Primal Passion

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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I finally got this finished! I took much longer on this than I should have (though to be fair it's due to procrastination and not me working to hard...wish it was the other way around honestly)! This is my entry into the ScifiSummer writing contest and is the first time I have ever entered a online writing contest!

This is also my first sci-fi....first sci-fi story posted online anyway. It's probably weak in what can be called science fiction because it seems we are actually kinda close to doing this (which is also awesome) but it was all I could think of that didn't end...deathy.

So yeah. Hope you all enjoy!

Edit: How do we freaking indent? I would much rather upload the text document than cut and paste but it doesn't seem to let me do that.

Weights seemed to be lifted as Rodney drank his late night coffee. If the raccoon knew who had created coffee then he'd build a shrine in their honor. All he needed was one cup, one cup and he could get back to his research at close to top proficiency. People would usually just tell him to go home and sleep instead of going for coffee, there were even times when his 'betters' forced him home. It all seemed ridiculous to Rodney, how could he sleep when he and his coworkers were so close to their goal. That very thought made Rodney almost giddy, but he kept it inside in hopes to keep a professional demeanor around his coworkers.

Rodney's white lab coat waved a big as his walked out of the break room with his mug in hand. The raccoon was rather average in build, he wasn't too thin despite the fact that he rarely ate lunch, and despite his tendency to snack on rather unhealthy foods he never seemed to develop a gut. Under his lab coat was his blue collared shirt, buttoned up, and a pair of tan khaki's. He chose to wear green and blue sneakers more so for comfort than anything else, he absolutely hated business shoes and was never found of boots. Around his neck hung a scan card on a lanyard for access to the labs in the building.

As Rodney walked through the halls he took notice of his surroundings, most notifiable was the fact that almost everyone was gone.

"It can't be that late." He said to himself as he looked at his watch on his left wrist. His digital watch had shown midnight on the dot. Rodney raised an eyebrow in surprise but then gave a little shrug and continued on down the hallway.

Once at the door he scanned his card on the pad next to it and opened it. "Henry!" he shouted, "How's the patient?"

"Still taking a wet nap!" Henry shouted back as Rodney walked into the lab. The lab had little in the ways of décor. The colors of the wall were a shade of white that neither Rodney or Henry bothered to learn. The rooms equipment was placed around the room in the pattern of a circle surronding a large vat filled with a liquid of an aqua color. What was in the vat was the cause of Rodney's devotion.

Floating in the vat was a being of a long lost time, one only seen in books, museum's and cheesy B-movies. Floating within the vat was a hermaphroditic sabertooth tiger. Rodney looked at the creature with pride, her strong seemingly muscle bound body, her long red hair flowing all around within the vat. Tubes and wires seemed were injected all over her body, used to allow hormones and nutrients to flow into her body. Rodney was always entranced by the sabertooth's body, so powerful, strong, firm and yet it was beautiful. His coworker and friend Henry always took notice of Rodney's stares.

"See something you like?" Henry asked, the dog sat firmly in his office chair at the computer, though because of how wide he tended to be it was almost as if he was stuck in the chair. Due to this size the dog wore a much larger lab coat than Rodney, yet it still looked tight on him, khaki's of the same color as Rodney's, a dark brown collared shirt and black business shoes.

"She's marvelous" Rodney replied, not turning away from the sabertooth tiger floating in the vat.

"I usually prefer them without the cucumbers or nuts, but I don't judge"

Rodney turned his head away from the vat, blush easily seen within his cheeks, "That's not what I meant." he said defensively.

The dog gave a toothy smile, "Sure. I mean staring at a naked person in a tank with your mouth open for a few minutes has no meaning whatsoever that could relate to the bedroom"

Rodney gave henry a slight glare, "Unlike you my mind isn't a macrocosm of lust." He turned back to the vat, "And my mouth wasn't hanging open" he finished in a serious tone.

