Streams of Life Chapter 4

Story by chosenone on SoFurry

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#4 of Streams of Life

_ Chapter four of Streams of Life. Late as always. This is the longest chapter to date at almost 15k words. Hopefully I can get the next chapter out soon, but no promises, I'd just break them anyway. Also my god sofurry shits all over my formatting when I upload._

The walk back was uneventful if somewhat awkward. I suppose I came off more cold now to Veira. It is obvious that my actions to her were fake, yet she still keep her same demeanor. I Still held her hand but it was more for show to the townsfolk as well as preparation for keeping up an appearance when I returned to Ananias and Silas.

As we rounded the corner of the town hall, I saw a group of Gre'nahk chatting in the courtyard. In the center of them was Silas, who besides being Veira's grandfather also seemed to be the leader of the caravan from Hather. Veira's father Ananias was notably absent from the group. Upon seeing us he hailed me.

"Ah Tal'Keelis, you have come a few minutes before we had expected you. We were just concluding a few pieces of clan discussions. The next time we do such you yourself will be included. For I may guess that you were unable to find fault with Veira sufficient to reject her judging from your measured demeanor. Even with that being your desire or am I in the wrong on this account, my future young one." Silas spoke with the smile of a victor on his face and though I would like to relieve him of it, now would not be the time. He was right and that my original goal to pass this burden onto someone else could not proceed as I had wanted but I would triumph soon just at a greater cost to myself.

"I do believe it is courteous to be a gracious winner Elder Silas. I shall fulfill my obligations in the contract the day after the morrow. I return Veira to you safe and unspoiled as promised, yet it had been a long day for her, I believe it is for the best that she rest a bit now." I spoke with measured accord.

"Ah, correct you are young one, forgive me for my pride. We can discusses the details of the dowery inside in a moment." Silas said returning to a more normal countenance. "Veira my child, please return to your room a rest for awhile and I will have some food sent to you soon, since you missed your midday meal." He spoke with a concern I couldn't tell was real or fake.

"Grandfather, master Tal'Keelis treated me to a meal shortly after we departed together." Veira spoke returning completely to her doll like behavior.

"Did he now?" Silas said as he gave a smile to me. "I believe that is inline with human customs when they are courting a female, I am quite glad to see you considered my granddaughter as such Tal'Keelis. Go now child I have much to discuss with your future husband." Silas spoke warmly apparently believing that I would not bother to consider Veira's needs during our time together. The Gre'nahk are a strange race to be sure of.

I watched Veira's shapely ass as she retreated indoors, mesmerized by her long swaying tail before catching myself staring. Quickly I turned my attention back to Silas who I now found to be smiling evening larger after watching me. I guess such a display on my part helps me feign sincerity. "I believe the last part of the contract needs to be our negotiations, correct Elder Silas?" I said trying to put forth my business skills.

"Indeed, if you will pardon my departure friends our future clansmate and I have business to discuss." Silas said with a slight bow to the other Gre'nahk. Then he beckoned me follow him inside.

The creaking of the wood floor was the only sound as we made our way down the hall to the far end stateroom. The floor was covered with the furs of several different animals I named them off in my head, The walls were made of light pine boards giving the room more illumination than the darker woods more often used in construction. A large pine bed was in the far corner opposite a matching vanity. At the center of the room was a fair sized table made of the same pine and lacquered until it gave off a bright shine. Silas took a seat on a padded high back chair and beckoned for me to do the same, so I took a seat across from him and steeled myself for the bartering.

"Now then Tal'Keelis we shall discuss the dowry" Silas spoke already in his business mode.

"Isn't it tradition for the father to handle such negotiations Elder Silas" I spoke with a cunning smile. I knew Ananias would not be permitted to handle these negotiations but making Silas admit to breaking a tradition first is a good opening play on my part regardless.

"You are right Tal'Keelis but It seems that Ananias has yet to return from the markets this day so as his father and head of the clan I shall carry his duties for him in this regard."

"You need not trouble yourself so Elder. The markets close around sundown and as such Elder Ananias should shortly be on his way here." I spoke with my business smile on, I must fight for all that I can get since I will need much if I am to be without income for the foreseeable future.

"Tal'Keelis, no games. This is my granddaughter and the wife your are accepting unwillingly. I know this as do you. The average dowry for a Gre'nahk is 52 gold pieces, for a Shifting Sands it is 23. We came prepared to offer you 52 in a spirit of goodwill between our towns and since a Gre'nahk is a Gre'nahk to you humans regardless of clan. Tal'keelis that is my offer. Do not try to say ought about Veira for this is not truly about her. She was chosen because she was the best unmated female in Hather, to show on our part the seriousness that we take this contract."

"Understood Elder this negotiation may not be about Veira, yet this negotiation is about me. As you have rightly guessed I am not pleased with it in any regard. I have never had desire to take a second wife as accepting this contract would require me to continue my line. Yet accepting it does just that. From my thoughts you must then pay me the dowry of two women for talking yours requires me to take a second."

"You would ask a hundred gold for a beauty not seen in generations? My now that is bold young one.' Silas spoke with a grin for a second before returning to his more serious demeanor.

"Ah, but Elder Silas this isn't about Veira, this is about me and my future and the expenses that I will be incurring because of the contract. It truly has nothing to do with Veira's physical appearance." I said upping the ante on my hand.

"Ho, indeed, indeed, yet it is foolish to ask the guardian of one to pay for another. And as I said we came prepared to pay 52 Gold as a gesture of goodwill no more no less. That is my only offer Tal'Keelis. Thought perhaps I shall invite you rather than my son on my next business trip." He said wearing his smile that I was starting to be able to see his true thoughts through.

"Then I shall be frank as well 82 Gold pieces is what I expect to perform my part in the contract. I care not for Veira or this contract and the options outside of me are extremely slim and if I reject Veira the others will do likewise, and you will be left negotiating without a blood-bond to seal the contract between Green Briar and Hather. 82 is the number I will accept. Think on it and let me know your decision by midday tomorrow. Until then I shall consider the contract to have been a failure and will go about my day as usual." I said sternly as I rose up from the table and made my way to the door. As I was at the entrance something flew by my head missing me by inches and landed with a thud on the ground ahead of me that made me stop..

"Leaving negotiations as such is a grave offense to the Gre'nahk Tal'Keelis. Take your 52 Gold pieces and finish this contract. You gave your word that if you could not find fault you would take her. Do not break your oath." Silas said his voice almost in a growl.

"Midnight" I said calmly trying not to show emotion in my voice "I expect the answer by midnight oh and I expect Veira to deliver it. And yes I shall take her for 82 gold, I am no oathbreaker" I repeated as I continued walking out making sure to step on the coin pouch on my way out. Silas said nothing else to me as I left, likely realizing he had lost with his fit of rage. I fully expected Silas would comply, even with me adding the part of Veira deliver her own dowry to me. That Silas would take as ammunition for future discussions between the two of us. I said it of course to negate any indication that I would be stepping out of the contract shortly after it was finalized.

I went straight from the town hall to Jannis' home. Jannis was one of the few in town who I trusted completely He like I would not be one to bow before such a contract and further I know I can count on him to aid me with the supplies that I would soon need.

Jannis was working the pump of his well when he came into view. He cleaning his large Rugesh hands from the days work scrubbing them with the cream his wife makes him out of several cleansing herbs. The ox man's wife could be demanding at times and ensuring he was clean after a days work at the forge was one of those things she demanded.

