The Cat with the Chained Pants

Story by WolfwithaDS on SoFurry

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Warning! This story may contain material that is

unsuitable for children under the age of 18. If you

aren't of legal age, you should leave now, even

though you probably won't.


Foreword: Okay, this story has nothing to do with Clay and Terry, so if you were looking for the next part in that "series", this isn't it. That will be coming next most likely. This story is instead more about my life, based on a true story. So here's a chance for you to not only get to know a bit about who I am, but this should also be entertaining and enjoyable, just as my other stories have been.

The Cat with the Chained Pants

By: WolfwithaDS

My name is Jason. I am a fox morph, and this is my story.

Well, where do I begin? My story doesn't have a definite start to it. After all, I don't believe in love at first sight.

I'm 19 years old, but I seem much younger. My fur is mostly a pale red, nearly bordering on pink. I don't really mind the somewhat odd color; it just means I won't blend in or fade in the background. It almost makes up for the fact that I'm incredibly tiny. Not that I'm short, it just looks like I wouldn't even cast a shadow in the broad daylight. I swear I don't have an eating disorder, I just don't seem to gain weight at any sort of noticeable pace.

I'm still uncertain about so many parts of my life. It wasn't until right before this semester that I really decided on choosing a major and getting classes that would actually get me somewhere, despite this being my 2nd year at college. So now I've got an idea of what I want to do, but there are still so many questions about me that I cannot honestly answer.

"So what classes are you taking this time?" I looked over and saw a girl, a fellow fox that I'd talked to with a bit last semester. She was nice, but she wasn't in the student lounge that often. I think she actually spent more of her time between classes in the library, most likely studying.

"Um..." I pulled out the schedule I'd printed from the computer. "I'm starting some accounting courses, so I have the basic ACC 120 and BUS 121 stuff."

"Who do you have for your accounting class?" I realized she had already taken most of the classes I was going to be in this semester. I glanced down at the printout.

"It doesn't say on here." I looked at the schedule she had already pulled out. It looked different, but that's simply because online registration means there are like 50 different screens you have to go through until you get some decent looking list of classes signed up and really it just depends on when you hit the print key on the computer as to what the printout looks like. "Hey, can I see yours?"

She handed me her schedule. I wasn't looking as much at the classes as I wanted to see what her name was. She may have mentioned it before, but it just wouldn't come to me.

Okay, so her name was Michele. I'd have to remember that. I looked at her a bit more closely as I gave her back the paper. She didn't exactly stand out in a crowd, but then again, that's fairly difficult around here. She was short, but I don't mind that. It took me entirely too long to reach a decent height, meaning I was short until everyone else stopped growing.

"Hey, you wanna walk with me to my class?" she asked me as she stood up. I glanced at a clock then looked back at my schedule to make sure I was reading it right. Yup, I had a good 2 hours before my first class started. I have no car, so unfortunately I have no real control over when I get to school and such.

"Sure, I'll walk with you." I rarely stayed in one place for very long, so any excuse to get up and go somewhere was good enough for me. My legs were tired of riding the bus anyway, so I needed to stretch them out. I got up and followed her off to her class.

I found that my classes were all pretty boring. Last year I actually had a physics teacher that was cool. We like, actually did things in the class and sorta learned stuff in the process. Yay. This time, I would have no such luck.

I swear, I really try to pay attention. I can't help it if my mind wanders in the middle of class. At least I don't fall asleep. However, I'm all but dead once I realize the teacher never leaves the front of the classroom and doesn't call on people, so I'm free to leave the book open on the desk and play some of my handheld games beneath the table. You know, I think that as long as I do well on the tests, some of the instructors do not even care.

I quite enjoy the time between classes. There's a huge group of people that hang out in the student lounge in their spare time, doing anything from random D&D type games to cool art projects to sleeping. Well, you were lucky if you could fall asleep in there, but certain furs are quite gifted that way.

"...and next I'll play the spell card, Elegant Egotist, which allows me to summon Harpie Lady Sisters from my deck." Ooh, I knew that voice. Besides, there was only one person around here who played a Harpie deck. "Harpie's Hunting Grounds will then destroy your face down spell or trap card." I turned around and saw the opponent put his Mirror Force in his graveyard. "Next, I'll equip my Harpie's Brother with Axe of Despair and attack your Dark Magician and finish you off with my Harpie Lady 1 and Harpie Lady Sisters."

