Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#33 of The Chess Master

This is the Chess Master novel, a work in progress. I've been working on this since March 16th, 2003. Unlike all of my other stories, I only added my name on the prologue. I even worked up a cover for the novel back then.

Warning: The Jansen Tanner parts of the novel are written in "first-person."

Act XXXI: This Isn't Your Life

I don't know why Dominic took so long to return from Santa's Village but I waited in Dominic's office the whole time with the White Stag, Damon Horse, Reed Huxley, and Gotaki Riverclaw. And when he did arrive and saw me sitting there with a very serious look on my face, I was almost certain that Dominic thought that he had returned to the wrong time period. Dominic looked at me with an incredulous look on his face.

"Why are you here? I thought I sent you back to your own time period."

I grinned.

"You did. I am the present day Jansen Tanner."

Dominic sort of went into shock when I said that. I quickly stood up and rested a hand on Dominic's shoulder looking him in the eye.

"Dominic... I know this comes as a shock to you but you're not Jansen Tanner. In fact, before that time trip, you never even existed. I had you created with my genie hound's assistance. I had you created to be my near identical twin, with only part of my memories up to your time visit, and... with the forget magic the gods had set on me. Never tell a Tanner what will happen to them before it happens. The memories you did have was just off enough that it made Leia suspicious, and she tried to find out who you really were. And that's when she ran into the problem that Danath Gaul and I ran into when we tried to find out who you were. You simply didn't exist. But then, Leia hired Josh Savage Jr. to go looking for the real me, because Leia knew you and I couldn't be the same person."

Dominic sighed slowly lifting his gaze up to look at me.

"My entire life has been a lie?"

I hugged Dominic gently.

"No life is ever a lie, Dominic. But the truth is, I had no right to do what I did. I didn't want to forget what I knew, so I effectively had myself magically cloned. You were Dominic Vanlyone from day one. I am surprised that you never wondered who 'the harvest stallion' was, and why Danath always conversed with me in hushed secrecy."

Dominic closed his eyes for a long time. When he reopened his eyes, Dominic looked me over.

"Ares has been trying to kill me ever since he first met me."

I nodded my head.

"I know. The last time you were dead, the Egyptian god, Ra, assisted in your restoration, thanks to me. Anubis contacted me and told me what had happened to you, and I asked him to bring you back to life. Hogan Slade shot you in your time period, and I happened to be on a mission at the time. Anubis contacted me, and I made a deal with the Egyptian gods to have you restored to life. But... there is a catch, this time. The next time you die, Dominic, you'll be auto resurrected as a teenager. Ra was very specific about this. You've lived your life in a far too foolhardy manner. You need to slow down and live for the moment. I don't know what your friends, the White Stag, Damon, Reed, and Gotaki, would do without you. They need you as much as you need them. You need to think about your actions, Dominic."

Dominic glanced over at the White Stag, then Damon, Reed, and Gotaki.

"They're like family, Jansen. I need each and every one of them. So... instead of my being you, I am more like your brother... is that it?"

I patted Dominic's shoulder.

"Yes, that is a better way to look at it."

I grinned.

"If you want a nice way to cheer yourself up, ask Shane about pink tutus in San Francisco and see what he has to say about it."

Dominic grinned back at me.

"And you can ask Shane what being mounted by an Agassian fifth circle beast hound is like."

We both chuckled and there were smirks from the others in the room. It looked like Dominic and I were going to be able to function separately, after all.

After the office meeting, Dominic and I had several things to prepare and get accomplished. Namely, setting up more of those gateway portals and such. Danath and I thought they were a good idea, for agent usage and I began directing Dominic in places to set up these portals to and from. The added locations, surprisingly to Dominic, were of the following locales... the Charming Goat Inn and Tavern... the Xim Complex... the lobby of the Psi organization... Locke Radson's Australian ranch... a private office in the Manhole building in Las Vegas... and... a side chamber in the temple hall of the Nubian Cult in Cairo, Egypt. This would make getting around the world a lot easier. And I wanted these extra locations set up before Dominic lost the power to make them, if such an event ever occurred.

