Once And For All

Story by Salvar Fawkes on SoFurry

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This is a quick one--a little unbirthing scenario that wouldn't stop going through my head. I wrote it in an hour or so in a fit of fantasy, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, considering... but it is much more unadulterated and frankly weird than most of my stuff. But read on if you're interested in kinky, submissive, fatal unbirthing. :)

"Just once..." I whispered, scarcely believing that I was considering it. But I could scarcely believe what I had already experienced, the life I had already committed myself to. I was among the slave class, and I accepted that much without question. Each master, as well, would have his or her own demands and peculiarities, and the demands of service were different for each slave. But what my Mistress asked... what I eventually committed my life to obeying... was complete sexual control. It was not the only thing expected of me, of course, but it never left my mind through all the days of my service. I would serve her, and she would grant me pleasure from time to time... but she would only allow me one orgasm. From the beginning of my service, until the end of my life, I would only feel that pleasure once.

Worse still, she wanted me to decide. I was obedient, and she controlled as much of me as she wished, but she let me bear the burden of choosing when. I had not yet: it was agonizing for the first few months, and there was much amused taunting from her in the subsequent years, but despite the terrible longing, my willpower held out. I knew that however much I wanted it, the pleasure of the moment would be inevitably tinged with the weight of the years to come. It was never clear whether I would be teased even more relentlessly afterwards, or whether my days of pleasuring her would be over for good, with only chaste service left to me. I had asked, but her only response was an offer to let me find out. It set my spine quivering each time she offered it to me, and she wielded that power with delight. I feared and wanted that moment in equal measure.

"Just... once...?" I asked, hardly whispering it, hardly able to meet her gaze as I let myself contemplate it at last. She purred with approval, locking eyes with me at once. I felt her body flex around me, pulling at me, and I choked out a gasp.

"Just once," she nodded, looking more and more pleased. I was closer than I'd ever been, and I could feel the lust beginning to insinuate itself into my thoughts. The future faded away, and all I could think of was the demanding desperation of my need. All I could imagine was the present, that teasing suckling around my cock, as if it were surrounding my very soul. I looked up at her once more, feeling the insistence of her gaze dominating me, and letting myself submit to her dominance more fully than I ever had before. I let out a sigh that was almost a sob, letting go of my fear of the future, my fear for myself, and I offered what she demanded of me.

"I'm yours..." I whispered. "Please let me... please take me..." I mumbled, feeling my speech begin to slur. I could focus on nothing but the pleasure now, and the tightness with which she held me. In the end I had only a piteous whine, but she knew that I had given up.

"Alright fox," she said, in a pleased, casual tone. "You may come."

Her words were all I had waited for. I came immediately, responding instantly to her permission without even knowing how. My cum splashed out along her vaginal walls, spilling out around me as she sank down further. I could feel every sensation, every fold in her rippled pussy as I slid deeper into my Mistress, until finally I felt the kiss of her cervix against my tip. The tight bulge rested snugly against me, my urethra lined up perfectly with the passage to her womb. I felt it somehow beginning to suckle at me, felt my next wave of cum slip directly into her body. I didn't understand, but I was too lost in pleasure to care. The sensation was an incredibly, indescribably perfect conclusion to my years of wanting. I had always worshipped my Mistress, but now I was genuinely in awe of the pleasure she could bring.

Cum trickled from her vulva, seeping into my fur, but soon the flow had stopped. My final orgasm was not yet over, but every spurt was swallowed up, almost sucked out of me by the delicate hunger of her sex. I fell into it gladly, relaxing my whole body and letting her take charge. Her fingers quivered as they raked through my chest fur, and her voice whispered praise to me, encouraging me to spill myself forth and surrender my essence to my Mistress. I could only whine in response. I was weak from climax, helpless underneath her, but my body continued to give. I spilled into her eagerly, submitting in the only way I could... which it seems was the only way she wanted me to serve.

"Such a good fox... now isn't this worth giving everything to me?" Her voice was soothing in my ears, reminding me of how eager she was to let me have this degree of pleasure. "Isn't this worthy of being your very last?" I couldn't even nod, but I wanted to. As long as this moment lasted, nothing else mattered.

And the moment went on and on. My pleasure never wavered, but I felt weaker and weaker beneath her. I even enjoyed that feeling: the joy of service, for me, was greatest when I could feel her superiority. The weaker I felt, the greater was the opportunity to feel sheltered by her strength. I longed for her to make me feel entirely helpless, so that nothing could stand between her and what she wanted of me. I longed for her to take me, so that I could show my willingness to give.

And at last, it seemed, she was taking everything. My eyes opened for just a moment, but in that brief glance I could see a stunning change. She towered over me, her knees now resting behind my head. I had shrunk somehow, drained of my vitality, so much that a visible bulge had formed in her lower belly. I was no more than two feet tall, and the suckling of her hungry womb had only become more insistent. She smiled at me, pleased to see the wide-eyed realization cross my face, and stroked one finger along my jaw.

"Such a willing fox... so eager to give," she said kindly, once again soothing me with her praise. I could not protest, even then. Even my face showed only confusion, and only for a moment. Her soft touch reassured me, reminding me of how willingly I had given myself over to her. I had given everything, and she granted me such pleasure as she took it. She held my head gently in just one palm, and continued to feed.

I kept my eyes open. My vision distorted in strange ways as I shrunk, but I could still see the plumpness of her pussy closed around me, reddened wet flesh twitching as she sucked another draught of life from my body. Her vulva filled my lap, the outer lips beginning to spread entirely around my hips as the speed of my shrinking increased. Her sucking cervix had now drawn in the entire tip of my cock, only increasing the already tremendous pleasure. Another swallow drew me in deeper, and I knew that the rest of me was to follow.

I howled, caught up in my own desperate longing, my mind still blurred by my never-ending climax. Her paw now rested underneath my entire body, cupping me against the surface of her pussy. That first spurt of ejaculate now coated my body, amidst the clinging viscosity of her slick arousal. I pressed myself to her fully, overwhelmed by the heat pouring off her engorged sex. I dove my muzzle into the slick folds of her labia, nuzzling around until I had found her clitoris. I gave it a few small licks, my mouth filling with her juices, and felt her fingers twitch behind me. I nipped at it softly, eager to return at least a fraction of the pleasure I felt, but she could take no more. With my next gentle lick, I felt her fingers clench and force the rest of my body inside.

I was overcome by heat and mucus. The textured surface of her vagina was faintly familiar to me, but the last touch of the Mistress I knew was the fingertips pressing into the small of my back. She began to withdraw, tenderly stroking my side, and my fingers brushed through her fur in farewell. For a moment I saw light: my last view of the world was the sex-drenched sheets of my Mistress's bed, framed by the pink walls of her encroaching pussy. Then there was only darkness, and the hungry pull of her body finishing its meal.

It was a tight fit, but there was no escaping the ravenous swallows of her cervix. In no time at all it was over, and the entrance was sealed up behind me. There was no light in her womb, or air, but there was space. I was lost in a sea of my own cum, a reservoir of potency for my Mistress to draw upon. I'm sure she was absorbing it almost as fast as it came, or the mass of my body would never have fit inside her, but it was still a vast pool while I was amidst it. Whatever magic had caused me to drain away, converted my body into thick cum for her womb to drink, was evidently still in play. The semen filled my every orifice, eating away at my body from all sides. It tingled at first, but instead of flaring into acidic pain, it felt as if my whole body was exploding in climax. I floated through the goop for only moments more, insensible with pleasure, before the last of me was gone.