Iros; Day 3

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#5 of Feathered Memories

Any Comments or Questions are greatly Appreciated, though please be civil about them. Thank you and Enjoy

The next morning I awoke still feeling rather uneasy from yesterday's events. So I crawled out of bed then calmly made my way over to the bathroom to take a shower. As I washed up the uneasiness I felt washed away with the dirt from my fur. While I was drying off Aniu had gotten out of bed and got herself ready for the day. By the time I entered the kitchen she was already enjoying a nice healthy breakfast.

"Morning, Iros you okay you look like hell?" She said getting up from her seat. I gave her a weak smile as I made myself some tea along with something to eat for myself. Aniu was watching me closely as I turned around the first thing I notice was the time. <Oh, good I've got plenty time to eat then head off to the scrap yard. I'm glad I printed the directions out before turning in for the night.> I thought.

Mom entered the kitchen she didn't even take a look at me to know something was wrong. Naturally I reassured her that I was fine which didn't work as I had hoped it would. Until Dad came in and distracted mom long enough for me to slip out of the kitchen. So I went back up to my room to put my boots on and grab my things off my desk. Of course when I made my way back downstairs and past the living room, dad caught me.

"Going somewhere so early Iros?" Dad asked peering into the entry way. So I told him where I was off to this morning, naturally my older sister asked to tag along. Of course I really didn't want her to tag along but, unfortunately I was overruled. She squealed as she went up stairs to fetch her purse and junk. <Why, in the world wasn't I an only child?> I thought as I went inside the garage.

Shortly after I pulled out of the garage, she came bouncing out of the house. Then hopped into the passenger seat and we drove off towards the edge of town. So I asked her what put her in such a giddy mood, of course I gave her a hard time. Which she in turn cussed me out and for some strange reason we both busted out laughing. As we reached the lights near the highway on ramp, Aniu couldn't help herself.

"Not to change the subject brother but, where are we going?" She wondered. So I told her what she wanted to know as we pulled out onto the highway a moment later. "Didn't the manufacturers discontinue making parts for this car twenty years ago?" She questioned. Naturally she was right in her assumption when I added some info of my own. The car company did though any survivors were either recycled or scraped.

"By the way Iros who told you about this place anyway?" She asked curiously. It was Celia and oddly enough her father owns the place which satisfied her curiosity. Of course she asked if it was that same grouchy hyena chick I've been hanging with. The look I shot her said more than words could have said on the topic. "Do you know if they have used cars for sale, once we get there?" She wondered.

"It's possible but, I really can't say for sure besides have you saved any money for one? Or did you blow the rest of your savings on more rather revealing clothes?" I questioned. With that she stuck her tongue out at me then turned to look out her window. She then told me that she still had a little over $1,800 left in the bank. Though she tried to be a smart ass, until I pointed out that Celia was actually a lesbian.

Roughly forty five minutes later we arrived at the junkyard and pulled into the lot. Naturally Aniu took one look around and wasn't really impressed by what she saw lying around. Despite her comment I was rather eager to go wandering around to look for what I needed. "Well, now I see you don't get lost easy, how's it going Iros." Celia replied. We shook hands then I politely introduced her to my sister a minute later.

After Celia swiftly pulled me closer to her for some odd reason then whispered into my ear. "Alright smart ass, when were you gonna tell me your sister was hot?" Celia intrigued. Of course naturally I told her that she never bothered to ask me. With that I asked her if she'd be willing to help Aniu pick out a suitable used car. As she went to respond someone came out of the nearby office and asked what was going on.

"Dad, he's the one I told you about yesterday and this is his older sister." Celia informed. "So you're the one who owns that Raven right?" He said a second later. I shook my head yes as he walkover to where we all were standing. "Well, are you going to pop the hood or you gonna make me find out for myself." He said excited. The smile I gave him made him laugh as he walked over to my car and popped the hood.

"Damn, Boy! Where'd you find this beauty?" He exclaimed poking around the engine. So when I told him exactly where I found and purchased the car he didn't believe me. Until Aniu backed up what I just told him, before going with Celia to the car sales lot. With that he closed the hood then we head for the office building a short time later.

"So what kind of parts are you looking for exactly?" He asked as we entered the office. I told him that I was looking for a passenger door and hinges for both sides, trunk, front bumper mounts, front wheel wells and a rear bumper. That's all I need left to get before getting started on the body work and getting the car painted. Though the sad part was I couldn't afford to pay for all the parts up front.

