What Goes Bump In the Night. Chapter Ten.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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What Goes Bump in the Night Chapter Ten By Roofles

Later that same day as the sun was beginning to set and the two slumbered naked on Marco's queen size mattress, Samuel was reaching the old steel mill on the West side of town. Buried amongst the old decaying ruins of half demolished buildings, broken roads and deep within the city slums this old mill resided from times long since past. In the bad side of town that one would normally never see someone walking around by themselves.

Samuel kept his head low, hands tucked into his pockets as he made his way over the glass covered side walk and through the broken gate, making his way inside the warning signed fence. In nothing but loose ripped pants and an open over shirt he padded his way to the entrance and with a single hand easily slid the rusted steel door open. It creaked and protest and even with his eyes he could only make out shadows inside. Even before the door slammed shut behind him the noise further inside met his ears.

Already there were several others crowded around in the center of the falling apart structure. A heated debated was already under way as Samuel met up with them.

"We already lost several before and now this!" A teacher of the school said growling as he covered his face. He was one of the few that actually looked the part of human. In an old faded gray suit, moth eaten tie he had kept the glasses he didn't need anymore just to keep up the appearance. For all manners he appeared to be yet another nobody, paper pusher that could blend into a crowd with ease.

"Vi and Tye had it coming." One of the younger females said. A member of the cheer leading team. No one would've guessed it from her rugged appearance and Gothic attire. "They disobeyed orders and look where it got them." She laughed tossing her long brown hair to the side. She stuck out her chest. Everyone was aware of the rank she held within the pack and she was more than happy to exploit it.

"And Kyle?" Someone spoke up and there was a bunch of murmur agreements. Until someone spotted Samuel resting against one of the metal poles holding up the second floor. He had a cigar in his mouth and was looking the other way. If he could've he would've avoided coming in the first place.

"You!" The younger man growled moving quickly. Already his flesh tore and golden brown fur was showing as he leapt onto all fours and snarled at him. The lynx was of similar breed as Kyle had been.

"Put them away, boy." Samuel said in fair warning not in the mood for such childish bickering. He wanted out of here more than anyone else. He hated these 'family gatherings.' "Kyle was an idiot. I was just scouting, as I was told." He made sure to point out. "He was the one that wanted to come along, and HE was the one who tried to attack the mutt. I just did as I was told." Samuel moved the cigar from one side of his mouth to the other.

"And," a male stepped forward into the circle they had formed. The rest seemed to fade away into the shadows only their silhouettes and amber eyes could be seen as he continued to speak. Even the lynx had backed away to give him room. "What of the human?" The man was tall with well cut hair, smooth shaved except for the goatee on his chin.

"He was out of my reach. Would've ended up like the rest of them if I had moved in any further." Samuel just said pulling out his lighter. He began rolling it between his fingers looking away. A nervous habit he had gained after his first change. "They are always together. Impossible to separate 'em."

Jessie Wilkes, one of the students on the honor roll, stepped forward at that. "Nu ah!" She pointed at him. "He's lieing! I saw him! I did." She looked around before pointing at him again. "They were talking and the other one wasn't there." She backed away though quickly at the cold glare Samuel gave her.

"Oh?" The man from before said as if surprised by this statement. It was clear he already knew though. Most likely she ran to him the second she had found out. Samuel clenched his fist tightly keeping his expression cool, wanting nothing more than to tear that rats throat out however. "Samuel, my dear boy, why didn't you mention this to us?" The man spoke up, feigning hurt as if he had offended him somehow.

"It didn't matter." Samuel just shrugged though he could feel every eye in the room on him. "If I had done anything I would've ended up as a skin rug." He said calmly looking back at the man. "Why don't you do it then?" He pointed out out quickly before the subject could be twisted, warped and all blame would be put on him. This man, under the right circumstances, could make the pope himself apologize given enough time. A silver, barbed tongue.

