The Hardest Climb of All

Story by Arctfox on SoFurry

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Jake flopped himself down into the grass sprawling out in all his glory, the afternoon sun beams glimmering off his fine feathers, and truly proud of what he had just accomplished. Jake was a young 16-year-old gryphon. He was never too tall for his age, just average, standing 5,6" though had a surprisingly athletic build. He partook in no sports at school and, for the most part, kept to himself, other than his friends.

Gold lined the feathers on his body down to the wings until it trailed off to a soft brownish red hint at the tips accenting his shape and good looks. He had the average golden hued eyes and black beak, but it never bothered him, he was never concerned with his image nor thought it was ever out of character, he just considered himself fine the way he was. It never seemed to fail, the same turning heads in the hall way every day to, from what he guessed, check him out and scope his better than average body.

Although Jake seemed the perfect person, his hobby was distanced from that of his family or any of his friends.

Jake loved to climb, He knew: This is me, who I know I am.

Jake rose from the dirt and looked out over the seeming endless array of valleys and mountaintops, of course: being a Gryphon, nothing new to him, but he still stood tall and proud. Jake took in the last of the scenery, then spread his wings and took flight towards home. He turned his head back to admire the cliff he had scaled for just a minute. Knowing this was what he wanted. Freedom.

# # #

"Ten O-clock Jake, Where have you been? I was worried sick!"

Immediately he realized his mother's agitated tone, running to the kitchen to greet her.

"Egh, you know. . .Out?"

"Jake, you weren't out clim..."

He cut her off mid sentence with a hug and "I love you mother!" then leaving to his room, full plate of food in claws.

Collapsing to the bed, he hit the radio on and started trying to fall asleep on paining hands and feet. Jake was a good climber, but Gryphon bodies weren't built for that kind of punishment. He decided to pull out his journal and begin writing:

Journal Entry: June, 22

Finally finished the 5.11 grade today, I'm getting up

in the ranks of climbing I just wish people would try to

accept me for who I am, and not just the

climbing part either, with being "me" as well.

I would love tell her and get it off my chest but...


A tap broke his concentration, "tick-tick-tick." The sound whispered the silent air, just loud enough for me to hear, reality flooded back into the scene. I walked over to the window and opened it. Jeff stood out on his dew-laden yard.

"What do you want Jeff, it's 11 at night!"

"Never too late for a party man, you, me, Mariah's? Come on man, my feet are getting wet out here." A grin peeled across Jeff's face.

Jake glanced out into his home's lifeless hallway. He looked back at Jeff...

"Yeah, I'm game! Lets do it."

He hopped out his bedroom window, slid down the roof and joined Jeff at his car. They both got in and left to the party.

# # #

Jake looked out the window of the car, watching the trees flash by: shadows of they really were. Thinking of himself.

"Hey Jake, you okay? you seem kind of out of the moment tonight you know?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking, you know?"

They both laughed. The ride went on, and after about five minutes Jake started to notice Jeff's gaze kept rotating from the road to the passenger seat. A blush formed on his cheeks under the golden feathers, thinking of what he hoped, or rather dreamed he was looking at.

Jeff looked up at Jake, saw he had been watching him and turned on the radio in embarrassment to pretend that was what he was looking at. Although, somewhere inside, Jake sort of liked the attention he got from he furry friend.

Jeff was a black puma, about the same size as Jake, just heavier set. Jeff was on the football team at school, so he always got invited to the big parties and events. Jake was always a tag along, though one he secretly somehow really enjoyed having. He couldn't ever explain why the way he felt around Jake was different from any girls, he just wanted the action from the girls, but he only really wanted to be around Jake.

Jake broke the awkward silence. He turned down the radio and asked Jeff: "Have you ever felt special about any girl, or are you just kind of a player?"

"I don't know man, I've felt pretty special in bed with them, but love? naw...don't know why though, seems like I should doesn't it?"

"Well every one finds their own someone some day, yours is just going to be in a football locker room"

"Shut up Jake!"

He pushed Jakes shoulder in a playful manner as they rode up to the house.

# # #

At 11:15 on the dot, Jeff and Jake didn't just show up, they Arrived. Rolling up in Jeff's Dad's Lexus IS300, heads turned to meet the two rising from the car. People turning to meet Jake and Jeff as they walked in on the party.

Mariah jumped up into Jeff, wrapping her legs around him

"Heys Jeff! Glad you came...and who's your delicious friend over there?"

Jeff smiled,

"That's Jake, you want him huh?"

A smile crept across Mariah's face, as she jumped back down from Jeff and led Jake to a back room and locked the door...

She pressed him against the covers, licked his cheek and sighed.

"Oh your gonna love this"

Slowly she undid his button up shirt, unzipped his blue jeans and dropped her jaw at the sight of his large balls and sheath. Hers eyes came up to meet his with a devious grin, leaning down to lick his sheath.

"Oh your so big aren't you? I want you in me now"

With every lick to his crotch he twitched and blushed red, shuddering under the immense beauty before him.

"Ahh, ohh,, I cant."

Jake abruptly sat up and pushed her head out from between his legs.

She got up angry and looked him in the face.

"What's wrong with you?! I'm trying to make this special for you."

"Deals off Jeff! You can have your money back!"

With that she stormed out of the room, Jake left exposed to the party and scrambling to button back up his shirt and pants. After he had got his clothing back together Jake left the party and sat in the lawn. Ten minutes had passed and Jeff came and sat next to him.

"What do you want Jeff? And why'd you hire a slut to come onto me?"

"It was for you, I wanted you to have a good time tonight man."