"Almost sparkling clean are we now Jannis." I said with a laugh trying to keep my mind of the unpleasantries of the earlier day. He didn't even bother to look up but continued washing until he was done and I was standing next to him.

"You soon may find yourself with a demanding wife as well as I." Jannis spoke with his strong husky voice.

"Oh? You haven't heard then that they intend to have me marry a Gre'nahk then." I said still keeping a smile as not to give away my displeasure to those who might overhear.

"Ah, so thats what that was about. No I am sorry Tal I haven't paid any attention to the rumors going around today. Too wrapped up in my craft, besides the smoke and noise of a forge does a good job of keeping rumormongers away." Jannis said his smile falling from his face. I guessed right in that he would not approve of the Gre'nahk's purpose in town.

"Don't worry too much about it friend, but perhaps we could go inside and discuss an order and you could get yourself a good drink." I spoke wanting to get down to business.

"Hmm, the drink would likely be the only thing good about what I am about to hear I imagine." Jannis spoke a bit grumpily. He was always so poor at hiding his mood.

Jannis's forge and workshop was detached from his home as it should be to prevent a fire from spreading as was the kitchen which Ferra Janni's wife had made a greenhouse connect to using the warmth of the cooking fires to give extra heat to the herb gardens she kept within. The home itself was very average in quality, built well and strong out of large logs stacked upon each other. The home had two bedrooms and a large open room that served every other purpose they needed. There were drying herbs hanging from the rafters all around and the walls were decorated with a few paintings of the northern plains, one of which was a portrait of their tribe members. Jannis and Ferra were actually first cousins I found out after become friends with Jannis. A thing that is common among some of the beast races where the old blood still runs strong, yet one more difference between humans and some of the other races in the Wilds..

"So Tal, what's up with the Gre'nahk and why are you asking me for an order, because they both have something to do with each other right." My grumpy friend said after he had set himself down with some cold honey tea, sliding a glass across the table for me as well.

"The short version is the Gre'nahk or specifically Hather wishes to make a blood-bonded contract with us over exclusive trading in goods, likely to be further added upon in the future to make an alliance between our town to help deter the Hawk from wishing to advance into the Wilds." I said frankly

"Hmm, that makes sense but the Hawk hasn't shown any intention to move in years, why this now, and what is your part?" Jannis said as he drank his tea in large gulps before pouring himself more.

"The first part I do not know the second is that I am our half of the blood-bond. Which is why I am here needing an order, a rather large one at that." I spoke switching over from a friendly smile to my business one.

Jannis just raised an eyebrow and motioned for me to continue. "Well the contract will go through and the blood-bond will be formed, unless they call it off shortly which I highly doubt they will. It will be short lived however as I will abscond on my wedding night." Hearing this Jannis choked on the tea and coughed a few times before responding to me.

"Tal do you know what that would mean!" Jannis said his voice was mixed with fear and worry.

"I do Jannis I have thought about it since the contract was presented to me. This is my last option. You may thank my father for putting me in this position in the future." I said bluntly

"But breaking such an oath between towns you will be forever labeled an oathbreaker, and shunned in the Wilds. Do you intend to flee to the hawk then, just give your father such an ultimative and he will see reason in releasing you from those bonds."

"He will not. We are already beyond that point, but no I will go further into the Wilds and hopefully find a small village to settle in, where my name does not reach, there are countless such places, and even a few where an oathbreaker might live in peace. From you though Jannis I need supplies for such a trip. I cannot gather them myself or it will arouse suspicions and I will need them on the twilight two days hence. A traveler's pack, blanket, fire kit, guide stone, cooking pot, and dried food. Oh yes and a durable sword, I hear you might be able to get one of those too." I said smiling warmly the talk of escape being perhaps the first thing to warm my heart on this day.

"If you are serious Tal, I will help you but please think of the consequences, even greater than losing a good friend is having you come to harm because of this decision of yours." Jannis's voice was rife with worry, quite unusual for a big guy like him.

"Cost Jannis? I don't intend you to do this for free I can pay for everything and a late night delivery fee." I said trying to move away from his concern about my decision and onto easier to deal with business.

"Hmph." Jannis snorted as was his custom when he was thinking. "The best of the best will cost you around 4 Gold pieces and perhaps 10 silvers less the sword, which I will sell you for a Gold, scabbard, belt, frog and all.

It was my turn to raise an eyebrow. The cost of the sword was low and the other things high in my opinion. Not wanting to offend a friend I said "Jannis I need a top quality sword, I will likely be having to use it in the future, cost is not prohibitive I will take the best you have that I can easily wield."

"Hmph, do not insult me Tal we have been friends for several years. The price is for the best of everything including the sword, which I pray to the spirits you do not have to use." He said with a frown scrunching his brow thinking about potential worse case scenarios. "Get good sturdy clothes as well Tal, but I should not have to tell you that should I."

"No, that is one area I can amply provide for myself in. You are worrying too much Jannis the route I plan is not on a travelled route, brigands will not be a problem it is wild beasts that I will be contending with, so please don't skimp on the guide stone."

"Very well I will acquire the items and have them ready for you, I believe my wife can provide you with a guide stone beyond what has been produced in generations here, for a bit more if you feel you need it Tal, and I think you do." Jannis said as he stroked his scruffy little beard.

"Sure Jannis I trust your judgement. A beacon and a reliable light to help guide me should prove to be the most valuable things for this trip. I'll see you on the twilight of the next then Jannis I can't be seen around you if your gathering these things I think. I should return home before my father sends people out looking for me I have a wedding to get ready for now I guess. I said as I started to leave for the door. "Don't forget to give my regards to that lovely wife of yours either Jannis." I said with a laugh as I gave him a wave goodbye and made my way back home.

"Tal, my son you are late returning from your date with Veira, I pray you returned her in a more timely manner than your entry here suggests." My father spoke hastily to me as soon as I entered our store.

"Yes father she was returned with time to spare, I had other matter to see to afterwards. And yes before you ask the contract will go through as planned the day after the morrow. Well depending on whether or not I receive the dowry tonight or not, but I am sure it will be here before long." I said with a dismissive wave of my hand treating with my father was not something I wished to do this night, had had put me into this predicament, so playing the part of the good son was something that would not be this night.

"Tal'Keelis you should not of negotiated the dowry without me there, your barter skills are good for one so young..." My father spoke before I cut him off

"And what is the price you think you could've had father." I said smugly knowing I had gotten the better of Silas.

"65 Gold at a minimum 70 at the high end 30-40% above the normal and almost thrice what a Shifting sands female runs for." My father's business sense kicking out numbers immediately.

"Oh, well versed in slave prices are we father?" I asked with a bit of venom in my voice. "I did get thrice her price and then some 82 Gold pieces or nothing was the offer. They are to deliver to dowry to me by midnight or there is no deal." I said with a shrug, I really wasn't concerned with the gold as I should be seeing how much I would be depending on it.

Tal! How could you leave without the deal be finalized, they could do any manner tricks to change the price now or to twist your words into foreign meanings. My son I know I taught you that leaving was a powerful negotiating tool but it was supposed to be feigning to leave. A feign son." My father was pacing back and forth across the floor, trying to think of what he could do in this matter.

"I am going to get some dinner father, if any call for me please send them up to." I said with a smile and turned away to ascend the stairs. My father just shook his head in defeat, not wanting to continue widening the rift that had formed between us over this contract.

