Unexpected turnout

Story by Skye Wulf on SoFurry

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This is a short story I wrote. I'm not sure if I'm going to expand on this story, but maybe if people want me to continue. This story is fiction by the way and also KJwulf in my story is my boyfriend in real life. He has a SoFurry account so you should check him out. He writes some to. Also, Sofurry messed up the format of my story and I deeply apologize.

Waking up is always a bad habit of mine even with my alarm clock. I always put it on snooze then fall back asleep. This ultimately gets me in trouble at school. So, this is one of those days when I sleep in and finally wake up at nine AM.

My body jerks awake and I realize what time it is. F-fuck! I slept in! I quickly check the alarm clock and my heart starts to pound. My dad is going to kill me, I think to myself as my mind races.

I get up from my bed in just my tight white briefs and quickly move to my dresser. Scrambling to get some decent clothes, I end up grabbing a Dr. Pepper shirt with a white pair of shorts. Next I grab some clean white briefs and strip off my old pair.

In about ten minutes I manage to get all of my things together and run down the stairs, almost tripping as I do. I take a left and step into the bathroom to make sure I look nice enough for school.

The figure in the mirror stares right back at me as I look. My black fur sticks out the most, but I also have several white features on my muzzle. The white splotches on the right side of my muzzle look like paint drops and the almost diamond like figure, that is also white, is very obvious. My seventeen year old and wolf features are apparent.

An average-built wolf stares back at my body with his blue eyes. My arms are like wet noodles and my body is skinny enough to be one hundred sixty pounds. I go on to do my normal morning routines like brushing my teeth, brushing my fur, and clipping my claws.

This has taken me another ten minutes, but having no time on my paws I rush through the living room. I notice some things off about it that is different. The long couch was facing the fire pit and not the TV as usual and the blinds are closed making the room very dull and plain.

I start to walk and slow my pace as I examine the living room more. The smell of alcohol is strong still. My dad must have had a party last night I think to myself and shake my head. I'm not surprised I didn't wake because I took sleeping medicine.

My eyes wander around trying to find anything different. I walk around the couch and see a lot of white stains. Shaking my head more, I wonder what that is caused from. I think a little bit then a sick realization comes to my head and I make a disgusted sound. Backing away towards the door, I slip outside and lock the door behind me with my keys.

The scents of Fall hit my nose as I jog down the sidewalk. Fall is a wonderful season. I love the colors of the leaves as they change from green to red, orange, or brown. Not to mention, the nice chill in the air that comes with the season.

My backpack becomes apparent to me when I start to get tired; having a math book the size of a dictionary doesn't make my backpack any lighter either. I look left and right at a street crossing. After crossing I keep on my way looking at the same buildings, yards, and gardens I've seen so many times.

The place I live is what you would expect in a middle-class neighborhood. Buildings that look nice and homey with gardens full of vegetables and perfectly cut lawns. This will all change in a month because of the snow, but it's still nice to see furs still doing what they did in the summer.

After about ten blocks of jogging I see the school. Its red brick walls and the height of the building make it easy to spot. I keep jogging until I get to the parking lot. My breathing is labored as I put my paws on my knees and bend over to recuperate from my run.

My breathing becomes less labored after taking a minute to regain some strength. I stretch a little bit to work my sore muscles. After I my stretch I start moving to the school doors.

"Skye, you're late again," A big lion said scaring the shit out of me.

"U-uh yea, I know Mr. Verne. I woke up late," I said feeling guilty

"I know Skye, you always wake up late when you don't get here on time." His gruff voice softens, "Anyways, let me get you a pass so you don't have to face your dad when you get home." He starts to move toward his office.

"Thanks Mr. Verne," I sigh in relief and follow behind him.

Mr. Verne walks around the big counter that splits the office in two and grabs the slips. I examine his ocean themed tie and notice that he is wearing a brand new dress shirt. It's orange when the one he usually wears it red. This orange shirt compliments his yellowish orange fur and mane.

"Now Skye, try to get here on time," He smiles at me as I smile back

"Thanks Mr. Vernin," I say walking away into the hall.

I start to ponder about what period it is as I nonchalantly look around. The walls on each side are covered in lockers and the floor is the classic white tile, black tile repeating down the hall. I play don't touch the black tile without thinking about it as I trot down the hall trying to find my classroom.