"Not this time" Henry replied with a smile. He leaned back into his chair with his arms against the back of his head, his view focused on their experiment, "Not much longer now really. She'll be out in a few days, two tops"

Rodney raised an eyebrow in perplexity, "I thought the downloads were almost complete?"

Henry shrugged, "They are, in fact they should be finished by tonight. But the board thinks that we should just keep her on life support for a few days after to let things 'soak in'" he said with hands making the air quotes gesture. "Can you believe that people were at first against the program we developed for this?"

The program Henry was referring to was simply known as Apple. Apple was designed to input information into the mind by turning the data into electrical impulses for the brain to adapt. The theory of the program itself was highly controversial due to the dark possibilities that it could unleash. But Rodney and Henry always made sure to protect their program with the tightest security and vowed never to sell it. But this experiment was an exception, this creature needed what they could provide.

"I'm honestly not sure why" Said Rodney, "They argued that we'd be overriding past memories or information that they wish to study. They do understand that clone is not a perfect copy of a person, just their biological make up?" He looked up back at the vat, the sabertooth tiger still floating unconsciously within the liquid, "She won't have memories of those frozen tundras or of any other tribesmen. The only thing you could argue is that she may still have her instincts."

"And no one wants to deal with a seven foot tall sabertooth tiger with just instincts and no knowledge. We'd either get a baby or a wild beast. Not sure which of those would be worse actually." Henry said with a tilt of his head.

"6'8" Rodney replied, his focus still on the vat.

Henry looked at him with confusion. Rodney looked back at Henry, "She's 6 foot 8"

Henry leaned back into his computer and began to type for a bit, "No bedroom feelings at all" he said under his breath but loud enough for Rodney to hear. Rodney just ignored it, took another sip from his mug and went back to his computer.

After about fifteen minutes of silence Henry began to yawn. He pushed away from his desk and stretched his arms while still in his chair, "Welp, I think that is enough for me tonight." He turned to Rodney, "I think it's time to call it quits for now. We should probably get home before that blizzard is suppose to hit anyway."

Rodney's focus was at his computer screen, "The weather man is wrong seventy-five percent of the time anyway. He'd said we'd be getting a blizzard all week and we've barely gotten an inch of snow."

Henry stood out of his chair and gave a few more stretches, "Well I'm leaving."

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

Henry walked over to Rodney and put his hand on his desk, "Got any plans for the weekend?" he asked in a friendly manner.

Rodney didn't look at Henry when he answered, "Yes I do."

"Working here isn't a plan for a weekend"

"What we are doing here is a breakthrough and I'd like to keep at it, unlike some people"

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" After a moment of silence Henry continued, giving Rodney a pat on the back, "Come on Rodney. Let's hit the town, go to a few clubs, maybe even go home with someone lucky. You could use a nice gal"

Rodney stopped typing for a moment. Every time someone mentioned this to him he cringed inside. It's not that he didn't like women, he just liked his work more. What really bothered him however was that other people suggested it, as if they new him better than he did.

"You're starting to sound like my mother" He retorted as he reached for his coffee mug. Henry raised his hands in defense, "Ok, ok. I won't go any further." As Henry began to walk away he shouted back at Rodney, "Don't stay here all night! Or they might force you to stay at home again!" Rodney gave a slight grin and went back to typing.


Rodney dashed through the bushes in front of him, ignoring the pain from the twigs snapping at him. He was alone, naked except for some sort of loincloth, and very very afraid. He stopped for a moment, resting on his knees to catch his breath. He looked around to see the jungle surronding him, the rainbow of color within the flowers, the dirt covered earth that was shadowed by the large leaves of the trees above. The trees themselves were massive and yet despite not seeing them before, never even being in a jungle before, Rodney felt familiar. There was only one thing that was odd about his surroundings, the lack of noise, no birds or even insects broke the silence. The only sounds that Rodney could hear were the whispers of the wind. Then he heard a bone chilling howl in the distance and ran once again.

