Torture then Death to the Black Wing part 4

Story by wolfgirl01 on SoFurry

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WARNING: Graphic content that some readers will find disturbing

I hate those angel council ass holes, but at least she ends up in the arms of her family where she is safe... and no doubt Terrence will wipe her memory of the terrible events before she gives up on life all together.

This is just a story there is no truth or fact behind it.

"I need you to call Frost, he is currently ripping apart the angel world, You need to call him to you... I realize i hurt you very badly in my past life... and im sorry but you have to trust me, got it?" Silver said softly inside Vickys brain. "Vicky please.. a lot of innocent people will die when Frost runs out of people to kill, Call to Frost and wake im from his rage, then i can help you in every way i can, that is a promise and this hell hound doesnt break her promises"

Vicky suddenly went very quiet and her body went limp as she partially left her body.

The rampaging dragon caught hold of another council member in his dragon form and slammed him to the floor, punching him and biting him.

The red winged angel appeared in his head sniffling "Frost..." she cried softly

Tears slid down Frosts own face "Vicky... My... fault..."

"Please.. come back Frost... im scared... and we need you back home..."

"Ill come..." he whimpers and finished off the last angel before rushing back to his realm, he pushed past Terrence not caring about any one in the room and still covered in blood.

The little angel returned to her body but was now silent, she had descended into the fais where she was in too much pain and too exhausted to even feel it.

Silver pulled Murtagh back as Frost wrapped his arms around his riders fragile broken body and started glowing.

She was panting harshly and slowly looked to Frosts face and he stared back with a small tear coming down from one of his eyes

"Frost it wasn't your fault... it wasn't any ones" said Terrence now wanting to be a comfort "Wait.... did icky tell them what they wanted to know?!"

A barely noticeable whine came from Vicky, the only noise she could make.

Silver tapped Terrences arm and shook her head, symbolizing to him that he should be quiet for a while.

Terrence looked to her understanding then back to us.

He had to wonder why Silver would even care but there wasn't anything else he could say... but what could possibly be next