Out In the Open

Story by WolfTales on SoFurry

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#22 of The Silence of the Savior

Chapter 22

** ** Her soft lips were wrapped around him, the suction in her maw was intense. His black furred paw rested atop her head, buried slightly into her red, sun-set fur. His breathing was heavy and he could feel the sensations filling his thick flesh with blood and other fluids. Everything he had thought it would be was put to shame in that moment.

He bit his lip and moaned, drawing himself out of sleep. Surprised he sat up and blinked, not wanting the images to fade, even as the feelings struggled to hang on. He was certainly hard, and would have trouble keeping his pants dry if the dream had continued. Glancing to his right, he found both girls still leaning against each other, Kate murring as she slept, and Sunn, who he had just been dreaming about, looking as innocent and peaceful as the first time he had seen her all cleaned up.

It was still hard for him to imagine her beating the crap out of those punks in the ally way. Without a thought, fighting back like it was second nature and still being so sweet and innocent. Not like most girls, who managed to look sweet or innocent, you could tell by looking at her, talking to her that she really was. Everything they had already done together, that he had seen...

That though dared his eyes to wander across her form, from her peaceful, sleeping maw, the head fur draping across her nearly bare shoulders, and following the light blue of her tank top until his gaze locked on the soft fur cover flesh that was not-so-well hidden beneath it. Watching the shadows dip down into her shirt, so delicately describing the shape and soft, supple nature of her flesh made his own want to return to full solidity.

Before he knew what he was doing, a paw had stretched across his girlfriend's sleeping form and touched the soft white fur that sat so pleasantly above the low front of her shirt. His breathing was heavy for long moments, enjoying the warmth of her fur and the genital giving on her soft flesh against his touch. Her own was raising stronger, and he almost feared waking her. It was then he noticed the long eye lashes of his Tigress girlfriend blinking open. His paw did not stop, wondering what she would think of finding him this way.

When she didn't say anything, or even move, he shifted his paw to her own covered flesh, immediately causing her to drag in a breath. She rolled slightly towards him, resting against him without letting Sunn fall, as Jack's other black furred paw wrapped around her to hold her other mound of flesh.

It had stung a little, waking to him feeling another woman, even if it was Sunn. She felt the urge to touch her as well, even more as they grew closer together, but shouldn't his urge to touch her be greater? Even as she thought this to herself, she watched his paws shift and cup her own flesh, messaging her gently with some small amount of need. She smiled slightly and leaned into him, without pulling herself from under Sunn's weight, loving the warmth of his body against her own.

After a short while, she motioned for him to stop. Sitting up slightly, she braced Sunn's shoulder and leaned her back against Jared's sleeping form. Jack rose from the couch behind her as she turned Sunn and braced her against his chest so she would not fall.

Her own emotions were soft and warm as she saw Sunn snuggle up to Jared chest, like she was meant to be there, and his own arm wrapped around her shoulder. He hugged her close even in his sleep, knowing she was there and wanting to hold her. She felt that strange twinge of jealousy once again. Crossing in front of Jack to head to the kitchen, she did not see his own look of jealousy on his maw. They responded so instantly to each other and he wanted nothing more in that moment that to feel her snuggled up to his own chest as they rested together. He shook the feeling as she followed his own girlfriend into the kitchen.

Had he noticed the frustrated twitching of her tail, he might have guessed her mood, but heading to the fridge for a drink, he was oblivious to her internal struggle.

"How do you feel?" Her voice was heavy in the air, the first real sound to break the silence after they woke. Did she mean about the scene they had just left on the couch? Could she possible know how he was feeling? He felt defensive, but also concerned for Kate's feelings. Had he not realized how this would affect her?

"What do you mean?" His voice was as tight as hers. Did he feel the same as her somewhere?

"About what has been going on with us lately. All of us." She felt the need to clarify as she leaned towards the door to see Jared and Sunn still sleeping on the couch.

He let out a breath before he really thought about it, for possibly the first time. Honestly he answered, "I don't know. What about you?" He looked up at her bright golden brown eyes, worried about how she would answer.

Turning back from the doorway, she found Jack own brown eyes and she wondered if he knew how much of his pleading was leaking through. She had to look away, not wanting her love for him or her want to make him happy to keep her from being honest.

"I'm a little jealous. Maybe even more than a little. I know this is something you guys have been fantasizing about, but I still want you to want me." She met his eyes, suddenly too guarded for her to read. "I guess I still want to be selfish with you. You are my boyfriend, first and foremost."

"Baby, I understand that. It was... just in the moment." He wasn't even sure if he was lying at this point, but he didn't want her to feel hurt.

