Gate of Eros

Story by Zielregen on SoFurry

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#3 of Claves Furry AU

Claves is joined in his latest escapade by his boyfriend, Leo, and their mutual friend Tim. That in itself is a recipe for disaster, but things spiral out of control with the discovery of a strange portal.

First of the new Claves chapters. Complete with furrified cast and ridiculous levels of cumflation!

Claves folded his lean toned arms in front of his fuzzy white chest and huffed in annoyance. "Jeez, why do I have to get stuck with the scrub club tonight?" To say that Claves was irritable today would be putting it mildly. He had his reasons for working alone, and having the newbs horning in on his turf made him uncomfortable.

"It's quite logical, really. You see, section C of the Arcanum Reclamation and Exploration Codex states that all Arcanum sanctioned archeological evaluations must be conducted in the presence of an authorized official." Tim stated matter-of-factly. Claves was about ready to reach over and stifle that nerdy little rodent, when a swift grey paw reached over and caught his wrist.

"Just leave it be." Leo said calmly as he stared down his irritated boyfriend. Claves grimaced at his feline lover, but made no further efforts to mute their mousey friend. Leo let out an exasperated sigh, but then slipped his hands into his neatly tailored vest pockets and continued following after the others.

"And why are you here, anyway?" Claves grumbled at the grey cat.

"To make sure you don't strangle our little friend over there." Leo explained only half jokingly.

"Little." The white rabbit scoffed. While it was true that the brown mouse was the shortest and slimmest of the trio, little was not the word that Claves would use to describe the mage. Tim was gifted with by far the biggest dick of the three. The beast stood at a full six feet tall when inflated to its true glory. Claves was more than a little jealous of the mouse and even more irked by the great lengths the enchanter went to to hide his impressive endowments. To anyone who might be looking at the three, Tim seemed to be the most normally proportioned of the bunch. His enormous cock and balls were safely tucked away from view using some fancy magic or enchantment. Claves didn't know the details. He only knew that it pissed him off.

"This is our chance to get in the good graces of the Arcanum. It's best not to let something like this pass us by." Leo admonished his bratty lover. "Besides, this will be fun. It's so rare that we get to go out and do things together." He added happily.

"We are breaking into an abandoned research lab of some nut job rogue magi. This isn't like some date!" Claves grumbled.

Leo quickly spun around and grabbed the white rabbit by the sides of his face and pulled the thief in for a passionate kiss. Claves was so stunned that he didn't make any effort to fight back. He could feel the cat's tongue works its way into his mouth. Claves moaned softly in spite of himself. Leo always knew exactly how to play him. That was part of the reason that claves loved him, but it was also the reason that the cat pissed him off half the time.

"That still doesn't make it a date." Claves sputtered when they finally broke apart. He folded his hands in front of his fuzzy white chest again and turned the face the other way in a defiant huff, but he didn't manage to hide the slight pinkish tinge that had spread across his cheeks or the fact that his exposed massive dong had chubbed up considerably.

Whatever you say, dear." Leo replied in a teasing singsong voice as he slipped his hands back into his pockets and set off after the mousey enchanter who was still rattling on about rules and regulations. Leo had enjoyed the kiss just as much as the thief had, if not more, as was evidenced by his own gigantic dick pressing even harder against the front of his finely tailored black slacks. Claves grumbled a bit, but then bounded after the others.

"- so in the event of the discovery of a powerful artifact, it falls to the Arcanum representative to de-gurk." Tim's lecture was cut painfully short as a powerful tug on the hood of his beige Arcanum robes caused him to topple backwards. His eyes went wide in shock as he saw a fiery inferno erupt from the tile he had been standing on less than a second before. He let out a soft "oof." as he made impact with the cold tile floor, but the pain was far better than being burnt to a crisp. When the stars finally faded from his eyes, he was staring up past the bunny's massive schlong and into the black butterfly mask the hid the master thief's face.