After about a minute walk I saw Mrs. Romina's room, which is my English teacher, and I step inside. Everyone stops what they were doing and looks at me. I always hate the feeling of being a deer in the headlights. Everyone's stare was broken when Mrs. Romina's voice chirped loudly

"Skye, you're late as usual," She looks at me and I look down at her

"I'm sorry Mrs. Romina. I have a pass from the principle." I walk to her and bend down as I hand her the pass. Mrs. Romina grabs it with her otter paw and then pulls down her glasses to read the pass. She then smiles up at me.

"Alright Skye have a seat and we can continue the lecture," She turns to the board with the projector. I walk down the aisle and sit in my desk. Instantly I am poked in the arm by the fur sitting next to me. I look over and my best friend Kellan is smiling at me.

"Skye, Where were you?" He whispers the question clearly concerned.

"I overslept again, it's not a big deal Kellan," I smile and whisper back.

"You need to go to sleep earlier," He says and smiles lightly. I shrug and look at Kellan. His gray fur complimentes his blue eyes and also the white that goes from under his muzzle to the tip and underside of his tail.

"What I need to do is take more sleeping pills," I smiled and punched his arm lightly.

"I heard you had a date with Andrew last night," His face contorts into something I have seen maybe twice in the last month, but I can never see what it actually is. Maybe it's jealousy.

"Yea I did, but it wasn't what I expected," I sigh a little.

"What do you mean?" He asks almost excitedly.

"Well, he brought me to a movie, which was fun and all, but on the way home he pulled over and we kinda made out for like five minutes," I say and watch his expression change back to that unknown face.

"Then what was wrong with it?" He asks looking at me.

"He u-uh... he tried to convince me to have sex with him in his car. I told him no and he wouldn't take that for an answer. He kept bugging me and said that he wasn't going to bring me home if I said no. He thought I was easy. What an asshole right?!" I exclaim quietly and puts my ears down.

"That is pretty shitty of him Skye. How did you get home?" He asks interested and the expression on his face turns to disgust.

"I walked three miles home," I sigh a little recalling the memory.

"Dude! You should have called me! I would have picked you up," Kellan's face returns to the normal face of my friend.

"I didn't want to bother you with anything and have you worrying about me," I smile and he smiles back.

"I would do anything for you Skye no matter what," He pats my arm with his paw.

"I know you would Kellan, but I should have known that Doberman would be a horny ass," I say as I shake my head and sighs. Kellan laughs quietly and smiles.

"If only," He turns back and starts to copy notes again. I look around the room a little not paying attention like I do every English class. The white walls and wood flooring didn't work very well but they caught my attention for the most part. I scan the room more because of boredom and I see Andrew looking at me.

Andrew grins and puts his paw up and makes the 'call me' sign. I shake my head and I flip him off. He licks a paw finger and sucks it trying to indicate what he wants me to do to him. I facepalm and he continues that action.

"Andrew! Do you want to share something with the class?" Mrs. Romina barks out and Andrew blushes hotly stopping his action almost instantly.

"N-no Mrs. Romina," He puts his head down with shame and the other furs laugh at him. I laugh a little too and Kellan looks at me with confusion. I quickly make a motion that Kellan knows that means 'tell you later'.

The class ends and kids start flooding out. Kellan and I grab our backpacks and walk out into the crowded hallways. The noise is almost overwhelming as we walked. Kellan pulls me close to him where we usually part ways for different classes.

"I'll see you at lunch Skye," He says in my ear.

"See you," I say back and start to head to my next class.

Fourth hour flew by and the bell rings for lunch. Some fur go berserk and run to lunch to get there first, but I walk because it's not a big deal. Everyone gets some food even if your dead last.

I walk out of the building almost in a herd because there is so many students and the autumn air hits my nose again. A smile spreads across my muzzle. The sidewalk leading to the lunch room is full of leaves making everything look a lot more unique and pretty. Autumn is the best season I think to myself as I enter the cafeteria building.

"Skye over here!" I hear Kellan shout over the noise. I walk towards the sound and find him saving a spot for me in line.

"Hey Kellan! Thanks for saving me a spot in line," I smile and slip in line

"No problem Skye," His paw bumps mine and I look at him "Sorry Skye," He says and we go through the lunch line.

The cafeteria is almost the same as the hallways in school but instead of black and white repeating, it's just plain white and the walls are dreadful green. I can kind of understand because of the school budget but still that color green is not a good pick.