"Very well Tal, this will be your wedding after all. What's done is done you can have this one last game, I pray to the spirits it works for both our sakes. I will see to the rest of the arrangements for the ceremony and such however and inform you of them tomorrow night, if they happen at all. So please be in before dark and since you are now betrothed or will soon be, do not insult your future wife by sleeping with another." He spoke with a weary voice.

"Don't worry father I'll leave the rest to you, and I've already worked out that kink with Karen yesterday." I said with a grin and retreated upstairs.

I had done little more than set out a simple meal of sausages, cheese and bread in the alcove at the far end of the upstairs hall when I heard footsteps behind me or more accurately, paw steps perhaps much lighter and softer than shoes would be. I suppose the next word from this one behind me would indicate whether or not my negotiations had been successful or not.

"Can I help you furred one." I replied casually without looking back while taking a bite of cheese.

"Master Tal'Keelis, my grandfather bid me bring you the dowry that was negotiated earlier. He has in his boundless wisdom accepted your request for an extravagant dowry to make manifest the greatness of the hope in friendship he has between our two towns. Even going as far to send myself, an unspoiled maiden to deliver such to you at this late hour. He does place great hope upon your keen discretion as to the dictates of the dowry negotiations that were had earlier this evening. So I now give you this dowry and bid you goodnight." Veira spoke with practice. Her words soft and mechanical, she quite evidently had been made to memorize them before setting out.

If she was waiting for a response I did not give her one. I just continued to eat from the plate set in front of me giving her no acknowledgement. She would have to come into my view first, that is how the game would go.

"Master Tal'keelis where should I set the dowry and do you wish to count it?" She said her voice distant yet strained a bit realizing that I was choosing to ignore her after having her sent to me. Yet she showed no other signs of displeasure, so had been well trained indeed.

As she stepped from behind me to look at me sitting at the small table, I grabbed her hand that contained the coin. "Sit." I commanded her. She was so shocked with the blunt wording and stern voice it appeared that she collapsed into the chair. "Good girl. Now please have a bite to eat with me before returning." I said with a smile as I moved the platter of food towards her.

"I thank you for your kindness, Tal'keelis but I was instructed to return swiftly back, I also was already fed dinner." Veira meekly replied the inside of her ears growing red with embarrassment from the situation.

"Oh? And what were you "fed" this evening, my furry guest." I said with a cheerful smile. I actually do wish to know how they treat her. Since I had given her a meal at noon that see may not of been used to having, would they feed her as usual or not. Her appearance should no longer matter at this point, since with the delivery of the dowry the contract is all but completed.

"I was served a coney and lentil porridge as usual." She replied seeming a bit perplexed as to why I would bother to ask such a question. But such a diet makes sense, the lean coney meat should sate her appetite for meat but never allow her to put on weight, and the lentils give her just enough energy to go about her day I guess. Its more of a meal fit for a poor laborer than a high breed female like she is. I can bet that Silas and Ananias had nothing of the sort this evening. But i'll keep that thought to myself.

"Eat, or I will be gravely offended, it is human custom for guests who arrive around meal time to to dine." I said motioning again for her to take something. She did relent after switching her gaze between me and the food several times, appearing to understand that I would not let her go until she had something.

"Thank you Tal'keelis for your thoughtfulness about my health." A faint smile appeared on her lips. Despite my rough talking to her since she had came she picked up on my concern for her it seems.

"We are to be mated tomorrow Veira, I must ensure that you shall soon have the strength needed to last throughout the day and well into the night, am I right?" I said with a smirk. There was no use playing mean with her if she had already discovered my disdain for the contract I thought. My anger should not be directed at her even if she was such an easy target for it.

"I can do naught but what I am told, I question how much use I will be to you in the times that come however for you do not look upon me well." She said taking the risk to speak a bit boldly.

"I wonder if you say such a thing because you wish to be rebellious or because you think I will like to hear you be so bold." I looked to her and said as I cut a piece of sausage off and passed it to her.

"If you are wondering about how I will treat you, I will say this; I have no intention of touching you after we are mated. Play your part keep your muzzle shut and it will be the best for both of us. In the end perhaps I will be the same as the rest of your handlers and do with you as I see fit. So perhaps I am no better than they." I closed my eyes and thought on that for awhile. I will end up using her to further my own goal same as her clan does. If I do such a thing do I have right to speak against such treatment of others? If I am both willing to accept a slave and to order one around, what then is the difference between me and those who sell slaves? For a slave she is, just a well cared for one. I wasn't paying any attention to Veira and she seemed to pick up that I was consumed in my own thoughts and said nothing until...

"Tal'Keelis, I thank you for your generosity in sharing a meal with me, I have eaten what I can and if it pleases you would like to return now, before my father becomes more wroth than he is already bound to be." I opened my eyes and say that she had indeed eaten a fair bit. So I merely nodded my head in approval, allowing her to leave.

"Goodnight Veira" I said as she passed me on her way back down the stairs.

"Goodnight Tal'keelis, thank you for the meal. If you may allow me to make a suggestion. I do not believe you should continue to push my grandfather, his wrath can be.... voluminous, try to avoid pushing him until his anger overflows....... May the spirits watch over you until the dawn Tal'keelis" She spoke clearly with her small voice as she descended the stairs tail swishing all the way.

The day has been too long for me to ponder things further I will have ample time tomorrow to finish my plans for escape. Now as my thoughts are starting to become muddled and the stupor of sleep is overcoming me, all I can do is make my way to bed and lie down and wait for the morn.

I awoke early for once and decided to quickly exit home before my father could find a use for me. I needed to examine the best point to scale the eastern wall and leave the city as well as go over the direction I would travel and how I would spent the gold I now have, since leaving my father's home I would have no access to his fortune.

"Young master Alos, what are you about on this fine spring day." I turned to match the voice to a face and saw it was Ma-sul, our town's elder hailing me. I put on a friendly smile and gave him a wave and waited for him to catch up to me before responding.

For a man approaching seventy Ma-sul was still a very hearty man. Age had yet to bend him over or to considerably slow his movements. You could say that he just moved deliberately, with care and purpose. He was not an overly tall man, standing perhaps a few inches below me. His face was grizzled and he wore a short gray bear and straight shoulder length hair to match pulled back into a ponytail. He was dressed in his usual Green and brown vestments, a simple pair of breeches and shirt with a 3 button leaf green vest embroidered with his family seal, a wreath of wheat with a trillium in the center.

"How are you this day elder." I said politely. Ma-sul was a good man and well liked by the townsfolk, myself included. While I held a bit of anger of him towards permitting the Gre'nahk's contract to move forward, I cannot really blame him for the results of it. It is his job as our elder and head of the council to look after the best interest of the town. A position he had held for a dozen years now, and if his health stayed perhaps he could hold it for a dozen more.

"The cool air of the morning enlivens these old bones Tal'keelis. We must enjoy these days while we can for soon spring shall give way to the low sun days of summer. I would assume that you are about this day to make ready for the wedding. Would you walk with me for awhile and listen to a few words of advice from an old man?" Ma-sul asked with a smile and a gesture to continue walking.

I had planned to walk the road along the eastern wall where I was considering climbing over to leave, but with Ma-sul I decided that that would make a poor choice and headed to the southern gardens as I had done with veira yesterday. I could walk the road after Ma-sul leaves. "Not particularly elder I am just talking a walk to think and not have my father try to push some meaningless task on me at home." I said casually as we started to walk, the faces and activities of the people around us seemed to fade into gray as my thoughts drifted to both planning my escape from the city as well as the consequences of my actions.

