Camp Happy Fox Ch.2

Story by backwolf11 on SoFurry

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#2 of Camp Happy Fox

Disclaimer is that this chapter has a little M/M kissing and some sex talk.

Well I hope you all like chapter 2 it didn't end how it began but that is okay. For the next few chapters you will see what the first times in the cabin are like and what goes on when they get there hope you all like.

**Orange Cabin


Zack and his campers walk in to the dark cabin.

"Hey guys give me a minute to throw the generator on." Walks out the back door and try's to turn the generator on.

"Hi I'm Josh, you said your name was Wolf right?" Waves paw as he walks over to her.

"Stop right now, there's always one like you. The one that just want's to be every ones friend. Well sad for you I don't want to make friends or even talk to any one so go walk over and try your routine you have done so many times on some one else here." Wolf says as she sits down on one of the bunks.

Tilts head in confusion. "What? I was just trying to say hi, but I guess you wish for your mind as a friend over other people." Sits down next to her. "But sadly for you I don't give up that easy."

"You can sit there all you want you can even follow me around if it makes you happy, but I wont be talking to you or even acknowledge your existence."

Laughing. "Well you are talking to me right now and to do that you have to acknowledge I'm alive and sitting right here next to you." Looks at her.

Getting mad. "Get off my bed now!" Pushes him off.

Getting up off the ground. "I will be back." Walks over to Andruin. "Hey Andruin, how are you?" Looking at the ground.

"Don't play so coy Josh." Grabs Josh and hugs him tight, and whispers in his ear. "I want you so bad right now but we have to play it cool for now."

Pokes his shoulder. "If we have to play it cool why haven't you let go yet?"

Lets go. "Hey guys can hug it's not agents the law or any thing you know." Walking over to the bunks he had picked out for them. "See right next to the window. Just in case it gets real hot we can open up this baby."

Sitting on the bed. "I wish I could see it better the lights still aren't on." Looking up at the lights.

Nick walks outside. "I'll go check what's taking so long." Walks down the back stairs, and around the corner to where Zack had gone. "Hey Zack the power still off." Looking up seeing Zack and Mike making out. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were both back here." turning around, and looking away.

"Its okay nick, um I guess it would be kind of hard to explain this any way that it wasn't." Walking towards Nick.

"No its fine some of my friends are gay and when I hang out with them there usually doing that or having sex in the next room as I play games or watch TV." Walking over and shaking Mikes hand. "Hi I'm Nick."

Looking at him. "Um, hi Nick. This is a lot better then I thought some one seeing us would be." Laughing as he watches Zack flips the power switch. "Well I better get back. Oh don't forget you still have to tell me by tonight." Walks back to his cabin.

"So Nick it would probably be best not to tell any one about this." Starting to walk him back to the cabin door.

"Oh don't worry, who would I even tell any ways its not like I know any one here." Walking inside after Zack.

Across the room as this is going on.

"So your Tim? Well Tim its nice to meet some one that wont just walk away when I'm trying to make friends with them." Sitting on top of him.

"I told you I wouldn't walk away and that you could sit on me to prove it to your self I just didn't think you would do it." Taking slow breaths.

"Well you will soon learn I do a lot of odd things, but it is nice to meet you." Swishes tail a bit.

"You said that twice now. Also it's nice to meet you to Syd was it?" Trying to lift her up using what little leverage he has.

"Sorry I don't know what to talk about I just met you and I don't even know what you like and stuff like that, and yes it is Syd." Getting up so he can breath.

Sitting up but not walking away. "Its okay, so any one you talk to walks away from you? Why would they do that?"

"Most think I'm to weird, others just think I'm annoying or some thing I don't pay attention to what they say any more." Stretching.

"You don't seem to be mad about it, but you don't seem like the type to get mad." Laying down on the bed.

"Oh, nothing really gets to me any more. The more that I take in the more I have to let out so I just don't take any thing in any more." Laying down next to him as the lights come back on. "There we go now I can see you better." Looks him over.

Laughing. "Well I hope you not disappointed." Looking across the room watching Zack and Nick walk in.

Zack walks to the center of the room. "Okay so I guess you have a chosen your beds and starting unpacking? Well that's good I hope your all getting settled in well. If you have any questions you can ask me."

Andruin walks up to him. "I have a question."

Looking at him. "And that question would be?"

"Do we get any alone time, I mean like when were not doing camp stuff and we don't have to be here and stuff."

"Yes don't worry you can have all the free time you want. We don't have to do any thing you guys don't want to do. I'll be in my side room right here if you need some thing wheel be going to dinner soon so get ready." Walks in to his side room.

Wolf stands up and walks over to Zack. "If we as in you and the cabin go out on any of these activity can I stay here or just walk about by myself?"

Thinking about if for a few seconds. "I will have you do some things, but you can't stay alone you have to be with someone okay. Also why didn't you ask me when I was out there?"

"I don't like people very much, and I didn't want every one to think I am weird." Starts to walk back out of the room.

"Hey before you go, just know if you ever need to talk you can talk to me."

"Thanks I guess." She walks back over to her bed and lays down.

Josh looks over at Andruin as he walks back over and sits on the bed. "So, what was that all about?" Laughing as he already know the answer.

Andruin smacks the back of Josh head lightly. "Don't ask that, but the first chance we get. I am going to take you out to the woods rip off all your close and fuck you so hard you will need me to carry you back."

Speechless Joshes jaw droops. "I, I ca can't even think of words to say to that."

"I can, you better make sure no one is around when you say and do stuff like that." Nick says looking down at them from the top bunk laughing.

Both Josh and Andruin look up speechless.

Still laughing. "Don't worry. I wont say anything but you both owe me, and I will collect soon enough." He jumps down and walks over to a bunk by its self and thinks to himself. "What's with all the gay people at camp so far. Hmm well I like and will soon like it more." He than lays down.

"So Tim are you hungry yet?" Syd asks now sitting on him again.

"I would be if I could breath, but not to much. I could go for some soakage though." Trying to get up.

"I told you I will get off as soon as you say yes, and stop trying. Do you not like me or some thing?" Sitting haply on the bunny.

"I already said I would hang out with you. Why wouldn't I, you seem like a fun person." Still trying to get up.

"Well if you already did that then what else do you need to do." Laughing at the joke.

"Wait what, why didn't I think of that." Stops trying to get up.

Getting off him for good and walking towards the door leading out side. "See that easy, all you have to do is think." Looking at the side room door. "Hey Mr. consoler were waiting to go get food here."

Walking out of the room with a small box in hand. "I'm sorry I had to find these for you." Opens up the box and takes out 7 orange bandanas. "Here we go one for each of us. You can wear it any were as long as we can see it at all times. This way we know who's from what cabin." Hands them all out. "Okay guys lets move out." Walking towards the door as every one follows him.

The end

I hope you all like chapter two. I was going to make it shorter because it was suppose to be the first dinner but I was wrong if I go to dinner now with just this said it would leave out so, so much. So now here is chapter 2 orange cabin next chapter will be green cabin and so on. That way you know every ones story not just one cabin because it would make no scene down the line.