What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Five.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Five By Roofles

Even after shaving in the morning Kenny found himself with a five o'clock shadow as Marco drove the two to school. The old beat up chevie barely made it to and from school each day, smoking from the front and back and groaning, grunting and other sounds of an old dying animal. Each day they held their breath afraid that even something as small and petite as that would kill his beloved, cheap car.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Kenny looked at himself in the mirror. Grinning at his front sharp teeth and whiskered face. His hair was longer, darker in color and his eyes had turned from their dull blue to a more florescent green. Even his nails were longer, sharper and slightly darker in color. Hair covered his arms and legs, back and chest making him look as if he had some strong European ancestry. Which he didn't. Kenny was even a couple inches taller, his cloths feeling tight even though his normally neat, tidy attire was now a sloppy wrinkled, loose mess.

"Damnit." He growled loudly in an inhuman sound that came from his chest. Marco wondered how he, or anyone, never realized just how...animal Kenny was. "Got to be f-ing kiddin' me." He rubbed the stubble on his face. Even human he had a very feral...wild man appearance, like a logger or lumberjack or other cliche that came to the driver's mind.

"You look fine." Marco rolled his eyes as he took his keys out and stuffed them into the moth eaten, rust colored sweater he favored to wear.

"I do not." Kenny just snapped back. He closed his eyes afterwards, wincing slightly. "Sorry." He said with a sigh, shaking his head a bit. He rubbed a temple. "It's just..."

"I know." Marco placed a hand on his friends shoulder. His sincere face however faltered. "Ok. I don't know." He admitted. "Not in the least but if there is anything I can do to help." He offered lightly wanting to at least say something or other. Marco figured there was very little to offer his friend at this point.

Ever since he woke up, with Kenny half naked on top of him, he had been acting as if he had a terrible horrible hang over. Which was odd cause Kenny never had hang overs no matter how much he drank. The light bothered him, loud sounds annoyed him greatly and he seemed to be having one killer of a head ache. Aspirin and other pain killers had "no effect" on him or so he was told. "Liquor an other shit like that doesn't either." Kenny had growled a bit at the breakfast table after explaining. It was short explanation. Brief, simple and straight to the point. No further discussion was exchanged even after they had got in the car.

"It's fine." Kenny winced though covering his eyes. The man shook his head before looking at him with blood shot eyes. "I look fine...right?" He asked, his voice a bit pleading.

Appearance had always been big for him. "Yeah," Marco rubbed his shoulder a bit lying about it. "Just take it easy today, ok?"

Kenny nodded. "Yeah, ok." He said after a few moments as he closed his eyes enjoying the shoulder rub. He moved closer a bit before pulling back looking away. "Thanks." He just said still feeling the lingering echoes of the change. He had wanted to lick the man's cheek. If only as a thank you. Kenny shook his head once more before rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, come on." Marco chuckled shaking his shoulder a bit. "I always got your back." He punched his shoulder lightly. It still felt like he was punching a brick wall. Marco shook his hand afterwards.

Kenny nodded. "Yeah." He said again. "I just wanted to say..." He bit his tongue, swallowing his words and with it his pride. "Thanks." He repeated feeling like an idiot wanting to say so much more and summing it all up in a single word.

"Do you want to just skip school today?" Marco offered as if that was reasonable. Not like he hadn't offered before or just done it himself.

"Nah," Kenny shook his head. "Just got to deal with it." And with that he turned to open up the side door and head out. He stopped however. "Marco." He said softly. "Don't leave my side today." And with that he stepped out. Kenny kicked the door shut, stuffing his hands into his own gray sweater and began, head down, heading towards the open front twin doors.

Marco watched him with a raised eyebrow wondering what that was about before stepping out himself and slamming the door shut. Kenny stopped a few feet away looking over his shoulder at him, wordlessly waiting for him to catch up. Marco just rolled his shoulders and joined him, Kenny continued even before his friend caught up.

Marco didn't pay much mind to it. He was a grump after a hang over himself. Kenny was actually dealing with it far better than he would've. Marco wouldn't have waited for the people to move out the way, he would have snarled and glared as they whispered as Kenny walked past and he would've kicked the front door open rather than holding it for him to follow inside.

Kenny winced as the doors slammed shut and kept his eyes half closed glaring up at the lights. The corner of his lip shook a bit and his fangs were far more apparent.

"Want to skip first period?" Marco offered looking at him with a bit of concern now. He gave two shits about the people looking at them but he did worry for his friend who only seemed to be getting worse now that they were surrounded by people.