Jeff pulled up Jake and they left in the Lexus. No one spoke for the time of the drive. They got along to Jeff's house and both walked inside.

"Hey man, Jake? I'm sorry for embarrassing you but...well, what happened? Why'd you say no to her? She was expensive."

A grin crept across Jeff's face, which quickly dimmed when he saw Jake wasn't in a laughing mood. Putting a hand on Jake's shoulder he asked again.

"Seriously, what's wrong? We've been friends forever and I can help with whatever it is."

Jake looked up and saw his friends concern.

"Well, there's this know? Special, but you know they're off limits?"

"yeah? Well who is it Jake? Maybe I can hook you two up?"

"If I say will you promise to keep it low, and not hate me?"

"I promise. We'll always be friends Jake, you know that."

"It's, umn...well, its you."

Jake's eyes dropped to the ground, his cheeks blushed the entire time he was trying to get out that one sentence that could make or break their friendship. Make or break his heart.

He knew it must have been awkward for Jeff, his long time friend, to find out that his own friend Jake was a fag. That's all that ran through his mind after the words slipped out. Jake started to get up to walk away in shame when Jeff's arms pushed him back down onto the couch. Jake's head abruptly turned to see what was wrong, which was met by a kiss.

At first Jake was surprised, he started back but couldn't with his friends hand pushing him into his own intimate moment.

"Wai...Wha...stop Jeff."

"I've never had the nerve to tell you Jake, I love you. And now I can, knowing you feel the same...sorry I moved so fast."

"Ill just need a moment Jeff."

Jake sat back into the couch, letting the realization flood in. Jake knew he'd always liked Jeff, lusted his body, and lusted his love. Now that he could have it all, right at this moment, he couldn't do it. Why? Jeff saw his friend's confusion and rolled on top of him on the couch, giving Jake a chance, giving himself a much-wanted chance. Slowly he lent in to propose a kiss.

Jake knew this could be his only chance with Jeff now and layback to accept him. Their Beak and Muzzle met as one, falling into the deepest kiss Jake or Jeff had ever experienced, bodies naturally wrapping arms and legs together in love. Jeff was the first to make a move, reaching down into Jake's pants unzipping and pulling them off. Leaving only his boxers underneath, which trophied a large bulge in the front. Jake moaned into the kiss, letting his partner know what he wanted. Pleasure.

Their bodies shuddered together as Jake reached down, groping Jeff's crotch.

"Oh, wait wait...lets do this right."

Jake pushed Jeff off himself, standing up stripping the rest of his clothing off. Jeff's face sported a wide grin, doing the same. Both stood admiring, drooling over the other males' body. Jake already carrying a good six-inch erection, Jeff's was getting on its way. Jake slowly walked over, running a single finger up Jeff's hardening shaft. He got down on his knees and Jeff knew what was coming, Jeff stroked the feathers on top of Jake's head as Jake looked up in a loving manner softly cooing. Jake dropped his head and took all six-inches into his beak, careful not to hurt his mate he went slowly. Moaning into Jeff's shaft. Jeff threw his head back, softly gripping Jake's ears as he went.

Slowly he began to hump into Jake's beak, Jake receded slowly giving Jeff's shaft tantalizing licks to he tip. Jake repeated his motions several times, then just stopped.


Jeff said each word between gasps making each word seem like the beginning of a sentence rather than part of one. Jake showed Jeff what he wanted, turning around lifting his tail feathers to reveal his tail hole.

"So, lets take this to the next level?"

"Yeah sure! You dirty bird."

Jeff was very excited to fill Jake, as Jake was excited to take Jeff all the way. Jeff quickly walked over, bending down over Jake lick his ear, whispering...

"Tell me if this hurts, okay? I love you"

With that Jake nodded, which turned to a sound, which turned to a yell of pain. Jake hadn't ever had anything pushed into him, now his friend, and new lover, was pushing all he had into Jake's rear. But Jake loved the moment so as Jeff slowed at Jake's yell, Jake gave him the okay to keep going. Jeff pushed in and out for a good five minutes, Jake loving the feeling of his tail hole being stretched to new widths like never before, and with a good last thrust, Jeff blew his entire load into Jake's rear.

Panting, out of breath, and exhausted Jeff fell to the side of Jake, pulling out.

"That was amazing Jake, thank yo..."

Turning around he realized, the job wasn't finished. Jake had been lying on the floor next to him pawing himself off. Now Jeff felt bad, not even giving the courtesy of a reach around.

"No Jake, wait...let me"

A warm smile lit up Jake's face, as Jeff's paws fell to fondle with Jakes balls, his maw falling to Jake's shaft that was bulging and pulsing red with need. Jeff's rough tongue felt so amazing over Jake's shaft, Jeff slowly licking from base to tip. Jake gripped Jeff's head, pushing it down over his shaft. Jeff glanced up at his feathery friend for second and an idea sparked. Jeff wrapped his tongue around Jake's shaft and began bobbing up and down. Though that wasn't it, Jeff moaned into Jake's shaft as he snuck a finger between Jake's legs and pushed it up into Jake's tail hole.

Jake threw his head back and moaned into the sky. He didn't care anymore if anyone knew who or what he was, because he knew who he was, and now he had someone to share that with.

He blew his load into Jeff's maw. Jeff lapped up every last drop like it was sweet milk he so desperately wanted. Both lie back into the floor and fell asleep in their exhaustion, not caring that Jake's mother would find that he snuck out, or that Jeff's parents may come home early and find both of them there.

No, neither cared a bit, for they had something now that they hadn't ever had before: Love, Each other, and Assurance.

Assurance that this was forever.