Confusing Feelings Chapter 2: Sexual Limit

Story by Yuki_wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Confusing Feelings

Hey guys sorry about the wait, but I've been extremely busy with work and that's also why it's not quite as long as I was hoping for it to be. Anywayz here is chapter 2.

When Steven awoke a few hours later he found his teacher grading papers next to him. She just looked at him with a smile as she handed him a paper with " A+" written on it. Steven looked at her quizzically for a moment.

"That's your grade for earlier" she said with a smile. Steven's tail wagged excitedly when he thought about what happened earlier.

"You said I wasn't getting graded on my performance earlier teach" Steven said with a cheeky grin.

"Well I thought you deserved a good grade for how well you did. Oh and when we're alone you can call me Katie" she said with a wink as she continued to grade papers. Steven simply smiled and gave her a passionate kiss, but the smile quickly disappeared from his face when he saw the time.

"Holy shit is that really the time?! I was supposed to be at work 2 hours ago". Steven gave his teacher a quick lick on the nose as he quickly put his clothes on and ran out the door.

"Sorry to rush teach..err i mean Katie but I really have to go I'll make it up to you later I promise" he yelled back as he ran down the hall. Katie just smiled and waved as he ran full speed out the door.


When Steven arrived at the pharmacy he was surprised that all the lights were off, but the door was unlocked so he went inside.

"Hey Ash are you here" he yelled...but there was no response. He went into the employee's lounge to see if she was there, but it was empty. He went out back to see if she was taking out the trash, but she wasn't there either. He started to worry as he ran up the stairs to her room as fast as he could. When he got to her door it was open a crack. He looked in and saw that Ashlee was asleep on her bed with nothing but a candle lighting the room. He walked over and shook her to wake her up. When she woke up she looked at the clock, then up at Steven with a bit of a disappointed look.

"I'm sorry Ash I fell asleep in class again and nobody woke me up. I really meant to come in but....hey why were you up here with the store unlocked? Someone could've come in and stolen everything" he said with a worried expression on his face.

"Well I came up here at 4 and wouldn't have had to worry about that if you came in when you said you would" she retorted angrily. Steven whimpered as he stared at the floor unable to think of anything to say. He turned visibly red even through his thick fur when he noticed what she was wearing. She was wearing nothing except for a pair of white panties and a silk nightgown that was quite transparent and the way she was laying he could see her large, soft, perfectly rounded breasts and her smooth, tight ass. He panicked when he had the familiar feeling of a growing erection in his boxers. He heard Ashlee laughing as he tripped and knocked over a candle when he tried to turn around. He began to panic even more when the candle fell right onto a pile of magazines. The magazines burst into flames almost immediately. Steven tried to stand up but found himself frozen to the spot staring at the fire. Ashlee however instantly was out of her bed trying to put out the fire. She threw on some pants as she ran to get a towel to try to smother the flame, but it backfired when the towel caught on fire. Steven jumped to his feet when he saw Ashlee freaking out.

"Ashlee start collecting your clothes and valuables while I try to put it out" he said motioning to the closet. She just nodded as she ran around getting her things together. Steven called the fire department while trying to throw water from the sink on it. They said it would take 5 minutes to get there and to just get out while they can so Steven grabbed Ashlee's things, picked her up, and ran out as fast as he could. Ashlee collapsed to the ground and started to cry when she saw the entire building on fire. Steven tried to comfort her but she just slapped him and said to leave her alone. Steven couldn't stand to see someone he cared about so upset so when she wasn't looking, he ran back inside and tried to get as much stuff as possible... When the fire truck arrived he was still inside. Two men ran inside to get him while the others tried to put out the fire. When they found him he was hauling around a large backpack full of things still trying to get more. He was coughing violently and gasping for air as he continued to run around. His snow white fur was now pitch black from ash and smoke. The firemen grabbed him and dragged him out as the building started to collapse. When they got outside Ashlee tackled him and cried into his neck fur.

"Why the hell did you do that you idiot" she mumbled into his fur while she cried. He held her tightly as he pointed to the bag.

"I was trying to save some of your stuff to try and cheer you up" he said with a bit of a smile. She pulled away to look into his eyes as her crying slowed to just a few sniffles. A small smile crept across her muzzle as she rubbed her nose against his.

