Glad You're Back

Story by SilverKitsune on SoFurry

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**It's a first attempt at a yiffy story. It's copyrighted to me and everything. Hope you like it!**

Kinu's ears perked up as she heard the sound of an automobile engine outside the house. She got up off her bed and hurried down the stairs, checking herself in the hallway mirror on her way through. Making sure her orange and white fur was smoothed down and her long blond hair was straight, she adjusted her shirt, unbuttoning one more button, giving a slightly larger peek at her ample cleavage. Once she was satisfied, she flattened her skirt and hurried down the stairs, arriving at the front door just in time to greet her eagerly anticipated company.

"Zephie!" she squealed, throwing her arms around the person who had appeared in the doorway.

"Hey!" the person said in response, returning Kinu's hug and stepping into the house, shutting the door behind him. Zephyarin was a kitsune, with three long bushy foxtails trailing behind him, tipped with white. The rest of his fur was deep indigo and his hair was a bright blue.

"I've missed you a lot!" Kinu said, trotting into the hallway that led to the kitchen. "How was the trip?"

"Pretty good," Zephyarin responded, hanging his coat on a hook by the door. He walked over to Kinu and slipped his arms around her waist. She planted a quick kiss on his nose.

"You can give me the details later," she said, grinning slyly, "right now I just want you all to myself again. Come upstairs with me." Kinu squeezed Zephie's paw slipped away and started climbing the stairs. Zephie smirked and followed her, catching sight of the end of her tail disappearing into their bedroom as he reached the landing. He stepped inside after her. Already lying on the bed, Kinu leaned over and flicked on the lamp on her bedside table, illuminating the darkening room (since the sun had now set) with a dim, yellowish light. Zephie sat down on the bed next to his mate as she bent forward and kissed him deeply. Kinu pulled off Zephie's shirt as he began to unbutton hers.

They quickly disrobed each other and Kinu pulled Zephie into a tight embrace, both on their sides facing each other, enjoying the feeling of her lover's warm fur pressed close to hers.

"I've missed you so much..." Kinu whispered into Zephie's ear.

"I've missed you too," Zephie said.

Kinu giggled and pulled herself up to look Zephie in the face. Her hands slid down his chest through his thick fur under his neck and down his stomach to stop at the ruff of fur between his legs. Zephie's tails twitched as he felt her gentle touch. She stroked her fingers along the sides of his sheath, feeling it gradually swell in her paw. With her other paw she gently rubbed his stomach. Soon the head of his cock poked forth from his sheath and Kinu coaxed it all the way out. Zephie's thick member stood at its full length and Kinu stared and admired it, as it had been a while since she last had a chance to get this intimate with her mate.

Zephie rolled completely on his back as Kinu repositioned herself with her muzzle close to his cock. It jumped as Kinu's warm breath hit it, and Zephie let out a quiet gasp as Kinu's soft tongue ran itself over the head. She took his cock into her mouth, sliding her muzzle all the way down it and then pulling off again, holding it steady with her right paw. She looked up at Zephie and threw her leg over him, now straddling his hips with his cock infront of her, resting against her thick pubic fur.

Kinu leaned forward, kissing Zephie again. Zephie brought his paws up between them and began to play with Kinu's nipples, eliciting pleased murrs from Kinu as her they protruded from her fur and stuck out, now firm. Zephie squeezed Kinu's breasts as she broke their kiss, leaning back up and taking Zephie's cock in her paw, lining it up with her slick, pink slit, which had grown damp from all they had done and in anticipation of what she was about to do.

Lowering herself down onto Zephie's swollen cock, Kinu let out a moan as his thickness stretched her moist walls and filled her with that familiar feeling of making love with her mate. Zephie groaned quietly as the tightness pf Kinu's pussy surrounded his penis. Kinu began to rock her hips forward and back slightly, her pussy pulling off slightly each time she went forward, sending waves of pleasure through both of them. Both lovers' breathing became heavier as they continued to mate. Zephie placed his paws on Kinu's hips, matching each thrust of her hips with a push of his own, pounding his cock deep into Kinu's body.

Kinu let out a gasp and gripped Zephie's shoulder, surpressing cries of pleasure as Zephie sent her over the edge. Her pussy tightened around Zephie's cock and he made one last thrust into her, burying his entire length in her. Kinu moaned as her orgasm continued, aided by the warmth of her mate's cum filling her up. The two caught their breath as Kinu leaned forward to lie on Zephie's chest, still with him inside her, and listened to his breathing.

"I'm glad you're back."