"You are in an unusually brooding mood this day it seems Tal'keelis, such a mood does not suit you. You are much better at being cheerful and welcoming. I take that the meaning of this is that you are displeased with your father volunteering you to seal the peace agreement with Hather." Ma-sul spoke kindly to me not making eye contact with me as we walked. He had a way with people to put them at ease. He was rarely overbearing, and usually kind and gregarious, making people open up with ease. I found myself getting pulled into his infectious demeanour before I caught myself. I must keep from becoming too forthwith or I might say something about my true intentions which would render my decision null.

"There is much on my mind elder and I find myself not readily available to speak them all." I said trying to make myself seem more sure of my actions than I was.

"Of course not young Alos, secrets all men have. Our minds are our personal library, an elysium where we can read the books we have collected in peace. To take too much from a man's mind and his sanctuary will be shattered and he will become bitter and angry if he is forced or docile and weak if he is coerced or gives such things willingly. But yet in the end it is truly impossible for a man to know anything outside himself, all of our perceptions are our own which have come to us through our own senses. If we could acquire true perceptions to obtain a perfect understanding of something else, why I suppose we would become forever warped by it as it would become a part of us. Ah, forgive me Tal'keelis I am rambling again." Ma-sul said with a smile as he looked over to me. I hadn't really considered such words before but it was evident that Ma-sul possessed more intelligence than had thought and more than an old farmer should have.

"Think nothing of it elder, I do not believe I have considered such things before." I said trying to be polite.

"No, I would imagine not , the youth have more important things to think about philosophy. You have to think of your life after all, while those of us with little of that left fill our minds with things like philosophy to keep our mind from thinking of our end.. So stay away from it Tal'keelis it is a sign that you are becoming an old man." He spoke with false admonishment.

"Ah yes here we are Tal'keelis" Ma-sul said as we arrived at a decent sized two story home.

"This is Green Briar's wedding gift to you. This home will be yours until this time next year when you may decide to purchase it or find another home more to your liking. Your father will see to moving the most necessary of your belongings to here this day. When we spoke last night he seemed to think that a young married man should have his own home and I agreed. I personally think he is afraid of being embarrassed with your nighttime activities again. I remember the look on his face when he told me about the time you brought Karen and a young Ah'komeli home. He was concerned that you had taken up strange tastes and that Karen was perhaps corrupting you, I gave him as few words to put things into perspective for him and it seems like it all worked out well. And seeing how this home was left to the town after its previous owners met with misfortune it was up to the council to find an owner for it, your father suggested it as a gift and we all agreed." Ma-sul said stroking his beard admiring the house. He laughed a bit thinking on the memory as we started walking to the paths of the park.

"I really had the desire to gauge your mood and give you some advice this day. I can see your mood is poor and your mind is troubled. Yet let me speak a bit of Green Briar and Hather and the trade agreement which is really an alliance accord and your role in it all." Ma-sul spoke as he stopped for a moment to watch a lay-kite hop around on the ground before spreading its red wigs and taking flight.

"Elder I am just a bit brooding, I don't think I am in a poor mood." I spoke a bit defensively which only enticed a chuckle from Ma-sul.

"Do not take it to heart young one. It is your right to be displeased with the situation you find yourself in. In time I am sure you will bless the day you met Veira, few men get the opportunity to meet such a woman." I was going to speak my objection but Ma-sul just held up a hand and continued.

"You need not justify your displeasure with me Tal'keelis I understand your anger full well. My lot and yours were very similar. I myself was arranged to be wed to a young woman 2 years my elder at the time of my birth. La'nara and I grew up together never knowing that when she became a maiden that we would be wed. I was but 11 when it happened, far from being fully grown. Yet we shared a bed together from that day forth well before I could act my part as a man. It was strange for the both of us to be put in such a situation and at the start we both disliked each other and quarreled constantly like siblings. But after a year or so such trivialities in our relationship melted away and we came to love each other more and more each succeeding year. When the night of fire came, we fled arm in arm and watched helplessly as our home and family burned. When the sky rained fire and death upon our home with no regard to man or beast we had each other. Smoke and ash blocked out the stars and we fled blindly and by the spirits protection we escaped that night unscathed. With hardship we made our way south with a few of other survivors like your grandfather. Those trials made us grow even closer and closer yet when we came to this village as strangers with no possessions." Ma-sul said with a faint distant smile remembering the past and likely the last memories of his deceased wife.

"Veira is a Gre'nahk and will have much to learn of you and humans, but she is willing and she will. The marriage will be as good or as bad as you decide it is Tal'keelis Alos. Of that I am sure. Treat her with kindness and help her to learn her part and you will come to love her and she will completely adore you." He said trying to assure me.

"The Hawk is growing old and his sons fight and posture over who shall rule after. When that man dies there will be war Tal'keelis. I do not know, same as Silas if the Wilds is where the Hawk's eye will turn to but we both see that making us seem like a poorer target is for the best. We will form a bond between our two towns and each of our towns will form bonds with the villages surrounding them and we will prepare for the day when the Hawk crosses the Greywater and sets foot upon our beloved land. When that day comes Tal'keelis you will be choosing much. You could command men of war, or organize our defenses, or gather more allies of the wilds to our cause. You are being set up as a symbol of the wilds. I praise the spirits that one with a level head such as yourself will see to those things in the future. Think on my words Tal'keelis and try to forgive your father for forcing you in this. He is thinking of a future beyond what most of the Wilds can see. I'm afraid I talked more than I wished and must return to the town hall. It is your last day as a single man Tal'keelis, try not to look so despondent and go have a little fun." Ma-sul clasped his hand on my shoulder in a friendly gesture before bowing slightly to me and started walking back to the center of town.

I don't know what his intent was but he did put some doubt in my mind as to my decision to leave. Yet I cannot let anyone's words sway me at this point. I must steel my will and make ready to go into the wilds alone.

I walked along the eastern wall after Ma-sul departed and found the spot I remembered as being the lowest point in the wall. Below the area was thick enough overbrush to hid a ladder to scale the 10 or so feet. It would be easy enough to climb up and repeal down the other side then have Jannis take the ladder and rope and leave. Inspecting the brush closer I couldn't help but smile when I saw a ladder already there. It had clearly been placed here recently. Jannis works fast so I have to figure out what to do beyond these walls.

I would then need to cross the half mile or so between the town and forest. Once I reached the edge of Desova I would follow a straight line east south east until I came to the Loam river which I would then travel north along until I came to one of the few roads through Desova which would run north along the river until it reached Split-Rock Falls. At Split-Rock I can resupply with food and decide which way I should travel then.

At Split-Rock there is supposed to be four roads meeting. One east over the Loam river and into the mountains towards Joliam. The second went on towards the north west and Greatwood city and the third out of the city went north east towards the Charring stronghold of Vex.

Venturing alone further into Desova towards a major city would be unwise since I would be more likely to encounter unsavory types. So Heading to Joliam would be out. Split-Rock was the easiest way there on this side of the Durus mountains. Greatwood itself would be watched so I could not head there. That leaves only heading towards Vex. I have always wanted to see the Charring capital but since I would be marked avoiding any place of decent size would be best. A bit outside of Desova on the road to ex was another little village if my memory serves me there I could inquire about other possible routes further north that would connect with the main road linking Greatwood with the lands of the fire worshipers. The area between Desova to the south and the Sky Peaks to the north are the homelands of the Rugesh. Sprawling plains of small rifts and ridges and scattered outcropping of trees. Somewhere in there I could likely find a place to stay for awhile and remain hidden.