"You didn't have to do that dummy it's just a building, but if you were hurt...I don't know what I'd do". The smile disappeared as her eyes welled up with tears again. Steven scratched between her ears and rubbed her back trying to soothe her as she held onto him like she was never going to see him again.

"Don't worry about me, but speaking of the building..where are you gonna live now?".

"I'm not really sure but I could probably stay with a friend for now" she said as she looked back to see that the fire was out.

"Well I doubt you would want to but, you could come stay with me. I know my place isn't very big but you're more than welcome to come stay with me" he said with a warm smile.

"Really?! I can stay with you?!" Ashlee yipped as her tail wagged excitedly and she smiled a bit.

"Of course you can, this is kinda my fault anyways" he said with a small chuckle as he held her tightly. Steven froze on the spot when he felt her lick his cheek. Ashlee didn't seem to notice what she had done until she saw that his fur was matted in the wrong direction with saliva. She looked sad when he stood up and walked towards the building.

"I'm uhh...I'm gonna see if there's anything that wasn't burned left" he said as he walked back inside. He shook his head violently when he noticed what he was thinking about. "Shes your cousin you pervert what the hell are you thinking". When he came back out he couldn't bring himself to look Ashlee in the eyes. All that was running through his mind was when he saw her in the bed. He couldn't shake the thoughts and didn't understand why he had a strange feeling in his gut when he thought of her.

"Well I'm getting pretty tired why don't we go home now" he said as he picked up Ashlee's things and started to walk home. She walked a few feet behind him as they both thought about recent events on the walk to the apartment. Steven kept thinking about seeing Ashlee half-naked and how it made him feel and Ashlee thought about what she saw this morning and what she did a few moments ago. Neither of them said a word until they were at the apartment.

"You can have my bed, I'll be fine with this" he said as he rolled out a futon in the living room.

"Are you sure? I mean, its your apartment" she asked.

"Yeah I'm sure. I'm just gonna go to sleep now so I'll see you in the morning" he said as he laid down and avoided eye contact.

"I could make some dinner if you're hungry its only 9 o' clock" she stated while looking at the clock.

"I'm not hungry" Steven mumbled into his pillow as he rolled over.

"Okay. Well...Good night" she said as she walked into the bedroom and shut the door. Steven let out a long sigh as he rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling. He was actually quite hungry and far from tired but needed to be alone to think for a while. He replayed the days events over and over in his mind but there was one in particular that made him confused and somewhat worried. "Why did I think of Ashlee when I was having sex with Katie...and why do I feel so wierd EVERY time I see her?! Is it possible that her?!". Steven stood up and decided to take a walk to try and clear his head. He had no idea where he was going but it felt good to get away and have some alone time. After about 10 minutes, he found himself outside the pharmacy. He didn't plan on going there but somehow he ended up at the spot where Ashlee licked him. He sat down and thought about what he should do.

"Should I...Should I tell her how I feel? No way she'd probably think I was some kind of perverted freak I mean c'mon I think I'm crazy so what would she think" he said quietly to himself as he sat in the dark.


By the time he got home it was already 11:30. He crept into the house quietly hoping not to wake Ashlee. He softly padded his way into the living room and laid on the futon. Something seemed strange. There was something soft rubbing up against him. He turned to see what it was and almost jumped out of his fur when he figured it out. He was definitely in the living room so why...

"Ashlee?" he said softly as he shook the lump. She rolled over and nuzzled into his side. Steven froze when he felt her naked breasts press against his leg. She murred softly as her nipples brushed across his fur. Steven couldn't tell if she was awake or not so he shook her again until she opened her eyes.

" Ash are you awa.." he was interrupted by her lips pressing against his. He didn't move, he just sat there not understanding what was happening at the moment. His eyes opened wide as she pulled away.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" she said with a smile. Steven gasped realizing he had been holding his breath the whole time. He couldn't take his eyes off of hers no matter how hard he tried. He could hear and feel his heart pounding at his chest as if trying to break free.

"Wha..What was.." he tried to speak but it just came out as almost inaudible mumbling.

