What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Seven.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Seven By Roofles

The air around them was stale, the sound of bowling balls smashing into pins filled the air with the poorly made techno music the store owner thought the kids liked. Very few people were out, as it wasn't even Noon yet, and the two found the place vacant for them. Even though the bowling alley owner had given them a few looks, seeing kids skipping out on school was common place in his line of work, they had free reign once they had paid.

The two decided to grab a bite to eat before playing any games.

Kenny was busy shoveling chili-dog french fries into his mouth. Even as a grizzled looking man the way Kenny ate was very...wolfish and Marco both wanted too and couldn't look away as Kenny tore into the chili dog resting in the bed of fries. Wolfing it down was an understatement. More like swallowing it whole. Kenny grabbed the large soda pop with his cheese, chili covered fingers and gulped down several mouthfuls before slamming it back onto the table with a gruff sigh. He went back to eating.

Kenny looked at him. "Wha?" He asked around a mouthful of the second chili dog, picking at the fries. "I'm starving." He said pointing at his food. "I mean I haven't eaten since breakfast." He swallowed loudly, licking his fingers clean before pointing a darkened, pointed drool covered finger at him. "If you got a wolf living inside you you'd be hungry too." And with that went back to eating.

An odd way of putting it Marco had to admit and it was just easier not to think about, focus on or really acknowledge it. Sure Kenny looked, ate and even at times acted like a wolf. But other than the obvious apperance change he still was the friend he had hung out with these past several months. The same crude guy and at the same time not. It was hard on him, for Marco to both see and not see his friend in front of him.

"Yeah." Marco chuckled looking away as he did so. He looked out at the lanes and wondered if they'd do a game. A side thought to distract him from his concerns. Still the concept of a bowling alley as a date no less was funny to him. Though he was still nervous. He had been the past day and a half. On edge, tense, lack of an appetite and Marco had already gone through a pack of cigs. A pack he had only bought the other day. Marco knew he smoked more in the past week than in the past year.

"Want some." Kenny asked pushing the third box over towards him as he finished up the second. He swallowed loudly and smiled at him, bits of food between his fangs. "It's free."

"Sure." Marco mumbled still looking off. It was only the, clean, hand touching his that made him aware Kenny was looking at him.

"Is something wrong?" The other man asked worried now and Marco just looked at him from the corner of his eyes. Hundred of thoughts came to mind at that. How wrong this all just was? How things could possibly be ok? How he could be so calm in this case? How anything could be ok again? And that Kenny was actually asking if something was wrong?

"Nah, it's cool." Marco lied and shrugged fingering the empty pack of smokes. Kenny saw the action and just assumed it was the lack of smokes that was getting to him.

"French fry?" He offered a chili, cheese covered one towards the other man.

Marco wrinkled his nose and laugh a bit, pushing his arm away. Kenny smiled at that. "You are SO sleeping outside tonight." He joked. Kenny rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a laugh and scooted a bit closer.

In the half ring cushioned seat the two sat on the same side, next to each other. The action alone was already making Marco uncomfortable and Kenny wasn't giving him any space as it was. Sharing the same food, same drink (two straws or not) and the fact Kenny had paid for everything was beginning to, in its own way, add to his concern.

How'd he tell Kenny that he wasn't into... doggy style? Maybe it'd be best not to say anything. Marco had already seen him angry and wasn't about to get on the bad side of THAT. Maybe if he stayed human it would be ok? Yet, now that Marco thought about it, he'd only seen Kenny naked once or twice. After any...session they had the other man would high tail it to the bathroom and lock himself away for a while, that or leave all together. Marco had just figured he was as...confused about it as he was himself.

Sure it was Kenny. But now it wasn't Kenny. And was Kenny? Marco shook his head clearing his thoughts once more not wanting to think about it as he had been. It was a nice way of coping. Just not to think about it at all. Even knowing sooner or later he'd have to face it.

Marco was only aware of the slightly coarse hand on his after Kenny's hairy fingers slid between his own and he was holding the top of Marco's. Kenny was wearing the same pair of pants as he had been, an open over shirt accomapanied it along with a pair of old tatter sandals Marco wasn't sure where he had gotten from seeing as how he had left his own shoes back in the gym locker room. Kenny shirt was open showing off his hairy, muscular body. Marco had to admit, he was a bit jealous.

