What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Nine.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Nine By Roofles

"Scent?" Was the first thing Marco said after asking Kenny about his midnight fap sessions. The two had retreated to the, relatively, safety of his apartment. Kenny had disappeared for a bit as Marco took a long hot shower trying to wash off more than just his worries. The great black wolf lurked around the building making sure his scent markings hadn't been disturbed and refreshing the ones that needed to be. His markings hadn't been touch but the linger scent of cigar smoke was still in the air.

"Yup." Kenny just shrugged as the man came out of the shower thirty minutes later. Marco would've stayed in longer but the wolf insisted on coming in to check on him every couple of minutes. Ruined the mood he had created for himself. A massive canine stomping into the bathroom while your taking a shower, taking a long leak in the toilet without flushing or washing his hands and stomping out? Kind of ruins the mood.

"Why?" Marco asked, towel around his waist. He was standing in the hallway looking at those emerald eyes shrouded in darkness. The fur blew lightly from the open window Kenny had crawled in from.

"'Cause." Kenny just shrugged and stood up to his full height, slightly hunched and headed into the fridge to find something to chew on.

"Kenny." Marco growled following him into the kitchen about to continue the argument but stopped.

Kenny sat on all fours with his head tilted a bit looking at him with folded ears, closed muzzle and wide emerald eyes. He looked like a massive large normal canine. Until he smiled. A toothy, fanged grin that wrinkled the sides of his muzzle, scrunched up his brow and his pointed ears standing giving him a very feral, wild expression as his tail wagged and rear end stuck up in the end as he pressed his chest against the floor.

"Kenny..." Marco warned taking a step back. He held his hand up hand. "Stay." He said taking another step back. Those eyes lit up. "No. Bad. Bad!" Marco said and even before he had time he got pounced on.

Body tackled, hugged and glomped Marco found himself on his back with the large canine nuzzling on top. A tongue slathered across his face, leaving a trail of thick saliva sticking to his flesh. Strong arms hugged him as his slightly coarse paw pads rubbed his sides and held him tightly against his fur covered body. Marco could smell the strong musk as his face was shoved against his chest and feel the warmth wash over his face as if Kenny had a heater under his black obsidian fur.

Marco wasn't sure where his towel had gone as he was hugged and molested by those paws that roamed his body. The nails dragged along his bare flesh making him shiver, goosebumps forming in their wake. A hot ragged breath panted above and he could feel the beasts pounding heart on the side of his face, rising and fall with his breath.

He was let go the next second with the large canine laughing a bit resting on top of him and looking down at him with a happy, fanged face. Marco knew it had only lasted a couple of seconds but it felt like an eternity. The worst part was was that he liked it. More so than when he was just a fleshy, boring human. And that was why, primarily, he was flushing feeling that hot uncomfortable feeling in all the right places as that drooling maw looked down at him.

Glistening fangs, a dark abyss behind a slithering hot pink muscle that was now lapping happily at his face and hot, humid, moist... breath that could turn dairy.

"Kenny." Marco found himself laughing though as he dried to push that muzzle out of his face. "Kenny!" He continued to plead as he smiled, that large bumpy black button nose pushing against his cheek and that tongue slapping the other side.

Before Kenny moved, pressing his lips down roughly against Marco and, literally, taking his breath away. His tongue snaked inside and Marco found himself nearly gagging on the monstrous muscle as it began lapping him from the inside.

Marco pushed his head away, gripping the fur tightly in his hands and pulled it back (though it hadn't moved an inch) and found himself pressing his whole naked body back against the fur covered beast.

That gripping tightness in his chest relaxed and his shoulders eased up, his body was already melting in his paws and for once Marco found himself in this past week able to just let everything go. Drain away in that strong, warm, dominate, unyielding, crushing, slightly suffocating embrace.

As that tongue slurped out, swallowing the man's taste Marco had chance to take a few very needed breaths. Holding onto him he just took slow, heavy breaths of that thick musky scent that had begun to fill the air. It only aroused him further and only seemingly aware of his nakedness he pressed against the black fur rug above him to hide himself, only getting an approving growl in return.