Kenny just shook his head in reply at first. "It's...fine." He said though there was a heavy growl as he spoke, a sound that came from his very chest as if he had a wild animal underneath that gray sweater.

Marco just watched his friend before deciding it'd just to be best to get it over with and so the two soon found themselves in their first class. Biology.

Even before the class began Marco knew something was going to go wrong. The teacher was setting up several different chemistry sets. Each person was given a set and though Marco did his best at following instructions, while Kenny just rested his head on the table, the final piece ended up looking like the rat trap; that old board game his grandparents had given him when he was but a kid.

And when he was instructed to pour the "highly volatile" liquid into the beaker and after a rather predictable explosion later the class soon found themselves out in the hall as the bell rang. Nobody was sure how the various house hold ingredients they were given managed to end up like that.

Marco's hair was still smoking as he managed to slip away and into the bathroom to clean up.

Washing his hands he didn't, however, hear the other person join him.

"Tryin' to blow up the school?" The other guy chuckled using the sink next to him. He looked a year older than Marco and though he looked familiar, probably in several of his classes, Marco couldn't come up with a name. He was tan, buff and clean shaven with a strong jaw line.

His auburn hair was wild and untamed and as he finished drying his hands he offered one to him. "Name's Samuel, let's be friends." He smiled with amber eyes, a toothy grin on his face.

Outside Kenny was just resting against the lockers head first, staring down as he tried to calm himself down. One of his hands were shaking, black fur having covered the top of it after the explosion. This relapse made him feel sluggish slow and only made him more on edge. In a 'wounded' state his animal side was primed about to maul anything that got too close as he desperately tried to hide his own hand.

It would have been so easy. So easy to just turn back into his natural self. To feel his flesh tear and fur spring forth from underneath like a fresh lawn from a blanket of snow. Being able to let things hang out and free rather holding it in. Natural. How it should be. The word itself was intoxicating to him. Just like the change. The very act was a thrill.

A drug. That was the only way he could describe the feeling; that high that came along with it. Otherwise it felt like he was sucking in his gut. Holding his breath, flexing his muscles. Uncomfortable. And he craved it, desired that high once more and every second without it was...

"Let's just skip out today." He mumbled rubbing his eyes before they snapped open and he looked to his side to see the void of space next to him and the lack of a Marco.

Back in the bathroom Marco found the exit blocked but still unaware of the threat directly in front of him.

"So how's it going?" The man asked leaning against the wall. He pulled from his pocket a golden bronze case and popping it open he offered him a- "Cigar." He offered not even asking as he shoved it at him.

Marco wasn't sure what was up but he took one anyways finding it better than to argue about it. Marco could tell it would have just been easier to play along. The toothy smile he was getting alone was sign of that. "Good." He said eying him warily as he held the cigar for the other man to light.

"Good, good. That's what I like to hear." Samuel took a long smoke of his own cigar. And as smoke tendrils slipped from his lips he continued to talk. "Didn't get too rowdy last night did it?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "I heard the dog house can be rather rough. No bites, right?" And with that he sniffed at the air before shaking his head once more with a laugh.

"Sorry. You must have me mistaken for someone else." Marco answer moving towards the side a bit and edged for the door. He was blocked off.

"Stop playing dumb." Samuel frowned his voice deepening a bit. "Your flea bitten rug will be here any second." He chewed the cigar, moving it to the other side of his mouth and looking at him in a glare now dropping the friendly act.

Marco backed up a bit tensing as he clenched his hands into fists.

"Easy, meat." Samuel chuckled. "If I wanted you dead. You would've been." And with that he reached into the other side of his brown jacket making Marco flinch backing up a bit more. "Easy." He repeated chuckling louder now. "Just a gift is all." And with that he pulled a tan folder out offering it to him. "Don't worry, I won't bite." He grinned his fangs showing, eyes burning with a deep amber.

"How can I trust you?" Marco asked still eying him.

Samuel shrugged tossing the file onto the sink. "Like I give a shit if you read it or not. Thought I'd help ya' out a bit, bitch." He turned before stopping taking a slow long drag and blowing it out at him. "That mutt your with?" He eyed him before grinning and shook his head. "Don't trust him if you know what's good for you. It'll get you killed."

"Right." Marco said flatly.

