Drakensang chapter 3

Story by Rasalom on SoFurry

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#4 of Drakensang


"Someone told me: Love will ALL save us

But how could that be, look what love gave us

World full of killing, and blood spilling that world never came... "

_ - Hero - Nickelback _

  • Changing mag! - he shouted ducking behind the barricade and replacing the clip in his rifle.

  • Sir! There's a tone of them out there! - he heard a militant on his right

  • Shut up and keep them at bay! - shouted sergeant - You need an invitation, Garathy?! Fire your weapon!

  • Yes, sir! - Kyle shouted back resuming his position and opening fire. He aimed mostly in the legs; knees, thighs, whatever. Just to quickly knock them down.

Gemini V was rather large colony, so it was rather a surprise how marker-heads managed to remain hidden through all of the time, and strike suddenly with such force, considering the fact that all signs of marker activity, were instantly rectified in its infancy.

Here however they had a full-fledged necromorph outbreak and Kyle's squad was right in the middle of it. The job seemed simple. Provide military relief to security forces planetside, Assess level of threat and assist evacuation of non-combatants if necessary. But as it always were, nothing was that simple as it seemed on briefing.

First of all, when they came, there was almost no organized security force left to relief. Only scattered squads of minor resistance, and they were consequently snuffed out, one by one. Secondly, what was supposed to be a evacuation quickly changed into a frantic forfeit, where no one cared about the rules. UESA High Command deployed several squads onto the surface, but you didn't had to be a genius to see that they were fighting a losing battle. Three squads assumed their positions around the starport. Couple of others were searching the area for stranded personnel. Two remaining squads, including that in which Kyle was on, took positions around the marker to prevent the convergence from happening.

The trick was not to let the necromorphs anywhere near the damned thing until UESA could send a planet-buster to finish the job. And he was still hours away.

And they were getting low on ammo.

The colony had 9.5 billion inhabitants when the outbreak arose, both human and antharan. However Gemini V being placed so far in human space made for Antharans virtually unaccesible on short notice, so the entire operation was placed solely on humans. And even they had only small forces in the area.

Too bad. They could really use some heavier equipment; a battlemech or two...

  • That's a hell of a first day at work! - he heard at his side

  • Oh, you've noticed... - he responded putting a round in another target - Be grateful that there's no big ones around. Ouuuh, I tangoed with couple of those in sim...

  • Cut the chatter, ladies!

In the same moment far in the back of the flood of the dead bodies one of the compound walls suddenly collapsed letting in a giant creature, piled from multiple corpses.

  • You had to open your mouth, hadn't you?!

  • Their armor is too thick! Aim for the soft tissue at the joints! - He heard, not realizing that it was him who was shouting. - Dismember the bastard!

He ignored the smaller ones and aimed for the bigger. The creature was charging at them with a force and finesse of an angry elephant, shaking its massive body violently from side to side, thus making it this much harder to hit properly. It busted forth at the barricade, smashing steel containers to bits.

  • Fall back to secondary positions! - shouted the sergeant - Fall...

A large tentacle ending with a massive sharp tip spewed from the creatures mouth and struck the sergeant, piercing through his helmet and exiting his body at the bottom. His blood splashed onto Kyle, covering staining the front shield of his helmet. He heard high-pitched alarm sound of sergeant RIG, and the body was lifted up and tossed away violently. This however made the creature stay in one place long enough for others to make a shish kebab out of it.

  • Fuck this shit! Let's get the fuck out of here!

  • Secondary positions, GO! GO! GO! - Shouted Kyle waving his arm backwards. - They cannot form the moon before planet-buster arrives!

  • Suppressive fire! - shouted another on his left

People were dying all around him. At one point it looked like his gaze was the death sentence. Anywhere he looked they were getting pierced, beheaded, ripped apart or squashedby endless legions of animated corpses. This wasn't going well. Kyle grabbed the soldier next to him, who was cowering, gripping his head tightly moaning all the while, by his arm and shook it bringing him back to his senses.

  • Come on man. We Are Leaving!