"Hey, don't worry about price we can work that out once you've grabbed what you need." He stated. As we headed out into the yard another question seemed to be bothering him. "Mind if I ask you something Iros do you work for Jason Fresno by any chance?" He asked. So I nodded yes of course I was curious to know why and he told me. Believe it or not Jason was in fact his brother in-law which surprised me.

We managed to work out a deal for payment along with a means of transportation. He told me where I could find the cars in the yard if and when I come by the get the parts. As we walked out towards the front of the place someone was poking around my car. Naturally Celia's father quickly dealt with him before any damage could be done. From there we kept walking towards the sales lot where Aniu and Celia were.

They were happy to see us as we approached, Aniu showed me the cars she couldn't decide on. Luckily she had enough to buy one and get some repairs down with whatever is left over. After some more polite conversation we headed back towards my car. "Well, Celia we gotta go and it was nice meeting you sir." I said as unlocked the doors. After closing the doors I fired up the motor as Celia bent near the open window.

She told me she'd see me at school on Monday once she moved away I pulled the car onto the road. As we headed back towards the highway I looked over at Aniu real quick. "Since we went somewhere I wanted to go its only fair you get to pick what to do next." I said. Her mind went to work trying to think of something fun to do. "Let's go get something to eat, I could really go for some pasta." She replied.

Alexia Restaurant was roughly thirty minutes away so I decided to take the highway. Sadly as we got onto the highway my cell phone started ringing, Aniu grabbed it and answered. It was Finx she asked if we could swing by Razze's home to see what's going on. She's been trying to get in touch with him for the last two hours with no luck. So I told her that we'd drive straight there to find out what was going on there.

The second Finx calmed down, Aniu hung up then I decided to truly unleash my V10 engine. It didn't take us very long though I swung by home first to drop Aniu off first. From there I sped off down the street to, Razze's place then slammed on the brakes. As my car came to a complete stop right in front of the driveway I didn't bother to shut off the engine. Not wasting a minute I got out and barge right through the front door.

Sure enough all I heard was arguing so rushed into the fray and used a blast of telekinesis. "ENOUGH!" I shouted as Razze's folks were pinned against opposite walls. "WHAT IN THE BLUE **** STARTED THIS SHIT?!" I demanded. Razze appeared a split second later wondering what I was doing here and I told him to butt out. A strange yet all too familiar scent entered my nose a moment later.

"Somebody better start talking or I'll mind bend the information out of you. Trust me when I say this it's not a pleasant experience for the person involved." I stated. They agreed to talk while I had Razze go find them some sobriety medicine. Before they started talking I warned them that I wouldn't be so kind if they lied. So they more than willing told me why they resume their drinking after eight months without.

Sadly by the time everything was said and Done Razze decided to leave while he could. I suggested that he pack his things and load them into the trunk of my car while I watched his folks. The scent of booze got to be too much for me to handle anymore. So I waited outside for him, fifteen minutes later he came out with two bags and his guitar. Once he loaded his gear into the trunk we hoped into the car and drove off.

As we pulled up in front of my home. Finx and Aniu were sitting on the porch. Before I could even turn off the ignition Finx rushed over to the passenger side of the car. She opened the door then wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "Baby, are you ok what happened?" Finx asked then kissed his cheek. While keeping her arms around his neck he calmly stepped onto the sidewalk.

"Yeah, I'm fine dear couldn't tolerate living at home anymore that's all." He replied kissing her back. Aniu walked over to my side of the car just as I cut the ignition and waited for me to get out. When I finally stepped out she asked me just where he was going to stay. I looked over at Finx and Razze then advised he go inside I talk to my folks about moving in. Finx let him go then he walked inside while we waited outside.

We waited around patiently for a good thirty minutes before he came walking outside. Sure enough my folks had no problems at all with him moving in with our family. Though my folks had told him to go out for a few hours while they took care of some things. I tossed Razze the keys and told him where we had planned on going. "Hey, how come he gets to drive and I don't?" Aniu whined as we climbed into my car.

I didn't say anything seeing as Finx told her to shut up or stay the hell home. Naturally the two women started bickering in the back seat while Razze tried to focus on the road. As we reached the four-way stop sign I decided to end the spat for good. "ALRIGHT, one more outburst from either side or you'll both be walking home." I snapped. Both girls wisely quieted down and enjoyed the drive to Alexia's.

About halfway there I suddenly noticed a strange car was following close behind us. "Razze, I think we're being followed it might be an unmarked cop car. Though keep driving for a little bit then calmly just pull off to the side of the road alright." I informed. He agreed to do so for a bit then he calmly signaled then pulled the car over. As my car slowly came to a stop the car following us followed suit a second after.

