Pig King 1/2

Story by bigbud on SoFurry

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A serial-fattening teacher encourages a couple guys in his homeroom class to gain weight.

"Welcome to your first day of your last year as highschoolers." An enormous swine puffed, lumbering into the room. His belly shook slightly as he slumped into his chair, his shirt riding up enough to see a strip of flesh. "I'll be your homeroom instructor, Mr. King. Some of you may have had me last year in advanced algebra."

A few mumbles and nods went around the room.

"Well, then for those of you who didn't, my rules are simple. Just behave yourselves and do your work, and we'll have no problems. Oh, and before I forget, if ever any of you need it, I have some snacks in that cupboard over there." He motioned with a fat hand toward a wall where a broom closet stood. "Help yourself, just let me know if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions so I can make sure that everyone has something in there."

"Yeah, I'm only allowed to eat hamburgers and pizza." One of the students said jokingly.

Mr. King laughed. "Ah, well, I'll see what I can do."

As soon as introductions were over, a few guys headed over to the cabinet to raid it. After all, what good is free food just sitting there?

"Oh sweet, he's got a ton of good stuff in here." A panda said, shuffling through a box of chip bags. "He's even got soda to wash it down! This guy rocks." A bull added, his head in a small refrigerator.

The snacks were passed around, and the guys all began to chow down.

"Heh, any teacher that gives us food is okay in my book." The somewhat pudgy panda said, as he helped himself to some of the chips.

"You guys are so naive." One of the girls said. "Don't you know, everyone in King Pig's classes gets super fat. My brother went up three sizes before then end of the year, so I know what I'm talking about. You guys can eat all you want, but don't come crying to me when you chub out."

The bull laughed. "Yeah, you're just mad because we won't share."

"Please, unlike you all, I don't have to eat 24/7/365." A few other kids nodded in agreement, mostly the other girls in the class.

By the middle of the term, though, the constant gorging was starting to show. Many of the boys had ill fitting shirts that rode up, exposing their stomachs, and a few had stopped buttoning their pants simply because they couldn't. If they cared though, they didn't let it show.

King had just finished restocking the cupboard. Heaving himself up, he stretched, exposing his ample belly. A few of the kids chuckled, but there were a few snorts of contempt or even disgust.

"Ugh, what a slob." One of the students said. "Well, he is definitely living up to his name as 'King Pig'." Said another.

The bull boy, Darrin, shot them a dirty look. "Just because he's not ashamed of his weight doesn't mean you should make fun of him." He chided.

"I don't care if he's comfortable with it, he doesn't need to show all of us what it looks like." One of the other kids retaliated. A few students nodded in agreement.

"Besides, you're not exactly the image of fit yourself, pudge." A girl said, poking Darrin's own gut. "You're gonna get as big as him if you keep this up."

King Pig turned red at the sound of giggles, and quickly pulled his shirt down, chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry about that. I probably need to cut back on the snacks myself..."

"Yeah, and go have a chat with Jenny Craig." someone mumbled.

As the year went on, Darrin and his friends continued to help themselves to the food. However, it wasn't just in King's class. During lunch they would order more food, sometimes even second meals, and would stop by the snack cupboard in between classes for something to eat. The class was eventually split down the middle. Those who were okay with the snacks, and those who wanted the cabinet gone. Darrin, along with most of the guys had ended up on the side that wanted the cupboard to stay.

Finally, Mr. King addressed the situation.

"Its come to my attention that some of you are not happy with my providing food to you." He said. "I've had a couple reports that my actions are encouraging unhealthy habits among the students."

The kids glared at each other, one side wondering who made the report, and the other side watching for the reaction.

"Now, I was aware that there was some sort of schism between you all. I just wasn't aware it was over this." He continued. "Therefore, at the request of the principal, I'm no longer going to be handing out snacks to you." He took a chain and lock from his pocket and slipped it around the handles of the cupboard, locking them closed. "And so none of you get any funny ideas and attempt to take the key, I'll be keeping it on my person at all times." He said, stuffing it back into his pockets. "Now then, with that out of the way, I think its time we move on to the lesson plan..."

This was hardly the end to the problems. Those students who would come in every day to grab a snack between classes had gotten so used to eating all the time that they ended up hungry throughout most of the school day. They continued to eat larger lunches, and even brought their own snacks, which, oddly, the other half of the class didn't seem to care about.

"We honestly don't have any issue with you glutting on your own dime." One of the kids said. "We just wanted to stop King Pig from enabling you all."

Danny, the panda, rolled his eyes. "So what if he was 'enabling us'. At least we got free food out of the deal."

Mr. King listened as their argument continued. "Oh, by the way, Danny, Darrin, Zach, Mark, and Louis, I need to see all of you after class."

"What, did they try to bust into your cabinet?" One of the students asked.

Mr. King shot them a disapproving look. "No, they did not. However, even if they did, its none of your business."

After class, the five boys stood in front of Mr. King's desk, worried looks on their faces.

"Now boys," he began. "I've noticed that you five in particular have been somewhat irritable as of late. I told the other teachers I'd look into it. Is there something going on?"

"Well, no... its just that..." Zach, a tubby panther, stuttered.

"You see..." Louis, a rhino, tried to say.

"Yes?" Mr. King said, raising an eyebrow.

"We've been so used to helping ourselves to your stash of food, that without it, we're hungry most of the day."

"I had thought as much." King said. "Alright boys, here is the deal. I'm more than happy to let you in to the cabinet after school, and you can help yourselves to whatever you like, but only if you swear you won't tell anyone."

"You have our word." Mark, a brown bear, said. The other boys nodded in agreement.

After school, the five boys waited to make sure everyone was gone, and headed to Mr. King's room. The big pig was reclined in his chair, watching television. "Ah, boys. I've already unlocked the cabinet, so go ahead. I've got a meeting to attend to, so I'll be right back." He gathered up a few things and squeezed out the door, leaving the five boys alone.

"Alright, sweet. Lets chow down!" Danny said, rummaging through the cabinet. "Ah, its nice to be able to have this thing opened again. Plus with only the five of us, we've got dibs on all the good stuff."

The five of them ate quickly, moving from one snack to another with little time between them. The pile of wrappers continued to grow, along with the empty cans. By the time Mr. King came back, they had eaten quite a bit, their shirts pulled up to expose their fat stomachs.

"I see you boys are enjoying yourselves." He said.