The Furpile

Story by Zeath on SoFurry

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(Disclaimer. If you don't like stories about men having sex with other men then please do not read this as this story has 3 furry men doing that. :) ))

(I'm still new at writing stories, so I hope people who read this will comment on how it is and where I can improve :) )

Driving down the highway for a few minutes, a piece of paper in my hand with written directions. "Let's see...I need to take exit 9 then a left and it should be on the left side of the road..." I said to myself, a mouse wearing a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt, keeping an eye on both the road and the paper making sure I went the right way. My white fur blew slightly in the wind as the windows were down in my beat up Regal. I pushed my glasses up my nose and looked for my exit. My exit came up, turning the wheel to the right getting on the off ramp. After another few minutes of driving down a straight road I saw my destination and turned into the parking lot.

I stepped out of the car, taking a look around the city from the lot before looking at my destination called "The Furpile." Looking at the building for a minute I took another piece of paper out of my pocket. I printed this up before I left my house. It said "The furpile, a place for gay men to come in, meet new guys, and have some fun!" I didn't think this place actually existed! I put the paper away and locked my car, approaching the door.

Opening the door didn't let me see much of this so called sex club, being just a small hallway with a door on the other side and a window on the right wall. I went to the window to see a heavy set pig behind it, who smiled at me.

"Hey there cutie, can I see some ID?" I recently turned 18, so I still looked like an underage mouse. I nodded and handed him my license the name Zeath Sulyard right above the picture of me. He typed a few letters into a computer then looked at me.

"First time here?" he asked.

"Yes, I read about this place online, wanted to see it." I replied. He handed me a small piece of paper.

"This place needs membership, but it's not that much. Fill that out and give me 10$ and you're good to go." The paper had the usual membership questions, like name, address, phone number, stuff like that. I filled it out and handed the pig the money needed. He smiled and took both things and asked me.

"Would you like a room or a locker?" Me never being here before didn't really know what I wanted.

" I guess."

"Alright." The pig said as he hit a buzzer, opening the door on the other side of the hallway. I went into the door where the pig handed me a towel and a lock with a key.

"You're locker 1, enjoy yourself." He said and went back to the window, I turned around to see many different furs walking around in nothing but the towel they were given. This was already started to be too good to be true for me seeing many almost nude guys just walking around. I started to wonder the club until I found the lockers, finding my locker I put the towel down. I followed the example of the men I saw wondering around, taking off all my clothing and wrapping the towel around my waist. I'm a pretty thin mouse boy, more like a swimmers build then anything. My large ears twitched slightly as I heard a few furs talking to each other about head they got in the shower area, which wasn't helping me keep my towel on as my member started to harden. After I locked up my clothing I decided to wonder around and check the club out, but my eyes were moving from one fur to another. The men here ranged from common foxes and bunnies to more uncommon guys, like this one sheep guy I couldn't stop looking at. His fur as white as mine but much puffier that towel wrapped around him made me want to go talk to him, but...

"Hey there mousie, you new here?" The sound of a deep voice came from behind me, which made me turn around to see a well muscled rhino behind me with a smirk on his face. I nodded my head to him.

"Yeah, it's my first time here..." I said in somewhat of a shy voice, which seemed to excite the rhino as he grinned down at me.

"Well, I'm sure a sexy little thing like you wouldn't have trouble here..." He said as he moved up to me, standing a good two feet over me. One of his paws moved to my chest, rubbing it gently before it slid down to the front of my towel where he started to rub over my cock through it. This made me moan and I returned the favor, my paw moving over to his chest rubbing over his well toned chest. I could see his towel moving a bit as he rubbed over my cock in the hall, leaning his head to my ear his whispers.

"Want to go to my room?" I looked up at him and just nodded my head, the rhino taking my hand and leading me down the hall he unlocks a door and lets me in.

These rooms weren't much really, a sizable bed on the corner and a bowl with condoms and lube in it. He walked into the room, but didn't shut the door. He took off his towel and my eyes grew wide looking over his nude muscled form. His member looked to be about a foot long, trumping my member which was now at its full length of seven inches under my towel. He moved over to me and took my towel off, leaning his head down he pressed his lips to mine. His tongue quickly darted out and licked over my lips, which opened for his tongue and my own tongue started to swirl around with his. My paw moved to his cock, wrapping around it stroking it slowly as we shared a lustful kiss. He groaned into it and soon broke the kiss, smirking at me. I being my natural subby self got onto my knees in front of him, my tongue licking over his vainy tool causing him to groan softly. He places a paw on my head and starts to pet me as my lips wrap around his member, started to bob my head along his cock slowly. His cock tasted great in my muzzle, my tongue wrapping around it as he started to push my head down it.