The doors on the other car opened instantly then four people quickly stepped out. "Oh, you have got be ******* me, it's Keith my ex boy friend." Aniu remarked looking out the window. Rubbing my face I told Razze to get the girls out of here while I dealt with them. Aniu went to say something else but, I told her to sit down and relax. With that I opened the door, got out of my car then closed it behind me.

My car drove off a split second later as I turned to focus on Keith and his little buddies. "Lookie, here guys my punching bag has a spine after all well at least for the moment." Keith commented smugly. I merely rolled my eyes as I waited them to make the first move. All of a sudden his pals rushed me and without warning they collapsed onto the ground. "You've got one chance to cut your loses or join these morons." I stated.

He stood there trying to figure a way out of this and still get some form payback. All that time he spent thinking, it was better to cut his losses before they got worse. So he asked me what I wanted from him seeing as there was no way out. I simply told him that I wanted to be left alone then I offered to load his buddies into the car. Afterwards he got back in his car, started the motor and drove in the opposite direction.

Once I knew for a fact he was gone I looked around to make sure nobody could see me. The second I felt comfortable, I removed my shirt, relaxed then allowed my wings to sprout forth. When all felt clear I didn't waste another moment and quickly took to the air. While on route to the restaurant slowly came into view a few minutes later. "I'd better find a place to land where nobody can see me." I mumbled.

After I found a good spot to land, I quickly teleported to a nearby parked car. Next I retracted my wings and put my shirt back on before finally making my way towards the building. It didn't take me long to find everyone seeing as they were sitting outside on the massive deck. Naturally Aniu was the first person to see me and ask how it went. I told them that I was able to get him to see to reason with little trouble.

Finx saw their waitress and kindly flagged her back over to the table so I could order something. As she approached the table our eyes locked, I had to admit she was simply beautiful. "Is there somethin' else I can get for y'all?" She wondered. With smile I kindly gave the young mountain lion my order then she walked away. Unfortunately I simply couldn't help myself as I leaned to the side and watched her strut away.

"Hmm, She's got quite a good wiggle doesn't she, Iros." Aniu inquired leaning over. Though before I could comment Finx got in a cheap shot which left my sister speechless. When Aniu regain some of her senses she shot Finx a very dirty look in return. The second that happened, Razze and I couldn't help but, laugh. This was exactly what he needed after this morning's disaster at his home.

Ten minutes later she returned then placed my meal down though I couldn't take my eyes off her. "Thank, you beautiful." I smiled as she stood straight up. Everyone looked at me mouths gapped open and virtually speechless. "Y'all are very welcome big boy." She replied. With a wave she walked away, just as my friends their collective minds. "Iros, are feeling okay, what the hell's got into you?" The group asked.

"Is there a problem with me complimenting a beautiful woman?" I barked. Everyone threw up their hands in defense seeing as there was no point arguing with me on. As I picked up my sandwich Razze noticed something stuck to the underside of a plate. So I took a bite of my food then put my sandwich down then look under the plate. "Looks, like her order notepad got stuck and she doesn't realize its missing." I stated.

"I'd better go return it and don't think for a second I'm going to ask her out. If the three of you are then you're all out of luck, besides I don't think I'm even her type. Granted she's attractive but, there's a strong chance she's already involved with someone." I remarked getting up. Aniu mention there was no in asking if only to confirm my hunch. Rolling my eyes I walked inside the building to go track her down.

<Now, where could she be?> I thought looking around. When I saw one of her coworker, so I figured she'd know where to find her. "Pardon, me miss I'm looking for a white female cougar, she accidently left this behind at my table." I said showing her the notepad. "Oh! You must be looking for Moxxi, wait here while I go retrieve her." She smiled as she turned around then walked towards the kitchen.

A short time later Moxxi came walking out of the kitchen she noticed me standing nearby. "Hello again, I believe you forgot this at my table." I smiled handing her the notepad. Before I knew what hit me she jumped into my arms and held me tight. Sadly the first thing that I noticed was just how big her bust was when it squished against my chest. <DAMN GIRL! You're certainly well endowed.> I thought.

"Y'all, right?" She asked after letting me go. I told her was a little surprised by her sudden hug but, I did appreciate it. "Oh, I'm still sorry bout that, I kinda got caught up in the moment." She replied. Of course I told her not to worry and that surprises make life more interesting. "That's certainly true, thanks again but, I best be gettin' back to work. She stated. She turned around then headed back for the kitchen so I walked away.