"Hey David! I see your harpies are having fun blasting spellcasters into oblivion."

He turned around to smile at me. David was a cat morph, but if you didn't know him you wouldn't see the sweet little kitty that I do. He's usually wearing a lot of black, and there was always some metal involved. His pants generally have chains on them, usually in addition to a couple other straps and such that I'm sure make them weigh like half a ton. David also had a number of piercings, including one on his lip, one on his tongue, and some small metal rod through his left ear. But he never looked intimidating or anything. He's much too nice for that.

David stood up. He's bigger than I am, but then again, who isn't? "Hey, I want to show you my latest pokemon." He reached into his bag and pulled out his Gameboy Advance SP and turned it on. I looked and saw his Flareon. Okay, it was decent, I guess, but not really awesome. Why would he teach it toxic if it didn't have any real defense to speak of? I sighed. I had really tried to turn him into a good trainer, but he wasn't learning like I thought he would. It's not that he was really bad, I just kinda wanted some decent competition from a fellow fur, as opposed to just the computer opponents. I turned to glare at him. "What?" he said with that 'hey, what did I do?' look on his face.

I handed his game back to him. "Just keep at it and come get me when you've got a full team to battle with."

Yeah, I really am into pokemon. I spend entirely too long breeding them until I end up with really high stats and the moves that I want. Sometimes I even imagined they were real, so I could actually raise them with love and kindness. No, I never wanted a pokemon for any sort of erotic reasons, that just makes me sick. But to actually have pokemon as your friends and companions like they do in the show, that would be nice. Alas, I'd have to stick to my games, but it still made me happy to see them boast such wonderful stats and techniques so that I could stomp any and all competition.

It was the following Monday. 8:00 in the morning. Naturally, I'm not even remotely awake. But yet, I'm already at school. I really need my own car.

But that's when I saw Michele come over. She was holding her digital camera, but not pointing it at me for a picture. Wait, give me a second. I should know what she was about to show me...Ugh, she was talking about it all last week. Cursed Monday mornings...

She sat down next to me, not yet turning the camera on. She looked at me expectantly, like I was supposed to remember where it was she had been all weekend. After a few moments, it finally came to me. "Pictures from your stepsister's wedding?"

"So you are awake."

"Not even close. All right, let's see 'em."

Michele turned on the camera and positioned it so we could both see it. She proceeded to flip through image after image, giving a quick explanation of who was in them and some other random commentary. I honestly was listening and paying attention, which she seemed to greatly appreciate.

She was about halfway through, according to the little counter that told you which picture you were on. "You know, as soon as you shut off the camera, I'll never remember any of these people, right?"

"Well of course. But I wanted to show you anyway." She continued to show me more and more photos, flipping a bit faster as they started to get repetitive and I'd already been exposed to most of the people and Michele's personal descriptions of them.

"Wait! Go back one." She smiled as she turned back to the previous image. "I like that one." It was a picture of Michele herself, but this time in a most wondrous blue dress. She obviously had some help getting her fur all nicely into place, and she looked absolutely stunning. I had never seen her come into school in any sort of skirt or anything, and it was really nice to see what she looked like in a dress. I guess I just kinda stared at the image for a while, without saying anything.

She almost giggled as she changed the pictures some more, finally reaching the end. "Well, I still have a test this morning, and thanks to the wedding I didn't get to study at all this weekend. So I'll see you later!"

It was raining on Thursday. I actually like the rain, but I'm not overly thrilled about getting wet. Thankfully, I had my trusty umbrella with me. Good for keeping me dry, defending myself from people I mildly tick off, and poking my friends from a distance. I am, in fact, doing the latter as I speak. Sitting on the back of a chair, I was poking at a bear. What? I knew he wasn't going to kill me. I just wanted his attention for a second. But before he turned around, the chair beneath me began to move.

I dropped my umbrella and grabbed on the chair, not willing to fall off so easily. The chair settled back down and I turned around to find Michele sitting near me with her feet under my chair. She started laughing.

