Release (part ii)

Story by Toshiro on SoFurry

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#2 of Fox Trap

I couldn't avoid digging a bit deeper after all.

Fox Trap

Part Two: Release

By Toshiro, 2008

The wolf slept. He slept fitfully, and dreamlessly, upright in his seat at the back of the plane. But after hours of being under the gaze of the dog - the leering, lecherous rottweiler who had so roughly taken him, right there in the airplane bathroom - he was exhausted. For hours, the black wolf had sat with his eyes hidden behind the hooded top of his sweatshirt, never even daring to return to the bathroom to clean the smear of dog cum from his muzzle, the smell of the dog deeply marked into his fur. Each time he had glanced to his left, towards the boxy-muzzled black and tan dog; or to his right, towards the slim and athletic young fox; a pair of eyes were leering back at him.

Except the one time that he saw both pairs of eyes staring from the row of seats that the rottweiler reserved for himself, the wolf hating himself but still watching the dog grope the wriggling, but apparently consenting young fox. Right out in the open, in the darkness, at the back of the plane.

He found himself admiring the confidence of the dog, and his stomach twisted into knots. The confidence to act out his perversion in public, to know that he could have the wolf just by walking in on him in the bathroom, and forcing him to smell his musk. It was a confidence that was still controlling his behaviour, he reminded himself: he had a fierce urge to piss, but still remained in his seat.

But now, he slept.

When he was finally woken by the cabin crew, it wasn't a gentle tap on the shoulder but a more urgent shake. "Sir... Sir!" His eyes snapped open. He wearily looked around, greeted by the scent of the dog over the funky, sweaty smell of his own body. He saw an empty airplane cabin, sunlight streaming in through the windows. "Sir, we've landed. I hope..."

He didn't hear the rest of the hostess' words, but was already trying to unfasten his seatbelt, waving down the hostess, pulling together his belongings from the seat pocket.

His wallet and phone were gone. Fuck.

He stood, rubbing his forehead, and the cervine hostess handed him his suitbag. He mumbled an apology and made his way down the aisle.

* * *

"Yeah, look, I know check-in isn't 'til five. It's nearly five now, I was just hopin'..." The wolf was leaning against the reception desk at his regular hotel, his hoodie flipped back. Timezones are a bitch, he thought to himself. An overnight flight leaving at midnight means losing the best part of a day, and he was incredibly tired. He hadn't even been able to take a piss yet. Not to mention the smell of dog rising up off his body. The receptionist slapped a keycard on the counter. The wolf took it wordlessly and plodded off with his suitbag towards the lifts. At least they were happy to take his employer's credit card number for once, since he was still without any of his own.

He made it up the lift, and a moment later was leaning his head against his room door, slipping the keycard into the lock, and nearly falling through into the room. He threw his bag over the first chair he saw and made his way into the bathroom. He saw himself in the mirror and cringed, fingers touching his cum-streaked muzzle-fur. He spun the taps of the combined shower and tub, and peeled off his clothes as water shot out of the shower jet. His nostrils caught a noseful of the dog's smell mingled with his own sweat.

Shower, then call the banks to report his stolen cards, he thought to himself. Getting the humiliating stink off his body had to come first.

Stepping into the shower he groaned out loud as the water streamed into his fur, clawed fingers rubbing over himself. He was still for a long time, letting the water wash over him, blocking out sound and thought. His squeezed liquid soap into his palms, and slid his paws over his body, eventually rubbing between his buttocks, washing away the heavy residue of the dog's climax. He pulled at his sheath, sliding his dick out and angling it down. He groaned again, facing into the shower-head, finally releasing a stream of urine. He started to relax, watching the yellow stream mix with the shower water, running down the drain.

And his nose sensed something wrong before his eyes noticed it. Another stream of urine was mingling with his own. He spun around, eyes stinging from the hot water, panic starting to rise in his throat.

The little fox from the previous night's flight stood behind him on the floor of the porcelain tub. Naked, a full head shorter than the wolf. His loose-limbed, slim body was well-toned, covered with thick red and white fur. The wolf's stream of piss ended the moment he turned, but the fox's kept on coming, his vulpine penis aimed down between the wolf's feet, washing away the wolf's mark. It pooled around the wolf's feet.

"How'd you..." the wolf eventually spat out, the rushing water obscuring his view of the fox.

The fox grinned. "How'd I find you? How'd I get in? How do you think?" He tilted his head towards his school sports uniform, folded near the door alongside his satchel. The wolf's own wallet and phone sat on top, the folded booking confirmation sticking out of the wallet. He tilted his head, smiling at the wolf as his urine slowed and stopped. "Anyone asks, you're my uncle." That grin again.