After getting our food, Kellan and I walk side-by-side to our table. I sit across from him on the nice wooden table. I lay my backpack on the ground and I look down at my tray. On my tray is a delicious salami and pepperoni sub with lettuce and pepper jack cheese. Some fruit is next to it and chocolate milk for a drink.

I pick up my sub and take a nice big bite and chews. So good!!! I think to myself as I swallow the food in my maw. Kellan giggles at my expression.

"I can always tell when you like something because you look like you're in heaven when you eat it," He smiles as I giggle.

"Is that so?" I ask smiling widely. Kellan's expression quickly changes and I get really confused until I feel a paw run up my side. I yip in surprise.

"Heeeeeeey Skye mind if I join you?" A familiar voice asks and my ears flatten as Andrew sits down anyways.

"Why are you here Andrew?" I asks obviously irritated.

"Well since our date went so well I thought I could sit next to you," Andrew smiles at me, but Kellan is very displeased with the situation judging by the look on his face.

"Andrew, I don't know what _ you _ were doing last night but I had a big dog trying to force me to have sex with him," I say and looks at him angrily.

"Come on, I was just joking around Skye," Andrew puts an arm around me and pulls me to his side.

"Joking around!? You had your pants and boxers around your ankles with your hard member pressed against me. That isn't joking around Andrew," I struggle out of his grasp and manages to move across from Kellan again. My ears perk as I see Kellan staring at Andrew obviously ready to attack. I can hear him growl faintly.

"Skye, seriously. Look, I'm sorry I jumped the gun, I made a mistake and I can fix it. Please Skye," Andrew softly grabs my muzzle and pulls it to his and starts to make out with me. I'm in shock as his tongue invades my maw and I kiss back reluctantly. I then realize what I'm doing and I push him away

"What the fuck Andrew!" I stare at him in shock as his tongue hangs out. "J-just leave, we don't have anything between us. We went on one date that ended up a failure on your part. Now leave me alone!" I growl and stare at him. Andrew holds up his paws in surrender and gets up then leaves after grabbing his tray.

"Finally, Goddamn he is a fucking asshole," I look up at Kellan and he is staring at me in shock. "Kellan? Are you OK?" I ask looking concerned.

"Y-yea I am," He looks away from me quickly and I stare at him confused. After a moment of silence we begin eating again and chatting like we usually do.

After lunch we head back into the main building. Kellan and I part ways to go to different classes. He decided to take AP Chemistry when I just took normal Chem. As I walk through the halls, I start to feel claustrophobic because of all the students heading through the halls.

I finally got to my class and sits in my assigned seat. Class begun as normal with my Chem teacher, Mr. Crowley, giving us one of his boring lectures about particles and such. Mr. Crowley is an old Kangaroo that loves to talk about his home life and things that have happened to him. Sometimes it's interesting but other times, I can't believe I'm saying this, I would actually like to learn something.

The day went by quick after that class. PE is always fast and so is history because those are classes I love. At the end of history the bell rings and most the students get up and start to head out the door. Some kids stay seated chatting about what they wanna do and make plans with their friends.

I get up and grab my backpack. Weaving through the kids still in the classroom isn't a problem as I manage to get into the crowded hallways. I sigh a little and think whelp, into the sea of kids again. My first instinct is to wait a bit but my legs just walk on their own as I'm surrounded by kids. Finding the way out is simple. Just follow the crowd of kids that want to go home.

After about a minute and three flights of stairs I manage to get outside. My senses spark as the wind goes through my fur. I couldn't help but smile happily. My smile fades as I see Andrew making his way through the crowd towards me.

"Skye?" Andrew calls out and I pretend to ignore him, keeping my stride at a steady pace. Andrew manages to catch up with me and grabs my paw to stop me from moving any further.

"Seriously Andrew! You can't take a hint?" I turn and stare at him angrily.

"Skye just hear me out," He looks at me with what seems to be regret on his face.

"Fine, I'm listening," I sigh and my expression changes to irritated more than anger.

"Look Skye.. I'm sorry OK? I seriously didn't mean for last night to end like that and I'm a total ass for it. I'm not going to try and convince you to go on another date or anything. I just wanted to ask if we can put it behind us and at least be friends," He looks at me with the same expression.