"The real reason I was upstairs today and asked you to come in was because I wanted to tell you something. I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. At first I thought it was just because we were family but the more time passed, I found that I longed to just be near you. My heart raced every time you looked at me and when you weren't around, I felt empty and alone. I've wanted to tell you for so long but I didn't think you were ready and was afraid of what you might say. I don't think I could live with the thought of not being in your life..and when I saw you this morning I just couldn't take it anymore" she whispered into Steven's ear. He felt like his head and chest were both about to explode. He never imagined she felt like that.

" Me too..I feel the same. I don't quite understand why're the only one I think about. The only person in my thoughts and in my you" he said as he looked away. Ashlee smiled and her tail wagged excitedly. She had wanted this for so long and was finally getting it.

Ashlee licked the tip of Steven's nose and smiled as she slowly started to unzip his pants. Steven was completely surprised but didn't try to resist and his paws found their way down Ashlee's back. Ashlee yelped in surprise as she felt him give her ass a quick, firm squeeze. Ashlee slowly slid Steven's pants and boxers down to his ankles and he quickly kicked them off as he held her in a tight embrace and kissed her so passionately it felt as if time had slowed down for the two of them. Ashlee was the first to break away and quickly flipped Steven onto his back so she could have total control for what she wanted to do. She then slid down so her head was hovering over Steven's fully erect cock. Steven looked at her with a smile, but the smile was quickly replaced by a look of confusion and surprise as Ashlee twisted around and shoved her dripping wet slit in Steven's face. Steven just laid in shock for a moment staring at it and sniffing the air around it for a moment. He snapped back to reality when he felt Ashlee's tongue slide over the tip of his cock. He had wanted to try this for awhile but was still a bit hesitant considering this was all still so new to him. He got a small yelp from Ashlee as he pressed his cold nose against her. A smile from Ashlee gave him the confidence to continue and he slowly slid his tongue along the outside of her slit. He pulled away for a moment when he tasted her juices. It wasn't because he didn't like it, he actually rather enjoyed it and thought it was sweet, but it surprised him.

"Is everything ok down there?" Ashlee asked as she smiled down at him. "Yeah everythings fine, just exploring a bit" Steven said with a chuckle as he slid his tongue along her slit again causing her to moan slightly onto Steven's cock. Steven decided to quit playing around and get a bit more adventurous so this time he slid his tongue inside and licked up all of the fluid lining her inner walls. This caused Ashlee to moan more and while her mouth was open she slowly dropped down onto his cock until about half of it was in her mouth. She tried to take it all the way in but gagged when about six inches of it was in. This was more than enough to make Steven moan into her crotch though as pre leaked out onto Ashlee's tongue. Ashlee pulled back til only his head was left inside and then quickly dropped down causing the entire length to sink into her throat. This was pure heaven for Steven as he continued to explore Ashlee with his tongue causing her to moan into his cock which in return also made him moan into her. It was like paradise for the both of them as they each felt their climaxes approaching quickly. Ashlee gagged again as she pulled back off and went back to sucking on the tip.

"Ugh..Ash I'm coming!" Steven moaned loudly. "Me too" she yelled as she felt her orgasm hit her like a train. As if on cue, they came at the same time. Ashlee swallowed wave after wave of semen as she felt Steven lapping up all of her cum like he couldn't get enough of the sweet, sticky nectar. They both gasped for air as they pulled away and smiled at eachother. Ashlee let out a laugh when she saw the fur around his mouth matted with her cum. Steven just smiled, licked his lips, flipped around, and held her in a tight embrace. They panted heavily as they fell back onto the floor. Steven pulled Ashlee into a tight embrace and they looked into eachother's eyes for what felt like an eternity until Ashlee made a slow lick up Steven's cheek. Steven just smiled and kissed her again. They melted into the kiss as their tongues swirled around together tasting their own juices in the other's mouth. At this point Ashlee could feel herself getting quite wet again as she felt the tip of Steven's cock emerge from his sheath and rub against her thigh. They both broke away and giggled slightly at the sight of his member slowly emerging.

"So are you ready for the main event?" Ashlee whispered seductively into Steven's ear. His ear twitched at the feel of her cool breath. Steven didn't say a word and replied by simply licking the side of her muzzle and smiling. Steven yipped in surprise when he suddenly felt a paw wrap around now fully-erect member and squeeze lightly. Steven smiled as Ashlee positioned herself over him. He couldn't help but notice she seemed a bit worried.