I think Dominic was more impressed that I was responsible for getting Psi and Chess into the alliance that they currently had. It was pretty impressive. And Krystal Silverly interested me to no end.

After Dominic and I finished our visit together, I then headed into the city of Rocky Falls to clear up some legal business. I, of course, kept my business trip as secretive as possible. I really didn't want a lot of people to know that I was back in Rocky Falls.

Especially that bastard, Cassander Vulcan.

I think I spent a week or so in Rocky Falls. Longer than I had intended to be there. Lucky for me that Danath was soon contacting me on my portable video phone.

"Jansen? There's been a Sasquatch situation up in Vancouver. You're the closest agent to the region, so I contacted you. Think you could go check up on the old girl?"

I smiled, as I replied.

"I'm on it, Danath. And thanks."

I turned to Dominic and the others.

"Duty calls, Dominic. Remember what I told you. Don't get killed anymore. Think about your actions. You have a fine team of friends who really care about you. We'll be in touch, I am very sure."

Dominic and I shook hands and I turned and walked through the Xim Complex gateway portal, finding myself instantly in Northern California. I was officially back on duty. I quickly hit the showers, dried off and dressed myself in my new Chess Master uniform. I mean, Danath could keep the casual look. But I preferred to wear something that let the people I dealt with know that I was indeed who I said I was.

I then hopped into my Chess issue sports car and began the drive up to Vancouver.

Joe grinned.

"I told you he sneaked into town and then left again."

The woman playfully backhanded Joe's shoulder.

"Hush. There's a lot more history to read."

Vancouver. I really hadn't had any dealings in that region before and I wasn't sure what I would encounter up here. What I did encounter was something I surely wasn't expecting.

When I arrived on the scene of the lumberjacks camp, I saw trees and boulders rocketing back and forth between two hills. I asked the camp foreman how long this had been going on and was told that had started roughly a week before, but at that point, it was merely bones and bushes being hurled back and forth. When it had reached whole trees and boulders, the lumberjacks had called the Chess hotline.

While I was standing there evaluating the situation, another vehicle pulled up to the camp. I turned to look at it and recognized the Psi emblem on it's hood. I think I actually rolled my eyes and sighed when I saw that it wasn't Krystal who was getting out of the Land Rover.

"A Psi agent. Why am I not surprised?"

The male Psi agent looked my way and was actually surprised to see the Chess Master uniform.

"Chess... no one told me I'd be encountering Chess up here. I am Santiago Panchito, though my fellow agents often call me Slow Sandy. I happened to be in the region when I heard of this occurrence. I wasn't assigned to this or anything but I thought I'd look into it, anyway."

I hummed as I held up my video phone.

"Danath. What can you tell me about a Psi agent named Santiago Panchito? Nickname of Slow Sandy."

There was only a brief delay before the answer came forth from the video phone.

"According to Marla, Santiago was fired from Psi for botching a given assignment. Evidently, Psi doesn't tolerate failures, which is a shame. Satiago's scholastic records show that he's pretty smart and trustworthy among his fellow Elk's Club members."

I lowered the video phone, gazing at the now dejected looking Santiago.

"Fired, is it? I'm not going to force you to leave, Sandy, but I am assigned to this case, therefore, you follow my orders while you are here. Understood?"

Santiago sighed, as he was actually starting to turn around to leave.

"Marla fired me for exposing a lost Pegasus to a news media person. It was really an accident, because I didn't know the reporter was there. Next thing I know, they're reporting it at their small town TV station, but luckily, Marla caught wind of the story and put a cease and desist order on the story itself. Afterwards, Marla fired me as a security risk to the team... but she let me keep the Land Rover that I had earned. I've been wandering around looking for a mission that I could do to prove that I have what it takes to be on the team. I guess I better just give up, seeing as how Psi is allowing Chess in the region now. I don't stand a chance..."

