Kodi and Dusty

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Balto's Children

Kodi and Dusty

Kodi was still in a daze about what he and Aleu had done. He had never been with a female before like that and it opened new worlds up to him. He was soon at the ship where his father lived and he saw his mother standing there by herself.

He walked up and said "Hey Mom how are you?"

"Oh hi Kodi where have you been for the last few hours." Said Jenna smiling at her son as he walked up

"I was training so I could be on the mail team."

"That's right I forgot you wanted to do that. Well I hope it all goes well for you. Have you seen your sister?"

"Aleu, no not in a long time. Why what do you need her for?" said Kodi

"Well your father is worried about her and he's been looking for her. He needs to talk about some things with her that's all." Said Jenna

"Well if I see her I'll let her know."

"Thanks." Said Jenna

Right then another dog walked up and said "Hey Kodi I've been looking all over for you." (She was the same dog that had walked out into the clearing when Kodi and Aleu had walked off after messing around.)

Kodi tuned around fast and found himself nose to nose with Dusty one of the mail sled dogs. He smiled and said "Hey Dusty, don't sneak up on me like that you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry about that Kodi, Hi Jenna how have Balto and you been lately." Said Dusty

"We've been fine, thanks for asking Dusty. What brings you here?" asked Jenna

"Well I was walking in the forest and I saw Kodi walking off and I wanted to talk with him about joining the team. Mr. Simpson has been looking for a new dog to run with us and I heard he was getting fast." Said Dusty

"Well you came to the right place. Kodi's gotten really good I think he would be a fine addition to the sled team." Said Jenna looking at her son and then frowning saying "Are you ok Kodi?"

He had a look of horror in his eyes as he looked at Dusty. If she had been in the forest and saw him running off did that mean she saw more than she was letting on. He looked at his mother and said in a quivering voice "I'm fine mother but I think I'll go off with Dusty to talk about the mail team."

Jenna looked a little shocked but smiled and said "Alright but remember if you see your sister tell her your father needs to talk to her."

"Ok mom I'll do that. Come on Dusty lets head into town." Said Kodi walking off making Dusty follow him

They walked off into the growing night side by side not saying a word. Kodi was not sure where to go but knew it had to be somewhere privet. Soon they arrived at the boiler room and thinking it a good spot to go they went in. Dusty stepped in front of him and said "Kodi I need to talk with you."

"Ya about the sled team right." Said Kodi trying to not let his voice shake

"No about something else."

He looked at her wondering what she was going to say but not wanting her to suspect anything just incase it was something else so he said "What else is there to talk about."

"Well you see I was walking in the forest and I spotted something I found different and I needed to talk with you about it."

"What is it Dusty."

"I saw you fucking Aleu."

Kodi's face fell and he looked away from her not knowing what to say. He was not sure if he could even stand to stay in the room with her. He was not sure what she would do. He finally got his head together and said "You saw that then. I guess you are going to go off and tell my parents or make fun of me."

"Yes I did see you and Aleu but I'm not going to say anything. If I wanted to do that I would have said it in front of your mother." She said walking up and putting a paw on his shoulder.

"Well don't you think I'm a sick fuck for doing that with Aleu?" asked Kodi tears filling his eyes

"Kodi would you just shut up and listen to me. I want to know why you didn't come find me if you wanted to get fucked you didn't need to go do your sister like that. But you're not sick a lot of dogs have there first time with a sibling. It's easier for us to find and we don't feel like we are bad or anything when it is a loved one." Said Dusty

"How would you know?" Cried Kodi

"I lost my virginity to by brother and it was not his fault I made him just like I bet Aleu made you."

Kodi just sat there wondering what to do now. He was so mad that someone had seen him and his sister. But he was even more mad that is was Dusty. She was one of the hottest Huskies he had ever met. She was six months older that him and always seemed to know more than him too. She was the one who said he should try to get on the dog sled team in the first place. He had always wanted her to me his mate.

They had been friends ever since he was a pup. She used to come down to the beach to play with him and show him how to run. He liked her a lot but never had his chance at her because the other males in the town were older and had first pick of females. He never would have thought to ask her if she liked him.

"Kodi what's wrong with you?" said Dusty

"I don't know why I never asked you Dusty. Maybe it's because I rank low on the totem poll and knew you would want an older male to have you." Said Kodi getting up to leave

She giggled and said "Sit down Kodi. I have been waiting for the last few months for you to get old enough to have sex. If I was with an older male they would treat me like I was scum after some time. But some one like you would be great to me. Plus we have been friends for a long time and I love you for that."

He stopped and looked at her tears still in his eyes and said "So even though I fucked my sister and am younger than you. You would still want me to be with you?"

"Yes come on don't tell me you want me to leave so you can go back to fucking your sister."