"What? You think I'd fall off that easily?" I mocked her. She began to tip the chair again, but I held on firm, not giving in to the evil forces of gravity. Finally, I felt the chair go past the point of no return, so I reluctantly abandoned my post and jumped off into a different chair. Michele continued to laugh at me, now joined by a few others who had witnessed her nefarious acts. I figured it was time for revenge, so I grabbed the chair she was sitting in with my feet and proceeded to pull it closer to me. Okay, I was actually the one moving forward, but I can't help it if I don't weigh enough. But it was sufficient. Still laughing, Michele kicked my legs away.

You know, that actually felt kinda good. She didn't hit me too hard, but I did pull away. I play entirely too much DDR, so I actually have some muscles in my legs. I don't like when people hit me in the arms though, as the same force it might take to get one person's attention is more than enough to bruise me. I really should go find a gym or something, but again, I have no car and no money. But my legs? I almost enjoyed her kicking me.

Throughout the next week I found out that Michele's favorite way of getting my attention was by kicking the chair I was in or on top of. Yeah, I do climb around on top of the furniture too much, but hey, you can't put stuff in the student lounge without expecting it to not be abused in some sense, right? If anyone were to break something, it wouldn't be me anyway. As I said before, I rarely stay in one place for very long, so what point is sitting down in the chair?

Anyway, where was I? Oh right, Michele. I don't know why she couldn't just call me by name. Was it really too hard to simply say "Jason"? Okay, most of the people in that group actually called me by a nickname I ended up with during my first semester, but that involved a girl named Kyle and a joke that went entirely too far. I've gotten used to it, but I do my best not to let it spread beyond that area. In any case, Michele was one of those who actually used my real name, assuming she wasn't kicking my chair instead.

"Do you have something against these chairs? Was there some event in your life that just fills you with a passion for the abuse of such innocent furniture?"

"No..." She giggled. I moved my foot up and touched her leg with my shoe, causing her to kick me once again. I must admit, I was enjoying this entirely too much. No one else would do that to me. Well, actually, someone tried, and I reared back and slammed into his shin with my foot. But I would never do anything like that to Michele. Even when she twisted my ankle in funny directions and put most of her weight on my foot it didn't seem to hurt. I swear I'm not invincible or anything, but she was always so gentle that I guess it seemed like it should hurt, but it never did.

After a while, I guess she kinda caught on to the fact that I was really starting to like her. I mean, how could I not? She was always so nice to me, even when she kept kicking me. But then again, most of the time I tried to provoke her into doing it, which really wasn't that hard.

She told me she wanted me as just a friend, and that she had her eye on somebody else. That was fine with me, for the time being, but after a while, I began to feel like I wanted to be closer than that. But I couldn't say anything. It's just not like me to say things to my fellow furs like that. And even after she told me we were just going to be friends, she continued to kick me in the legs. Didn't she realize kinda turned me on? Not that I wanted to carry her off to a bed or anything, but it did make me feel good when she did it.

Life is always hard. It's not like the tests that were multiple choice, and if I guessed where I wasn't sure, it didn't matter. Even if I got that one wrong, I still had the other 24 correct and I'd still get an A. Or like DDR, where if I fail a song once, I can always go back and try it again. No, this was something that I couldn't do. After all, Michele had clearly said that she didn't want me as a boyfriend. I mean, what could I do? Maybe if I just waited, and it didn't work out with whoever she was looking at, maybe she would come to me. But even then...

For a few nights I couldn't sleep. It just wasn't happening. My mind was racing faster than those electromagnetic-powered trains that go through a few countries in an hour. Hey, those are cool. I've never seen one in person, but I did catch a special on them on TV once.

Anyway, without sleep I couldn't really function during the day. I found myself unable to go and talk to everyone else. It's not that I didn't want anyone around, I just wasn't willing to go towards anyone. But if somebody were to come over to me, away from the large group...I actually wanted that. I found that a few friends did stop and ask me if I was okay, and I told them that I was tired. I wasn't lying, I was incredibly tired. But I did leave out the reason why I couldn't sleep.

I guess...I wanted someone to really come over and try to hold me. Someone who wanted to make me feel better, even without saying anything. But nobody did. I was basically alone, with nothing better to do than wait until my next class. I tried falling asleep, but sleeping in a public area is something I could never do.

After a while, I found comfort in my video games. My pokemon were always there for me, ready and waiting to battle anytime I turned it on. It made me happy when they won a hard fight, defeating pokemon that are generally considered more powerful than they are. I loved it when a timely critical hit saved my tail, or when I realize that we're both down to our last pokemon and mine has a dominating advantage. I had always put my heart and soul into raising them so carefully, controlling their growth to enhance the attributes I wanted. My pokemon would never leave me, even after playing further than my batteries were supposed to go.