"Ash are you okay with this?" he asked lovingly giving her a lick on the lips.

"I'm fine just a bit nervous since it's first time"she was noticeably red even through her thick fur. Steven was quite surprised and totally speechless. "I've been saving myself for you" she said almost in a whisper. Steven slowly rolled out from under her. She looked worried until he laid her on her back and kissed her. If her tail could wag in this position it be an orange blur. Steven broke away from the kiss to speak.

"Ash,you mean more to me than anyone so I want you to just relax and let me take care of you for once". Ashlee's eyes welled up with tears and they slowly dripped down her cheeks. "Oh my god are you okay?! What's wrong?!" Steven panicked fearing he did something wrong. Ashlee quickly explained things as the tears slowed.

"I'm fine I'm happy right now" she cried as she hugged Steven tightly and nuzzled into his neck fur. Steven didn't realize how much she cared about him and it made him happy to know he was loved so much. Steven slowly raised himself back up and positioned himself at her entrance. "I promise I'll be as gentle as I can and if it hurts just say so and I'll stop" he said lovingly. Ashlee just nodded and smiled. Steven rested on his elbows and pressed his tip against her entrance slowly parting her lips and entering her pussy. Ashlee moaned softly as he moved slowly into her until he met with a barrier. He assumed this to be her hymen and locked paws with Ashlee to try and ease her pain. They both closed their eyes as Steven pulled back slightly and then quickly thrusted tearing through the blockade. Ashlee howled in pain and squeezed Steven's paw as blood flowed onto the futon. Steven quickly pulled out in panic.

"I'm so sorry Ash I was too rough" he cursed himself until he felt Ashlee rub his face lovingly. "I'm fine don't worry"she said with a smile as the pain subsided for the most part. "Are..are you sure? Cause we don't have to do this if it's to much for you. he said worriedly as he looked at the blood-soaked futon. "I'm sure now get in there" she said with a giggle as she blushed slightly. Steven calmed down a bit and repositioned himself again not letting go of Ashlee's paw. He entered her again just as slowly as he did the first time. He found there to be much less resistance this time as he slid about halfway in before having to pull out once more and thrust back in with increased force. He looked down to make sure Ashlee was okay and smiled when he saw that she had her eyes closed and was moaning softly with each thrust. After a few minutes he finally managed to hilt himself completely. He stayed still for a few moments to let her walls stretch to accomodate his girth. He slowly pulled out until only his head remained inside and instantly hilted himself giving into his need for release once he knew Ashlee was okay. Ashlee literally screamed in ecstacy from this and wrapped her legs around his waist. Steven then pulled out once more and continuously thrusted with all his might desperately trying to please his lover who had instinctively started to buck her hips in unison with him. After a few more thrusts Ashlee reached the most powerful climax of her life as her screams became inaudible shrieks while she panted for breath. Steven could feel his peak approaching quickly as well as he powered his way through his cousin's orgasm. She remained in a state of bliss as her walls contracted tightly around Steven's cock as if trying to force his seed out and into her. Ashlee got her wish just as she started to come down from her high Steven felt his knot inflate and twitch as his sack tightened and he released an incredible amount of his seed deep into her. Each thrust sent another massive wave into her and the feeling of his hot cum coating her walls was enough to send her over the edge again with another earth-shattering orgasm. Steven collapsed atop her and rested his head snugly between her large, soft breasts. They both panted furiously as their bodies glistened with sweat and they felt the need for sleep overtaking them.

"I love you so much Steven" Ashlee whispered as she licked his ear lovingly. "I love you too Ash" he replied softly as he wrapped his arms around her and they both fell asleep cuddled together lovingly


When Steven woke up in the morning he noticed he was alone on the futon. "Damn. Was that all just a dream?" he wondered to himself as he let out a discontented sigh. He was deep in thought when all of a sudden a very familiar scent caught his attention. He smiled as he leapt to his feet with his tail wagging excitedly.

"I smell bacon" he said excitedly as he headed towards the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen he smirked evilly at a thought when he noticed Ashlee standing naked cooking breakfast with her back to him. He quietly crept up behind her without her noticing and as soon as he was close enough, he decided to surprise her. Ashlee let out a yip in surprise and pleasure as she felt one paw grip her breast while the other circled her clit. She spun around quickly to see a very amused Steven laughing hysterically.

