What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Eight.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Eight By Roofles

It was fun, Marco couldn't deny that. Playing a few random bowling matches and, even losing, he found himself laughing along with his friend as they joked about one thing and another never really touching on the more sensitive, real matters and Marco was thankful for that. That Kenny had the awareness, without being told, what was ok and what wasn't (at the time) to talk about as they continued to bowl.

More food had been ordered, courtesy of Kenny. His own silent way of apologizing, not about to actually say the words. His ego wouldn't let him apologize for his actions. The food on the other hand would be able too, plus he'd be able to snack some more himself. Kenny couldn't really remember a time when he wasn't hungry. Always finding himself snacking on something or other.

Marco took a long drink from the refilled soda and placed it back into its holster next to the computer controlling the score board above. The man, to be honest, couldn't remember which one was or wasn't his straw and yet he found himself not caring or worrying about it at the time being. Once more. Denial was a great way of coping with things.

"Score!" Kenny pivot thrusted a few times with a "yeah, take it bitch." Before laughing and looking at his friend with that sincere honest smile. Marco did admit that that smile was very...animal. Honest with a lack of anything else behind it. Simple. Dumb would be a good way to put it and Marco couldn't help smiling in turn though.

"Hey genius." Marco pointed out with a laugh. "You missed some pins."

Marco could practically see the man's pointed black ears poke up as his head snapped towards the court and a loud whine escaped him as the impossible 4 6 split. The man even fell to his knees ruffling his hair and looking at the mess he found himself in. Grumbling he got back up and began cracking his knuckles, rolling his shoulders and getting ready for this fight. "Yeah. I got this. You so got this!" He said speaking to himself making Marco roll his eyes.

Kenny flopped the next second and several loud curses was exchange, some tears and in the end Marco found himself in a large bear hug as he comforted the larger man. "There, there." Marco rolled his eyes and patted his back. "It'll be ok."

"I was so close." Kenny said.

"You didn't even hit 200." Marco frowned still patting his friend back. The dream of getting a perfect game and knowing one never would has plagued him since the dawn of time. Even since they were kids.

Marco smiled at this thought. Though he didn't linger on these thoughts. The fact his friend was still in there, that he was his friend and these just weren't echoes, broken pieces of Kenny's old life and memories. That this person here was in fact still the same, if slightly different, guy. People change. That was all, he kept telling himself.

He was still holding the strong, muscular, warm man that was still resting his head against his chest, holding his shoulders and pressing against him. "Sorry." Marco said flushing a bit in his cheeks as he took a timid step back.

"For what?" Kenny asked with a raised eyebrow looking at him. He chuckled a bit and took a seat nomming on a few more chili french fries not even seemingly aware of the exchange. Casual, cool, relax. How Marco wish he felt.

His next turn ended up with two gutter balls and he just took a seat afterwards with his head hanging low. He grumbled and flipped his friend off after as Kenny picked on him about it and took his own turn. Marco just sighed, sagging his shoulders and rubbing his brow a bit trying to relax as they had been doing.

A pair of strong fingers began rubbing his shoulders and the other man leaned down over him. "Ya' doin' ok?" Kenny smiled. Even though that morning he was the one with the hangover it seemed his friend was having the problem now. Kenny knew it only took a good quickie to ease that dreadful feel. The only issue with it was the trouble of changing back. If he hadn't been offered this supple...strong...body he was rubbing he doubted he could've done it.

And as a reward for it a moan came from the other man making Kenny perk up. "Thanks." Marco said rolling his shoulder before leaning forward as his back was massaged. Strong nimble finger rubbed, pressing down on it and in counter clockwise circles began easing him to his very core.

The poor techno music continued to play above and the only other people here were on the other side of the bowling alley. Pins crashing, toppling over. Even the sound from the tv behind the front desk was adding to the noise. Yet Marco still heard the soft singing coming in through the door.

"Cat's and the cradle and the silver spoon..." The young man said coming in. Even before Marco turned to look who was disturbing his quiet moment of bliss a cold shiver ran down his spine.

Covered in dried, caked blood Kyle looked around the room. "Hey!" He waved after looking around and after spying them. "Was looking for you guys!" He said as if they were old time friends.