Green Briar would likely think I would head south towards the Hawk, as once there I would be beyond reach totally. But they would to be cautious and send runners to the nearby towns and villages. Hather would be sure to send a hunting party. Likely they have members of the caravan with such specialties. So I must make haste to the forest where they will be hard pressed to find my trail. I would have a bit more than a day head start which should be plenty for me to be well into the south and well away from any roads.

I set my mind to these plans but I still am uncertain if I will be able to succeed. I am no warrior though I am trained a bit in the sword. I have courage enough to leave but will it still serve me beyond the walls in the true wilds. I do not know these things But I must push forward as best I can. At the least should I survive my journey I shall be much more of a man of the Wilds than I am now. My upbringing has been too soft then I should of been.

"Tal'keelis" A strong feminine voice roused me from my thoughts. I hadn't noticed but the sun had already started its descent for the day. I would need to return home soon and prepare for tomorrow. I could only trust that Jannis would make what I need ready. And speaking of Jannis

"Tal, get your feet back on the good earth and look when someone calls your name." Ferra said in a huff. The tall Rugesh woman had come up behind me quickly. "Jannis told me what you plan to do and I don't like it but here." Ferra pushed the wicker basket she was holding into my hands. It was covered with a small white cloth, the type used to keep the wilting sun off herbs. "The stuff on top if for if you regain your senses and stay and the stuff on the bottom is for if you don't. And this is for either way." Ferra leaned down and planted a kiss on my cheek causing me to just stare in surprise as well, she is a large Rugesh and I have never seen her show affection in public before. She smelled of sweet citrus and cloves and I could help but notice her ample cleavage as she leaned down a bit to kiss me. Jannis is a lucky man.

"You'll be missed you know." She continued fretting over me like a mother even though she is hardly 10 years my senior. "Don't worry about me too much Ferra, you have Jannis to take up all your worry. Why doing dastardly things like this instead of smithing." I said trying to make the conversation a little lighter.

"Tal, you have been a good friend to my husband since you have grown into a teen and would have become a much less stuffy member of the council if not for dumb ideas taking you away from your home." Ferra said teetering between being worried and being mad at me.

"Its not like I really had much choice Ferra I would've liked to continue here but being forced to have Veira..." I was cut off before I could go any further.

'Don't give me that Tal. I don't want to hear for a minute that she isn't good enough for you or that she needs to be a human. None of that especially from you. You've looked at every furred woman in town and just a second ago you were admiring me, a Rugesh of all things! No, don't you dare try to tell me you can't be with that pretty little Gre'nahk female with her perfect breasts, ass and hips." She huffed some more her large nostrils flaring with a bit of anger.

"Ferra, its not like I don't find her attractive." I said trying to defend my self a bit and cool her anger. "Its that what she represents goes against what I am to be and my ideals. Its a matter of principle not prettiness. And I also think you are quite attractive Ferra, no matter what most the other races think of Rugesh." I said giving her a sly smirk.

"Well at least you have some sense then." She huffed again looking around trying to search for the right words. As a truth I had never gotten to know Ferra very well she was always just Jannis's wife who would come around and drag him back to his forge whenever I enticed to to come and have some fun with me. Still it seems that befriending Jannis and helping him from time to time had worn off on her to be so concerned about me.

"I will be fine, I just won't be able to come back here. I'll send some word in the spring after things have died down a bit, I just will make sure not to include a location." I said with a smile

"Hmph, you can be as dumb as Jannis making big decisions that you will regret later without consulting those close to you. I should go but the spirits watch over you Tal and keep the good earth under you. That guidestone is one my grandfather made, when he roamed the plains, it should find a good home in the hands of an oathbreaker I think." She said solemnly as she turned to go.

"Congratulations on your wedding Tal, don't stay up too late tomorrow." She said with a warm smile and then she was gone walking in her long strides away. There really isn't any chance I do anything but sleep tomorrow night, but it is a nice thought to perhaps actually be with the woman you marry before running away.

The GBM sign greeted me as I returned home with the basket in tow. I was glad that Ferra had filled it with herbs and I was interested to see what else was inside besides the guidestone, that she needed to give it to me instead of Jannis tomorrow.

I greeted my father at the counter reviewing the sales for the day with a wave and went upstairs to my room. "After I finish this up Tal we should talk in my study for a while." He said warmly, showing no displeasure about my recent attitude.

"Of course father I need to know how this is going to work I guess." I said casually. I need to show him indifference to the whole thing in order to keep him distant yet assured of my intent to accept it.

I set the basket down and saw what I had suspected, the herbs Ferra had selected were all common ones used in fertility potions with particular care given to ones that boost stamina. Won't be needing them. Under them was the guidestone as well as a note, likely from Jannis and a few sealed glass vials.

The note was brief it simply read "I have everything ready, i'll meet you at that house at 3am. Rest well." I was happy that at least something seemed easy in this. I picked up a green vial to examine it, the top was labeled "flowlace". A flower that cures natural poisons found in plants. I guess Ferra isn't so sure of my plant identification skills. There were two others labeled the same. I picked up a white vial which read Synwyn milk & mandrake. I could only blink at that one mandrake was used in many spells and potions and salves but Synwyn milk? Synwyn were the sentient beasts that lived on of the edges of the Wilds' plains. They could speak, usually poorly, were completly beastial and most lived as such, there were none here in Green Briar but I had seen a few in Greatwood before. I will have to ask Jannis about that one's use. The last Vial was crystal blue and I feared what I was about to read on its top since it was cold to the touch upon picking it up. "Manashock", a banned substance in the Hawk's land. It could incapacitate and usually kill those who drew upon mana regularly, I know it worked by keeping the channels shamans and mages use to draw energy into themselves open making them become bloated with mana which eventually started to burn away at them until they died. Why this was here is also a mystery.

"Tal if you would" My father knocked at my door, I replaced the gifts and put the herbs back on top for now. I entered my father's study across the hall. It was decorated in dark woods with white animal hides on the floor and walls. Several bookcases lined one wall, filled with maps, botanical studies, bestiaries, copies of famous adventurer's logs as well as a whole bookcase containing a record of past customers and orders, along with prices and trade routes everything a merchant would love to see to make a profit. This room was normally locked tight for just that reason. My father's desk was made from a single slice of oak far too large to fit through a door. I was lifted up and inside this room during construction and will be here until it is destroyed. The countless rings reveal that the tree was one of the truly ancient things within the Wilds. My father says there are over 1,000 rings on the slice. It is perhaps the oldest such thing in the Wilds. Either way the sheer magnificence of the table was enough for my father to obtain a bit of an advantage in his dealing, few have ever seen such a thing. This night however instead of councilmen or wealthy merchants it was just myself and my father to talk about my wedding tomorrow.

"I would think that the night before his wedding a man might wear a more pleasant face my son. But since you have decided to look palely upon your wedding I should not be surprised. Yet come and sit, so that I may explain how the wedding shall proceed. You should be relieved that there is little for you to actually do besides be present.......and you are going to be present correct Tal?" My father said with a bit of worry in his voice.

"I have already accepted the contract and will go through with the wedding father."

"Good, good, your mood has been too base these past few days, I had entertained many fears of what your actions might be. Most certainly after you had those candles lit when I arrived home from the town hall." My father wiped his brow a bit before continuing.