As I began to feel better, I came to the conclusion that maybe the best thing was for me not to be around Michele. It...I wanted to say this was all her fault. She was the one who had to say I could only be a friend while she thought about some other guy who supposedly didn't even really care. But I just didn't feel right blaming her for everything.

I actually had people suggest that I ask her out. In fact, one of the furs that did was the sister of the guy Michele apparently wanted. You would think this would tell me something, but I still couldn't do it. Why did I have to feel so much when I could only say so little? Why was it infinitely easier to simply suffer so silently by myself?

As the days passed by I found myself playing table tennis. Yes, there's a table and equipment in the lounge. I wasn't all that good, especially against some of the more nimble breeds more naturally adept to the game, but at least I tried and had fun. Okay, it was always more fun when David was there, although we were actually a good match for each other when nobody else was around to destroy us all. Of course, when there were a couple of eastern antrhos putting entirely too much spin on the ball for us normal furs to keep up with, I sometimes got to spend time with David when there weren't a bunch of our friends around, but instead just the others waiting their turn at the table.

One of my favorite activities was grabbing a spare paddle and hitting David with it. I'd never hit him hard, but just sometimes on the arm or leg or occasionally on his head, careful not to hit his big kitty ears. Sometimes when he bent over to pick up a ball I'd get a pretty good whack at his backside, but again, never enough to hurt him.

And then, there was always the umbrella. But that was more useful for poking. A few times he'd try to grab it and take it away, but I always managed to either get him to let go or just wait until he gave it back. Once he actually tried using my own weapon against me when I was lying back in the chair and I grabbed it with my feet and managed to flip it out of his hands. He seemed quite shocked that I had the dexterity in my legs and feet to disarm him like that. I just laughed. Between being a fox morph and having a DDR addiction, the motion had just come quite naturally to me.

"Ow." David looked at me and put his hand over his shoulder where I'd hit him with the paddle. He had just sat down next to me and I wasted no time in getting his attention.

"That was for missing that last point. You should have nailed him when he floated the ball up like that." I glanced over at him. He was still holding his shoulder. "Oh come on, you know that doesn't hurt."

"Yes it does," he argued, but the grin on his sweet kitty face told another story.

It was about right then that I realized I was starting to really like David. I mean, I'd always seen him as a nice person, one that I felt I could trust and count on a bit more than some of the others. But now, sitting this close to him, I started to think about what it would be like if things between us were to evolve into something more. The thought seemed a bit strange at first, but I just couldn't get it out of my head.

I guess what was most strange about it was that I never really felt like this around any other guys. I hadn't totally dismissed the idea of being with a male like that, but I'd never taken it seriously before. The way I saw it, if some guy had truly fallen for me and we'd at least known each other for a while and I could tell he was being honest about it, I probably wouldn't be against it. However, I never saw myself as one who would be the one wondering like this. I mean, David did have a girlfriend previously, but they actually broke up. It wasn't like the two of them wouldn't speak to each other or had some sort of friction between them, but they just kinda stopped being so close. I did ask why, but couldn't get any remotely clear answer from either of them. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, but could it be that David really wasn't straight and that's why they stopped seeing each other? I mean, certainly there could be a million different scenarios, but it would be a reasonable explanation for a break up without any hard feelings, right?

I couldn't really ask him. It's not like there was something specific stopping me, but I'm just not the kind of person who can simply throw out that sort of question. Besides, I still hadn't even sorted out my own desires yet. Even with these feelings, I honestly couldn't say if I was gay or not. I'd read in an article that homosexuality isn't a completely learned trait, and that it's highly suggested that there are biological roots to it. By exposing different groups to certain male and female scents, they found that some parts of the brain would be excited and show increased activity depending on whether the subject was gay or not. Reading the article made me feel a little bit better about myself, helping me realize that whatever decisions I made weren't entirely my fault, but just a natural part of growing up and all.

I found myself messing with the chains on David's pants. He might be the cat, but I think I have a more playful curiosity to my personality. Well, okay, I think the official term for it is 'Attention Deficit Disorder', but who really cares? I began pulling on the chain to see how David would react.