Kate let out a little laugh. "Yeah, she kinda pulls the moment out of all of us, huh?" She leaned against the island, folding her paws and kicking lightly at the floor. "I just still want me to be in your moment, ok?" She finally met his gaze and he could see the tears threatening to spill into her own.

Stepping to her, her wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. Her paws came up to rest on his arm, treasuring the feeling of his warmth and love for her, for only her. She did have the right to be selfish.

"So what do we do now? Where do we go as the four of us?"

"Well, Jared and I talked about it a little. Nothing is decided without you and Sunn's ok, but we agreed that he wouldn't do anything with you that he wasn't ok with me doing to her, and vise-versa."

It sounded reasonable, but thinking about it, Jack was the first to cross that line. Did that mean he was ok sharing her with Jared? Thinking about it for a long moment, she could only feel uneasy. "I don't really see Jared that way." She caught the tension in his form and felt pained again. "But with what has already happened... I guess it wouldn't be fair to say no..."

Jack swooped in, hugging her, unable to mask his delight at the concept. Lifting her maw to his, he kissed her passionately, but the passion seemed like it skipped right over Katie without him even noticing. She felt empty and alone, no matter how much it pleased him, but she didn't know how to tell him.

"Of course it will depend completely on Sunn and what she wants at this point." Katie hoped that her friend would be no more comfortable with the idea that she was, but she would have to ask her sometime when they were alone. The comment hardly slowed Jack down, seeming ready to bolt into the living room and rise them out of a pleasant sleep to get started.

It wasn't long before Jared woke, finding Sunn cuddled up against his side, smiling in her sleep. His heart swelled as he simply sat and held her, amazed at how far they had come in such a short time. He sometimes forgot that she was unable to speak because they so rarely needed to. Everything seemed to just flow between them, with little need for more than a glance. He let his fingers drag lightly through her soft fur, leaning his muzzle to her and breathing in her familiar scent.

It wasn't until he really started to pull his mind from sleep that he could hear the voices from the kitchen. Kate and Jack, he had forgotten that they were there. He sighed a little, disappointed at not having some privacy with Sunn. But then he couldn't help but smile and nuzzle her head as he remember what all had been happening lately and why their friends were there. Whether from the sigh or the nuzzle, Sunn slowly started to come to, burring her muzzle into the scent of Jared's shirt and loving his smell.

Raising her head, he chuckled as she nuzzled hard under his chin. Arching down and around they caught each other in a hard but playful kiss. Their tongues were lazy as they held on to each other not with desire, though there was no lack of that between them, but love. He tried to tell her often, but most time a simple touch like this could say more than words.

As their soft embrace lingered on, Jared notice how quite it had become and opened an eye towards the kitchen. Sure enough, Jack was standing in the door way watching them. Jared was not blind to what was happening, but he had not wanted to say anything in front of Kate that would upset her. He could see now from Jack's form, his tight and angry stance that things would come to a head soon. He only hoped their friendship would be what survived it.

From inside the kitchen, Kate watched Jack standing in the door way. The tension was obvious in his form and she knew what she would see when she walked around him into the main room. She was right as she pushing his shoulder aside to make room, she found Jared and Sunn awake on the couch, kissing with a lazy passion. But what made her pause was the fact that Jared was looking at Jack. There was no contest or anger in his eye, but she could sense a kind of understanding in his stare. When his eyes shifted to her, he slowly broke the kiss with Sunn and his eyes changing to a happier tone, but she noticed a level of regret as well. She knew it was not for kissing Sunn, they belonged together, but for his understanding of what was happening to them.

It was uncomfortable for a few hours. Sunn, the only one not understanding why, kept trying to engage them. She had become accustom to the constant conversation and was uneasy with the silence. Finally, trying to get her attention when a short-lived conversation had died, she managed to poke Kate in the side. She jumped back in surprise at the loud squeal that followed Kate lurching away from her. When their eyes met, she could see the dark pink color rising behind her friend's orange, white and black stripes on her muzzle.

When the shock had passed, Sunn realized what had actually happened and smiled wickedly. Kate did not have time to protest before her quick pawed friend was mercilessly tickling her sides. She squealed and kicked, laughed and yelled, but only heard laughter came from the guys in response. Finally her please got through to them when she turned the tables back.

"Help! Get HER!!" Suddenly the paws attacking her ticklish sides pulled back and she barely dogged a flying foot as she sat up. Turning the torture, Kate joined in tickling wherever she could find on Sunn's newly exposed sides. Her feet were dangerous and uncontrollable, but reaching around behind Jack she was safe and they were more pinned to the bottom of the couch.

