Chapter 11- rundown on personas

Story by aaron blackwolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Golden chance

new chapter and to persona lovers, you will understand what the hell igor is saying ^^;;


****** (POV Change: Normal) ******

Nathan, softly, groaned as his body began to move about. Slowly the otter's eyes fluttered open and he leaned up slowly; he stretched lazily and yawned: he felt, oddly, REALLY good for just waking up....and, usually, he's still tired when he gets up for school.

'Huh, guess I got a really good's night sleep.....I WAS pretty much drained from Tartarus.' He thought, shrugging; he looked over and smiled: though he knew Johnny would wake up soon, he enjoyed watching his orca sleep so soundly....wait, that's not right either: if Johnny was still asleep, and that deeply.....

"What time is it?" Nate asked himself, leaning over the orca to see the time: it was half past eight.

"WHAT?! 8:30?!" Nate yelped: he slept for WAY too long! They had to get ready, NOW.....but, they'll still be late even if they went faster than light.

Roughly, the otter shook Johnny.

"J, wake up! We overslept! We're late!"

Johnny, slowly, got up...yet Nate was already out of the bed trying to find some clean clothes to wear: he couldn't decide on whether to wear warm clothes for Tartarus or regular clothes.

"Nate..." Johnny started, yawning in the middle of his sentence yet continuing on as he stood up from the bed "I already have that taken care of.....last night."

"What? What do you mean?" Nate asked. The orca smiled and grabbed his cell from the nightstand, scrolling through the messages and showing the otter them. Nate read them out-loud.

_ 'Headmaster, I need a favor: we just went to Tartarus again tonight to help Elizabeth; long story short, Nate's dead tired. Any way we can come into class later than usual?' _

_ 'I understand: I'll contact Igor and inform him of your tardiness. Take your time and rest: Nathan, though I was told he's extraordinary for a Persona-user, has his limits; let him rest. _

- Headmaster

_ P.S - I would like it if he, as well as you, stopped by my office for a bit: a casual talk, nothing more......' _

Nate looked through the message and answer a few more times, shaking his head: he couldn't understand it, even though it was so simple; Johnny, merely, thought ahead of him out of consideration.....of course, that didn't keep the otter from punching the orca's shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me?! I started panicking for nothing! Sheesh.....scare me half to death....." Johnny yelped out softly a bit, rubbing his shoulder gently and chuckling.

"Maybe I should've: that way I won't be punched again.....and good morning to you too." He joked, acting a little hurt; Nate, seeing through the act, rolled his eyes and smiled: he wrapped his arms around Johnny and pressed his face into his chest.

"Good morning to you too, Orcy......thank you for letting us get more sleep.....I really needed it." Nate said happily, as if his panic was nothing more than a dream; he released the orca and stretched his arms out wide, yawning hugely.

"Well, since we don't have to rush anymore, let's get ready for school....." he trailed off and smiled, taking some fresh clothes at random and walking into the bathroom......only to leave the door open a crack.

The otter went over and turned the faucet to release the warm water, letting the shower heat up as he stripped out of the rest of his clothes: he was glad Johnny stripped off the extra layers, he would've overheated. He sighed a bit as he flopped his clothes on the toilet seat and relaxed gently against the wall across it.

"Damn, Johnny did this for me......he knew I was gonna struggle this morning if I didn't get a lot of sleep.....not to mention he knew I was gonna slack off if I knew about the text....." he spoke to himself. Nate couldn't help but smile to himself at the realization: Johnny is always looking out for him......just like before.

Chuckling a bit, Nate smiled wider and stepped into the water; he jumped a little at the sensation of the heat, but murmured to himself happily at the feeling of hot water soothing his still-sore muscles.

Johnny, smiling to himself, peeked past the crack to watch his otter clean himself: the otter's paws slowly rubbing over his chest and through his hair......not to mention all over himself; the orca's eyes stayed on Nate's upper half...not necessarily want to get all "hornied-up", but wanting to still see his sexy boyfriend.