"The ceremony proper will be held in the plaza before the town hall at noon, you must merely be there and take the oath that the priest shall ask of you. After that you must make a show of acceptance before the gathered townsfolk, a kiss is the usual Tal, but if you find that too much for yourself at the time a slightly less intimate gesture will suffice."

"After the ceremony proper you two will head to the west to the shrine of growth and pray there, that both the spirits accept your marriage and to bless you with posterity." My father gestured in the direction of the shrine a block from our home.

"Father you know well that Veira could never give me children. This marriage is the same to the spirits as both our lines dying off." I said plainly not trying to sound too angry about it, for I am not.

"Tal, hers will likely die out yes but at the very least with your actions up to this point I would be everlastingly surprised if you did not put a bastard in the belly of some serving woman. Which is besides the point that you may take a second wife AND it is not unheard of for a Gre'nahk and a human to produce a child." He leveled his hand at me as he said this trying to both stop my temper from rising and to allow him to speak without interruption.

"Father, it is much more likely as well that those who claim to have a child with a Gre'nahk were instead owners of unfaithful partners." I spoke divisively.

"*Sign* "Yes, my son that is what I think as well but for the spirits please show no such displeasure with Veira tomorrow." His eyes pleaded with me clearly he had several stressful discussions about this contract since he offered me to it.

"Tal, after you pray there will be a feast inside the town hall which shall last well into the night I shall imagine. Veira shall with her family for the last time before sunset and you should leave not too long after the sun sets and claim your new wife. A house has been given to you for a year in the southern district close to the gardens. I have procured several furnishings for it already this day, and we can move over some of your personal possessions after the wedding and I shall have your clothing mostly moved over tomorrow. I wish to keep your room mostly intact, incase you have need of it here in the future." He said thinking of what it would be like to be alone after so many years with me at home.

"Yes, Ma-sul showed me the house. There really isn't much to it then. The Gre'nahk lack more elaborate mating rituals? With how they treat relationships I was expecting more." I said wondering a bit about why everything seemed so normal.

"Yes, they do but since this takes place in Green Briar and not Hather, we are following our customs, just with a bit more flare." Which is why there will be many more people in attendance than normal. Despite their desire to complete this contract the elders of Hather seem very eager to leave, I'd imagine they will be off by midday on the following."

"I shall not stop them they could leave now and save me trouble as well." I spoke bitterly playing my part as an angry son.

"Be more terse my son, besides your little game over the dowry, Silas seems very pleased with you. Cultivating that relationship would be very profitable, besides it would also strengthen the bonds of the contract since he shall be your in law as well." My father said with a yawn. The last few days have rightfully left him with little sleep it seems. I can take some small solace in that I guess.

"Father there is little to talk of now if that is all I need do tomorrow. Get some rest since you likely will not have the luxury to go to bed early tomorrow." I said

"Yet I still do not feel that all is right here. Tal please do no foolish act tomorrow with the wedding, give me an oath on this so I may rest easy." He said rubbing his brow.

"Father I shall do my part tomorrow and go through with the wedding you have my oath, the spirits witness." I said and it was true for tomorrow I would play my role and in the morrow of the next I shall smash those same things asunder.

"Goodnight then Tal, you should retire early as well my son. " My father said as he rose up and made his way slowly to his room.

I exited his study locking the door behind me and went again to my own room to look at the basket Ferra had prepared for me. Upon examining the herbs I noticed a small note was attached holding one of the bunches together. It read: Tal, flowlace for poisoning from plants, synwyn milk and manashock to use the guidestone. Take a small sip of the milk then manashock every day mix them together in your mouth then swallow. It is safe. You will be able to see the mana lines running throughout the wilds with this potion and the stone. Follow them, the spirits will guide their descendants -F

That is an interesting trick Ferra knows if I could really see the mana lines like a shaman. But using manashock at all seems dangerous, I will have to think about it before I try. The guidestone to tell direction and give light should be enough to steer me the right way.

Setting the items in a small pouch save for the herbs that I would not need. I have to remember to give Jannis the coins I owe him. I lifted a wood board in the wall and revealed my small safe. taking out my key I turned the lock and removed my coin pouch from within as well as the one of the Dowry. I would need to keep them on me tomorrow since I would not have a chance to return here after the wedding it seems. On second thought the herbs will be of use to me. I grabbed them and stuffed them inside the coin pouch to stifle the sound the coins might make. The smell of the herbs would double serve me as they would let many people know my intent of a long night with Veira.

I shall play them all soon enough. I just grinned thinking at their shock of finding me gone having abandoned Veira on our wedding night. Cruel but sitting for hre I guess. She shall be left when she gives love out of duty because of my casting off of duties and oaths. But I shall have to wait some time before I will be able to speak well of tomorrow.

The sun had just started the break upon the horizon when I awoke. A good night's sleep had done well for me it seems. My mind is fresh as is my strength, if i can feel this way tomorrow I shall be in good shape to start my new life. I have cast the dice, now to see how they land after this day.

I dressed myself for this "momentous" day. A yellow silk shirt underneath a one of my finest velvet doublet, sky blue with red accents running along the hems and edges, the 6 buttons were pure silver in the shape of a fish eating its own tail. Black velvet breeches with faux slashings exposing yellow silk beneath. Wrapped around the Double was a braided leather belt with silver buckle. For this day I would need to forgo a dagger lest I offend the spirits.

I chose this double not for its show but for the interior pockets it had and its loose fit. I could hide the coins and Ferra's gifts easily enough on my person throughout the day. The weather was still cool enough to make wearing it comfortable.

"Ah, you are looking splendid Tal.' My father commented as I exited my chamber's door.

"Morning father you seemed to have slept well." I smiled as I picked up an apple from a platter at the end of the hall.

"Yes I can finally after today put these negotiations behind me and go about normal business once more. It was not just you who suffered in the contract Tal." He said trying to make a bit of a joke. He failed.

"Yes, father but my suffering will last a lifetime while yours is merely a few days so let me after this day pass a bit onto you, you can care for Veira for me." I said grinning evilly. He should think of it a joke when really It would be exactly as I said in jest.

"Please son, I cannot look after your wife so, I shall hire a groomer if it pleases you to bath her however." He said chuckling at the mental image

"Oh, please do father, I would be more apt to take her for a stroll around town if I had someone to bath her regularly." I grinned and said. A pity that I had to be so false to my father on the last day I would see him. I guess it is better for me to act like this so that he may have better memories of me. He will surely need them after he is left to deal with the angry elders of Hather and the town council.

I spent the rest of the morning in pleasant conversation and reflection with my father. I could not bring myself to hate him for pushing this on me. He was the only family I had and soon he would be gone. We had never been extremely close like some other fathers and sons. Yet we were close enough that I would worry about him when I at least had the pleasure to do so after this.

We arrived at the plaza before the town hall. There was a small platform set up for the wedding it seems. Many people had already arrived and were standing about talking. The women had their dresses on mainly of wool, but a few had finer cloths. The colors of every type of dye we had in the shop was easily represented here. In additionally, many of the dresses were from tailors we had contracts with.

The men were hardly less drab. But I could hardly be a stern judge when I was dressed so colorfully my self this day. It was more than my taste but it was my wedding so for an occasion like today it was fine. It was interesting how many seductive glances I was getting from the women gathered. Did they know I would be likely to take a second wife if I stayed or was it just that I was now wealthy in my own right after receiving the dowry?