"Hey, let go of my pants you silly fox." Obviously he was still smiling at me as I tugged on the metal, but then he grabbed the chains himself and started pulling back. Of course, I was on the floor and he was in the chair, meaning I had better positioning since I could push against the chair with my feet. If it weren't for the fact that I have little to no upper body strength, I think I could have pulled him right out of the chair. But that may have been a little odd right then, so I probably wouldn't have. Ooh, but this strap was detachable, held together by simple velcro. I couldn't resist.

With a yank, I removed the velcro strap. Yeah, it was really so helpful when it was still attached to his pants. I climbed back into the chair next to David and grinned at him triumphantly. "Oh, come on, give it back," he said, knowing that I would. Eventually. But for the moment, I decided it would be more fun to use the wondrous piece of fabric as a whip. I tested it out on myself to make sure it didn't hurt, then proceeded to whip David until he started laughing.

Finally, it was time for class. I returned the strap to David so he could reattach it. "Here ya go, I know this is such an important piece of that ensemble." I gave him a quick pat on the head as I stood up, wondering if the cat in him would enjoy being scratched behind the ears. I shook my head and quickly headed off to avoid being late.

You know, it's incredibly hard to pay attention in class on a Friday, especially one where most everyone else is ditching because it's so beautiful outside. Not that I do anything outside, but just looking out the window and seeing the sun shine so brightly really obscures any sense of learning the teacher may be trying to create. Nevertheless, there I was, completely bored out of my mind, listening to the instructor ramble on and on and on, I really was spacing. Usually I at least know what chapter we're on so I can look down at the problem when I need to figure it out.

I started doodling on the sheet of paper I obviously wasn't taking notes on. It's really a shame I can't draw, because I have the vision and the creativeness. I just have no skill with a pen, pencil, paintbrush, or anything else you could think of that creates art. I guess it somewhat comes from the fact that I never really tried, but I think I'm just not naturally inclined in that area either.

So anyway, what I was drawing was supposed to be David. Thankfully nobody was sitting immediately next to me, for it wasn't exactly a clean picture and I wasn't so paranoid about someone glancing over my shoulder and seeing it. Not that anyone could tell what it was without a clear view of it, mostly due to my lack of artistic skill. Still, I was having fun with my hideous attempt at drawing, simply because I enjoyed thinking about the subject. Obviously I didn't know what David looked like without the black shirt and chained pants, but maybe someday I would find out.

"Hey David! I'm back!"

"I thought you had class until 3:00, then you hop on the bus and leave."

"Yeah, but the last one got cancelled, so I came back here." I sat down beside David and watched some of the other people hit the ping-pong ball back and forth. My mind drifted back to the doodling I had been doing in class. I threw it in the trash on the way out since it sucked, but I couldn't help but wonder how David would react if I had shown him, however even if I had kept it I doubt I'd reveal it to him.

I shook my head, trying to focus on the game, then realized that I was sitting on one of the paddles. I grabbed it and started throwing it the air a bit and catching it, but David interfered and swiped it from me. I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to hand it over to me.

"Are you going to give it back or will I have to use force?"

"Force? What force? Do you have some hidden power I don't know about? Because otherwise you won't be able to get this back."

I smiled. "Yes, I have secret powers. Watch this," I said and took a step back. "Dragon UP!" I held my hands out in a pose I doubted that David would recognize from the cartoon. Needless to say, I didn't actually transform into a dragon, but I did get a couple of looks from some people.

"Oh god, Jason, don't ever do that again." I turned around and saw one of the ping pong players shaking his head at me. It was a wolf morph that David and I knew by the name of Shawn.

I turned back towards David. "Fine. Then I'll simply have to crush you." I made a fist since I was being overly dramatic about the whole ordeal.

"You couldn't crush him if you jumped on him with all your weight." Apparently Shawn was insulting me, even though everyone knows I never take offense at those kinds of jokes. Yeah, so what if I barely weigh anything?

"Hmm..." I thought about it for a moment. "Interesting theory. We should test that." I quickly jumped over the arm of the chair and landed sideways in David's lap. For a moment, everything seemed to freeze as time itself stopped. It felt really good to be so close to David like this. He was so warm and I had ended up in a quite comfortable position with my legs hanging over the other arm of the chair. I looked into his eyes and felt an urge to kiss him. I mean, I know that he's a cat and I'm a fox, but more importantly, we're both male. It would be kinda awkward, especially since I didn't even know if David was gay or not. Besides, we were still in a public place, so I decided against it anyway.