"That's simple." The other man replied. "I wasn't told to. If you end up dead or not isn't the concern, just as long as the job gets done." This man smiled. His face was young for his age, the end of his chin had a dagger pointed goatee and every one around them knew the true man behind that innocent smile of Mr. Jefferson, the schools counselor. "You might be special in the Alpha eyes but without father around anymore," Jefferson took a moment as if to show respect for the Alpha's loss, shaking his head afterwards. "It's the least you can do. Fulfill father's last request." And with that another cruel, wicked friendly smile crossed his face as his eyes laughed at him.

"Right." Samuel didn't meet those cold eyes or that fake smile. It was this man alone that kept him from tearing that rats throat out. Let alone for half of the others. This man that kept him from just disappearing into the night. And this man that was the soul reason why he had come to this little event. "Right." Samuel nodded in defeat however as every eye was on him. "By the next full moon. He'll be one of us." And with that everyone turned away and began discussing other matters all but forgetting the man with the cigar in his mouth.

It wasn't even Ten minutes later when Samuel slipped out. "Bastards." He muttered under his breath growling as he glared behind him. His left hand was large, covered in deep brown fur. Cat claws were already out and ready as his blood boiled in his veins. If he could he would march back into there and rip him to shreds. If he could this matter would be dealt with in only a couple of minutes. If he could...

Samuel flexed his fingers not even bothering with trying to stop his transformed arm as he made his way down the graveled road towards the town. His sandals were soon left in the dust as powerful paws carried him onwards. A long tail swayed behind him with a tuft of black fur at the end and soon the great brown fur lion was moving down deeper into the city knowing that within the month his very life would be on the line.

So the great cat just watched as the sun began to set wondering how many sunrises he had left in his nine lives.

Elsewhere another body was looking at the same sunset, in a bed with a massive fur body holding him from behind.

Marco watched the last rays of light seep through the shades of his room and onto the bed outlining his arm. Next to it was another, a longer broader stronger arm that was covered in obsidian black fur with huge, black clawed paw at the end and was just as heavy as it looked laying acrossed him as it was. Marco looked at it and at his own arm as if it were a mirror, looking at his own reflection yet changed, warped and feral. That this arm could possible be his at one point in time. That he would be like his best friend one day.

And that thought terrified him.

When he had awoken and his lust fueled mind was clear he panicked, nearly crying out in frieght at the wolf's maw next to his own face. Of the fangs sticking out of the side and hot, humid breath panting against his face. How the snout was large enough to bite his arm clean off and how that strong body was nearly twice his size, maybe not in height but with the few extra feet and strong broad frame it was close enough.

Marco had first thought and feared that he was going to be like that the second he had awoken. That his body would be forcible changed, warped into a mockery of human form and covered up, the flesh hidden away in that tangled, ratty mess of fur. That he would have claws that could rip the very walls of his apartment as if they were but wisps of air. That he would be so strong as to turn over a car, to crush a man's skull in the palm of his hand like a grape and a reduce another living creature to a pile of mush at losing himself to temper. To constantly be at war with oneself and fearing that any day you would lose...

Something Marco hadn't thought about, hadn't wanted to consider. But it was clear as he had watched his friend. The feral mind was there behind those warm, caring eyes. How Kenny would get angry at a drop of a hat and was constantly holding back his tongue, keeping that untamed anger hidden away from his friend. The look that'd cross his muzzle when he was losing at bowling this very morning and the spite he had held for Marco when he had gone to the restroom without asking. That he, that Marco would be controlled by his emotions like a wild...animal if or when he were to change. If he would even really be 'Marco' afterwards.

That was what he was afraid of and he knew, though he wanted to, he could never console his friend about it. To talk with him, to figure things out, to get answers for so many unasked questions. Even Marco knew that Kenny was already fighting his own battle and each passing day they were together Marco could see he was slowly losing that war. Maybe due to the fact that he was staying in his wolf form more and more or maybe that Kenny just wasn't trying to fight it as much anymore. Just another question unanswered.