"Geez, you scared me half-to-death" she said in mock anger while trying to hide her smile. "Oh really now? Well it looks to me like you enjoyed it quite a bit" Steven said with a toothy grin as he pointed to Ashlee's wet slit. Ashlee just turned around without a word and continued to cook breakfast.

"I'm sorry Ash I couldn't resist. You just looked so damn cute" he whispered into her ear as he hugged her and kissed her cheek affectionately.

"Well thank you for the compliment but for that stunt you don't get any bacon". Steven whimpered as he stepped back and his ears flattened against his head. Ashlee giggled as she turned around and kissed him on the nose.

"I'm just kidding sweetie, you're so gullible". Steven stuck his tongue out at her and ran his tail along her inner thigh as he walked towards the table with a smile . Shortly afterwards, Ashlee came to the table with two plates full of pancakes and bacon. Steven almost started drooling at the sight and wasted no time as the plate was set down in front of him. Just as Steven was about to grab his last piece of bacon, Ashlee grabbed it and stuck it in her mouth.

"Hey that's mine!" Steven yelled.

"Well come and get it then" Ashlee replied with a giggle. Steven just smiled as he knelt down next to Ashlee and took one end of the bacon in his mouth. As soon as he had one end in his mouth, Ashlee leaned forward and kissed him deeply, forcing the rest of the bacon along with her tongue into his mouth. Steven pulled away and chewed his bacon with a smile on his face leaving Ashlee looking somewhat disappointed. However, as soon as he swallowed the bacon he was quick to embrace Ashlee in another kiss. This time Ashlee was the one to break away.

"How about we take a nice, hot shower together?" she said with a smile as she started towards the bathroom. Steven grinned wide as he ran to the bathroom. Ashlee laughed when he ran past her and into the bathroom. Steven opened the shower door and turned the taps to allow the water to cascade down. Once the water was at a comfortable temperature, he stepped in and let the water run down his fur.

Steven smiled when he felt a familiar paw rubbing through his chest fur. He turned around and quickly pulled Ashlee into a tight embrace. Ashlee continued to rub her paws slowly down his stomache, but a stopped a few inches above his groin. This caused Steven to whimper slightly but then he thought "don't get mad, get even". So with a mischievous smile he very slowly traced a finger across her slit and purposely missed her clit. Ashlee whimpered at the avoided attention, but was quickly silenced when Steven pulled her into a deep kiss and quickly thrusted a finger into her slit. She moaned into the kiss as his finger pumped in and out of her quickly while he moved his finger in circles along her clit. This was getting to be to much for Ashlee so she broke away and pounced onto Steven wrapping her legs around his waist. This caused Steven to slam back against the wall, and then slip and land on the floor..hard.

"Oomf, Ouch! Ash I'm all for being eager but damn it, my ass hurts like hell now" Steven said with a bit of a pained expression on his face. "Aww poor baby, want me to kiss it and make it better?". "No it's fine, but my dick hurts a little bit too..." Steven said with a toothy grin and a wink. "Oh well I know the perfect remedy for that". Without warning, she bent down and slowly licked the emerging member, coaxing it out from it's sheath. Once it was at it's full length and hardness, she took the tip in her mouth and swirled her tongue around the sensitive flesh causing Steven to moan quietly. She released him from her mouth and climbed back ontop of him so she was straddling his stomach and kissed him passionately. They opened their mouths to allow the passage of tongues while Ashlee positioned herself above him. Steven held himself steady while she impaled herself on his throbbing member. Once she was about halfway down, Steven put his hands on her hips to help her while he gently pushed down and slowly thrusted upwards. Ashlee lifted herself back up so that only his head was still inside and then dropped down with a bit of force while Steven thrusted upwards to hilt himself fully.

"You're so damn tight Ash it almost hurts" Steven said as he slowly thrusted in and out of her dripping sex. "And you're so damn big it does hurt a little, but if you even think about stopping I'll kick your ass" she said with a smile as they both let out soft moans and quickened their pace. Ashlee was now dropping onto him with more speed and force, while Steven matched it with equally powerful thrusts of his hips. Steven leapt one paw on her hip while the other slid up her soaked fur to caress her ample breast and tease her nipples. The additional pleasure of him playing with her nipples was enough to send Ashlee over the edge into a powerful climax. She grabbed onto his chest fur and squeezed tightly, her claws breaking the skin slightly. Steven felt his knot inflate and his sack tighten and knew he couldn't last much longer.