David laughed at me, obviously unharmed by my little stunt. He tried to push me off, but I had one of his arms pinned in the chair and the other wasn't doing much when he was laughing like that. I got off of him on my own, not wanting anyone else to realize I was testing more than David's ability to withstand a few pounds of pressure falling into his lap. Besides, I had the paddle back.

The whole motion had only taken a few seconds, but it almost felt like forever. I didn't think that I'd be so quick to feel so good around David like that. I glanced at the clock. Wow, apparently time hadn't frozen, because it was time for me to be leaving. I stood up and said my goodbyes, not wanting to part with the kitty that was so special to me, even if he didn't know it.

I woke up Saturday morning. Thankfully, I knew that my parents and sister would be gone for the weekend over a soccer tournament, meaning I had the house to myself. It would quite boring here by myself, even with my many addicting video games that would surely cause time to simply soar on past. Well, unless...

I called up David. I asked him if he wanted to come over, but he said he'd be busy most of the day, but he could still show up around 4:00 or so. I told him that would be great and I would wait for him.

The remaining hours inbetween were incredibly boring. Despite the fun I was having with my many different games, I just couldn't believe time was going so slowly. I wanted it to be 4:00 already. I don't know why I was so anxious to see David, but I was. I just couldn't help it.

Finally I heard the doorbell. Yay! He was here! I opened the door and let him in. "Ready to hit the DDR pad?" I asked him energetically.

"You bet. Maybe I'll actually get good at it today."

"Hahaha, I wouldn't bet on it!" He wasn't really that bad at it, I had just been playing for so long I ended up setting such a high standard for myself that sometimes it gets hard to remember that others don't play as much as I do. Some have gone as far as claiming that I play it religiously, but that's simply not true.

I turned on the PS2 and pulled out my wireless dance pad. I turned around to smile at David, noticing that he was still wearing all black with chains on his pants and such. "Oh now you can't play like that. You're gonna overheat in all that black. And take off those chains. Hmm, and maybe your shirt too."

"M-My shirt?" David stammered with somewhat of an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Well you don't have to if you don't want, but I can't have you getting all hot and passing out on me now, right?" Okay, I knew he wouldn't pass out or anything of that caliber, but...all right, I admit it, I wanted him to lose the shirt for reasons other than his well being.

I was almost surprised when he actually did remove his shirt and throw it on the floor with his chains. I figured I might as well do the same, even though mine was loose and half-unbuttoned already. After all, I surely didn't have anything to hide. Nothing below the belt at least.

We took turns since I only have one good dance pad. I've worn out a bunch of bad ones, and I don't have the money to go buy one of those really expensive ones. The one I have now is great, packed with a dense foam that's about an inch thick with buttons that are quite responsive.

"OW!" I yelped as I messed up my jump and landed with my left foot catching only half the pad and twisting in a direction it's not supposed to go. I instantly grabbed my foot and pretty much fell on the couch next to David. "Okay, that really hurt. Ooh, I think I'm done with DDR for a while."

"You didn't break anything did you?" David asked me with a look of concern on his face.

"No, it's not broken, but it hurts like crazy. Don't worry, I'll be fine." I tried to hide the fact that it was beyond painful, but the tear running down my cheek wasn't helping at all.

David got up and turned off the TV and the PS2 and everything, then came and sat back down on the couch with me, not sure what else to do. I put my legs up and lay flat on my back, putting my head on David's leg. I smiled at him, letting him know he made a great pillow. I closed my eyes and tried to make the pain go away, but it just wasn't working.

After a while, I felt David's hand, stroking me on the head between the ears. Mmm, that did feel really good. Finally I was able to relax a bit, now with something to take my mind off of my foot. Using my arms, I pulled myself closer to David so I could rest my head on his chest. He didn't seem to mind and continued stroking me, moving down the back of my head to a place behind my ears that filled me with such pleasure I nearly passed out on him. Yes, he was definitely making me feel better. His feline scent was as soft as the fur on his chest and his hand seemed like it once belonged to a god.

"Is there anything that you'd like me to get for you? Maybe a drink or something?" His voice made me jump a bit, as I'd almost fallen into a trance.