When I returned to my table, Aniu and my friends were looking at me funny. Of course they instantly barraged me with all sorts of questions which I happily ignored. Though Aniu wouldn't let the matter drop until I threaten her with a psychic wedgie. It didn't take me long to finish eating my meal before Moxxi returned to the table. "So, are y'all ready to cash out or is there somethin' else I can get for y'all?" She asked.

"I think we're good Moxxi, so is anyone going to help pitch in on the bill?" I replied looking around the table. Sure enough they looked each other then back at me and I knew they didn't have any money. "Typical, so what's the damage?" I asked looking back at Moxxi. The second I said that this strange confused look appeared on her face. "But, y'all didn't break anything." She replied a second later.

I told her it was only a figure of speech, she apologized for not catching on. She handed me the bill we all said goodbye then slowly made our way out to my car. "Damn, what a pair of/" *Smack!* As my hand launched out and connected firmly against the back of his head. Naturally he stumbled right after I hit him then he looked at me. "Jeez, Iros what the hell was that for?" He whined rubbing where I hit him.

"Just be very grateful I got to you first before she did." I stated pointing at Finx. The look she shot him was enough to freeze the largest desert for several years. We arrived at my car, so Razze unlocked the doors and tossed me the keys. Once the doors were open Razze and Finx climbed into the back then Aniu and I followed suit. After the doors closed I fired up the engine, pulled out of the parking space and went home.

As we got onto the highway Finx asked Razze if he was really going to stay with us. Since he was more than welcomed to live with her and her family if he preferred. He smiled as the two lovers cuddled together in the back seat while I focused on the road. The rest of the way home not much was said as we pulled up in front of Finx's home. She said goodbye then climbed out of the backseat of my car.

Though before she headed up her walkway she leaned into the window to give Razze a warning. He willingly agreed to her request then she stepped back then walked towards her front door. We waited until she was safely inside then turned around and drove home. Aniu had a couple of serious questions for Razze which he wasn't sure about. I hoped for his well being that folks didn't try anything stupid.

A short time later my car pulled into our driveway once I pulled the parking brake. Once the engine shut down, we made our way into the kitchen where mom was washing dishes. "Hi, mom we're home did anything happen while we were gone?" Aniu asked. She looked up from the sink then shook her head no but, wondered why. Razze figured his folks would come by and stir up some kind trouble for us.

She told us that they didn't bother to call or stop by to start a fight but, it's still early. In the meantime mom told me that dad had something for me so I went to see what it was. I found him sitting behind his desk in the den, so I knocked on the doorframe. He looked up from what he was reading then waved me to come inside the room. "Hey son, a young female hyena came by here an hour ago looking for you." He began.

"When I told her that you weren't here she asked if I could give this to you when you returned." Dad said handing it to me. After I took the letter from him he had a few questions for me in regards of Celia. So I gave him short and simple answers that didn't clarify much. He could tell that I was holding back but, he knew better than pry deeper into my business. From there I went up to my room, closed the door and read the letter.

It said; Hey, Iros my dad forgot to ask you if you'd like to work part time for him on weekends. He finally had enough of Drake so he finally ended up firing his useless ass at the end of his shift today. So he had me contact you to see if wanted the job or knew someone who needed one. Unfortunately, you weren't there when I came by so I left this note with your mother. She's a super nice woman but, not somebody I never want to piss off. Well, anyway I'll catch you later Iros have a good one, Celia.

"Celia, you don't know how right you are." I smiled placing the note down on my desk. I remained in my room until 5:30 then went downstairs to watch the news. A short time later Mom got up off the couch then made her way towards the kitchen. Razze followed after her, I heard them talking about what was on the menu for dinner. When mom convinced him to help her prepare and cook dinner for everyone tonight.

After I watched what I wanted to I got up off the love seat then upstairs to Aniu's room. The question I had for her wasn't an easy one to ask this was something I've never experienced. Once I reached the top of the stairs, it was either sink or swim at this point. As I made my way to her room then I politely knocked on her bedroom door. "Hey, sis you got a minute gotta ask you something?" I asked.

She allowed me inside her room a moment later so I entered and closed the door behind me. Aniu was sitting at her computer when I walked in so I sat down on her bed. I waited for her to turn around on her computer chair before I began speaking. Now earlier today before we left the restaurant, Moxxi had given me a piece of paperwork. Though she gave me very specific instructions regarding the note before she left.