His fingers, though he wasn't looking, went to work on his cell: they flickered over the pad and soon stopped on a certain button. Only then did the orca look down to see his message:

'Hey, Headmaster! Thanks for letting us sleep in a little longer: I can already TELL he appreciated it. We'll see you later. Also, me and Nate will visit your office when we can: promise'

Only after a few seconds did he get a reply:

_ 'Of course, Mr. Thompson: I am always happy to help....however, please tell me in the future of any engagements of such things prior in the near future.....and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Hope to see you soon. _

- Headmaster'

He smiled and turned off his cell, tossing it onto the bed casually and slowly pushing the door open; he closed it silently behind him and stepped closer to the otter.....and, once he was close enough, startled the mammal by wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.

"So, you wanna get cleaned up together....might go by a little faster....if you want...." His voice was different from his usual energetic self: it was calm....serene.

Nathan could sense that change in Johnny's voice: before he acted so protective and worried about him.....but, now, it's like that side of him never existed in the first place. He was about to say something about it, yet he froze in place as Johnny's hand moved slowly from his waist to his chest, the nubs of his fingers digging into his fur gently, and his hot breath brushed against his sensitive ears.

"Don't worry about me, Otty......just relax....and enjoy it....." he whispered to the otter; Nathan bit his lip and gulped in large breaths of air: the sound of his voice was different yet again, this time sounding dominant and lustful.....he stifled back the urge to moan, yet it was hard with the orca scratching and rubbing his chest as well.....

'Dammit: he knows me SO well......!' he thought, closing his eyes and trying to regulate his breathing so it wasn't noticeable to the orca......yet Johnny already knew: he could feel Nate's heart rate increase so dramatically it made him chuckle to himself.....he LOVED getting his otter all worked up, but right now, they needed to get cleaned up.

Johnny grabbed a bottle of shampoo (papaya-scented since he likes fruit and that was Nate's favorite) he had on the rack in the shower and spurted a glob of it on his other hand; he put the bottle away and rubbed his hands together.....and then started the luxury of rubbing his paws all over his mate; this time, Nate couldn't help -hell, he probably couldn't WAIT anymore to- but moan out softly.


After about ten minutes of lathering, and hearing Nate moan, Johnny finished up washing the otter and let him rinse; his hands were resting on Nate: one on his shoulder scratching his cheek gently and the other on his head running through his hair. Nate smiled and murmured happily as he was rinsed off and petted, then smirked even more.

"Now it's your turn....isn't it?" he asked, looking back at the orca; Johnny, not of his own volition, blushed and nodded.

"Y-yeah...I have some soap you can use....." he reached up and grabbed a bar (kiwi-scented, Johnny's favorite), giving it to Nate. The otter smirked and took the bar, rubbing it along Johnny's abs and chest first off.....then to the rest of him second.

****** (POV change: Johnny) ******

'I have no idea how to be helpful......' I thought to myself as Nathan washed me; I tried to focus on his paws' movements, yet my mind continued to drift to that one statement: I'm powerless.

'Of course I'm powerless: I've felt that way ever since Nate got his Persona....I'm still amazed he kept something like that bottled up for so long....' I continued in my head. I shook my head as I felt my heart give a painful "thud" in my chest.

'No.....I can't think that; I have to trust him, I have to let him do what he feels is right.....besides, he's strong enough to hold his own, right?' As I tried to steel my resolve, I noticed that Nathan was looking at me: his eyes read worry.....I hid my own worry behind my smile.

"Go get ready, babe: you have a long day today with the swimming try outs and Igor's class..." I tried to sound care-free, like before....yet I could still see that look in Nathan's gentle, oceanic eyes. Like an ocean, they almost seemed to churn with his almost seemed to hurt.

He nodded nonetheless and he smiled, leaning up to me; his lips drifted over mine gently as he kissed me, the action being only as long as I could blink.

As he left I continued my train of thoughts: the water rushing over my slick body helping me concentrate by adding in the gentle patter of when it landed and the soothing feeling of being warm all also eased my anxiety.