The lifemender priest emerged from the town hall, wearing the white and green single piece gown of his order. It was a simple work, but had embroideries of the mystic symbols for life, regrowth, renewal and sustenance running throughout the gown. I do not believe much for such shamanistic orders but the lifemenders seem the most reasonable to me. Because of their focus they often acted as witnesses for the spirits during wedding like mine. Often the oaths between lovers with the spirits witnessing was enough for two to be declared married. Since mine was an official wedding binding two town in an economical and defensive past, I could not have the luxury of a such simple thing.

Not far behind him was the Hather caravan, wearing even more elaborate silk robes of reds and golds, save for Veira. She was covered in a solid gold color robe, that was accented in gold silks and a few bells that made a pleasant sound as she slowly moved forward to the platform where I was waiting. She wore a hat of sorts that appeared to be connected to the back of her robe making it act somewhat like a hood. From that hat hung a extra thin gold veil. She moved gracefully with a slight sway of her hips and snaking back and forth of her overly long tail swaying back and forth as she approached me. I took her hand gracefully and moved her to stand beside me on the platform. We stood there in silence as everyone moved into their places and the onlookers became silent.

"Children of the Wilds, of Hather and Green Briar. Sons and daughters of freedom, it is on this most blessed day that we as the great spirits of our ancestors shall witness to the joining of these two of our most exquisitely noble youth. In blood and spirit shall these two join and seal upon themselves a union of their souls. Through them shall Hather and Green Briar become family as well. Brothers and sisters in prosperity and peace. May the both of you build upon the lays of the wilds and in time return to it to add your strength back to the Wilds forevermore." The priest spoke with a loud and clear voice which penetrated all the nearby buildings.

"Tal'keelis Alos, to be wed and mated to Veira of the Shifting Sands. Tal, as a man of the Wilds there is no oath set to the taking of a wife and mate. Yet shall I ask you to give one to Veira before the spirits and those gathered here now." He motioned for me to speak

"I Tal'Keelis Alos have agreed to act in the name of Green Briar and take Veira of the Shifting Sands of Hather as my wife. May the spirits bind us and keep her close to me until the day that I can no longer draw breath." I boldly proclaimed holding my head high and looking out before the gathered crowd.

"Let it be so if it is the will of the Spirits." The priest called out

"Veira of the Shifting sands, you are bound to your father, Ananias of the Shifting Sands. Ananias, do you give Veira into the care of this Man of the Wilds?" The priest said as he turned to Ananias who with Silas stood on the platform with us.

"I do, may he keep his tail stay high and claws sharp forever." Ananias spoke.

"Veira, you have been given leave to become the mate of Tal'keelis Alos, do you accept to this?" The priest turned to Veira.

"The will of the clan is the will of my own, I accept Tal'Keelis Alos as my mate and husband now and forever no matter the paths I must follow. I shall keep my tail high and ears sharp in any small ability I can to aid him. I shall follow without question his commands as he protects me and shall try ease his burdens and give him all he desires." Veira said behind her veil her ears laid back and her head lowered in submission.

"With the spirits as witness you two are then wed." The priest said as cheers erupted.

Our fathers ushered us onwards to the shrine to make our players to the spirits . The crowd that had followed us became solemn and quiet as we approached. The shrine of regrowth, was a curious work of carved stones and plants woven together in a strange harmony. It was a place where several spirits were said to live and made the site constantly green even in the dead of winter. Veira dropped down onto her knees in a submissive posture and closed her eyes, her lips silently saying whatever words were in her heart perhaps.

I took a knee as well and acted like I was also supplicating. I really don't wish to make anymore oaths that I will break than I already have. I waited until a little after it appeared that Veira had finished her pray before rising and taking her hand with a smile and a nod.

The group surrounding us stayed quiet for the most part as we made our way back to the town hall. Every step they seemed to become a bit louder. While witnessing a marriage was good and all and one that would bring profits to many in Green Briar was even better the real reason so many people were here was to be the feast that would follow. Since my wedding was an affair for the town the town had prepared on my and the contracts behalf a large feast for all those remotely involved in the contract. There would be little work done this day, as everyone would eat and drink until their wits have become too muddled to do naught but sleep and wake up with a headache on the morrow.

Veira and I were led inside, the revelers followed us inside the town hall to feast the day away. I spent most of my time during the feast talking idly with my father and his acquaintances as well as others of the Hather caravan I had not properly met. They all seemed to have hopes that I would act as some kind of conduit on their behalf and open up new trade routes to human and Gre'nahk villages. I could only smile as they said such foolish things, knowing the curses they would spout at me when I disappeared.

Veira left with Ananias, another female Gre'nahk and a Gre'nahk guard sometime before sunset. I stayed longer dreading having to be alone with Veira she knew at this point. That I did not want her but had not revealed that too her father or grandfather. She still yet failed to understand exactly what action I would take.

My father nudged me as the moon started to rise. It had grown late and I had a duty as a married man to fulfill it seems. "Tal, I believe it is time to go home to your new wife. I had your clothing and other possessions your wised moved over to your home. Additionally it should be well stocked with food, if you find married life to be better than you expect and find it difficult to leave your chambers." My father Ra'shavis said to me.

"We will see father, is it obvious that I do not wish to go there?" I questioned him to put his mind at ease for if hesitance and reluctance was what caused my actions, then all the better for me to conceal my true thoughts and intent. "The longer you stay the more so it shall be. It would be poor of you to stay much longer, say goodnight to those you would and seek your exit. I shall expect you to busy yourself for tomorrow and perhaps the day after, so you may set your mind at ease with your duties at the store. We can discuss the trading plans for the rest of the year in a few days." Father said with a smile trying to put me at ease.

"Alright i'll excuse myself for the evening then, take care then father I'll see you again soon." I said with a small smile, this is perhaps the last time I will ever see him.

"Don't make it too soon Tal." He said with a grin.

"Alright I won't then" I wonder if those words will haunt him after I am gone? Before I go I need to put on a brief show to seal my performance for the day.

"My friends, While I am sure you are enjoying good drinks and better company this evening, I am afraid I must bid you adieu for this night as I am reminded I have some tasks to yet complete at home. Yet I am unsure what exactly those may be." I said with a grin while scratching my chin as in deep thought. Laughter erupted as did several crude comments on what exactly I should go and do. I gave a laugh and a wave of my hand as I exited the building and made my way to my new home.

I returned to the small two story house that the city had provided for my use until the year's end as their token of appreciation for my willingness to formalize the contract. It was far from a dazzling manor home like the wealthy have but still far better than a commoners home as well. The home was planked wood dyed a rich brown hue, with a darker tarred roof. The property was located just north of the garden where I had taken Veira the day previous and had a pole wood fence marking the yard. A few small flowers grew close to the front door and a small popular tree cluster was growing off on the right corner of the property.

The interior was about as common as the exterior. A large main room kitchen and lavatory down stairs and two bedrooms on the upper level. There were a few meager furnishings provided as well, left over from the previous occupants, who were said to of been killed by bandits during a trip to the south. A few chairs surrounding a decent sized table meet me as I entered my very temporary home. Looking around I could see A few of my things had been moved as my father had said. The candles were lit and showing the way to the stairs. Where there would no doubt be my new and unwanted wife waiting me in the bedroom.