Of course I found a way to ask my sister without her putting the pieces together. Sadly it still didn't stop her from getting overly curious as to why I wanted to know. Naturally I got defensive when she started to poke too deeply into the subject. At that point she was wise enough to back off and apologize for teasing me. Though before I left her room i warned her that Razze was helping mom cook dinner.

She looked at me funny but, kept that he's never cooked anything that we knew about. Sure enough as I walked out into hallway mom summoned everyone down to the dining room. Aniu followed right behind me as I went to wash up real quick before going downstairs. When we entered the dining room Razze and mom were just bringing dinner to the table. "So what are we having for dinner mom?" Aniu asked as she sat down.

Mom quickly passed the buck over to Razze which he wasn't expecting at all. Of course I couldn't resist giving him a hard time about the safety of tonight's dinner. He kindly asked that I didn't bust his chops as he set the large pot onto the table. As he removed the lid I was able to see he made cheese and veggie stew for tonight. I could also tell by the scent that different ingredients were used then the usual.

Before we could serve ourselves a knock came from the front door so I went to see who it was. As I opened the door Mrs. Severna and her family were on the other side of the door. So I let them come inside and told them that everyone was just about to have dinner. They made their way there while I closed the front door behind them. When I joined everyone in the dining room everyone had taken a seat at the table.

Finx's parents had started asking my folks about had actually happened at Razze's home. My parents were more than happy to explain what had gone on earlier this afternoon. I convince my sister, Finx and Razze to take our meals into the kitchen. This would allow our folks to talk amongst themselves without us being in the way. As we ate in peace we were suddenly taken by surprise at how good dinner was.

After a while Finx's parents found us all sitting calmly in the living room. Her parents wanted to go home so, Finx decided to take some leftovers with her. As they left my folks came into the living room looking rather tired from a heated discussion. Naturally I asked what went on in the dining room which mom shared with us. Though before she could go into further details dad stepped in and told us it was bedtime.

We said our goodnights then we went upstairs and went to our separate bedrooms. After I closed my door, I got undressed then slowly crawled into my bed and went to sleep. While I slept I was about to receive another new piece to long standing puzzle. Sadly this time around I was swept into another place and time tonight. Though my surroundings were the same but, the location was different.

Ruins stood all around me as if a great war had ended just a few months ago. As I went to search the area all that could be found was destruction and desolation. The scene laid out before me was just too horrible for even words to express. Seeing as there was no life to be seen or heard I decided to leave the area. Suddenly with out warning a powerful and very dark presence pinged across my senses.

Doing the wise thing I quickly found a safe and secluded spot then laid low until they left. The sound of approaching troops was enough to force me to relocate and in a hurry. Allowing my wings to sprout forth I instantly took to the air and flew away from the city. While in the air I search for any signs of life outside of the dark presense and troops. Despite things being as bleak as they were I stayed positive until the very end.

As I remained airborne I tried everything until a faint signal pinged across my senses. When I locked on to it I teleported directly to its last known position. The second the shift finished I was flying an old and apparently abandoned sanctuary. So I found a safe place to land then I took a walk around the grounds. I soon stumbled across the faint signs of life though I couldn't zero in on the signals.

Though I could sense fear from the whatever inhabitants were hiding in the area. I decided to stay away to keep them from harm and helping whatever darkness from finding them. <Who or what has all of you so worried to the point of going underground? Perhaps there's a way that can put this bleak world back on the proper path.> I thought. Suddenly I felt another very strong presense reach out to me.

"I can assure my dear Iros you shall help these people when the time is right." The soft female voice informed. Naturally I started asking the voice all sorts of questions to which the voice replied. "I could tell you my dear but, you wouldn't learn anything you need to know. Besides it isn't my place to instruct you on how to fix this world. It's my job to make sure that you pay close attention to these visions." She informed.

"Great, you're acting just like my mother when she tries to prove a point." I snorted with annoyance. My guest chuckled as she gave my rather abrupt response a proper reply. "Where's the fun if you can't confuse the person you're trying to enlighten." She remarked playfully. My patience for this little game was starting to wear thin. "So I'm guessing it'd be too much to ask for my guest to show herself?" I asked.

Naturally her silence burned right through what little patience I had left for this game of hers. "LOOK! I don't have time to play this stupid cat and mouse game with you." I barked. "My, my, my, such a stormy temper that's not good for a future hero." She said a second later. Of course my angry come back to her baiting comment was very predictable. The voice didn't even bother to reply, it wisely left that question unanswered.

To be Continued.

(Coming Soon, Aniu's point of view.)

Discoveries in Dealings

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Iros; Day 2

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Iros; Day 1

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