"Who?" Kenny asked before his face went cold as his eyes began to glow. His hands were already covered in rich black fur as he kept them tightly placed on Marco's shoulder.

"I found them!" Kyle said loudly turning around but no one stood behind him. He did a full circle before looking around as if he had misplaced something. Before spying them once more. He waved again. "Was looking for you guys!" He repeated as if truly having forgotten about them. His eyes were wide, unblinking and a deep burning amber burned in them. His left eye twitched a bit as his face ripped apart once more in that smile too large for his face.

"Just one?" The store owner said coming in from the back to see what all the racket was about. "Be Ten fifty," the older gentleman voice faded away as he saw the boy. "Are you alright, kid?" He asked going around the corner as if assuming the blood covering his front was his own.

Even before Marco could make it out blood splattered the side of the wall. A golden, brown marked paw had sliced out. It's nails easily lacerating the store owner's throat, who looked at him as if unaware of the blood now gushing down his front. His eyes went wide, face turning a pale white and a gurgling cry sounded as he clutched his throat falling to the floor in horror.

"Stay." Kenny said flatly standing up proudly and moving just enough to block him from view.

"Looks like it's just us, huh?" Kyle bent over never taking his eyes off them as his head tilted to one side. That smile never leaving his face. "What should we play first?"

Silence fell and an unsteady calm had settle down around them like the eye of a storm. There was a scream from the other side that broke this heavy air as one of the other people inside saw the scene. She covered her mouth moving from the young man to the older one on the floor and even before she could look back at the freshman her head was ripped clean from her shoulders.

Carrying it like a bowling ball Kyle took a few steps forward and rolled it down the lane before looking back at the two.

Her companion had taken off the second he could move his legs. He only got a few feet before tripping over his own two clumsy feet. And as he hit the ground he had enough time to turn around and look at the large wild cat pouncing from above.

"Run." Kenny growled his arms now covered in fur as his very flesh began to tear, rip and fall in flakes to the floor.

Kenny's upper body snapped, his rip cage breaking and rebuilding outwards as his stomach and sides sunk in. Bending over he could only watch as claws ripped free from his fingers and old sandals he had found behind the gym snap like rubber bands. The pants he wore ripped at the end as his knees extended, long sturdy legs bracing his heavy ever increasing weight. A thick luxurious black mane ripped from his back and shoulders, cascading down the back of his neck as a large snout burst free from his face as if he had been wearing a fake mask all afternoon.

And there he stood Nine feet tall, several hundred pounds, crouched over on all fours huffing, growling and snarling with glowing emerald eyes as he watched the cat on the other end poke it's head up and look over at them.

Red ooze flew from side to side as the bobcat waved at them with a massive smile. "Now that the pests are gone." Kyle looked around as if to make sure. "Let's play!" He brought his paw up before stopping, staring at the bloody mess still in his fingers. His ears twitched, eyes bugging from his head and his very body shook a bit. And in the next second he was back smiling widely and looking at them. "What should we play?" He asked before picking up the body at his side. "How about fetch!" He laughed, a cruel dark sound in and of itself as he hurled the body of the way and towards them.

Marco stood up in time to be lifted up and carried to the side as the remains splattered against the seat he had been on. Marco looked at the mess before find his whole face hidden underneath the black obsidian fur.

"Don't." Kenny said looking at him if only for a second. "Just don't." He whispered softly cradling him in his arms. "I'll distract him. Head for the exit." He muttered in a low voice as a growl echoed from his chest.

Setting Marco down Kenny moved once more in front of him, crouching down and eying the cat who had jumped up onto the bowling ball case. Kyle pranced from one side to the other before looking at them once more.

"Why doesn't your friend change?" He asked like an ignorant child wondering why the sky was blue.

Kenny jumped forward and the cat neatly jumped up and over him, landing on his back and kicking off towards the easier prey. His back raised heel was snagged in mid air, spun around and hurled against the lockers straight across from the main doors.

Marco hesitated before moving, a second of doubt that ended up saving his life as one of the bolted down benches were thrown like a javalin through the glass doors smashing into the small lobby and blocking the path out.