"Andrew what you did last night was just wrong like seriously wrong. I guess I can forgive you for that but, I will only be your friend under one condition," I say looking at him with a little less irritation on my face.

"I'll do anything. I really regret what I did to you," His mood improves.

"My condition is that you stop hitting on me. We can be friends but we will never be anything more than that OK?" I look at him and he nods in agreement.

"Alright, I can agree to that," He smiles and pats my shoulder. I smile lightly.

"Well, I got to get going Andrew so I'll see you tomorrow," I say and gives him a friendly hug. He hugs back a little surprised then releases me shortly after.

"C'ya Skye," He says as I turn away and starts to walk in the direction of home.

Some time later I finally make it home. Looking at the front of my yellow house, I step on the sidewalk going to the door. After a couple of steps I get to the porch and then I open the door.

"Dad I'm home!" I yell as I step through the threshold and into the living room. My dad walks out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Damn Skye, you don't need to yell. My headache is painful enough as it is," He walks to the couch and lays on it.

"Sorry dad," I say softer. "So dad.. you had a party last night?" I ask looking at him. Although he is forty, his features are almost the same as mine, but he is missing the splotches on the right side of his muzzle.

"Yea I did. I'm surprised you didn't wake up," His laughs to himself. I sigh a little and sits on the other side of the couch after taking my backpack off.

"Dad, why do you have to drink every night?" I look at him and he looks back confused.

"U-uh well son having so many problems makes life hard to deal with so drinking helps me get away from reality," His gruff voice fades a little.

"You drink too damn much dad," I let my head fall as my heart starts to hurt.

"Skye I'm fine. You don't need to worry about your old man. I can take care of myself," He gets up slowly and hugs me. I hug him back and sighs.

"Can you only drink like on Friday instead of every night?" I ask hopeful.

"Hmmm how 'bout twice a week," His gruff voice makes his chest rumble. When he speaks while we hug it oddly soothes me.

"Fine but try to spread the days out," I say smiling a little and he laughs.

"Alright I'll try Skye," He says and lets go of me. I kiss him on the cheek then gets up.

"Thanks dad," I smile at him then walks to the kitchen. The cold stone-like tiles make me shiver as I step off the carpet and onto them. Gah! It's always so cold I think to myself as I make my way around the island in the middle of the kitchen.

I grab the handle of the fridge and grab an orange crush. While closing the fridge door, I turn on my heels and make my way back into the living room and up the stairs

I speed up the carpeted stairs taking them two at a time and I walk down the hall to my room. The door opens with a creak as I step inside and close it behind myself.

I stare around my room thinking of how messy it is. Dirty cloths and briefs cover my spruce brown carpeted floor. Being careful not to step on anything important, I make my way to my blinds and open them. The sunshine streaks into my room and makes the baby blue walls shine. My Maroon 5 posters and my Bullet For My Valentine posters shine as well making it hard to make out what album the poster is from.

I walk to my entertainment area that's next my bed and I turn on the X-Box 360. I slip one of my favorite games into the disc tray. After I grab a controller and get to my bed I can hear the familiar sound of Borderlands 2.

I play Borderlands 2 for five hours stopping every now and then to grab a soda from downstairs. I'm in the middle of the battle against the Bunker as my phone vibrates. I pause the game and pull it out of my pocket seeing there is a text. Hm that's strange, I think to myself and look at the random number I haven't seen before.

"Is this Skye?" The number asks.

"Yes this is, who is this?" I text my reply and seconds after I send it my phone vibrates.

"Hey it's Andrew," Andrew texts me.

"How did you get my number?" I text him back quickly.

"Kellan gave it to me," He replies.

"You're hanging out with Kellan?" I ask almost dumbfounded.

"No we are at a party," He sends a little smiley face at the end.

"OK then. What did you need?" I text him a confused face and I wonder why Kellan is at a party. He never does anything like that.

"Kellan is super drunk and I kinda think you should bring him home," He texts with an unhappy face.

"Why don't you bring him home?" I ask and put an unhappy face too.

"I tried but he won't leave. I was thinking that you can convince him to go with you because I know he probably hates me," He texts me and I sigh.

"Fine what's the address?" I ask him with a frowning face.

"I'm not sure but if you walk to the school you will know because there is a lot of people here," He puts an icon of a wolf's tail wagging. I shake my head and reply.

"Be there in 10."