"And that's why I work alone." Claves said flatly before stomping on ahead. "Seriously, it's like you guys don't even take my work seriously." Claves continued to gripe and moan as he casually sidestepped an ice lance and then ducked under a crackling blade of lightning. "It's like, Oh gee! There's an empty wizard citadel! Let's just walk in the front door! How hard can it be?" Claves said mocking as he continued his diatribe. The rabbit effortlessly grabbed a spectral sword and smacked it against the other one that had just appeared in front of him. The two magics negated each other causing both swords to harmlessly disintegrate.

Tim made a motion like he was about to interrupt, but Leo placed a paw on the mage's shoulder and gestured for him to stop. "Let him get it out of his system." Leo said softly as he flashed the mouse a reassuring grin.

"And one more thing!" Claves shouted back to the others while effortlessly hopping over a pit of spikes. "Is it so hard to find a mask or something? You're not even trying to hide your identities." Claves grumbled as he pointed towards his friends' choice in attire. Claves turned and delivered a strong, powerful kick against one of the panels on the far wall. The stone cracked and crumbled away into pebbles revealing a small pedestal with a glowing pink gem resting atop it. The rabbit reached in and unceremonious yanked the gem out and tossed it over his shoulder. The small crystal clinked harmlessly on the floor before turning black and crumbling to dust.

"To be fair, I don't think anyone is really fooled by your disguise. You just use it as an excuse to flaunt your goods in public." Leo called back teasingly.

"Oh, you know you enjoy it." Claves responded in a similarly teasing manner. He looked back over his shoulder and stuck his tongue out as his boyfriend as he shook his hips, flaunting his firm, round, bubble butt and his cute little cottontail for his friends. He straightened back up and pressed a few seemingly random bricks in the wall which caused the wall to open up, revealing a hidden passage way. Claves looked back over his shoulder and gestured towards the doorway. "Well come along then, it's safe now."

The cat and mouse watched the thief stroll nonchalantly through the newly opened doorway. Leo let out an exasperated sigh, but then took off after his boyfriend. "Sometimes it's best to just let him get it out of his system." He explained to the bewildered mouse as they made their way down the hall. They entered the new room only to find that it was completely empty except for a strange portal that stood in the middle of the room. The portal was framed by what appeared to be a golden gilded doorframe and was covered by a pair of sheer, red drapes. Beyond the drapes was a swirling pink vortex. Claves was cautiously inspecting a strange doorway.

"Cool. There's nothing on the other side." He exclaimed as he stepped behind the doorway and then remerged on the opposite side.

"Woah..." Tim gasped, being uncharacteristically quiet.

"You know what this is?" Leo asked his robed friend.

"I have only heard of them in stories. It's a Gate of Eros!" Tim squeaked. "They say that whoever steps into it becomes the physical embodiment of their ideal mate."

"Sounds fun!" Claves said brightly as he leapt through the portal.

"Wait!" Tim tried to call after the eager bunny, but it was too late. Claves had long since vanished into the pink void.

"I take it there's more to the story." Leo replied flatly.

"Yes. The legends say that once inside, there is no escape. You become a slave to your lust and get locked into an endless cycle of debauchery." Tim replied softly. The fear was evident in his eyes.

"Huh. Back home we just call that Tuesday." Leo said with a chuckle as he too stepped into the portal.

"Oh... this is bad...." Tim squeaked. The mouse looked back at the exit for a moment and made a few steps towards it, but he couldn't bring himself to leave his friends. "This is such a bad idea..." Tim moaned before he too leapt into the portal.

Claves was standing in the middle of a large room. He had to admit, he liked the décor they had going. All eight of the walls were paneled with mirrors, and the floor was made of a soft, plush red velvet pillow. Above him hung a canopy of red drapes similar to the ones that framed the doorway he had entered from. Claves looked around for a moment and realized that the entrance had long since vanished.