Then from somewhere above he heard a roar and saw a necromorph, the one with appendage that resembled scorpions tail coming down on him. He barely had the time to push the other soldier away, before he got pinned down. He had only second to shake it off before the rest of the pretties would swarm him. With a squeeze at the handle he deployed a short vibroblade from under the barrel, and cut the head of the creature along with one of the arms.

He squirmed from under it and fired few rounds at the second limb. He felt thug on his back as someone grabbed him and pulled away behind the large gate. He kept on firing until the door closed.

  • Weld it shut. - he heard clearly his voice now, when all the roaring and snarling died down behind the massive gate.

  • Since when it is you who is giving the orders? - asked one from second squad.

  • Since I have the highest rank, - he pointed out three stars on his shoulder.

  • You're just a squaddie...

  • Any sergeants around? No? Then move your fat ass, private!

Kyle stood up, still a little dizzy from the encounter and recharged the weapon. There were only seven of them left in the room. Seven of twenty eight. And swarms of them outside. He turned his sight from the massive doors as two remaining members from his squad lighted their torches and begun welding the doors. He saw a giant black marker in the center of the room and growled in useless fury. How could people be that stupid, even after all the previous outbreaks... He shook his head. Now wasn't the best time for pondering sanity of one's own species.

  • Okay, it looks like this - he started turning to the rest of the survivors - There are no vents around, so that door is the only way they can go in. If they reach that thing, all hell is gonna break loose. We've got... Three hours until the Excalibur's arrival, and we have to hold them off until then.

  • You're nuts. Whole this area is crawling with those things, and there's just a handful of us. We won't last three minutes!

  • This is what you've signed on. It's too late to back out now.

Something slammed hard at the door from the outside, making the two soldiers jump away in fright. They all went silent, gazing at the only entrance, One and a half foot of reinforced steel suddenly seemed so very thin.

  • What was that?

  • An overenthusiastic Jehovah witnesses?

  • Nah... They are usually come early in the morning...

Another slam made a noticeable bulge on the surface.

  • Buffed up pizza dude?

  • Well, he's late. No tip for him...

Slam! The central locking mechanism broke in two, spraying the pieces around.

  • Good thing somebody said to weld the door... - muttered Kyle - Oh, wait. It was me.

  • Don't twist your shoulder while patting yourself on the back

  • Anyone have stasis?

  • Nope.

  • Two charges...

  • Ain't that just peachy?

  • Form up behind the barricade - ordered Kyle

  • Those will be like BB guns against it! - said one pointing at his rifle

With a loud crashing sound, that what remained of the lock busted forth in between them and slammed hard at the marked, making their heads suddenly pulse with pain.

  • Open fire! - shouted Garathy as the flow of necromorphs started to stream in through the gap.

His Voice drowned in a sudden outburst of sound. It sounded like a chorus of giant horns. Kyle looked back at the marker. It was pulsing with energy; coursing through it like a giant vortex lifting pieces of dirt around it and guiding them upwards.

This was it. The convergence effect.

They've failed...

  • Garathy, what are you...? Get back here and help us, you fucking coward!!

He walked up to the marker, barely noticing his surroundings. With his hand outstretched forward, and the rifle held in the other he touched the surface. That filled his head with such amounts of pain, that he was sure his skull cracked, splattering his brain everywhere, but instead of dying a horrible death, he found himself... Somewhere.

He couldn't make out a single familiar shape, because when he tried to focus on it, it just dissolved into something else. The only thing that was more or less stable was the ground. It looked like it was made of the pieces of a strange puzzle, each with a symbol he couldn't recognize. He started to walk forward gripping the rifle tightly trying to look in all directions at the same time. Then suddenly he found himself surrounded by shadowy figures. Their eyes were glowing brightly in contrast of their purely black postures. He managed to however distinguish one familiar detail in them.

The long scythe-like arms.

  • Come on - he hissed aiming at the closest one with iron-sight on his rifle - Right this way.