I get up from my bed and start to leave my room. Making my way down the stairs, I see my dad still on the couch watching TV. I walk up behind him and tap his shoulder.

"Hm?" He asks and turns his head.

"Do you mind if I go to a party?" I feel strange to be asking such a question.

"Yea sure. Word of advice, if you drink then try not to wake up in somebody's bed. I've done that too many times to count," He says and smiles at me.

"U-uh... I probably won't dad," I say and blush hotly at the thought.

"Oh and most importantly: have fun," He smiles as he gets up and hugs me. I hug him back softly.

"Alright dad," I say and he lets go of me. Sitting back down, his eyes return to the TV.

I make my way to the door and open it. Slipping outside, I close the door behind me and take in the nice cool night air. I sniff deeply and start to make my way to the school.

The party sounds can be heard from like three blocks away as I keep my path. Eventually I make it to the house and there is a lot of older furs standing on the front lawn partying or talking to one another.

I start to make my way through them. Some look at me and grin a little but other ignore me. I'm not going to lie but doing this makes me feel unsafe and insecure.

After getting through the crowd of older furs I open the door and step inside. I take a look around and make out some of the faces that I recognize from school and others I never seen before. The music hits my eardrums and almost gives me a headache because it is so loud.

I make my way through the crowd of furs looking for Kellan. This is going to be impossible to find him I think to myself as I scan the room with no luck. I start to feel nasty and sweaty from all of the bodies rubbing and touching each other as I get groped and touched. Slapping a few paws off my ass and front, I manage to make it to the kitchen.

Instantly Andrew almost plows me over causing me to start to fall. Luckily Andrew was quick to throw the cups he was carrying and grabs me before I fall.

"Holy shit Skye!" He exclaims and pulls me so I can stand.

"Hey Andrew! Where is Kellan!?" I shout over the music.

"He is upstairs in the first room on the left!" He shouts too.

"Thanks! I'll see you later OK?" I yell. He nods, turning to go get more beer.

I continue through the house and find the stairs. Unlike my house these stairs are tiled and cold so I sprint up them and take the first room on the left. Opening the door, I walk inside seeing Kellan sprawled out on the bed.

"Kellan?" I walk to him and look at him.

"Oh! Hey Skye!" He slurs and smiles sheepishly at me.

"I'm here to take you home bud," I only have to raise my voice a little more than usual because the sound isn't as loud up here.

"I-I dun wanna go," Kellan mutters and frowns.

"Come on Kellan, You've had enough fun for tonight," I say and start to pull him up. He whines but doesn't resist.

"I-I was thinking about you alot tonight Skye," He slurs and leans on me. I put his arm around my shoulder and neck.

"Why?" I ask kind of confused.

"Because I can," He giggles almost uncontrollably to himself. I sigh and starts to walk him out of the room. His legs follow mine slowly and act very out of control so it was hard to move. I start to make my way down the stairs with him on my side. Being careful so he doesn't tip, I brace him against the wall and we get down the stairs without any incidents.

Kellan starts to wobble but I manage to keep him steady. We get out the door and onto the sidewalk. The older furs look at me again as I make my way through them with Kellan. Finally we get onto the road but Kellan stops.

"I dun wanna go home!" He whines and tries to struggle away.

"F-fine! We can go to my house!" I shout as I struggle to keep him in my grasp.

"Oooooo," He grins and giggles to himself. "O-OK hot-stuff," He slurs and keeps grinning. I blush at the comment.

"OK now let's go," I start to walk down the road with him in the direction of my house.

Thirty minutes later we finally get to my block. The whole way was hell because Kellan couldn't walk straight. I had to almost drag him here, but since he is light it wasn't a big deal.

Kellan is now mumbling random things to himself as I pull him up to my door. I turn the knob and push the door open. Walking inside, I close the door behind us and start to make my way up the stairs with Kellan. I pull him up each stair and we soon make it to the top. We go down the hallway and I open my door.

I move Kellan inside and put him on my bed. He sits there looking at me as I go back to the door and closes it softly.

"S-so what now?" Kellan asks in a soft tone but still very drunk.

"We are going to bed because I'm tired and your drunk," I say and takes off my shirt. Kellan becomes quiet as he stares at me. "Here let me help you with your shirt," I say and he complies lifting his arms. I get the shirt off him and then lays him down in my bed. I pull my shorts off and put my phone on my dresser in just my tight white briefs.