"Do you want ice cream?" Kenny smiled squeezing his hand. "Strawbury? It's your favorite right?"

Marco was about to say something when he frowned. "Strawburry?"


"You mean strawberry." Marco correct.

"Right. Strawbury." Kenny nodded.

"Strawberry." Marco articulated.

"Strawbury." Kenny repeated.

"Straw." Marco said frowning at him.

"Straw." Kenny mimiced.


"Bury." Kenny smiled glad they were talking. Marco just let his head fall and gave up on the matter. "Want some?" Kenny repeated. Marco just waved for him to go and Kenny got up, bent over and kissed the top of his head before heading off towards the counter to buy it.

Marco watched him go; Kenny had his head held high, shoulders back, chest out and walked every step with pride. Marco envied him for that. To be so confident and secure with oneself. Though Kenny was kind of acting like an arrogant douche at the same time. Marco's arrogant douche. And at that he rested his head on the table with a groan wondering if they could ever really just go back to being simple friends. He highly doubted it as the other man sat down on his side of the booth, pushing him over a bit with his thigh and then cuddling up next to him before offering the styrofoam bowl of strawberry icecream.

Marco thanked him with a few gruff grumbles before taking a bite of it. "Thanks." He said afterwards looking down at it. It was his favorite after all.

"Anytime." Kenny said softly placing his hand back on his. "I know..." Kenny began able to smell the other man's unease and tension. "That this isn't easy for you. And thank you for taking this in stride." Kenny closed his eyes really focusing on what he was saying. "And for saying yes, to this." He finished looking at him his eyes with a soft hint of emerald to them.

Kenny's other hand flexed, claws digging into the cushion as he kept himself in check. He wasn't about to tell the other man just how many times he had wanted to force this to happen, one way or another. Force himself on Marco knowing he couldn't be able to stop him. Kenny couldn't even say the word as those thoughts lingered at the edge of his mind, like a feral animal stalking its prey from the shadows.

Kenny's focus changed however as he only now seemed to notice the brown folder Marco had kept with him. "What's this?" He asked already reaching for it.

Marco moved to stop him, then stopped himself. Why was he hiding it from Kenny in the first place? He wasn't sure. He wasn't sure why he trusted the man sitting next to him as it was though. Let alone why he had trusted a stranger in the boy's bathroom.

Opening it up the two just saw a row of lamenated pages with photo's all over them. "The year book?" Kenny asked looking it over still confused. It wasn't the end of the year yet. This must've been the rough copy or something or concluded still confused over it.

"Apparently." Marco agreed looking down at it. He was hoping it would be something...interesting. He never bothered with the year book and now he was given one for free.

"Look!" Kenny pointed out happily. "My photo's circled." He aw'd afterwards as if touched by the gestured though Marco was staring at his friend's picture circled in red ink.

"So is mine." Marco pointed out. His own circle was blue however.

And as they turned the page they saw several others. Some even had added comments written next to it. It seemed to be a field guide of the student body than anything else. Notes about times they were alone, who they hung out with and some even had detailed lists of daily activities.

"You're a...stalker?" Kenny asked a little too casual. He seemed to still be thrilled that there were several notes, all of which with question marks, next to his own name. "You could have just asked." He nudged him with a chuckle.

"Samuel gave this to me." Marco clarified still looking it over. His own name had several details of his personal life. He knew he was being followed.

"Samuel?" Kenny asked and Marco pointed him out. One of the few people who weren't circled in fact.

Kenny's clawed hand dug into the table surface. "When did you run into him?" He asked before quickly adding. "In the bathroom today? Damnit!" He stood up moving to the side and biting his finger, the blood he tasted only fueled his anger. "I knew something was up. Why didn't you tell me." He asked turning around with a snarl his finger already mending and healing from the bite.

Marco just looked at him and Kenny's wide eyes softened and he, timidly, took a seat once more. "Sorry." He said still breathing heavily and grinding his teeth. "Please." He said through clenched teeth. "Tell me what happened."

"He gave me the folder and then left." Marco said still looking at him a bit worried. Kenny's side burns seemed a bit fuller and his five o'clock stubble had gotten worse.

