Ch.4: The Kitsune Village - or - A Blessed Day

Story by Golbeze on SoFurry

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#3 of Power of Light

Update: Changed the copyright slightly.

Well, I got done with Chapter 4, so here you go. First, this and other Chapters in this story are copyright me, Golbeze. Do not steal them and/or claim them as your own. This chapter contains scenes of sexual acts. If you are not old enough to read this, or such things offend you, then go somewhere else. I will not be held responsible if you continue. Everyone else, enjoy. :)


Power of Light

Ch.4 - The Kitsune Village - or - A Blessed Day

Foxara and Vixena had been traveling for a couple days, now. With the powers they had obtained at Felinia, they were able to travel much faster. Foxara held off on teleporting to the Kitsune Village so that they could spend the time on training. They were nearing the village, and were resting for the night. Vixena had gone to bed early, leaving Foxara time to think.

Foxara had gone off behind some bushes and sat down. He was looking at the second item that he had bought at the jewelry shop, turning it in his hand. "Should I do it? What will she think?" he was thinking to himself, when he heard something coming from Vixena's direction. "Oh, Foxara, Foxara." He looked over the bushes, and a most shocked look appeared on his face. There was Vixena, lying down, completely naked. She was rubbing her slit, moaning out Foxara's name! He just sat there, watching her as she continued to pleasure herself.

Vixena had a finger up her slit, while her thumb massaged the entrance. "Nng, oh, Foxara, nng," she moaned, her finger circling on her sweet spot. She then inserted a second finger, and started making small fox yips as her pleasure increased. "Oh, nng, Foxara, please..." she moaned, as she started rubbing faster, her pre coating her hand. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She let out a long fox howl as she came, her juices rushing out and coating her hand. After her orgasm subsided, she brought her hand to her face and licked it clean, enjoying the taste of her own cum. A sad look then appeared on her face as she silently wished it was Foxara who had pleasured her.

Foxara had gotten quite aroused by the scene. "Wow, she wants me just as much as I want her," he thought to himself. He then came to a decision. Making sure not to alert her, he moves behind the trees and bushes to where she is. He then kneels down beside her, putting his hand onto her shoulder. She yipped in surprise, turning to face him. She looked at his face, into his eyes. His eyes were full of love and longing. They looked straight into hers, which showed shock, but also that same love and longing.

"F-foxara, w-what are you doing?" she asked in surprise and embarrassment at being caught. He simply put a finger to her lips and said, "Vixena, do you really... want me? Do you want to... do it?" She just layed there, continuing to look into his eyes. She couldn't believe it. Here he was, offering to make love to her. She so wanted to, but couldn't, because of one reason...

"Oh, Foxara, I want to so bad," she said, a few tears in her eyes. "But you know our laws say we have to be joined first. I'm... I'm sorry," she concluded, then turned her face away and started crying. Foxara then took her muzzle into his paw, looking into her eyes. "Oh, Vixena, I love you so much. I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. That's why..." he held up the jewel he was looking at earlier. It was a beautiful gold ring, with a diamond in the middle and two rubies on either side of the diamond. "That's why I was wondering, will you be my life-mate?"

Vixena couldn't believe it. He had just asked her to marry him! She looked at the ring for a second, then responded, "Yes, Foxara, I will!" She was completely overjoyed. She embraced him tightly, tears of pure joy flowing down her face as she buried her muzzle into his shoulder. He returned the embrace, licking her affectionately. He then let go, taking her right hand, and placing the ring on her finger. "First thing in the morning, I'll teleport us to the village. We can ask the head kitsune mage to perform the services," he said, then grabbed something else. "Oh, yeah, I have this to give to the kitsunes as well. Before we left your village, I asked your father about it..." he said, a little embarrassed. He pulled out a letter from Mark, saying that he gives his full approval and blessing for them to be joined. Vixena silently thanked her father, then looked into Foxara's eyes. They layed down together in each other's arms and went to sleep, waiting for morning to come.

Morning couldn't have come too soon for the two foxes. They wanted to get to the village as quickly as possible. After they cleaned up and got dressed, Foxara grabbed their stuff and teleported them straight to the Kitsune Village. As they arrived, several kitsunes came up to greet them, including the elder, having expected their arrival. "Welcome, Foxara and Vixena," the elder greeted them, to which Foxara responded, "Thank you, Korrine." Korrine smiled at the two. "Come, this way. We have prepared a room for you at the inn. You may stay as long as you want," Korrine said, leading them over to a two-story building. After arriving, the elder parted, bowing to them, and they headed inside.

They headed towards the reception counter, where someone else was checking in, an orange cat. He turned around, and gave the two foxes quite a surprise. "Hey, Foxara, Vixena, how you doing?" It was Kyle! "Kyle! What are you doing here?" Foxara asked, pleasantly surprised to see him. "Well, I have two reasons for that. First off, I have a letter for you from the elder, Mark." He handed it to Foxara. It said that things were changing in Foxaria. Their journey had inspired other foxes to go on one of their own. The two were pleased with this. They were actually having an effect on their people! Kyle then continued, "The other reason is, I've decided to journey myself. You two have inspired me."