He fired. Rounds struck its destination, piercing through it, and making it burst suddenly, like a cloud of smoke. However in an instant the figure has been replaced by another one. This repeated each time Kyle fired a shot, proving as useless as throwing harsh words at them. Which he did as well, His voice coming to a shout, while the figures were closing on him.

  • Come on! Wanna piece of me?! - he gathered all the anger he could muster within himself, shouting at them louder and louder - Come and get me you fucking beauties!! I'll teach you to stay dead properly this time!!

Soon he run out of ammo. Tossing the rifle away, he pulled out his side arm. An ancient pistol .50 Desert Eagle that was a gift from his father. It was supposed to be in their family for generations, but Kyle didn't believed much in this. For starters a gun that old would probably blast back in the face rather than actually shoot, and this one worked really nice. Secondly, it was surprisingly light, considering its size it had to be made of modern composites, unobtainable for weapon-smiths from XXth century.

First figure loomed over him, coming through his body like a phantom. He felt it like a sudden gush of extreme cold that left his body trembling violently. Then another did the same, and another after that, and another.

He fell onto his back, seeing them swarming over him, but he was unable to even rise his hand, It was so cold. Somewhere above them he saw a faint light, an aurora or something. He managed to turn his head a little to see the source of light. It was the marker. It seemed to hover somewhere in the distance, pulsing with those damned symbols. He saw them everywhere. Above, below and on the sides. They shone brightly. Making themselves visible even through closed eyelids. They were whispering. He couldn't make out what. All of them at once. It got through his skull and screwed itself into his brain, and deeper to the nerve cells, and deeper to the very soul...

A loud bang brought him back to his senses. He somehow managed to pull the trigger on his sidearm, while it was pointing at... He fired again and again. .50 caliber bullets mashed at the surface of the glowing marker, making it crack and burst into a vortex of splinters.

The Shockwave that came out of the black marker tossed him back like a ragdoll, making him roll back to the barricade. He tried to open his eyes, but when he did he saw only the symbols. Everything was made out of them. They were whispering, hostilely; accusingly.

Other voices also came. The voices of the soldiers, they seemed so distant. Someone was calling med-evac, Others... He couldn't tell.

He tried to speak but only managed to groan. They were carrying him somewhere...

Field hospital was crowded to its full capacity, which was normal on the battlefields. Beds with wounded soldiers were placed just about everywhere. There was one bed behind a curtains, somewhat isolated from the rest. There were people around it, but only one of them was from medical staff. The rest were of clearly military origin.

  • Are those restraints necessary? - Asked the officer barring major's insignia.

  • Unfortunately so - said the doctor regulating something on the holo-screen placed beside the bed. - He attacked some of the personnel in attempt to strangle them. One of the paramedics have lost an ear, and got some nasty scratches on the cheeks, before we could sedate the patient. He resisted five doses of sedative, and tried to pluck out his own eyes. He's calm now only because the machine is cutting off the electrical impulses in his neurons, so he cannot move his muscles, but look at his EEG. We don't have the equipment to treat him in here. I'm not sure if any of our facilities can doo much, beside extending his agony...

  • Sir. - a corporal came up to them - The Excalibur just arrived, they're awaiting specs.

  • Not quite something I would call: in the nick of time - muttered major - Where's the rest of his squad.

  • They've been quarantined - said the doctor - They must have came into contact with it as well.

  • I want them checked out, and debriefed ASAP, as for our friend here... Put him in stasis, and prepare for transportation. Signal the Excalibur - he said to the soldier - Tell them we have an injured soldier that needs to be transported onto Anthares IV immediately. They are more knowledgeable in this area than we are. Maybe they'll patch him up.

  • Why so much of a fuss over a lowly grunt?

  • That's classified. - said major heading for the exit - Strictly-need-to-know. And for the moment you don't. Just focus on keeping him alive until then.

  • Come on Collin - said the doctor moving alongside him - We know each other since we were kids. Can't you tell me something?

  • If I knew myself...

  • Don't give me that crap...