He sprinted through the trees, tripping a few times but always catching himself and running. His heart was pumping, his stomach felt tight, he didn't know how long or how fast he was running, or even what he was running from. But he just kept running.

For a split second he felt something tight around his ankle. The next thing he knew he was hanging upside down from a tree. The sudden movement from the snare trap knocked the wind out of him as he hung. For the next few moments he struggled to breath, his coughs echoing throughout the jungle.

When Rodney could breath correctly he tried to undo the snare, but he couldn't bend himself up to his foot, he was too tired to move. Rodney hung there only for a few minutes, but it felt like hours to him. He didn't know what was chasing him, the howls and roars had stopped but it had returned to the erie quiet of before. For the longest time the only sound Rodney could hear was the beating of his own heart.

Then he head the snap of a twig. Before he could turn around he felt his hanging arms grabbed and put together to be bound by some sort of rope or vine. Once his arms were bound his snare was cut and he fell a few feet to the ground, landing on his back. In his moment of pain he looked up to see his captor.

Standing before him was a large sabertooth tiger, her fur looked to be close to a golden shade if it was less darker, her red hair hung from her head, wild and unkempt, her bust was rather pronounced, so large that one could suffocate in them. Her body seemed sculpted, no part of her body hide muscle, her abdominals seemed solid as a rock, her arms looked as if they could snap Rodney's neck if they wrapped around it. Her legs seemed as though they could go for hours. Yet it didn't seem like there was too much muscle, it was noticeable but yet it drew so much of Rodney's attention, it felt like he was looking at an Amazonian god. He couldn't seem to catch her eye color, perhaps he was too focused on her two magnificent fangs, which looked as white as milk. But his eyes felt they were driven downwards, as soon as he saw it he just couldn't stop staring. The shock of his captor being hermaphroditic wasn't all to hard, but the cock just filled his focus. While limp it looked to be about two inches wide and maybe seven inches long.

"Prey" she said, her voice surprisingly soft for such a form. Rodney saw her hand reach towards his face.

Rodney woke up in surprise at his desk. He breathed deeply for a few moments and surveyed his area. He was back in the lab, at his desk and the sabertooth tiger was still in her vat, floating unconsciously. He looked at his watch, it was two in the morning, he looked at his computer. The Apple program was running smoothly, in fact in a few moments it would be finished. Rodney got up from his chair and walked over to the vat. He looked up to the sabertooth tiger, his eyes filled with curiosity and wonder. He placed his paw against the glass, right where her paws could touch if she was awake.

He sighed as he took his paw away from the glass and walked away, "I'll see you later today." he said to her and to himself.

As he walked to the locker rooms he gave a short glance to the windows in the hall. He turned away for a second then looked back in horror to find how much snow had fallen and continued to come down violently. He may have noticed a few large bits of hale if it wasn't all the same blinding color of white.

He placed his paw on the window. He couldn't head home in this storm, he didn't even have something to break any ice off of his car. Maybe he could call for help? Surely they was something a 911 call could do, it was the first time he'd been stuck in such a storm anyway.

The lights went out. Rodney gave a slight jump as it happened. For a brief moment he stood in silence and in darkness. But then he uttered two words under his breath.

"Oh no"

Rodney searched through his pockets frantically, from his coat to his pants. He should have been used to darkness but staring at bright screens for hours on end didn't help well. He needed to find the generators and activate them, not for his sake, he could stay in the building for the night. Find a few blankets, go into the lounge and keep comfortable. But he wasn't alone in the building, and without the generators that other person doesn't have life support.

Rodney shouted with joy as he pulled his phone out. He wasn't going to call someone-though that would have been the "smart" thing to do-he needed his smartphone to navigate the halls to find the generators. They would turn on in about five minutes if left alone, but such a length of time could prove fatal to his subject. He looked through the phone applications to find the night vision app that Henry ended up buying him as a joke when he had his phone.