I hummed.

"Sandy... you have training and an education that is valuable to any situation. You said you happened to be in this region. What can you tell me about Sasquatches?"

Santiago lifted his head and stepped forward, watching the trees and boulders sailing through the air, back and forth.

"First of all, I can tell you that this isn't an attack. It's a mating courtship display. Such activities will last for 3 weeks, at the end of such time, the two will calm down and take their heated bodies to a location that is both private and secure, where... need I go on?"

I chuckled, as I was reminded of Saul du Morvan and Astraea Tirzal back during that one time when I almost got to see a gargoyle mating. Saul was kind enough to indicate that such a mating wasn't something that a human would want to watch.

"Good. And no, you don't have to go on. I know full well what mating rites among the special species can be like. I have two gargoyle friends in Europe who warned me before they did their thing in the gentleman's cavern home."

Santiago nodded his head and began to leave again. I quickly spoke up.

"Where are you going? Do you always turn your back on your superiors like that?"

Santiago stopped and turned to face me again.

"There isn't anything we can do here. Marla doesn't want me and surely Chess has no use for a has been like me. I was just going to get out of your way."

I was beginning to get one of my crazy Tanner ideas.

"What if I hired you?"

Santiago blinked his eyes.

"What for?"

I grinned.

"Look... we already know that Psi and Chess can't be everywhere at once. According to my employer Danath Gaul, it just can't be done. Therefore, I am proposing the formation of a third agent team, answerable to me and Krystal Silverly. I haven't decided what to call this team, as yet, but someone with your skills should be retained and not simply released."

Santiago was starting to smile.

"And I could be an official agent again, is what you're saying... What do I have to do?"

I hummed, glancing to the South.

"First of all, I'll need to contact my friend, Mark 'the wonderland rabbit' Jolson, who happens to be stationed near here at the Mystic Citadel, which is owned by Valerian Mouse. Are you game to follow my lead in this, Sandy?"

Santiago nodded his head immediately. It was a chance to once again join the good fight with those who cared about their work.

After informing the lumberjacks of what was to be expected from the Sasquatches, Santiago and I drove back to the South. I led the way in my sports car, with Santiago following me in his Land Rover. It seemed like that I was going to get to see Mark again. It had been ages since I'd even spoken to him, but this was important enough to me to promote a meeting between us.

The Mystic Citadel was not a location I had ever had reason to visit before, but upon seeing the place, I could see it's grandeur and mystery. It was obvious why a great arch magi like Valerian would choose to live here. It was like a rustic nirvana.

Santiago and I walked up to the front door and I rang the doorbell.

When the door opened and we saw the Red Balrog Warrior walk out of the door past us, I wasn't sure what we had arrived in time to see. I had only barely had known what Balrogs were, let alone having seen one, and this one was obviously a warrior of immense honor and greatness. He walked out into the driveway, opened some sort of magical portal, walked through it, and the portal closed without a trace.

Just then, we heard Kwy-saugi Raeyu's voice behind us.

"Ah, so the doorbell did ring."

Santiago and I turned back around and before us was the stellar dragon himself in his dragon form. And he was dressed in ceremonial robes and was likewise scented in oils and ceremonial fragrances.

"What brings you to the Mystic Citadel, Jansen Tanner?"

I smiled, as I bowed to Raeyu, then I shook his claw, as I introduced Santiago to Raeyu.

"Actually, we came to talk to Mark Jolson. Is he around?"

Raeyu invited us within the Mystic Citadel itself and into the central garden where Raeyu served us some tea.

"Mark and Valerian are currently off at a gathering of mages and are not due back for some time. And aside from the other interesting beings who dwell within the citadel, I am here to greet guests and answer questions."

I just had to ask.

"Was that really a balrog? I've read about them, but I have never known any to actually cross over into our world. What did he want, if I may ask?"

Raeyu smiled.

"King Fellsmaugh was here doing some research on Chronos Portals. Evidently, their current enemies, the Kohoblins, are using one to do hit and run attacks on the Balrog's main city."