Marco stopped, skidding on his legs as he dropped down to grab at the floor with his hands before quickly moving towards the back.

Kenny was distracted making sure Marco hadn't been hit and ended up getting a swift swipe across the face for his efforts. Snarling he moved to the side gripping the ground before body tackling the other werecreature to the ground. Pressing down with his whole weight Kenny struggled to keep it down, pinned against the ground with an arm on it's neck as it reached out swiping with his cat paw at the man running by.

"Be in the back." Marco shouted ducking around the corner and disappearing from view as the two beast attacked each other once more. One snarling and the other seeming to be having the time of his life.

Marco managed to shut the door, running back to lock it before heading further inside. He stopped half way in and looked back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He cursed wanting to run back to help his friend and "...do what?" He pleaded looking down at his shaking hands. So helpless. Like a newborn. Unable to do anything but run away.

He turned back around to look for something to grab, to use as a weapon but ended up stopping. Marco's face grew pale as he saw the other man in the room.

"Sup." Samuel said lighting the cigar his mouth. He took a long drag of it before breathing it out, turning the cigar around and offering it to him. "Need a smoke?" Samuel grinned.

Kenny head smashed into one of the over hanging tv screens and he landed on his back, sliding backwards along the slickened bowling floor. Rubbing his head, the wolf groaned muttering a few choice words under his breath as he sat up in time to see the bobcat pouncing from above.

Kicking both hind paws up he caught the now startled cat and flipped him over, watching as the bobcat spun around in mid air landing neatly before sliding backwards into the pins, hitting the back of his head on the neon sign just above them. Kyle bit his tongue as his head snapped down, chin smacking hard against the floor.

"Ow, ow, ow." He muttered looking at his bloodied tongue. "It hurts." He whined standing up, his legs moved quickly under him as he tried to get a footing before clawing the ground and holding his place. "Ha!" He said looking up in time to see a bowling ball rolling towards him.

Jumping over it, barely dodging his man bits getting crushed, the bobcat laughed looking back as he pointed a finger at him. "Missed!" And with that got smacked in the face by another ball. Stumbling back with a broken snout he cursed holding his face as another ball crashed into his leg causing him to fall face first back onto the floor.

Covering his face the bobcat whimpered. "I give, I give!" He shouted. The sound stopped around him and the bad techno music met his ears. Kyle opened his eyes moving his paws to stare at the two large black hind paws directly in front of his snout.

The large bobcat looked up in time to the see the wolf with a bowling ball in one hand and with it dunked it down with such great force it left a hole in the floor where the bobcat's head would've been.

Snarling loudly Kenny stood there looking down at the mess making sure he wasn't moving any further. Spitting down on the body he turned and began heading towards the door. "Why'd they have to be cats? I fucking hate cats..." He muttered touching the scar on the top of his muzzle from the cat swipe. It wasn't healing instantly like a normal wound would.

"Did you enjoy my present?" Samuel asked back behind the court.

Marco had followed him, without much choice, as they "gave the other two some breathing room." The whole time he was looking over his shoulder waiting for that big mangy black fur dog to hurry up and catch up.

"Relax." Samuel said looking at him. The word made Marco jump as he looked back at him. "I told you before. If I had wanted you died. You would be."

"And...that?" Marco asked pointing behind him at where the two were fighting. "Another one of your presents?"

"Kyle?" Samuel laughed and shook his head. "Nah, that was just a...test let's say." He chuckled looking at him. "I hold no interest in you." He clarified his voice darkening a bit. "However your big furry boyfriend-,"

"We're not boyfriends." Marco felt the need to correct. Mainly out of the flush he had gotten from the remark.

"What?" Samuel asked looking at him as if he were pulling his tail. "Then why do you smell like wolf jizz?"

"Excuse me?" Marco asked looking at him now as if he were the one pulling his leg.

"You reek of it." Samuel covered his nose and waved a hand in front of his face. "Like you bathe in the stuff." He gagged a bit at the thought.

"We...I haven't done anything." Marco said still flushing at the very thought.