"Ok." Kenny said forcing himself to stay calm. "That explains the smell."

"Smell?" Marco asked a bit wearily.

"The cigar smoke." He said looking at him with a glare before down at his food. He exhaled slowly. "I'm not sure how but something in his cigar throws off my sense of smell. A while back," he began resting back in the seat and looking up at the ceiling with a growl. "I was tracking these bastards down for invading my turf." He reached out and grabbed a french fry. "I hunted a good deal of them down. Until I noticed they were beginning to tail you."

Kenny rolled his shoulder, feeling far more tense now. He sat up a bit before resting back and deciding it was just best to keep a hand on Marco as he continued. For whatever reason it seemed to help. "So that's when I began staying with you."

"Every night for the past month or so." Marco nodded. They already hung out every day it wasn't exactly odd, at the time, to him.

"Then I got...distracted." Kenny offered flushing a bit with a chuckle and a guilty grin. It took Marco a second, as his thigh was now being rubbed, what he meant was that he in fact was the distraction. "It seems they've been increasing their numbers since." Kenny said looking down at the folder. He didn't appear concern in the slight. More annoyed than anything else.

"Why the school?" Marco asked the question that had been bugging him.

"Easy." Kenny said flipping through the album before pressing a finger down on the teacher page. "A few of the teachers are infected." He shrugged. "Been trying to narrow down which one's the Omega."

"Wouldn't it be Alpha?"

"Hm?" Kenny looked at him before shaking his head. "Oh no he was the bastard that tried to fuck you during the camping trip. Prob thought it'd be funny if you were part of his pack." Kenny's hand tightened a bit on his thigh making Marco wince slightly. Marco shoved his side. Kenny smiled sheepishly with a weak sorry.

"So it'd be the...Beta then?" Marco asked trying to think of a pack hierarchy.

Kenny just shrugged. "The fuck is I know." He laughed loudly, that barking laugh that Marco was sure made everyone in the building look over at them. "I'm a lone wolf." He said jokingly. "I fly solo, I'm a one man army, I'm the I in team."

"And that'd make me?" Marco asked with a laugh.

"I'm not sure? My fuck buddy?" Kenny grinned. "How about robin?"

"Fuck no!" Marco laugh. "I rather be your fuck buddy."

"Me too." Kenny smiled and nosed at him.

Marco back up a bit looking away.

"What?" Kenny asked looking at him once more with concern.

"Well Kenny it's just... I mean we're friends and all." Marco tried to explain.

"I know." Kenny said a bit flatly. "What's wrong then?" He squeezed his hand again.

"I mean what with school, work and then the whole...wolf thing. I got a lot on my mind." Marco scratched the back of his neck. "Busy and all."

"Was it something I did? I mean you didn't seem to mind last month." Kenny said looking down at his own hands and trying to wrap his mind around it. "Fuck," he muttered to himself. It would've been so much easier if this was out in the wild...

"No, it's nothing like that. It's just..." Marco said pulling his hand away and scooting over a bit and looking at him.

"What? Is it too real for you now? Being bro's is all cool and fun but you put a label on it and bam your running for the hills." Kenny rolled his eyes, shook his head and looked away. "We basically live together. Always hanging out. We even fuck. Well..." Kenny scrunched up his brow. "You know what I mean." He growled looking at him.

"Look! Bud, it's just complicated. Specially with being on someones hit list." Marco tried to explain. He half expected the man next to him to get up and walk out. Or strike him. He wasn't sure at this point...

Kenny did get up, shaking a bit before cracking his neck and excused himself. "I'll be back." He said a little too calm and headed towards the bathroom leaving Marco alone with his thoughts.

Even before the door shut Kenny was growling, snarling and with a good clenched fist punched the wall huffing through his teeth. The tiles broke easily under his fist. He cracked his fingers afterwards. "It's fine. All good. Not like we broke up or anything." He chuckled a bit before shaking his head and covering a part of his face with a hand. He wiped the hand over his sweating brow and over his face staring coldly into the mirror and into those glowing emerald eyes. "He's still mine." He said as if speaking to someone else. "There isn't an issue here. Just time. Get rid of the pests lurking around, ease his tension and worries and then just give him a lot of love and attention. Gifts should work." He muttered to himself chewing on his finger. "Simple stuff. Nothing fancy. Just make him happy and feel safe, loved. Then he'll be ok with it."