  • Look, all I know is that, as you have said "lowly grunt" just stopped the epidemic. Planet-wide. Alone. High command, and frankly me myself would like to know how the hell he did that. I'm serious Preston. If it goes public, you know how it's going to end. We don't need another Altman around. Just keep him alive, and keep your mouth shut about it. Officially Kyle Garathy is MIA.

When Sha'Rae first told him about Drakensang, Kyle envisioned the city as more or less medieval castle with surrounding villages, or a bunch of dragon dens or something. They didn't seemed to be much developed after all. What he found was a city truly worth the name. It spanned over an a mediocre island, placed really close to the mainland, so close in fact that it was connected with it by a wide bridge made of white stone. The island shoreline was replaced by a massive fortifications, walls ten meters thick and twenty meters high; guard towers on top of the walls with trebuchets. On the left side from his point of view he saw a large harbor facility with ships, that resembled galleons that sailed the oceans of ancient Earth, though with different shape of sails, and... Well, oars.

The central point of the city was clearly artificially created mountain in the way that resembled a crude-looking pyramid with a castle on top, and waterfalls flowing from the base of the castle down to the ground level. Two on each side of the pyramid. Each tier of the pyramid contained houses in variety of sizes and shapes. As Sha'Rae have told him, on the northern side of the city, unseen from their perspective, farms were placed, where they've kept livestock, and such.

Draconians were purely carnivore, but they did tended their fields, grow crops and the like, thanks to a volcanic soil there. Yet that has been done only for trade with other cities, or as fodder for livestock. Actually Kyle had to admit, when he finally saw all of this, that they were quite sophisticated for a pre-industrial culture. But then again, he never was any good at this.

They walked slowly by the bridge, chatting about minor things. They were passed by a caravan with armed escort comprised of draconian knights, mounting large lizards, and similar lizards carrying many different goods and led by a group of wolf-men - licans, as Sha'Rae have called them, heading from the city out in the wilderness. She told him that probably they were delivering those goods to Solanar, Lican city south-east from there.

They walked pass the gates, through the market and deeper into the city, when Kyle saw something in the narrow alley. He saw a female (probably, because draconians were clearly reptilian in origin, they didn't produced milk to feed the young, so their females didn't had any breasts) pressed to the wall, and a male mashing his loins repeatedly against her rump. Normally in those situations a common sense would have made anyone to turn back and move along, but something inside him made him stop and whistle loudly.

  • Hey! - he shouted running towards them - What do you think you're doing?

The male turned his snout towards him and charged at him suddenly, with his claws outstretched in aggressive posture. Kyle grabbed his wrist twisting it inwards, and using the momentum tossed him, first snout forward against the wall, and then backwards against the opposite wall of the alley. Draconian grunted painfully falling to the ground on his ass. When he looked up, he saw a barrels of Kyle's weapon pointing right in his snout.

  • Stay down - Kyle hissed

  • Kyle, stop. - he heard Sha'Rae's voice behind him. - She's working...

  • What? What are you..?

  • Don't you have prostitutes where you came from? - she hissed in his ear when she came up to him and squeezed his arm tightly.

Kyle blinked speechless. He looked at the male, then at the female, back at the male, and blinked some more...

  • Couldn't you come up with better place to do this? - he stammered finally, trying to mask the feeling of awkwardness - What kind of kinky shit are you? Jeez!

He placed his rifle back on his hip and turned around muttering "some people". He turned back at them, spying a small coin bag at the males belt. He grabbed it with TK module and tossed to the female.

  • Here, a bonus - he said - for working in tough conditions.

Female looked at the pouch, that at the male, and gathering her clothes she left the alley, trying to cover herself with her wings. Kyle turned to Sha'Rae wanting to ask her something, but stopped seeing how she was gazing at the laying male.

  • What?

  • I just realized,- she muttered, her eyes wide. - I've never seen one before

  • What... - he cut off seeing how draconian's clothes were spread apart, from the fall no doubt, exposing his still raging erection. Large, rosy shaft seemed to sway up and down with his heartbeat. - Oh for the love of the... Move on. Go. Show's over.