"Hey I love my sister."

"But who do you want more, your sister as a private fuck every so often or a mate that would stand by you always. Someone you could show to everyone and not be ashamed."

Kodi thought about it and then he walked up to her and looked deep into her eyes. With out saying a word he walked around her a few times sniffing hard at the air. He could smell the one thing that would make up his mind. He went to the door and closed it then retuned to Dusty.

"What's your answer Kodi." Said Dusty

Kodi did not say anything and he just walked up behind her and slowly put his nose down to her ass. He could smell the sent getting stronger as Dusty stood there watching him intently. He was not going to be the one scared and waiting for someone else to start something any more.

He let his tongue flick out over her pink pussy lips. She let out a moan of pleasure and her body twitched. He did it again making her start to pant and let out juice from her pussy. This only made him want more of it and he went faster and faster putting his tongue in and out of her every so often.

"Kodi what are you doing..." Said Dusty between her moans

He stopped and said "Giving you my answer." And he went to her side and put his paws on her making her fall to the ground.

He put his lips to hers in a K9 kiss licking the top of her nose when he was done. He then started to lick and bit her tender body working his way down to her slit. When he was doing this he found a small bump on her chest and after looking at it he saw it was one of her many K9 nipples. He put his teeth to it and slowly bit it then licked it.

"Yes Kodi they are all yours." Said Dusty as she moaned loudly

He did the same thing to all her nipple and once all were pointing up and hard he went back to her pussy. He began to suck it and put his tongue in and out at a fast pace making her arch her back in pleasure. Her tongue rolled out of her mouth as she laid there on her back. Her chest was moving up and down fast as she had a hard orgasm spraying some of her juice on Kodi. He just licked it off and continued.

Dusty had five more orgasms before Kodi knew he needed some pleasure himself before Dusty got to worn out. His cock was now out of its sheath and ready for action. He didn't want to go doggy stile so he put his paws on her chest to make sure she didn't get up and he put his cock up to her pussy lips.

"Kodi let me get up first so I can help you out..." said Dusty but stopped and gasped as he ignored her and slammed his cock into her hard

She closed her eyes and she held back a scream as he entered her making her orgasm hard. Kodi could feel it because her pussy walls closed up on him for a bit. When they loosened up he started to pump his hips back and forth. Making his cock slid nicely in and out of her wet pussy. Dusty's body arched more as he fucked her and Kodi could see his cock bumping up her belly every time he pushed it in.

His ball sack was slapping her ass with every pump and it was echoing in the room a little. Dusty's pants came out in short bursts and she was moaning loudly. Dusty wanted him for so long that this was a dream come true for her.

Kodi started to feel his orgasm coming on and as soon as he felt it building up inside his body he slammed hard into Dusty making his knot enter her. Once it was in she screamed and he howled as he let go the biggest load he had ever done. It filled her up so fast that it sprayed out of her with a lot of force.

"Shit" she said as she let out a hard orgasm mixing her female juices with his male ones. It all ran out past his cock and her pussy lips to end up on the floor of the boiler room.

As soon as it stopped Kodi fell forward onto her soft chest. They both panted hard not wanting to move.

She smiled at him and said "Can...I take...this...as a yes"

He couldn't speak so he just nodded his head. He could feel his cock slowly going down and he soon pulled his cock out of her letting out all the cum it was holding up. He slowly walked up next to her and fell to the ground and nuzzled his head under hers.

"Trust me Kodi it will be worth it being with me." Said Dusty but it was too late. Kodi had fallen asleep his head under her chin and his softening cock next to her swollen pussy.

She put a paw on his head and stroked it back making his ears flatten for a bit. She didn't want to wake him so she just stayed next to him letting him sleep off all the troubles he was going throw at the moment.

Dusty awoke the next day to find Kodi still sleeping on his side and cuddled next to her. She got up and looked down at his cock. It was sticky and gummed up from the cum that had flowed out on to it last night. She went down and licked it off.

Kodi was still sleeping but soon his cock started to get hard and poke out of his sheath. She giggled and put her lips to it and started to suck it and lick it. She moved her tongue over it when she was sucking it making it grow more and more. Then with out warning his knot grew large and he let go a small load of cum into her mouth. She swallowed it up and then licked the remainder off his cock.

She let it go back in to its sheath liking the site of it moving slowly back in to him. Kodi finally woke up an hour after she did and he looked around saying "What happened last night."

"You don't remember my love?" said Dusty.

"I do a little but I can't believe it."

"Well you left me in a mess would you mind cleaning it up for me." She said putting her ass and pussy near his face

He did so cleaning the dry cum off her fur and having some fun at the same time. When he was done he said "So what about the job."

"I think you will do just fine getting in." said Dusty with a grin on her face.

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