So when he had awoken with that arm next to his own Marco truly grasp the situation he was in. Even as he slipped away from the snoozing form of the wolf, Marco found himself in a cold sweat as he looked back at the slumbering beast.

Large, black fur hind paws the size of his upper chest. With powerful legs to hold up that massive broad chest and shoulders. His front arms were longer with only slightly clawed paws as if the canine was suppose to run around on all fours rather than on two, and yet his own body was seemingly confused on the matter. As if it wasn't sure to walk around like a man or run like a wolf. That large head had it's eyes closed, yet the ears were up and alert and Kenny's lip quivered as he dream of chasing cats. The large button black nose wrinkled up and sniffed a bit at the sheets before a tongue rolled out and slurped at them. The maw closed, but not fully, the fangs sticking out were too large for it to fully shut. A feral, wild animal is what Kenny was in the end of things.

And Marco found himself swallowing all too aware of what he had done the night before. Be it out of nerves, his horny age or other matters Marco had still done what he had done, unprotected and now as he made his way into the bathroom (shutting the door silently) he found himself staring into the mirror. And just like before he half expected to see those arms there, that face and body instead of his own human reflection.

Marco just stared at himself waiting for the whiskers to sprout from his cheeks, for fur to spring from his flesh and for his eyes to start glowing that eerie, inhuman emerald hew. Marco forced his face into a painful grin, poking and rubbing at his teeth to make sure they weren't longer than they should be. He rubbed at his hair moving it to one side then the other to make sure ears hadn't sprouted like horrible weeds. And naked, bare as he was Marco looked himself over in the mirror afraid to just look down.

He rubbed his eyes as a slow steady, shaking sigh escaped him. Nothing was exactly different, for now. Maybe he'd have to wait for the full moon. He wasn't sure. And the thought alone worried him to the point he pushed it from his mind and slumped against the counter.

Last night had been so very...needed. He needed that release. The fear of it all trying to grasp something that shouldn't be real or possible. To be able to forget and even, in his own way, particate in it and, in a way, come to accept it. One thing he had learned was that, in the way he was, Kenny was attractive. That strong dominate male, the fact he wasn't nessiccarily human seemed to help in the matter as well. Marco wasn't afraid of his dear friend but afraid...that he'd end up like him.

Still, oddly enough, Marco found himself not hating or recenting his friend. Just the idea that he'd become like him. Even knowing Kenny didn't have a choice in the matter, Marco wasn't in the same boat. He did have a choice. And he was sure as hell not going to just sit by and let it happen. He'd talk to him, explain the situation. Marco was sure Kenny would understand.

Though as he creaked his bedroom door back opened and headed inside a shiver ran down his spine as the great wolf on his bed was missing. Something that size shouldn't be able to move so silently. And as the thoughts of where he could have possibly crawled off too an arm wrapped around his naked waist and a soggy, rag of a tongue slapped against the side of his face leaving a trail of thick gooey saliva.

"Sup." Kenny growled playfully as Marco tensed in his grip, shivered and then slackened with a frown.

"DON'T." Marco said, already Kenny was pulling back looking at him. "Do. That." Marco finished lightly shaking his head.

Kenny let go of him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to get your tail in a knot." Marco didn't reply to that comment. "Just saying morning."

"It's almost the middle of the night." Marco grumbled smoothing out the goosebumps on his arms. He turned around before looking away quickly unable to meet those glowing emerald eyes in the tangled web of black furry mane around them. He found himself flushing. It might've been the panted, ragged breathing of the wolf looking down at him however.

The back of one of those strong paws rubbed at his cheek and a smile crossed that fanged face. "I enjoyed last night." Kenny murmurred.

"It was only a couple of hours ago. It's not even night yet." Marco replied still not looking at him. That paw opened up and held the side of his face though to Marco it felt as if it were gripping it tightly, forcing him to look at the wolf.

A black nose bumped his forhead and a large tongue licked up his nose. "Do you want to go back to bed then?" Kenny asked, hopefully as his tail wagged and wicked thoughts came to mind.