Samuel looked at him before shaking his head and rubbed his eyes. "Look. Whatever!" He shouted growling as he heard the noise in the other room die down. "Shit," he muttered but found himself smiling anyways. "Look!" He pointed at him now. "That folder I gave you? A perfect detail list of all the were's in our school. Get your big ass fuck buddy to take 'em out, would ya?" He asked though it looked as if Samuel was the now the one worrying. He kept looking around and every few seconds blew some more smoke up into the air.

"What?" Marco asked looking at him. "You want us to...kill the others?"

"Duh." Samuel rolled his amber eyes. He stopped and listened to the sound around them before continuing. "Don't think it's to help you." He snarled glaring at him. Marco looked back into those eyes and for a second pitied the man. Pleading, desperate eyes. "Do what ever the fuck you want." He waved him off turning around to head out.

"Marco!" A voice shouted from behind them. It sounded as desperate and pleading as Samuel had looked a second before.

"Looks like that's my Que, huh?" Samuel chuckled a bit chewing on the end of his cigar before looking back at him. "Try not to get bitten." He chuckled darkly and gave him a fanged smile.

Marco watched the man jump forward ripping clean of his human skin and cigar still in maw run off on all fours as the door behind him popped off its hinges and toppled to the side.

"Marco!" Kenny shouted crawling out, and getting stuck, in the partially removed, slanted door.

Marco looked back at him and smiled. "Polo." He replied as he watched the large wolf scramble about trying to get through. He pulled with his arms as he kicked with his legs and finally managed to pop his way out. Rolling head over tail Kenny jumped back to his feet and then ran over on all fours to hug him.

"You alright? Your not hurt?" Kenny swallowed loudly moving him away and looking over every inch of him with his snout, sniffing and licking at his bare skin as if out of force of habit.

"Yeah." Marco said a bit drain. He pet the top of his friends head. "And you?" He asked. The top of his snout had three large gashes on it. The blood had stopped flowing but the wound was still raw and fresh.

"Fine." Kenny just growled spining him around and sniffing him all over.

Marco jumped as that nose pressed against his rear and pulled free, turning back around to look at the wolf who had his head still down at groin height. Kenny smiled up at him, wagged his tail with perked ears. "Hi." He said as if only now coming back to his senses.

"You sure your alright." Marco said bending down a bit and touching the top of his muzzle, just next to the wound.

Kenny growled, flinching at the touch but didn't pull away. "Fine." He muttered softening his expression and resting on all fours with his head down. Marco rubbed the side of his fuzzy, whiskered face and as Kenny looked up at him gave him a large hug.

"Damnit." Marco said holding back as tears filled his eyes. He pressed his face against the thick mane around the wolf's head, that ran down his neck like a black water fall. "Don't do that!" He cursed under his breath a few times. "Damnit." He just said again. "What if something happened to you? You...idiot!" He shouted.

A paw was placed on his back, hugging his body against the wolf's chest. Kenny didn't say anything as a fist punched his shoulder.

"Idiot!" Marco said louder as he rested against the large canine. "So...fucking stupid." He gripped his fur between clenched fist.

Kenny just held him as he looked forward at where the other man had run off from. The cigar smoke was heavy in the air.

"Kenny." Marco said pulling back as much as he could. The paw on his back would only let him go so far though. Kenny looked back at him waiting for him to continue. "You don't jerk off on me do you?" Marco frowned at his face.

Those emerald eyes widen a bit, ears folding back and Kenny lied through his teeth. "No." Marco just looked at him. "Not exactly." The other man just kept looking. "Not on you...directly." Kenny said getting a bit flustered under that stare. "Well it was that or take a leak all over you!" Kenny said as if trying to compromise, as if his alternative was the more logical choice.

"We are going to have a very long talk when we get home. " Marco just said flatly. Kenny swallowed loudly more afraid now than he was before. "Oh," Marco said remembering about to head back inside when a strong paw gripped his whole arm. "We need to grab the brown folder." He said looking at the wolf.

Kenny just nodded and wordlessly let him go and turn around to head back inside quickly. Slipping through the door this time with ease making Marco wonder if he had actually gotten stuck before or not. As the wolf vanished from view Marco felt that chill run down his spine and he turned around to look behind him to make sure no one else was back here. And even though he saw no one he could their eyes still on him as he back up next to the door waiting for his friend to once more rejoin him.