'Damn....why am I thinking about all these negative thoughts? I've never doubted Nathan before, never....sure I advise him against things, but I never doubted him......' I shook my head as I thought this: I can't worry about that: I have to support my otter today on his practice meet....I want him on the team. Pushing my negative feelings aside so I could fully focus on things, I shut the water off and stepped out of the shower. I grabbed the nearest towel and began to dry myself; once done, I toss it back on the rack and walked out of the bathroom....still naked.

'It's not a bad thing to give Nate some eye candy every now and then it?' I thought to myself; I felt like I smirked, yet I couldn't be sure.

I got my result: the second Nathan saw me walk out his face went bright red....yet he turned around and coughed to hide it; classic of him. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him again from behind, resting my head on his shoulders.

"Mmm....knew you'd do're so bad at hiding it...." I whisper to him; he coughed again softly, trying hard not to make any certain sounds that might tip me off....of course, seeing him like this already tipped me off.

"W-what can I say: you're a horrible tease....." he replied back to me. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"We'll have some fun when we're back at home: promise." I told him; he didn't reply, but I didn't need one: he was dying for it already.


After a while things began picking up, even though we were the only ones in the house. I was getting dressed slower than usual since I wasn't sure what to pack or wear since me and Nate had both "Persona Classes", my little nickname for Igor's classes, and Swimming I went with the lateral: I dressed for "P" classes and packed a small bag of regular clothes and swimming shorts for afterwards: I was NOT going to overheat like before...I'd rather freeze than burn.

As I got dressed, I heard Nate shout from downstairs on MULTIPLE occasions: he left the room faster than I did.

"_Come on! Let's go! I don't want to be later than we already are....even WITH excuse!"_he called up. I groaned and rolled my eyes a bit: sheesh, you were like this back at home Otty.....loosen up a bit....

"I'm coming! Hold your horses! Jeez...." I yelled back, grabbing my cell and bag and running out the door and down the stairs.

There he was, standing by the door with his arms crossed and his foot tapping impatiently as he waited for me.

"Sorry, I'm slower than you...." I apologized to him, hoping that would make things better: I hate it when he's mad at me....and he hates it when I'm mad at him; he like to stay on positive notes for each other. He smirked.

"It's fine: I'm getting used to it since you'll be eating dust when I beat you on the team -actually, you'll be eating bubbles!" he taunted me; I merely laughed: now THAT'S the Nathan I know and love so dearly.

"In. Your. DREAMS." I taunt back, smiling confidently.


As we walked to school I saw a few others staring at me, talking to themselves.....a few even pointed at me. I felt a little embarrassed: I was only wearing shorts since I was gonna change into my "Combat Gear" once we were at school.

"Just ignore them," Nate smiled: he was already wearing his heavy-duty clothing "They're just jealous that: a) I have a sexy friend, b) have a hot boyfriend, and c) you're so strong and muscular." He smiled widely: no hint of blush whatsoever...meaning he was proud to say that; that made ME blush.

"They're probably just wondering why I'm wearing no shirt....."

"Well, why would you? Most shirts you wear you rip up since they can't find big enough sizes for sprouted up -and out- while you were here..." Nathan trailed off, blushing a bit and chuckling to himself.

'In any case, the others won't be watching me for long: I'm going to change once inside,' I thought, wrapping an arm around the otter and pulling him close to me. We stayed like that the entire way to school, other furs staring at us.....we even got a few wolf whistles (from actual wolves too XD); we relished in that.

****** (POV Change: Normal) ******

As the couple walked to school, Johnny's arm around Nathan, the otter noticed something about Johnny....and it was pretty hard to miss: as they walked, he noticed this strange aura around the orca....visibly a dark blue, like his frightened him considerably.

"J?" he asked a little timidly, afraid to point it out. The orca looked down at him curiously and he was gone, as if melting into the air.


"N-nothing, never mind...." Mutter Nathan, shaking his head and pulling himself closer to his boyfriend; the orca shrugged and chuckled, keeping him close: Nate's mind raced.

'What WAS that? It looked like that smoke-ish aura from me Shadow back in this Johnny's Shadow I'm with NOW.....or is it something else?' He ran through things that Elizabeth and Igor said to him and the class....yet his mind drew blank of any information of what just happened, and what DID come to him didn't help him any: Shadows resided in Tartarus, the atmosphere/fog is the only way they can materialize into a form....but, what about someone's Shadow? Could it take form in the real world?

