Passing Trade

Story by Huskyteer on SoFurry

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#3 of Flash Fiction

A quick piece of flash fiction.

"You want me to do what?" Joko's eyes bulged in his black mask, and he twitched his ears. "That's sick!"

"But think of the money!" The gibbon stretched his lips into an ingratiating smile. "Don't worry, I'll deal with all the messy stuff. You just have to do your thing."

"No way. Absolutely not. I refuse." Joko ran his foreclaws through the coarse fur of his neck, as if the very idea made him need to groom.

"Come on, Joko. It's only fruit. You like fruit, right? Tasty, tasty fruit? Mmm!" Sunda proffered the bowl with its glistening load of red berries, and Joko's mouth watered in spite of himself as the ripe, rich smell reached his nostrils.

"That's it! Open wide!" A slender white finger tickled his chin.

"I - said - no!" Joko thrashed his long tail. "Now take your stupid coffee cherries and go find yourself some other civet!"

The Countdown

FIVE, brayed the voice of Control, making her ears prick and the fur rise along her spine. A mission FOUR the sake of all furkind, the media had called it. At the boom of THREE she braced in the launch suit, giddy with pure oxygen, and tucked her...


Colliewood & Whine

Rodolfo Volpino (better-known to his adoring fans as Rudolph Volpino, or simply Volpino; like the great doyenne of Colliewood, Lassie herself, he was famous enough to need only one name) sighed and fidgeted in the makeup chair. "Almost done," the...

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Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre: Teaser

"Max, I want you to father my baby." It's not every day a guy gets that sort of proposition. Particularly a gay guy. I blinked at the clouded leopard over the rim of my coffee mug, took a sip to show how cool and unfazed I was, and burned my tongue....

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