The Housepet Games: Chapter Seven

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter Seven

Grape sheathed her sword as King vanished in a cloud of

smoke.  She couldn't say she was happy

about that part.  The vanishing bodies

took away from the realism of it all. 

Then again, what had she expected? 

Tarot had told them there would be no over-the-top violence.

The cannon boomed in the distance, displaying both Max and

King's faces.  She'd lost her partner,

and that didn't make her happy either. 

Max may not have been as amazing as he'd claimed, but having him with

her could only increase her odds of staying alive.  Now there were only three players left:

herself, Peanut, and Bino.  Grape

chuckled to herself.  Who would have

thought that the fleabrained Bino would make it this far?

As she set off into the forest once again, she began to

wrack her brains for some sort of strategy. 

She'd seen Peanut run into the woods with a great big he probably had no

idea how to use, but she had no idea what weapons Bino had on him- if

anything.  The best plan of action would

be to...

A loud ruckus came from her right, and Grape spun around to

face it, drawing her sword.

"AAAAAAH!" Peanut screamed, running at her from the trees,

his axe held above his head.

"Peanut, wait!" Grape shouted, lowering her sword.  The pup stopped midstep, looking at her


"Let's form an alliance!" she said, smiling.

Peanut lowered his axe and looked at her in confusion,

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you, me, and Bino are the only ones left," Grape

answered.  Her smile turned into a

sadistic grin, "Wouldn't it be fun to take him down together?"

"Well, yeah," Peanut agreed. 

"But won't we still have to fight each other anyway?"

"That's the point, Peanut!" Grape explained.  "If we take down Bino together, then no

matter what happens, one of us will win. 

And we'll get to make a proper final battle out of it!"

"With lots of epicness?" Peanut exclaimed, tail wagging.

"Enough epic for you to choke on!" Grape confirmed, holding

out her paw.

"Deal!" the pup agreed, grabbing her paw and shaking it


"All right, then!" Grape said, turning and

leading the way.  "Let's go kill us a


The Housepet Games: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight   Peanut couldn't keep himself from bouncing on the balls of his feet as he walked, humming a nonsensical little tune in anticipation of the upcoming fight. "Quiet," Grape ordered.  "He'll hear us coming." Peanut bit his lip, forcing...

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The Housepet Games: Chapter Six

Chapter Six   King had no idea where he was going as he ran from Peanut.  This was bad.  He'd already lost his partner, and there were still four other players besides him.  His chances weren't looking good. Calm down, he told himself.  It's just a...

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The Housepet Games: Chapter Five

Chapter Five   Peanut came to a stop after running for nearly five whole minutes.  He leaned against a nearby tree to catch his breath, but he couldn't stop grinning.  This was so AWESOME! BOOM! The cannon went off in the distance, and Peanut looked...

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