'No, I can't just guess.....I have to be sure before making assumptions like that.....'


Once the two made it inside the school building, Johnny left for the bathroom so he could change into his Tartarus hot and uncomfortable as it was.

Then they went off to the Velvet Room for class.


It took them only a few minutes this time since they kept their pace steady and fast: they knew where they were going this time. The door was there, of course, in its shiny blue, jewel-like regality. Something was amiss though: when Nathan pulled on the knob, even knocking, the door stayed closed....locked, maybe.

"What gives? We have class today, don't we?" he asked. Johnny nodded and thought for a bit, looking over the door: slowly his eyes began to adjust themselves on the door and he realized there was a fine layer of fog over it. Curiously he slipped on his glasses from his pocket: not only did the fog dissipate from his vision, but words formed out of the fog.

_ 'Due to unforeseen circumstances of the previous night, class shall be canceled today. Starting tomorrow, we shall be having class every other day. I apologize for any problems in the near future. _

- Elizabeth, Caretaker of the Velvet Room'

Nathan looked up at Johnny as saw the look on his face.

"What's up? Something happen? "He asked. Johnny shook his head, peering out from behind his glasses to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Y-yeah.....remember last night when Ryland's Shadow attacked us?" he counter-asked Nathan. The otter nodded "Well....apparently it caused some damage or something: there's a note in the fog that says that class is canceled for today....and it's telling us classes, starting tomorrow, will be every other day."

"Really? Lemme see..." Nate said in disbelief: he slipped on his own glasses and gave a "huh" in realization: it was true.

"So no class today....well, that's really the only class I signed up for when coming here...." The otter confessed "so what am I gonna do today? I mean, if I COULD, I wanted to go to Tartarus: I feel completely energized from I wanted to see how high I could go on my own....." he trailed off, looking over at Johnny: his expression turned from normal to worried in an instant.

"Nate..." he started; panicking a bit, Nate chuckled nervously and smiled through it "N-not that I would be COMPLETELY alone: Elizabeth would be with me so I'd be okay no matter what....heheheh." he ended his sentence with another nervous chuckle, earning him a soft smile form the orca: at least he wasn't going alone, he thought.

"Well, in any case, I don't think we'll be going in today: why don't we take a look around the school...since you're still new to it." Johnny offered, slipping off his glasses and pocketing them; Nate smiled and did the same.

"That'd be great...I don't wanna just use a map all the time, even if it IS convenient....." Nate bit his lips softly, looking over himself and J "but let's change first: we have other clothes to change into, right?"

"Right: no use in wearing this stuff if we're not going to be in class." The orca agreed; they started towards the center of the school entrance again and depart shortly so they could change into normal clothing.

As the two came out, they felt MUCH better: Johnny in shorts and tennis shoes, no shirt, and Nate in a light blue tee, tan cargo shorts, and flip flops.

"Okay, I feel SO much better! God, I felt like I was gonna burn up if I wore that any longer...." Nate said while stretching a bit "not to mention that much clothing on kinda limits your movement, doesn't it?"

"Tell me about it....I feel MUCH comfier now that I can show these off a little...." The orca chuckled and flexed a if boasting his muscles. Nate laughed and rolled his eyes playfully, giving him a little shove.

"Big-headed...." He muttered under his breath, the comment itself being a joke.

"Jealous." Johnny argued back in the same tone. Nathan looked "hurt".

"What? Me?! How can I be jealous...I'm the one that has you as a boyfriend...remember?" he smiled and wrapped his arms around the orca; Johnny did the same and pulled him close.

"Why else would I be this muscular? I know you like it when I show how strong I I trained a lot so I could GET this strong....both in looks and strength." Johnny confessed, his cheeks tinting red very slightly from his response. Nathan only giggled a bit.

"You didn't have to do were the sexiest guy in the world...and you still are....but now even MORE people know since you decked yourself with all of this...." The otter's paw rubbed along Johnny's arm, going up and over his shoulder to his chest until he was stroking it gently.....until Johnny met it with his hand quickly.