  • Oh, but Kyle..! - she whined, when he gathered her with his arm and dragged her out of the alley

  • March it young lady - he said firmly - One, two; one, two; one, two. The palace, remember?

  • You're such a meanie, Kyle!

  • And proud of it. - he spoke as they returned on the main street.

They walked along the main street in silence, passed by numerous inhabitants. It was rather puzzling for Kyle, that they weren't disturbed by anyone, after all he was accompanied the daughter of the city lord. A Patrician as she have called him, and yet no one seemed to care about it. Not even watchmen, though they passed several patrols. When he asked her about it, she just shrugged and avoided giving the answer, but he kept nagging her about it.

  • I didn't go to Fangrock just to visit someone. - she stammered finally - I was there because of a wedding ceremony... - They don't expect me back so soon...

  • Who's wedding? - Kyle asked with some premonitions, casting a sidelong glance at her

  • Mine - she said almost whispering

  • He left you at the altar?

  • Not really...

  • Won't your parents be pissed about it? - he asked after a short pause

  • Possibly... - Sha'Rae sighed - But you'll help me out, right Kyle?

As they approached the main palace gates suddenly a squad of seven draconian knights with fancy armors came through in two rows, led by a big brown and yellow scaled draconian with a long, vertical scar on his right eye. They stopped in front of her.

  • My lady - he said - What are you doing here? Where is your escort?

  • It's a long story Var'Lsh - She spoke calmly - but first we would like to rest a while. We've been through a long and... Eventful journey.

  • Forgive me, my lady, but to who you're referring to?

  • What do you mean? Me and K... - she turned around.

Kyle was nowhere to be found.

He watched from a safe distance, as the knights are surrounding Sha'Rae. The large knight detached the cape from his armor, and covered her shoulders and wings leading her into the castle. For a moment he felt a bit bad for leaving her like that, but another of his gut-feelings have told him to do so. After all, he did escorted her back to the city safely. Let her own kind take it from there. He waited until they were well out of his sight, before disengaging cloaking device. Actually at first he was skeptic about the wisdom of applying it to the battle suit, necromorph rarely used their eyes to perceive their victims, but now he was glad it was here.

Now with one problem out of his way, he turned to another: money. Specifically: him not having any. But he had a few things that were pretty safe to barter; safe in the way, that they wouldn't lead to this civilization's self destruction caused by inappropriate use of them...

Most likely...

With that in mind he went on a search of a pawn shop, or something similar to it.

A single candle lamp burned in the middle of the tavern table casting its glow across the table as Kyle removed the cover from the barrel of the rifle and started doing the maintenance on it. He grinned at the memory of his instructor back from the booth camp, forcing him on hours of running around the barracks, with full seventy kilo of equipment, holding ol' gauss rifle in both hands above the head and shouting lyrics of "Waltzing Matilda" all the while, just because of him not doing the maintenance on his rifle properly, and overall attitude; and may the God had mercy on him if he would mess up lyrics or melody...

Damn Australians..! What was his name? O'Malley? McKenzie? Kyle's memory from before Gemini V was like Swiss cheese. Or pieces of a broken mirror. They were still there, but misplaced, scrambled; not fitting in chronologically or missing small details, like the name of his instructor for instance, or his parents. He knew he had them, he could recall at anytime multiple situations concerning them, but when it came to recall their faces...

He disconnected gauss capacitors, and rechecked tri-polar connectors for the rail compensator. Next, he checked the rows of electromagnets, their connectors with main mass driver matrix, and pulse enhancers. They were the main "workhorse" of the gauss rifle. They propelled the projectiles to a near light speed, and had to be checked, and conserved very frequently. Rest of the components were just for stabilizing trajectory and multiply output for electromagnets. After that he put everything back in place and closed the cover. He aimed the rifle to the side, watching closely how it extends to its full length in search for instabilities in the movement of the mechanisms, and saw abruptly that he was pointing his weapon at someone. A draconian female.

She blinked several times standing in place, not sure whether she should move or not.