"Wow." Marco managed to say still tasting that tongue in his mouth. He swallowed loudly before looking up at the wolf's face staring down. A strong paw gripped his ass holding him up. "You can let go now." He patted the wolf's chest with a smile. "Please." He smiled a bit nervously.

Kenny held him for a few more seconds before easing up his grip and letting him go. He bowed his head a bit about to apologize for something he had been holding back when Marco cut in.

"Not that I mind." He chuckled a bit bending down to grab his towel. "Not about to cuddle up butt naked quiet yet," he joked wrapped the brown wool towel around his waist once more and standing up.

"Yet?" Kenny asked hopefully.

"Well." Marco looked away a bit, chuckling. "I mean not that I minded. At all. It's just," he looked back at the wolf.

Kenny's black velvet soft lips pressed against his once more and a paw rubbed the side of his face. Holding it in that gentle, strong dominate grip. A tongue slurped into his mouth before out once more as those black velvet lips left his. He smiled at him as he continued to pet the side of the man's face.

"Not minded at all." Marco corrected looking into those stunning emerald eyes. "Sorry," he lowered his head and found himself in a strong embrace. He rested his face against the thick fur covered chest listening to the sound of his heart beat. "Just the thought of losing you..." Marco muttered a bit taking another slow breath of that musky scent.

"I know." Kenny growled petting the back of his head. "I can't even bare the thought of that. Of losing you." He found himself panting as a hand gripped at his chest, holding that thick fur hide in his fingers. Kenny just held him closer looking down at his friend.

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow." Marco mumbled against him. His eyes were slightly glazed over as his mind continued to dwell on the subject. That he or his best friend wouldn't be here? Was that even possible?

Here they were together and yet at the same time the thought, the fear, the doubt of losing him made Marco cling tighter. Kenny had said he was his anchor and now Marco was beginning to feel the same. The one thing keeping his mind from breaking, snapping under the strain of all of this was indeed his best friend here and now. And maybe that was why he didn't want to do anything with him, to see where things went. For fear that it might turn sour and this moment, right here would shatter and break and nothing could ever be the same again.

"Do you want me to let you go?" Kenny asked looking at the man holding his chest.

"In a minute." Marco said closing his eyes and resting against him.

Kenny scooped him up much to the other man's startlement and carried him through the hall wordlessly and into the bedroom where he laid him down on the bed and curled up next to him, somehow removing his pants in the process.

The large wolf head dipped down and nuzzled underneath Marco's chin, nuzzling against his chest as one hand held an arm and the other rested on his side, holding it tightly. The black paw pads squished as they squeezed on his naked side. Claws traced against his bare flesh as those strong, sausage sized fingers roamed his side. Hot breath washed over his body as the sheer heat from the large canine was more than enough to substitute for the lack of blanket and cloths.

A tongue lapped at his chest making him both shiver and groan a bit. So warm, thick saliva drenching his chest before the chill air cooled it and then more was applied. That bumpy black nose sniffed at his chest, under his arm as it shoved against the crook of it, down his side and before Marco knew it that snout was in between his legs. Sniffing at his bare exposed sack and licking his once flaccid uncut member.

Marco was familiar with the action. Wordlessly Kenny had done it before whenever he was stressed or in need, the man could practically smell it it seemed. Yet now there was a wolf snout pressing against him. That large button black nose was still pressing firmly at his sack, sniffing and breathing in the musky scent around it. It moved underneath sniffing underneath and at his clean taint. A paw opened up his leg and before Marco was able to say a thing that thick, warm tongue lapped over his exposed hole. Forcing a half inch inside, before disappearing as quickly as it had happened and Marco was still groaning.

That snout angled itself better as Kenny moved turning Marco from his side onto his back and crawling between his legs. Holding his legs open the emerald eyes just stared down at him devouring his very manhood with their lustful gaze. Drool splattered the side of Marco's leg as the maw opened up wide revealing those sharp glistening fangs, black lips and dark pink tongue that slurped out and under his semi hard cock.