"Let's wait until we're alone...and we KNOW we'll be alone for a while....okay?" Johnny offered: Nate pouted, but agreed.

", how about we check up on our other guests: haven't seen them since last night...." Johnny offered again.

"Good idea, plus I wanna see how things went with Logan...." Nathan trailed off, thinking aloud. The orca tilted his head and gave a "hm?"

"Oh, it's nothing....just a little advice I gave Logan when he asked me to come into the kitchen....I wanted to know if he took it or not." Nate explained simply: it was the truth, he didn't feel guilty that he was lying to Johnny....'cause he wasn't.

"Ah, I see....well then, let's go find out where they are....if I had to bet, I'd guess the Arts Building in the back of the school....unfortunately, I've never been in that part of the I don't know where it is..." the orca sounded a little embarrassed: the otter gave a "psh!" and waved his hand like he was saying "forget about it!"

"No biggie: let's find that Nidoking and ask him for directions. Easy." He said, smiling and turning around: he scanned the hallways carefully, trying to find anything large and purple.

Then he saw him......

Frankly, though, it's hard to miss a huge purple Pokémon with glasses on his face, a PDA in his hands, and a megaphone clipped to his belt.

"There he is....hey, Sir! Excuse me!" called Johnny. The Nidoking stopped and looked over to see the two: he didn't move, so the others move towards him.

"Hi, you two. Aren't you having class right now?" He asks them: his tone was strict-sounding, similar to most adults.....yet it was still friendly.

Nathan unconsciously gulped silently: the Nidoking towered over him...and he has a HUGE submission-standard to those bigger than him......enough said.

He sucked up some air and let it out slowly a bit, trying to keep his confidence as he spoke, "Our class is canceled for today......and the schedule changed to every other day. We were hoping that, since we have some free time, we could drop by and see our friends in the Arts Building....but we have a little problem: we don't know how to get there, and the map only shows us the classes we're taking." After he spoke, Nathan bowed in respect...yet was yanked back up by the orca with him whispering into him "not the place for that, babe".

Johnny continued on after him, "Could you help us, Sir?"

The Nidoking gave them a stern look, as if wanting to intimidate them into telling the truth if they were lying....yet smiled softly after a little bit: strangely enough, directions to other classes was common for him....the Arts Building being the most common place.

"Alright, let me see your map for a second...." He asked; Nathan pulled out the piece of paper and hands it to the Pokémon. Fairly quickly, he looked up the destination and circled it on the map. He gave it back to the otter and smiled.

"There ya go, you two. Hope you find your friends: the building is pretty big...." He trailed off, then snapped his fingers in realization "I remember're the new guy from that small town, Eupharic City...aren't you?"

"Yeah, that's me....I came here because Johnny came over here two years before: I finished my high school classes there and came here for Goldenia's experience." Nathan replied, smiling modestly.

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun here....remember, though: you signed up for swimming classes too-"

"Don't worry: I'll get him to the Pools before class...he's trying out so he CAN join the class; a goof up on my part, I'm afraid." Johnny cut in, apologizing modestly to him.

"Well, as long as you're not late, then you're good to go....have fun in the Arts Building!" the Nidoking smiled, walking away again to where he was originally going...but he turned around and smiled again "Oh, and be careful not to get distracted...okay"

Both, though confused about being "distracted", waved and nodded in response.

As soon as the Nidoking was gone from sight, Nathan relaxed instantly and turned to Johnny.

"What does he mean by "not get distracted"? Any ideas?"

"You got me; I have no clue....." Johnny shrugged; both only thought on it a little longer then banished the thought: they'd find out soon enough.

"Well, then, let's go!" Nate said excitedly: he took the orca's arm and dragged them in the direction of the Arts Building....though it was barely faster than a jog.

"W-whoa! Hey, slow down ottie! I can walk for myself!" the orca joked, chuckling.

"Gr....lose...some're....heavier....than before!" Nate grunted as he dragged the orca along.

