful legs and massive raised-heel paws. His fur was darker than black and seemed to devour the very light around them. His head was larger than Marco's and the size difference made the man feel rather meek as they sat here on the same couch. Even though his foot was still pressed against that furred muscular thigh, Marco could barely believe he was in fact this. Rather than just in a extremely well made costume.

Kenny pounded his chest with a fist. "Hell fuckin' yeah I'm wolf!" And with that he tipped his muzzle towards the ceiling and let out a long howl. Marco covered his ears laughing as he kicked his side.

"Fuck," Marco kicked again making Kenny grunt a bit as he lowered his muzzle. "How long you've been waiting to do that?"

Kenny just grinned not about to say it was when he was fapping to his musky briefs.

"So what the hell was..." Marco tried to phrase it well. "The mutated rat baby the other night?"

Kenny lifted an eyebrow quizzically before the light bulb flicked on. "Oh! That was a feral. Wild werecreature." He said casually as if this was common knowledge. He rested back opened his legs a bit and stretched an arm out behind the couch. He could rub Marco's cheek if he had wanted too.

"Feral? Werecreature?" Marco said with a "what the fuck" look. "What the fuck." He said just to make sure that got a cross.

"Well..." Kenny scratched the fuzz on his own chin thinking it over. "They are like...mutated offsprings of purebloods? I'm pureblooded." He clarified though his voice held great pride as he spoke. "They on the other hand," his ears folded back and he snarled. "Nothing but empty minded monsters."

The look on his face made Marco question who was exactly the monster here. The next second though Kenny was happy, smiling again almost as if he had never gotten angry to begin with.

"It's a disease." Kenny tried to explain as he scratched himself lewdly. "Genetic disease in my case," he said looking at him still scratching himself. "It spreads through the classic bites and other exchange of fluids." He added with a wink. For some reason Marco felt rather dirty afterwards. "When you're infected however it fucks up your mind and you go all crazy, raging over the smallest of things and it just goes down hill from there." He shook his head. "Loose all traces of humanity."

"So you consider yourself still...human, right?" Marco asked wearily as if he were treading on egg shells.

Kenny picked up his foot and began playing with Marco's toes, the nails sliding between them making Marco shiver a bit as he watched. "Would it be easier for you if I said yes?" He asked wiggling his big toe back and forth.

Marco didn't answer so Kenny didn't either.

"I won't abandon myself though." Kenny said half to himself. "Not going to just let the beast take over and give up. Just to succumb and give in?" He scoffed at that with a dark laugh. Marco wasn't sure just what kind of hell he had been through.

The room seemed to get a bit heavier so Marco did as his friend was and picked up the wolf's paw and placed it in his lap. Kenny's ears perked up and he looked over and watched as Marco mimiced his own actions. Rubbing his four toes and inspecting the dew claw up and off to the side. He rubbed the black paw pads, coarse and rough as Marco rubbed a thumb over them.

Marco had wanted to, if only a part of him, to ask why he hadn't told him before but he didn't say it out loud. It wasn't his business to ask that. "Thanks, you know?" He said softly. "For saving my ass the other night. I honestly didn't want to think it was real," he laughed a bit. An empty dry sound. "Wanted to just think it was my imagination, a horrible nightmare or something I saw in the movies. But..." He didn't want to say anything more as his face grew stern and he recalled everything.

To honestly think he was going to die as if he were looking into death's face was something that had taken a toll on his nerves.

The paw moved off his lap and onto his side as the large wolf moved to face him. Lifting up his other paw, Kenny slid his leg behind the man and in the next motion scooped him up into a powerful hug holding him securely against his broad black fur chest. "I know." He said softly as tears rolled down Marco's face. "I won't let anything happen to you." Kenny's voice was soft but his eyes were cold as he stared forward. "Nothing will ever happen to you..."