"Henry for once in my life your annoying sense of humor may actually have been useful" Rodney said as he activated the app. What he saw through his phone was the office in a rather green filter, like how one would have seen in the movies. Rodney pondered for a second as he had always thought that was just for special affect, but he soon began to rush through the building to find the back up generators.

Rodney's definition of rushing however was actually him walking at a faster pace. The phone couldn't show him everything and he'd be useless to his subject with a broken leg.

Sadly Rodney couldn't make it in time. He may have been half-way to the generators when the lights flickered back on. He looked back up to them with his mouth open in horror. He turned around and ran as fast as he possibly could, he needed to see if she was alright.

Rodney almost collapsed once he reached the door. His breaths were heavy and his heartbeat could be felt throughout his entire body. He rested his hands onto his knees and looked down at the floor as he tried to relax, maybe he did need to exercise more. Rodney raised an eyebrow as he noticed the lights under the door seemed to flicker. After gaining his bearings the raccoon opened the door slowly.

The lab seemed to have been his by a windstorm, papers everywhere, computer screens broken and shattered, even some of the tables were broken in half. But subject was no where to be found, in her place was an empty vat, with broken glass all over a wet floor.

"She's...she's alive" he said to himself with a smile, he was overjoyed for the fact that his subject hadn't died. He jumped around and shouted with glee, but as soon as his joy arouse it disappeared with a sudden realization.

"She's alive" he said again, this time with a wide eyed look. It finally dawned on him. He was alone in a lab in the middle of a snowstorm, with an extinct, near three hundred pound, predator. A predator that was probably hungry.

Rodney panicked, he ran through the door. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest, his breaths grew faster and faster. He didn't even care where he was running, he just needed to get away some how.

A thought occurred to him as he ran, the security system would still be operational. All he would have to do is hit a button and a bunch of sentries would be ready to apprehend any foreign intruder. When he turned to the hall that lead to the security measures he stopped. He saw her.

She was low to the ground, her back facing him. Her fur was still wet and Rodney could smell it's pungent oder easily, the smell of the vat liquids seemed to be hiding something, but Rodney couldn't identify it. Under her fur were her muscles, finally getting the movement they seemed to be built for. Her long red hair seemed to go down to her lower back, almost covering everything. The tubes and wire that were injected into her were gone, to where Rodney couldn't comprehend.

She sniffed the air for a moment, the she turned her head, showcasing her blue eyes. Rodney felt his heart stop for a brief moment, his body was dead silent. Then it screamed out at him and his listened to it. He ran as fast as he could, maybe even faster than he was before, he didn't know since he was never used to the little drug known as adrenaline all that much.

He could hear the sabertooth tiger roar as she chased after him. Before he realized it she was on top of him with his stomach against the floor, her weight seemingly crushing him. He felt his arms grabbed and pulled against each other, then seemingly bound together with some sort of rope, it must have been the tubes or the wires she had attached to her previously! He was turned over to see her face, or at least her massive bust, still wet with the liquids that were now dripping on him. She brought her face closer to his, her large teeth all too visible to him. But her blue eyes seemed to have something, Rodney didn't understand what but as he looked into her eyes he felt a force. As if he was being commanded, his breaths slowed and his heart became calm. Maybe he had accepted his demise, or maybe he had already died, he didn't know. But he had finally figured out the extra scent. He felt alive again, she wasn't hungry but instead she was in heat. And she needed a mate.

She needed a mate. Rodney's face became pale under his fur as he realized this. The sabertooth tiger smiled, with her massive paw she held Rodney by the neck as she stood up. She took her free hand down to her cock, which had grown to ten inches in erection, with the veins pumping the blood easily visible. She forced Rodney down onto his knees.

"Suck" she ordered, her voice while not as deep as he expected, was still intimidating. Rodney would have been confused on why she said suck since she just forced him down upon her cock. He gagged as he took the cock into his mouth, he had never eaten anything that big, there was no way he could give her a fellatio. How did she even know what a fellatio was anyway? It must have come from the apple program, Henry must have programed a bunch of info that Rodney deemed unnecessary. Henry would be thinking this if he wasn't chocking on a ten inch cock and all he could smell was the strong sweaty scent of her cock.

