My World, My Life, My Sorrow Chapter 1

Story by Lukan Wolf on SoFurry

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This has been a work in progress for a while. Want some feedback if I should post chapter 2.

People are very interesting creatures. They always seem to find a way to survive yet they also find a way to be the top of their species. Then there is the fact that everyone is separated into different categories. I'm not talking about canines and felines and rodents, I mean the fact of heterosexual, homosexual, rich, pore, all that bullshit. It sickens me that people have the decency to separate us all into different groups that society thinks we should belong in. And what makes me more sick is the fact of how people can think to judge what's right and what's wrong. Everyone has their own opinions and everyone else should back the fuck off. This is the story of my opinions and lifestyle, and how it went from good too bad to worse.

I cover my eyes as the sun's rays slither there way through the blinds. I sit up in my bed and yawn. Looking around my room, I see that the tornado that is my brother was running late again and left his mess that I'll have to clean up again. With a groan I get up and stretch, making sure my sleeping libs wake up. I scratch my exposed belly as I walk over to the door but stop in front of the mirror. My ears drop as I look at the image in the mirror. A 17 year old black wolf in gray boxers, covered in different scars made from punches, kicks, thrown objects, and the occasional cigar burns. I look away as I open my door and walk into the hall. I pass the arched opening that leads into the living room and there I see the sleeping mass of bear on the couch that is my step dad. I look away and hurry to the bathroom so I can shower for school.

I hated the fact that I had to live with this fat baster. He and my mom started to date when I was 10. A year later they got married then lot long after my mom died in a car accident, which left my older brother and I with him since my dad died when we were younger. He praised my brother since he was good at sports and thought that maybe one day he would be his ticket to fame. Me however, I was just a bag of shit in his eyes and was used as his personal punching bag. My older brother didn't like it but never stopped him. He only comforted me after words and helped me clean my wounds. I hated that he never did anything, but I guess I can understand since we have nowhere else to go.

My brother has always been my hero. A 21 year old gray wolf that's strong, built, smart, caring.....sorry I'm starting to drool a bit. Yes I'm gay and yes I admit I have a bit of a crush on my older brother. Is that so wrong? ......Well I guess in most peoples mind it would be, but its only thoughts so how bad can it be? Anyway, my brother is amazing. He has always looked after me in school and helped me when I needed help. He has even joked around with me about being gay. He's very supportive of it, but it's something we hide from our step dad. If he ever found out I don't even want to think about what would happen. The way he gets angry at TV shows when he sees some gay guy on their, it scares me. I'm already scared for my life as is so I don't want to provoke him even more.

I turn on the water and wait till it's a comfortable temperature and get in. I cringe a bit as the water hits some of the newer bruises on my skin. After a while I don't feel them anymore and take my shampoo and later up my fur. After I rinse off I stay a bit under the water and let my worries disappear. Of course all that is over once I hear the sound of the door open and heavy footsteps on the tiled floor. I hear the toilet lid lift before hearing a deep groan of relief before piss hits the toilet water.

"You better hurry the fuck up in there if you want a ride to school kid." My step dad groans as I can still hear sleep in his voice.

I hear him finish and zip up his pants before flushing the toilet. I jump and let out a yelp as the waters heat shoots up. I move away from the water and cover my mouth, realizing I yelped and I hear him laugh as he leaves and slams the door behind him. I just stand there, light tears in my eyes as I look down. I wait for the heat to die down before letting the water run over me a bit before turning it off. I shake off as much water out of my fur as I can before stepping out and drying the rest of me with my towel, wrapping it around my waist and walking back to my room and closing it behind me.

I hate when he does that. He does it randomly just to torcher me and it drives me nuts. I really don't get why he hates me but I guess that's a question I'll never get answered. He has never liked me. Even when my mom was alive he tried to keep as much distance from me as he could. He always hid it from my mom so she never suspected anything, but once she was gone he wasn't afraid to show it. He always puts me down any way he can, whether it's with his words or his fists. I guess it's just something I'll just have to deal with.

I get dressed in my usual black jeans and black shirt with my black collar and leather wrist straps. I grab my backpack and open my door, walking to the living room. I turn and see my step dad on the couch, watching TV and drinking bear. I roll my eyes as I walk into the kitchen to grab something small I can eat at school. I open the cabinets and look around. I lower my ears and sigh as I see my breakfast bars are completely gone. Looks like I won't be able to eat till lunch again. I walk back into the living and clear my throat. My step dad turns around, looking pissed as always.

"What the fuck do you want?" he asks with the venom in his voice he always uses on me.

"I'm ready, so can I get that ride to school?" I ask, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

He laughs as he turns around. "Sorry kid you took too long, you're on your own."

I look at him with disbelief. "But I'm going to be late, and it's going to start raining soon." I look down. I should have known this was going to happen.

He stares at the TV, not looking at me as he talks. "You want a ride that bad? You got to do something for me then." I hear slight laughter as he says this, making the fur on the back of my neck stand.

"What do you want me to do?" I ask my head filling with what he could possible want to do.

He gets up and stretches "Don't worry shit bag, I'll let you know when you owe me back." He looks at me and grins, making my ears drop. He walks to the door and opens it. He looks back at me, the grin now gone. "Are you coming shit breathe?"

I fix my backpack as I start to walk. "Yes Greg, I'm coming."

Everything happened so fast. The next thing I knew I was up agents the wall, my feet hanging as a huge paw was wrapped around my throat, sharp teeth bare at me and a loud growl ringing in my ears.

"What the fuck did I tell you to call me?" Greg growled at me.

I stared at him, scared for my life as I strained to breathe. I used what little breath I had to reply. "I'm sorry......I won't do it again. I'm sorry sir"

"Fucking know your place you little shit." He let me go and kicked me right in the face, forcing the back of my head to hit the wall before he walked out the door.

I laid there crying, using what little strength I had to lift myself up. I went to the bathroom to see what damage I had this time. A mark was left on my neck from his grip and my nose was broken. I washed my face from blood and popped it back into place, letting out a small yelp. I dried my face and grabbed my black hoody from my room before walking out the front door and locking it behind me. I opened the door to Greg's pick-up truck and sat in the passenger seat, closing the door before he drove me to school.

Shadowed Confessions

Trapped in an endless cycle of excuses and answers, waiting for the one day when it will all be over. Looking up at the night sky, searching for the one answer I'm really looking for. I look down at the bright lights, the wondering people, the endless...

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