I thought about it for a minute. "Come to think of it, I could definitely use a bath. The warm water might help my foot heal. But I want you to come with me and make sure I don't injure myself further." I looked up into his eyes. "Would you do that for me?"

"Of course. It's not like you haven't gotten my shirt off already." I laughed as David helped me get up and walk off to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I removed my gray sweatpants slowly, careful not to get my tail caught or move my foot too much. Then I grabbed the waistband of my underwear, but then I stopped. I looked over at David, who was watching me with a smile. He didn't seem to have any objection, so I pulled my underwear off and tossed it to the side. Finally, I turned the water on and adjusted it to my liking, then slipped in and sat down in the slowly filling tub. The hot water was very relaxing, but there was still something missing.

I grabbed the bar of soap and was instantly struck with inspiration. I purposefully clenched the soap in my hand so tightly that it slipped out and shot onto the bathroom floor, well out of my reach. Grinning, I looked back towards David. "Whoops, clumsy me. Think you can get that?" He sighed and retrieved the soap and brought it back, attempting to hand it to me. Instead of taking it from him, I turned my back to him.

"Oh come on, I'm injured. You don't honestly expect me to be able to wash myself, do you?"

"I thought you twisted your foot, not your brain." He paused to consider it a bit and I gave him my best pleading look, hoping that he would use those wonderful hands on me again. "Okay, fine. Geez, without me you'd be one hopeless little fox, you know that?"

"You know it!" I said happily.

David came towards me and knelt down beside the tub. He then reached his hand into the water but instantly pulled it back. "Oh good lord, are you trying to take a bath or boil yourself for dinner?"

"I'm sorry, is the water too hot for you? I don't want you to get burned if you're not used to it."

"No," he started, putting his hands back into the water, "it's not gonna burn me. Just give me a second and I'll be good."

When he had finally adjusted to the heat of the water, David grabbed the soap and began working some of it into the fur on my back. The feeling that I was on the verge of passing out came back, but I loosely held onto consciousness since I didn't want to miss a second of this. After he finished with my back, David moved on to my arms and then my tail. I figured I could get my own chest since it would be difficult for David to reach it without getting himself soaked in the process, but he instead reached around from behind me and started rubbing the soap there anyway. I was kinda surprised but quite comfortable when he moved down all the way to my stomach and even a little further, coming into contact with my cock, which I had become quite hard without me realizing it. He pulled away instinctively, but I grabbed his hand and looked lovingly at him, gazing deeply into his eyes, letting him know that it was okay.

I figured by that point I was clean enough, so I stepped out of the tub and began to drain it, grabbing a towel and tossing one to David, since he obviously needed one too. I noticed that he'd gotten quite wet in the process of helping me with my bath, and the water had run all the way down his chest and soaked his pants as well.

"Um, if you want we can throw those in the dryer for a while. But if I'm right you won't be needing them anytime soon anyway." I glanced over at him, wondering if he understood what I was implying.

"And why is that?"

"," I stuttered, not able to outright say what it was I wanted. "Aww, you're making this difficult."

"Making what difficult?" I could see he was grinning widely, obviously getting what I was saying but playing dumb and teasing me about it.

"David, I love you, and...I don't want to be a virgin anymore."

For about a minute, neither of us said anything. I pretty much had said everything I could to that point, and was helpless to do anything other than wait for David's response. He sat there and thought about it, but I couldn't imagine that after all this he really didn't care about me. I really didn't want him to say no, but then again, I couldn't force him into this. He had to want it too.

I finally got my answer when David pulled off his pants, along with his boxers. Apparently he had enjoyed soaping me down as much as I had, as I could now see that I wasn't the only one getting turned on by it. He came over and gave me a hug, and I buried my face into the fur on his chest and nuzzled him. After he let me go, I led him back to my room where my bed was located and jumped in it.

"So how exactly do we do this? I've...never done anything like this before." He seemed a bit nervous, but then again so was I. This was my first time as well.

"Well, I believe it starts with you coming over here and getting in the bed with me." He quickly complied and laid down beside me.

"And then what?"

"And then we fire the teleprompter guy and figure it out for ourselves."