  • Sorry - he said as the rifle retracted back to half of its full length, and putted it back into its resting place on his hip - Don't I know you?

She didn't answer, but she came closer reaching to him with her paw. Her scales were deep green on her back, and cyan on her chest and belly. She wore a plain robe which resembled those worn in ancient times on Earth by Greek or Roman people, with exception of holes on her back, where the wings were. They were splayed casually behind her, with tips reaching just above the black, spiky horns on her head. She had brilliant orange eyes.

It took some time for Kyle to finally recognize in her the female from the alley... Well she looked a bit different with her clothes on... And with the recognition came the idea of what she wanted from him.

  • I'm flat broke - he said looking her in the eyes

That statement didn't stopped her however. She slowly gathered his hand from the table in her paw, and led it on her shoulder. Then she turned around, still holding his hand on her shoulder and gave him that special stare, that made all males follow her without word of protest. And Kyle wasn't exception from that rule.

Sha'Rae walked along with her mother, Lady Zin'Del down the corridor lit by rows of torches hanging on the walls. Scarred knight - Var'Lsh, was accompanying them keeping in the back.

  • We will have to deal with the Horde permanently soon - he said - We cannot let them attack travelers on the road this close to Drakensang.

  • My dear - said Sha'Rae mother - Are you sure you're not injured?

  • I am fine, mother. Really.

  • You must be starving. Are you sure you don't want to join me on the feast...

  • I'm not hungry. We ate in the morning. Is... Is father here?

  • No - said her mother, gazing at her - He's out, inspecting troops in outer outposts... Why do you ask?

Sha'Rae didn't answer but shrugged, making her wings twitch a bit.

  • Have you meet Kha'Ron?

  • Not really...

  • Sha'Rae...

  • I couldn't... - she spoke hesitantly - I left Fangrock before his arrival. He don't know I was there at all.

  • Your father will be furious.

  • I know.

They stopped in front of the door leading to Sha'Rae's chambers, and there her mother hugged her warmly.

  • Don't worry too much Sha'Rae - she purred soothingly - We can always say that you were attacked before reaching Fangrock.

Sha'Rae licked her mother fondly in the jaw and entered her room, closing the door behind her. Lady Zin'Del looked meaningfully at Var'Lsh and they both begun walking back to main hall.

  • Mth'Ran will realize something's off. - she spoke calmly - He won't tolerate her disobedience this time.

  • Yes milady.

They walked in silence through the rest of the corridor, and stopped before large door leading into the main hall.

  • Var'Lsh, I want you to try and find that... Kyle, was it? I want to know his hand in all of it. I find it hard to believe he did all of that because of a pure charity. Do it first thing tomorrow.

  • As you wish, milady - he bowed slightly and entered the main hall opening the double-doors widely, letting the sounds of ongoing party flood the corridor.

Sha'Rae's mother sighed deeply and fixing a smile on her snout went inside to entertain the guests.

Sha'Rae listened by the doors, as the sounds of a feast outside die down. She knew her father will not be pleased with her, considering the fact that she snubbed every candidate he presented to her so far. However she couldn't keep this up for long. She walked to the bed, lighting the flame in the fireplace, with a fireball launched from her nostril, on the way, and fell her back first onto the bed, spreading her arms and wings wide.

Sometimes she really envied commoners, she thought with a sigh. Nobody was forcing them to mate with strangers, they didn't even saw before. And there was Kyle... He clearly liked her, after all he wouldn't be doing all that he did if he didn't care for her, right? But why did he left her by the palace without a word. No farewell, no nothing... Or maybe she just imagined it. He wanted to reach the city, just as she did, and it was only natural for him to tag along. There was something about him that made her feel... He acted like he didn't care, but she just knew that deep down inside...

She shook her head, gazing speculatively at the door to her personal bathroom. Yes. A nice hot bath will do the trick.