Samuel moved as if to leave before stopping once more. He looked down then shrugged, sighed and twisted the cigar to the other side of his lips as he turned around to face him once more. "Kenny 's name, ri?" He asked but didn't even wait before continuing. "Whoever he was before, a good honest kid? A boy scout? Honor roll student? Is dead. That guy out there?" He thumbed over his shoulder. "Isn't your childhood friend. That thing out their killed your friend and is now pulling the wool of your eyes, little lamb." He chuckled at that and shook his head. "Just think about it. For two seconds. And sooner or later he'll make you disappear too. Just like...." Samuel took the cigar out and stuck it against his own tongue letting it burn, snuffing out. "Ciao, little lamb." And it was on that note that he slipped out not even phased by it.

Not even two seconds later the door flew open and Kenny moved in, sniffing at the air before looking at him. Kenny just stood there looking at him, shaking slightly. And giving him a large bear hug he shook. "Fuck! Don't do that. Scared me shitless." He growled holding back a whine. "Was anyone else in here?" He asked quickly looking around, holding Marco's arms and looking from side to side quickly.

"No." Marco found himself saying even before his mind could catch up. "Someone left though right before I got here." He added about to say the truth yet finding himself still dancing around it.

"Ok." Kenny said still holding his arms. He looked at him, deep into his eyes with his soft emerald glowing ones. Before resting his head against his shoulder with a groan. "I wanna go home..." He whined hugging him now and resting against him.

He wasn't just taller but heavier it seemed and Marco oofed as he was hugged tightly again. He patted his friends back looking down at him before spying the brown folder. As the two headed out, after Marco sat around waiting for Kenny to finish taking a leak (the man even lifted his leg up when he took the whiz), Marco grabbed the brown folder and tucked it under an arm finding that even such a small act he was hiding from his friend.

In the crowded hallway they easily blended in before dispersing off to the side and vanishing into the locker room planning on taking the back exit out and through the field to the parking lot. Before the door shut however Marco heard people talking. "Another accident." "Who?" "Ripped to shreds?" "A bear attack?" And before he could hear anymore Kenny shut the door.

The locker room was large with a shower and an office built into it. It gave the two plenty of room and as the door slammed shut behind them Kenny dropped the act and hugged him tightly, shaking slightly.

"D-don't due that." He huffed hugging a bit tighter. "I look and your not there and just, just..."

"What exactly is going on?" Marco asked though he rubbed his friends back who pulled back a bit looking down at the floor.

"Well... your just kind of on... a hit list. Sort of." Kenny mumbled a bit not meeting eye contact, like a child who had just been caught right after stealing a cookie. "Not really anything to worry about."

"I'm on a hit list and it's nothing to worry about?" Marco looked at him before shaking his head with a laugh. A nervous laugh as he leaned back against the door hoping he was just pulling his leg or something. "I think you got some splainin to do." He joked but found his own voice failing him.

"Well." Kenny cleared his throat backing up a bit more, scratching the back of his neck, shifting his weight from one side to the next before looking at him opening his mouth and then closing it, turning around and walking away.

Marco followed stuffing his hand into his pockets. "Kenny." He frowned as he followed the man further in.

Kenny turned a corner and as Marco joined him he found himself in another, powerful hug. Forced against the locker one second and with a muzzle pressing against his neck, a damp bumpy black nose rubbing against the goosebumps forming on it and a powerful paw pounding against the locker.

"Kenny." Marco tensed as he felt that hot breath wash over his bare flesh, teeth rubbing against it and soon a warm, thick tongue licking across it.

"Just give me a moment." A deep growl met his ears. Another pound against the lockers, denting them as the wolf pressed his full half changed body against him. "Your scent is just..." He took another long, slow breath of it. "It eases me." Kenny tried to explain as he panted heavier against him.

His black fur chest pressed down against the man as the raised heel legs bent down, grinding their groins together and his large fur head nuzzling against the side of his own. "Just a moment. Please." Kenny begged, whining as he breathed in that wonderful scent. It both heated his blood and calmed his nerves.

Kenny pawed at his chest. "Please." He begged, pleaded a bit more. "Don't be..." He couldn't even say the word as he smelled his friends fear. It only excited him more however. "I won't...ever hurt...you." He growled though, snarling a bit as he pulled back covering his face with both hands.

"Kenny." Marco said after taking a few seconds to collect himself. He reached out towards the now huddled up wolf before stopping. "You are...Kenny right?" He asked his own fears and worries betraying him. "Right?" He pleaded for an answer as those emerald eyes looked back at him...