Claves turned around as he heard a sound like wind whooshing through a narrow alley. What he saw made him grin lasciviously. Tumbling out of one of the mirrors was an exact duplicate of himself, right down to the blue cloak and black mask. The only minor difference was that the new Claves had a slightly shorter and a bit narrower cock.

"You have great taste in men, babe." Claves commented playfully at the double that he knew to be his boyfriend.

Leo was about to make some snarky comeback, but before he could, another figure came tumbling through the mirror. A third Claves fell into the room, landing right on top of the second.

"Oh, well now this is fascinating." The third Claves remarked as he scoped out his new body. "Yes, I do suppose this makes sense, although it appears that the enchantment from the scepter overrides even the affects of the Gate..." The third rabbit mused as he noticed his own immense dick spilling out in front of him. His cock dwarfed his body, and his massive bean bag sized balls rested solidly on the ground.

"Hmm, yes. I'll need to make a note of this... what? Where's my notes?" Tim exclaimed as he patted himself down looking for any pockets. His current blue cloak and black mask afforded him no place to stash his research notes or his Arcanum key.

It was then that Tim became aware of the others in the room. "One..." He counted as he pointed to himself. "Two..." He said as he pointed to Leo, who like himself was a lithe white rabbit clad in nothing but shoes, a cloak, and a mask. "Three...?" He said incredulously as he pointed to the third rabbit.

"You narcissistic little shit." Leo said snarkily as he flashed his boyfriend a sassy grin.

"What? I'm hot as hell and proud of it." Claves responded as he returned the sassy grin tit for tat.

"Well, I suppose I should be glad that you didn't turn into some blue haired pup." Leo said with a wry smile.

"Ah, Mon Scherry... A bit to twinky even for me, but I'll admit, I do love that dick, though." Claves responded with a sly wink. Leo let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head.

"So... now what do we do?" Tim asked meekly.

"I know what I'm going to do!" Claves shouted happily as he pounced on his boyfriend. "Or should I say I know who I am going to do." He added with a sly grin. Claves was positively giddy. This was literally a dream come true for him.

"I'll... wait here, I guess..." Tim said awkwardly as he watched the two white rabbits make passionate love on the floor in front of him. Tim was trying not to stare, but he kept finding his eyes straying back to the lewd scene playing out before him. He really couldn't deny that he thought Claves was the hottest guy he had ever met. Not after he had transformed into the aforementioned thief when he had tumbled through the Gate of Eros, and two Claveses making out with each other was almost too much for his mind to take. He tried to block the view out of his mind, but his monstrous cock was already hardening and his huge nuts were rapidly swelling as well as his libido kicked into overdrive.

"You're not getting out of this that easy." One of the Claveses said. Tim could tell instantly from the tone of the rabbit's voice and the sly grin on his face that this rabbit was Leo. Tim stared in dumbstruck awe at the ridiculously sexy pair of lean, toned, pink haired rabbits standing before him. Both bunnies' huge, erect cocks were already streaming pre. Their flushed faces and rapidly swelling nuts were a testament to just how horny they both were.

The twin rabbits sidestepped Tim's gigantic cock and came up beside him. He felt their lips touch his cheeks in unison and saw their giant twin cocks press up against each other in front of his eyes. The oozing tips of the twin cocks mashed against each other as if they too were making out passionately. Tim could feel the identical pair of hands reach down and stroke his painfully rigid cock while the opposite pair of hands reached down and felt up his wonderfully firm bubble butt. Tim squeaked slightly as he felt the twin mouths slowly kiss a path down the side of his face and down the nape of his neck on both sides in unison. As the twin rabbits passionately kissed the napes of his neck, he felt two identical pairs of fingers slip into his tight hole.