"Do it cousin. Tie me and claim me as yours". That was all he needed to hear. He flipped around so that Ashlee was on all fours and he was behind her. With one powerful final thrust, he forced himself and his knot in completely and that was it for him. He came in massive waves that flooded into her womb and back down her canal. While he was still coming, he leaned down and bit her scruff hard. The feel of his seed and mating bite was enough to push her over again. They both collapsed onto the shower floor with the (now cold)water still cascading down. Ashlee turned around so that they were face-to-face with him still inside of her.

"I love you dearest cousin, and I'm yours forever" she said as she licked his cheek and layed her head on his chest.

"And I you Ash" he said returning her affections.


"Damn it. I can't believe I let Ash talked me into doing it twice in that damn shower. I'm sooo late and all I want to do is sleep" Steven said as he ran as fast as he could to school. When he got to his classroom, he noticed his teacher was facing away from him so he tried to be sneaky. He got down on all floors and quietly crept to his desk. He thought he had gotten away with it too...

"So what's the excuse this time Steven?" the teacher asked as Steven was about to sit down.

"Huh? Oomf" Steven tripped over his chair after being startled by the teacher which caused everyone to laugh hysterically. Steven blushed as he climbed into his seat.

" can't really say..why...sorry"Steven stammered as he spoke and then he fell forward onto his desk with a very audible "SLAM" and passed out. Everybody rushed over to see what was wrong. His friend Nick was the first out of his seat and violently shook him trying to wake him.

"Dude wake up this isn't a good way to try and get out of trouble" Nick said with a slight bit of worry in his voice. Everyone looked worried until they heard a very loud snore. Nick let go of his friend and he fell onto the floor with another loud "SLAM". Steven didn't wake, he just curled up and snuggled his tail comfortably. All the guys went dead silent, but just about every girl in the class either said: "Awwwwwwwww" or "He's sooo cute"....including the teacher which made most of the class give her a surprised, interested look.

"Well then 'cough' Nick would you mind carrying him to the nurse's office for me?". Nick was a Black wolf and although he wasn't quite as tall or strong as Steven, he definitely wasn't weak.

"Uhh, sure teach no prob" he replied happily albeit a bit confused as to what was wrong with Steven.

Nick carried Steven down the hall to the nurse's office and kicked the door open with a footpaw. Before the nurse had a chance to respond to the somewhat rude intrusion, Nick set his friend down on the bed and looked at the nurse with a sad expression.

"So what happened here? I KNOW he couldn't have been knocked out by anyone" the nurse with a smile knowing from experience that anybody that messed with Steven ended up in her office if not worse. The comment also made Nick smile for he too had personally seen Steven fight...and it wasn't pretty.

"All I know is he came in late and passed out before he could even get in his seat, not to mention he crashed face-first into the desk when he did". "I see..well he appears to have just passed out from extreme exhaustion. We should let him sleep it off...I just wish I knew why he was so tired it might help. Would you mind taking his shorts and shirt off and putting him under the sheets?"

"Err...sure...why not". Nick didn't think it was a big deal so he took Steven's shirt off and smelt how much he was sweating. "Well damn no wonder he passed out" he said with a smile before unzipping his shorts. When he pulled them down he encountered another strange smell. He wasn't quite sure so he looked to the nurse who was blushing profusely with her eyes wide open.

"Um...what's that smell?". "Well. 'cough' at least now I know why he's so tired". "And that reason is...?" Nick asked with an interested tone.The nurse looked away and mumbled something that Nick barely head.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SEXUAL EXHAUSTION?! AS IN WITH A GIRL?!". Nick stumbled backwards as he turned bright red under his fur. "Yes I mean with a girl now please keep your voice down and spray some...alot of this deodorant". Nick smiled at his friend as he sprayed an unrecommended amount of deodorant on him.

"Why does it not surprise me?" he said with a chuckle as he shook his head. "Well I guess I should get back to class, but make sure to tell me when he wakes up..I need to talk to the sly devil hehe" Nick said as he walked back to class.