Nightfall came really quickly, as he noticed. He was sitting by the window gazing in the night sky, and pondering his situation. He had rented the room for a week, paid for the food, and all minor details, like hot water and such, but that was it. He needed to find a job soon. The problem was that beyond commanding a starship, piloting the fighters, and fighting a ground-pounders war he didn't know anything. A terrible farmer, even worse engineer... Maybe he could be a mercenary; sell his services to a highest bidder...

He heard talons clicking on the wooden floor, and turned back to see the green-scaled draconian walking up to him that introduced herself as Rak'Shi little earlier. She was naked save for the sort of leathery waistband. She rested her paw on his shoulder and asked

  • Aren't you coming?

  • I said you don't have to... - started Kyle, but was quickly interrupted by her

  • I know I don't HAVE to - she said crouching at his side, to level her sight with his - But I WANT to...

Kyle grinned at that, but did nothing save for resuming his counting of the stars on the night sky. She rubbed his cheek with the tip of her snout and purred right into his ear.

  • I... Need... to - she said with a soft, sultry voice, and her tongue begun to fondle his earlobe - You want me to beg for it?

She stopped her actions and taking his head in her arms turned him to face her. She gazed deeply in his eyes for a long minute, before pressing her snout to his mouth and frenh-kissing him passionately. That made him wonder. As far as he was aware of those things, hookers have never French-kiss any of their clients. It was something like unspoken rule. Their clients could have their bodies, but nothing beyond it. And she was actually doing this.

Of course he could be wrong, but he doubted it. He felt a firm thug on the suit's clavicular plate.

  • Um... how do you take this off? - she asked after braking the kiss

  • Puzzling, isn't it? - he asked grinning widely.

Then all of the sudden the front plate of his armor have split vertically, and begun to retract onto his back and folding under his RIG, exposing bare chest, arms, shoulders and stomach.

  • That's better - she purred.

She stood up and sat on his laps spreading her legs wide, and resuming her kissing, while her paws roamed over his naked torso. She spread her wings slightly, when she felt his hands on her back, caressing her wing membranes softly with just tips of his fingers, and her kissing became more urgent and oh, so needy. He begun rubbing her entire body, back, flanks, they roamed freely on her posture pressing her into him. While his left hand went upwards, caressing the area between her wings up to her neck, the other went down to her rump, rubbing and squeezing possessively. The middle finger slide past the waistband and under the tail, reaching down to feel her sex.

She moaned softly into his mouth, when it reached its destination, feeling her warmth and moisture, and begun to rub her slit up and down in agonizingly delicate movements. She tried to press on it, so it would bury itself within her depths, but when she did, Kyle moved finger away, and it was making her...

She broke the kiss abruptly placing a gentle talon across his lips, and pressing her chest into him. Then she took herself of him and walked slowly towards the bed, waving at him with her talon invitingly.

Kyle's arm sprung suddenly in front of her, and grasped her waist possessively, preventing from going further. She expected to be pulled back on his laps, but he moved to his knees instead, rubbing his lips against her thigh an moving them upwards to her rump. She moaned and trembled visibly, slamming her eyelids shut fell forward, gripping the head of the bed with her talons. Rak'Shi felt his other hand slide up her other thigh slowly up to her belly, rubbing it hungrily, as his mouth worked their magic.

His hands reached her flanks, and his mouth stopped the caresses. Then he slowly pulled her waistband back and down to her ankles. She raised her tail high exposing her most private area clearly to his view. She wanted him in there so badly. Wanted to take her, mount her; claim her. Plunge his rod deep in her folds and pound away hard and deep. But Kyle had something else in mind.

His mouth and tongue returned to her thigh on the inner side this time, and made their way upwards to the very core of her lust. She gasped loudly opening her eyes widely, and looking back at his head under her tail, as his mouth begun to suckle on the swelled outer lips of her sex. She wanted him to quench her thirst, not fanning the flames even more! Good thing she took a extra thorough bath beforehand. She didn't want him to smell some other male on her. This night she belonged to him and him alone.

She panted loudly, gripping the head of the bed tightly; her talons making deep scratches in the wood, when his tongue started to wriggle inside her, rubbing against her puffy outer lips, vaginal walls; occasionally brushing over an exceptionally sensitive spot that made her shudder deliciously.