Time gasped and then moaned as his massive cock shuddered and twitched. He was so overcome by his own libido and the sensations of being serviced by two identical versions of his crush at once that he couldn't even muster a the resolve to try and stop the tidal wave of cum that was building in the base of his cock. His colossal dick shuddered as huge, thick spurts of jizz launched forth and splattered against the far mirror, completely coating it in the process. He came and came again, and yet he never felt any closer to feeling fulfilled. His nuts continued to swell and swell despite the constant torrent of jizz erupting from them. It took him several minutes to realize that neither of the twin thieves were servicing him anymore. With the outside stimulation cut off, Tim was able to eventually slow the hail of cum that was erupting from his gigantic dick, but by the time he finally managed to stop shooting, the entire far wall was completely drenched and the entire room was filled with a foot deep pool of spunk.

"Impressive." The Leo Claves said while stroking his own painfully erect cock.

"Tch. Such a waste. You should have held off until I could mount that thing." The real Claves commented with playfully feigned annoyance while he too stroked his rock hard, shuddering cock.

"Relax. I'd say he has plenty more to go around." Leo said as he poked one of Tim's massively engorged nuts with his toe. Tim's swollen balls were now so huge that they dwarfed his body. It was like he had two king sized waterbeds strapped to the base of his giant cock.

"There's no way I am passing up a chance like this." Claves said fiercely. A huge, lascivious smile was plastered on his face and his eyes had a determined glint to them as he eyed every inch of the enchanter's titanic cock.

Despite being weighed down by his own turgid, beanbag sized nuts, Claves scurried up Tim's gigantic shaft and perched himself atop it. The beast was bigger than he was in every way, but he didn't let that discourage him. Claves let out a slight whimper of sheer bliss as he lowered himself down upon the shaft. His hips spread wider and wider as he slowly sank down farther and farther along to soft head of the giant cock. He continued to sink down along the shaft until he could go no farther. His whole body was stretched so thin across the surface of the massive dick that he looked like a furry white condom with limbs, a dick and balls, and a head sticking out from it. He sighed contentedly as he rubbed his hands along his fuzzy torso. It had been far too long since he had been stretched out anywhere near this thin, and it was just going to get better when the behemoth he was impaled on exploded once more.

Claves managed to open his eyes and the sight before him made his heart skip and his cock twitch. He was staring face to face with his own handsome visage. He couldn't imagine anything hotter or more erotic. His double reached up and grabbed him by the sides of the face and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss. Claves's mind was reeling. He couldn't even process all the sensations he was feeling anymore. His whole body shuddered and convulsed along the enchanter's massive shaft. Claves didn't even try to fight it. He lost himself in the passionate kiss as his cock erupted into a hail of spooge.

The angle that Claves was suspended at left his cock aimed directly at Leo's chest, but the cat in a rabbit's body made no effort to move out of the way when he realized what was happening. In fact, he welcomed it. He continued to hold his boyfriends handsome face in close as they locked lips while Claves hosed him down with his spunk. The thick, gooey wads clung to Leo's white fur in globs. In a matter of seconds, Leo's entire chest, stomach, cock, and even his balls were completely coated in spooge, but still he held their embrace. The twin rabbits' tongues clashed passionately in their mouths.

Finally the lovers broke apart. Claves's eyes fluttered open and he gazed down longingly at his mirror image. No words were exchanged between them, but Claves understood perfectly. Leo moved slightly so that his impressive three foot long cock was aimed directly at the rabbits face. Claves greedily wrapped his lips around the massive cock and hungrily sucked and slurped as much of his own cum off as he could. Leo moved forward, shoving more and more of his huge dick into the rabbit's greedy mouth.

"I always knew I would find a use for that sassy mouth of yours." He said playfully as he continued to stroke and pump his rigid dick.

It had taken an inhuman amount of willpower to hold back as long as he had, but Tim had long since reached his breaking point. He let out a loud moan of pure sexual release as the dam finally broke. A seemingly infinite amount of cum erupted from his cock and flooded into the thief's awaiting belly. The sheer volume of spunk flooding into him was so much that Claves's gut began to swell and stretch almost instantly. The enchanter continued to moan as gallons upon gallons of spunk flowed through his sensitive cock every second, and yet, his nuts didn't seem to be shrinking at all.