The tongue was thicker than he was, longer and already wet, warm and moist as it curled underneath him and pulled it up and into the wolf's hungry gullet. The maw sealed shut around him making Marco flex as he kept his eyes closed trying not to think of where his precious, now dripping, manhood was. The damp, dark, humid place it was in was very welcoming as much as it had been invitingly. That tongue sucked on his length, pulling on it as if trying to scoop his very core up and into his very body.

Suction wasn't really there but that tongue made up for it as it caressed, rubbed, stroked and suckled on him in ways he had never thought possible. The teeth pulled lightly on his flesh, the tongue cupping around his length as there was a loud swallow from the great beast and the strong fingers continued to hold his sides as those emerald eyes looked up into his face. Watching the bliss, hearing the groaning pleasure and seeing the look of pure joy as Kenny tasted and sucked his friend off.

The slow humping motion into his muzzle only fueled Kenny's joy as his friend trusted him enough, or was too horny to care, about it. The sack began slapping against his chin and his bumpy black nose pushed deep into the tangled, yet trimmed, mess around the now stiff member. The scent coming from him was as strong as ever but with his canid snout he could smell every detail of it. Every pleasure he was feeling he could smell and enjoy along with him as Marco humped faster into his muzzle.

A hand touched the back of his black fur head making Kenny's ears stand up and his eyes looked up at him. Marco scratched his fuzzy head, rubbing at it as his eyes remained closed and he humped up into him again and again.

The scent of the man, the heat from his groin and the musky pre on his tongue was making Kenny hard. His throbbing pink shaft slid from the full sheath between his legs, just above the hanging resting orbs. Kenny's large hind paws were off the bed. One was pressing against the floor, as the other one dangled off the edge, his knee supporting him as he continued to watch his friends pleasure. Letting go of one of Marco's thighs he wrapped his fingers around the already full knot in his length, holding it tightly as he began bobbing his head in his friends lap.

Marco grabbed at the sheets, his sack tightening against him as the final moments began to coarse through him unable to hump up into that bobbing muzzle. His toes curled and legs tightened as he twisted his head to the side and let out a low groaning moan of pleasure before feeling that jolt of lightning surge through his system making him gasp, moan and whimper slightly as he came fully, harder than he had ever before into that hungry, drooling muzzle.

Gulping down one load after another, Kenny closed his eyes stroking himself off as that flavored musk filled his mouth, ran down his throat and into his belly forever. Keeping that thought in mind, focusing on it all Kenny continued to rub, gripping his knot and pulling on it with each jerk as if he had knotted with his friend and was now pounding his tight ass. Tip leaking Kenny whimpered a bit as his eyes snapped open and that now semi hard member slipped free of his muzzle and Marco sat up a bit.

"Do you...need a hand?" Marco asked panting slightly, sweating and feeling flushed in the face.

Kenny maw was still open and Marco wasn't sure if it was drool or semen that dribbled out of it onto the bed between the man's open legs.

Marco scooted closer however ignore the stupid expression on his friends face and looking down his large, muscular rich, obsidian fur body to the leaking volcano between his friends legs.

The foreign shaft was glistening with the clear fluid leaking from the top, glazing it in the wolf's pre all the way down to that large knot and drippling down into the wolf's empty sheath. Large hanging sphere's dangled between his strong, muscular thighs just as black furred as the rest of them.

Marco scooted a bit closer, swallowing loudly using the high of his own release to force himself, to convince himself to reach out and touch the very tip of that spear. It twitched in reply, more fluid squirting out of it and over his hand. Slickening his very palm as he grasped that point and stroked downwards feeling the girth push back in turn.

Down that thick, pulsing member all the way to the knot the canine had let go. The bulbous sphere seemed to flex as Marco fingers brushed the underside making the whole shaft stand taller, prouder as it glistened in the afternoon light seeping in through the window shades. Marco was sure Kenny was sucking his gut in at the time but his full, drunken high attention was focused on that beet red shaft.

Using both hands he held the enormous knot, rubbing and playing with it as he scooted a bit closer aware of the larger wolf now leaning down above him. Kenny gritted his teeth a bit, holding himself up with a strong arm as he placed a paw on Marco's shoulder urging him forward.