The wolf gruffed, spinning off the taps, ignoring the fox as he reached up to grab one of the huge towels. "This has gone far enough," he rumbled, rubbing himself down with the towel, flicking it around his waist and stepping past the fox, out of the tub. He stomped, dripping, into his hotel room, making a beeline for the phone.

The fox slinked out after him, leaning against the wall beside the bathroom door. "Nah. Nah, it hasn't," he said, pleasantly. "Don't pick up the phone."

The wolf turned back, water trickling down the his toned torso into the towel around his waist. His chest rose and fell as he took deep breaths, trying to calm his nerves. "Get out. Right now, leave my shit in the bathroom, and..." He picked up the hotel phone. "Get. Out."

The fox grinned, and kept leaning back against the doorframe. Slim, naked, an almost feminine build, and that same cute, foxy face that had triggered the fantasy that had got the wolf into trouble in the first place. He felt the wolf's eyes flicking over his body, his dick still poking out of his sheath.

"Coach... y'know, your friend, the dog," the fox began. "He didn't send me here, yeah?" He licked his teeth and pushed off the wall. "He got me to lift yer wallet, but..." He smiled coyly. "I thought ya looked real cute when Coach had finished with ya," he continued, almost blushing beneath his face fur, padding closer. "Felt sorry for ya, y'know?"

The wolf replaced the handset. He looked suspiciously at the fox, his heart thumping, very aware of the instinctive reaction stirring under his towel as the fox closed the distance between them. He remembered his interrupted jackoff session in the bathroom, his balls suddenly aching. He was only distantly aware of the scentmark left by the fox's urine beneath his feet.

He turned towards the window for a moment, watching the light slanting down through the curtains. Gets dark early here, he reflected. He turned back, face to face with the young fox now, the youth looking up to him with a closed-muzzle smile. The fox reached out and gently tugged on the wolf's towel, which fell, pooling around his ankles. The wolf would never forget the image of the low sun falling on the red fox's face.

He looked so pleased.

The wolf reached out and pressed his paws onto the fox's shoulders, pressing clawed fingertips into that red fur. He sat down at the edge of the bed, guiding the fox to sit down with him, then turning to press the young male down onto the mattress, on top of the clean white bedcovers. He curled himself alongside the fox, the bed warm beneath his still-damp fur, and lowered his muzzle down to the fox's throat, licking at the hotspot at the side of the boy's neck. He grinned toothily at the boy's instant reaction, a soft mewling escaping his lips, and the wolf rubbed his bared teeth against the fox's neck, reaching out with a paw to trace curlicues through the wiry red and white fur.

He could smell the boy's scent, and beneath that the bitter scent of the dog. Rather than shocking him back to his senses it drove him on, the wolf capturing some of the feral confidence of the abusive rottweiler. He pressed his muzzle into the dimple below the fox's throat, and started snuffling through his chestfur, moving across to lick and nip at the boy's nipples, one by one. The fox grabbed at the wolf's back, grabbing loose fistfuls of damp fur, his head pressed back against the bed as his hips started to rock up.

"Wait... wait a minute..." the fox panted suddenly, pressing up against the wolf. The wolf pulled back, his muzzle wet with saliva from all the gentle licking and kissing, his lupine shaft erect, his sheath hanging low at his crotch. "Lemme get somethin' you might like." He crawled out from under the wolf, grinning at him as he slipped back into the bathroom.

A minute later, the fox emerged from the bathroom, a big smile on his muzzle, leather bracers on each wrist, a thick leather collar around his neck. He held a leather leash in his paw, not fastened to the collar yet. On the lithe young fox it looked incredible, the delicate, innocent nakedness contrasted against the rough, worn, black leather bonds. The wolf sat up on the bed and grinned.

* * *

The twin muzzles of the wolf and fox were locked together, the two males kneeling on the bed. The wolf had his fingers hooked in the fox's collar, holding the fox's mouth hard against his. The wolf roughly groped the fox, rubbing his tight, thin-furred ballsac. He wanted the fox. Badly. He remembered his fantasy of the fox pressed down into his lap, impaled on his shaft, the young tailhole stretched wide over his knot, even imagining the smell of the fox's potent young semen spilling into his fur. They pulled apart, facing each other, the wolf still with that toothy grin painted across his muzzle, his cock still bobbing lewdly in front of him as his eyes soaked up the image of the leather-bound young fox.

The fox gazed back, making steady eye contact, licking his teeth as he looked at the wolf. He broke the silence. "You don't get much, do ya."

The wolf frowned. Where was the kid going with this?, he thought.

"Nah, I just mean: if you want somethin', you gotta make it happen." The fox stressed that word. "You. Coach has taught me a lot, but that's the big one." He reached up and unfastened his collar, and dropped it on the bed between the two males.

The wolf looked down at it, his chest still rising and falling, looking like he was about to pounce the teasing fox.