David laughed before taking me in his arms again. I pulled him on top of me and we shared a most wondrous kiss. I definitely had never been kissed like that before and I loved every moment of it. I grabbed his head and pulled it to my chest and scratched him behind the ears, trying to invoke the same response he got from me back on the couch in what seemed like an eternity ago. I knew I found the right spot when he began purring, probably without even realizing it. I'd never heard him do that before, and it made me giggle a bit.

After about an hour, I finally felt that we were both ready, so I gently pushed David back so that he was sitting on his knees in front of me while I was lying on my back. I looked at him for a moment, and without a word he nodded, so I lifted my legs up and carefully put one on each of his shoulders. "Just be gentle with me, okay?"

His warm smile assured me that he would never do anything to hurt me, so I closed my eyes and leaned by head back. Slowly, I felt him press up against me and slowly push his way inside. I did feel a little bit of pain at first, but I had imagined that it would and after twisting my foot earlier, this was nothing. I had no real idea of how much of him I could take, seeing as how that wasn't exactly a subject that was covered in any class at school and I don't exactly go researching things I don't have to. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, as I was enjoying this more than anything else imaginable. Finally I felt that he had pushed himself completely inside me, and he began rocking back and forth, grabbing my own cock and rubbing it along with his movements.

We went like this for a while gradually picking up in intensity until we had both reached a climax. The sheer ecstasy of the event had totally blown my mind and it wore me out more than any DDR song ever could have. As I felt me consciousness slipping away, I finally made one last request to David-

"Promise me that you'll still be here when I wake up?"

"Absolutely." And with that, I fell asleep.

I woke up, feeling quite refreshed. In fact, my foot seemed good as new; but then again I hadn't exactly gotten up and walked around on it yet.

"Good morning my sweet little kitty--" I stopped suddenly, realizing that I was talking to only sheets and blankets, some of which needed to be washed today. Wait, where was David? He said he'd still be here.

Somewhat confused and incredibly disappointed, I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed a slice of bread and threw it in the toaster. After it popped out and I added some peanut butter, I took it with me and sat down in front of the TV and turned on the morning news. But instead of listening to the stories while I ate my toast, my mind wandered back to the time I spent with David. It felt so good, but why did he leave without saying anything? That wasn't like him. Eventually I gave up and turned my attention back to the news, which had just shifted to the weatherman.

"Thank you very much. This has turned out to be a beautiful Saturday morning, without a single cloud in sight. The rest of the day will be just as clear, with highs today reaching into the--"

Wait, did he say Saturday? No, that couldn't be right...if today was Saturday, then...? I turned on my computer and checked the date. Sure enough, it was Saturday morning. But that meant that yesterday...the day I spent with was...just a dream? I thought about it for a while. Ha, that's right, I should have known it was a dream when I injured myself playing DDR. But still, it all felt so real, so wonderful! But could I really tell David about it? I really wanted to, but I wasn't sure how he'd react to it. I figured I'd put that decision off until I saw him at school.

The next Monday, I could find no sign of David at school. I was really anxious to see him for real this time, and tell him about the dream I'd had. But as the days went by and he still didn't show up, it began to eat away at me. Where exactly had he gone? Why wasn't he showing up at school? When Friday came around and I still hadn't seen him, I finally asked a few people.

"He's moving away this week, going off to another state far away. Didn't he tell you?"

"N-No, he never mentioned anything about that to me." I walked away, already in tears before I made it out the door.

Once outside, I ran out into the woods that come right up next to the college campus. I finally stopped by a big oak tree and sat down behind it. I cried to myself, never for once thinking beforehand that I would ever care about someone leaving this much. The feeling was just devastating, and I nearly couldn't handle it. Why would he leave so suddenly? It's like he just vanished, and at the worst possible moment. I would never get to say goodbye, never be able to tell him how I felt, never...

Author's Notes: And that's the end of my 4th story. I really hope you liked it. I'm sorry it took so long to write, but as school got out I was hit by a major wave of apathy towards anything that even reminded me of school, including my yiffy story writing and most of my handheld games. My poor Blaziken on my Emerald cart has been stuck in the level 40's forever. Anyway, I shouldn't take too long to get to my next story, but whether I finish it anytime in the near future or not is anybody's guess.

And yes, this is, for the most part, a true story. Just remove the fur and you've pretty much got it. Although there is a bitter irony to this story, but I won't say anything about it now.

As usual, any e-mails would be very much appreciated, and if you'd like to do so the address hasn't changed. You can still catch me at:

[email protected]