"Was about to make some coffee." Marco said as the paw released the side of his face and a claw trailed down his front. It was like someone was dragging a knife down his chest and once more shivers ran up and down his spine as if someone were playing a xylophone.

"You drink too much coffee." The beast just murred some more as that paw drifted down and around his groin before rubbing his side. Marco was aware Kenny was just staring down at him with a toothy, shameless smile.

"It's a guilty pleasure." Marco replied watching the other clawed paw rub at the other side of his face and down his front.

"You're my guilty pleasure." Kenny growled.

"Smooth." Marco chuckled a bit though he was flushing as that paw rubbed down, gropping him, sliding those powerful fingers under his sack before pulling them back and up to his muzzle to sniff and lick.

"So tasty." Kenny murmurred around his fingers as he licked them.

The wolf stood behind Marco and the man felt the thick tendril of saliva drool out onto his shoulder with a splat, oozing down his chest as that maw panted hottly next to his ear. He could hear the wolf swallow, and even without looking knew those teeth were slapping the side of his black muzzle and licking his fangs.

Marco watched as that drool ran down his chest. "I'm not going to change am I?" He asked in a soft, timid voice. Even asking took a great amount of strain and force and when he spoke his voice nearly left him.

Kenny moved back a bit though his paws stays holding his sides. His fingers rubbed over his bare, soft flesh. The large wolf just looked down at him. How easy it would be to rip that flesh, to peel the skin from his bones. How weak, helpless he was in his strong grip. No matter how hard he tried there wasn't even the slightest chance he could ever possible get away.

Kenny closed his eyes feeling that primal urge subside and with it feel his fur revert, retracting as his claws slowly sunk back into his fingers and his body began to regress to his former self and with it his own mind began to clear as if a fog was lifting from it. He let out a slow breath not saying anything until he was halfway between the change. His legs were back to normal even if his hands weren't and his snout had vanished along with his tail. His fangs still stuck from the side of his grizzled mouth and his body was still dominated by that black fur with open patches of grayish skin underneath.

"Would that be such a bad thing." Kenny finally answered turning him around to face him. Kenny's eyes still had a soft hew to them, they were kind and soft even if there was something deeper within them.

"I just wouldn't...want to. Is all." Marco said looking to the side. He was uncomfortable about this closeness. With him the way he was now and the two standing next to each other in nothing but their birthday suits. And he the height difference was clear, the way he was being held and treated...it was as if he were the woman in their unspoken relationship. The fem, the bitch, the sub. Whatever it was made Marco feel even worse on the matter.

"That's ok." Kenny grinned still holding his sides. He brought a hand up to stroke his face once more. It was somehow unsettling this time around rather than when he was a canine. "I mean so what?" Kenny shrugged finally letting go and chuckling over the matter seemingly unconcerned on the matter knowing that if or when it happened that Marco wouldn't have a say on the matter. "I mean just 'cause I like it doesn't mean you have to. As long as your ok with me...liking it." Kenny said a bit clumsily trying to ask without asking if it really did bother Marco as much as he feared.

"No, that's ok." Marco smiled at that and shook his head. "You can...do that all you want. I'm just not interested in...participating, directly, on the matter."

"Ok." Kenny just smiled at him and Marco returned it.

The two stood naked looking at each other. "Well..." Kenny scratched the back of his furry neck.

"Yeah..." Marco spoke rubbing his hairy arm.

"Coffee?" Kenny remembered clapping his hands together, smiling and if he still had a tail it'd be wagging.

"Coffee!" Marco jumpd on the idea and turned already heading into the kitchen as if forgetting he was naked. Kenny watched him go with a toothy smile staring at that tight ass wondering how much force would be needed to penetrate and... "Do you want some?" Marco asked from the kitchen.

Kenny licked his lips before joining him. "Yes, I would love some." He smiled agreeing as his tail wagged behind him.