"Y-Your so hot," Kellan slurs with a totally shit faced grin. I blush and look back at him and notice the bulge in his shorts.

"U-uh thanks Kellan. You need sleep so try OK?" I look at him still blushing.

"I can't sleep now with this!" He points at his bulge.

"What am I suppose to do about it?" I ask blushing more.

"Y-You can help me get rid of it," He slurs.

"Kellan, your my friend. Not friends with benefits or anything more," I say and Kellan whines.

"Please Skye? I won't ask again," He gives me puppy dog eyes. I blush and shakes my head

"No Kellan you'll just have to sleep with it like that then," I say and walks over to my bed and gets in next to him. "Just go to bed,"

"B-but Skye!!" He pleads and I sigh.

"Fine! But this is the only time this will happen!" I bark angrily and I get up. "Sit up Kellan," I say as I walk around the bed. He wags his tail and sits up with his legs spread.

I get between his legs and blush looking at his bulge. I can't believe I'm doing this I think to myself and sighs a little. Looking up at him, I unbutton his shorts and I slowly pull his briefs down and see his fully hard dog cock.

My mind starts to race and Kellan's breathing picks up. I grab his hard penis and pull it down so it's sticking out towards my muzzle. Kellan moans in response to me touching him. Slowly moving my muzzle closer I lick the underside of his penis. Kellan moans my name but in a slurred manner.

Taking a gulp, I slowly take all of Kellan's member into my maw sucking as I do. Kellan instinctively puts a paw on my head as he buck and moans loudly. His buck makes his member slide into my muzzle more as my nose gets mashed up into his pubic fur.

My eyes go wide as I gag a little. I take a sniff through my nose to try to compose myself but end up getting a deep whiff of Kellan's musk. The bulge in my briefs starts to grow as the smell turns me on. Sniffing again, I suck on his penis and Kellan bucks again. I look up at him and he is looking straight forward with a pleasing look on his face.

His tongue hangs out as I pull back and starts to slowly bob my head. Kellan starts to rhythmically buck as I go down so that his penis would go as far as possible into my maw. Each time he bucks my nose gets mashed into his pubic fur driving me further into a lustful state.

"O-Ohhhhhh yeaaaaaaaa Skye!" Kellan moan and drools a little hitting my muzzle with his spit. One of my paws, driven by lust, reaches up grabbing his balls. My paw slowly massages them as my sucking and bobbing speeds up. Kellan barks and bucks harder and faster into my wanting maw.

My penis strains my briefs as it gets fully hard. The briefs start to get a wet spot in them from my pre-cum. Mmmmph, I think to myself as Kellan stuffs my maw with his penis. Kellan's paw grabs the back of my head and pulls my head into his thrusts causing his penis further into my maw. My paw massage Kellan's balls the best it can because of Kellan's thrusts.

I let go of his balls as I suck harder. Kellan moan more as his balls hit my chin with a wet slap. I try to keep from gagging but I fail and gag. Kellan only bucks harder into my willing maw. My lips start to hit his quickly forming knot. I sniff deeply through my nose again.

"O-Oh!!!! Skye! I'm close!!" Kellan huffs and moans loudly. I suck harder and I grab his knot. My action sends Kellan over the edge and he howls loudly and cums into my maw. I try my best to swallow all of it but fail as some squirts out of my maw. The cum slowly runs down my chin and chest staining my black fur. Kellan pants heavily falling over onto my bed.

"O-oh god Skye," Kellan huffs as I rub his inner thighs and stomach. I slowly continue to suck, but I blush hard because of what I just did. Kellan sits up and moans more as he bucks a little. "That was great Skye," He slurs and grins down at me.

I slowly pull away and swallows the last bit of cum in my maw. Kellan moans as I pull back and his hard dog penis slowly starts to soften.

I stand up licking the cum off my lips and chin as I move around the bed. My mind was numb, but my lips were more numb. I look at Kellan who is watching me carefully.

"W-we uh.. should get some sleep," I say and I get into bed with him. He takes off his shorts and lays down pulling the blanket over us. My mind starts to spin when I come to the realization of what had just happened. D-did I just suck off my best friend? I ask myself and curl up into a ball.

Exhaustion instantly hits me like a wall of bricks. My eyes start to flutter and my vision gets blurry. Letting sleep take me, I let my eyes close and drift into a sound sleep.