Claves was in a state beyond ecstasy. He could feel his belly stretching pleasantly far beyond anything he had felt before. He couldn't have stopped his own flow of jizz even if he had wanted to. He was so wrapped up in the sensation of being flooded with jizz that he wasn't even able to process what was happening at first when he tasted a very familiar bitter, salty flavor cross his tongue.

Leo had never seen Claves so happy before. To say the least, he was a bit jealous of Tim and the way the enchanter was able to fill Claves in such a way, but Leo didn't let it get him down. He was happy just seeing Claves happy. It didn't hurt that his boyfriend was currently giving Leo one hell of a blowjob in the process as well. Leo wasn't even sure if Claves was aware that he was doing it. The white rabbit seemed so far out of it that his sucking on the tip of Leo's cock was probably just some instinctive reaction at this point. Leo wasn't complaining though. It felt amazing. Soon enough, Leo had reached his limit too. His own thick loads burst forth from his dick and flooded into the rabbit's eager mouth. Claves seemed to instinctively slurp and suck down as much as the gooey wads as he could, but there was far too much for him. Huge gobs of jizz leaked out the sides of the thief's mouth as he struggled to gulp more and more down. All the while, Claves's gut continued to swell and swell.

Soon enough, Claves's belly had gotten so huge that it even touched the plush floor, but it did not stop there. Tim's seemingly infinite torrent of spunk continued to flood into him making his belly bigger and fully by the second. In a matter of minutes, Claves's gut had been inflated so full he was suspended on the side of the gigantic balloon of jizz while his belly brushed against the ceiling.

Claves had long since been lifted out of range of Leo's dick, leaving the bookish clerk alone to watch the action unfold. Claves had swollen to sizes hitherto unheard of. Leo stared on in awe as a giant, fuzzy, white balloon continued to swell and swell before him. Claves's gut soon filled up every inch of the room in front of him. Leo could hear the sounds of glass cracking as the rabbit's gut pressed forcibly against the mirrored walls. The cracking sounds became louder and more frequent as Claves's cum bloated tummy continued to outgrow the confines of the room. Leo soon found himself pinned between one of the mirrors and a giant, fuzzy, white jizz balloon.

It was then that something truly bizarre happened. It was as if reality itself shattered and fell to pieces around them. As the very air around him splintered and collapsed, Leo caught glimpses of the barren, grey stone room they were in before. Soon, every inch of the red velvet, mirrored room had fallen away in a shower of glass, leaving the trio back in the original room.

With the magic of the Gate of Eros now gone, Tim was finally able to make some headway against his rapidly swelling balls. In but a few minutes he had fully drained his nuts, causing them to revert back to their normal beach ball size. His now soft dick slid out of the rabbit's sloppy hole with a gooey plopping noise. Tim took a brief look at himself and saw that he was once again covered in fluffy, brown fur. He let out a small chuckle before passing out from the exhaustion that came from a nearly twenty minute orgasm.

Leo was the first to recover. He took the time that he had to himself to pick up the remains of their articles of clothing. Very little of them remained, but at least he was able to recover Tim's Arcanum key and all of the enchanter's notes. He let out a sullen sigh as he looked over the ruined scraps of fabric. It looked like they were once again going to have to stagger home bare assed naked.

On the plus side, Leo could see that a new door had opened up for them. It seemed that somehow their lust filled escapade had broken the seal allowing them access to the vault. It would be awhile before they would be able to check it out, though. Leo knew better than to go exploring without their master dungeon guide to scope out traps for them, and it looked like it would take Claves hours to fully process all the jizz that had been pumped into him. Even now, the bunny was suspended atop his massive belly that was the size of carriage.