He sighed. A heavy gruff, forced sound as those thoughts lingering, prowling at the back of his mind resurfaced. Louder this time.

In the woods he had been planning on going into that bathroom. Unsure of what would happen then... Forcing Marco against the wall? Breed him like his bitch? Make him his bitch? Marking him in ways that no one or nothing could ever remove it. That's what he had planned? Anyways before that bastard got in the way. He should've played the gallant knight. Coming to his rescue, wooing him into being his mate. This wasn't no fucking beauty and the beast though. You can't just win someone over like that. And if Marco kept fighting him...

He sighed again, rolled his shoulders and focused on the sound of his pounding heart. He could feel his blood rushing in his veins, and his teeth clenching as he held back. Holding his very breath until the growling beast inside settled down. Things would get better. He kept having to tell himself. It was the only way to calm it, to soothe its fury. To entice it with the thoughts, promises of what is to come.

His eyes opened once more and the emerald glow was but a soft shimmer in the corner of them now. "Maybe it wouldn't be so bad..." He muttered tucking his hands back into his pocket and heading out. His eyes were cold as those thoughts lingered. "To turn him."

"Sorry." Was the first thing Kenny heard as he got back. Marco stood up facing him, nearly a half foot shorter than the other man these days. "I didn't mean to mislead you or anything. Really!" He wanted to make sure he sounded as forthright as possible. "I'm just...I'm not even Nineteen yet," he chuckled looking at the man's bare chest before looking away, flushing a bit. He really was attractive up close he couldn't lie. "I've got a lot on my mind. Really." He said looking into his face with a soft smile. "Really." He said for a third time trying to make sure his point got across.

"I know." Kenny returned the smile placing a hand on his shoulder, gripping it tightly before relaxing and rubbing it. "And I can wait. I didn't mean to rush things." He said softly. "Hormones and shit." He chuckled a bit petting the stubble on the other man's face. Kenny moved forward closing the short distance between them and kissed him forcefully stealing his first one away. He growled afterwards pulling back and opened his eyes at Marco's flustered face.

Kenny let him go reluctantly knowing that though it was a first kiss now, there would be many other future firsts to come. Rather willing or not...

Wrapping an arm around his shoulder Kenny convinced him they should at least get one game in while they were here. And Marco agreed deciding it was the best way to forget their argument and fight. To relax, kick back and have fun. They'd be laughing in no time forgetting their worries for today. And as they walked past the main desk another news report began to play interrupting the game that was on.

Behind the school was a scene like nowhere else. Blood was smeared on the walls, soaking into the ground, staining the cement and pieces still dripped, dropping from above in small chunks of a now indiscernible type of meat chunks. A blood splotch was against the central brick wall with a body in the dead center of it. The rip cage had been cracked open and all the innards pulled out, strung around like a sick, twisted festival of gore.

In front of the body crouched down was a young freshman, still gnawing on one of the legs like a chicken leg. Having reverted back to his human state the young man was wide eyed as he continued to have his feast. His mouth, arms, chest and engorged belly were splattered with blood. And with it there was a sickening laughter as he placed the second leg back to where it had belonged creating a "master piece" of art.

Samuel was resting against the back dumpster staring at the site with a cigar in his mouth. He chewed on the end of the unlit cigar, staring coldly at the scene. Some changes were more violent, warped and twisted making the personality like something from someones worse nightmare. A monster.

Then there were others...

He looked down at his own hand. Clenched it into a fist and stood up. "Kyle." He said his name again to gain his attention. "Done?" He asked, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end and claws growing as that face turned around.

"Almost." The younger man said with a smile far too large for his baby face. "Then we can go play, right?"

"Right. The pureblood." Samuel didn't let his guard down as the other man stood up slowly surveying the scene around them. "He'll be a lot more fun than these guys were."

"Guy." Kyle corrected looking at the vitruvian man he had created against the wall. "He is one man now." And with that he licked his lips turning to look back at him. "Where are the new play things?"

Samuel pointed and followed behind making sure there was distance between them. He still had chills running up his arms as he followed the younger man. The freshest member of their group and was already consumed by his own blood lust and insanity.