"Put it on." The fox nodded down to the collar. "I wanna show you somethin'. I'll stop if y'don't like it." His voice was disarmingly low and gentle.

The wolf's ears flicked around. The younger male's eyes were glinting, the room lit only by the last of the dusky sunlight, streetlights starting to filter in through the window. He was playing a dangerous game, building the wolf up until his feral instincts were straining to take over, then breaking off.

The large wolf closed his fingers around the thick collar, and lifted it. The fox's grin grew, and his fingers went to join the wolf's, helping him lift the leather strap to his throat. The wolf dropped his paws once the collar was wound around his neck, the fox reaching up to pass the strap through the buckle, pulling it tight. The fox settled back. "Hot," the boy said softly, nearly a growl.

The fox continued. "Now. If you wanna keep going, don't say a word. You stay down. Knees, or all fours. You don't speak." The rottweiler's steady tone, the tone of an alpha, from the young fox's mouth. The wolf felt his ears pin back, a cold chill rising up his spine. His dick flagged, the smell of it rising to his nostrils, and he was suddenly more conscious of the smell of the fox's scentmark. "You do what I say," the fox finished.

This time there was no force. No musk. No paw pulling his head down into a larger male's crotch. Just words, confidence, and lust. The wolf glanced away.

The fox's paw reached up, fingers curling under the collar. He pulled down, drawing the wolf's upper body down, the dumbstruck wolf's paws going out to support his weight as he came closer to the kneeling fox's belly. Little guys always look well-hung, but even the wolf was taken aback by the girth of the dark, knotted cock that was suddenly inches away from his muzzle, jutting out of a tight, red-furred sheath. The wolf heard the metallic clink of the leash being fastened onto his collar. He glanced up, and saw the fox winding the leash around and around the leather bracer on his wrist, taking up the slack. He couldn't pull back. Even if he had wanted to.

"Good boy," cooed the fox. The wolf got a perverse thrill from the reassuring tone, dimly aware of his own overdue erection spilling precum onto the soft white bedcovers. The smaller male reached down, angling his erection out and against the wolf's muzzle, rubbing it along the older male's thin wolfish lips. "Open up, pup." That even tone again. The wolf opened his muzzle, taking the fox's thick penis against his tongue. The fox curled his fingers over the back of his head, pressing down between his splayed ears, pushing his knot against the bigger male's mouth, the strong smell of young, potent musk filling the wolf's nostrils as his breath huffed over the fox's groin.

The wolf's arousal grew, all that buildup from the plane, his fantasy about fucking the lithe young foxboy, his attempts to jack himself off in the airplane bathroom: it all came down to this moment. He sputtered as the fox tried to press his leaking cock down the wolf's throat, the wolf's eyes half-closed as his eyes rolled up to watch the fox, his slim body bent over him, still gripping the end of the leash. The fox was getting into his domination of the wolf, head rolled back, his hips rolling forward to hump his cock in and out of the wolf's deep, hot muzzle.

The fox tapped the wolf's shoulder. "Hold there," he spoke in that level tone, pulling his dick out of the wolf's muzzle. The wolf's mouth opened and closed, his ears flat, humiliating himself further by showing an expression that betrayed his disappointment at losing the taste of warm fox prespunk in his mouth. The fox unwound the leash from his wrist, keeping one paw on the flank of the wolf as he moving around his crouching body, the leather band running back between the wolf's shoulders.

The wolf didn't need to ask what was happening. He felt his tail being lifted and pressed against his back, the pre-slick tip of the fox's shaft pressing into him a moment later. The fox made little throaty moans as his dick sank under the big wolf's tail, one paw curling down to collar his low ballsac, squeezing it as he pushed in.

Which is when the wolf heard the door unlatch and swing open. His ears flicked up, turning back towards the ecstatic fox. The corridor hid the intruder from the wolf's eyes, but as a familiar scent rolled into the room he had no doubt who it was. He heard the rattle of a belt-buckle being unfastened, the soft thump of clothing falling on a pile on the floor. His ears flattened once more as the cause of that sound entered the room.

The rottweiler. He was even more intimidating without the ill-fitting shirt and plain jeans. A torso like a barrel, black-and-tan, course fur, ridged muscle over fat. The dog stood there, legs apart, grinning toothily at the scene that met his eyes. The fox didn't miss a beat, pounding his swollen dick in the wolf's stretched tailhole, the wolf's eyes darting about as his chest was pressed down onto the mattress. The fox curled the leash around his wrist again and yanked hard, making the wolf yelp as his head was forced up to face the dog.