Johnny rolled his eyes and quickly side-stepped away from Nathan: the otter tripped over the loss of weight and started to fall forward...but the orca grabbed his arm and used the momentum to pull the otter into his arm again....only, this time, to catch him into a kiss. Nate was taken off-guard by the trip, yet lost all anger at the orca as he pulled himself closer and kissed back.

After a few seconds the orca broke the kiss and chuckled, keeping the otter close to him.

"Save your energy for swimming: no use burning it all up just pulling me along....okay?" he said. Nathan blushed and nodded.

"Well, then, next time, stop me instead of leaving me to trip over my own feet.....the kiss was nice, though." Nate answered, smiling with a red face.

All the orca could say was "oops?"


As the two walked, Johnny's thoughts trailed to last night: Elizabeth and Igor wanted to talk to Nathan and Ryland.

"Hey, Ottie...what was it that you, Rye, Elizabeth, and Igor talked about in the Velvet Room? It barely seemed like you were in there: probably for, like, a minute or something." Johnny started.

"Well, Igor and Elizabeth were explaining things to Rye the same thing they did to me; and, during that time, they also talked to me about what happened in the living room before we left for here-" Nate started.

"Wait, you said you just had a headache; did you lie?" Johnny accused Nate. The otter looked up in fright and shook his head quickly.

"N-no! Of course not.....I mean, I didn't know what happened so I thought it was a's, actually, something else....."

"What?" The orca seemed a little suspicious.

"Well, Igor said I had a special that was unique. Remember when he said I was unusual back when I got my Persona? That I was "peculiar"?" Nathan asked. Johnny nodded.

................. (The previous night, in the Velvet Room)..................

"So, Mr. Lawrence, do you understand now the concept of Personas?" Igor asked, chuckling in his usual tone. The fox, a little unsure, nodded slowly.

"I....I think so." He answered; Nate was standing next to Ryland as he sat in the chair. He seemed a little curious about why he was here.

", I wish to speak to both of you on a matter of importance.....not of mine, but of Mr. Osworth's." Igor then said; Nate looked at him funny.

"Me? What is it?"

Igor chuckled "I assume you have already discovered the power of Social I correct?"

'Social Links?' Nathan thought: what're those?

"Um.....what're Social Links?" he asked.

"Social Links are the bonds you form with other people: each person has an inner Arcana, if not for a Persona, that represents them; your Social Link would be of the Fool since that is your Arcana.....Ryland's would be of the Magician." Elizabeth explained.

"Social Links are a means of increasing your Personas' power, making them stronger; the more Social Links you form, the stronger the Persona you are capable of summoning."

"So, Social are a way of increasing my Persona's power.....meaning if I meet people with all 22 Arcana...." The otter started.

"Your power shall be immense......" Igor answered Nate "That is the uniqueness of the Wild Card."

"Wild Card?" Ryland asked.

"The Wild Card is an ability that allows the user to switch Personas based on the Social Link Arcana the user has formed.....the more Social Links one has....." Elizabeth said as she started.

"The more Personas I can wield into battle." Nate finished.

"Yes, that is will know when you have formed a Social Link with someone: can you tell us who you have already?" Igor asked.

The otter thought for a bit, then remembered:

"I formed one with Jacob.....he's of the Emperor Arcana." Nate answered.

"Excellent, you should be able to change Personas now in case you run into trouble." Elizabeth said.


"You will know when the time is right." Elizabeth said, smiling. Nate sighed a bit and chuckled.

"Had to try." He admitted. Ryland let out a yawn as well as Nate.

"You must be tired: we shall let you go for tonight; we hope to see you next class." Igor said; both nodded and Nate pulled Ryland up to his feet and helped him out the door.

......................... (Present time).......................

"Wait, so you can use TWO Personas now?" Johnny asked.

"Pretty much....I wish I knew how to summon the Emperor Persona.....know who it is." Nate said, a little disappointed.

"Don't worry, it'll come soon enough: it shouldn't be forced." Johnny said, smiling. Nate nodded and held Johnny's hand gently.

"Yeah, you're right....besides, if I think about it then I wouldn't be thinking about you....." Nate said sheepishly. Johnny smiled and chuckled, kissing Nate's forehead gently.

"Well, seems only fair....since you're always on mine...."