Sunn didn't remember the last time she had been tickled so fiercely, her maw gapping open as if she would scream. He paws flailed around until she was able to grab a pair of wrists and retch them from her vulnerable sides. Pushing the paws away to try and break free of the rest, Jack lost his balance and slipped straight off the couch, landing between it and the coffee table still pushed up to the TV. With a tight grip still around his wrists, Sunn was easily pulled off with him and landed across his body. Her paws were still holding his wrists, now pinned to the floor.

Sudden memories from his dream that morning came flooding back to him and he groaned, trying to grind his body up into her own. Her warmth and breath made his flesh immediately respond and the intensity turn down another path. Pushing his head up, he connected hard with her maw and did his best to kiss her passionately. All the laughter in the room died down to a threatening silence as Sunn's eyes shot wide open and her tall ears stood straight up.

Her claws nipped at his wrists as she held them tighter, needing the leverage against the floor to pull herself away from him. His eyes hardly registered what had happened as his maw gaped after her, still searching for her own to lock with. Shoving off from his wrists and the floor, Sunn flung herself back and into the side of the couch, trying to squeeze as far between Jared and Kate's legs as she could.

Sitting himself up, Jack finally returned to his senses enough to see the looks that were staring back at him. Anger flared in Jared's eyes, hurt was obvious in the golden brown of his girlfriend, but the one he seemed drawn to the most was the fear in Sunn's mossy green. He felt hurt, confused and afraid of her reaction. After everything they had done together, what he had seen, and this was her reaction to a simple kiss? Would he never get to have her?

A light brown paw covered one of her shoulders and he almost growled before he caught himself. Jared's eyes were fierce, but restrained as he watched him. His look was almost daring him to move again. What could he do? Realizing the line he had crossed, he dropped his ears to his head and lowered his eyes.

There was long moments of silences, no one looking at anyone else before the thick silence was cut by a voice. The anger was restrained, but a sense of challenge still hung heavy as Jared commanded attention.

"I think this has gone unaddressed as long as it can." Kate's heart-rate started to climb, afraid of a fight breaking out right there in the living room. They had been friends so long, how would this go? "Jack seems to have trouble controlling himself, and I think we all know what he wants." The orange fox ears stayed down as he risked a side glance at Sunn, still clinging to Jared's paw while staring intently at the floor. "It's not my first choice, but...." Every breath was held in that moment, wondering what he would say. "Maybe if we just get this over with, we can put it behind us."

All eyes shot open wide and looked at Jared. His form was stiff and unreadable as he tried not to look at anyone in particular. Jack's ears stood straight up, not believing what they had heard, while Kate's heart dropped in her chest. Could this really be the answer? Would it really fix anything? Is Jared really ok with this?

That question rang out in Sunn's gaze as well, afraid further by the fact that he would not look at her. His tone was wrong and what he was saying... did it really make sense? She glanced at Jack, his bright eyes looking her over as if he were a child who had just won a toy at the carnival. Back to Jared, but he would still not look at her. Instead he looked towards Kate.

"This needs your approval too." She looked horrified, but managed to hide it before Jack turned his gaze to her. So pleading, he was not even trying to hide it any more. Taking a breath to steady herself, she looked at Sunn. A look near her own horror was reflected back at her, and she felt hope for a strong moment. Maybe she would reject him, maybe it would finish this fantasy for good.

She swallowed hard and turned back to Jared. "If you think it will help..."

Sunn was shocked. Why would she say something like that? This couldn't possibly be ok with her. Being with Kate in front of Jared was one thing, but with Jack in front of Jared and_Kate. There _had to be something in the tribal laws about this... She couldn't bring herself to do it... could she?

Kate would not meet her gaze again, but Jared tried to smile at her reassuringly. It didn't feel like it helped. For the first time, she felt like he couldn't hear her, couldn't understand what she wanted to say to him. She was silenced and had no choice in the matter. But... if it would help their friendship heal... it might be worth it. How could she say no?

Kate held hope as she watched the struggle in Sunn's eyes, knowing she didn't want to do it. She could see her trying to plead with Jared as he only smiled at her. But suddenly their gaze was shattered as she turned her eyes down towards the floor. Submission?!? It was as if in slow motion as Sunn turned on the carpet to face Jack. But why?!? She was about to scream and shout when she caught the side of Sunn's face. No, she didn't want to do this, but she thought it was really what they wanted... what she wanted her to do. For her own sake, her friend was willing to do this because she had said yes.

She could only watch in horror, not only for her boyfriend going to have sex with another woman in front of her, but what her friend was willing to do _for_her. If she took it back now, she knew it would only get worse with Jack. There was no turning back. What had she done?