Perhaps other men in my situation would act differently, in fact I am quite sure few would be taking the course I have charted for myself. Either being willing to accept the contract as it is or at least to use the beast girl before making an escape. The former being right out of consideration, but as I made my way upstairs found myself wondering why exactly did I not regard the latter as being alright? She was technically my wife now, but at the same time I knew that this very night would be my last in this city for many years and most likely ever. So there was little need for trepidation on my part, using the girl would be the least of my sins by elder's eyes. I couldn't quite figure it out until I turned the knob of the bedroom door that had a small light flickering out from underneath.

"As I opened the door sweet and spicy scents assaulted my senses, on a far dresser several incenses were burning, jasmine, sandalwood and sweet elvirqa. All mixing together making a heavenly smell. As I took a moment to slowly breath in the scent and let some of the tension of the day melt away, my mind brought me back to the fact that I was not alone in the room. Nor did I expect to be, Veira was lying upon the bed on her side facing me with a soft smile upon her face. My mind quickly decided that it was just an act of hers since she couldn't not be happy already knowing my thoughts on her.

"Is that soft smile for me Veira or someone else?" I ask actually wondering what thoughts might be running through her head.

"It is for you Tal'Keelis, my mate." she sweetly replied as she rolled onto her back the thin crimson summer night robe she wore did naught but barely cover her, lightly framing her lithe figure in the warm candle light. Striking a seductive pose with her back arched slightly trying to accentuate her breasts. "Will you stand there in the entrance all night or will you claim your wife." she spoke softly. Her eyes betrayed her thoughts better than her action however. In them it was clear to read that she expected me to do no such things yet her duty dictated that she must try regardless. Her loyalty is the one trait in her I had found to be very appealing in the short time I had known her. If she had been born here in Green Briar I am sure we could've been friends and perhaps lovers, but since she is a pawn of her clan It just cannot be.

"You know the answer to that already Veira. As nice of an offer as it is, sleep is the only thing I want now, I will need my full strength tomorrow." I said as I unbuttoned my doublet and took off my silk shirt and tossed it aside. Jannis would be by around 3AM to drop off my pack of supplies and to help me scale the eastern wall undetected. Then I would need to make haste on foot towards the forest.

"Do you know what I intend to do Veira?" I asked her as I gathered the clothing I would need for my journey as well as removing the coins and items from my doublet.

"Take me as as your mate?" She said simply running her hands seductively along her sides..

"No, I am leaving this town in a few hours to escape all of this and you shall stay behind. I will take all the coin I have and the supplies I need and never return to Green Briar again. Going this far before escaping is a punishment to both the towns for using me as a pawn. For as you might not care if you are treated as a doll I do." I said matter of factly watching her face show horror at the revelation.

"You will leave me behind." Was all she asked.

"Yes" You can do as you please after I am gone.

"Besides Veira" I said as I lay down next to her on the bed staring up at the ceiling. "It is much better for you if I do not touch you, that way you may be given to someone else as a mate. I don't believe your kind cares much for second hand merchandise from my understanding." I said with a sigh trying to get comfortable

"Gre'nahk do not Tal, but I still desire that you would abandon your plans and stay with me. You endanger us both by leaving even if you do not fully see it." Veira replied with a sigh. She seemed to not be a stunned as I thought she would be perhaps she had considered this possibility and prepared herself for it.

"Be that as it may Veira, I am going and you are staying. So I am clearly issuing you an order now. Since I am legally your mate as of this time. It is my right to command you as I see fit. Veira, I command you to stay inside this house until the evening on the marrow. Also I command you to feign any knowledge you have of me and my plans." I spoke to her sternly.

"Do you hate me Tal? for putting you in the situation where you shall lose your home and friends." She spoke softly, her whole body motionless for once just staring at me awaiting some sign of an answer.

*Sigh* I wish I could just rest but I do owe her some answers I guess. "No Veira I don't hate you. I hate what you are and what you stand for, but whether you realize it or not you are not the same as those things. In my mind you are a victim of circumstance. Of all the actions I have and am taking because the contract, leaving you to an uncertain fate is the only part that bothers me. Its so because you by yourself have no voice in the deal. I was entrapped by it but I still had options, options which I am exercising now. But what can you do? You are property under Gre'nahk law, that in and of itself sickens me. You own nothing, have nothing, know nothing and have nowhere to go you are utterly trapped by your own damn family. So no Veira, I dislike my father I hate your father and grandfather and the elders of our towns but not you, so I'll leave after taking all I can from them all and hope I live to laugh about it later." I said closing my eyes.

"They will kill you if they catch you Tal?" She asked her voice filled with fear, for a mate she would never know.

"Perhaps, at the least I would be made to repay all damages plus interest and at worst they'd force me to keep you." I grinned as I said it looking over to her for the first time since lying down. Her soft green eyes were upon me watching me for some sign of how she should react.

"I would not be offered to you again if they rescind the contract Master Tal'Keelis" She said clearly and with a serious tone to her soft voice.

"Oh? Is that so, then I guess death is the worst they can do to me, thats a relief." I said lightly as I rolled back onto my back with a smile.

"You can be quite cruel Tal. Am I really so worthless to you because I honor my family, that you consider having to be with me to be a pain beyond death."

*Sigh* "If you were a normal human girl, even a normal by human standards Gre'nahk girl Veira, I think I would just accept the contract because of the economical advantages. But what you are goes against the principles I set myself upon, therefore I cannot accept you no matter what my come." I said still trying to end this talk and get some sleep.

"You would care for Karen as your mate instead?" She asked inquisitively.

"Yes, obviously. She has been a friend to me for as long as my memory serves me." I quickly replied.

"She is deceiving you. Her eyes are beyond this town and beyond you." She spoke with confidence of her observation.

Really, I didn't expect her to say something out of jealousy to me. My wife for one day who knows I will abandon her casts insults to me about Karen. Its pointless to argue with her, her experiences with humans is too limited be able to make such judgements but it is interesting as to why she would even bother to say such things to me. No matter, the both of them will be left behind soon enough. "The spirits of our ancestors can judge us and our actions, they leave me no need to judge others and their aspirations." I said trying to stop her from continuing before she can say something that might actually upset me.

"Yet you judge me and my actions." She quickly responded to me.

Ok, failed at that task.

"Thats enough" I said raising my voice. She immediately realized she had overstepped her bounds and her trained conditioning kicked in caused her to lower her head, ears and eyes.

"Forgive me for my rudeness Master." she spoke contritely in the soft voice that she was trained to use.

"You realize of course that apologizing in that fashion is an insult to me yet you do it regardless."Her body tensed upon hearing my words as if I had struck her. She realized that she had still broken her owners wishes even in her apology.

"Sorry Tal, I just don't like to think of myself as being bad as you are set upon seeing me as." She still spoke quietly but with a little more natural of a voice. Tears starting to form in her eyes. Damn it I might of actually made her cry for real.

She had a point although, I was in fact taking out my anger over the contract and having to leave my hometown forever on her, when she had no part in it herself. She her self being a victim as I, and had a right to be angry about the situation as I am. "Yeah sorry, theres no need for me to insult you as I have. You are just acting the part you were given. You are not a bad person Veira, just an ill match for me. So dry your eyes and forget what I've said in anger. Just let me rest now until Jannis comes by." I said as I turned over and closed my eyes again.

"Of course Tal. Goodnight my mate." Veira said as she rose up and snuffed out all but a single candle.

Fitting last words to me I guess. I do have to wonder if she really thinks of me as her mate. Not that it matters but I guess It would make my whole escape a bit more sad if she does. I will hold no animosity to her from here on. And wish her the best in her life, but that it may continue without me. With that thought I quickly drifted off to sleep.