Santiago smiled.

"Therefore he was doing research to see what ways could be implied to prevent the portal from being able to open within the city?"

Raeyu nodded his muzzle.

"This is indeed correct."

I then proceeded toward explaining my newest idea to Raeyu. He listened to my idea with an open mind, then he made a remark.

"I would normally not feel justified in making such a suggestion, but I feel that you should have a mage on your new team. A representative of magic. I cannot suggest such a person, but the idea has been submitted and I am sure you will ponder this with reason."

I had to admit... Raeyu could come up with some good suggestions. It was a shame that I wasn't going to get to see Mark. But such is life. I thanked Raeyu for his suggestions, then Santiago and I saw ourselves out of the Citadel and back to our vehicles.

"Our next stop will be the Xim Complex. My home away from home. The new team will be based there. I'd suggest that once we're there, you take some time to unwind, get used to the new surroundings and prepare yourself for the coming missions that are sure to come. I, on the other paw, have a certain job that I have been procrastinating against, but it is high time that I begin working on. You see, I have another vacation coming up and I think it'd be a good idea if I pursued this job while on my vacation."

Santiago arched an eye.

"I could help you..."

I quickly stopped him.

"No, this involves werewolves and while I have protection from them, I cannot guarantee your safety. This is something I need to do myself. It's part of a blood oath."

Santiago nodded his head.

"Those are important. I can understand what it means to make a promise to someone important. I will stay at the Xim Complex and prepare myself, as you suggested. And I'll be awaiting your call. And thank you for giving me this chance to live again."

The two of us drove down to the Xim Complex, where I parked my sports car, then filed my report with Danath. Then I officially announced the start of my next vacation and left the conference chamber. My third official Tanner vacation. Big fun!

Who all remembers what my previous two vacations were like?

The woman and Joe both piped up.

"I do!"

My first planned stop was in San Francisco and that meant checking in with both the Foo-Chings and with my clan brother, Jael, of whom I was hoping was alive and well.

I wasn't sure what my friends' reactions would be toward my latest job, but this was something that demanded answers. And... it gave me an excellent excuse to put my investigative skills to the test. Yes, I was going to be playing private detective once again.

Getting there would be easy. God, I loved teleporting under my own power! I was soon standing at Xim's Rest. I sighed, as I knelt and kissed Xim's headstone.

"My fallen friend. Answers you will receive on this vacation. I am finally going to investigate the events that led Hogan Slade to want to kill you. True justice will finally be gained for not only you, but for all who have suffered because of this event. It's finally time we learned the secret origin of Infinity Vale."

She and Joe were currently snuggling, while reading the history.

Naughty, naughty. Get a room, you rabbits. *wink*

She and Joe started laughing, as Joe stuck his tongue out at the computer monitor.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you, Jansen? This is the best night I've ever had in quite a long time! So now, you're going to be investigating Hogan Slade?"

She grinned, as she ate some more popcorn.

"Every time Jansen takes a vacation, he ends up in Las Vegas. What do you want to bet that he ends up in Sin City again?"

Joe pulled out a dollar.

"I'll take that bet, honey! And we'll see where he ends up, together!"

She and Joe repositioned themselves in the chair, and resumed reading Jansen's agent history.

QCP: NS-04 Filling in For Krypto

This is an ongoing story I've been writing that occurs in the QC Planet continuum that is not part of any of my given serials. It is about a teenage human boy who transforms into the all black version of Krypto the Superdog, and of all the...

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Act XXX: The Truth About Homecomings The lock on the front door was opened by Leia's set of keys, as she led Josh and I into the mansion itself. Leia looked around casually, then called out with caution... "Damon? Devyn? Anybody? I'm calling out...

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QCP: NS-03 Graduate Level Mission

This is an ongoing story I've been writing that occurs in the QC Planet continuum that is not part of any of my given serials. It is about a teenage human boy who transforms into the all black version of Krypto the Superdog, and of all the...

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