"That's great Kyle! I wish you luck," Foxara told him, glad they were inspiring others. Kyle continued, "So, what are you two up to?" They responded with Vixena showing Kyle the ring and Foxara telling him, "We're going to get married." Kyle responded, "That's great! I bet you two will make a great couple. By the way, am I invited?" Foxara turned to Vixena, and after gaining her approval, "Sure, it'd be an honor for you to attend our wedding. We're going to have it as soon as possible."

They talked a bit more, then headed to their rooms, Kyle's just down the hall from their's. After getting settled in, the went to the head mage to tell him of their intents and give him Mark's letter of approval. "Hm, yes, I see. Very well then," the 6-tailed kitsune said with a smile, "let's get you two ready." He lead them each into their own room, where tailors fittted them with their best attire. Vixena was given a beautiful white gown with tiny magic gems woven inside, making it shine with the colors of the rainbow. Foxara was fitted with a white suit, the tailors' best, with a different type of jewel fitted all around the edge of each shirt arm and pants leg, symbolizing the four elements.

Foxara was first in front of the head mage, awaiting his bride. Vixena was lead down by Kyle, who then took a seat. The two foxes just looked at each other, love reflected in their eyes, then the mage began, "We are here to join these two souls in marriage. If anyone objects to this union, speak now." After a second, he continued, "Very well. You may speak your vows." Foxara took Vixena's hand and started, "Oh, Vixena, I hearby swear to not only live my life with you, but also to find you in future lives, so that we may be together for all eternity. I love you, and never want to leave you." Vixena, still holding his hand, a tear flowing down her eye, said her vow. "Oh, Foxara, I too promise to spend my life with you, and to live future lives with you. I love you." The head mage smiled. "I hearby pronounce you, from this day forward, to be life-mates. Foxara, you may kiss your bride." Foxara took Vixena into an embrace, pressing his muzzle into hers, the two exploring each others mouths as their tongues intertwined.

Foxara picked up his new wife and carried her to their room at the inn. He layed her down on the bed and looked into her eyes, giving a little smirk. He reached under her dress, feeling up her thighs to her slit, and started to rub it through her undergarments. Vixena gave out a little moan at the rubbing, loving the feeling and wanting more. Foxara then pulled off her undergarments and threw them aside, then lifted her up to take off her dress.

He looked at her for a minute, appreciating her young, nude body, then let her take off his clothes. She began with his shirt, then worked down. After taking off his undergarments, she was greeted by 5 inches of erect fox meat. She bent down and gave it a soft lick, sending a shiver through Foxara. She smiled at his reaction and licked it some more, her own sex starting to get wet. She then took it into her mouth, causing Foxara to let out a moan as new sensations filled his mind. She licked up and down his shaft, enjoying his moans as she did so. But then, Foxara lifted her head off of him. She looked at him a little confused, but he just smiled as he layed her on her back.

He then bent down and licked at her entrance, then buried his muzzle into her cunt, Vixena moaning as he did so. He licked around her insides, until he hit a spot that caused her to jump suddenly. He looked up at her, still in her cunny, and she motioned him to keep going. He licked at that spot again, Vixena arching her back and moaning at it, her pre flowing into his muzzle. He loved the taste of it, and wanted more, but he took his muzzle out instead. Vixena was disappointed at this, but he wasn't done yet. He aimed his cock at her entrance, and asked her, "Are you ready?" She nodded in response, and he entered her.

They both shuddered at the new sensations as he sank into her, pure pleasure jolting through them. Soon, Foxara came to a blockage and stopped, making sure she was ready. Vixena motioned him to keep going, and he did, pushing straight through the obstruction, taking her virginity, and causing Vixena to wince in pain. She told him to keep going, which he did, until he was all the way in. Vixena loved the way Foxara's cock filled her. It was already large for his age, and it would probably get even larger in the future. Likewise, Foxara enjoyed the way Vixena's cunny tightened around his cock.

Foxara starting thrusting in and out of her, bringing his cock almost all the way out except for the tip, then thrusting back in. Vixena starting thrusting with him. At first, they were off sync, but they soon got each others timing right. Vixena moaned as the pleasure increased, and soon was nearing her first orgasm. She let out a howl as she came, her vaginal walls tightening and pulsating around Foxara's cock as her juices washed over it. Foxara kept thrusting as his own orgasm neared, going faster and faster. He howled out Vixena's name as he came, his knot swelling as he released his seed into her. The feeling of Foxara's knot tying with her and his seed filling her sent Vixena into another, more intense orgasm, howling loudly as she came, her juices flooding over his cock, his knot preventing them from getting out.

Soon, their orgasms subsided, and they just layed there, exhausted. They smiled, looking in each other's eyes lovingly. They fell asleep in an embrace, having given each other their greatest treasures - their love, then their virginity. However, in a few weeks, Vixena's expanding belly made it clear she had one more thing to give Foxara - a child.