At first Rodney was held down by one hand, but he felt his head get gripped and pulled back quickly. He was able to breath a few moments before being shoved back down, this time the hand was pumping his head back and forth along the cock. Soon he felt another hand on his head, pushing him deeper in. He chocked and gagged by that only made her push him further down.

He was pulled back off of the cock, precum coming out of his mouth like drool. He took deep breathes as she tightened her grip on his head.

"Bitch" she said, she slapped him in the face with her hard cock.

"Bitch" she said again and slapped him again with her cock from the other side.

She did this over and over. Rodney was starting to wonder what sort of porn Henry watched, it had to have been what drives her. It was shameless to say he was somewhat enjoying it, though he didn't have the slightest idea as to why.

After the sixth slap she grabbed his head with both of her arms and rammed her cock back in. This time she just pushed her cock in and out rather than push him down further. This continued for a few moments, her breaths becoming more rapid. Suddenly she pushed him down as far as she could make him and moaned in ecstasy.

Rodney almost puked as he felt the stream of semen shoot into his throat. As he was pulled off he coughed up some of it to the floor. Before Rodney could do anything else he was already on the ground stomach first.

"Silence" she said as she shredded bits of his coat off. She took one of the rags and used it to wipe some of the loose cum from her cock. She rolled the rag up and stuffed it into his mouth, then tied some wired around his head to keep it in, making a makeshift gag.

Rodney could feel his pants being shredded, he tried to struggle but he was just held down firmer. Soon he felt her hands on his unguarded ass. "Hole" she said as she sensually rubbed his ass. Soon he felt her fingers play around his asshole, one seeming to pry it open.

Oh no.

He moaned loudly as she pushed her finger inside, squirming about on pure reflex alone.

"Tight" she said with a toothy smile.

She took her finger out only to place her cock head right up against it, slowly she began to push into Rodney's ass.

She can't fit. There's no way.

Rodney moaned loud as she attempted to push inside of him. Soon those moans turned to gagged screams as she finally pushed in. She moaned loud with her tongue hanging loose, "Tight!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

Every new inch into Rodney's ass was a higher scream for him. It wasn't just from the pain, though there was a lot of it. But more so from the strange feeling of having something go into his ass. He didn't know how much she was putting in him, whenever he thought it was all of it there seemed to be more. After what seemed like minutes of pushing she stopped, then she pulled some out and rammed it back in.

She kept pushing in and out, faster and faster. Soon Rodney's screams of pain changed to moans of pleasure. He felt his head grabbed and pulled back, "Butt slut" she said to him, "Butt slut. Butt slut" she kept repeating. Rodney should have tried to guess why she knew that word, but he didn't care. She was right, he was enjoying this, more than working at the computer, more than coffee, maybe even more than the project involving her. He was a butt slut. Her butt slut.

Soon he began to push into the rhythm of her poundings, even tightening his ass for her. The sabertooth responded with more vigorous and rough poundings.

The sabertooth let out a massive roar as she came. Rodney felt euphoric as his ass was filled with her seed, so much that it seemed to spill out with her cock still inside.

The sabertooth tiger collapsed, pinning the raccoon under her massive form. Rodney tried to pull away but the sabertooth tiger wrapped her arms tightly around him. She began to purr as she slept, trapping Rodney.


Henry ran through the front entrance of the building. "Rodney!" He shouted. He knew he should have made Rodney leave last night. He'd worry about it later, right now he needed to find his friend.

"Rodney!" he shouted again.

"Henry?" said a voice, it was quiet, but audible.

Henry ran towards the voice, his fat stomach jiggling. When he turned the corner he saw Rodney, under the sabertooth tiger they were experimenting on.

Henry pointed a shaking finger at the figure, "That's....that's"

"Try not to spook her. She's still sleeping" said Rodney.

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