"Oh boy you're pretty good." He says as he slowly starts to facefuck me, moaning slightly around his cock sending vibrations up it as I sucked him off. I started to stroke my own cock as I sucked on his, my free hand playing with his sizable sac. He shot a small amount of precum into my mouth, which I swallowed happily.

The rhino stopped moving my head along his long cock, grapping a condom and a tube of lube as he smirked down at me.

"Mmmm, get up on the bed you sexy thing...hands and knees." He said quietly. I smirked around his member and slide it out of my mouth, my own cock leaking precum onto the floor as I did as he asked. I got up onto the bed and got on my hands and knees. I looked over to the door while I waited for the rhino, noticing that anyone walking by could see what we were doing. I was about to get up and close the door when the rhino placed one paw on his ass, massaging it gently and I felt his other paw slide a lubed up finger into my tail hole. This made me groan and I looked over my shoulder at him, a condom wrapped around his long member lubed up and ready to go. He pumped his finger inside my ass for a minute, getting the lube inside me before sliding it out and pressing the tip of his cock against my ass.

"Ready to go?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yeah..." I said softly, which was all he needed as he slides his cock into my slightly stretched tail hole causing both of us to groan. He started to slide more of his cock into me, my paws gripping the bed as my thin tail brushes against his muscled chest. He grabs my ass with both paws and starts to slide out, then he slams his cock into me hard getting all of it into my ass in one thrust.

"Damn your tight kid." He says as he starts to pump in cock in my ass at a medium pace, his balls slapping against me as I moan out loving every second his cock in deep in my tail hole. My cock twitched under me as the rhino fucked me, leaking precum onto the bed.

He started to speed his thrusts up, giving my ass a firm slap causing me to moan louder. Though he was wearing a condom, he seemed to enjoy this just as much as I did. He started to groan as his cock throbbed inside my tight tail hole, along with my moans we seemed to attract the attention of someone in the hallway. The sheep I had my eyes on earlier was in the doorway, his towel around his ankles as he watched the two of us fuck. His cock pointing straight out slightly longer then my own, his paw wrapping around it grinning at us.

"Hey Keith, see you got a young one today..." He says, smirking to the rhino who grinned back to him as he continued to pound my ass.

"Yeah...young and cute. Go get his mouth, he's pretty good with it." He moans out. I looked up at the sheep as he walked over to me, his member poking at my mouth. I opened my mouth and he slide right in, my moans getting muffled around his cock. I gripped the sheets as the rhino picked up speed, trying to work on the sheep's member sucking gently on it. My own member twitched under me, my body shivering in pleasure from being fucked at both ends. The sheep grabbed my head and started the thrust into my muzzle quickly, fucking my face harder then the rhino did before. The combined pleasure of the handsome sheep's cock and the large rhino's member pounding my ass sent me over the ends, moaning loudly around the cock in my mouth my seed shoots out onto the bed in shorts spurts. My ass squeezes around the rhino's member as I climax, my ass suddenly becoming empty as he pulls out and throws the condom off. He moves and the sheep pulls his cock out of my mouth, moving me from my hands and knees onto my back where he moves on top of me. His member moves back into my mouth, the sheep thrusting into my mouth quickly his balls rubbing against my chin. The rhino grabs his cock and starts to stroke it quickly, moaning as his member starts to shoot out his thick, warm seed onto my face and the sheep's legs. The sheep wasn't too far behind the rhino with his climax, cumming right down my throat. His cum tasted so good, swallowing every drop he forced into my mouth.

The sheep slid his cock out of my mouth, all three of us panting from our orgasms. I looked over to the two of them, who were now hugging and kissing each other deeply.

"Alright hun, we need to head home." The sheep said to the rhino. The rhino nodded and picked up my towel handing it to me.

"That was fun kid...I hope to see you around here again sometime." He says with a wink as the other two males grab there towels, the rhino getting his clothing back on as they leave the room. I got up and wiped my glasses off, the rhino's cum getting all over them. I wrapped the towel and left the room with the cum still on my face, heading over to the shower area to clean myself off. In the shower there was a bunny against the wall with a horse holding him up thrusting up into his ass under a shower head, taking the one near them I showered off the seed on my body. They horse looked over to me and said through a moan.

"Hey...want to join?" I shook my head at him and grabbed my towel and dried myself.

"I'm spent...maybe another time." I said, thinking to myself how often I could come here. I went to my locker and started putting my clothing back on, saying "Once a week I could come by..." in my head.