The tip rubbed against the side of Marco's face as he moved closer, the wolf gliding himself forward in the same motion. It slickened his cheek, searing his flesh with its heat and made his heart flutter inside his throat as Marco swallowed once more. His lips quivered as the shaft flexed once more in front of his eyes before, hesitantly, he opened his mouth and licked at the veiny flesh.

That paw on his shoulder tightened his grip as Kenny let out a low, heavy groan feeling those lips now wrap around his exposed tip head and swallow several inches of it. Slurping back off Marco rolled that taste around in his mouth and to his own surprised he swallowed it, half wondering if he would turn because of this and the other half of him not caring at this moment.

Moving back Marco opened his mouth and already Kenny was gliding his very tip into it, allowing him to suckle and nurse on his leaking tip, drink down the musky pre. Marco could feel it running down his chest as it continued to flood his mouth. Inside or out it warm like freshly brewed coffere, bitter and smooth that you could feel as it ran down your throat. A rich aroma accompanied it that filled the man's nostrils and lungs with every breath he took as he kept his hands firmly around the wolf's knot.

Massaging and rubbing it as he licked and teased at his tip, moving one hand down to feel inside his empty sheath. At the warm bare flesh inside and with a long stroke brought that hand back up to grip the knot tightly and give it a painful, jolting pleasure as he tugged on it making the large wolf above growl loudly.

Clawing at the sheets Kenny chewed on his lip forcing himself to stay calm, to enjoy this and not to savagely hump into that mouth. Face fuck him as his bitch and forcibly tie them together to seal the deal. Instead he just focused on that pleasure as Marco drank his puppy broth.

Grunting, Kenny gripped the smaller man tighter as he began to slowly rock himself back and forth on the bed shaking the very mattress under them. The headboard pounded against the wall rhythmically with the wolf's humping motion. That hefty black fur sack swung with his motions as his lips curled up in a very wolfish grin.

Marco could feel the pounding of his heart grasped in his hands as if that very knot was the powerful muscle. It throbbed and pulsed with every inch of his length as more of that fluid began to gush out, running down his chin and onto his bare naked chest. Unfortunately Marco had timed it poorly as he pulled off to take a breath.

Kenny arced his back howling as his sack pressed against his body, toes splayed and tail flagged high and with it a gushing river of hot white magma pumped onto Marco's face. Ribbons of white, sticky hot wolf spunk ribboned out across his shoulders, stuck in his hair and masked his face in heavy cream.

The tip continued to drizzle as Kenny pulled back apologetically (grinning like a mad man however) as he looked down at his closed eyed friend.

Marco 'fountained' what was left in his mouth out as he began to wipe his eyes clear.

"Here." Kenny said still grinning smugly as he nosed down and began to lick his face clean. Marco just stopped mid wipe and just went along with the tongue slapping at his face. His head moved to the side as that powerful tongue slurped over his nose and eyes, swallowing loudly before going back.

Marco didn't stop the wolf and so Kenny kept going. Licking at his face over and over again. At first was just a way to help before he began to kiss the man in a way only a wolf really knew how. Licking at his cheeks and over his mouth. At his chin and along his neck. Pressing him down onto the bed as he crawled up over him and began licking his whole very body.

Over his spunk covered chest and under neath his arms. Down onto his belly before nosing once more at his groin to lick and devour everything there. He lifted up his leg making Marco finally pay attention to the wolf who was now busy lapping at his taint and tailhole.

"Kenny." Marco said with a laugh.

The wolf stopped, his ears perking up and over the man's groin looked up at his friends face with those emerald eyes.

"I think that's good." He smiled at the snout now resting on his groin. Kenny licked his lips, swallowing loudly and Marco felt every move.

The wolf stood up a bit and stretched with a yawn as if he had just gotten off a long day of work and without even waiting crawled over Marco and laid down on top of him. Hugging the man like a body pillow, Kenny grinded himself against him with a growl beginning to drift off to a pleasent, warm nap the two had taken so many nights before. Though only the less fuzzy side.