Kyle quickly found himself lost in the moment. Her taste, her scent the texture of her sex... He wanted that to last for eternity. Pretty soon he found himself totally intoxicated by it all, speeding up, and slowing down, giving her just enough pleasure to enjoy herself immensely, but not that much to push her over the edge, postponing her release for as long as he could. But it couldn't last forever. He felt her tail pressing at the back of his head, pushing his mouth and tongue firmly to her sex as she climaxed, her juices gushing all over his mouth, cheeks and chin while her muscles twitched.

She clenched her fangs on the head of the bed, struggling not to roar through her climax, that made her thighs wobble mindlessly, and forced the tears from her eyes. She blinked several times coming off her high, and gasped feeling one last lick across her slit. She looked behind her to see Kyle whipping his face with his arm. He was smiling at her, but not with scowl. He looked really happy to be able to make her feel so good. She warbled something, that universal translator didn't quite caught, but in the end it didn't needed to. It carried such rich load of emotion, that it made his heart swell with joy at the sound of it.

He planted one last quick kiss on her slit and stood up with his left hand positioning her rump against his loins, and his dick in the right one. He placed the tip just between the puffy lips, before letting go of it, and grasping her thigh. He lifted it up and thrust inside, pushing it all the way to her end. She couldn't stifle a sudden yelp at this. It wasn't painful, and he wasn't any larger than she usually had inside, but the shape was different, and the feeling was this much exotic that made her walls instantly clasp on him and twitch vigorously, trying to pull him even deeper, beyond her cervix.

Kyle grunted heavily, feeling her silky smooth walls on him.

  • You dick - she gasped - you didn't even gave me time to...

She cut out, when he pulled almost all the way out of her, and shoved it in again, making her moan louder.

  • Oh, I'm sorry, you were saying... - his teeth flashed in a wide grin

His hand slid to her belly, and lower just enough to tease her clit while thrusting inside her at steady pace. She turned her head and begun to kiss and nuzzle him fondly purring all the while. Now when she got used to his shape, and it wasn't so much of a shock to her anymore, she was able to assume more active role in the act. And she did, pushing back at his thrusts, curling her tail around his waist and squeezing him with her inner muscles, loving his grunts and groans as she did so. She enjoyed herself greatly in this and tried to return as much pleasure as she could back to him.

She roared when another, more powerful climax took possession of her. Gripping him with her tail, she become to move from side to side in snake-like motion, all the while her vent milked his shaft, forcing him to unleash his potent load. Kyle wasn't too far behind, and pressed her scaly body hard to his own, trying to keep her in place as his dick gushed his seed deep within her clutching sex. He stifled a cry of his own by pressing his lips against her back, just between her wings, clenching his teeth and squeezing her even tighter.

When he came to his senses, they were laying on the floor in a "spoon" position and Rak'Shi's body were still shuddering occasionally from her pleasure. She took her snout in his hand gently, and brought it to his face, kissing her on its side, and pressing his tongue under her lips to lap at her fangs.

She purred louder coming down from her high and returned the endearment as best as she could.

  • Damn I needed that so freakin' bad - Kyle sighed and rubbed the top of her snout with the tip of his nose - Thanks.

  • You are welcome - she purred back at him lovingly - You did seem hungry for it, I could tell. Even though you didn't want to admit it.

  • Well It was long since I did it last time - he chuckled trying to recall the stated event - before my fiancé dumped me. I think... Yup, that would be four-five years ago...

  • Yeah, right - she snorted - I don't know a male that would stayed that long without good ol' rumpy-pumpy.

  • I was... - Kyle hesitated a moment "battling necromorphs, blowing up planets, fighting rouge AI, you know: the usual" were not appropriate words for now, whatever accurate they were - ...otherwise occupied...

  • Okay - she grinned - Let's say I believe you... I think I still have some room in there for couple more loads... Care to correct that?

  • With pleasure - he grinned back at her and nibbled at her draconic earlobe - ...Lots and lots of pleasure...