The dog addressed the wolf first. "Trained that one well, huh pup?" He turned to the fox as he closed the distance to the bed, pulling his heavy body up onto the mattress, kneeling in front of the wolf, his knees spread wide. "I'm damn proud o'you, boy." The smell of him washed over the wolf, potent sweat and musk, and he found himself still, obediently, unable to say a word. The wolf was aware of the dog reaching out, over his body, pulling the fox's head close. The two muzzles locked together in a lewd embrace, teeth clacking together as the big dog and little fox sucked on each other's tongues.

The dog didn't even look down as his cock hardened up, the wolf left to pant and whimper as the fox kept fucking him, his fingers gripping the mattress as the dog's humanoid cock curved up against his muzzle. Without a word, the dog reached down, squeezing the sides of the wolf's damp muzzle, making him open up, then plugging his mouth with the big knob of his uncut dick.

He kept his dick there, soaking in the wet heat, feeling the nervous, excited puffs of breath coming from the wolf's nostrils. Then pushed it back to the wolf's throat. He was still passionately kissing the fox as he thrust into the wolf's mouth, the wolf left seeing nothing but the hard, pubic fur-covered belly of the dog, his heart thumping in his chest as the two males used him.

The fox and dog thrust together, the fox pounding against the wolf's tailhole, the dog fucking the wolf's mouth, both of them leaking musky pre into his overheated body. They took their time, enjoying the taste of each other, the dog's paws roaming over the fox's upper body, gripping and twisting his nipple at one point, making him yelp against his mouth. The wolf felt the fox twitch inside him, felt the swelling at the base of his dick stretching him wider as he thrust in and out.

The young, slim fox climaxed first, his knot pushing in over and over, then locking in place. The boy grabbed at the wolf's tailbase with the same paw that gripped the leash, dropping his head back, pulling away from the dog's muzzle. He felt the wolf tighten behind his knot, and with a mewling, whimpering sound, he came. Warm, white semen spilled into the wolf's tailhole, the fox ecstatically grinding himself against the wolf's buttocks. The dog growled, smelling the scent of the fox's spunk, humping harder into the wolf's muzzle, his eyes soaking up the image of the orgasmic red fox emptying himself into the wolf with short, urgent strokes. "Get outta him, boy," the dog grunted, pulling his dick free of the gasping wolf's mouth.

The fox panted, nodding his head obediently, and screwed up his face as he pulled his knot out of the wolf's ass, the wolf hissing as the full knot stretched him almost painfully wide open. The limb fell out after the knot with a lewd slurp, the wolf turning back with teeth clenched at the void, stretched feeling he was left with, hot cum soaking into his fur. He watched the dog move behind him, the fox handing over the leash with a smile.

The dog took the leash, and aimed his cock under the wolf's tail. The abused male yelled out as the dog shoved his entire length up his ass, wet with fox-spunk, the yelp cut short as the leash was yanked hard enough to lift his upper body off the bed. The wolf clutched at the collar, the dog using his free paw to wrap around the wolf's chest, to pull him up against his huge torso. He felt teeth grinding against his ear, panting over him.

"Y'know what all this means, don't ya" the dog growled down to the wolf, his cock pulsing deep inside his tailhole. He didn't wait for an answer, humping into the restrained male, not far from his own climax. The fox took up a position in front of the kneeling wolf, spitting on his paw and wrapping it around the painfully-swollen lupine shaft. The wolf hissed and sputtered, his throat pulled up against the dog by the leash, his lower body clenching as the fox stroked him in time with the dog's thrusts under his tail.

The wolf, finally, reached orgasm, his dick pulsing in the beautiful fox's grip, spilling thick ropes of semen onto the clean white cotton of his hotel bedsheets. He must have blacked out for a moment, his next memory being that of his muzzle pressed against the cum-soaked sheets between the fox's thighs, the dog finishing unloading his balls up his ass.

The dog growled and pulled his cock out of the wolf's soaked tailhole, dropping the dripping shaft on the wolf's lower back and sawing it through his fur. He reached over and kissed the fox again. The wolf fell onto his side, breath heaving in his lungs. It took a minute for his post-orgasmic shuddering breaths to die down, but he suddenly then felt a deep longing for the pair kissing passionately above him.

He realised that the two males represented a kind of intensity he might never experience again.

The rottweiler rubbed the fox's shoulder. "Go wait in the bus. This one's yours, but... I'm gonna be a while," he growled. He grinned toothily down at the panting, damp wolf. The room was now almost in total darkness, the sun having set, and only the faint glow of streetlights filtered through the windows. Only silhouettes, and the glint of teeth and eyes were clearly visible in such dim light. The fox slid off the bed, and a minute later was dressed and out the door, the light from the corridor briefly illuminating the leering dog.

The wolf rolled onto his back, looking up at the male above him. Blood was pounding in his ears, the smell of dog and fox filling his nose. He reached up and fingered the worn leather collar around his throat.

And he smiled.